4 GASH : MARKET (Hi every farm in the land poultry 1« kept, but a few only tike Interest enough In the fowl» to provide for KIO FRIPAT VT WIU.BHKi» l.l>\ •CIO, <’<>., OH? <•<>%. not la usually kept .. .. ‘ . . . I •* Poultry profitable want of rare T» JW rWl-iWim. ’ ’ their w rnla property. rule By IHA A. PHELPK. a» a becnu»e of kind of poultry The 1«, ala*», any-old*thlng \W hit not going out of business or 20 1b* l>rv Granulat»*! fcnlcnslll th*’ m>«l«»ìWv *.l ** Id, Orr#«*», g* wv «mail »»«attr* valuable on.* •••••••••••••••••••••***•* : • BY THE ED!TOrY : • the chicken» If they were of <1 White Sugttr 20 III* g<»ml ch'itii Rir»' 1 g» »mi, <• lean, 10 II». 1 roii*ti‘>l < <»ffe 1* 1 |h Battle \ X chewing Tobacco 1 lb Star chert ing To* baren ... 1 lb Spear I l< ;bl clli \ in Qtiveii fiinok ing Tobacco I pkg I *i xit' ‘¿ii«’rn 1 tmi 2 lb«. S ik ’ cv «- B.- hold cares and bring tending other rv«ult* tn the betterment of the Ileriuftçr, umli-r it rule nf the s. I’. R. R m> |» »**i-ngi-r« an* <|ue»tion much 1» to lie learned !<> lui arrleil <>n Í rii ¡flit Ir uns m» its inter.»»! In th« r ii»mg of f • •!« atlm «IM da. u laird by ¡»-ultry «how«. - * un «-fT rt tu ■ecurv the State Poultry HlmW fur l'JUI. A« .illany In« li-i n uiiii I h I «ucii’Miv« year«, the (how for Irto ho doubt they " ili lo- w tiling lo p »*• It on for the mit. Up líelo g une of In- fattilly. thia On poultry and Everyone ha» rt desire to do a« well a» their neighbors ami to raise as fine bird». For thi« reason it 1« entertaining. ■ nd advancing to attend try »hows. lenrnutf as to A the greul i .in be any for will !•»■ Miuit ' It.pp presented |n such tangible shape as lafore n J. P. to lie easily grasped. Therefor*» we urge ti|.oii our nadi rs the ittan- wml tl ned fo» using t.ingii«g> coining an editor, w hole «pedal |>ur|>ose, ami Igast week Editor uo I m - th« » .impi liti int felh.w townsmen I herefort. It in* to ’«• for an editili td st Ic.tM ne» <*«*«rj u«e good d-ilier u|«el the «how at Allmny tins > mouth. Better larger |v>ullry will tho».. y..u la st article al* bring inor« money than iiow ki ■ p, f r lhe win« brings best price*. Tnc Increase In the price of dress bd meals, together dilli lb« steady Upward Ii mleney of pn-es of live stuck 1« sure to Induce increased at lentlon to stmk ral-lng and many who have aliU' st f nc . it hbss will again Irnld op of busi- their II K'ks To trihlo in Albany. llixtiv II\*'i kit, l’ruprietor making a profit on were kept and properly h«»u«e c»’ht* ¡1 pnir. in that line. If beat litretl» <»r «train« □ nd cared f ir, >•.••««•••••••••*«•••••»••. • • • si |i>, i IR Et ¡i »N selling anything Ixdow cost, hut art* % !rrrfi»!n< r»tr. «t fah.Hv.rg rat«a.m ’•> fa»«t îi»nO»”H <4*rf t1wmrnt* nvt*» ’*•• paM !»