t J * •* > - •a a,- •. ■ * * •• n* 4 w A A V _ / I »■ ■»W Í : *• < « *’S V, * * ■ • • I • I 4 1 *» I * *4 *.*’ I * v< >L. 11 • • B < ♦ J % •; NO. |S. VG z. dL 4 • - ¡ • Ck f. .» «W« . . %. • • ’ * K** • A « . -K • . ISO men in killed wounded and missing in our regiment, among the former being Colonel Thrush, Cap. rvut.UiUo as ahi mioAY at tain lieford of Co. K. kmong the w< io. « n> (•«»., <|KKcp\ wounded were Captain Andrews, .UAXU.I L« ¿«ova <>i AM o, I. SOLDII K who was also taken prisoner, l.leut. Uy IB A A. PHEl.PK ( ontltiucd from la»t wonk. E. E. Toby Co. (|. t apt Miles Co. H. and others show name* I cannot On »»Hi now recall. The hnttle lasted almost the evening of the 4 ---- PFFKERH - DIVO > 40 Weie detailed from two days U.v tl.o middle of th. Co. ' i our with Capt. Ao afternoon on the second «lay they drew* and 1.1 Hemlersun in coin- hail t>een completely routed and maud for picket duly and wore *«nt were in full retreat southward- In alaiut a utile to thu front. Every­ the second day* fight our regiment thing wa* «(Uiot Jurltig th« night did not aoffor any I >«« being on the ami until about a o'clock on the extreme loft watching that flank, looming uf tho Ulh when the ene and tho heavy fighting being on tho l>ooa a general («inking and ex* my a|q-eared In open front in strung right end centre. The Confederate uliange tai« I no««, I««in« mad« at force under Van l*urn. We belli Colonel liogers commanding a .regi­ current rato«, and draft! i>wiied on •••••••••••••••«•••••*•••* m In ebnefc at«>ut two h ment of Texans charged l’ort Bohl- principal ciUeut. when uo were ooiupeiled to fall nett on our right and front and al- t - back, ami w hen we started we sUs»l moat gained a footing, one of the • • not on the or«l«-r of going, but went. supporting regiments gave (gay and A/U-r a retreat uf about a half tulle wo Tho annus) Inspection of tho \V. met trout•» sent to our aupport, when but for the ilth Mle«ouri of tho 2nd brigade rtjsldntt In to take their • • • V. aodC. M. wagon road was ma«ie i gaunral engagement took place and pi le« they might have gained »cm. la«t week by the Ku|s»rlntendant after holding the j*isiiion for a tim** "* n«!vantnge. (ieneral ‘ Joseph * “ ' ‘i A Mow we rutr«*t<*ur I.leuten- American* have organi. <-d a board ant Colonel, luiiiol Mil«*«, wi> hero «lays fig'it but »ucceed«- ! in making of trade at Man. i to look after the kill««! tx-lng shot off hi« hone by a Ills t-MKpO ju«t Itcfori* tho rotrueI being wouuded in tho face in the at intervals of American trade in that s>4id shot from artillery. A member tempt. < >n tho morning of the Sth i ot our coni|M*ny, E. A. Drake w.-w l«rtlon of the w orld. we start««! in pursuit nnd almost shot atxl left on the field for d««ad, •uccc«*ded In overtaking thorn on hut camo into camp In th«* evening, At hut the Droyfu» Incident ha« the llntchlo river where General wounded near the eye. There were A choice lino of fre»h meat», In passed to a final ending by his being others wounded Iu the n-glmenl but 11 ultxirt iutt*rc<-pted them nn«l they variety, cunstaolly un Land. Convicted and then pardon«-«). Thu* I do apt rcmemtier name« or num turned oft on another rou«t loavlng a that latitude and 1« «till known a« groat quantity of baggxg«« in their both (he ariuy and the < i vii author- tier. Several amusing incident« oc- haste. We followod thorn to Blpley the cold new year, boring <»ur so­ Hi«« are, or think they are, suoceM- currcd one of widch 1 » ill mention. and th«*n gave up the chaae. 1 will journ here, ho went on an <>xpa«li- Will do •■> strictly Ca-ih i»u*ln< .