J > \ J' -ft** VOL. HI NO. 17, 4 —• * «A *• ‘ - - ’* MV............ — . . . G • • Rmriiar r-jt Cuttut. •* - . Tu TMB F«BMKMft In ftubmitting you th«» bdhming nd*« a* »i” *» aith th«’ la**t mt air . nly 0'1 monili,. U .. I a regular tagrket f»«r y»*ur fiat f*r«'«l but AlTrrt'.«.,,, r,i»s ,i n>ir,ll>,n< i»ia».ui ’• alatj f«*r the *(ra« from thia < h>p which m > p««.ir 'eat tMtrwaaB r»»'■1 month:,. ha.* Lrrrti fun I-*» n at.at might be •area andl’W p Bh-1 tfe^y Trsn.lMt,, *4r*,*>'»•' •• »,*•* *• naM termed an at«*uhite «aste and t«» • ». j • a <«4tet • .< •«*' I» l*«n tlw*«»el*i f, ,, ,«n fwr ll.. .r : King*- t '»» ■ «G yoQ a.-a’ * f ‘ « •• <• Wr u’n Well know tlutt many «4 )<>•» Knlaml ,t u,< po M may think that you nave a much better •Miu,.l«4a*« mall itmlt»* «ay take ♦ are *4 v»»«ir cru|«a than ar MHild BUggaat but tin» mir« a«’ l«*r** tfnr . are the fwtilt *4 year* «4 j ra tt*a) r» |« ■ e l>y t)»<* ftrfy l*e*t ft,» t tn«m in Thy Ti Xus Vaiar Ua the « try. and if you «il) carefully uw th* ieiu«uit. we gattiM* yui|4 y«*n will Bl risii«« the I« urfit'jal reati I ta in a newt «atiB» | <• mm, «•ry li, jbt. Wr Wnuki ftumtret t list Ttn rv Is ovury lii ll illuti of dis. »grava •«mn^ y«Hir fiat crop, that if you d<> gr* .•AtlsfacUon In th.* ranks < f I..U. p p n< (eel a* tie High y«M> C««ul«l take our tlia ullsta and democrat» .i-. a ri •, it • f adviM» r tn the growing and « are of the th« tliu union which Was u i» pr< p•»•<■ I by crop, that y» hi *w at L«a»t 30or ?- "i acre* Ihn «•ur «ay. and •> rnn< h m<»re in ur a ay ft1 tho populist commit * mmlit" too «t Al’.inv and »atich t -’•< rwaulUi last wook. Thu ». heute Is unsiitl*., Mr an- nt aftking y «»a U» do anythin« factory to a largo per cent nt tho a«* are n*ji xUhii^ do «airatKcrR, f«»r mvmbcrs of both tli»»*l«» nothing can bo accompli sliest by tho Yuuni r«ft|wfttfiilh ft» N amwaaram F lai A K lbkm M’m Co union without harmony. Mi l aa Th* firwt ai*n* Ac i,,«|» »ed iittl« n-!.'»' Phy Wewiv. from |IJ,<»«i to tl.',|«»i In making •b.'iild » mon dishtnrb the a»lMe ov a The .. ground *h««uhl l«e well primitive king to find a bitter nes'ti tho much needed repair»? I.inn ii iKttzfWiu» aiwi M* >i»MtD bel<«r» au» ’ I than tie' wan right frrnilist his «'i«-» county ha* about all It can d<> at the Illg tllC ■ It is a aandnr that n«.mr eminent -slant the* ikraw,! U spv» . THi Gaorwn . !••» „ pres tint time to look after the I "t iluiivor to make lb- naishii» of si* Bell su I Hsllh-aru aoaua rv«|»*n»d*h* fur the aus- bridge* it already ha* on It» hands, 4 — Si« r>«»t I« •* thftii fr ■m mty to hunt an' MMir-a-ble, ruatotn of callin and .some of th< m »re in w badly in •r-Wlity to th** Arrm aim ! am «'Brly I fin ( ■ hist gur-rul, sivin night» in the |v»ak needs of repairs. The bridge in in the «¡«ring a» «»uth«’r >il U permit. ft —A» nuoti b * th «»' britc eye« this city 1» in need of extensive re­ hen «’M it in lar l*tthi|<»-* I ng^iridiu Mid v mvitn fbun. a *alt pair» or replacing with a new one, nine t<> u*n inch»*« in ‘hAtnvtef I <*hakt’ mtnaon w td a «I«**ni<*»>rdv un- ns it Is lndly out <4 di <| «• and ha- «’utting * Ml, rk<|»»wn t< ('•HiftliUft bhifth an' rii«»’ rid lijw farmtn and It«•♦'!» tin* bond)*-* a* vv«»n a* |* cnmiì ' thitnaeU mt«» a nice little i««»nt. We ah * Just about served It» allotted time. blr at the butta not at all obliged to g«» poain 'round in U — Ahfi.r thì» !