The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, April 20, 1900, Image 1

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CAPITAL. $20,000.
• ' K
*ui a ■ «
i-* m
• «’¡-
lies a geien! b>B»'n< mJ ri'hing*
buslMtt. 1 «n» ma '« «I c urrtat rites
Ard drafts l*«n»M <>a print Ipil cities.
I ar»«»« Portland • >»
a :b«j»> I »•
Atri» . « «» *. ! J.
' Ma<
•* «•»».
o*4ch • - •
Hh«n Hl n
h « I «•.« 'it . « »r- 7 * • m.
♦ I»»* *< : a • tr • » • m
!•-• Aug*»*« | jv j . tn,?» cm
!- I
p m i|i M
L.f|W. -(hC », » m f »< |. m
• I y of Mr i , u » > • m
. « I
a cr < a M*
a j*. j. m A j.
ta 1. 4 ■ ► »
- j .
J. BIÈARI), Prop.
Keystone Shaving Parlors
Only First-Class Shop in the City
li*it 1
f e
« . .
< ••*
Out tablet are »upplied with the
ht*f the market» aff< •«3.J*‘aJ*
General Blacksmiths and
Specialist f<>r Refraction and
Defects of the Eye.
Will make
Watch -
South d Btdr<.
1 $ cxnta
.’5 “
IS "
25 "
25 “
M X t
Newly Fumuhvd and Refitted
I hroug bout. J* J*
w «- » •
, a
r • ■
ftts.-rt (.«.»< he
• in large <| anuti«-* •• 1
• ■ .r an«l w a«
...Hoiseshoeing a Specialty
trip« t«» Scio.
P laning
M ills
HARRY S. JOHNSTON *. CO., Proprietors.
All Ku. N <>f Lumber, \t-li.
Shingles Paints ani Oils.
Are birst-HasS ami Our Horses
An* ( hrm I |»rio*rs.
Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning
Train at Munkers.
We now have the largest and
best selected stock of Clothing
ever shown in the Valley, which
we are offering at
We have many special lines of
Spring and Summer suits and
light Weight Underwear.
A lbany , O regon .
...Salem and Portland...
Instruments Sold on Easy Terms, ('all and
See Mv Goods Be fort* I’lirrliasiiig.
Th® Parts
r p«ened,
expiwiti ’Q was formslly
The Hag- ® pear«» treaties wese rati-
fled by President M* hinb ■
( <>mm<»torr Mill lam h Mayo. died
it hla home lu U a*hingt- -n. agr<| Jti
Indian« attempted to rescue the
. murderer* <♦! Mr and Mm Hert llort«m,
but were <!ri®n off by Skagway tr«*p«
The I’nited ‘•tales government denies
the r®j«»rt that it baa joined will) other
l«»wer* in threatening to land In«
i liina.
A vote n the resolution relative to
the «rating «d M H. <^uay a« wnator
fr -m I'eunsy Ivania, «ill la taken on
April 34.
1 horns* II T' lig e was renominated
for < ngr» asman (tom the >♦ <‘*»n>i dis-
tn t on th** first ballot al McMinn­
ville. Or.
Tria« and lz»usiana, to guard againat
bui«»m- plague, may establish a quar­
antine against ( hinainm coming from
< alifornia.
An in\» nt- r I tb<>nte ha-announ- ♦ d
hie willingtivea to «clI the government
the right to miaiiufarturr the exploant*
for f 160.000.
The Hritiflh bark Iranian, which
»all«*! from New York, November 2.r>.
for Y<-k<>hama, has l*en wrecked on
the Ja]*anr*e • >A*t.
The Building Trade« AMembly, of
Hmtston. Tria«, ha« ordered a general
‘trike in sympathy with tho < ar|N*nt4 ri*.
ausing l,5oo men to walk out.
Two m»gr*» murderers were executed
st buminrn tile, Trxaa.
When sen­
tenced i«»th a«ked f<>r a »leek of cards,
and *lvi'hn«*! the offer of a Bible.
A rnini«t«-r of HullArd, ('al . near
Santa Barlmra, i*>mmitt«*<l «uicid«* by
ldou ing the t«»p <d hit head off with a
^h f.g ,u
lt-mptrury lu&auity wm th®
I < «UM*.
Former (*ougrv*«*>mau Charlae A.
Town*, uf Ibiluth, Minn , baa an-
i»* ¡n rd hiniM'lf an a < audidat® f r the
\ icr-j»r«’»id«*ntial nomination un the
Ih-m<HT.»tic ticket
The centra t f >r arrying the Aus­
tralian and F ngliali cl<*rd mail« acr»*ae
the Pacific ha« l«vrn naar»!e«l by the
l'nite>l Mate* g wrntnrnl
U» the
i< K ranic >t«’amftbip ( <>m|>auy for ¡0
year« al a rate of 1» per mile.
