The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, November 10, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. Ill
kU Ì to 4 M «
ft ni.isiiiii tv kht ratt.AY AT
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I.INN <•«., «»Hl «.<»>,
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Tvanetent »•1va»rtf«*»mrntr Wlaf !•' m»-1 >»t
Wip e th« «usier l»<iwn í»i th*»ir nwHhm
w-t •' the jh ® lutar® M Scio, Orvftxt.e
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For . .
Tobacco Usera
./ Stirimi
The cloclion ot new city oifle.-rs
will take pin»'® on the first M.-ndty
In next month, and care should I m »
i-xercitoi-d that none lait wide awakn
progr.-ssiv® num an» »»dueted to fill
tlm several offices Kclo h«» made
many «I c | m In advance during the
|«u-t tear, and It 1« thed--«lre of our
|H-op|® to keep uti the move In this
«am»* direction, ard an energetic
council can an I will materially as­
sist etch and every undertaking
Which has for it* final result Di® ad-
vancemmit of the city and it» peo-
| l-'
I L"
city council hn*
mad® a good many substantial Im
proven.» nt« In the way of grading
tnd gravoling of street«, and the
improvement will I»» mat® rially oo
tlced tai fore another »prlng dnwtn
upon us, and while there were some
of our people who wi -u strongly
In opposition to the move at the
time they will not In th® long run
regret the few dollar's expense they
were p it tn In n»*l»tlng the council
Itio Improvement«,
i hoae
Impfuvomoota, however,
should not en<l with what has tx-en
»lone, tail then- are many more
wh'eh should I®- made. Our »ide
wulka in many section« of the city
nre In a df-plonbl». *! i «| mi , and sori-
ously no-id the attention of th® city
cuuncil. Wo «hould Ilk»- to -®- our
fa-oplc gel together at least a week
or an prior to election and nam® a
ticket to he vote») for on election
day one that all could help nominate
nu-l v
! Di ■ w . ..I do »way
witli the unms-x--ary ticket miking
which usually take* place on elec
tlon day, and would give al! «
chime® t-
for llo lr own can­
didate. It tniy !"• Ho- means uf
glvlag the candidate« for the iw ver-
al p »Itions a clianco to expre»»
Iticiu»» Ki- la-fore the p»"plv and
nl«o give the |H*o|>l(i a chance to ex-
pre»» tlieir wi«he« to th® men whorn
they des-lre to elect. M-t ali talk
thl» matter up nrt'd decide upon a
tl»;® for such meeting, ana Til:
Nt w- will do its utmost to ».-.• that
al! tin* notified in «t:>pl« time to at­
it 1« high time that wn all
lay «aide our lit tie differencos «ml
work for the good ot our town and
each other.
After the t-attlo of Manila, w hen
th« (HyniPla was In Manila h»rt»>r.
a pialli r lioy lost hi« coat oV«rl»n«r<l
«nd asked |M-rml»«ion to g-i over at
ter It
II- was oidarñd Io mtnaln
on shlplaiar'l but dlaotiejed and slip
plug around to the other side uf th®
ve»«el, drop|M-d Into the bay and
«warn an und and Anally rocotend
his coat. He was hauled oU board
nndpli<<-<l under arre-i for di«>t>«
dionee uf order« and was finally
brought la-fore the admiral. Dewsy
questioned him abruptly and tear»
cam. tot ho taiys uyoa. Hu reach
cd irib. the pock*-l of the dripping
coat and l.aik out a woman's picture
"It’» n.y inolio r," I <■ »aid. " I hi
only til.-ture I’ve got.” "My boy."
Mid I>< wey, after a moment of sil­
ence, a lad who would risk hl» lile
to r- cover his mother« picture will
not be punl-hsd by me. Y >u ought
not to have di«ut>eyed th® order but
I cotigr Uulste >ou oil having done
It.— Ex.
we keep the brand
I pk. Dixie t jmen
amok I tig tohoce«............
I lb. Dix lelguren tin
can............... .......................
I bucket Keil lla-ll
•moki ng totucok.
I lb. < Umax enea Ing
__ ....
I lb Mar chewing tot.
I lb Spear Head
of < i um
Boot the be»t in the
w ut Id
th® "llmton«."
Men*» heavy, cotton lin»®! ahlrt
or drawer« reduced from ’al to
♦»cent« per garment...
