* * «»• . .. r -Ir*! V< >L. Ill S< '!< gr«*uml fl >>r cnl.i'i. a .plendi-i ami ibwiutn, Jtîiôli feel, «««mfurtalJy M"«t«'«l. ami 1 .t«ge l**xTl. On the th«* »«'.««rid li «<>r h i. tan n arrange"! "i «« of tlic mu.l « orivefd««nt and comfortatd • l«edg" r«»«n. in tho val* ley« pr<»vld«*«l with the ntx-cwiry pir«t>fiernaiia, [ r >|H'rty anil ant«’ » m l i. | i, I Itali, the wholo titt«-«l up In Ilio very t*«M mariner it powibir. 1 h« > iitlre tiuihillig r« a ly for <«r, up »ncy. never I dhrreil «»’•«•rtlng b»*r claim tunny part <»f th» •trm»i> uutp now. win’ll *t»r wont* to g«ih<*r in » man whotu whr» ! ;»•» i rh inc«* Io hang for killing another oil a atramtwait« >hc can’t rtfT. r l to mlw a Irhk like that. .•I « *•••••••••*••••••••••••••• : BY THE EDITOR • • •••••••••••••••••••••••. ». . » .X » H*,n. A J. J'*hn«*,n tu», r. • ix«-*l hi» roimnÌMÌ«»n »» Natlomd Hunk E«.1 ii > In«-r. ««„I within ii fi’w hi < k- li<* will pr >tMl,ly g*> tn \V gt *ii imi receive fle.,1 itoirii■'i-n.. iff* r which be xvill Imm* liatcly I« gin tli«' «lotI-» of his ' riu* up l*«>ititment of Mr. Jnhn**m to 11,1» |H»»lli««ll W«*UM IlHVI* Ix-vU til wlf» immtha nun h«»«l h«* not hoi th«* ••I’ |"*»ltlot> of .'•«•n:it*.r Mimmi »Oil thH opt "«ition ili«l not st >n«l tn tlic uty Iu .*« iy gr«'nt ex'i ul ... I*i the Html riw.it. Till» r I’»«» rrttl* lo tnhwf » Ji* l»nh*h which m | |w ir I itt th«» <>r<* ifotiliin worn«» hionthw «u’-> «t.ifiog lli.it the ii|«|tfuntfii«-nt to t* pr.ictintl !y ftgrved upon l ut un* -hl up” h ! th«» r< <|ii< U <»f ■'» ii 1 loi *ttnon. Mr. Johf.•■»«>'• «t oti to.«* in th«* hand« of nMor .M l-ruh' rim I !{<*pri”cntd 1V« I ifr.'»)»’. to I th« ir iu id** Leli «’( to»*r<» *u(!h ]<•«»! Io bVi’R ollie (II«» o|»pt ”»i! hill of **« t » lor Ntii*»n A*hh* from thl* Mr. .hihtmn h id th«* <»rj»uld hardly *f for«l to turn him down for .* mm tollh mu<*h wriki-r ! kh»£ and tolthout til«» re i»fli*h»<• tooutd I h » f.HH.t !< I xfter Id- p- «nr iit I n I * 1 * 1 ii •** 1 r«- I Hlih* u victory by tlic frb»n h «»(.Mr* .lohu won, rod |*b»inly *h< to* tho r« l*.ii%«» *trcngih of < >r«’g«»ir* *vrutt«>r* with the of the high1 r d« j» trttn« nt-* Mt Hrtkhlngbui. * »« tf> r i 'Bruit»'* • tfort* in Mr. Jt»hu«« 1«. imlf w« rr Un ih Mi ng, ant S«»t»it<»r «»(»• j*'- ‘h u «imply bnd ui t/hl • iu I»« c!>ugr.itul,it < »1 G|M’l1th<‘ flu “I t< ’ ii’«. Mining ill Oreg •« In« long I«■•■!». an ! .Illi coiitinu«’. t > be, a Ic.uiing ti l p- i in.it.«-nt < iii | ! .> le >1. 11 I I * »,•-«•• ..;ty of ru»lilng <«ff to new er mid |a*ril<'Ua held, while g«.«t | <_x n g mine« are right at our «loor«- I he ' »reg on Un very » « II .ay. tl.it min Ing oia ratlon. In Si»«ith«-rn on gon have, In III«* in il«», with «I «low ti I« i • ti'lllV, »"Illi I' *1«, Hl wlllcll in'tlVIt) iii*ur«'. Mtlafactory return, nt Hu, vini i*f lit«« •«■«•on. 'I li«-"«- min«'* iuiv«* bad their U hhh at ig< -, follow lug rich «li»« «*v« r.v.. In linn« I >«t. but jti.l now they «re ticiiig w«»rn, u i it n..Ufed line«, Willi«' Illi ”ru«ll” tend» low.