4 f ss * •. sZ * i K • »" • c t PLAID SKIRTS • • • Another lot just put «di «ale. Two num­ ber»*, one at ami aiiolh<*r at J*» ar»' es­ pecially nent aii'l goiwi value... SILKS LADIES' tx> LACE flJD BRAID LADIES' SHOES SHIRT WAISTSOo WRAPPERS I» Ladies $2.00 Shoe b\ 1 è "Th«» most grm eful of domestic atdniiils Is Hie cat, while Hie tumi au k w .ird bini Is the tluck," « ly « an nliserver of Nature; but it won't ilo to us»- these fact ; for a tmala It you w ant to mil a woman |n»t name«. grs $1.00 per ijurd Taffeta, grade, «»«km per ijiird E vitv waist will fit well, an«l i» tna«l«' tin* pr'»p|»er »tvle. N'lthing obi, atei 1 .r-.»tir<- ymi tli'-x were not bought per igird in a N- w Y«>rk junk -hop. They rame frontone of the l«-a«ling an-nger Io Al­ bany on XV «wlneelay James Monro*, of !»c!roH, has Iwen vl«ltiii| friends hero for .» lew day« Ml«»«’« llllla Ih-nny and Jatile ÌÌH're prii-i r b«-.»t Portlami Wilson went to Jefferson saluniay. Mi»* Vfayma Dmahue I* visiting friend* tn Polk county for a few day*. « ha*. Baker, of S • iavlllr, Is a guest .-it the hum® of Ills brother, at thi* place. Prof. Hilmon has tMi-n employed to teach the ensuing li'tm of school In th«- Ik V.»in-y district. M «*l«in Tindall, a former resident of tills l-s-ality, I.a« return«'«! after an at'-enc«' of M-voral month* Prof. II. P Goin left for King» Valley, Tu«'*diy, where ha will teach a th«« «' month’st.'rm of «chooi A. ound tend tlie funeral of l’«- iri H h II, who Illchanlson now drive« I- U >ll««f at Oregon t 'ity, » t v . Id Trjb&to lUcord April nnd 7, will be "opening days" at tho millinery parlor» of In ."dato of W H Pugh, petition i ole A ( ir con. filed for aale of per« mil property, to Ihin’t forget th«' millinery op«-n «et aside proja-rty for w id w- mid to Ing next week—April *, ”, and 7 h ii«o real property. < ole «4 Green, In estate of J I I ng« n. Mary En­ Porn near! ralifre«', March kl«t, gen appoint« d adininlstratrl x. Est I- to Iti<* wife of P (i. Morri«, i-x comi m ited value of property, iJ.iMMl. Ill "stale oi Jane K imm », Invurilory ty treasurer, n son. ltun't forg< t about tlie phi mu m I and «por riseim-nt was tiled «(lowing the following, llo.il estate, fi.’,«.7t, mil giving for null and proilu«-«* mt; | h r»on d property, • 1 li.Ju t ;a«; t.,. tra«l«*. K«i" I.. lllbl«T. lai, H M.i. Bev. Ixinglioltom «-.mdii. tel sor Petition to release real e«t,«te fmm vices nt itie ,M. I., church Nuuday administration in e«tatc of John last, morning an«l evening. Brow n, filed. The I’egree of Honor now meets In estate of John Sti rling I Xi-mpt every 1 iiu r »day evening. 111 the pr<-|M-rty ordì ted set a ‘Ide mid p< r r I - 1 íl.«o. nicely trim me« I wide. 4 Miases and Children’« IHCV« >b'» **, <’li»tli uppi ri, g»n«ur ! airy lloast is the li«-«t coiTee to lie li.nl for til'- money. I re»li mid not a bid grain to be found. Ho-» E. ltibler. We sell a 2 gallon full weight bucket of guarantee«! «yrup for 7<» « ent». Whetoenn you do a.» well. Ho»« E. Hltder. The whist club heldtheflnal moot­ ing of (tie »«'ason at th«* home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Slinpaon, la»| monday evening. Tho luti heli! We are in the Swim!! 4 1 l;i\ ing piircli.