The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, February 09, 1900, Image 1

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    • 9
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rvni.i»iiKo k V em rxiiiAY »r
MCIO, I.IW <*<»., Itti' t.OV
By IRA A. l'IlKLi'N.
print It. The aff ilr» of th«* city ar«*
. Indeed in a very flattering vondilloii
and on«* that the cltlxcn» a. well ••
the council »h iuld feel Ju«tly proud
uf. In • couple of year« mor.* <d <>ur
indebtedne-« will la* w )| m -«| out, and
wc Will have sni|>li* resource« for
the furth« r Improvement «*f our
light «nd Water »y »lem. Tiler«* a ill
be a gr»n| deal of work to be done
th«coming ««imriier, and let u. hope
that our people will b>* at willing
md ready t*i make the m-<-< »»«ry
improvement» «• they w«*r<* I «»t -**.i
»on, and wa venture th«* a» < rti >n
lli.t they will be Ju«t .-«• well pl«*.«,. I
with the r**»ull a« they w«ie when
(I h * »(red Improvement. >d la»l year
were complrt* d. A»l<le from —»no-
n«*» -li -l Improv .-mrot on the »<r«'* I.
the coming »*•!)«*»n there 1« a g* |
• lea! uf »blew dk to la* ri’pl-«* *‘*i, and
thi. of rour-e ha. to I m * don** by tb**
properl)' ow ner», an*l w>* tru»t
tr«i»t I tii «1
II will l*r cheerfully d >no w
lien * r
l>-r d by thr rnunel!
In the p««t '
»ur people have alw iy. been ready i
to make all iii * i .|«"I Improvement, '
mtn h »• 77 »
Wild flutter* »rt»
m full
on th»* hill* aFound iUchmontl
t*«r annum, lnv*rU G)
hi Wh<M*h*r roynly.
I »
Noverai mill I» *n <1'11 ir* aro ?*dn>*
4-Wvrtfokiq* mtr-a .■.* fair.n*,«
EiM rvrrv
for fruit«. j<dli« *.
wwnihl) .
•d*«-rtlear> nf« t».*.»» •* rmM fw<
J’ttti«, 3* will n* butler,
p rlc,
* Iwn th* «t|>1«f !• fi in'
• ; - ft -n
The ro«t of *u|t ir I* no cibat o•!** to
Enlrxr-l Bl th p»«'-•
*1 falo. ■ »nrjgtrt», »«
••a •’»» I «
mail »..•(!« »
<**fH)lng «i it I* < I i I iim M that ú
I*- h nd* of «ugir u ill c!%n
J* «unti»
«d fruit.
Th<* nunibvr of «hrep *1 itijfht m d
nt <T»i<*4^o m
AniHuntol to 3.*
:i0,(*iu lierttl, <>r .Ui>,ow> morn tliin
» v i’f lM'f»»r«-.
| h< filial i *tImito <»( tl»<’ whiMt
Mager«, the man who t*-*k th«-
• r«»p nt the I tilted state *
|i-«W tiy
Ilford hl. companion, lt. v si <, -
i he I >• -pirf mnit of A iff leu Hure I«
Polk county, two year« ago, W V«
><»iJkKÌ,^»9 hu«hel«,
hanged al Italln i Friday I *»t
Th<* Woo'lbttrn înd»*|M*nd»»nt r»»-
ger. wn« a young than, Ju-t In the
port* » * de nf .**2 bnrf'-i Oi h**p* by I*
f mwj J, J. Ix*i»if to Grofif»’ W.
prime of 11« early mnnlio-*d, and
liutibnrdi of Nilern, nt Avventi per
had he IMeuwl to tsl« mother«
teaching« during hl.