«*** ^»»'n «I nt! put tight I ravage gran ve-yard* find out, “Phy The Eugene Register li rather In U» t» i. • ( the«*«« bundiiMi in « r>»uh4 ■I hm k «e kiw» under the ” cliticd locasi slurs nt our court house •îTAip ht n «rwl. *-• that it u ill drv w *11 , We kifth under the i|ù««ilet>M’, fur the w • t tl • -i • k* rvn.mil in th«- th bl and Intim iti*» that It do«'» ird c<*in«< *a am* raywui, that ur ki*h on the back fr uì a w«Mi’k t<- toi< ’!*>•• a * th«» »« .»tl.a r ¡i‘on braglng about a magnifleient - m I < ^» - «• I \ «.♦ ».i r f.«r« a ?!. prt'*-e-arv th<» Unti county structure, but to htrtiM hvm rayalti •ft U e k 1*1» u ith- n»atu*r «• 1 >nn«l • »« ’ tit, or < vit , t<» • «ut rifvrvnce house I» os gì km I t‘>r the purpose for • I he fart; u h - tak» <* « arv in th«* M ugna«* hart a • r 11,. < '■ M.rt • f < ’hancvr\ which it w it built i•• ¡«iiiiv’a ever And whin the merry ( hrifttuiift bill* will I m -, and it is |Mld for and our th«* mill in r**n«|ittnn, n«^>! have no ring on the air, «♦• k»H the gur-rul* un* unlair tr**atin**ntt in fart thv «1er ihi* |nt»»ih’l<<* not, ar may be man«*« pooplo ar« proud of It. Ani it f«'«r « an fui farmer w ill and »h<>iild rv^ «*i\r would only requlr«' a few yeirs In- ’¡»'»r* f«*r hit* «h’hvm hit crop iin-rv’.v but niiiiply an ■•♦ley. I mh - mw can't to ipt it of! Li* hunt li», and rwriw bn* help it. house debt to pay for II, either. !!:■ -Ii « A An* we woulttnt if uv could. The Milwaukee Wiscon-ln, rVHLlSItK«* K\»Kl rxiKAT AT ft« «O, I.IA\ « OllG.liy Harness Oil < V ;XJ <» ■* • .T*'4 •* ♦• •; • ■** *•♦ •’? /X BY THE EDITOR J prompted by the exhumation of a childa i I» I-') a load • omvti ry to disabuse th«' suspicion that it hod been burlisi alive, aay»' "Preme- turo burlai ha» undoubt«»lly «aiur- fed in many c;."0«, and It i» pro|ier f ir Hi«» nulli ritics to aufegunrd tlie p -ople .igniti»! »o horrible il fate Within a week, the dl»|mtche» Chronlcl«*d the revival of a woman while tho undertaker w .«» atiout tu embalm her bof the stales & Why Is m 'tropolis an t < Iregon. n it Mr. ( orls'tt satisfied with the K km I work he is doing I >r Id» city a id state? At Id» age the praise a ol esteem of hi» fellow -rltlz* n« • » ?• ■ tmuld I m * sufficient reward without » •eking further honor In politics. Where are Ids go* I friends Hi it they do not tell him to stand aside; that lie Is popular as n man, but no longer as a candidate? >• •J Mr. Cornett must surely tie | I of a mania for the office of Colled Ntates sena t ir or lie Would peicelve that the people do not want him to serve them, nnd that I k - is standing in the r'Mtd of Ids best friend*. — Aurora Boriali*. What right has Governor liyloi