Webb r Davit a<ldr« -M .| »n immeme
j r Boer audiem e mi Wa*hingU»n.
<’(il»an« have coiifi lrn<-e in General
Homes and vUtrrat him lM»t I«* leave the
Th® 1 I w ard T **mith boi f.v t*»ry
at New York, waa destroyed by fire;
b»*s. $25U,IKX).
1 x <fovrrn<»r Pattfeon, uf Pennsyl­
vania. 1« wanlrd for vice president on
i tb® Ih-m*- ratio ticket
Hurra claim to have eapturwl 11 gun«
at llluemfont®in «at«rw<>rks. instead
of ►ru’U. as Hr»t reported.
Building tradesmen tn Indianapolis
have returned to work, their employer*
o«u- nling t«» their demands.
<»e!»rrals in the Philippines are call­
ing for more troop*. I bey cannot h«d<l
th«* r»- els «I s* i» with the pr- -vnl force
The 03th anniversary of th® birth of
p>ld, of Belgium, was appro-
¡•rialrly velr’-ral«*l
throughout the
The British .North American and
West Indies squadron isb»i»r increased
by one battle-hip, two cruisers and
» veral torpedo !«»ats
The is*dy uf an unknown young man
was found in the Willamette river near
I hrgon City, u ith his brad entangled
In a iish net. It is a • a«c of delil«®rste
The Cutt«M| States supreme court de-
ridrd the < a«r uf < «ritiniling t« th® city
of Chicago, involving the validity of
th® anti > igarrtte ordinance of that
city. Th® ordinance was attacked as
unoonstitutional. lb® opinion of Jus­
tice Peckham hrl<! th® ordinance Dot
l«> tie unconstitutional.
In hi« addir-« »t th® memorial art
vice® held in inem<>ry of the late Di
Isaac M Wlee, at l»ai«h temple. Di <1 lhr*«'h mad® an ai pr«l u> tlm
Jew I sb people of < hl «ago to raise
tHX), which is th® amount yet required
to lift th® debt oil the Jewish I'tilon
College, in Cin< innati
|ty su doing.
Dr llimch said, th® great work v hlch
was begun by Dr. U ise, and amel
(orwar*l by biin
under difftc Hile®,
could tm fully accomplished.
< «real Britain's naval
amount to £30,<MM),00U.
Buffalo Bill says 80,000 Mormons
from salt l-ak® will found a city in
Meamer Prairie, with American as-
hildts for the Parts exp^ition. has
arrived at I lav re.
I-era 1« mliarded British trm h®s bi
\V« r«nt- n and mfli> l®d heavy damage
House Favor* a Change in the
Mode of Electing Senator*.
uYsriri rioSAL
amf . mimes r
curred in Bmukiyn.
Aft InUfatUrg < M||»,a|Mii ,.f ||»r<a* Fiu*
• te» Tw«* II • 1« »• *• * e •• !'«•»«•»•< 4
••* a < u»-l»r»»»il F«r»a
< n® man was killed ami a hoy fatal
Nicaragua ha« landed troops
'Columbian tar»it r*
1 h® nature of
ol w«t
- *• s 4 j. welry re i the mc’vemeut 1« nt understood.
|W»r»d yrciftnpliy
A !S'.***r •! I child was »raided to
OREGON. : I rath by falling into a tub of b-t water
and lye, mar Gbland. Of
KW IK ks >K<>M THE. WIHlb ly njure*l in a |i o.UU»> fire which
General I .«*® ha« been appointed
M»mmand the new <ir|«rtmeot
llavaua and Pinard <1® Rio
I n) tv»*n ft
- •• • ■ n train*
« iis)r rtf
«an»»wt>> 1 .» r »g '<r U ft® 1 Kl fato
a«ei I« • .•'*1 r« ! ’• :* » * ' •
I amiu . haw or
*« S’ • • »»■: ' a *• bl Agl
• «*4H nrellhÿ at «at» » r'• r to «• »th ft»w «Fftl
li*»*» 1b.«
lulu, Jaiwi
• Ibiilpi "hw
* » WH • I and «- •’»th Nmrf' • •
Mr» Mr« M > tv —-4« i«lt«M «Lft* ni a*. W <
S a I w j » iaik»a «««
< II M AkK If AM.
A®1 *.« u >14 A
1 .<t and. Or.