«a. fully rid of a very troublesome prob­ A stalwart member of our coiii|cmy «ay hero that our regiment belonged lion against Forrest, snd followral »ho ha«l been Iwmating uuito loudly Idin to tho vicinity of Ja«'kv>n Fenn. lem which they hope may lx* oooti as to what ho wuuhl in case of a to the J.'dh corp«, first commanded But th«* pursuit la-lug frgilluas, we by Grant next by Shetmnn. forgot ton. tialt u got I aid I y "rallied" and see roturneu l<> Corinth when we were There wero several rtnall battles ing no other way ot ooaape from load<*d on flat car» to nuke the re Th«- liawlian government lias chos­ «udden death jumped into an old at various |«ointa during October but turn trip to I a ((range. The on th« main object of Grant st tho time en judge Alfred Nhortwelt to repre­ well 6 or s feel deep, from which ho w*« Vicksburg. To this un«l h<* mov­ gins was nn old almost worn out one sent th«* territory of Hawaii uno (I! finally omerged covore I with dirt, ed hi« headquarters «>n Nov. Itii «11*1 would have to stop every few RNX but to Ins credit be it said, bedtd his mil«*« ( q collect «dn th«* Memphis nnd Charleston HCIO, OREGON. taken, it aeema from the reports, another command, and l.leut. Col. railroad, McPherson was sent for­ tlon, but were ordored to remain on afli r mature consideration and with Joseph A. Mower, of tliu lllb Mo. ward anti the Confederates wero t»«»nr«l a« we were ox peel «-«I to be «ucceedcd him in command of (tie cailol out al any lime, u> go to tliu All kind* of wahTioa clocks ind Jew the knowledge and approval of tho 2nd brigadu Col. Mower waia West pushed Imck to Holly Springs Ml«« »«alsianco of th«* cavalry who were dry repaired promptly. At tins |>oint was wstabiish«-«! a do- president. Pointer and rem lined in command having a skirmish with Chalmers <-f the brigade until the spring of j«oi for arm» and sunpiles. The com m«l Wheeler near Moscow. But it man«! wiu intrusted to the Colonel Our army In th« Philippines is lMil, when Ito wa« advanced to tliu of the Sth Wisconsin It C. 5|urphv. living near midnight ami thu weath­ being Kuppllv«! with roflned sug-ir of command of our division with the But be it undor«too«l tlint the sth it er extremely colti, and our warm VIÀ_____ rank of Major General. quarters so near, we wero not long native production nt a «■«■st of less . We kept slowly a«ivancing from self was not under Ids command nt in getting to them. We wero not “ '. The m iin army moved, Ihsii 3 cent* per |>ound, Thia is I time to time until :*l>out tliu 2-,th of 1 callyd out. quite a saving, over the prices at May, wlii-n wo were within a couple on to Oxford the capital of Imfny- Coutlnuod next uwek. 1 otte (Jo. On December 20th Van I —of the— home and no doubt will raise the of miles of tho confederate work».; I lorn with his cavalry <1 ished upon * when tho writer was one of a detail Chrcmc Diirrhs»» Curol. tariff burotneier Io some extent ro | to buil«l briMst works, and worked Holly Springs then contuining about gardiog the final M-ttlemuut uf the iììm4ht, .ihliòi7gh"»o sick a* to "be' four million dollars worth at stores, j This is to certify that 1 h ive ha I «-apturing «-verytiilng. On nccopiit Philippine quMtbin. i scarcely able tu stand. The chronic diarrhoea ever atneo ___ tho uf his Inetticlency (.'olonel Murphy, news cam« to us next morning j war I got so weak 1 could hardly The mining iuteres 1» of tl o state the enemy had evacuated, and prep- wit« dismissed from the service. It I walk or do anything. One hottie of j ha«l a moat sertoils eff«-ct upon I An» th I J Morti». arc very active. Much develop­ j areBona were immeiliutoly ruado to Grant» operations, forcing iiiti. to, < hamberlitln’s Colic, Cliolera and follow ilium. Ju«t before starting '• l' M. i V I i« « I r • A. M. Oiarrh«M*ti B«-m**«ly curvd me sound ment work I* Iw-ing dona. Old u«r * I * A .• ».»