. * • • -* » *, — O - K . ci; ’ •>. * * • • • • Z« The Samiaoi News LATER NEWS EXPLOSION OF COLLODION. BAD * NEWS ? • • .. 1 ì • • . ■ • % » .“ . - e. • ! 4 FROM MANILA. I Wra«ba4 Twa WaUdlna, la rblla4el « tteteli Poers ars «stirtug fr m 1.r>-o«ts>1 eStla Uaa Lite Lol 4 m raw nil •*»«• Lord Rol-ert« hss Ovt ysi advan«.m Bloovifootoin. was kil.ed and fur injure! by a terri­ •learner Heng Kong Maru t rings tr m OBEGO!« The Puerto Rtcsn sr-pr priât *.‘»n hill ble eii’kueh Q uf cultodtou in the photo­ Hong K r.g news of a surprising state — was sigi«*] by 1 res; lent M Kioh graphic topp y esta' isnu.sutof în tuas of affairs ensting in the Philippine« M McVolha A < u , ou ^uutb Eleventh I tie * rr«wp* ndent of a llottrf K ng Several Cleveland U., c« u «rtta have •irret, today The dead man is Her­ ¡Ni|w*r sent the following on censure» I granted ths demands uf the striking h The more reri* NO machinists. DID NOT RELATE TO PEACE man Wteise. age*! 19. CONCESSIONS GRANTED letter I*» his >’urual WERE ITALIANS ONt-FOUR’H otisly injure«! are Ge>«rgw Nicho­ < »•»«»<• W "Manila. Feb 13 —It is a strange Rear-Admiral A II. M -<'«»rmick re* las. Angus. Ha «-*r, Daniel RmM, a •tat* of affaire that eiist iu tlx» Philip- tired as commandant of the S' ashing ton fireman, an»! Juh n A G ran Un A«» lew ta l*r* Improvement is I ¡•Hies today. ■a pre b »««I • a Xavi«« «Í !>*• I*»*wra- navy y ani The building wa* alru’xt entirely I -4,r W etr* If in nearly evrrv quarter < ivil g-v ©ru • »* Happawlagfl tf ta» ¡ ••4 Week The Norwegian «. h » uer Trita n lias wrecked, ani th»' ad joining struct ore. <>b«t r «risai. rueuta are rwj»i-portatwe, an»! g*rri- | 10 of her rrew drvwm*d facturera of tadel ! range* and k it c hr u stiUS and ¡vatrota are in proc« •• »»f eiten- Washington, Mar1 h 24 — Se *jrtorv slutt wherever American« hold territory. Albany. N’. Y., Match 27.— Ths* an* I> n*b»n, March 94 —It has ?*wn supplì***, was alai o taadlv damage»! by F*ob F itasimmotis ar I h id M.<*< t Th* B*»©rs luti. *0.003 C.-hting inen new ¡*ro * overtures the force ind vet it i« an un Irnial.le fact that ! *>*••! rr|*>rt of John MAt'Kin, »tat«» have Lrru matched to tight Joly 4, . » learn* l t vit n Is'l building . his reply to tbe msi>iutb>n r*»)uv*tin<- • »nee Jaunarv I th* » insurgent* have •upv'rintendetit »»! tatao »tati-tic*. *av bue tw-« n ma te l»> L a rd '•allsbury. rx»r ©ver It*» prywn« rounds at cat« h wwigbta K rugar d ea not n pact Its (or thr quarter Immigrati n r are at*» « .¡*»t»-*! at ¡.r««*-nt fy Great when the agploetoci te< nrrwl «»n the informati»»u • •n Ihr war department** «~apture-l a nm. tar of t rifles and «¡nanti- j Two murifersre al l m¡* rii. Vs , th* p wrr» an in- Vili ’ 1er -«■« «» 1 r « i M ' Ilin building | pro* tlew of grsnting permita ->r g *1 ' tire of ammnnitiou from tlx» Amrn I *•»»«*•• ctide«| • , Decern « I , • ■ •«» show intatti lita telegraph i* «« rre«q«»ud- s st h ware lyn bed after the militia that bad «f l riti»h pris* ttare, Ia»rd *-alisl<»ry rxrth wall uf the tmilvtii^ ng. sii I thr vtate* that u*> vuii4'«*«b K •: »'ricatl aptur« • from thr ItiflUl gent Fifty th- »»»nd lata•>era «»n thr t-’ar*! tedding th* prroldeuts uf th* re Ting le i»f the uth hraw ma*s cresbe*! through the u jot of ksvavate th© g- “llrfl|»!re thi«. tbs rasttally rate I for quarter th© ar« ivate num!«r» l 51 of Puerto Rico are witta-ut w rk. and Ainraii republics rva¡« n«il :»» Nome the ta«t two week« will COIU* '• , y5 ‘ in th© «am© thr«1«» n>*!••!• of Johanne*! nrg •tories in height. cl «r t. !