-isctl tin1 entire stock of merchandise from W. A. Kwing I nm now “in the swim,” nnd it will pay you to trade when* you know you can sell • vou goods so that yon will go away * - entirely con\inct-tl that vou base found the FH Right Place to Trade Give hip a call and you will liild that I have a com­ plete line, and can give y<>u bargains in everything I handle. I am in the marKot alwass for yonr merchanta­ ble produce, nnd guarantee* you the top prices, so bring along your eggs, chickens, bacon, lard, etc., and yon will never find that we can’t give you ns much if not more for it than nnvone else. F. M. DANIEL Successor to \\ \‘«'rv pretty patterns for alien, -’»(k »uniiner gannenti* in col­ orai lace. The new r»'rcalc, 7’>- to $l.2’i. I.awn an«l Muir a* >1 'Ot«it2 Luce Embroiderii S Gingham **2 to '*_ • > ’.7-i. \ M I a.'siirtment nf the*«' Very iie.it tittinu timi «ighth ; garment*, Mrvicable ami cloth uppers atvi kid; u great bargain <-li«.*ii|> « 7oc 0» « *000 « *•*«>« ««««WO 9 06 f ‘1 A FEW FARM NOTES i 2 CORRESPONDENCE Ì a ■> t> «»«««»»«««a ho « 09 « •••««««a ♦ ¿«X ««0«aa*-»«0a««fl««waaa«<>o < bina nilk. taA V.ct<r. A. 'I. Buncef April I* for a I tench allow in that city, The »um of w ill (»• ral«" | to insure |nymcnl of nil prix«-«. It Is a w hole lot lietter to l»«k<‘ tlie mistake of toi in ich clover s»ed than to«i IHlIa An exchange give« this advice: "fton’t measure th«» <|Ui»ntlty w if It the I«« k ettesik. J B llaggin will stilp at l<-a«t ■J1” yearlings In Eligl ind Illis year and dispose of th«-in there at putdi«- Mb*. In addition to tt.<-a<- Xlaiut the •am«- numlicr will bu «old in N«-w York. It Is time the unit«« I horse w-s« getting m i ustom««i I I i llttlu work, incr«-n»lng II gradually »o ns not to jump Into II «II at one«'. \S hat I» g .--I for tli< horse will also la' gissl for the mall. It is H"t etiollgli to kn w that se««l will sprout. It should grow nnd make a »tmng plant. I tils I the I obj«-ct «d need. 1 hr really I farmer will «<-«- that In- has strong seed of all k Intla. The man who falls In with every n« w fa many things that It I« a mystery to me that It I« not mor«- gcnersllv grown on fnrrn« It» worth I« known and .ippr<-< ated by entirely too few pe 'pl«-. I h<> up to ilate p-iiltrymin kn >w« thr valur rd rlovi-r -is a |»«iultry foral Iowa I lomestad. Itad m-i'lsare a great drawback to ruril life, lor it gener.iliy ci ur­ that g'xsl r '.ids an- llio-t ne« ded when they ire l-i I here the Imai roa I« ah- found th« f irms all look thrifty. III«' I'Uildlngs are flue and everything corr«-sp<>n gr ide of flour all th«* tlm<< out of a «-«-rtaln grade of w heal I» not a g -«I miller. Make a good «luwllty of butter and s«-ll tl for wlmt Il I worth. Fourti'cn double de- k««f enfs tainlng h«'.id ««I -he«'p start« «I i>v< t the rood from IhilbutoNt Paul Ii t w«-ek. were »lHi-p««l by Jno. Little of Ante­ lope, mid will g«i via the '♦ortliern Pacific. 1’lils I« the flr«t of th«' mahglirg.- shipments wlthh will loiivc till» place during tlie spring anil -umin> r Mountmne« r. Ni ftrlv e\ « r\ tiling in I —narrow. wash lace, very cheap. Thi» is :t benutiful lin»* anu« 11.50 «'entemcri, Foster anti latltome glove« are being clos<-d out at fl.'”. .,W' 'A . ,-.1 ! '* »'s V ■ t twenty thr. •• meeting during the pi«t W'ntirand -om«' very enlo able evening« were »pent In whl«t and •ilr'v on Tu«‘«ur »«-il -kin «hoes twit th»' «orèl to turn tho v.et. I’verytiody wear« tin in, hull«-« mi l chihlrcll, mi'll mid hoys. H«.«s E. Hitiler. A. W.,ll igey hi« receive«! ii «mn- |> <- of til«' new Mitchell blcyel«', m. I It is almut us neat a w h«el ns one would »«•■ ill it W'fk'a trave*. Every gallon of syrup w® sell 1« I- '-itively guarnito« «I to lie the very t»-at. If it don't prove so, your motley back llosa IL Hitiler. T. J. Claxton and Nlate Williams are this wi-i-k eng iged in buihllng an addition t«i I bo«. Allison's c i (ago, th»- «mite toll® u««?d fot a lied- room. (óifdeti making In this locality I» iiixiut all done, and if there I» co h.«r«i frosts within th«' next few w'-ek« "g «men s.t-s" r. i’l begin to be plentiful. Iltvi you tried uur Fairy !Vai»t l'offe«', I i « «'iits p» r pom:d. We sell a laurel a week of It. Il 1« always fresh nn«l much Is tier ttun |si r.ng<- cotf.'e. K -» E. lllbler. Come and «•'<■ our new stock of millinery good« Next Thursday, Friday mid Saturday will ba nur opi'idtig day«. 1 hiu't full tu come on those days Cole «k titeen. Almost all of ra-io mid « gissi p r- lion of tho citizens of the surround Ing country, were .-.t A.twniy on We«1ne»d.iv to hear Brymi mul at­ tend tlie ii publican county coiiven lion. C. M Tindall and Mi«« Belta (iooch, of Nh«-lt»urn, were m irri««! al Albany l ue-, lay. I’hcy are two very |M>pular young p’-opleof this locnlity, nnd have th«- cotigralulAtlon« rk In these countn-s atsiUt tlie first of April, "iam" will make a g«s»l rustler, and we fs'»|'< uk for him mucti •»uc cess In hi» new field of labor. full, and for h limn it looked as though the whoh» outfit of clouds were yoming down in a heup, mol dined I - -pte.i I out after they got »low il. I here whs e llttl«< hull lull­ ed In with it. too, «nd ««»m<» thought tli«< fruit bud« wi-re In -ling.-r, t it we have «i«'t h«-»».| of nny «« rl, -i« d image be I ng d-me. Th'' pl«t Hr«'«- weeks of tlr.v w e »'her were suttlcient bi'i'ever, to i-ffsi-t a few rainy itiy» T. W. I lilley's little »rm, who I« visiting relitivc« tu re, .»■ comt«anle<| by Ills llloth'-r. ct‘ »teil » goal bit of comment hist Friday by upix-iring - on the street with .i young t'icycle. I’lie machine was n regular b-. y .-le, only It had not got It« growth, ih I Was a very sun» II affair I'he w heel« were »t»>ut t we!ve Im lies in dinme­ ter, mid the m u bine w.i« i pi.div ns »mall ail over. .Mr l»il)ey mndc the w hole critter himself, mid he » er lainly .«hows hlmsotf to I--.- a incelinole of tlie finer type, n the w ho» I »bowed ««(x-rt work, end whs n curiosity a« well. Till« w eek cliisca the term of a. h«x»l under Prof, ll lid «in .Monday morning Prof. »I. Idi« will HssUUlO control of the «eliiMil md « ill t" irh a two moniti'« term, llu' teacher* In the two other rooms will remain the amile, m>d Prof < ■< ddi« w ill bo rctiilni 'l to ich now tn xt winter, If in ide urn not chmig'-d I «fore limi lime. I he directors arc making mi effort to bring th»' School up to a high st md ird. mid w hen the full firm Oegl'is they will iik'-ly . in ploy Hiiother leHcher. tnikifig four nil told, nr.d this will.uld another grade or two, and en ible the |>rin< ipil to devote more of his time to high school work. Prof, tieddis Ini« taught the schools in this city be fore, mid gave eminent sal ¡«f.iction He Is ill! Instructor of g eat ability, mid we tire pleased to see him re turn to our city. Prof. Wlls-m his hud good suici'ss with tho «< ln»>l, and has tatsired under many di« id vintage«. He 1« In |M«ir lieattli, and It W Is tills f i t thill led til" dirts Ior­ io think that h change v. is neee«. -ary. Ill« contract wnti the district e't>ires with tills Week, and th»' new principal will take up the work Where lie loaves It. It is the desire of every porson in tile district to we I lie Mi ho >!s put on as flt m h tusls hs possible, led bloUgllt Up to the high e«t possible standard, mid It is going to require an ex|H-n Jiture id con«i reu-h the nit .» bet­ ter condition of ntfairs, and so ex Henry M\«-r has a new bull pup, pressed themsclve« ut the recent atni it 1» i|uiti' in intelllgnnt chap, school meeting. too. lie's the m iking of h lino 'log. md when he gets "big” he will un­ doubtedly Is' ible to wallop any «log In llm aurrourxling country. IL- will b® under the direction of Pete Mclkinsld and Frank Irvine, wi.o I mn pnying k to '.» cent» per pounil are Iwth d'>g tnluersof cousnlvrabh* for chickens, fati don't (•«• decelv«-«l not®. luto tliinklng ttiit thit i» a l»'tt«-r l'liis Is lli«> season of the y«-ir prie«' tlien ‘ I and r >, for il 1« not, bul when the blacksmiths have plenty Insiemi il i' from '”< <-nts to • I.IM) dot to occupy their time, and their en 1«'«». Ile who ndvl««-« you to »eli work will eontlnu«' until the old tiy thè pound 1« working dlreetly plows ure laid away for fa!! plowing. forhisowu proflt, and wtth mucti Hut lietween I mnl fal! tfier«' will gali, for It 1« "> p! »in doubtless Is' a f«'W w igon tires that ■òi, believo imi w lieti ! t«'fl you will have grown to big for the rest thit you best «eli by thè «lor.i-n un of the wlif'i'l, and It always takes a le«» yt'ur rldcketi» ire ptienenPr.-iily bf'ieksmlth to make them tit. largo. ('hickens ari» «l«) nlgtit, and f.er and ramarkra. "Hue«« I’ll take ey drawer was stolen Eulert-nce Ih«t f!r»m«- to my wife mid 1« t her to th*' at«'r»‘ w»« iff«'ct'«l by breaking «e», whit a Inn mi look» like. She a window, an«! evidence | oint» very never »«•«*«- ng «Fine by an income «if several thousaml dol­ »•itnrtinc »Vlio lives In that l<»- il!ty lar« a y» tr. protsitily liy some Is»)’, w Im Ila I um - for a few dollars, mid were too Kotter liid>il< nt to work and earn it. \Ve know of one fa-rtier up In Itemeinlirr flint nine tenths nf the Lien bounty who h«- rented I is so ,-dltsl • 'Tailor made clothing of grain land and la devoting hi» t!m< the country are simply moditl'-d exclusively t i the p' 'ilCy f'll'ine»», r»-;idy mii'I. clothing. with the aid «d Ineubatorh mul I rotter of Sfuyti'n has tho 're i ly bnaidcr*. II«» exi'ecl’ to ne»H< more tn-idv clothing" made by til»' !-«•-.» money on his ten or flH«-''n acre» I'ailora \m»-rft-!i ."in pr slue-. Tin- w iii< h he reserve*. In th«' poultry mialfflcnti'Hi tviild any nee I l"r, business, t! tii nr form«'tly made on cirts you nothing, ns he keeps an bl» wlei*" 'arm, am! with 1« • dtud es|H>ricn<-«’ 8c.im'tr»--s in the ■ re gery and Worry. Stnleauian, all tho tiftii . Bv btlj n , ■■ ■ . ■ ' th­ • » !l ralne«! Sunday, and when w«' ing id him you sr v«' from - J. > to f* »ay It raim'il we do not refer tn « i «uit -<|ulte an item. I heavy fog. Tti<- w it*-r '-«in" Tiwn / I >e a hah - de . ' i y : <_ --j «»• • O »^*ii»*** to arrangement« • •••• ••••••••••••••••••••» : ; • ••••••»•••••• •••••* •••••• Xfr imi 'Ir*. < \ AI' mihy thi«» wcf k, nn l frh»nr»'goii f«»r «l’vml rrtitnic I botile thr flr^l of Ihr wrrk. W. |- . H ».ir Itu m, Xin I r in» i*. • vice |»rr»i» L» Gii* Mil k, OH bur. and Mr«» I'.«liner wi ’ ro vielt* illg Iti Scio Wrdilt>*(| «y, the gUVst-i of l’r. and Mr*. l’rill. Mix J. (*. J< ihn«»r*. of '•drin, I« visit|n>r l’or t hlidfn, in this city. thl* w«M»k. W-'liiv-'n’t all the ««'cd« lu tow" But w«' have ««'« m J« from Itiri'v dif («-rent »«-««I houses Ferry, llow«*n md I.