Hair Cuffing
Slump« «rung
Ladtrt H a 4 f I hruing
A. J. Johnann
J. V. Gainn
C. V. Johnaon
Vx< >'r*Md<n<
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
FltlDAV, Al’KIl. 2<»,
1 hiring a 0r® in a oha I n>m® n«sai
Pi •tabu eg. Pa . <»n® mau perished an<
l*, ■ itwn in th® pit •«< ajr 1
During the siege of l»ady«inith, Gen
r al White's total l*»«srs from al
< su«rft were 109 < ft «n nad S, 103 mm
British i* pie in«i«t u a < hang® in
th® army «■•rvi«®. wing u th® un«ati*
fa t- rv c« uduct of th® eampalgu against
lb® Boer*
Yhrw men ar® «aid tn ha»® foum
gold iq <]uartx formation within tw<
mile® f Jopllu. 'I > , which assays f.
t* f - » a I* n
\ Chinaman (■»•sessing do uinmti
iwarlng th® »®al uf th® court of Peking
identifying him a* emperor, was arrest
«*! at Wu ( hang.
Th® Cniversity of I dinburgh, *» »»t
Ian !. conferrv*l th«* degree uf l.L D or
J«'*eph 11 ('boat®, Vnited Mate® atu
bas«a<!or to Great Britain.
At New Y'«rk, 5,‘"M cigarmaker«,
etnph >« ! by six of th® largest flruiM it
that i ity, have beeti locked out.
reason is given for the setiun.
Rufus Wright, a millionaire an<
treasurer of the firm of M»»rgan A
Wright, bicycle Hr® manufacturers
w .*• fatally sh«»t hr w woman in < htcago
rhe cruiM'n Ifotruit and MarbfoliraC
and guntsvati* Bennington ami < « ncur<!
haw been »»rd®red out «»( commission
owing 1“ <h® la» k of a sufficient nnmbef
of officer®.
I he Chin®«® government has seiii
T omi tr«H | * I*» .‘•han ling t«> Buppres?
th® ‘‘Boxers ” However, It i* n<»turt
ous that th«» majority of th® Inwp ar«
m«*mlM’r* ut the »ame society.
-i»*wlwlit.« I» Ihal > .V«-<4 A.lwjitad he
« V ••«» wl «lo i«* IV lall»» * •
Washingt* n. April 10 —Tit® house
uslay. by a vote of 240 to 13 adopted
• revolution for a <, « nstiiuIi»>nal a««.•■■ n-!•
urnt ptovidiug for th® r.«-» tmii of Cui
-®»l *‘tat«w senators by «Un l»*(r of th®
Fourltm llrpubih au« ami one
Dm • at » t«*sl again«! H
I n th®
terms <v{ th® r®«* lutb*u. th® am®Imeni
•ubmltted b» th® >gi*iat r> • i* a* fol­
"Th® srnat®
f th® 1 nlt»d Mat»«*
• hall !«» com|«®e«l of tw «mat* rw from
•arh stat® wh" shall e «•-*•• t»- I > v «II-
• t vol® «if th® |w*»ple thrr»* f for «
term of «lx sear« and ra< h sénat r
«Itali has® on® V- t®
\ plurality of
th® vt t«’« cast for camh’,at* « for sena­
tor «hall I* suf! « irnt to • .*• t
I he
«I*-- t» rs in ®a h «tate «hall ha*.® th®
pialiflcatl«>iMi r» jtii*it® for elrcf. r* of
th® m»H»l num«-r- u« bran h of the «tat®
législature®, revp*»* tively
"When a va- am * happen® bv »bath,
resignation * r otherwise, in th® irp*»’
wnfatlon of any »tat«’ in th® »mate,
th® «tame shall <-■ f i. d f- r t! • : nr t
pirr«i term there« f in th® «van •• ;nano®r
sa is proviilrd (or th® rlrcti -n of wna
U»rs in paragraph i, punid®«!, that th®
• xecutiv® thereof mav mak® tem|»»rary
ipj«>intment until th® m»xt general *>r
«¡«»rial election il» accorda?»«® with
the statute® or coiutitutmu of *u« h
•tate "
The remainder»»( th«* lav wa«devot«sd
ÎO th® < « n*-id« r.<ti’ 11 of private |*rn-
•ion bills. During the cours«’ of the
lebat® there vv* rr k . ». ral sharp atta- ks
i)s<n Talt»ertt <»f >« uth Carolina, for his
'ours® in delaying acti<ui
The transport Lak® Erie, with up
ward* of 500 drnn«\AMl prisoners, 111
eluding French. German ami Russiai
members of the foreign legl«>n. capture»
at Boshuf, sail®«! from Cape Town foi I a.r.l lt*»b»rts < he. be rh»<lr I .»rwsr«l
St Helena.