Men's hip hoota »nag proof
Ikwton Brand........................
Men’» knee boote «nag prwd
Rualori Brand.....................
»3 28
M 1-0,8 blp boots
otd Colony Brand,.
Men'« knee boots
»2 «6
Old Colony Brand..
... .fine
Men's »tonn rubber,.,
... I'C
Women'» “
Men’« heavy ribbud cotton flan
pel »hlrt« or drawer« reduced
fr< ■>> to 1“ i lc--nla per garment.
There 1« that t*»y
We pay market t>ri»o for pro­
very near a man,
duce. Al pri-»eut egr« 23cente per
thl« may be hl« doi. Butter > to 33 rente per roll.
last year st school. ( hlcken» 7 to 7| cent» per pound.
wants to Should your chicken» weigh IOII k
dritoe. miiiv as the
each at 7| cont» per pound one
other hoy, a fin®
iluni'ii would bring i'.'.uo.
suit for only *3.33
Thera are thoo
■tripped »uits so
worn by
boy« and men on- j
ly F I, to, ami Jo a
A By« Sol Zx^x Potete Selb
Alva Agee makes n very inter­
esting potato noto in the tlhio Farm
•r. He »ays:
"Another year'« experience con­
firm« my statement made a year ago
In The I armer that one can control
IMitnto scab by the u»e ot a rye
and. If this is done In the right way.
Thl« Is the fifth year of an experi­
ment Oil two acres of land that had
Irocotne so lnf--»ted with »cab that a
-Jecetit crop of potato--* could not be
grown, rlvvaui-ccsslve crops of po­
A few ligure» un w >-4 »hoW« the tatoes could not txi grow n. Five
différons« netwren Republican «nd »nccMSIve crop« of potato®« have
I teumcn*l>c p>dlcie«. En­ been grown in this and, turning »
rye «-«I under each spring, and the
der the McKinley tariff th-- Amerl
semi u».-d a p rtl<>n of the time has
rm WOOl >li|' InereMOd from lk>7,t
UM) puund» In IF.'l to ;i«,Oou,i«JO In not been wholly free from -ciband
IMX3. Then tl.e \S C ■ I law < -me In has treen untrsato-i with any solu­
am! by ls‘.>7 there w.>< a d»cllne to tion to kill the germs, tint the crop
nnri.texi. The Diugley law turn­ 1« above the average In am > ithne»«.
ed the tide again, The wool clip Th«- »eed la«t spring, coming from
northern Ohio, had more «cab than
last year Increased ¡90 |>er cent, atnl
seemed safe, but »o far a- examina­
the number of »heep by 2,!2l,<»io
In addition to this the demand for tion of th® hills now Indicates the
goods I» so great that most of the crop will la* all right. If the rye can
be turned during a hot s|a'll In th«-
woolen mill« have consumed their
»prlng, it mak. - the sull a little add
accumulation«.— Herald.
and that 1» fatal to the * ib germ«
Twi-y-ar* of that treatment pructlc
It I« «aid I’resl lent McKinley ally cleaned the field."
will make the Chinee qut-iion i
feature of I I« forthcoming mesaage.
Colntr Eixiaoxx
Th® administration will not accept
the Euroja-an projmsltlou for the
In thr prohate court, u|nm pdltlu.i
partition of China, etch power, in
A <> < omllt wi»appo lull'd adminl»
eluding the I tilled stalo-., to hold n trator Of the esia'e of Cap!. Wow!
certain ’••phurv of Influence," but bridge Ge.irv, recently killed in the
Will Instet u|M>n the hr «rd open
-r Philippic--». ||.' le.-ve- red prop­
poli.y. Pr-sidont
I» erty In thl« county valued at ntxiut
again right on a great question, for
' ■ -
»ire f
the trade relation« with the (incut
In the recorder« ofltc«» n deed was
mein much to thia country.
fll’tl from J»«. Nsnhy to J. J. Hum­
mer, conveying MR acre« In Tp 1! A
H. 3 W. Consideration SIOHfi.
Fro» X«* 3»xJazfi
Jaa. RandeNon to Jiweph Boyan-
Rccfton, New Zealand, Nov. Fl, ov«ky, ItW acre», I! w 2, for * '137.