«r«l I i.l« rn l ir«g >ii ami Ala.kit. I li i«' I«, of «■• ur««-, mu« h pro«|o cling la ilig dulie lutili Ilo,UH* t du- and mi tl>«* Mr« am. of tin- rx.utliern < »ri-gon g«il«! I. «ring timi, l«ul rc<«-iil dl«- «ivi-rl« « h«»ve I h ' oii of minor v due n. crk lug < laitti- in Hi«' - ullicrn Motion id tin' .tale, lire »«i ll •alia* tied wllii their pr««| « r'u • mid pr - |H*Ct« Il ».«t|«f.O Holl Which llo'loUt't tlie «ertwin. output will niilply ju-li 'Ih.it ihx< I'ltlcd farii'ltig i- tbi- one thing needful for It»«« Wlll.im- elli« Vitlli-y tiro - r, 1 I h . mining n w«-l| Rppr«*i'i*«l«'*l I'*, I, 'o.'l * n«* that will m**«t «.-iiredly !■<• i* t«**l up.ui In th«* future. I lie rat.II g <4 whe il, ha the on«* « 14*|*«-1 uh-li« « g* I tig to I In* market for twitter ami me d to u**- u|M,n th" farm tin-p«.«« "l it. day, 11« th«' fad I- re« *>gi*lz«-«l that llo-r«- arc better metloal.. \X till«, Itie Wlllmnett«' Valley will pt *t»-»t*ly r*-- tain it. reputation a. 1 nliviil pro dui-ing country, uiivvi i II* *1 !>« atiy other, it w ill nl*si twivn l'"X'< kx I I al.iann I« the mldibe ,*f th, - dine ri« * r, t ut Ti X.i* W'RWITñ’To-TOOT' liuti ■ 3 g f « «nu MAf«HI« hh I liltihler. Hr.tu' - the «^j«Ä* i nk ; ow to ; ale «lu ' »• 'n*! r^k 'Of. «. • w * «x* *■ ’ ' I : e « ! « . ! ■ foi *42,00: with a xxritten gtiM-*»ti». »<•«• to cure or ret mid tl»o money • NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ti ntori A Jackson Lt».. C'tICACO, ILL. ! jr .wie bv e rv A «*•■» *v. - -io « '» ». Owner, of »mall orcliar«!« who Id [aiuitrv run am >ng th«- Ire* « ar»« u-- uilly troiibiid with fewer in««-«l. p«-»|. than u*ual. lien, are great •r I« »rd haw rrrlttlnly lirldge, nil,I Ihu. mlvi«« • the city «truth a I.«»I ¡»r »(MMiiilnn In Mouth \ltMny to ink«* e.»r«i of it, a« il Aturrlm -35 •< an virh»fT>g0. I »• Itieir duty to «1": tly thfr»* wrri’ •'If the bridge were «w«*pl an 1 a 2li> eno-« « f r<»k■ gì«- - i ». li*, w «• y king when I ile fact llilght «« Meli U favcii th.t t >lT K*”' would lie |4«.\(MÍí»vOOO Now file t>rldg<- czcvpl ||> mandate of thè i t I ! «m-«l on th«* lici*i« «if -iiprviiii- « uri, nnd it «liould in* IbM r*tli!» »!•', tie 14 probably m tiling k< [>t up in k«'*|'lng x»itli Albiny '» to neknoul«-dgi’ that ìi * a humorist pro.|w«ctii al Ibi- ti me. Theae «re he H r ither m « i e 11 <•»»-1 ve fniiurv. d ty « when w«- mu.t pò ahead ami nut back w nrd«.” AXLOn XADS3VXTS Wc h.x«- now gut our «prlng »am [«le»— I ‘ tug twMik. onlalning over «>na th 1 '•ft-4(1.1 * «tni'lv«. »tu! niiry a two alike. < >ul 01 y»«u ran •un ly get a choir v. *ult you both in prie *n<| flu |9«»riaI The il numi r of tailor ru ule *11 >t - III »! U » tfrt <• V«‘F\ M-tflHfl J* th** •nr» •! H'lvt rtUmrnt a* to bow niurh I h 111*r th<*y ir<* Ihtin n « ur < l> th» •» h*«\ f' iroi to hi kim I |»*«*IUvf*iy gti.ir ini«»« «I I » With tor !