M *»«•«»«•• t.
The trial of Periro Pipin, who
Ix>ndnn, April 10. — Th®
cently led a small uprising again*t
ji'tv.’Jio nt of th«» I < r* I* • h«* k*-d. -.oi
gov®rutneDt of Sant«) D »mingo,
1 bi, la taken t- ■ mean
laird Kofo’rta.
ended with the convict)»»!) of th® pri® Out by tighling, but by di*»poMti»»u to
oner, vrho was aent«»nve<t to 20 years head off their ad» .Alice an I i .,r their
imprisonment ami t«> pay a fine of |30. w.»v to vulm’rabfo |s>intJ in the line of
(MM) in gold.
Ilia dlapatch
BntGh commuiii<ation«
Mr®. Kruger, wife of Oom Paul, oi U> the wur office follows:
"Bloemfontein. Ap il I 4 -—The ®n-
Is ing interviewed, said that sh® trust
m>uth have lawn
«•d God would WMin stop th® morcile* emy’s movement®
W.qiener 1« etili «nrr uíí I« m I,
bliMMlshed, but that the republic Wouk checked I
l-e vli toriously defended, even if Pre but th«» Uttle garrison is holdmg «uit
toria were finally taken
Sh® ad«l®< well. 'inMij»« ar® being nuowl to their
Tit® health of th® trxKip« is
that sh«’ had had in th® field 33 grain! SMistanee
M>ns, two of whom were killed, torn go<*«l, and the climate perfo’ti’»u.'*
Hi® I’.... rs in Satai sp|- .»r im*apabi®'
«• ns, six »»iis-in-law, and numerous
»f developing an aggiesMiv® movement
other relative». ”
it F.lami*« luiAgt«*. I. r I Mvthum is
Bloemfontein la badly in need o
At Zwartki'pf* ntcin, 12 mil« « rawt of
P*o««hi4. ami is M*mhng snail, swift
The total British ¡owes in the Ikwi mlumti* thnuigh th® adjacent • ounrty.
war ar® now 23,000.
I>»r»l Chesham, commanding ♦ m* «»f
A Texas town in the ffooled distric thciA®, encountered a «»nail commando
a -but I” mil®« »* utlo .Nt of Zwartkop»
was destroyed by a tornado.
fontrin. He found mo*t of th® laims
testing th® Columbii
HTuptevI bv women and children only.
river near Astoria found but few Chi
An editorial note in the iMily Mail
aver« that Mafebing Is in a very t a «!
The Puerto Rican bill, as amend«-’! wav , an ! that th® h* |>® of telief 1« Ur
by th® senate, passed th® house by 9 iff, a* no forte Is advancing (r»>in th®
vote of 103 to 153.
sou th.
Di® pMt’r pom® envoys have docu­
A<lmiral Ifowey denies th® story o
his withdrawal a« a < amlldatr for pres 1 ments -the Rome «x»rr®«|«»mlriit uf th®
Dally Sews * a \« «fo'Wing that urgent
drntial Domination.
advices to th® Transvaal tu wag® war
II C Frick will dispoee of all hit
were originally imuie bv i.ermany.
holdings, wmethlng like fl0,000,000,
Ihi« cot rr»|- ti !mt al«o a*»erts that
in the Carnegie Company.
( ount von Pub w. th*’<»«*ramn foreign
An internat«>nal naval demonstiatiot minister, who was «aid to have gone
will «>«»n take |»al< e nt Take < In, the •n a vi«it t* a «!• k l»r«'ther, reallv wml
gulf of Pe (‘hi l«i, China.
to Milan for the etpn *« | urp*«eof c«»u-
During a fight with riotous ialairert forring with th® delegates
in Sew York, on® Italian striker war
J % l*t.rt»r llr.liio,
killed ami several wuuu «!« m !.
Washington April 10
Owing to
At th® < Georgia P< pullst convention, th® «x’litmurd ill health of John A«l»ll-
‘‘•nator Mari>»u Butler, of Sorth Caro ®»n Porter, secretary to the pr«-*idmt.
lina, waa drnouu»e«l as the ‘‘chief o’ he has temli’red his resignation, and
th® pnwirtrnt has a» <*®pte«l it. to Like
all tiaitum."
effect May I next
(.e«»rgw B. < • riel*
George W. Hull, au Arianna mlllmu
air®, was arrested lu S®w York on « you, of Sew A*>rk, the pro-ent aw»l«tanl
charge of perjury in « <hv -rue CSM •ecretary to th® president, has fo-en
appoint®»! to euccre«! him
Mr ( «»rtei-
against his wife
you was l«»rn In Sew Y- rk citv, July
Cumpetntit authorities estimate that 20, 1H0J- His graiMlfather Peter ( r-
th® wMwtag«« of hor»»*s monthly by the telyai, for 40 years a rnetnl-er •>! tbe
British forces in Soulb Afri a, must lw tv j® t umling firm of <»«»»<rge Hruc® .h
calculated at U«»t less than 5,<>00.