J«s Muntleraon to Antone Yocu
1 am very pleaae.1 to state that het», Ifili acre» 1! w i for *H4 IT.
A chald mortgage for li’ai.
rlnco I took trie agency of Chamber
lam«* of 7! sert'« froru Ch««- W.
lain*» medicines the sale has been
Very lar|
large, morn .-«juH-lally of the Andrews of M iiysvllle, Wash., to
I’uQgh Remedy. In It»" year» I C. H. and ('. F. culver, for A 'years
have «olii more of thl« particular for one thin! of crop of prtine» after
remedy than of all other make« for properly dried, boxed and ready for
Ihn preVlotM five year«. A» to Ita •hfpinent.
«(Dewey, I have been informed bv
Th« B»«« ruxter.
«.«»roa of persons of the good results
they have recelvetl from It. And
A piece of flannel dampened With
know It» value from the tlai of It In
<'h»mberl«ln,s l“aln Balm «nd bound
rny own household. It I» sb i pleasant rn to the affected parts 1«
to take that W- have to n l»iace the
to any plaatkf. When tenthh-f with
bottle beyond the reach Of t the ch!M
it |»<ln in the chest of «Id®, or a lame
t»..k, give It Atrial. You afe Cer­
E J. N taxti r.Rt at,
tain io be mbr® than pleased with
For »ale by Peery A Perry.
the prompt relief which It afford«.
Pair. Ilalm 1« ala» a certain cure for
Tit» Nrw- en-l »Hr iirep-mlnn one rheumatism
For -wl« hy Peery A
fhar for |S»Oft
► fruitojo’ X. p i:o> -r
WM»«»V»i IM«
Mr 'ak¡»
n,to<lwtol ®"«-d .to<»»r-'•««•11: W
- •
I'H wf
Ilice per pound.................
2 II» can« Muix-ew Baking
Powder, per can .................
Men and
W« xrll these Shoe*.
wooun looking for their moncy’i
worth, buy them.
•— riUM’ICI» roua —
II kinds of mill work on >hort notic<
Ai.n.isY. onwio.«
\ I 1 kin1!
■ I I
. ' • 11H
>. i -1 ,
, \ 1
I ' ■ ■ '
1 '
s1 ' : '
gh a, I’aintH mid < 'ila....
( iimfilcte 11 ncf
Blink of Scio
CAPITAL. $20000
of i îi
r.ttH —
A. J. JGùRsen
J. W, Gaines
í I
Vice President
Ihres a generiti banking And ex­
change buslneea.
Ixwns mad® at
current rate«, and draft« iaaned on
principal cities.
We now linVc the largest nini
host selecti‘<l stork ot < lotliilig
ever shown In the vallev. w liich
we arc ottering at
Way Down Pice s
We have ninny special lines ot
Spring; nn<l Siitniner suits ami
light weight underwear
J E \\
BLAIN CLOTHING CO., Albany. Oregon...
All kind« of watches clock-» and Jew
elry Repaired promptly.
355 ■ '
ft The “FAIR”
On rihoea aud Dry tioeala— Ÿ
fl rea t values..
J..1 \\'E.t\'ER 2
Granite and Tinw are
ft at great reduction
J. J. Barnes X Soil
General Blacksmiths
Th* new* of both h< mi«phere» In Th’
Werh > Of •<on Bin.
Land -it»«'» It uregna » lly, Of®.,
ort'dwr II. I'M
die«. I« IwrrHy rtvrn »h»l the rollo» co,
nt’lHwJ ortlh r tux«
tHMtar ol hl< n trn®
ft.»kt mgl proof In
hf h *
rMIth. Wn«l that «otiti .«twaf will »w* nuMh» »«rFHt*
the; County ( Irto itf Linn < omit) , at ABoi -)
»Hvg. i»,< »» l*»x« tn’w-r é, 1«*», /I«.
» ’ll**, lut Hwwll of* U tp H*« r I r
llr GM Hl*’» I tl»r knn-« I
« |tu>
• t<> (»>.»«
hto t*vt*tt»»'»»»rt« rowtUoirt» M|wn» md ’1 rtutlv’l
! kHt >»r «Mbl l«f ! ww
ffW«p|i * ktrwtri’ r.
t mk. Uriti I H
Starti!. »0'1 I*
Xrwl, ail of JtffiU'i I ’ yi rcHiniy. Vnwtm
<TT.%" li woofifcv
lak-i-i Ml»« at -CcKun » ttjr. <M® ,
ik-totwr H. I»’
V-mt- I
a bit-Sugar
K. <’. link lug Pow der,
per <M.............