I h»* HVeifijfe prie«' of rntlve cnttle
day. he would p«-rhap. t lay In* en
ranging In weight from ' Ml to {.»OD
Joying the pi< n-ur<*« of a happy life
l«uund» w»» lilgln*r in Chlcugo tn
and lire I tile l*.»truction* of the not» than In any other year of tin*
How many live» are < <rl> dav
council, and w** have n<> heiltencv I d«*cndr.
thrown away .imply IroM-i l»>y»
in -lying they will do »> in tiie
I lie il itnilton corr*<«|M>nd«*nt of
CMt n.ido the tcnihlng« of their
Read M»vor I*«*« ry» me- th«* L»ng i rack I' igl** »«ya Home *>t
childhood day« and turn from the
-ig*- and you will -**<• lh«’«-«« t coil- the »ticopmen in (irnnt county, Ore­
I - < ’' '■*
gon, have refu»««! to enntmet their
dltion of the « tty
*. >ming «lip of w-Mil at 2” cent«.
»eek the mmpxnionahlp of lbn»e
Tlo-ri* I. to I'o a meeting rd hop
who are on Ike duwnwnid r >id
W» Inge great pliM’iire in «lying
grower« at Woodt tim, Oregon, for
Ho* Ml
t<> our reader« that the d it<* for the th»* purp*»M*«dordering burlap and
thia Vcfy <!'»>• win ire <1 Ing ti i
I ilry Inatltulr h.t* I h rn deflmtlely »nlphur dlrrrt from < d.-utt i
very Mine tiling Of c <ir»e the . «cttlcd, nml tiie program h o been m«*<*tli g I« called by I«conard Me-
have not murdered any me, al­ trr»ngf«l, nml we nre going to have Ke®.
A company li k l«*cn erg.nUcd to
though they have < >u«»d tbelr par
» gofa) lively- time. The In’titute
ent. agony <--;u il to half a I >xen will b»- held on Eeliru try 2*J and 2-1, «laita creamery* at l.**gm, Oreg >n.
A tlr»t cla»» man ba- tx en employed
dentha. They know till the pill,« i «ml I beri* will lie l-vo ».»«lofi» e i h
to take i-liarg*- of the plant, when*
wlckedneaa, and II 1« their grr«!v«t Jay. lK>n’l forget the «lite, nnd . both butter and ct)»-e«u Will fa* ltl.ll-
Joy to road of acme dareing and «peak t<» yonr neighbor ■«*■ nt It nml j uf ictured.
Mr. I’hil Armour «.ii» that th®
hartle»« murder, or «<»)><• crim.
i«-t lil’ii to.iy that ho will In* there,
Npitrentiurg«rlived in tin* North-
Which p-m»ibly 1« < nly a »tar!« r for
I.«». Tin* hi»t)lut<- I« going to l»e a ’ w»«t i«,o th® tlm «< In lh<* world.
other and in re *crl- .4« om «.
I l,ey
♦ucc«-«», ffir the r«-a«on licit I our two- I'llil »liould know i» lie l< HtHiul ik
aeck thu aa«oclall>tl> -«e on (be pii* are going to make il
i io, nnd w < II acquainted w II It good, bail. pure
Mine highway, and worn tho«o who
Hid in purr* hmd aa any man in the
none »lioulfl fall to attend, N uiiot *
, country.
mm k Io le >d a ta tier and p«r.-r life
oun citizen» rd llii« cltv ÍIHVH th«'
I or th«'dairy, for work, for br«*«*il
They lake up wit!) every form of
matter In hand nml lire m
i H dolfiK Ing and even for fiittening, It «•
wlckadhc«« rod vlli I,.dot«, and u«e everything Hint can !«■ rione to make quiet «liK'ile animal I» alwaya worth
language w hlch would c.tu»e their it n «ucce*«, nml m the«.- meeting« more than th«* fracllou» one. It i»
mother» untold grle* if tin y could j ire held for the pnrptvw* of In-nclit- «•Xpcn»lvc tn ki i p lli<* lull* r wittiin
but hear them, and In thi. one re« ting the farmer, they will have no lamnda, for they are a dhturliing
element in the herd.
