4 VIH,. SCIO. III. I.INN COl’NTY, OREGON. FHH>AV. LATER NtWT I*’ k X'M Roberta Frotaría. VI* CAPITAL, $20,000. OFFICERS: SHASTA ROUTE TKKNK TICK* FU<»M THF WIKKH A. J. Johnson J. V. G.inra C V.Maao Prrudaat V«C. f’rrwdrnl Cohrfr and and Epitome of the Telegraphic New» of the World. ! -ant mi1*« »I current rale» botine». »rd drifts Issued on principal title». A. W. HAGEY i ; - a • • -4 « • f\rj r» OR BOON Coni mereiai House Of GO TO THF I. BLARI). Prop Keystone Shaving Parlors H H HEMLINE. Prop. Newly Furauhrd «nd R«filled Throughout. J* Our fable« are uipplurd with the beil the market» afford.la J* Only First-Class Shop In the City SCO, OREGON South of Bridge. IS anta a “ IS “ 2S - 25 - «M Quitrín* ...Horseshoeing a Specialty... ORICON. Hho, I >p|«alt« 1 . » P laning SCIO, OR M ills HARRY S. JOHNSTON At CO., Proprietors. BURIAL CASKEIS AND CASES ALWAYS ON HAND SCIO, General Botha dente« that Irausvaal w*>m«u were w«>un<1»l iu lbs Tagrla trenebee. At a cabinet oonncil it was er of miner» and proa- pertars from Utah and < ofora fo have arrived at Baker ( ity. < >r . rva Iy U> gv» out iuto the hills adjacent Robrrt Bradley, aiiaa Barolay. bar l»rm arreste I in san h raiirisco, foi ovanterfriting silver dollars. An en tire outfit waa capturad. The Russian aqnadroti ta at Che­ mulpo, in the Yellow sea It la telirved this présagés a den and f«»r a con« Bo­ ston <»f laud in Korea. Japan is un­ easy. Several per» ns prriabe«! bv f»dn> burned by the igniting of petroleum tanka, cauaed by a collision lelwten two trains, at Vladivk--k<>«, Caucasus Re| r**o Iitativr*« W i I mo D, of Idaho, an I ( tishinan and Jones, of Washing­ ton. are urging a g<>\«*rnmental a|»pn>- priatfon of $454,000 to build a ¡»>rtage railroad at The Dall«-*. < >r From Philadelphia a cargo contain­ ing $I.OO0.(NNi worth of farm tin pl* It was mente was ahlpi«-d to Bussi*. the larges t shipment of tbe kind ever made from the I'nited Htatu«. Customs Collector Jackson, acting under instruction«« uf the aecrvtary of the trr*urury, will no lunger allow !. r-es. n u . *■ . r ja- ••• fon igii ¡«»rt» to l«r entered at ban Francisco. All such animals im|B>rte*d into the United btate« by way of the Pacifio coast, can gain admii»*ion only through the j»»rts of San Do-go ami Port Town- «end, at which pla«e* veterinary quar­ antine officials have lw«’U stAtfoned. The plague at b.«u I rancistx» has Iverri »tamped out. Cofonrl Plumer is on half rations, an i the relief of Marfking is further off than ever. The Behring «ea |>atrol i» Dow b» l»e resumed, owiug to the failure of fo>und- arv negotiations WAY DOWN PRICES. We have many special lines of Spring and Summer suits and light Weight Underwear. BLAIN CLOTHING CO. A lbany , O regon T C. A. WHALE .. Salem and Portland. LEADING DEALER OF THE NORTHWEST IN PIANOS ANO ORGANS 1 listriiiii«*iits Sold mi E.is\ I’criiis. See Mv Goods Before H"D. John M. Ktoue, tor 10 trart g ivertx»r of Mlsaisaippi, died at iìolly Kprlngs. after a «b«»rt illneas. T'he Merchant* National Bank. nt Rutland, Vt . has 1er« wr«-ck«*d by ita Thn defaulter Is in Jail. a shier Revolution lu the prov in r of Fntrw