•• •
Savon «.«.p........
M lb* Dry Granulat»«!
? J. A. Cummings
A.«J«A rt«X
H K. 11X11. G Ihr «r-, of iw'iri. <w
•«'. of -«1.. of «r* 11. «I» :•».» 1«
Built lor »ervtee
Every day and Sunday.
Style up-to-date.
Thoroughly put together.
Pint to dtriVw With
lh« Ulrg’Mphk!
n<»ww Th»» Wrehly Orego’ an.
tgin to nWk« fl o»I pnwrf I« ».ipfwt of hl«
< Wim. -u»-i I Ufi «sil !-«-•>< « Ul ••
'• iw«*®
Ihr I uontj • Is.« of l.lnn o-' ul». »I Allwny.
lass-ti-»»-»«, I«*», »u!
Brit material
(Jndcr the sun.
Y*rd wide value*.
Diwxon. Al Olar Sruggixt vrtll gi-r»
|i> percent, off on family «yrlngea
for the next
1 Preserves
It Means
TJttcful in design.
Hurts not th« purse.
Easy to the kcl.
H-r |t>............
H II m beat
Star Pointer, ltW|, ha.« besm de­
finitely retlre.l from th»- tbrf, «« his
leg Will bUVeb again allow of hi«
being trained. Bui he retires with
a record that Will give many other
horses a gam® l»-g before they beat
A novelty at a county fair hel<l In ’
Ohio, recen tiy wa* a chinaiunn who ■
drove hl« own horse. The cch«.tlals ;
name I« Lang Dang and h® drove
his hor-M» in two pacing race» with
f;ood result«. He I.« a successful fol- t
ow«r of the races.
Th»- potato yiekl thia year I« bet
ter than last but thfl acreage is
»mailer, and the crop will be below
normal. The tutwr* are One t<- look
at thl» year, but in places they have
had a quick growth In wret soil
which do**« not make them desira­
ble for table use.
The way In which cattle grower»
are going into pure bred Hues in
On goo ha« never before !>een ex­
celled here, and is encouraging to
those who have labore-l for «« many
years to bring al*»ut this end. The
»erub I- goit.g. If io fad it lias not
already gune, and this la a cheerful I
assurance for the welfare of the
st»a.’k intereala.
With fresh ranch eggs selling nt
30 rente a doren in thl* market, it
liaiksas If "the woman with the
I h - ii " will supercede "the man with
the hue." «iregon has mad® great
»indes In the poultry industry If.
the |>«st few years, but the demand
is outgrowing the «upply, Farmers
ehout-l not overlook this brahcli of
agriculture any longer, but enter
Into it as a ¡«»rt of tbu farm work,
<y»tem«tlr.illy • for there I» no tkiubt
ot the demand for poultry products
for years to come in this market.
There «re other parts of term wobk
that require« mote labor than a lit
tl® attuntion to tbc poultry yards,
with much I®*» proflt. Kuril spirit.
While at the pros-nt time there
aeetn« to be an honest desire to edu- ■
ente the farmer along tuoru scientific
lln-'s in soil tilling, slock feeding,
dairying «lid every purl of the farm
Industrie«, while ternmh» Institute«,
I »illetln« on spe-^
incultura! papers,
pipers, bulletin-,
al subjects and all
things of
»uch character ap|M-rtaining to7arm-
er* life and farming w >rk nre num-
ercu* and abundant In the land
there follows dose on the heels of
these r»-cognlr»«d Imncfit« an atmy
of Inventors of agricultural inndiincs
Many of the® are of great value In
fact It I» doubtful whether In tho
present century our farmers could
carry on their bnslneea in a success­
ful or satisfactory manner without
the aid uf many of the Improve I
tool» now «O generally in u»e hut all
these thine« will not gusnmtce a
man'« «Ucee*-. He must Jig out
his own salvation
llural Spirit.
The general government le build
Ing a mill that Will turn otlt 2’«»»
pounds of smbkeh-M powder a day.