peel they allow n »h i low of f< el og,
exeu«e for not ntlemling nml liclp
The Tillamook lleiidUght report«
a« it i« m -I<I >m I tut they u-e | r dm I lug make it a «ucce«*, Ixd éverytm
I liat »he che«*»e made In Tillamook
Ity In the pre«< nee of their own
county la»t yeir brought in from the
dy c u,e nml l ik • ir. a.-tivf* p'rt.
tnotliera, but II 1« n-> um <>umun ia
OUl-tdc ;7I.O -I; butler, flltO.ttOU; tn-ef
won«l«*r the
curr’incci to are n ging of the»«-
!'i»pitclie» -tale that a r.inv iv» of cat th*, SaU.Otk). No
Tillamook farmer, nre among tin*
young men, h.aallutn« would taf eo.igr«-*M* mule by thè New V.>rk
mu»l |>ro«;a-roti« in the »late.
mon* npproprl.ile, < oiigreg.ti d on a ih-r.dd upon Ilo* <|iie»liun of tl>e
C. II. Markham, g«*:i *ral freight
■tree! corner, and «m -king . (••ction of M*t;at«»r» by direct vote «d andpK»cng«*r igent of the Southern
lubacco, and u.lng profanity that thè |«*o;.|«* «how» ! li.» m nate 1« I'aclfic Hallway I» taking a go*al
Would pul to «li title and <> d time inni ti opp * <l lo thè pn.podtion, deal of intere.t in the dairy Indu-try
pirate. The«<* «re tl<e very cl»»» of whilt» thè h'-il-el. In f iVor of it. A In Oregon, and will attend the «turn
ing annual meeting ft th«« Stilt«*
young mt n whom th«* law 1» i died lilll for »udì i eon.lltulImiul nin<*nd I'alry A»*»«" iatlon -<t Albany*.
U|a>n to put to deith. We do nol meni u III no doubt pas. (ho hou**c
The Southwe«tern Hop timwira,
any that any young men at Scio by -a largo majority, but Ihcre 1« no A-»’Hlatlon hi« lieen orgmi«<-d at
Would murder hi» fellow mat), hut poKiblllty of It getilng through thè t lu ll.II«, Wa«b.. with a
thuae who lake the live« of other« • «•nate. A grvat mijority of thè p«*o . »(<« k id #l,*«»), divived Into I.KMi
-h ire» of one dollar each. Til«- ole
are generally tho«e wlm atari ont In pie nre iti fnV or of * lecting -et' itor** Jccl- <d ttx* a- « iitloii are ti.i* ».'ime
life Just a. «eVi ral ft Scio’, young by a direct vote. The opi«>«llion in a» thoae of the Oregon Hopgrowera,
men are starting, anti unle«« they thè »••nate lo »u« h a mva.iire would A—* a-intion.
It I** footj.hncK for the grower, of
mend their w i>« r,o ea- can tell hut m i m tu come only from -eltl-h mo*
what «ouie flay I hey m-.y I»- guilty Uve**. Many oflh«» renator» tenow the North a«*»t to think they can
ror>i|*ete rurceMfully with other
of ju«t «itch a crime. |l>y », Ju«t put tli il tf It comi*, tu thè r«*al cliolcc of fruit .»tate». They cannot allow their
yourw-lf in Magvr«* »Ime* for a »hort lu,,*
they will llo«lr
•urplua to wn»t wliil«< other at*«te«
time until you hav® tlm® 1» *tud>
are evaporating and cauuiiig the arir
v\ hat reasonable
plu» when tie-re K it low price for
the aituiition. I »ok nut Into the them Ite to »Ucll a mc.KDrc?
tt i* green product.
world and »*■*• your friend« tl eIng would bn hard on th«* I« *«««•»
t at tie w III of ten ««-em half ctnz.y
Ire tn you i look to th* ouco hnppy prof.-—Km» ! pul i tic».