«*ing heavier than at any other j hWJ. The largest pro|»»rtt*»natr g* tb n ar Weiss ami Hatifler. w ta» were work­ ' mad© l»y the wreretarv of war « r «n« |wri««| au «I Ihr gold n..ix-a tlrere has m t I* • u r i<* of lb* in*urrr* ti*»n with th* n I ih***© rai »’•!«•<• r i ;• g at ing on the ttpptr fl*»y of th«< la«! build­ : otlwr oft!« ial «»f the w ar «le|Mrt ment, .r|4i ti of the time »»( thr outbreak and I rivals was made l v th«* Nloiaks. r a i»rei Th« Philippin* rem misai n brnator l>avi«. • htdrman of th* sen i» n un* the torluighl • ginning with M ar-h 25. Í pollah race was »* »'n»!, ih© 4T» »tU It s« : • - **ain that Ma taking's ing w«»re * ru«hed under the falling dr I but that pertu * taken to Mam a II the trausj«- at* f-ummittan • n I« i» gn relation« am) l Nichole« an! were def th»’ ttav igwtb n a« t of Mi only rFiaiiee* he iu relief by the culaniu I ris an ! * «»rant* «rant* n c « m a. and will sail from san 1 !•• ■♦» I h« -w* are hard hu ts to aWall«>w , ' and Slav*4t>i«4lis thir French re ipr-»city [«»Inta an I «»no w lust alarming Hit«» tin» lair- “In ¡«'int of mini I »re th* •< u • qq«>**«*d to 1 «■ a*!'an mg fro«»» th* burned by the etpk osi->n, *nl were ! t*» et> AVNtr or drrelgv fur * <»n t| rd 15. treaty. Mid that te t w uh»tan-hag the Dal tan« -till retain th© lr».l in i tak* u fe»’> it lhe \|H '«»1 »Ihn building by where there can I*© Do hili’lra 1 e V a* .th, « r ill ’ hr ,» ’ *s|l»ilIt v that < ’ «d>*n*l gain • »nr man w kt led and five injured j urp •— t « «-it--nl tita time f-u the •• t H«» •tale»« that proep ec I» *re W bib firent r u « ere working navigation 1 h* threatened guerrilla w »rfar» grati» n, thr arrivai* of that raer t it« hall, ««u thr Balli- Baden*PuwelI I« "till atrong enough L» flreu.ru i» <»f ratlfroatioh*. he j r ¡* ♦«■• u> bv a < a » e- in «t to «voi l«l lia Ibero atte ¡t a sorti» with a view <4 • a¡»tur* in thr \t» < • 'i lin bull «ling, th© third mu«< «©cure such prfmi that wa« heard of on rvriv »id«« fl«riita ’ nearly i»n©-l<»urth of th« t* t il. •ad Ih itili«« roiith moro A i ih:»» r«iir< Al he can to ofuain retiti at¡ >u dur­ >v a t fl.v r gA'r * «v, a id in this crush FTre- I ility t»> heniry hu«* UU- ing Hi» II* r g hi * at a time when < •*m- I - ta» a «tern reality, and ¡»artiv« of .“Hl I w»»ru l«,14'f. or «4.2 i * r «-»-ut, *4 that «•f Pittsburg, Fa. ing the prsaamt sew ion IS mau IM nie I Rre*d had hi« I« g broken. T he secretary add* msmtant "uyman ha» withdrawn • ■r a . »*r iiuin « rs arv am' u«h«*»t ati«l class who lan»t«'-l «luring th© q1 iirt« r The Alaska 11 ail **As this statute wa* editor F '.li za Ur th T Ktruli T he pro¡< rf n < u to oppure 4<»l«*nel Plumer's ad- is ata»ut Jttr ¡<•*1" day after* day. Supply ; which ©mlrel last Itac-’iutar. Nr xt 111 w ith gro.»t sue- « •• dion, it ha« tram«, «mali 4 h»*ort* ami scouting par- the hum«ri«al or»!«” • « th«’ Hr. Nautilus, a < hrifltb I ire, w hi«-h «I the et i *i* n hd f«»r th© protre tii»n »»! na y anew (ran* mitt«*«! from 4 < ir« l«*-en thr ¡ rartl»*© «4 t «ar 4* part paper, at Mous Falli nal damage. N* thing has dev el« 'pad regar ting tire are lite «¡i •eta) object« of attack. I brew«, with lo.07fl; l*ols**» fl.liH; ing ton in 3*i «lays. « «)l¡s decir* and in* ««»unti gulltv Hl the tatara! <>< !»« ral r>uilrr*« intentions, but h'ffvr*. n h«--¡4tal. mrnt to grant ¡»«’rmiM t* it *em*« to I* full <«f • vaks, fl.ajfl, Gennai I j «» h >« m I tl»« bum«*! mg toevavate fur anv Work has I *g u n «n New Y<»rk city*« aifuis hard U» I«ellev» that hr i» s gala •tuall, t«»\ ing !