If It can do tin«, Wily could it uol
build s packing boil«® and put up
JU«» |a.und* of iu<*at to feed the boys
on who use the powder — Tacoma
¡8, 23 and ■..'«■ a pound
Arm A Hammer »oda,
Jeffries should be gun.-rods bn- -tgh
Io give til» defeat. <1 opponent bls
du®. He 1« |U'ite I In a morning jm-
l-er as snying that Mhatkey never hit
him a g<HMl lAoW during th® tight.
1’1« tow, ear and eyebrow just
cracked open of themselves than.
' Men’s 1 hirk cloth suit! for..
•• •• pin check li.ikuo
••All wool »ullM.................
..fl. IS
¡letter good« froui *7.60 to |I8 suit.
Cui s ! là» Qrchxri.
A bulletin ju»t Issued by the Ore­
gon I xperiuient Station al l orvallts
I be tm«t y-nr, with Its unusual
climatic condition«, ha» la-en mark­
et! by a »Igoal neglect of tillage op-
•ratxMM ir> no' on harda of the. state.
< hi , ri-nit of till- h :» boon U m for
mntlon of an extra large amount of
fruit woo.! and bud», and under or­
dinary modillon«, next spring Ibero
will »rt • very miv'h greater amount
of fruit than will I m - tawt for both
the Interest nt the tree and the or-
i-ii«rdi t
III® orcbar-l «iiould re­
ceive a Ju lit Ion* yea, a vlgomu«
pruning thia winter, to the and that
lita-vd thinning of fruit spur» »hall
tn. had. <»therw!»e the Inorc expon-
«Ive work of hand thinning must t-e
■lone or el«.- there will be produced
a mas« of »mall Inferior fruit of
which no market can In. found and
a* too often <» cur. the larger |>arl of
the crop IweotnM a want®.
Now 1« the time to make a
thorough <•-. inlnatli n of lb® tree«,
»tudy ths variou« »y *teo» of prun­
ing an d .tv end« th. y nre »ought to
reach. Watch the In-ccta and fun-
gi-u« foe- uid Die climate effect«
u|®in th® fruit and f llagv !>u<l«, and
with the o|>enlng of s|-rlng tai pre­
pared to give the or i ird a vigor u*
l-ot Judicious pruning and then fol­
low this w ith g- nenm» tillage uf the
•oil. Only under conditions like
tiio«.» can w-- ««pec t to gt-t thfl beat
of return« from th® orchard next
year, under Hie u sualOregunclIma!
ic conditions.
ST( >1”
Men'» wool tint'd «hlrt« or draw­
er», reduced from <X> to •’«» cent*
per garment...
and Johnny need» » suit
We ®ave Ih.-m. lfe.y«*
knee »ult« » to II year».
N ack cheek < ottonadr,
w-ar and fade pr<»if.
>1.70 a »ult.
g ■<•!« If you w l»li th. in.
I to
V »vrrlMnr ralra at tair.lhing ratm,io t«
ft»‘4 Mtmthly.
That Boy
School time is at
r»r anv.nm, IB variably in ab ■> •
- i
Ila-nan,«-» th« fhlkwtnif will ■»■■» ’«•
III« to*Un-totol- rvtouhm.« --i»® >• -.-t «®¡t,.»t <.n
.•>•!. < o
- •• : ■ I-
■ ■
'■ • -e"
M'-rrt®-' H-tir> W. «»<1 I m «rat. all
A ici UH, Lini.
. .»W»iMn
CHA». 8 *»•>«»«.
Wu buy out st.a-k In large
t’usntltl®« «nJ kwn a fU'l
line Of carriage and wagon
Al! kinds of
work In our line done on
ShCtt nolle*......... . ................
Shop opposite IJyhty Stable
r’t ft I, <>.»! J»(»N
»» .a J1PBË5
BEAMI», I’ropr
'-HoS’lt” hdt
IItx«t\ ll\*“tl:R. Proprietor.
5>C«ly furhlshwland refitted
<Htr table« ar® supplied with
thr lb-I th® market» afford
South of bridge,
«c'ç, U»e.
Shav t iif.
Mir Caning.
Lvdlaa Hair Draaaing
A clitftcb line of freah meats in
variety, constantly on hand.
All work
strictly f'a’h (.□•«'ne*'.
flrwf ri i*.
A-,-» Hne of elgars "I* ■» - •<« »•«