owr a large bone found Iri tn« pt»-
hount hold ami «ce x>ur b«*artl*roken
ture. nml a cow will gnaw nt one for
mother, on be ided km e praying to
The attention of dairymen and hour«. Tlii’y crave l<nuc’ meal a«
(led Io have mercy on your |««ir farmer« I» ilirorted to the fact tii it they <!’> -d , and a tilllc might pro­
fitably la* um - I, nt leant wllli the
wicked «oul; look al your brother» the <)r»-gon State litlry .voaociatlon
ntock f«-«-d we buy. Many dairymen
and «later« and aec them weep for will bold It. annual meeting at Al- and tin »emen have learne«l it. value
you until their heart, are nearly tony, I »ry 12th and 13th. Thi» I arid ikv nl in tli«-li condition | h > w *
broken; look at your aged father a» meeting will ta* one nf ntiuanal in- ! dem.
If instead id th«* old fi-iilon’-d
lie pl< :»'!« before court» nnd with ) tcre»t A l.rgt* deh-gation from Port
Judge» to have merry upon you Af­ I mil nml other dairy »«» lion« will be Mummer fallow, w«* would «>>w rye
or r*p«* Io I m * eaten down by -beep,
ter you havo carefully drawn Ihl« In attendance, anti matter. Interval two ¿lijtfvl-- would la* acvompllnhed,
plrture look over the liappy d>y- the dairying Indu.try will t«* di»u««- tin* enriel.mvnt of the «oil ami the
you «peril when a little l*oy an I w >» e<l. l iregon p. -<•»»«•» auporlor «I rhldlng il rd noxloua w-ed«. Could
your mother»« «1 cure, ami ««»•■ vantage, a« a >L<lrylng country, and not our oi<| orcli >rd la* no tr«*ate*l and
thun improved? Have We no Mndy
If you don't think tint you had be! more intere»! than ever before 1« hill« that now nre l«arr<*n amt unpro
ter turn from tin* way that I. wick ta-ing I iken In entaidi.lilng nnd en-
ed ami otic«« more enjoy the rnal larging the «cope of creamer).* --beep pa»tur«-» t»y »«-Kling d-’wn
hnppine«« <d life, nml when Itii« life which nrc til paying hanilMtmu pro­ with iucr* n«* «lover?
1» over and tlm time !i -.« arrived for fit«, It i« hoped nl»rg<* attendance
Weather ol>-< rv tlion have been
yon to crow over the dark river will !><■ preaent nt thi« meeting.
Jn’entiy tile government author!
your life w til nut be l <k > n to >v i-nge
tie« al Portland for twenty eight
The riilroad. duini« flint
the«. I luting the month of I'etiru
•ome wrong you hive done to your
fellow man, a. thia one hi. done. freight rute» on fruit for th« North» ary, in that lime, lite nivan temper­
I he
Iloya, you who have »tarted on the w< »t nre low enough, ami that the ature ha. Iwen 41 degree».
wurm<«l month wa. In I*»’», with uti
downward mad, |*<>n*ler over th)» low >-r the rate« I «»t the clie«|M-r w ill
average of 17 degree«. I he <«ilde«t
matter Jnat a little, and «er if you he I tic fruit n* the vhenper th«- rat«-« w.«« in |s«7, with an average of 3j
h II
don't think that you would be hap­
d< gr«. -
The hlghe.t temperature
pier if you Were Ju«t a little la tter, Ilo* fruit w«-uld tn* rualirrl to market w ik lift degree«, on the ¡PHh, In I »«I
The lone»! tempera’ure was 7 de­
lad your gr«*ate«t pleasure I — In try­ within prnctlcnlly «Inly day«, bat if
gree«, in I'xi, on tin» .'dll. The av­
ing to make tbo»e nt-ar and dear to
ie« would tn» viri t«-»l to care for thi* erage dale on whirl) the Or«! •’kill­
yen happy.
ing" fr<»»t urrurred In autumn hn.
l.urplu. the price wonhi In* l» tt«r l«-m Vii>Vf-'nt»-i> ’J'-’h.