<‘u., and hi« father, Peter C»*rtelyou,
B C. Bergin, an asaayer in th® Cnl Jr . were prominent figure« in Srw
t«<l Mates mint at >®n Francfovo. bar York busin®«® and so«*ial circle® a gen­
l-een nrr»--t«‘d for
smai. eration ago.
amounts of g«»l<! daily for months past
W a. Nut « Hurr I rader,
('epitnhsts of Berlin ti.rough a < hi
Pretorta. April KI —Volte I State.
rag«» firm, bare ma»!® an • ffer
pur lomiul llar, in an Interaiew
iya th.
<li*s® th® Ferris wheel. Th® wheel, re|»>rt that Captain Kelchtnaun. thè
which weighs 2,300 tuus, will !«e ship- l’nlted Marea mllllary attaché, partici-
j<-«l to Berlin
pated til thè fighi Uear - alma ’a I *t la
In b®n Fianciaeo, 300 p»un»ls ol abeolataly falw. Captali! Kel'-hmann,
plug rut toliarcu have l«een aeif®<! ic Il la aald, waa occupied ne»t ol Ita
vMri«*us loeal st res by intr>nal iev®nu< lima atteri hng u|> n thè « onde I
agents I-*« au«®» th® pack ig«w war® in Dnti-h mllllary attaché. I.ieutenant
Mix, who ha. ani'» dled
»officteiitly st«m|*®<l
Burglars in Chicago stole diarn«>n»ls, Ila» ha» no doubt thal Relchmann haa
jewelry and silverware valued at $40,* t», a confuaed wilh thè American l.i'-u-
ihm ) from the home of Orrin W. Potter, tenant laxietwrg, of thè Erre State ar-
th® multi-millionaire sol ®x-presi­ tillery. who look a very setti, peri in
thè tight
dent of the Illinois Mwd (fempany.
Th® |w»ri<Ml of time allow® I Spanish
resident® in th® Philippine* to elect
whether they shall remain “pani«h sub­
ject« or adopt the n«ti«»nality of th® ter­
ritory in which thev reside baa expired.
At a meeting ol the De Heer, com-
pany iecil Khvaio. .aid anuu.l profit,
of iliamon-l mine, in Klmberl.y »r,
• l0,W0,lMX).
I'nblic .enttrnent in England
ope abaolute ao|,retna<-y of Great Brit­
ain in th. B«ier at.te. alter tbe war .
A private rahle^rara fn>m Hurt ol
It meta ft,400,000 a year to main­
tain the 24 royal palaces uf F.mperor Spato, \ rne.tiela. .ay. the llritlah nut-
the <»ertnan •ul .1 Bolivar, named Lion., ba. been
I’wWwrful %l»»r«>y» |’rvt»*l I*» th» a.»«
!*«»•• l»w»»»«»r.
Shanghai, April 10. — A full account
has bswu received here uf th® meeting
jo March & at l*®king bvtWMi i th«’ em*
prewa dowager aud th® grand rvmnvil,
Protects were read from th® vic®roya
«ml governors of nine uf th® IB
lores again«! the policy ot tbe etnpr®*«
The«* « fflrial* are th** g»®at’
-st provincial authorities In < hma.
They deviated unitedly that, if the rm-
pTHM dowager per«i«ts in |<rr»® uimg
th® re(»>rmers and continuing her teign
d terr*>r policy, th® ( hin»’«*» under
them will rebel agannt the Mauch us
1 he viceroy a ! San king wave be baa
llutuii»’««’ tr*»q® who ar® atix-
b»u* to fight th«- '!an< has. aud he foar*
he cannut «• ntn»l them
I h<* vi« e-
r*»ys who unit«*! in this remarkable st* p
n*pr®«®nt th® pn vin ••« of Klang sq,
■’ Anhui, Kiang*!, Hunan,, < be-
kiang. F’«-ki®n, (guang*! • tel be.i-g
I lung, with au aggregate |M-|"U <>l
I !$<),4)00,000.
Cntil thi« protest had liern made
! th® duwagsr emprwwa had t*een having
. things quite her own wav .