•» \ ■’■»r*» of «*i|MTÍrn<’t» rt)«M«uririL' f >r th«*-<- *ulf«, u»» know Ml 1»I til hou to fcfrt t.» »t fit*, ¿ind hnvr th»* ch>th«”» ¡’rngwrly ••k, !> :* hr flvl i I« I with th»» liotlot , • r, fh.it *’«» y * o»l\” <*¡»11 no **ur«* < I j,*1 ’ -*d fit* i hilt i*» I ’ i <1 j '• o hi* nr** hlth* I m Hvr fhìt» h n’ mr »I »wo-, < >rw’<* you u car » l M'.r in ill, > • -ti will hsvv no <••!»• r rvi-r Mtor. I or they look m > ’“ » ! » j . I , nd f» »•! - » g - m »* I on ti f« liAn»! y»nt crin ni’>« r »ipfmar k*- » r«*M .‘»»th «»‘nlury fu«n without you h ivo 01, mu« of our tailor ii > <• 1. Trebau Xecorl In . . ............ ¡'.ilr>«betb Smith In xi i.tory ti • <1. V alue of real v-t.it« |7tM>. < iu irdlan iippiinted for C. C. Sny ■ d«' r. In e-t 'tc of II A Irv'lm* Inventory flic«!. Ile il properly j I*k'*2, i-,*r-«in al pr«>p» rty *1177 • ■ Total fl ' > ■ .. In «-tale of .1 «na K«*»'», bond of XV, IL < i.'Hr « • » . '«ii«ir, f.,r *7 >,"*i up pr "i««l Itti ik i <« Burk'iirt mi l I* 11 .XLir-h;ill a j •..Ited .Ippr.H M*r«. Inc.i»e ut N --ulhard. i E llleli ir-on nppoint« I administrator Valuó oí « talc • 1. rl I mal :>< ' «.lint .tiled in 1 «tat** of A V < »den. I’« rmi*«loti to --,1 pi-r-otial pro|»'r tx in « «tat«, of fir.ic Ann Itavi, gianled. ?r.:t IrcTca Jkactìisr rioni«? Osas Noah shank. dl<<<| nt Mt. John, Wn.hlnglon, Minh II. I *»•», ng«-«i 77 yearn, tii'iiuli. and day.. Hi, wn. t»»rn It» Tenne*-, e, Sept. 22, I**.’-’, max-i'd tu |t«y county, Mi«.iHiri xx Illi hl. 1 irrn». w lien n l»*y, w hi i>- ii- wa«« married to Mary Itigg« M«y | l-td. |n l-.'*l I eru.-«*«i the pliiln« I-< »rrgon, -cttllng In Linn «••Minty, win-re he re.liied for tinny y i-.«r« In the V’elnity of «riwf«rd* ville. IL* innvi.l to I’o.t Fall» Ida ho, «evi.rnl y ear, ago anil from there to St. John, w her«* hr died He wu< « mrmlwr of Hit* Chrl.tl.an church ,l..iit ’««> x* ir«. H«* M'rx«'«l under Caputili l’.lak« I*' It* the H«»gur Itivi r »iirlnlMI. Ill« wife dliit at Ml. John Jununry 2, Ktn. Three mn. Ill I oil«'daught-r nr- -till living. jH*rfvct fitting tailor inae—lat- i «t spring -nit -1 •'•*' [l.ook at your sample-, the -nit xxill c«»-t y»u ¡?1S of $*20, anil then wait txvo weeks for th»* goods] Mell - lint ill! xxool 1H >/ black clay xx or-t«*«! -nil latest spring style Men « 1 .'ttip.irv oiu* «*f tln* -hlrt» «Ione tip ut III«« s.,|,.||| sti'.im l.iiin*lry xx Itti Iti >«<• you li ixv f*een xxv.iring ami it will I*«' ««pillo 1« Idiick and wliitv tirit their .u|H-rior metli .l. nre ilio triumph «*f line bmndry w-ork in il. ••*,,ili«lt«'colur and flni-b. shirt», ' "l.ir- and « uff- laudrled tticr«* in .1 manner «*<|U*il to n« w ut tln* very 1 ,w* t prii«*». Lnumlry s-at rvi-ry monday mornlng troni tlie i*xpre»« ortlce, and ridurti» Satur lay. ; • /•: íiv’»rgv W. \S ititi, of >t jth <»:tr