Thcanir for
I for all. They «ty they will h.iul tin* the «p-lng, April 1 Illi, 'i tie«*
l tn another column willl»** found the aurplu. to ennnerie« very I >w.
rainfall for the month ha. heen «i IJ
Mijor l‘rerj '« tti«-»»*ge to the cllj
Inchew The grerttewt prei lpit dlon
council, and aa II contain. in my «ng
Since the clo«v of the with waa ITHi inctie«, in I «Ml, »nd the
let,.I pri iipit.ti in w k I u| Inch«*«,
gekflnn« of Inlerral to the entire c|t- ’’ the foreign «m-.-r »gnin»l
in I«!»*. Che nverng-* numtn-r of
lxeti«hlp <*f thi* city we che« rfully everything American h-,« dl««pp> ar clear day» h«« ta-en lhr«*e; pattly
ed. A t a recent < ’ dinner In cloudy day», ■«; elottdy d «y», 17
I hietgt., at Which the re; r> •••nl» from tiie foregoing, rv«idvnt« id
; live« of »1! counlrie« were in alien the \V ill,«mette in «y glean conclu-
»)o*i« of they It iv»< n right to
Il fall Hirt anu MANHuOC
<limv, ( very mix-even the Sp.u- «*.v|H-« t In tin- way of w**-«tlt«*r for the
«’urea Impotencv, Nicht Eml* ion. md t,u
fon.ul-^le-litle« that
the month Opor which Wear»» entering.
Wa«ting di»et»c«, all cffccta uf adì- i'nili-d Stair« wa« ••the grealeat But we have l«*come u«« d to re-
•hi»«, or c . ccm and india-
■nark-itily favoril-le Weather In llic
country on earth.”
crrtion A Iwrvr Ionie inni
pi«t few wet-k» und In fuel during
blomt buililcr. Etring. thr
the whole ef the »«**«»«>n through
To Cur« « 0'4 in a D»v
pink g!ow tu | ile Cherk«and
which we have ta-en pi’-lng. M*|
we will not tn* «urpH«< d lt> e.p *r
rettore» thè tìi» of youth.
T’ike I.ivttiv«» Bromo Quinine lenrn a little hettrr than average
Kyr’tilllMk’prr hox;4l -•«(*
r.itdet*. All dm.’glM* refund I he w i-«Hier, and to g« t In-yond the per
fot W2.AII; with tl nriften gii.i. an*
money i
l«»d <d ’’ktirng" fr**«tr b»*f«>re tlm
tee Co euri» or rrhrml thè mime}. <»rovt ’i it It falli to <n(p. E t
itgnut tire I* on each t«»x. lllhr»f April. —Kt.
t» KWW
* •>(
The n a*
both hem »r»U<r«» tn Hi • i Till NT w«and the t >reg *t>l«n one
Or»«»»»» #*•>.
pear fee • « «
• liti«!-* ntbl-i-r«, si/«- .*> tn S, K «’«»tit*. |u*r pair.
2 lbs. Arbuckle Coffee
2 J 2 lbs. xHt’h,
Five Minuti*
Break fast Mush
< ieliuilli*
" Snag l‘r>»ot
rnlili*a loud». «Iiort.
hip. S'n pair
I'HOiH* ruhiier hoot inaile
in biaii<l«‘<l on Evt-ry Pair
If nut -o I » I a 11 « I « m I von arc
Meti» idmrt Slickvr»». j’I.'Jô
,«•«* blatta
i l>r«n<l,
i liti
'I « ti » 1.111 boot.», - "Cumin
The Farmers Store
• oloitv lintti'l, |»«*r |’r .y3 7-«
.Mett « kti«'*' IwHit-, t »!«I t ,i|-
otiv brait'i |’*-r pr...
for 2*">c.