»he ha» de«isled from her purpuse •«» *• t
up a new rtiijwr r vet her wrAth b
war»!« th«»«® w h" <*pp «®d her I ua « *h< wn
no abatement. It Is unb 'till, led
h in
Lien-Shan ha* i «w*n capture*! in the
P“rtug®w® vofony of Ma»'ao, off th®
N'uth < hiua ’'• a«t. by Li llungi'haul's
sir Kin
fn>m Shang­
hai !*•< in<>nth
li® I» th® manager <>f
th® national «v «tetn of t«’lr^r4ph* in
( bina, ami h< .* I®<1 th® |®»titi :i «ignr»«l
bv 1,.’ hi j*.
.••« H^atnst -«<<ling up «
u.’w ®mpert r
Probably h® will t*
de* a pl lair*!
An F ngli*h law firm
her® ha« 1’®®!! retain«*«! to de forni him
The government ha* trump*'d
('har^e® of ilefab Atteri against Mr Kin.
who 1« really a v®ry al l® an I ®n‘.i¿ht
•n» H m in
On March I iii«tr»ictb ns were wirwl
fr in I'eking tn **«) Ch-w, ta|ital
Ki.tng "»u. to arr»'«t an ! pul t»> drath
the reform» "« Weng I I 'ng II
hhen Putig
Ibes«» turn ha>l t»’<‘U in
very tni|« rtant p» siti u - iu Peking.
I Ut were e®«il) rapt ¡r’ -i ill Sun Ch«*®
th® rhtef reformer, kang Yu W»’i has
tlrd t<» Sitlga|»>re
I he etnpr«**« »1* A
«4®r has ffi.-r»*! $100.000 for Ins laelv.
<l«-ad or alive.
It is Mi<l that there 1« an t*.'l lai
li«t, prepare-1 bv the Peking gov rru
uit-nt. uf the names <>t 8tk> reformer«
ah»» are pftwcril*®'i.
I «I «-• lai list • f
over 33 tiaiii«'« ®il»t« ol those who srv
t<> I mb kill®«! a« Mw>n A. they ar® cap-
Thirr l*»r«<>its Killrti
\ttittb»r I*.
jufril It. « I it I «blit g V* « 1*1» lit
Pittsburg, \pnl II -With'>ut warn
ing and with a rush and a r»»ar, th«
four storv bri«’k building at th«’ *orn«r
of ‘•etfiui attuiti® and \\»«-«l street cos
lajkw.’d t«».lav. burying in its ruin« a
Oumlrr • ( I»* pi«’, throe • •! w h m w » re
taken " Ut dead. !:ve wire boliy hurt
Th® buihling ®as orcupiesl by the
I ■
pany. It aa - tiring retiti '■
I • ’
tra« t<»ra M« < ■< • • n and It* w - w • f -
converting the lower rt<"»ra ol th® < <>rn» r
store and that next door into one largr
mom. Al«»ut 4*< fc«*t of th® middle
partition had I«« n remove«!, and steel
girders, sup|«irt®*l bv heav v imn p» -t-,
wer® in pia» ®, and th«» finishing toio h« «
were Iwillg put • u the remod«’i«-d work.
The firm Ulis m ruing 1« gan th® tran»
f®r of its -t* » k from one ro«-m tu tht
other, and a| ¡ ar« nlly erntrail ted th«
heavy weight <»( th® leads ami oil« afoul
th® middle of th® structure.
Ih® c«»i-
taps® !w-gan by the «evond 0<x»r break
lug through, carrying with it th® tw
floors above, making a breach fr»>m ‘•'I
t<> liottom thr igh the cm 1er of th.
Th® fa> t that the
building on sec«.nd
lap«® «M\«*l many live«
It wu in that
|>art of (he building that the office*
were lot at«" I, in which ther® were al«»ut
Io I'crwou.
Thoee a ho aera in th®
rear portion of the building heard th®
craah and ran out of the aide <b* r into
Second avenue and ea, ape.1
The lose
of the firm will le about |IO,'«KI.
W»«h**M» In Mur» r««vuhl»
Caps l»»wn. April 10.—The admiral
in charge of th® Brttiah f!«^*t in th®«®
waters has refuse*I l«> |w»rmit the Brit-
iah steamer Mashona, Captaifl John-
stun, to proceed t»rvoud Durban,
agents <»f the \e*a®l atlDotin» ® that the
carg«> destined for ifolag'»® bay Will be
landed at Durtsin.
lh® British gunltoat Partridge on
Dr. emler M raptured the steamer Ma-
shone, which had sailed from S®w
York, Xovembv 3. via M. Vin ®nt.