  • ami chair cur. to I I l*a*M», Fort Worth, KanwM l'ily, t 'hli iigo, Cincinnali, HoU.ton, New Orleans and Washington, l>. C. For rate», guide» and information addre«.. C. II. M XKK It XM. O. I*. A., 1‘urilaixl, i iregon. EA’ST and SUL’TH A Iri.tl trip to thè .Wnk'iu Stenti» Laundry xrrk will mesn Hut yrj will continue lo »«ml them y«»ur A elxig meni of 70 tlcr «•« ,of pick work. I.tumiry »■ nt « very .Mund.iy le«l hor>» lio nt, < "til.iiuing 2S,»< «••ut l.i-t l«y rail un .*"itur.l iy '-00- .|gn»*«i io <■ iti. n' erg, Sw»*«len. Tot. in«-il I. froiu Pur««-« wlii< 1 nevi r Tilt Ni xv * uni thè firegontan one f«*lt thè pre.Mire «*f cullar or aaddlc, year lor íXisi. Ini «|M*nt tticir live, ruuning al larga »■«» thè rang«-. of Ea.t««rn Ore* g«»n. Il w ili l.' fottml t«y thè con- •uiiuer- a much more«u|a*rl«>rarticle F.ur«ktt <>!l in the ’*»1 pf o*«r f A ; .4» »»f »tew i«*»bt thè w. rn «ut h« nw» W.14 tl « , r • •«.’ 4 klllmi for l'.xl in Eurn|H*an citi"«. h«ath’f 11 A. • ■», * ofl « ti », t;. « k- «!<« «nd prut« u. t *• Itt.it keep. imr»*.i-ing In prive bere, wlthout lni|ir»>vlng In «pialtty, h«>r-«' me il will «t.in«l a gtwal ch.im-e of < «>mIng into vogua n. f«.«hop nr.»r the* bridge SPECIALS le l.lvrrv .'«tubili »1 in (¡o H> THE * Gfei IH, X» Ä>1 H| ‘ il » 'li . I liihls nibl.t r«, si/e Û t«> .s, S rents per pair. Mi -••- ruhbi'!". ize 1’2 to IO cents per pair. Men« < i'.ii'l* ■ rubbers, narroxx' tu«*, 2*’» cent- a p (ìeituine " ,"n;i2 Proof riiLber boots, -hort. «< *• •» 1H. H. HENUNEO rhiipim.toii »N1.Y i lit I s t L MHO!’ IN THE CITV 15 «nt> 8ha»ing. 25 Hair Cutting, Úh»s;ooln¿. 15 Ledits Hair Lrsdsing 25 Sa ths. • • 25 4 i.;,. 4** 1 ’ 1«; *' i < • x 1.'t < • x 1. > x \ • 1 ri: and tlic nano* ' snag proof, i- 1 at tin* top and on the livt'l. If getting tn imitation. M n- .1’.ort Slicker SI.2 > ’I” J. WH.MiN, All work gu ir.int**."! tirateli»«. 'fuinlm-1 liiir I mie l>e«t *>n in irkct. Attiri i it Lo ..nt U-n Pub::-: j ) 1C, J. W. V' 11 .IL, «I V», OKI l.liN. u a — < ’N -ri « I Al l- l | OK ni l HAI TK»N Avi» 1*1 I I I I s DI I HE EYE i»h th»* J«l and Ith *4 Plf'la\ I ir*V" d *-f. h in nth, -t M.i- t 'i f. ’ uv ¡i<- vb h* • -* • « « al' v inv iu d rum i • xi», um. oCM., V CLOTHING General merchandise j \\ <> now have tin* largasi and I h ’ s I selected -toek ot (’lotllillg’ ever shown in the ' allex. \\ hie!; wc are ottering at W.» mah a specialty of FA K.M l’K<)!»l < E Way Down Prices IG • ' Newly for nl.tii"I and re 11 It« d IhrtHighout... t tor tat«le. nr« ««ippllcd xvlth ti.. f-c-i the ui.rketaafford .. South of brhlgc, Melo, Orc. 1>K A Eor. ’tfkaî»» Scv.e. • * * <.»• - A* ’/ V VI % The llwr- hive in . !<• i gnllsnt tlght in tho South Afrh'.m u ir. rto-y h «x •• pr.iven thrni.rlve. im|»*r ior to tt.o l ■ li-h In xxsrf.ir«*. but Hg*«in«t overwhelmlng huupxT., pU.hvl !•_•■; I i.II.log drlerniln.ltl<»n, Ihv p<>xv«‘r of tli«' Hocra i.a gr.tlmiiy w.ining. Tl,o iltriti.h noxv hive nl...iit ttiree tim«*. i-> niany flgliting - but it xxill I h > tonte time ta-fore the xv.tr ta over. Ttieru xxill ho totuv tuxr.t tlglitlng yet. I *w BDiilùimiAL .. .. 