Ktililn r- |w*r
Mon - «tonn
ri 11 »l •«• r -.
\\ oine'i'«
pt-r puir,
Agent, for M Alti.I N It I 1*1. \ IT N< ; Kl» I.EM
AN l> S||O1GI ,NS
shotgun Elicli« of «II kInd«, loaded to order.
Satl.factlun <iuarnntaed.
Gl N't .i nd III* Nil !" rey tired it re.’Minatilo r » < • «
t .
j i: i! i: i. /■: n.
riiiili.’f-, .;/«■ 12 to ‘J. |i) v«*iit» per pair.
TI htv i- <’XLY oxi:
and (lie nam«* •'rung
at tlie top and un th.
getting an imitation.
• I
Men- t'nii’|i <* rulilier-. nurruw tu«*, 2*"> cent- a pair.
for 2*’>c
on yo«»r hr»t tui?r «J, vrdtf nbf h%r-
t . « kml ioir mrtl»v h»j, al„ »k.-g
Wlit tswt .-i,iy
brttrr l w< »r
> w > h 1 e veryw ferri tn ^nn-’ «it
• I «
t» .;f |itr t» i hi. . .V ( mb .
Mad« ■ «t Ototfcb utl t u.
I »»r laicyvlt ■»» ‘ívHíiitf Marhbiv*, <<tin* and I’y | m ? writvri
All kind« of watch**, cl«« k - »nd jew-
«dry re|Hilre.| promptly.
II. W. Whlti*. of Ani-lem, vvi.
brouglit io .vllnny |.i«t .'■.ituid.iy
night «uffcrlng vv iti) i «eveie c «-«> *d
h|.*-»l pol«onlng In mi** of hi» fori.
Ilio i-titirv font I» di»«*i«**»l, ami
iilti-r n consultiliion of phy-lcian«
II. v l.-.-id • ••I f<» ifiiput ito tii<» fr»*>t
Suodtv. I >r. I fughe*, of < » iti**, hc '<|
L. 3. I.annioj*, <>f \lb,»oy, ?uet»ni«
piitiitd Mr. White freon hi* homo.
of til«
I «pre*« I mim I
or Por 11 muti flail v*
*•»•11 lì.
Way Down Prices
1 Mt k ait» I *1X1 r.H •»!«■
•nil th u> an ‘ inrht Ung
ink tif Scio
Itti i g
We have many special lines of
Spring' nnd Summer suits and
light weight underwear..............
I» »Il » .
CAPITAL. $20000
icbu iiitt Brntirlt
BLAIN CLOTHING CO., Albany. Oregon
■*■ B* r|H «un-tai
— officers
Vice President
iW<J 4 M
I .M,
I r.i.t
A. J. Johnson
J. I. Gaines
C.V. Johnson
f r
At .
X ' I «M n y
I » wtnoti
\ l‘tany
, t.«*' «utili
. .
'• p tit.
Ú«wt Arto
. .l.v ;
it .. I», I. •
I : i*- *.m,
•» «.Hl.
Bt&tt Sleepers
— ASH—
• X «JMM I V— M KKl’IIhl CAB«
Atf.A-b.-r*! U» tht’usrfh train«.
J. J. Barnes & Son:::
I »iI« ili _ < 'at— <>ti I l .’ lrii Ilotlt«*.
I >o«*« a general kinking aih ! <* x *
change hu-lii«-»«.
Ixmnw itiatle nt
current r ile«, and drift’» i*v»i>cd on
prlr.clp il elites.
it Nj»» lit« f •• I I
■ xnept *’>n4a? ,i
• • I
We now have the largest nnd
best selected stock of Clothing
ever show n in the \ allev. w hie!
we are otlering
M.inh.iltiin bur**«* remedí '
p-v-llively guaranteed. lliey
Ilm he«( on thu m.uket.
I «
I ’• tbr » J I he
\V« -t Si*li* 1 >i\ i«ioi>,
General Blacksmiths
Wagonmakers. . .
l'niüind tutti < ur ♦ -»111«.