Sovcmher 0, f«»r Algoa l*ay, l<M«l®d
with Hour for the Transvaal. Th® ves­
sel and the foodstuff® were subsequently
refoa»®*! i>n bond and th® prix® cuurt on
March 13 rendered a v.fdt> t that
portion of th® « arg*» was con»lemn®<l,
but that th. «earner ... lormally
I'lagwe Ml*«t* In Indi®.
Hotnhay, April II —I'laaua rlota
ha." ukrii pl*, a at < ownpor«, whera
lha *e^ra^4ti<>n camp ha« tiran daatroyad
• m <I to i^ra'iM hate tman killad.
rlotara killa<l fiva c"natabtaa and th raw
thair boiHaa into tha 1-tirTiliig ramp.
Chicago. April IS. —The
lllliroia <trlar I» now rratorml. but all bu.lnr*.
Manufacturera’ A rmoclatlon. at ila meet­ I» •u.i«-tvlr'l an<l lha |»>pula<-a la aul-
Truopa an-l »nlunt.-ar« ara patrol-
ing laat night, took tire atand that there tan
•le-uld be an early revUiou ol lire a ar luirf tha . ity, guarding the nail» and
tavenua tax.
rhirage Taller. Will Tl(*r.
(’hi.-ago, April IS —A aecret meet­
New York, April It —The appellata
diviai'in of tbe aupreme court belay ing of the Merchant Tailor» A Draper»*
handed down a de, iaiou in the matter F .change waa held laat night.
of the appraiaal of the celate of the late the meeting broke up it waa announced
William K Vanderbilt
An order of that the mem 1er» of the exchange err»
Surrogate Eltxgerald, declaring a cer­ oppem-d to receding in any particular
tain fund aulj'-' t to the inheritance ta x from the »land taken in the fight with
law wa» aff'tniwl. Thia waa a fund of the Journey men Tailor»’ Union in their
) . iMio.iMK) held in tru.t lor the I. nefil demand for tire back .hop ay,tain.
uf the late Cornelina Vanderbilt
The fire of g-nu>. i. frequently .»•
On® p un I of cork will suppot s tln<nl.hed by having col-l water poured
man of urdmarv sir® in »*•
wu Lt.— Chicago Dalle .Saw*
Formal Dedication of France’s
Great Exposition.
Pan* April 17
IK- . x¡. «iti. n
! >'o i* j» o, lut it wii| |w. at l®a«l a
u nth fodorr anything but* i«
tu ta» s»**n.
Th® lav a ccrm;*- iikmi were
a j»’, u.’.^r mixture
«uniptu • », « u
d»*r m the ‘-alle de® F*®t®s, and wide­
spread c nfu»: ti «Hsewhere
n thing
cuuld haie exceeded th® plcturv«*}U®
BUg® setting in th® fowutl'ul t-ulld g
> in whh h th® ceremonie® were held, th®
gorge* us uniforme of th® dip. mat* ami
«»Idlers, th® splendi I «»rvhe®«rw and
born» and th® roagnideeut ®ff«-. t pro
I lure! by th® gran I stairca«* . up a hi h
j i'realdrnt Latubrl prv> ®ede I to view th®
«'lpMitl' II, llur«| with «»’ft:® ’.‘»HI pii g r* I
’ m«ti ••( th® ¡¿«publican guard, with
)a<*kt« 1«. whit® breech®®. graming
mira«*« « and h- r»e-halrp um”,-*tr’am
ing fr»Hti shining helmet«
4t th«» top
of thia «tairwav was a r - m. tbe in
• .
• .
Called«« F«-t«’®, an I this was hung with
I n el®«« g Iw'ln« from the laiuv re.
Int«» th:« splendid a| artmmt 1 resident
lauibet mtcred and walk®»! doan th®
avenue t ■ his !->at
I hi« part --f th®
da\ 'a arrangement waa pTfect, but th®
rest waa n . *
The weather to*lav was luckily all
that c» u I Is» !. *ir» d
it«« n th
and g - -'.-» had ! » • n itiv it« ! t
function, and thev had, be* -au«® of 11>®
tin«* w. » - . niy t‘i” dust t « * re.
Had th«’ dav I' aw ’U w. t. th«» unroll» I
paths . t th« •• v -iti n g? s: ’• w «11
bav® lx’«'H turn«’«! into a m t*« of us*. !
Tlie aft« ru- - *» v«a* a h’di’la’. in Pans
by gmrrwl cousent, ami a h »1 of
O>untiv |MMqd® «Toad«*! into the < ily
to swell the multitud.*, who from an
early h» r ®’r-.*r»l in th® tfir®. ti«»n <»! th®
••il« «iti >n an ! !•« k up positi ti« ahmg
ih® ro t. of th® presidential p-t * ♦»«!• u
au l at th® appr ■«••h»s t ■ th«’ g’ >un !•
Th® immense number of guest« ¡rar*
llcallv « sept the imliai
* lean
>f cat a, d which an un’r km «tr^atn,
«•neral ileep. drifted sl«»wU t**war»l th®
gat®« between n *»n ami *•’ 3D I’. M.