to assort that the Supreme court if Kentucky Is too partisan to give him a fair ho irlng? The court con »1st« of four democrat* and three re ptllUleans It him decided only one political c.i»r for months, and It de­ cided that one In favor of the repub­ lican*. GEORGE D. TROTTER STAYTON, OREGON THE Flace to Save Money It it absolutely a fuel that in this Big Salo wo »hall tell Gown«, Drawers, Skirts uud Corset Covert, Dckphatic.iHy und Unequivocally ut price* let* than the material ulonu would cost, aud even lets th I a ’•'..' ' a I :: ; .. !. • \\ J cott. Thu we guarantee. >■1 >l>'î»Mr-l*. • nd *• j, • » tkratn. v — j r.ftneu Tkùtoi si NINtTT Mt>g ( SVTS. ers o*«U, «I «1 trois ti» Fm«h. (,rs»uu stuck r»u preset. ■mt «xMirt nlnt —. ivo M«**idy is liie younge-t. Two of Hie nr— » h. fhnill, J F Trot, ima h . delegation are foreign tmrn nnd the I lulu Trvou, other tw>* uro n ttlve - >ns of • iregon. •nn, 1 I ' • karm, .EG Power» Mr. Tongue wa» born in Lincoln­ '• E I I. I Plunu fluii:. r shire, England, Juno 2d, IkH, and ten—U A llartli'V, A P Black Senator Simon in Andre* hill county, Oregu.'t, March 23, '< h , Harrisburg—W II Cunning lumi. and Hepre« ntative Moody in Alleni Brownsville, Linn county, Oregon, Iairw>»«)—Js» llaasler H»l*xo -J x Ramsey, h h li» -- A J MH'Iure, l’ri« . ■ < p iil- ivr A transaction Die oth< r day nt tho Weston Li.ik, which Cashier Pierro noted us something unusual, shows that it. Harris bought some cattle from Joli.t Harris for Harris in favor of John Harris. As to whether or not it was drawn on tbn I! ml- b nk of Harrisburg, tills pi|a't I* not informed. Any­ Mis. Ilola-rts u is a failure HA n way, the draft was cashed nt The pleader for tier polyg imistic papa, A I armors it ink of Weston and John bright young u unan trying to ex- Harris got ids money. tenu ite bigamy presented a pitiable H u | mtv I a* *r Whin H ff«dt>ff over hh ind disgusting spectacle. field |>r«*|».«ring thing» fur tho work Ata meetli g of the executive <»f th«* «’iiuiii >rH(ion. A« the whole committee of the board of regent» of work hit» to be done within thirty the< I. A. C In till, city last w-wk, days when on« e I m ’ ituh everything the resignation of I’ruf. Q. W. Khaw Ini’« to I m * r< idy for It. I hcr«* will is chi mist of the ex périment station i 17.5 enumerator* to |l** appnlntiM. un» accepted to take effect In June. ! Thl* will I«» «lune in April ami the I work will tie bvitun the Hi day of ( orvalils I’niuii Gallette. Jun«'. Everything ia being organ* Lane county has 2l,*vV> inhabitant» it»*! so th.it there will be no delay. therefore must pay into the state Xrif«»na, \.-w and <>kla* scalp bounty fund (l.fi&B, Nho will* receive back in taiunti«'« I«*»» than hoina will beddighted to learn that it»!. Multnomah, who would lx’ committ«’« * of both th«’ hou**«» and compell««l to pay J7,‘.'J.t Into the the senate have decide«l that they are 'in thè '.«me pinne ii» Porto Rico fund ridused to mike tho levy Iaane county should “hold up” her and thè Pliilipplnes nnd ti ive ab«>- II.ViH. It I» an unfair law.