«un la, watting at every na via n«, 4 43(1; N an-1 Iri-h underground rail wav, which will in- emlsiiking <«vm-ral Warren’s divb ion re, but the fiali)«*« tb© w<»rk is n*«t *u» h a* o.tn ontani uutil the pr*y is 4.14 MO! th© M>2 immigrants Il I* n j- rtad ft lz ur»*ti Maiqm • iigu(•)>«• I, Dot trota bave qulcklv » avenged th«’**’ rabia Í | dvwtiixM I«» the stat«»« rompi.» The Jiffrrential frelght r ito <»( |0 j- 1 torn. numlx*r of similar ¡*rm W ’ *iu» n. franti*' st the reveree« to the • »re of procauttou by flrtttng t < Imrnv«llately mi l hunting j North Atlantic divisi- u. «4 n hi» tr « «-nt un th* t ’anadlan Pacific l*twr*-c to th© same terr it« «yy, w \ ik I • < r . » ■• 'i • t< . '**■'■• d»»w n and Iti I Hing a* manv of the ma- I - grutij» th© st.it© .4 tb.»' I a-t Ah ! -«il Fiale i» «< | fl m - i*b* «l, ry <>f > grants or mn< r*«i«»n*. at to •i;«"*t tlie P>nti*h utb» » r* impri«* u» l rendere a« ¡■-.•ible ’Ihr«» lessons I th© largest niimler. Th« w»e w T!»i« 1- ih«* <-ut-*m«' i>l a m«- t.ng I»« N . mid. •* A H E V O L T I N (. CHIME n<» rights whatever, ru at prettiria It i*» al«** alii»« um« I !r»»m bave m»t rii f«»rg«'ttvn. an I in Hie im- . t«> ill© West d|v is»- n iit)iiil«rt*<*s threatam-d to *«*• * r» NOT MUCH PROG HESS I>o Ir •gal re « **Aa there ••*rm« to I K< >v arti n » nt h»*« viti*-** are gtving ih«« qm*« Itritiah 4»p# rat I«»»» • 4 hr. kr>| ) »» «>>»»11» < ir.«' fn«n. ¡wrti» ¡¡«aiing in traffro ong found g 1 ight'iij a I Uaotiibm Wa I tuuitv t” p»«.*j«rct (» r g«' Liiiln Mar h 7 I x«*«q t forth» ci« nttal were <« ntinu<«d mltiug «rime mmnHtrod In Chester- smart artulerv duel Warr«*nt u Hear ruary h ¿ as < A»b- mining right« under th oing law» •Mkfety. for <»n thi« i!**)«’mta th«» future of ■ t a««i* "tinfortunate •*. > urren •*.’* a* I I yesterday moruing A liuttery under fl» !d o n|v a taw day« ag*». Mud» <’• n • rn I« lt under wai Th© government o( \u-trls-H mgarv killing <»! Li4»iitenaiit • » !• u«*l ( « * y Montagu* White that ths Ikwrs will ha• replied to th«- Mouth African ap­ Iw-rley Light H<>r»e, !<* ated th© porr*, from her home Lr four whiti’ mm. mrnt determined, as a al |fl»llcy • wift and i’v»-rv ¡«uniflhmt-iit» an- look4-d ■ LivuteiMiit (‘«4 »nd ( • -iringom came*! <«• the wowh near bv mid a«- who empi v »*4 four gun«, two «4 w hi« h • v Juhanneatairg t*» ¡ revrnt it !*• l»*w feature* 1 li«« mtahap in th«« th’fthy J art British l«att«-r» replire! with ♦ ff«*< t The Itarlin su when both beiig« r.iiit* leaiix) it. t¡on* Against of war by thi« statute, to r «ary traina." s* 1.» r ’, the cuts being from four : guarís* • •file« r« i< a t»-*ti:n n» t ■ »1 trace« I the Burr fire. Th«» Boer ttairitirs will citizen« «¡»¡»lv ing from th© «4 "t** I hr- h»,-:. ' lb* two »hell* near th© rail wav »I t*> 12 inch«« in length. bravery , bui n<«t thrir «l«*-«-reti»-n Then ooal oil of the dama«** «hi I ti«»n. ber GREAT STEEL FIGHT t«*rj»»w l bv thi* »tatutr «« h ng a* ENDED I in. I a party of five IL r« whom r¡r*t fl'*-r in i* fn* t-•ry ding in N« vv which wa* not «lain .agre!. was ¡sHir«*»! over her am! she wa« set on pfoja-rty owned bj d»»ne to I>r»• j«>•e.I <'¡MrratiuuN «1 i»» t, in .'*■ York city wbi* h w »* t» i.» » d«*tr-»v»»«| tried to capture Thr Itoria badi 1 A scouting ¡«irti got tuu < I* w tí» th* Or«* and rrtrase«l in th»- w «« h ! s , to run 4 arevglu at»«1 I rlrti ••III* 1 h«>|r l»lffvr mans. trrh-re witii navigation All »| by fire, thr»*» fireturn were kille-1 au«I Isink uf the river, and rn*'«»uiitrrr«l a • r< .» mg *ntil •)»*• tall t <*<.t« ’ ha t.rrat r icilrmrtit prrial!« in San two injured prvqierty tos« h«»t Are. Th* men were unablv to grt I ">n far a« it h Jacinto, a« it ha» l*eeii dis*vnerod that I I mlnutr« evrrv r member of rf|i‘»»« Ifl'twci ■vn II C Thr court of inquiry • < nv «-m-d bv- • WAV, Afl*! It WA1 imjoswi - i»- to rei»«* ■ e Lie to di*|NW»e «4 them, r* ¡•art of the han Jacinto immutali lhe p-*rtv w v« hit «Irew «e, thr ¡«arty ta-mg h«»r body. able attention. N si appi it at l«'ii »Hpj«ed into a su bierre tirali «av«-rn \p¡. Cftith .!! r . I i* tad < •••ie !’•« n»’ was 20 years old, the ¡»artica int»-r«’»-?• d ha •• of investigate the !<>*• <»f ihr «Tuiwr obliged to wait fur darkm*« in order to ¡¡»•ft a n ha« b *rll denied triiít» I wring ‘ ■ a- I«’ «t fil) r r*ta- i escape. Th«» ¡»atty retired with only daughter of George Ikxtne. a farmer ptan uf rvorganiaation, barIe*t41« ,•.),♦ ! r n** r«c*'ht «arth<|uak<* nnd ha* *I í ¡<¡ a *J 150 Kimta'rb’v. d.»f< I \\ • ’n* L«v . M a » rw- J is said, WAN n<>t This morning brink tiring llxi ship. Were awaiting thr *r«-rrto!’ ! war » ©f New JrrM V ta»-t 'i« -.'.than it had ¡ire»io4*ly st»«*! anti med at Warrenton, alaiut fl v «”. ening she I. ft Ih» < arncgie Steri Ptant. Lt«l . Iw ’ •>» wnn uu» « that h* * a« al th«» j* signature at thr tlm»* “ I thr p,» *agr «4 Machinists of (Tevrlan-I, < >., ha « 4» í u. Ibr* r other* w» r« c< . »•« a »(• ■ « « •oij-anv with a - a | ita! ’ I* •« i* tb. kly traversed with fliumrvs I «een ordered out. A detachment of Fuidlrre hau • r- ft left there later iu ât from f ». J* -» t»» f .• ; wHb th«’ relief * *•*umn thr i bid of engine, rs, ami approve»! by ami crack«. Poulie Ville, l'iwa. i« I «ein, t» rroriz* I n vud. urn Me»-n an was seen Monday priraka, Hl < a ¡ m Colony. the ofht «’ of the chid <»! engineers 1» drop|Ms|, and H. ting, ntti’i' being tak* n from laager to night running through the w<>4>ds. II* prucei of 4’iAminati*>n U) m » i > th«- qti©« «tant of thr coiiq»anv The crown pr rill««**" <»f A us» ria n!i * laager Ar-uild tiie district. They KH V Ta '■ ■- n J< in Jackson, Abb » aii * *• n» r at K ia »« Chou hai 1 * t At !«>«« IH 4 »th a . ti«»n wh« th« r lh«’V Hit«- rfry© w ith flax I* ail hr ha* • «>t»t« u Ici I'«»tint I ¿ui» nv w» r« im»rti«'d ai \ ronna t ».it th«- big gun in>m kimtarlcv lias Kirklv and Jim \«-tn«r, rejs»rt4«.| that i instro* tit ns to take »uch The»»«* facta s re • fl Four more, J iu«t received, are Havana, March g ; —Gu\<»rn* r U Culwna are clam« ring a^-ain-t the ’*•«-:» Lik'-n thr mgh t'hrtatiana t<» Pre­ they heard th« «• reaming, ami, coll«-« t- gati4in. •s f«-r the ¡»r t«*« ti» n. not only authoriz«*! statement ianuov I tonight bv eral W íwh I ha* ro**rutîy h i l inr* r in the «»Ilice of the » secretary of war, Mí t* arrvttl in toria Ib o* ar«- wnucu and children mg a < n w d went into the wimm I m and » an mia»i* *iiAri«-« «ml other iu* continuance of Mamigar and will t* <1.4y be M»nt to the chid of the rom pan v with j*rrsi»K« «»f influen« »*, who m n» arly every Train« now found the girl. Some one threw' an t in -han Tntig province «« may thr bishopric* A« thr capital •>! th«’ Carnegie 4’<>m* «•tenuously u*.-..