«< u< r. • na OT»3rr la 4 . * «*»• f<». tb»nr te '•»rt * Will tin A strictly Cash biis’ncss. < ii’tliliiii' rlibb r lumi« s||i»rt su •. : p|-i>..i “ ‘4 \|. ti« ’Imrl ^lii k.'r» Al. H a * ». oRi <;(»>' *’ $■> hip, #•’> a pair t »\ I.Y <>\i: "NAii I’lJiR’l rubber hoot iiin'b’ i I ■ r< i ali'l tin1 tintin' *nag prm>( at th»» top and mi th" heel. [B'ttittg rttt iRihitfintl. J. A. Cummings Men *22«>z Bl.uk ('lav \Vor«t« 1.2-'» The Farmers Store. DRUGS. PAINTS ./’WAIL PAPER I*» limincv.l from $'.» •’>."» to $«* «‘i'.» 4M» suiti» f‘»r 2n 45 15 IN) *uUr b»r irt 50 n HO IO (N > puit“ f<»r W. B. STEVENS J CO- I 'iim|'!eti» line of i‘i:(>i’i:ii:rtii:> *5 Ü0 pant* fot • i 50 -*»< 25 Í-1 70 ovcrrtnit.” 2' ' Mill's ’.)<»z rix it. .I Blur Overall« 40ct* pr 20 Bfiiijí oí Sdo CAPITAL, $20000 G. D. TROTTER, STAYTON, < <*»»•••»»•»•«»« « ur C »♦' 1 II«: .f *s illl I« in» lw»l pr« »rr vali V« ui n»w »n«h V:»o !* M \r ’«».I* M. ?:».’ \ « M .»« I al » k ’»'■■< . ■!>■- •» - * ” TUr. ahnt •• tjlini , w S»k’’.¡. l’tiln.r. Uarion i'mlund BI'.'V .!«*tn*iwr*n. AlOhny. , Tahir' »M, Alt* IB, lUi"«’j* _ ei ..mitnn K.;B«d G< » tt I T11E ----- tig. H. llENLINEP* A M r M i M * ' 4. •» r M ■ »• M 7 41 A w I' «.». C'V * «• , I I . '. B I siti. I III'«'.) I .«•»•*-'♦*«» h»a tirili lírmit I» M <* Pori hoot » orvMlll» Li Xr li A■ I*»" v ’»•> t » “i * »HI" * r ♦ tlh • • A K rnllr'kaB« int * t * I’ h 11».»-* Ml ¡I tn ! ! v aft I* m I ar hi pm : ar »i- I» n I 'N» M‘ rtrrpt <».•»•*». »-ItSln ! Ar l.w ♦ »I Mh.kllir h. I. ,«u Irtx Hr I » « I S Iv f I . 2V A '<• !»Uv* » twiutin t ion at »••»’”' »• wifi« >f i a «»*! 4»i*«-!”al ’ m ! I t»> ua’i in • hip !!u- a "tr ’ ITA X .nt t IIIX A •« Hrf But» * ai .pi. . a » .»ai. II. Ko» »H.» M » < Il M 4Hk JI \*» > A IV-1 Aioli, I ort We buy our *b« k In large <|UHiitllle« an ! keel' a full 1 line of c irrl and Wu£. n material. All klmts nf work In oiir Hile done on short not Ice........ toRSHORIW A STEClALTf Shop opposite I iwry Stable fit III. (i.siJiOX aml.t»». lia’« ». - t krtf I r> ♦ jh . r ti |w»ir {• a ml r ri.|« .V*i J;.ir»> ? y •. cm rikv rn 1 *cwlv fumEln d alili refilled f. M ’ • I,, , . e- XI',11. \ A. *• 1 r. M. 7 4«» 1 ■ A \l!uiny t<» Wednesday ’ r and < ',rvuli|« io Al Tbut il ly*’ imd JnLiint itfflve »’ , rU w i •’ S ‘ox .Marajtór. ii. I. U• 41.11» v, T. F. A I’ A. J *'iwuii>, lp-i. A’*«"/. , i »«’ ^taïu. i W» (Fh B |i' b ■ C " 4« l ’ W1 U, « no VtARS' gxPkRiCNca P <0 Ñ (***■» fc'«a«» O**«<.NS C&y«m¿ar* ¿e Art» «r.e ••• • «C A 5W••••’• d***rT»M!. 4B*r»BlV M***T««u .'M - • -rt t*U I* •• • 1 "< b»* •» it.»er.lk«rti W *.