Mailtrain 1«' > < t* «-p;
71*0B »•»
tt npui
*r . ViWptli
l.v I l*h|iiii
Ar ... , < «W » Bill"
At AUw»i»x «id « <>» »«Hi« rotkfiref WlthtHkinM
of thr <1 <
A 1. mi’nsBÚ.
Wi* buy our »lock In larg«*
nuantltli » an ! k<-«-p a full
line id earring«* and w agon
Ail kind» of
work in our line don«* on
»liurt not lee.............................
I 1| t -. - • r :
Lu P to »
'» t» ui *r
» h* I) r ». rfi* <t: 'i
1* . flat. 4
M- Minkillr
ar j «
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J !»
A * m
X« * m
a m
Shop <>p|M*»itu Llvcrv St lid«*
St IO, 0 »EGON
( all and si e mv totals befort’
............. purchasing...............
pimi >0rnf»-tiwiiNf *»nFr«ni*!«Ti with fKu
ch 1er ini m »«Î «»rtrr»»*i B»xl !*t*c»Sr Miti *<rai»»-
«hip finn fot JKi’Al ar« I » Ilj.NA. Rnlllhf
Ü. kisrtH.FM, Mo «.<»«».
< II M »RMH » W. .%*•»» J F A IH*« A ¡jen l, l*orl
Katr* *»»’• tl* «
Btxl K t
A1 m * Jrttniw, I Mil®
and V»*»
tru t* t«n t- «•Malli«-*} rr»*tn Mr* M. F. W iwf !
•nasttMw, II. krt tu-'r-nl,. WM *•'!<», shat» fn-»rt
A J Ji-HX "* »V . liante nf * 1«,
Wi. < Mfr,
st « te «■
New lv furni«he>l ami refilled
F»*r Y*q'j!nnt
Train leave« Alimov
.1 .’:45 I*. M.
C*«rvalila. i:M P. M.
•* nrrive. Yaquinx.. 7:4.« r. M.
I Ilelurnlng:
l eave. Vaqulna........... AffM A. M.
I ¿»uvea ( ‘or valli-»........ 11:30 A. M.
Arrive« Albany..............I2 IÒ I’. M.
I or I'elrott.’
I.eive» Abmny................. 7:1X1 A. M.
Arrive« ¡»étroit ............ H;:>» A. M.
Heturnli g
L’*ivr« ll.-tr.’lt ............... 12:20
Arri»«-« Allmny........
(hit* an*t !W.t connect a* AUmny
uni t'orvalil« w ith Southern 1‘a. ifl**
train«, giving dlrr*-t «ervl *e» |** anti
from Nr tf-port mil adjacent I mmc ' h «
train« for thr mount.iln« arrive at
lh*tnT|i at noon, giving ampli* tlitie
to reach camping ghmnd« no th®
Itrvitenbu.h ami Santlam river (he
«.•me day.
Our talli«», nre »nppll« d with
lite l»c»t ihr market.afford...
Routh of l»rhl|fr,
S»’lo, < »re.
NEH Vil à
•" -tara Jackatm mi , CHtCAOQ, iix .
t*- ♦ • *i» t«v I’. • »r A I’- • ry, -. i>», < ir •
To traili* in Albany.
Gum Boots
ONLY I Illi s < I. \M.*«
H»ir Catting.
I-sdia« H«tr Drtdfliag
« i n
15 cinta
All work gitir.tnieed tir»t*cli«-.
Giiltthi. »fair, • • -I**-» ,m in .r»< •
II. U LV vr t*» V.
1. r. A P. A.
I 1 > tra if*. v«r. f f
Man «ger.
jfrViNB FGALAVAM, rriprte
Our rigs file lii >1-(Jass and our horst**«
nix gì »od
R* < ’
! Trr.m J*w-.i ,v..-.
mjri ' i ' j
Tr-*'' ” Wvi