11D1I3Ï Take 1.1 « di v •• Brom.« «^ i «ni Tablet«, All dru.’gi.t« refund the It fall. Io cure. E money if 1 tiriiv«-’. • - Ignatur«* i. on eich t>>«. 2Ó eenI«. n«-r, Me., »•iy*. \<;i:> WATCHMAKER :;» ■ M is Hoacit ilel:c;ao!or Li C1W« A. J. Jctasan J. w. Games I \. w . We have mail) special lilies of Spring- ami Suinincr suits ami light weight umlcrwciir BLAIN CLOTHING CO., Albany. Oregon £___________ O hi - rigM iii-c liist-clnss nnd oil»* horses nre good drivers. Harts M sv . Far iwsisp A New H1H Preutsat Vice P Caskier me in 25 cents K • r * r a liinit« «! CAPITAL. $20000 have a delicious ami a| |H'tising stock of salttsl, m rows tticks, t» rows iirti'- roasted coffee 13c II» priucl|» d viti«». row, xxliit«* liraiii across < 'orti « akv front of xviii-t, lauthlri« i -tnoking tobacco ctiffs. « h I ii , ÍC Ih yoke with pleated hack • elluloid starch, >C pii j a ii i. e u. la Tuck .mi! iiiticy i tn- ’J > oz K'' baking SC|H, UllEGoN. l»roi-criÌM'«l ni'd t!iv « on«' w ill la1 gu «r ulli «-'I I y - I re.|H,n«ii>!«' citi- It»»«. E. Him mu« aio! lurto'd «»Ver Io tin* coni pany. The citizen 1 of Alhiny liiv«* tl'U-kvd io «> « toward •« • urli g tli!« !>r. Il il, a li » w »« m-« nlly Sili inipirt int industry. The people of vaniing nr- uik I W a.hlngton u iti» Albany linve done lheir |>n ibly ia rfuiti that tho enterpri*«e xxill go fori» mi tin- summer.—Her­ hl» < ililiict. I’li«' gr«Ml M irk II in- ald. nuli look* !lk»* i w rii buyur who xx .1« gelling i « . ly to -ok hi. own w*»»l to ** tv** the i*xfH*n.«*. Th»* d«x*- t«.r *u| i ■ 'It it 11 un i xx '«1 I of licre.lft« r I Will < III 1 11 Olli, Si) ■ur»*' ' „•* t Mm limn* Ii it* ly tnt M««lil i.i.iia, uii !'■-« I gel a h . x . xk tin* i * xt i.ix • n t I! - pt «■•Idcnt Atil t x«ui for the .'iiionnt you nm I II ii . ' l I, iX i ng t ! ", «-.«pitol want Io trade. I will .«-¡I th it xx «y, t* g«'th< r .« ! Il numeri' I out; or for < «.it uti'l riiopt« k . I'.ut ••Hello. H » tor.'' with III«' Xolllllle of I'll* .1 >« I nil s.'n.ifor Xfi'Cu’lom l*'k< like .1 «loing tiow-H d iy. I < x.x'r |«o»«i •■ * town to nii«l 'ce xx li.it it «. to m H Id» chickens. Hu.. E. 111 HI.Ell. l'roin thè \ unii' iter, itutherford« ton. N. C. I li«* editor '! Iti.' A’in.li «tor ita» h.««l n t reiirlng _ ni night, uml getting tip Ir«*** fr**m lutili, l'or -«o* l.y l'«'«*rv A l’eery Ready to Wear Goods Ä*)Ni>-t»V«' . I *’ *i -4LA-MÍ i*r*il«r •-I the X«»rtliw» t in PIANOS - and ■ ORGANS instruments Solti on Easy Terms (’all find see mv ¡roods beton piirehasin • % H. i ten ■ a i .u Tr.ii .s ;! W I Sen ani Morbini Tram al Mmkeii SCIO pUNlNG MILLS !*> HARRY S. JOHNSTON X CO ----- 1*111111111 r«,K.«;- \ 11 kind" »if mill work on slm? ( notice All ’ im '• t I. M .»*4 I I i.im « i .'«i'll, l>oor-, Moiihlingh Sliiti- gli -. r.iiiit ati'l < ’ll- ... SGiO. OREGON l- Il — •7 • •;« » <• * ■ .'r <•» V ■’.* « k