-unM-rson. 5 >u <• hi h i v«' your cli.nce. But «'ne tiling w«> liivi-Igut, III it Is, |xisitlvely io w, fresh ««««Is < 111«' tiTHl'l uf our seed« wt- bus nut right «l-’ii't ««'II them on commi» slim. I Ill's" ««'« ■ I« lire »olii tous W 11 II a guarantee that they in- fr«-«ti md n«-w tld« y«-«r Ami to prove tills nil the «e.ds W«' li.IV" left In tlie fill are d' -lroyi-d by u« in«t«'.id of being »hlppcil hick t-i tlie firm is common ly done. So you »«■•’ th«-»e •<■••«1« are I kiuik I to lie Ir- -li, and »ii'cly ought to grow. Il io I II I 111.CH. *•« O'*: Muur.srs Ji>r« he y.ep»'ott:lr- Coaveattaa. I lie ri pu' ll.'tu i-ounty con vont .on w •< field it Allii iv \\ > Aswssor I ». il. M. Kulght, of Cetil« r. I r« i»urer Ja «. Elk in* of Al!>an v. sut"-rinli'ml nt of ». hi-ils ! .. I . <'.irltou, of S inti ho . survey'-r M. Wyg ini, of Alb my. < t ite r I »r. A It. Jay tie, of -i,".b!. I;«'prc*cid:it| v<‘s < I. !.. Hees, of All'iny, r. M. Brown, of Browns- villi' md F. J. Miller, of Altsiny. J. II " ”, itt then n«med Iir. W II. Bivls, of Alli.iny, for eh drin nt »f the c lunty central committee, I ft ■ nmnin «lion w is s",*«»n«*il» ly ch' ■ i tin tu iti'-u tin. «.-I, Hot< uf secret iry of Hie i-omiiiitt" « w i- left to tlie commiHiie mid it« ch Ur­ man. I * . „• . I ■ 1 .. i • « republic m «Inte convention weic •lt'ct««l: W, It D'liiu« I, J. I . si-oidisti. J. <’ »«it.In, I . M II ixen, \lf I mm. J « Hum", N Xi'«-dh:»m J X laiml»-r«in, J. XV. Pugh, J. t'. Har lin, < triff I Ing. P !.< lover, K. I. White, J. A. Mil'i-ron. Ilo following deti'gates to the oogri »-ii"i.d convention were ide«- t»->l: M. II. Wild«, S E. Young. XX XX . I 1 1 o« I «, C I _ xf orris, J. s Van Winkl.', Dr. W. II. II . dii. 'F I D twsoti, II. W. I islier, C. I S >x P. It Kelly, XI Acheson, W. W. B.illey, 1 »co. Wliveler, E. E. I.iri more. C. V. John« ai invi M. N. Illchanl ->l. wet" eho»e|| H« colli 111 11 le.-UH'll f ,r N riti ami South Scio procinti, •«■»pe» lively. w. Im M »clarini 1« going t > nnswor thè <|ue«tion, "1« thè Mlnliter mi Idlerf" In Ilio May Lidie« Homo Journal. I bis 1« i «ori of compiniori aritele to "Nhould tho old Clcrgy inni lo ShutT” wtibh he wrote «.imo lime ag'., and in w liti-li he ad vocale») a more human«* n of aged clorgytiien. Il 1« more than Down ''«■iir Cutlage alile to eatnbll«h a» a fiict itnsw eriiig ••ye.slr" mid going to III al mi i«ters hi a < 11«« ire iniong •leep Hgatn. Iteccntly lie was par thè bu«!est of pr if.-««ip«'ced «vi ili u night thu hlred Siliiln’i ]••«' than live Inches In gir! h.td tieen g!vi n thu lnys room. length. I »king of I astern l>r'»>k Wlien the tumuli W i* «tv« r th" ol i trou and I.■ . Ii l.< »en (tout at any mmi »ili down («ehiiid th«t barn and limo Is prohibited." dr.ifted n wrllten apology to Ilio girl. Ben Irvitv, ->ne of tlie promiiicnt fsrmvr« nnd »t'N'kmett of Jordan, l». If Joo Simon, a first cl.i«« den. M itti«' and B«-rthn, who ara attcnd I’l it. H In op|H>«i-<| tu the l'orto ing Mito-rid .wprlnga college. Mr. Hiro t.irilf id!!, oppos, d to «-itlng Irvine« live -tm k Include« a g'»»l •luay hi - I I« ngiinst the llmitn sizi'l fi k «'f Auguri goal», wlilch P.iynu «hipping bill. he limitare th» m-i«t pruRtaMc «teck for thè r H>| ber of Ilio foothllis of lh*vall«-y. H>- Inforni« u* th-it he M inh «Han horno remiglieli are md o. her git mi -era . f hi« p irt of («»-iilvety guaranteed, They nr«t theioiinty ir- ; -ii.ig tb< ir imdiilr, mt, t>< i on tho tnnrket. Ita» E m:d he ndvls« « tho-e w ho Imi- mo- illliler. ha ir bere to di thè ’»me. S. «la- ville n,rres|»>ii leni to l.cbinon E. r>-«s r.-►«--• s,u nr, ,B,T. A Ta q ..» »■!» ro saslly and terrtsr l>* n «<• If you want the t»-»t meni for the money (20c) served |n the v il <-y, go to the Aliimy lunch counter. nelle, 'ul' „i ¡.«e, a«r*e and ttear, la«« No lo lias, ih» w»»d«e «orno-, laatoiakr« «sa» »>■ n ' ’ ■ • . . 1« a II . «» a .4 san pia trs» A.ldrrw hi.rUa« l;