—Guani. i lutcly no righi» wbatover except tln»e flint t'oiigress ha» neon 111 to Why any money maker in Mont*» grani them. Tbey are offii lully de­ nu 'anyone uithn political pull that ci a reti lo I h « "outslde Ilio l'ollstltU- I* should want l<> go to Washing­ tiou.”—Albany ihunocrnL ton ni Svini tor when liier« uni no much moro to t«> umile, aecordlng Ix>rd Igsionlou n of th«' llrltl'h uar to lato testimony, by ataylng nt office appear» to lie about as cttleienl bi me and working to •«•ml »otm-nne is General Alger, formerly of th«* <•!•«• them, Im trifle dirtlcult to un­ American war orti e. Itoth have derstand. slioun their eligibility to I»« enroll ed among the Incorrigible Incooipc* A quarrel over a comic valentine tenta. ri sultixl tn a fatal »hooting affilr in West Virginia l ist Siturday. Tupre­ vent sin h things in the future, and ------ GO To the : to provide lotiglagging Justice for tho»«' w no are far past f rgivness, the III inulacture as well ns the Use il (I of this trash -huald be mad. an of- fen-« punishable only and nt unco on tho g llloWH IT FATS * CAPITAL. $20000 t'hihla rubber*, nize 5 to S, S cent* per pair. Misses rubbers, -ize 12 to ‘1. loeeiit- pur pair. Mun* • aii'li i' rubber narrow toe, 2’» cent* a pair Genuine “Snag I’root rul»b< r boots, *hort. £3 So “ “ hip, $.5 a pair Th. re is ONLY ONE SNAG 1 '|{< )< l|'- rubber boot ma ! uml the naine ‘ snag proof," is brann Every Pair at the tup amt on the heel, If not so branded voti nre getting an imitation. Meli* «hurt Slicker-’, *1.2"» CLOTHING « -ft t BLAIN CLOTHING CO., Albany. Oregon... j. wii > gn , Attonet at Law ani Nûlarv Public * lu, uliLi-uy. ( BDiOmJAL 11 « We have many special lines of Spring and Summer suits and light weight underwear............ ’p I t. W. HAGEY Way Down Prices l-UOPHIKTOU President Vice Presiieu! Cashier dry ri piln d promptly. We now have tin* largest and best selectcil stock of ( ’lotliing ever shown in the valley, \\ hich we arc oHering at 1 ------ Ol F!< ERH I >04*1 a general linnklng and ex- Owin» made at chtitigo hii.lnf»«. currmit rite«, and drifts laoiiud on principal riti« *. Tho Farmers Store Keystone Slmw I I’aiiofs Easter Sunday is on April 15 this ONLY FIRTfLOLAKS year mid J .ent commence» February Kilop IN THU CITY 2H. The date for Easter Is unu»u ii ! ly late, and In fact Is within one Shaving, * * 15 canta ■resro VITALITY, Week of the latest poMible date for Hair Culling . - 25 " LOST VIGOR the feast Th«' M-tting of the date Shampooing, * 15 “ ■ AND MANHOOC is by means of the Paschal moon, Lidias Hair Drsaaing 25 ’* Cures !tn potency, Night Emission» and I and on this account it Is impoaslble Balha, - • 25 •• wasting diseases, all effect» of sell- for It to come earlier than March 21 ahuae, or excess and Indio- or later than April 25. All work jruAMntp^l firwtclinb. cretion A tiers r tonic and The case <*f J. W. McKinney vs Quinine I lair Tonic—bo* t on market. blood builder. Krings Hit pink glow to pale cheek» and stntcsm