*■ •*•! ♦* < n »wt *■*» f »'•rtrlrtlf »>«»•* '*. . t '«n ralwt • •». < r*«B I’aiw ta Ige k ! I***'* i »•*♦»<♦» M.. f* A«. 31 ' Ü ScKniiiit Hmcricaii A r^iUit tn«» ' f »-.rm ■.■»*»•••♦ *4 9—* FyrBW r»^ ! kW*». •». <•»•*• » * • • 1 » - •• fi« »'A MUNN 4Co.u”. . . . . Ne* York h »»rit >•*<▼ dB r m.. Waaft»ntft< r* ' tknil T b I mth » •<« f e«r I If* Away. To qui! U t^ cO M«U]T V*B fwrtor bf ITA# *Uc. foil o< bn» norvb aft’f ».„• *r. i*kw N»To iHc. n>> « l rfiiXtw *«a*« ■»** • i ■ trs.l^ U -tafi-l >’»B ump n frw< A Wlreat f F »?<••«“> > vr Ktw * ».»tv I * •A 5 a a ♦ * n ♦ I o 3 I I V ■ « Q 4 J ) MONïeOUERT WARD & C0 » J L South of brldgr. Scio, * >rr. rf. W (•l'fnìt al no 'ti. givin|$ . •■¡n*' tu rv.ieh c implng gr j.Imly ott i[.c ilreiienbJsli endT’antinm rtver 1:’** rame uiy. n l F. M b. i ; ii r. M. » r. M. (¡.•rt k V *1:4-1 V. d .1-11 VI’« < , vntll« • 1" ì9 M. u Arrivi« a uiiiv................ 1 1<> (ÌiiC gml twn con ma't a» ARsiov and ’ rvelil« wlth Southern l'arl. c tlslii«, givlng dire t servi 'rs lo and frolli Xewport un! ndj.icrnt la-ii ' •• • .So iì ri»"« imiti valli« or» Monili») Frlday « onfy. • ?*•>’» rum* fiam I mi ») un I uv*d>tyt, S iluriti) * onty i raln-: fi r thi nò KI n I II i 10.. througiuot... 1 F»r Pvtndt! Arrivi « Ih ir.dt ....... 1 Iti'lurnl' g 1.1'gVfi* I »1'1 ruit .............. Arrivi-« Alt*if.y...... e» * ’ttir n* rv* « are falUng T<»u, Chat v »u will gr ■ • "Lt *. ’¿g bef« TAN f r IP'I’Y'AN I* what $ « ’• • • <>th‘*r nyinpbitu» of thl* irrrlb^ iftb timi vinti* *» manv imni àir r 'td lHu«P ad I fret. (xUpitaUuu of tha haart h B d »•!»» • rl"Ud<*l inaxii «ry*, naliara .Pur »«i ing. t w il h lug ut tuttar^ra, «pol« ts-furc tiw «V,■«. «h.‘- ¡«Un«, wntinrii, tr*inlUmgi. «.«pivi.-ni ili urlue, bi'wrv eye«, «witúming lu rar«, • «M«’ al! g ,u« f'-vlr g ILiineinber BVOY'Al» I’« i iig r ai«. r bu«t mau. » mau with u, rsr« <>t «trr 1, a m -n with mu, le» ut Inai HCDTAN la waid.rful HL'BYAN I« kn w ' iwd b. ir Ii-ivling m*lle*l tnau i . !»< tl - great««» nerv" «nd ii.-i. - isiiMer kni'Wn t«> m<«l -al «iene« Hl IiYXX' w II lift ym» fr->,i| If...» life ,'f ,|e.|.,i|.l. U,-T nu l 11«- ,,uwig' I''< n» that tut» «r» i, « p. ai'' wi .ii. i», fv ua >>appy man Fry Hd’V XX Y >u v> II* <»»B»n t* r, ’ivinr «I ibrtMigh !r* Bciwrrn Ia««« Itrihl rt »««I « or » « I II*» TioAtn IWfi’n first class, la «I on market. ,|. J. ButI1CA & Son ::: »»J *>MM I %-.* *1 Ktl l.* dial tnpplv tb» v- » > ’• tn pmjior ?*■»•». •’HVI>T * ■ • til* orli Ht’DTAN prHvhtcM» Hit« »»»•' iv fw*rvtw f u ▼‘U vrirwtng tfrowtng pr»in»turwly pretnaturvly •*!■!♦ «»I!1 D» !♦» * Hl ■utfer wtih br _ uim I h •y»-< w dark ring« (Fig th im*a lliin f»ww and lunkrn rhç«k* ¡Fig 3): vraan*** «4 bini » fFig a-tBwr appetita |m|»air «I mm U- a »* |»*m Hg a; : Lgyt'i Hrrll•» y*ni a*v »kr th tlw morning hnllowrved aúd tltni dpt* An* you d«*«p» »mtm!, m« tan h»»I$ • J'» ’ *u ihuii Utj ? Ara r^tir Una» « «haky? 11.»*» y«»u ¡rtiu Ih th*> «tttall of th»- b*, k ’ P.'llj 1 4 O:e**0 \ll k In.ls of watchf« clock ' it nd Jew b!ry fi-pulri-d promptly. M«»rtK I }.v OREOON. Hull, I 1 , BLAIN OLOTHING CO., Albany. Oregon... t of till .1 « | CLOTHING... hl FI( EH5 ORE. ’T«» NERVITAZS& NCHVITA MEDICAL CO. Jlrvrrr roldn are quii»* prevalent ^SitoA A kwe m2., CM»eaeo. II*-. i Minong Ihe p* <»|»l«’ uf IhU vivimty ut Ì’I», Mi.l P.-es v . **■ Io < I* 1 |M’ tH»<* A chnlc'1 l|nr of fre«h meats, in variety, constaidly on hand. nn all Men « Boy - and Volitili» Clothing .‘LT w arm«r i bau Ilei rmber of I i«t y«.ir, ttic iin-aii tempi-mure, 41.Mi di grees ta-lng I d'-grvi'» hlgtier, and l.'il de h-iw »lock ral»hig I* the tiuaines« grees at«>vc nnrmal. The tnaxlntfm U lib 11 »how • tiest ■ Irinc. s of profit and iiilnlmiin tempctiitur»*" fur Ih-- t»tr F'wtr h» v*wr <»M h«r t « wa nrMlfOur i*rri««* U»|» ai» ' l»*ry ri nil«-r, l«tbt, w« re 54 degrev» and Wl*4 f*«< etBF »»" k bw< «mr The »pisliil nihihfg edtthin of flic IHdrgr»*»*» re*pi«*tivi-lyi tur !h*c<»m- h»■»»<’ >**1 fwn »hetr la mn* »il * t • ’■ » a ia r Ibis yi-ir ¡11 degn o« and *'• de llohemia Nuggi I is a highly credi BOA. . »14'UtaM MIL tu grcr« l lie ditf'-ri-nce, is latgely due tibie piece ol work In the Interest tu thè unU’Ually lort teil’ia-r.iturv bf Ihr llohernii mining district. It la«t ycar. Is eicganlly jdlnti*l| n hoe |o|" r < loudiness imi «unslilnr are alxiut and contains «eveml fine Illustra­ tiormal. Aivistigsf of »^4» The ml’if il1, 7 iT Incile«. 1« .Vi iueli tion» of M-vncry lit and abbiti the i -ii r miriti il I 1 e oidy hi avy r iin Rail i md« constitute ttir grentest mines, and u g »«) di-nl (it liilorni» I l’ lui lii-s, isi urred oli thè iUth drawlMi K Io rural life, and for the , I 'nn relative l" thi' R-itlbitila dl«irl< t I he numtier of fresi« I» alsiut m>r mal, hot In some localitie« they lack of good road« the farmer« suf­ which Is of V due tn aily Who have fer more than any oilier cla««. It bave l»«-n v ty Ughi. tin lntfrc*t In development of lire Biromefri' pressure hit» la-en is obviously uiinn-ess.iry, therefore, to ill sett«« ttie ta-ni-llls tn be diriviil gon*» mines. Tile ptibifth'-rw hive atmvr nurmal during thè grcater by them fr.'iil liltproveil road«. Miff- »prtteii ncithi-r llttie nor < xpens » pari of thè uioiitli t »It to «ay that those localilie* Fruii trei-s are In g s«l comliliun. to pnxiuce liti« sjk» lai issili md it i* . where good road* have la'en built Wlnter whi'iit 1« unu-ii.'lly for- a work uf which hby iati I mi Justly are la coinitig richer, more prosper­ wurd for thè sensori. ous mil in ire thickly s.ittled. while proud. those which do mil piisi iZ Illi sc nd 4^*4* for BtiUaur ■ ml ip, s !n ltaos|HirtHtlon are eith­ A niirtit 'T of our citl*i-u* ar> «I er at ii standstiH or are Iwcmning Theoftlcrof thè < »regno lloptir iw tending th« r .irmi’.s Shiittf < our«« pourer and Uinre sparely settled If bf the .«*l*tv Aprli lllttir.il college Hl . I!e -e coiidil!<>ti4 cbnilnuc, fruitful tiuslnewa In thè city Hall farm* may la- Rliilndotied wild Bel' t'orxaliis. This Pilori < »Ur«e, con- builiil'ig. in ‘»»lem, wllli J. H. rt in I hik J s go to Waite. »Isis of lecture« by the I’mfe-'sors of Stanley a» thè n-presi-ntatlve. lei Life on a farm often become«, n» n egrams reganllhg thè edccting of •■esull of ''Isitto’iile«- mails," i«i l.it lhe college and I' given free of S.1I1-S, w hh li ought tn_ la Very « 11- Vharge Io all whi>'le»lfu lit tei i lve cd and lurren of six-til enloynienls eouraglngto th. gruwi-r«. bivi- l«-«*n and plensilri-Z, and is'dntr.'t' people ill the tn-nefil« nf llloh»Uglll) tl.ilm d ria-elVid, an i thè l»i«rd i f director» sothi'Ctniiiiinlfii-H surer such great knowledge i h • les-tures «re de* fei-ls greally rla’i-d live’ III'' l’ros- dl«ild VHIlt age (Il it Hlllllit lull Is |-||l el*. I hh -I« o I Im rrisrd prlc'-s for thè emp votisi to strictly f irn’ and stock In • •d energy we.ikemal and industry wlilch ha» l»ern piace«! in il» cu«to- ter* «is. and li.tve « ti tidi n' y to Im* paraly red dy. A thitmugh Imiuiry hi* di vel liixa! road«, like g.iaj slnet'. prove methods of Work and build npisl thè faci that liislead of thl'fr make habitation along them nnsst lip antongMl ti« a (»etti *■ an I mori la-mg ; i » i , i » hi ImIcs o» bop'* more desiralile. They economize time and III:,r« w!*t la- ni ial'-'l l'V lite i«*n«uit1- profllnl.il' system of farming Hiid force lu trans|Mirlallon of product« era Ihete i» a «Hurlage of prolMtily Inake the handling ! a I»Her fc' d< reduce wear and tear on horses liar |.i.i«s> I m I v ». Il »« sl«o worthy of in-«-and Cehtcli's and enhance the of »IsM'k la'lte’ Umti rsti od. They mite that Ihere «n- noi so m.iny i.eirki-t lalui- of real estate. They (how how to fe«-d for la-sts re«ull«, I m I i - s <<( bop» In» »regoli it ' thè deal raise lhe value of farm l.tnd« mid not only the stock but the farm eri Ibld est iliiated. farm product« mid tend to beautify l’n-'ideiit il. I. Jone» <>f Ihe as They incite t i»n Ittcfbnsedattention lhe country through which they MM-lation. re,Siri« that fioco thè la 't imis «. I'h'-y facilitate rural mail de­ tu the detail* of farm o| i rillons, re|M»rt wils m ule by ¡ilio. 11'»» l«ah'« livery uhd uh' .i polt'ni aid tn cduca ami have » teh'lt tn * toteard« (■»•tier uf bop» bali' la« ii addi d lo thè a« tlmi. religion and (iM-lablllly. s'H'latioti |»»il » >nc idilli director« farms, ticlter buildings ahd fence« .< ha* It-« ‘«umiier oi.ee said, *'1 hi* esllifiiil»:« that thè as«.« iatloii will find ami the ■ cti.silillasler Hfe [he »ml general remivallun all t"dml. lialidle !'!,<«» tulli-». Wlllell itili la' itio-t Im,»'‘(alii igeiits In advancing Better care of «I’>ck 'id tool« and m arly all of Ihe bop» in thè Immi» civilization.’ —Mi«t. in ichlnery Is show n to lai iftost pro­ of thè groWi-rs. fitable and strive Io show that pleas Reader, have you ev'r tlioofht SHEPirr s sale . lire and profit go together. The how dItlieult It Is to tin I nil untirok short coursi- I» getting to la* virry en fendivi .Mo*t of us are frag !*\ \ trhif <«i .in I x«M'iiti»»ti *tn«l • «r |s>pul ir am! as a goiaf deal of go . I men!« of fitniilles, scattered here t’cr 4 -’tir >», iitr >hih 'lirv< (*'•!. <|»»ln mul children »vatlervd like the tri«’ ’.tt*«’ thè HtJt h»v «4 t'«-* *>'F’ tn looked for. flic ailend ntce latgely of Ilin mofnleg. There 1« something 4 r»*rl4tn «un in '«Kurt wherviu T Iticreas»*« yearlv «nd the interest Is in life Which makes tl« f* rgvltul of - T * ♦•■* f, < •ribit I ! PtittlNfr, >•*« rv spii .ii'lng I arim-rs Instltdte* i.lso . each other's ttrlfafi' wlvn we la- h»r\ *n<* Chiirlr» ** Come sep.-irated. I low often i|u x oil fr. ¡ ’ -iitrf *4 th« ^tAtr «4 <»H » .Il C.tn are liecotning mon- |»>pal.ir amt are write to n I'fother aud sister» We -’.itiiliuu’ thf Jt«»iirni4 «vifitii ix^mtivr* fot tending to foster interest In the d«rt> say If you W ill «It down mid .h«’ *.»!<* 4 * •nvt»| .'*»•> I niR tiiS hnv*« Short coursi*. count tin- day« you will th' surprised a;i»l ih«’ ili\It’rlit »4 th«- hui't» UH» th»T»* (r»>in ujrkitntifì .4ii«l X! W tn find Rial it lias Leen ir.onths mid *»^. W;a»er Touts. : ’ |a-r ha J'« y ears 'line von w roti- lo either id them. (Ime Irt a great ..ni* in nmdi *.ìni fih ! thè -<*»■• FI un l or sunshine, dowers and oritnges w hile a li'llet passe* telling of the tifi r»'vr»yermf .1 pis An dear ¡uve and asking Io I»' forgiven • 1« it-H'I int■ *»>r ila» miiu • J Ihiwl i<’ w >•!» |p lea to »il noInta I Ml Toorl«t \ lot mt w riling of lene ’ tlieo al mg *ur»lon cam and chair cor» to El sileni e A telegram 1« hsnd'-d you intrrvwit thri«»<>n fivHia tlar l»t «Uv «4 Or* 1« «T ’** *** «n*l Un* fnrtbrr *nin «4 f 1'1", lori Worlh, R omm < o x. after a v. lute and yoilt finger« treni 0» iittonn-x-« !»*«•• .»n*l |«»r r«»»!« tatui »• - I'!■!. .ig.i, t'!:i< lunati, ! !.i!:»i:s*t, Mew yiu wlilîi you tc-if the rnv*-’ •«• I iif-rt i nt uitui <»f »inh-ritig *t«<- Itrlettnrand Washington, II. i'. '»'ou remi tliai father, mother, «iatef ali«’ |h*« hft'lftN th-ìt !♦’« r» -’| For rate«, guide» and iiiforttuillon or brother tiled on »(fell a date. You »!••*» i tla^i pi’.fwfty in idainhiff» n»*»rt* address. go aw iv by your«elf, tied a profu g.»gt- Bild rontplaiiit ••♦'■«il C II. M tuffi ix<, <1. I’. A , «Ion of tear«, and regret a thoifsmid U*giiui mg **V r»«l*■ l.a*»t < 4 li ». ,\.»rtb‘ Portland, Cftegoii. times tile negligence to lhe d**rtf de u»*«1 «»»Il iv«f «4 **• tih»n nn T.ean.hii» h’ |sirted. The dut It-» of life ere «o it» Sfiiith^vl ik^ingt* ! rt. -t.. f thè WtlUm- «ent from our time mid ilumgiit« Ths new» of I ’S i», ir i ’ • • In Th«- it’^-ui, Orvgv«M nini ruuniiig W st SI, Ci*r,oi> H.1 " .» w. : wlnii v. - *’i ■■•'■I tl Ù»»*m*t* 1 3-t B 'j r*«i<, thrulei* 1 I h 'II* »• t «M 1.« memlicr.- Fv, rs.¡I« then/*«' ---------------------------------------------------------------------- :-------------------- X»*rih 2P» r»«!* t<» fi», 1'1la.-r «B .Svili M» «» rt LO Dii r»»n 'I lie recent '-.de by tho llnturiri »1 tu (♦«••» in taimug » ¡»uvefiimenl of »'"«i -<(u .p- mile» of Linn » <4»Lt V < l|« tfoli. I»T M*bl I«» Hrttl"** •ai*l iii«lk.’* ni<*nt 41MÌ » «*t «tn«l. noi ter i* limla-r lands h» lhe R-trli ts of Al goma, Xipi Ing «n I Rainy Mver h» h h> 4ik«*n*hnt I will «>n *'ure» Intpotcn-r, N'ght F.tnl ’■ b» and AHI» ‘Hv «•( 1*iT»n«rv 1 »•>. al Hw* ’»••♦»* «4 w»s allt-ndcd by all lhe le.dlng k.i-tlng disci«’», a’l cw*‘Ct» of ec*f- Mi»’ »»"« b* k t» «»i *¿*»4|«líiv f »nt ArficHcah lumla-rnten in Michigan «• »•" Hr r».*.- ■ at») IrtdiA- .|«w»r «U ih«* «ìttfH htwiM* nt th«* "ìlv *4 Al’ who I' ujlil freely, notwithstanding ^B^Jii'’ ’ .\ nerve touP- And lw»nv Finn »•<•♦»»«•» Or*^'«»n. *»•!! M p»ibli^ ihe terni« of the »ale f r filhitcd the btriiit'-r. f't • ,*« tl. «in (ioli to Ih«* h>«h«*«t b»«|t|«*r h»r < •»•»!» in i'X¡»oft i'f :-.i XV I'lgs, Ihr t-Yla-i l it Inn pi«4W pi* J» j’.’ «r t ¿‘itIMr i and hatn«! «ubi*-ri f»» nwh’inptn»n i»«<-nnhl»»(e* li-Ing that lie «r arelty d It.uda-r l»tw , tl»<* ài*»*'«» 4Ì«,* rilw'«l pfVfH;*• ’’ *«i • «t Wi rk«’ 'f’S the frf nf rout.' mid inerì ns» d ilciuiilid initie I nit ♦•fv hbi»;« »»M-nt in»l nil Ww^^\lRr .fft.Moc i .J tn*: >'« ■ il .**t.ii»« would ne ■«•Itali .i larger Ihit«-*® tlti» «lut IS**v**»*w*r !*»•*' ior $2.n<»¡ yftli k written giutr'ni- demand of manuf.iclured aiul* from I V Mi b-r to cufh nè rcfuful tho ihoitey. Canada. »»• l iuti «*«Hin*v »ml after » time prices may go Mown beloU a profllaMe |«»lnt Just 10 per cent. Reduction on our Usual Lou: Prices * l.»'O»»O