Rtaa. Argentine, lias lieen completely quellad by th* government troupe We now the largest and best selected slock of Clothing ever shown in the Valley, which we are offering at Seattle printer» have ratM’d the pries of )o|. vmrk .30 to 50 per cent, caused by tbe increased «'xxt of stock and high rental«. John liayahp. of Kan«aa Cttv, ha» )ut« h d»*< lar« that k ng- land will make a mistake if she de­ prive« the bouth Afrbau republics of their Indrprixleo* e Tbe Maaaaahnsetts Daughters uf Vet­ erans have iudoriwd the trailing ar­ butus a» the national flower. Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning Train at Munkers. RoKRS Tbe d«>uble turrets l’h*w- nl». A. Y. l'earsnn, a New Y**rk capi­ tanai wlll bave alieuluta txuilrul ot thè <«trich fealhcr lodostry ol Ulta country. The United state« (nvertiment will eatahltah |-wtal service to Sum. City. Chicago aeuda 40,DUO quartan of dreaaed "Fngllah l«ef” to Fin,land •very week. Th« augar Irait profita ar# about |1 J,- 000,000 a year in «pile of Huctuattona in the valsa of ita atock. A New York grand jury »ill invoti- gate gambling house«, said to pay Tam­ many >8,000,000 a year for |«llc« pro­ tection All th«* coal ninra tn Indiana hav« suspended njer at ions, dur to thr faliun of the o|s«ratorw to sign a wage contract for the war. Al»>ut V,. Roberts’ Advance Forces Are Clearing the Way. Vntil tbe tariff quretlon ia •etIled. bn si news in Puerto Rico will rama in at a »tend»till. (tenrral L»ui« IfotLa h* • been ap jw lnfol t«> racreed <>meral Juwtierl tu command of tlx» |U»er arm 1‘ hm ». STORIES FROM 23. KIMBERLEY. ««■»• af «be Ma»4»t»lpa af lhe Sieg» •« Ih» l«laM!*inih t*r date of vsita. Scio D Edward k Kall, an old p. >nr*vt of Walla Walia. »• d««an April !•> will stop th« re. All >rt noi PORTLAND, te*n «»Id The trans|* rt Fhetidan arrive! at ban Fran<'>s«M>. from Manila, with Wfi sick »• Idler» and II insane g« M Shaving Hair Cut: in, Shampveang Ladies K.ir I>rruir>g Bath, The Danish tniilie* have U> C m * United "Ute» «i. ARMY (IN THE MOVE tlrttioh Ei-l’nited "tatee "mat r «»ib» n. of Mary Ian«!, dis» I of h«’aii dtsenee at Washing!« n, I>. C. Dei » pierai biD« a, an*! ft lunge »■ • m »’1* ■ **• ■ » .Iles, ns, • ' ► ata. ■ la ACUII. ¡»RIVI N < ••«•Itlr« FROM I h th» KOPJRM *"(*1* • a» Wsxe O«»r Ow« II mm dr* <4 II»» Y r•»»•!»«• rt W*r»|e». ¡.ond- n. April I.—The head of • « • rmv of !« rd Robert« 1« ft’W »h ut JI tn 11 re north of llbtetuh-ntein It < m piee a cluster of bill« won fr»»m the [ Boer« after a «tiff fight. In which Pilnah loat «even oflicera «nd 100 men The Boer« hate l-rri» using thee« kopyee a» a ' aw* f»»r marauding Gand« that have heating up the country adjacent to Bluem font«-m for «apple*, i .driving off cattle and forcing tv»n reel« dent Free Htater« into their rank« again The Bo»r» mu«t have la*en lu conaidvrable force, a« Lord Rolierte •rut M.( mk ) infantry an I 3.Ox) cavalry again»! them. Ia»rd Rol-rrt»’ pr>-grra» t«» Preb rle will prolmbly •• riAiat of »u« h fora arc mounnriiU. in which Bow p»«itn>u» will la» attar ked by a portion of tha army advancing rapidlv with wheel tran*;» rt the main army • >rning up a* the railway 1« repaired Ix»rd Rotwit» is »tripping the forew In the mln«»r »phm * of operation« of their wag> n» an»l transport animal« in i order to hasten the advance. This t» un«leretiM>l b» le the recaon ehy he re- 'tiled Ix>rd Methuen fr»»m ilarkly We»t b> Kimlwrley L»rd Roberta ha« to have .Methiirn'a tran«|*»rt. General French k»t 3,000 h< r«r« tn th« relief of Klmtierlv* and the puranil of General Uronje lx»rd Robert« lost 18.000 transport cattle at Water» »al and it is estimated that he haa k -t 1,000 othw anim tit *U m •• tbe ■■ r* ward movement F ebruary 18 Tbe ae »upply officer* foreee an incremdng difficulty in pr ivding lur a g • at army moving along a »ingle line of railway, even when the latter 1» workiug »m»« thly and with ample rolling *t<»ck Ih*’ < aurt'lian i. uni» • nib - w • re part of the for«e that occupied Ken- ha nit ye-terday. The i rlad lion through­ out the northwest di«trict»uf Cape Col­ ony 1« a!mo«t Rtippr»’»i««'d •Otlhr Atarlrd. I«at«-st ad viera ropnrt two new uf plague at Honolulu. (T>i«*ago. April 2 - \ ••»ttleuirnt of thr atrike in the machine »ho|«« of < hl* cago w«» mo bed It 1« a nettle- tiienc whi* h la tn l-e national lu ita •»'»•l-e. and und«-r it« term« th«» general •trike. tim«*d to involve 150.000 ma* chiniate of the country about April I, will be averted. Work la tar ationa are in progrvao. Several men w^ro srin»u«ly hurt al Ijiramie, Wy.t bv an riplo«i<>n at thr Union Pacific oil house. g W. H. Colton, charge«! with com­ plicity in the murder of Goebel, 1« aaid to have turna! state*« evidence. < ..»I Mln» 111«.« Born* aro blow ing up thr coal mine» Hubula. Ta., April 3. — Tb« »triklug in Natal. lhe Dundee colhery, with minera at tlm Horatio inim*» uf th« Her* its machinery, ha« been destroyed. wind-W hit« C<*al Mining Company at- Harvey L. G imn I b IÍ. for 30 years the lackrxl th« lew men who hav« rv publisher and proprietor of thr Drovvr’i malne.1 at w<*rk when they cani« out of Journal, dir«l iu Chicago of heart tail* th« umica tonight. Over lui) »bota were tire.I. reaultlng in thn »eriuu» uro. woumling of three peruoii». 1 he sheriff The navy department will invrati- was called upon an i arreste I 4*1 men gat«’ the value of Crab inland, south- ■ lid Women who part lei ted in the cast uf Fuertu Rico, an a coaling sta­ (lglit lhe abenff ta now guarding the tion. property of the in|«ny. General Joul»ert. the intrepid leader Her»l <«.MN»»r«l. of the Transvaal forcea, is «Ira !. Hr Glen llve, Mont . April •» 2.—Joaeph had Iren «offering from stomach com­ C. Hurst wa» «lecuted In the jail yard plaint. here today for the murder of Sheriff The coasting nteamei Glrnrlge found* Ihunlniek Cavanaugh. Hv-emlier 23. ered during a gale off thr Glppalaud ISV*. Ilia wtf« ami two clilldien and coast. Australia ‘ >ut of a ship’» com­ near rvlatl>e» u»*k their laat leaxe of pany uf 83, only three were aaved. the c.*ndemue«l man vestrrday after- Rear-Admiral Benjamin F. Day bes n*»>n I'uople had |s»tr**led th« atreeta been retired. Captain Terry, com­ »ime early last exeniug and for a time manding the Wa-hingteti navy yard, It waa feared Hurst would I« Ivuebad. will b© promoted to the vacancy. Hurst couieesed to committing lhe mur­ Prof. Man, the profound student of der. pompriian antiquitirw. prove* c««nclu- sivsly that Pum|Wii »»« a well ¡«vrd city 44 years l»eforr the birth of Christ. Frlr» on a ll»f»rm»t'• H*atl. San Franriaro, April ? —Should Irrung < hl Tao coine t-» san k’ran<*i«rw> he may have the highbinder a«» teile« at hl« herla. 1 he ,alu# placr«l u|«>a Leung'« bead i« 13.000. ■ml ¡.*«t«ra place»! ronapictMMMily tu < hinnlown to- day announce that Ute reformer ta badly want«»«), dead or alive, by Ihn I.eun« ta n>>w at Chinese government llotMflulu. He ha« le«-1 «red in Inten­ tion of mining to thia city at a neat date, and will a»k f«»r police protect li«>n here lie left China the tlr«t of the year, and after having aha»«*I off hie jueue, he «tarted for America. In Chicago. All-ert Ftedge, 17 years oh!, avrngwl tbe iiMhilta cast upon his mother by U Ilham lluba«n, a fo»ardrr. by dealing Hol*ai*u a fatal blow over the head with a !«arre! stave. Th* com me« rial treaties committee of the ¡tallan l>er of deputise lias diaruased an«! approved in principle the recipro« Ity arrangement, under the third ti«»n of th«* Dingley act, recent­ ly sigiMwl m Washington By Baron Fare, Italian ambassador to the United blates, ami Mr. Kaaaotr, «|«e<*ial pleni­ potentiary for the United "tale« A story of suffering and death from starvation cornea from ban Nicholas islán«! off the California coast A party of three Chinamsn had l-een on the island for «is months gathering and curing al«afon«*. Three month« ag«> an unknown al«a>p from ban P«*lro, < «: * tiled el tbe i- Md f tbe nbesnee of the Chinamen, the visitors stole even thing eatable from the ramp and put ta sea. One of the Chinese died about a month ago, six I the other two, wlken re*« wed, were too weak to move. A tea Frawrlsree Fire. San Francisco, April 2.— Fira to- night <|r*tr»»y*«! the Y ■■»«•mite fb»ur mills, a f«»ur«torv brick building, the factory of th® t'alifornla Fast« <‘**in pauy, a thrrr story frame »tnhture, |«irt of which was occupied bv the Cus­ tom I l«n. April 1 — Th* ^lan’ard'» <»inreapondent at Klmljerivw. writing u th* hardship« of lhe etegv aava •’Fw many da«« the no»« hy of eat Ing h>»rverb>ah formed an agrw«able Lreak in tbe war talk starving pw>* pie. however, lake kindl» tu any arti­ cle of food. Per*-na!ly, although I have alwav« found a pi»» * ■ f • ul fo r*efleah eit'ellrut rating. I am n*H taking any of It in himbrrley. s* I nlv ar* the wrrla had anima ■ rnlu r | to akin an i l->nr but there 1» a prevail­ ing epidrmlc <*f infl irnu anl o>ugh am ng them, »hbh for« re me U* a ban I- <*n He u-e It la. however, daily w-r» ed out Io the M>!diet« a« w»il aa the • I AUthrai pie. tfo'ugh there are caaei« in lhe h«.*»pita!» and an «mtl rrak ol a«"tirvy tn many of thr rvdonbt« There ale<» ha« broken out a |<»< u tar for m of thr»aI lro»ible. which may owe It« > rigin to thia article of h< d Al w 30 P M all < • iiverwat b«n .'».»•••. an I rum- ore «t«»p. for. by pru-lan-ati n. all light« rtrrpt e r trie r ao tylrne g«» tnu»t !>• eitinguirbed “Thrrr are ma ij of eitremr • »ffering. which. »Hh- u^h due I«» thr •irgr have reached a climai fr«»ni « n atltutl«»na! cirrumatanoM Thrrr arr lad ire in kimforley tonight «trappe») to their h«d« vnd w aring straight ja< k- eta mad from »hear tier i oasnesa «0*1 fright. “It 1« the red tape •train hrav irr than it !>•» After a r had Qrti !• r w»’rk« ahut Up ill klmlM’rlrv n> t at the Iwwit thr in answer came Onlv the big Ntar- »«'old hg •• • fi ivnd th. Southorn Crv«a arrmrd U> whltprr. 'Patten e*. \t last, one night. far from the w-fith c.tmr thr w»dc> me flash. ‘Kb. Kb. Kb.’ it *ai I. High up in th«» canning t«irrr -al Lieutenant Cofon«d krkewi h «nd his *faff «»ft er« with picked null from thr "ign »1 v« I , s, Abiloualy they deciphered thr first m«»*«agr from their honor«*! chief It was this ' A-certain o»inif*»r on f- »* foot of mid«' omilte-l m < Apr I wu returu.* “ IHEATMtNT OF A GOVERNOR (Flat In g m le I» » d Nicaragua < |f.la»n H.,l. t»*,| aad k «ll»4 la < t» New OrlrAD«, April •> Walked Into Boer Trap «nd Lust Gun«i and Men. <>i Mil F.J4 FKi'M li! >'f MhiMEIÏ »irr« Thal Far»p*<| |»*.| w«a k * mm K*ahl M»t*b du4 W •• «•«oartly l*wr«M*4 by II»» ÜMrgl»»4». !’ )• ;• vn K p. tprtl 2 —Th* British for»» d«*d bv Colonel Broad- * • «t «>h«i«hn< of I#»* IrtUb Hussars, H u»«-)». t i cavalry, two h«»rws telteriea and a b r>«’ of immiitrd iufantrv under < • nr| IT! h« r, which has !*'*n garrt- •oiling Thalxnchu, was obligeil, in >ti«e«|nen r «d th«» near ap| rv»a> h of a lagr* for»w t>( B*>er*. to h ave last night. <’•»1 n*l Bn adwond marcha*! to the Bb*rmfontrin water works. *»uth of th»’ M t ier, w h« re he t-u amp»"l at 4 this m- ruing. \t «arly «lawn the camp was »teltel by th* enemy from a near point < >d* t»r| Br»«afl a « nv»»y with Ihr tetteries. while th«» rest of th* fur»* remain«"! to a t as a rear guard The conroy arrives! at a d«rp «prut, where the Boer* wet* «"«n- • -.valr»!, and live entire b*u!v w alkrd into ambush and waa raptuie*!, together w ith six guns The 1« *• of life was n t great, sime m «t <>f the British had walk«*! iut< Hie trap lrfi»rr a shot was fire«!. ADRIFT ON THI PACIFIC. M»am»r < l*w*l»»»luiu, under data of March 23, «lair that tha well ko all stammer (Trvrlan«l, bound (or San Francis..*, with a f hfo.fo’O cargo of mi.-nr from Kahului, Is adrift with a bn k«n «hall an! pra-tn-ally hrlpl«'»» in thr open «••a. When last bearti from she was •rvi-ral hundred miles from Maui Three . f ita crew left thr simmer in a • mall I- at b go t«» Mani for asciatane«, rhry wer« «¡Mtkrti by Ihr «tramer Fric, March 20, tn mile« from Maui. Hir men in thr I» at «tated that thr Cleveland, when they left her, was mifos i>«- th-ri- rthwest of thr island of Maui Tbe little tout ha I traveled 2HO miles ■ f th© p-'irm-v to Maui, atrip that must have required «il lay«, tn that th« Cleveland mu-t hA«r mniel a go» -l U«nl »Ince «hr was ia«t hx'ated. * little sail, but 11- >t ruotigh to control her movrmriita. A steamer has gone to search f«»r her Al- t tw year« ago thr < Trve'.an«! m«t with a »imilAr AC. ideili between "an lian» i- ■ and Puget "«mid. Aftei aili- ts mi Vancouver Islán«!. Luring the civil war thr (drvrlaml » Jsadr runn-r and vv vs raptured • »n «»nr <»f fo r trips Charleston. She was built lu I Mill, ami has arm «erv low of all kind« all »»ver tha world H»»r name has lawn changed many time*. IsAtrly she was used aa a tran«|**>rt for thr Philippin«*». cayo, fermer governor arrived h«»rt* l*«t mghl ing r i |M-riurc«* in ( *la Sit afagua a f«»w w«*rka ag«», with Miimr <‘ Kffitli. )x»ing deputised t»y President Zelaya to place «orne r«Hr» d »I b with New York <*apltaliete. lu view 1 hirapi riajhoiitn MurH«d, of the atraitM«d relation« bHwrea the Chi* «go. Aprii 3.— Die Columbia tw«» countrl«*». he *«« arrewted. hi» money tak**u fr«>m hlm. an I finally ei­ th'-aler, "U«’ <»f thè ohlest ami muat p»‘p- lied and placed al>oar«) the ship lt >r illar pia»!»- u»«« in Ih«» west. w<> de- Sew Orleans, lie will return V» Sica- • tr \» m | I y rire thi« aftrrt>«M>n. mtaiilng Ibe Are waa ragua Fhe incident u likely to < reate a total !«•■» «»f IIVO.ihH). \rr»’«l in lite laumlry <>f thè Irv- furth«y complication« lstivaVo waa arrtwted in S ad J»»»e. he <|u>>l« < l'ib, whi« h <•«•< upiea apartmente claim«, by th«’ order of the president of on thè «fiith fluor of thè building < oata Rica About fHjHHlMa« taken Ihr t!am«*w «prratl with great rapidity, from hi« ¡»er»on He waa ea»urt«*l t<> and w ithin i'> minutes after thè dtecov- Port Lima and pia »• whbh hl« monrv wan al*» KAvitig turn«*»! over It 1« presumed that ('•••ta «-mpb »ea of thè theater ami thè club Rica feared that he came there to for­ wrrv drivm t«» thè ntr«^*! in «uch haut«» that lU thè rscltement thrre w *mrn ment trouble. Weldon RoHrt», Melvllla .M wtley were ovvr»«»me and carrie ".i\atitiah, < »a , KpiilS —T he drt»«!gs al aOilon their mirvey 17 » tnilee emilh I’afo’X'k at work in the river here to- >f Cukiu by the atta<’k« of lhe Ha- dav. ph ke«| up two <»bl fyp« English ■ardl ! d ne gun weighs afo ul iJH"’ |>>unn of thia city, fwr Ih» M»tal I« II. w I m - ii the French allies sailed up the A number of 2taw York. April 2,—*rw than hM) ytarg ag" hav« -pauish warship infanta Malta 'lt-rrsa, also Ix-rh takeu out iyttilt ill two lathoms of water llf.t lllr*# u.etal in II. Mr. Hrake and his aaauciatna want I** Lrtnif th# mrtal into this country Inly frr# Mr. Itrake'a lawyers askr-l th# treasury it#|wrtmrnt If thia could 1« dona in reply. cuuna#l lor lhe treasury daparUnent wn.t# "Th# Spaulsh war u»*rl was not th«» pr**|i#rtjr ol th# t'nltad Stat## at the llm# ah# waa originally wrecked, but waa th# property of th# ripantah gov- •miiiput, and aa th# I'nitad ‘•tat#, gov­ ernment haa a>D la fully e«|ii|p|ied for in-taliI •arvice. Tm«»|»e with full war kite are daily arriving from the Interior. The garrison will won tw* a powerful army rp«. There 1» much escitement among ti»e «faff« of b«4h eervicM, and all the talk ieof f ringing Turkey U> her tea««»« by forcible meaeuree." Faria, April t.— An official m-connt haa lieen iaaueil of th# victory of tha French tr**>-pa oirr an Arab army at lu’ahr, «hlch recently oc*-uple«l the <>a,ta of Inaalah, aouthwrat of Algeria. Tbe French learn#«! of the acheine at>