ui Publishing t'o., wns con­ cluded Tuesday afternoon, the Jury restore» the fire of youth. giving a venllct for defendant The ]JK, J. W. VOGKi Hr mail AOc p r lox: ft loirs »uit Involved |IM) damages, asked for $2.5«»: with a written guiirnn. by M* Kinney, who was formerly tee to enre or rvfltnd tho money. city route agent for the Ktnte»man, SI’E< IA 1.1ST FOB 111 :FRAN A a D GEFFX’TN OF THE EYE on the ground of the paper’» action NERVITA MEDICAL CO. i i terminating his contract. This Is Clinton A Jockoon Sta., CMICACO, ILL. the s«-cond tri d of the case.—Jour­ SnF Will mike r« gular tri|»a tn s«’lo. For » >1 •• by I'••• ry A Peery, .*» io, * it • nal. < Walch ¡ Aal a U uwhi 1 v < d • It of Vinita I itiinli oi Scio • 1 To tra. tkrk Sliushi Route Tna'n* lr»ve W>*t m t<> for PotlHnt ft" I « . \ • at i »» I» m. !«M« «« l,t»rOnH-1 «.t - a. lit , 7 •»> j». if» 4 ’«fij 11 1 p. in . I"J*’ I». »n. • irlvttft l nhiaiol l .* J « im , il.*» a, n», I t a hi , •* *an giaiu ta. . » ' * : I «•’. . h » , •' Iftoik er v'*» a U» v **’ a •»’ hftMonft < If V 7 a Mi »«it. tn < b» a««» ó a m » •- m I--» \n n »1» go«« Wut'ili < !!>.* >)• in. •• »Uy «»f M« tbw» i A a m. «y a ttt •’ II* nfttoa I • « h > <•«>« tn. N» w tirIran«• i'* 1» tn '* it f'. tu. War»! : ♦ «.'a tn* Ii • tn. \< • V»rB i] Up m 13 UI p-tn < hair rar* «Ms nuti«-nt<> l<» <•« ta" «a*t F.l I’ iv *», an I imiri«’ >uf» fot oi«agt>, ftl Ixiuta, New • *r» <• ma and WTuihlnamn « ..i»f,.-«>-i«i< al tutu FiancUr«« with «rvetAl 11 «*•*«*! . ,«n. • lilna, riiti »• • i ’ ia lu-l * 'lilt \’i.rr! M r •'■•«•iwaiiwft’Mftnt al W«wt * io «itiitui ur t-l-liv*» « Il U 4MKII am , K miu F -t Faea Agent, l*orV • nd.Ot. UDiiiiE Corvallis i Eastern lì. lì. TIME CARD. •> For Ya<|ulnn: Train leave* Altmny ...12:40 r. M, " tor vain». I:M F. M. Newlv furnt»hrd ami retitted '• arrive* Yaquina.. 7:4.5 F. M. thrmighiiut... 1 Returning: Our tallii < ire supplied with i leaves Yaqulna................ (ISM! A. M. the best Hie market* afford .. I ■ ivm < urvallli-------- Ils*» A. M. South uf bridge, Arrive* Albany.................... 12:15 r. S. Helu, < >re. 3 I or I »droit: l^»Hve* Altmny.................. 7:00 a . M. Arrive» lletnilt . .......... H:dO a . M. Returning: L<':tve* l*<-trolt.......................12:20 r, M. Arrlvi«« Altmny................... 5:45 f. M. One anil two cnnnoct a’ Altmny AMI ami Corvallis with Hoathern l*arinr train», giving direct »ervl e< to and ••••>• from N'ew|«irt and adjacent lmach<-» We buy o«ir «luck In large Trains for the mountains arrive at quantities an I keep a full Detroit at noon, giving ample time line of carriage and *agi>n to r icli ramping ground* on the material. All kind* of Breitvnl ush and Stntlam river the work in our line done on *am< diy short notice............... .. ............. Enwtx ftroxK, Manager, IL I k W ai . ofx , T. F. A P. A. K|iop np|Mrai(<> l.lverv Sfilile •M IO, OREGON .1 Trx’i * n. Agent, Altmny. J. J. Burne8 X Son General Blacksmiths Wagonmakers HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY