4 • '• a * » 4 > * r st T • • «• • f • ä A H«» • ». ui WaJsiM. .Ä « . — I « T • * , • • •w, ♦ • • » .% Jr «*.-♦« « • -4* tif 9 »- 9 • • I ■ : fc C . N*. VOL. Ill I Ki Tl g Christmas Goods::: kd) rril|.l»H|k«> io, i.«\\ httì FMlMV 4T < <»,, mttmiv. Hy I HA A. PHELPM. r • mii * P»r «nmiin. lavsiu #11 month», •< A'lwrtUu.f , liialn* •• »• Cbi’islmas • » floods... »I lur merchants hive enj-.yid i very large hiillday trade tills year, a fact that Indic ite« th it t.'i-ln.-• 1« In a Mimewliat improved condition over previous years ¿¿rib .ka* Ih l x lb Ilimsx ' lo w ing tobacco .............................. lúc Ib ¡ Npear Head < Im wing toltaceli .......... . .................... .. I c lb Jolly I»utchm.iii tobacco jar....... ........ 31) cent, each The Prie«t tobacco Jar .3») cents each The Smoking Fig tobacro ....... ÓU Cetili «Mich J "• The Nmoking Frog I tutu«« r<» ...... -................. . . . »TO ernt*» <‘íivh The Nut ker I o I mcco . crut« 4’íic!) J*f.......................... Smoker's outfit I pi . 81.15 per outfit • cfTulold Sm -kers < »utfit <■ pi<- • » ................................. ♦1 50 per outfit When ll'ibcrls »hall have been very properly kicked mil of c.«n gre>s It 1« -ife Il, predict Hist be will not retire on 5,1»*» i year «alary M 'ld resolutions pmviding for the election of I*. M. senators nd an in com«- tax have already been Intro­ duced, and w ill tie duly -etd iwn mi. Both arc aplondid resolution« de­ serving ■ place in the e-Hist Ito t loll, but our servant» at Washington are not made of tho stuff for standing III with »u<-li in<< i-.ir« - rimali Slcàds ct ttaxatcr*. Nineteen ymn g men »■• far klll<-I oiltrigtit liy- foni bill Ibis »’■•*.'11, '••■ «Idea thè pi or »• min r» di» it l< .| f.-r life. Tlie»i- cau«u»lll<-s are tir in l'Xc.-s* lime of \* r - \ • I \. t It h A favorito college *|«>rt. .ymi HTe our colli*g«*« sl.lilghter liousi-s for VOUI» |f muti ut quality. (I X When tin* South Afri- . hi war fir»t ta*gaii<>oni Paul isielthit tl.i< lord Was on t lie »Ide of the Hurra, mid t hat fur llil» reaami they Would win. From the »uc«-vs»iiin of reverses the Hritish|*«riiis li«ve mi i with one 1« almo»! J h - i u.il icit to 1« lieve that Ilin sli-rJy old Jiui'hinmi knew what lie was talklny nl>ou', and that the ultimate rt'ull would I«- In favor «i|bie la* tiie outeome of the war I he war has > • far twen entirely III favor of the ll-H-rs, and lias lieen n very blmaiy one Every iMtlle lias shown that the British of fleers have I» • -n out gener.iled nt every turn of t •• roud, mid when a tight ociurii-d II was for the mu»t |«irl a one sided utf.nr, and ill each occasion the British met defeat. The effect* of the conflict are taring felt all over the world, and It should nut surprise nnymie if it should calia» a «iring.-ncy in the money market Hint would cau«e dull times hot uidy In England bui on this «ide ot llie oci'.in as well, it I» estimili i-il now that it will require at least two hundred million dollar» to carry the cmn|kilgn lo a «uin ■ild re«». C. II. M MiKil mi , > liy Hie Salem Steam Laundry. You c in send your laun dr»' every Monday by taking it Io the express olfice. M’U u •ta na The Albt'iy li- rii I. m ' li- Il in • • Ioni Nhots," suggesla timi Ilio e.iutl ly por fmn w •- i “p-- .r'' i ... - meni, and hy thi» urie • ami- t loit lliink thit lite llerald Will haVe-"V e»ral •uggeallon* nf tliis nature lo milke ta forothe l'Iesll-.n m et Jum- It’s a liitlo late lo itiikv «lieti «ug gesllotis, huwcver. ss Ilio f imi wa- purcbnsed al tiy thè eorismit r llniy Ile kepi al n verv «inali expi iisi' Ju«t ts ause il i« • c uinly lii«tii ilimi 1« no i.iu-e fot thè re. kli si eX,>e idltur - f III ' , •>r expensive or . mi»m.inagem< ut u| thè tarili. • Christmas Goods • |l V* ..... im. Tvwa«' ***•! 14*011'MPI&c ti 3» H|iÀ*t M i* n » (<». oi. : N ’•» Trotat* S»C3T1. In estate of Martha Rucker, |a*ti Hun for leave to purchase monu­ ment. In c«tato of I'wrilelis t 'ondni, filial aerotinl til «1, showing a I m I mocu for distribution ••( *'.».» ami real property unsold of i2,«» of E I T Fisher, peti­ tion to »ell note of J < . Powell. in i**tate >>t J l' Powell, widow grantisl allow ama- of }.’Mi. in estate of J J llauinier, |u*tlth>ii Io re»« iiid loiilraet and retransfea propi-rty. In estate of Hichanl Fox, |M'liliuii filed for sale of real pro|M*rty. Bisque Figures for Oriiuments for the LADIES Celluluiu collar and cuff l»ixi-«, T<> cla «nd U|> STAYTON <» û ft û tr it û û ft û û û dr û rfg <> n vi . ban y , Gandies W '.t ' g r ' - r » 3 . • ■ -h W » I h» . h of m r»< tr« ’M«* - g B mom . r »xv ¡ '«nr *• th* »oft:, r» jf- ■ IM H t ■ I ■ g " -A B itti ■ ri “i m . f • n< B r » Illi. 1 ’ .« • ' «tail «■♦oil!*» f.t*'i ut i?< B *iÎ.àî? ■»-*■• r. xl . », i i ■ E - j ’■ t ♦ '« M ««.il I • . r. ■ - »• iitlon his not yet ta*en an­ nounced. We nre Inform d that there is a jirnti.itiility there will t«> a Joint eon i ch I ion held under the .in« plcisofthe iGi y Association thu •s' lte I! * ird of Agriculture mil the < in-gon A griaultur.il • ollege. It is - lid th it quite • trade in froz­ en milk In-1 w coil Vi str • 11 i ini the I rmsvnil li.id ti.'i'n develop! I prior to the present war. The tlillk was frozen and hermellcwlly sualed in till' ntaait H luche« squ ire. It was then stiipp,«| from Austrilti tn Jo- h iiitil'.* • rg mid w s kept frozen until wanted for delivery to cii-tmn <• rs. The Oregon Nlute Hoard of Agri culture ti •« itivlt»*»! I>r. Ji«. Withy coiii I h \ ice lllreetorid the < liegmi I'» pertinent '«t it inn; C. II. Mark­ ham, General l,*««eilger Agent of the Noutlu-rn I’ai ifli* and I hns. I'atll- »en, I'resid nt of tin* Oregon liiiry A»»■ h i itn>ti tn act with the limrii h « mi a Ivi.ory committee in arranging for the li< Xt »late fair. I XElTToRs N'oîltE. BDùliSBJlBlAL .... HDimi J. Newly furnished ami refitted throughout... <>ur Ialite« are supplici! with lhe beat the market« afford .. South uf bridge, < > i : I? ;» ily g» * 111 io \!. i • i : *- ■ i I« • »V IA < »V » M MU . and Hie I Us it. I II I III W ord > N Al . I ’ I ;< •< 11 " . » »I imp« d it Hie top of the h g and u*i lb«» heel, followed ly the A dioici' line of fresh meats, hi variety, constantly mi hand. li.iilii’, "Ntoul'a Patent." Wo »«*11 you the ordinary short rubta-r l»«i for two • »2i dollar«, Will do a strictly Cash txisine««. • I'll I ‘ Is lu reby given tn all per­ son* cotii-i-rned that I h ive tiled Frank <’- Baker, of Portland ha« my finii «eeount In Iili* County tourt of I.inn County, Oregon, In «old tits < ipil d View farm, consist ing uf 317 acres in Marlon county, the m itter of the calate of ( »I tn'»er Oregi'ti. to Wm (i iir for glti.iKJtl. fling, deceased, ami that said Court Itils Is one of the iiiim I c I farm ot has fixed tnu second day of Janu­ Oregon and Mr. Gair certainly h i« ary. r**i, at the houi of I u’clia k p. in. of «aid day as the lime for hear uiiide no mistake in the purchnae. ing all objections to «aid final nc There is a sequencu to the keep count: therefore all persons having Ing of more ■nd la-ller live Mock; any ohje« I ion to «aid fin ii account there will la* a desire and mu*d for an* hereby notified I«* fit«« »ueh of» more jo • I tw'l ter p i»t u te«; t I k * re will jeclion in said court on or before said la* more and la-1 ter manure to apply last lit i-Il t ioned líate. to th« land, and soon tli'-ri* w ill tie n Ii.ited ibi« .¡Otti day of Novemlier, i- tti r f .rim r, with in. i - money slid I«». a la-tter farm. JACKSON A. BIEYI C, I omplete returns III ide Io the il l l.xecutur. wailan Planters Association «how that the crop uf sugar of the | s | hi ds AbMixiM ha n>ir> xorn i; fur the year ending Sept. »», ®l, IHU9, amounted t'i 2«l,s«iT tons, V ilio I It over ♦-’•-'..'a*',»*»». I hi« I» an inere.i». of 53.19.1 tons over the crop of thè my finii a.-rounl in the t'ounty previous year. Gouri uf I.inti I'ouuly, Oregon, in Turkestan Alfifi, iiilro*lueed l.y tin* matter of tin- i-»t.«ii* of Mr*. I. the lu pnrlmenl uf Agriculture, h h H V '-•■rfling, de i i«ed, mid III il aulii la ell fu'.iid a valuable (or ige | laut I ourl ha« tivi I the -.-eon I day ot in the North weal for resistan. ■« to January, 19uu, ut lliu hour of I tai»h culil and drought, ft« Intro­ o'ciock p m. of «.ild day a« the liino duction, It i« -aid will protMt)!/ add for hearing all ut^ectlon* to «il I fin mltliiins uf ibillar« to tile annual pro al account, therefore ail iH*r«on* hav­ dul l ot tin* country. ing any ot.jeitlon to »ild final MC Admlratih* hewey is to hive a count an* hereby notified Io nit­ s | mhi of hone* w in li were purciia« *uch otij.a-tloti in sii I court on or ■ d at .1 ini'-«l"W •>, N V. I'liey were before slid |t«t mentioned dite. taiuglit uf I apt. T. E. Grindill by Patid Fils i ) il iy of November rilarles F. Gia'ltman id Pittsburg, 1199. for nlaiut 4I'»»< The nags are seal J a CKN o N a BII.VEF. brown weigh l,!5t)escn, »lands over Administrator. 15 hand« aril p •««••»» «tyle and s|»-ed. lite Jury In the MclUnlrl CUM- tried at Portland during the | m M •••verni day* found the |rri«oner We care nut what br<*««l of poul­ guilty of inan» auglitvr and Ins will try the farmer may rai«-* or what UkllVI I HaNDMANHWor prmstbly get fiftien yeursin Hie pen (••ed no may provide, unless he pro­ II« Hilary A ridiculous Verdict lot i 'ures impotency, Night Etui low vnd •is he »t iled himself he w «« either vides i house »hat I» warm and lets wasting discasca, all effect* of *clf. guilty id the Ini««-I kind of murder in sunlight im c.i-ion dly he will nut have w inter eggs to »ell. The first ■busr, or exet-aa anil india- or should la-aiuultti d. essential for winter eggs is thrifty . i. •A in i i r tonic noil young heli«, tiut tie* si'cuud Is a g.»«l 99 I i I imh I builder. I'.lu ’• t ' It would tie hard to induce some warm hen huum. pink glow to pale checks and farmers Io use hay nini grain for fuel Ahrcp arc belter than cuttle or restores the fire of youth. vet »ime do won«'th in burn it when i bogs for Ike »mall farmer. They Bj V. til ■“•<'< | • they «tint fattening stock, when need the kind of feed which brings tor A2.no; with a wriiten giiurwn- they li d it topomly bred nniiiinl«, i a rot tliiii of cr-ip«, and a system of tec to t urn or rrftiiul thss iinmey. when they try Io make it take place «beep farming, prop« rly carried on, of «heiter, and when they carelessly makes It ume'ci*»«ary , io «eil any- NERVITA MEDICAL CO. handle it. It Is worse to Waste it tiling off — the farm, except it ta­ Clinton A Jackson St*., CHICACO, ILA. I then to warm one’s self by It on s w hcul in w licit growing «i-ction«. vl’itvr I *y. Far - ' • / l\ •/ !’ • >»»r. «h*.*ep hu bjnJry an J rut.illjn of NFRV1TA,'TT'T.V<')V' for the BOYS und GIRLS.« »> Christmas Goods... k V floods... Fancy tidy towel«, B-«'k«—(flit VRither Goose ««-rl«*», Christmas tree ornamenta. (»Id .Molle r i |«» i *«* on wheel*, ilio 14.1-k «mlth, faucy lidie* of Nwt»s m.inufaclor, Celluloid roller and cuff I s.ing» of Kris Kriugle, Wax c.itidles Uixcs. >1 nd gviitlo.iiaii in colo aid lory I'» ct« c a h toilet rmrs, «having sets. fancy ligure», X.ige»«'t,. Tablu «pre.ul«, d » e»4 *x rap album«, dolls, il'*lt Work boxe«, etc. . Icely Irinied of many bright color« Fancy embroiileicd muslin, bend» ami doll hats tauly and gentlemen,— I’lii.h photo alliums, Mixed Candy goal quality Boy's tool cheat« with Hu- Inly playing |»-i*k 11 L h ( i i-lluhild photo albums, I t,«l room •«•<•, ti cfs per |»iund toots, 27, 1» and '<*<€ eacti la-ethette photo album«, Mug», Clip« and siucer», Freeh roasted l'eauut«. I laruiH t«, tlrgileis, trumiets, (•loves umbreU.iv, I < llul'-id music photo album«, In cl« ;a*r |x>und I piece sugar ind eieim sot. horn«, etc Nice wi»>l and «ilk mitten«. Nir«* floral sutogr iph allium«, i ienuine raw hide drnma, Filbert*, IT i ts per pound. Fancy and plain sauce disile«. llu- Ju*t tlu» thing to Keep I i llulold photo boxes, w itli » iiks. .»>,? . ind ji i ich Almond», ptfa r shell, hand« w arm, (.clluleld photo frumc», -*c and up Iron and tin engine« and train», Individual sugir mil creamer«,— 1«U«O Olllj >i ••«liver photo frame«, fl each. Em!>rol
  • r««l, heaimed and I ire English Walnut», là et» |« r pound. to *». '«> p.-r »et, |s.n‘'« v and Boy nn Pol handkerchiefs. Gold mirror». French twvcl Orange« and ll.ui.eo«, Game- chis kers. domino« «, ♦*» liK'ci«« floral designs dinner plate, very nice, f J eat h I aniy catidiv», etc. lotto, ullttior», d« rliy steeple ♦ 7.25 Gold card receiver«, I-I each. t 'ocua nut* Ac each. cha»e, Ilin muter carriage pii-’c« floral design dlnr.ur gam», only Ex*; latest out.., ♦ta* HJ pieces floral design dinner «I 1 85 I II lice of Eiilun county, Oregon, r.al*«-d I,".'»I head of c ditMlgi* tills year which weighed on mi average ¡ nine fHiunds each. liinglcy Bro» , of Harney county, have di«|KH>ed of their entire bind uf «tu ep ataiiil ú(AM* henil to Mr. Is.1.11 «, of I '.ildwi ll, Idaho, fur $2. 