| t o* t.t ate ti | m * di* «•. !» r«T»<. Cnle*« »»thvrw « ts Warrenton. overcoat over the charred ami living ■ • • *«ary. but of American mi« Ihr lu»t r* at \li«al North arv still run by c*«ngreaa, the «eri rdarv «4 war will jmnv. Lt !.. I* f 25.000,»KHI, under thr | «ble ¡>ru¡»erty rather than r.o woman, and tli4»n summoned help. • at well. pru|»»«rd plan «»f reorganization, tadding a ¡■xitb'i» in th»* big hill« n rad • Ogar as it i« Inaiin manu fa«'tu facturad lb When a doctor arrive«! «he wan dead. Arthur L an retired from the ihr In* ‘»tat«’ »id«« disvretton voted 1 in him By taw, 1» i artner will hold either right <»r ten a ho hol<| till* v l»'W * * IB* u l t i. »t on !• r s • » Ugni» Mil Itluilllllfll y !>* ’ |»«ki t Ilin.*» thr amount in the corporation »tage. TREATY RATIFIED. J. F. Allen, of New Orleans, ha grant jm rrnitw in all • ’ the present system lm¡»©dim©nta nr« log I’r.ijrclita. A« Mr. F ri« k holds »» fl ¡w per i cent cml «»f « I the thrown in th«» v ay of |r»»»lucti* u ujs n nil other s inilur M Patrick's day w*» 4-nthn*t(rally tfliught l,i’«H).ta>o Paris cx¡i«»«iti'>11 ti< k N’rw York. March 24 < ' >m»|il«'Tabta IJel*»*l»«g l»» ti»»» l»i<|» «iti»»«» uf Katatea citiz« ita 1 th» I ntt* I rfm>l*any stock in th»» < tariirgte Steel Fht-y point •I* as a e|*culation out that many » a I ihi I»!« »•.»■' rat I thr ughout < apo Town. <»f Ut»»»«» W h»» %l»r«»«»l. irt* reit i' taken l v naval <>ffl ia I* here < ’«»n. ¡»any. hr will reertve ill sloe rk of retata-« hav»» berti laying idle ami on that the pro|«»*-i*d vv rk lhe will of Philip D. Atmour, Jr.. «•i l «t W a-i.¡ngi* n m th«- *’ff«»rta w hi« h Hftty Grttau’s «laughter 1« «aid to i© Washington, March 24.—The senato iiAv igatiou. " thr n»-»V * • h i-rn, I Ì . . », ■ ioti |f It !• pr«dtietive for years, «»me even ha»in, rngAgcd t- a I“ r N|*aniah nobleman. was ¡>rovf%l and a Imitt«- ! to |-rubate invent r* «re it .«king to constru t a U m I av hi «•x»’cutivr s»-Nsion rutithd thè capitalized at $?'J0,tMKl,0OO; fl5,i 'MM* - complete sugar plants, I The «utatr is va'«u«*d m ( f* ' 1 o »0 V Vrgt.i « • I » VI» » III shell containing a « hrmical compound trvaty ta-tw«-« n thr l nit«-,l Ihc K<.- ('.!■ I ît!»!t)ig «5 • • tiIf who «re are rich men. arc xr living lit fu I \ negro, txM» . Itatalgh, N. <’., Mati’h 21 *r»»at Bri (a in relative t«» the «vtatro 4>( John F. Norton, a Northern Pacific w i> h, when il -trik» • thr water, will His «mntentton in hi« stilt was railway *v »Irin has been odd at atle­ Madrid an i other Eu I urujH-ati < Tom Jont ’ t, ««»muiotily kn«ovi in (he V /■ upend iLuminatc thr «urf und ­ CltiZriiN of olir Co «wit« hmati, wa- run <»vrr in th«» tard« iQDtry who dir in the that hi« -t** k was worth at least ! lift. jtitte ontairel for their propri ti- u thi« 1)00,000, and hr surd to rev LNi’-a of thr h« ted h« i morning murdered I Ila J'»n • taw days. Them waa tours tat«t S)»ain. Itanr Vlimral O’Nrll, ci irf of tinti for thè l’MSt diff»*r«-ii* «• b»-tv«« » n that and theamotiut General M < wm I fv* l« that if th«" 4' i, I« »W mitted a f .» v*e» k« an i bus ¡>t vistomi of th»- agreement to dejwnd- ing childrvn. ranging in ‘ »-ar« fr» tn a tain count iiw. Th© inert mg * allrel today of th «• I’rriin. Manh 24.— Th* G>*rmati ju-t !•<•« il tir»*! at thr Indimi Head prov- ru* l«*« of (he l nitc»l nly 11 |«»u ta«ie <>tir month old to thr largewt l«»y, tav -ring universal *uffra/»» r« •*)'!» ! in Al Buda I’««!. Hungarv 24 p-uMiit« ing gr- und» • rut-» r taule h*»» I b-tav at Kiel r»- • iv»», 1 I I hr foul l.ivutrnaut St’aii*«, in direction ut ih«« »awmaking l piwsr of who waa not m«>rv than 5. • fai ! ■< l b* il v j « r j ». . » arre dr».w n<-*l bv the vapwizing of a charge o| the pt 'ill/ grounds, ha« no thr t’nìtml State* ».* thus relieving the chihlren were burned to d» »th I he thr name Prins Ih-inrich ami w«« ■ut. in ubi h th« v w« rv < r »Mug th«» Henry, of • ere atatut 5‘) m*groes and ««viral ■ ••ted t« \ ral ‘J'Ncil t!uit th«» pr*»- tTraty of the « riti 1 tain that it csiiilrrmt crime wa« cvmmiit«’*l at («arnrn», A 1 lit christeuw I by Prince*« IMnulir »luring a gale she i* IteR arm« r«*l, with linai 1 tasa. ;• ct i ; i* i • t- • .-r-» *mr aij It- ■ - ,j„ ‘it, t«»o groat ¡aiwrr upnn thè president. lie town five* mi!»* rot of heir I be Irussia Nine )«r-<>ns acre injured in New % r r I • « I of «h 11» w I **« h r <1 •. « ■»• •-11 ¡»tate Ita) mllhti »*t«-rs thi« k at th» turning *>ver ani <»• r in it* flight, Artici. murderer, accunling to the «to» of Lieutenant Fteatot* Schreier, pre«* 5 w am amended so as to make N r k by thr dropping of a «’•«al chute New York, March 27.—Anc’iig th»» Wrtter htir. *he has an indicated ta>r«e I it apply only to thr right of dia|«i«ing little 7*) «»ar oi l taura Joo« «, I *nt eecretary uf thr naval it*«qw-cti* n ujoti an rirvat«*d tram. ¡••w»*r of 15,000, ami triple vi I-alistar ¡•asM tigrra who arrived t >«tav < n th»’ I ■•ar»!, ha« I »cru w! !» « t» »l !<» NU«-« V«*d burn* d with an «-valient light Su« h of pr»q«*rtv. Aa drafted, th»« treaty ••« a|-rd with her younger >i*t«r. «tramer < illuda from < *ul*un ¡««rt* vv»*tr <«rh4«ral Hernandes, leader of the taptain la»aty a* gov «■n»'*r of <«num. a j'i‘ jt* tilr w. ilh>ntat« from I a » ••!««» » kn» *t* an hour. >he ©arries two 2 4 Vt-nrtuela r« v«duti**n. I« making pro- am! then made two 1 ble in time of war. as a warship e«piip- cut» into th© ta»4y RrTtain «ti I upon th “ *«» of thr Cnitrd «►•man Pasha, thr her». ■ f Ftarn » 1» ami 25 shipwrecke»! • amen Twenty • utim«t»-r gun« in tw > revolving tow gt«-as again-t thr gov«*rmnrni lb th* n fired tbs 1» a I. In 1 *v < <1 hr «I»-h-ated the finc-t ¡- I with ♦* veral «4 thia tvpr would le- Mates m <»r« al Brttalu ’’the wamr right of the •>hl»’«l chil I of th« lait» r are from th«» Norw Norwegian rrw ■!! 15 • rfitimeter guns in ♦ * t .r, t . it ci rm • in ncqutring ¡••-•«-*i< n* or «ii»(«»fliiig «»f ta>u«r tr»* ¡»« of tlx* «zar in three pit«*h«’r ta the mur»l«r, they w» •nt to t-»!*«*’ tant» vtilving tower* and nnmrrous smaltai •ahora <>u H g Ktv ree<, in the 1‘ a I ia - men tallar of the Irmiflvaal capital. Ilei him , March 2, aud l*<-ame a t«*tol Io*«, 1 h»-y f'-uml that hit gum». «¡th f-»tir <«»rpr«!«» tuta-« *‘acquiring1* 1 au -I "pi*•"•"**ing” were to arr»-*t him I ight ladle* of thr •uitan*« ¡wta««* at stro ihr atti« king vr^wrl l Mat««« *'iprrmr r art rendered already reportevi. lhr»r«’vv tandvd « n •!ri- k*n - ut V amrndrd, th* treaty <*loth»M «till ta rv ««ins of fr.-*h ‘ ! b-id. di«) ta> ©ment I« H.woo ton«. I MM< Ititi Sb«l«»«|. < *«U«tantiU4'plr ha*r lawu sent lut*» ex a l « « I -Ml II Cr»»ckrr ha« offer»*! to «lef»ay th«* The other thr shipwrecked im .» turn St Joseph, Mu, March 24—A The city rotin« il < of Astoria, < )i,, cl.**.« mall matter, was rv<’ommltt«d by Monroe, Mich . M ir h J4 eip*u«e of «cuding out a ¡«arty from wrre from thr tmerican •» boom r Hat­ ¡»a*M*d an ««rdlnati«'© i authorizing thr thr h» ►« toda» tn thr rummitt»* e»n ‘Rone” robber, «raring a fair* face, to an ice gotgr a larve |«*rti*J thr Lick tal r«4lp*r of th«’ «tin • m May 2H A f** f l.¡» im-ti n to r< i. mit wm - *>dr. ¡«iva uU the mask, held up thr •oulb bound kill«* taet «•( water aud th»- • ri* .. worse < « < »-in* r < <«*n«-ral D avi « cable«I .-rut* each f«»r all rats taught or killed complete outfit uf in-trumrnts will 1« I Ish MuriiKHi, 4«o («» Mestre. that it 1» rrs,*r tad a* un'lkelv (hat the KAh»aft < Ky. St Joseph A c< «metí Raisin nvrr i« rnuuing tluvxi that 500 t -ns of provision« will be within the city limit* • ithili the n«*it takrii A station ha« hot v»*t !«ru Chihuahua, Mrs., March 27 —Tim measure will a¡>)*»ar again during the Bluff« train, I f«>«ir tnllra M>ud Mid. after the burg. la . at I 30 o'clock thi« morning, the north. « »trat .• "»O,ta»4» and ha« i»•) in • It w» r u 14 • fu r Meulis. tory suuthwrflt <>f hero, was d«-«tr»»ve| |»y 4 story « f thr *ulu «r* hiprlago, mraoirr« bave Nir William Van Ib rnr. fortm r ¡ res­ Trsw»|» klllr.i « llrsliri».an. its taartul ta«iler evpb**ton this evening New York. Mar» h 21 —More than « a«I» and a g«14 watch. II«» pulled the building at 2 47 t’enter atr» I bn 14 * n takrn bv the American autbori- ident of thr ('anadian Pacific railway, 1*11 curd an i when the train «lowed raid* tolay an«l fell inveii Brook Haven. Mi«* , March 27.— lu Ihr** meu are dead, on* will die an i tu- in the Philippin«»* for thr adjudi- i» lutereste.! iu a ju ;• ■ t for the t n- 1,000 cavalry, infantry aud artillery recruit« will leave Fort Schuyler and down jumpe«! off and e* a ¡»rd ill the juring thr«*«* of it* <> u|»«u three others Were lujurr«! | h«’ tr Fort slocum tomorrow for Pnaiklyn, dark nr «« where they will ta>ard the tranfl|«»rt to the Burling!* u gi-nrral ofTice here year« old, the elevator I* kirk and Marion < arey. L n \ an Pus­ by Muara An/»din»- a tr»< p, who w »■« »--Ufl of thr trvatv whi> h he and <«en­ William has f I ô .OOO.’HM) at his dl- somner. which will sail Saturday for fr« 'in !-angd< u, lhe first station south hatzung and Ant« n >« u kirk, the engin«*« r, hatl his skull •baling a nde It jM |.Mr. I a mob «¡11 trai Itatoa ctitervd intu several mouths posal. of Hamburg I* organized to Ivn h him. the Philippines. llrooklv n urushr«! iu and iM>th arms broken«. ag». »c:o ontcn’.s of Kotes Between Sa.isbury and Kruger Secretary Root's Reply to the Senate s Resolution Many Came Fr.’m Europe the Past Yevr. IH[ OS (If IH! WEIK An Iowa concern is making farm I at- in C rî-tantiîi.q.ta ta lirie i w Agolis wholly of st4*rl Ru »A «im« a ! • <’ti»mrr lai protectorate I la> trtaa) |» «rr ran I* transmitted ut m-rthrni Asia Miu«»r. with profit *» ■' tn I Ira and used a* steam T hr American Political league, a new it used. organization, will hold a national con­ Of the 25 men who have Ailed the vention in I -ton July 4. governor's chair iu In liana. Guv. < ungre*«men and senators have 15,- Mount is the only <> um living ih •-•».*«>»»i package* of ««-«-da to distribute Pennsylvania factory inspectors re­ among tbdr rural M>n»tituenta. port 2,299 accidents la«t year, threw- Nearly all the progreseive railn*ada f«»urths of which w«-r»* lue to carele««- am al«an«l< ning wtaalen car« and adopt­ newfl. ing thr steel built structures. Tlx» Mississippi leg¡«latum haa pa ••**»! The cum of worldly lova is divine a law forbidding thr «ata of «■ ■••ainr ri­ Jut© for thr world. ce pt whan preacrilied by a physician. The adv am-rd price of turpentine, In Virginia a company has lawn raisins and naval stores is making huu- formed to make* artificial marble of dred« of Florida produ tie up machine »ta-jw thn ngh- • . i the • ntry uni«*« the nine houf 1« ►’f.iirrd t all empl ’ • h «• ••«■ih an« h aright with local tnetn* ta r- . th«* National Metal Trades At­ a’ ati«>n as to cause them to take Im- me-diale steps tow ar I < rgamzati* n. Th»- nat nal « rganuation it only par- t » lv p»rm«*d. Imt when •'otnpl«-ted will I«»* ! i b th»- machine manufa< turns of L» • city an I adja * nt town« Funkfort, Ky., Mar« h 24 —state fr v-( 1, recognizing tie* I >V flUHTSt 10 « *ru >r, Peckham, are in pttwerssU n the »• nty court bout* and Jail to* • ht. ai>an«l Ila»! a year ago. waa publican se* rwtary of »tate, Caleb Pow­ married in WilkrsBarre. Pa., the thin! ers, Captain John W. Ihivi« and W. H. time to Dunid Reeae, ag»-*! 92. ' ( alt n. which ar«* set for beariug before Dr Arnold ('. Klebe, • ¡«raking at tlx» Jmlge M*ed by 73 «pe» is I deputy (hat 100,000 ¡«©reoua J’sof c*»nsumptk»o sheriffs, who were sworn in by tlx» civil each year in the United Mates auUi< ritirs Uns afierua. lt.xl I*« Kanaaa City, March 94. — R J Me- Farlanl, chief of the han««« < ity police dr ¡«artment, baa hung up a bounty h r thr taxhiMi of all highway rot»ta rw kl'lrd in the city while tn the a t of committing robl*rire or directly thereafter Ibr prbe thr rhirf ffrr« to give for the ta»dy of each highway- o.ai. t ? nr • t t«r )»aid t of hit •a’arr, 1« The reward 1« open to mernta ra of the hirce a« well «« any i ¡turn. There have rr«*ently l*m many highway n>l>l*ri4M on thr Kanaa« tide f the river. F«|»l>»«l»»n at |*>>w«l»r Warks. 24.—Th* I/vuisiana, Mo., March •r ¡»arati ng house at the Hercules ; '.Sr.* »! I .a M It* ! • m. •« north* blew up t< dar. an i Pet« r Bucks ani Edmund Garter were blown to al* ns. Wliat caused the eiphwion will m-vrr I»* known. Washington, March 24 —The nary dejmrtment ha« l** »*d Orders f*»r the repair of the crut*©r Boston. n*»w at the Mare l«land navy yerd, the cost wf ubich will be «bunt fAOO.OOQ. %(|«>|*tr«l h) til* «et« «Ir Washington, March . :•» — lor» today adopted th«* • ’if«**» » <* n- « ri <>c the Puertâ» Rican tariff till by a vol« of 35 to 15, practically a »tri tlv ¡»arty e i pre «s ion No Ih-tiH»« rat voted for lilt report, but Stewart, Silver, of Nevada, Vote«I w ith thr Republic«n•. I hr time of dIs»*u«si*'ll was c■.in*ume«l im *tlv bt Tillman, who made a tier e attack «»z thr mra«urr, and a<'cu«H*d th«- Itapu* li­ ona «• na tor« and thr Republhan p-trty of Indiacrvtiou, hv parley and “«lirty h 4»«»*l»rl Viitperl». Frankfort, Ky.. March 29 —The pra liminarv aiaminati n • f -« t«rv o state Caleb Powers, • •harm’d with a «*t ting the a--*a•>!nat 1' ti of Willi on • •«* 1*1, ta-gan today before Judge Moore The courthouse was guarded ln«i«le and out by militia and «<•» res of deput) sheriff« with Winchester rifle« to | rs* vent ¡«»»ible interference from moun­ taineers. wta» «ere rrjfl’rte*! *»n theil way to Frankfort, but their presence was unne<-esaary, as the mountaineer« fai.ed to appear, and n*> die r lt r oo carred. Mufilrrr.l by M .*>>»»• h I ■»•> r • . itelrigh, N March 24.— <»ov ernur R u » m «-I1 is officially iniormrj that la«t night four masked men went to the home of Ge» rge Kittel, a negro, near Carthage, ami attempted to hang him, but hr brv»ke awav. Ile W .4 • caught, however, h««nil lv mutitat«*«! and hangrr«i anr>ali»t« of the «tate-, alt i ocenp <■ I a far#« n%«-»tr>> ¡u hn« fully HOt Y..|«.i In lian. .urroun.l.-l , •hort ly «um n-lrr or thr mmplrtr anni­ hilation of th.- rrtwl. I« roti.|ib rrrr«rlm»nl Slur* graphic views, when they were sur* KaoirUI». la., Marvh »7 — < uh.r* roun«i«d by the natives, and three of U».*, «Wpartmant «V r. burn-.J w- the naval tn en were taken prisoners. (lay. 1 a >«., 4«J.0vQ. « t «