Drifte*l 1« the «Mirrert expr®«*b*n for ih®
rMtig®uiriit« w . re *• Inadéquat*» that
h'iiidr» Is i f v. hi'
ili-1 :»• t r»’ ■ h the
ei|» *ltl n at all, and th® o«-<*ujauta
'.* » r ■ • . '
*■'••»•, • ! .i»
. r
wrr® obliged to al and« ft their < arrtag.-«
and pr»“’f.1 «n fo»’t
I hl* wa« the e<-
p*»!imt or«lin«rlly a I pt.’.l, even Gy
•everal mattiler« of th«» diplomati«)
c* r¡í« am! two g- rg«- ti«lv attired otti-
dais of th® ( him-«’ emlstasy. after
hastil) walking •••'».•ral block®, arrived
In th® *-alle dr« Pet«*® j'iwt in time t«>
hear III«» «’It«-« ring at the rouclualoti of
th® ®r®m uy.
r •» «Upprra« 11 a. 11 «.. *tlrlb»r« «I < ru|t>*
I atolltog.
Croton l»anding. S Y , Aprii 17 —
Whil® »■ erything 1« quiet ami |*ea» «ful
in thè n®lghl« rfo»«»*l «d th® • » rnvìl dam
V-night, m-arlv
armed d.'puiir» at ®
gitarding th® w»»rk* ami va» h otto uf
thein 1« gur««ing a * tu whal t«*morrow
may brìi g f»»rth.
Ih® «trikmg Italian
laborers. *!*•■«*» b»»m®s Are in th® viviti-
itv of th«’ w rk* ar® behavlng th®m«
s*»lv®« •• v •• fontly
P-ut umfom «th
th«dr vwutu»- I quiet th« r® i* »tu’. • rn
resoti® ii”t b» g«» back t«» w rk n r fot
an ■ ut-: ■ r« fok.® th«'ir j o «
■ (¡1
crea se of wagvs ifomamlrd.
efforts ar® betng made by Italian (‘un-
sul Branchi t<> bring afomt asetllemeut
of th® diftb ulty
The «triker® are very
«fotermim*! in thelr demanda, and sw«»ar
I ' ■ . » *
. * •
nised leader »»! th® «triker», «all t-«lav:
" I bis la a fighi lo a tìmidi
U « earn
more money thati w® ar® re rlvlng, am!
th® ooDtnsctoni must par m» for <>«ir
Ih® «tale «h"uld prete* t u«,
and, instead of «®n*llng deputi®« «mi
® l li’-r« b< h«dp tlie b-
«, ili*
«h- ul l
•’•mjwd thrm tu tr®at us rightfully
Ih® I*■•<••« atteni|>t lo bring thè oth«T
lab«»rvrs bere w •• shall prevedi any w <*rk
being «Ione, and If thè militar? cornee
lo hrlp th«*m, thm we wili tight thè
•>4*hers ’
.% 11* ni pi r-i| Mttr«f»r «n<i Su Ir Iti»
('srl- H'!«!®. Ili , Aprii
16. <ìus
Y unrf. a prvminent yountf insti <>f
Muiphysl* r*», «h* t sud wouml® I Mio
kst«’ Van <ì« r and then bl®w out
bis l<ain® in a tetnpnrary
msy. Yonntf was a mal
sn<Ì Ih® la*!/ was a rnemtwr of orni o*
th® 1»®«I families of Southrru IIlluni«,
-h® a ili meover.
Tereade's VV«*rh Iti Tri*. Town.
Dalla», Tas., Aprii 17. — A .pecial t<>
the 5.W. from Boy.e, lai , dat'd April
IS, naya;
**A tornado »trui-k thi. place at mid­
night. ani II la lati let e. 1 that morral
live, have I-een loat.
Eight houae.
were » no bed, and at thia hour tlie
{Tratawt elciteinent prevail».
Kansas City April, 17. — Manag*!
Maniiiiitf, of th® Hlue®. has <h «®-l a
deal with I’itubnrg for Pit«*her Chum­
my Gray, formerly of Buffalo, purchas­
ing him for f 750.
< hll» Importing Wheat.
Santiago •!« Chile, via Galreat<4>,
Tex , April 17.—In oonMqnanea of th.
poor crop«, eheat price» are adrnneing.
and th>- aituatlon will allow large in.*
vurtationa frour California