'il mt alionl Jutkl upplo tree» this winter. XX<—t Virgin Tnere were 59,195 cat tie a-«i-«sisl in II irney i*ouiity,Oregon, this year ■i» compared with 51,1?.» last year. I'herc were 21.1'* . «Iie.-p assessed fil 1 this year against <¡o,Ifu la»! year. . H . yt V H; Isaac Tuck re|Hirla to the Fruit* I »< r H.-P w... Ilian’s Guide that t lie r«' cl pt» of up I Mi i’pin; ♦2 pics in New York i l.y for I«'.».’ up io li. I' Sept. I were •'••»1,79»i t>.irri*ls against ISSI .(••l.irr.l barrels fur the «amo time last lt.p year. ‘.UMI A iiuiii I mt uf liog« hive died re­ M cently nt I>.iyton, Oregon, of What some of the farmers believe tn lie li ig cholera Hr. Minty of McMinn­ < duo ville »ays the trouble is not cholera hut lung dl'e is-i. Jer rin* »tale tsiird of agriculture wilt offer a premium for tin* I h *»1 exhibit of live stock Io la* owiiisl hy any one farmer. I li<* exhildt will liulude all kinds of »lock raised on thu (arm Hep . Il y «ming and not iiecessarly pure bred. I»urliig the ten month« ending Muiue. law icr Oct. .11, tins year, fruit« and nut« were lir|»irted into the I’nlted I'.-rl. in* H«'p «team»lii| Status to the value of f I 'i,»;«l,.'>«.l For Hu* rorres|»iuding mouth« of I •»( ye ir fruí 1« mid nuts were im ported tn Hie v «lúe of í 11," ki, IT I. ♦ Cbrixiipiis i 'all and »ec them... W. B STEVENS A CO J. A. Cuinniinqs Al.BAN V. OREGON \I.BAXV. ORE DRUGS, PAINTS kF WALL PAPER ( 'umplete line uf 5 CLOTHING Wo now have th«* largest mid host selected stock ot (’lothillg ever shown in the valley, wliieh we are ottering at................... CAPITAL. $20000 ------ (Hi ll lilCS------ Preiiieit ■ r. . it Cashier A. J. Jcbnson J. W. Gdiues C. V. Jchnscn I »oes h generili banking and ex- change brinlnt”»*. laMins inule ni current riti»«, nik I drift» iHnied un principd cities. Way Down Prices i We have many special lines ot Spring ami Summer suits light weight nmlerweai \. XV. IIAGEX WATCHMAKER t J E W E I. E It OREGON. HC'IO, All kinds of w itclie« cliM'k« and Jew dry repaired promptly. go SPORTING COODS in riiE <111. H. HENLINEC* Ftlol'HtK loll i »N'l.Y I■ Illi's < I. \-»-< shop in i it.. < 11 y 15 8h«ving. 25 Hair Culling, bhispooin?. 15 Ltdi«d Hair Drejaing 25 bath*. All work giurati.««nd ont» '• ' • Agents for MARIIN REPEATING Hl FEES ANO MH 111.1 Ns Shotgun Shells of .ill kinds, loaded to order Ki It-faction Guar iiiti-.-d. "3 IN ONE" OIL I *>r IHryclr*. Nvwhig Mm hinr», t »um «ml Ty|»ru ritrr♦ first-cl.*«. ijuiniiii- llitir I’onlc -best mi market. J. J. Burncs & Son :: %MI» General Blacksmiths Waginmakers ’A'r Imy our atuck in large quintil les and keep a full tine uf carriage and wagon material. A'l hinds of work in our line done on «hort not Ice.............. .. ............ H ">RSEsnOElNß A SPECLUTT ' Simp opjfcnitH l.lverv Stable IRVINE i CALAVA*. PiwtJil Our rig’s niv fi) M-rlnss mid our horses nre good drivers. ■■ * ■ J I