! the rargeoa told ma to gat n »i * to fall t«aek toGran«! Junction, as also nnd well. J. it. O iihm , E! nauti a. t<> allow General Pemtierton to con* i »(UÀ M Ar Min traauMnu l.v • * P M. mine* are paying well and work is goto the hospital three or four V*. Tl»«* •*<*¥«« tmln* »’ pat at) *iii nsVw'fww'n being push«*«! to the utmost. New > miles in the n-ar M I was not able centrate hi» troops al Vicksburg in ' I h«i«l chronicdlarrhocM far t w< Ivo tim«* to jrepuls«« General Sherman, I 'years. Three bottles of tori tanti bh *I Marton < ilHtlllMT strikes arc being made almost dally to stand tiro march ahead of us. A who was sent to attack that |«oint by .i'lfrtwi ii, A.fOfI« «■ * 1 • Î, ll#-< * few of us were loaded into a govern h »‘ ; —Jv,nrt Jut* t'lh » • « and large amounts of capital are ment wagon an«l received a general Hie Yazoo river. We begsn tho ¡re­ Inin's Colic Ctmlcra and Diarrhoea i «wtaM* (.rtive, î‘raln», tkaliUh^ •»> I a>I »’.a- Hcmetly cured me. Uapfthnftt Krwhurg «oulb beingput Into proper! ics which were ih'uk’ln'g'up ridii'ig ¿vi-'r tho “¿ordu- trograde movement from Oxford on H. I.Bli AVgu, Fincastle Va. A«»inud. disovered long ag«« and have been rvy ruad we had so recently croaaed the 21th of I)eccuil»er an«l on the ' Both Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Shaver Hwar barg Walt tUllj . morning of the 26th we had one lying Idle. Taken all Io an Oracooa Wearrlead at oar d nro prominent farmers and reside . Fon iau4 ♦ v> I* M U " A M Ar small biscuit to tho man which was i F M L« >• tel r m -«I.,« . k . i lookinf ui~ up .-..I.» out, Doth|ng wero a»iiignecl All»».«, near Fincastle, Va. They procured • » mine« sr<» . now and there tloo ,o , |o()t a|jJ worn g)ven ,/ to laal us all day. Take it altogether lUMT-burM i-1 1 * » A ■ è 1* I- M 1 1 : .............. ..... to .-- .., “l Ridgeway Station. Wo built « «1» I According Io the Oregoniau it-( our minds try and I I » 4 I I > 1 I flnd’u'e reghm-iit'.'sHm alter break* 1 «tockadu but h i«l no «x-ca»lon to uao a 1 Ñ»|MB» ft Witaoîbufn sAr 1 a*»tn« that Oregon and her mntrup 1 à £v 1 1 1 ‘ ui a.m. ft H.v « . A n*l ta* In «Op. tn» it only for ~ a guard hou.su. |u fast we pulled out and atmut noon "* ■ ............. .. the ««... * ! AL: Al.BAN Y,< HIE. N i • a. h . .1 V • .1» pm. ell« aru coming Into wme promi­ ? icamo across a camp of our convalos- uarly spring Grant coll«*cte«l Ills ft f forces to again attempt tiio reduc* nence In commercial and trade linos cents, on Clear creek, where we re I lining < ara nn < igtlcn Route Û ____ tion of Vickstoarg, thus opening tiio o a an«l that Portland has a chance of a malned until tho regiment came t « TuUnum Su£«t 31»«;eri Beiture- I fiver to the gulf. Wo were moved llfetlmo ottered her. Prominent an«l back fruiu fullowiug aft -r I ■ down U> Millikena taiml and were « — AMI«— gard. em*rgctic business men have taken occupici! in thu work of digging tho sk< I'NIM I k AM M KKP1M. < AKS I Wu remained at Clear Creek until hold of the project and will endeav­ the latter part uf Juno, dulng noth­ famous "Vicksburg Canal ' which <1 Alta* or-.I to through ira n*. ft awhile promised successi mov­ for or to estaUish a’line of steamers bo- ing but guard I duty, when we inuv- :• (franile hix I Tlnwi but finally fiiile«!. After the success ­ Went Side I Hvision. tween that city and the Philippine« ed to Ilicuya Miaalsaippi, where we ful |M»«s«go of tho fleet past the con- ft at great reduction stayed until August IMS, going <« n«<«MH r»rll.»« s»rt « «risili«. and the success of tho enterprise . from Ihi-ru to Tuscumbia Alabama, fuileratu batterlo» we m >Ved down O ft ft ft ft ft 9 ■> 9 ft 0 4 ft ? {1 ■> « <■ :> 31> « ft {11> I 9 Mall lisle «tsllv e«-*»i « > :«*. seem« to t«o left to the Mgmity nnd Jon tho wat* h fur Gen. Price, who the right bank of the river to || ird Truism ' I.» 1-nrOand . «« «u* p tn )i,llvin « Ar ... tor««lll* l.v » i.u-.pm energy of the buainvtui meuof Port­ was prowling aruund witching a Umos l-amling and crossed tho river at BruiiiHburg on theJutli uf April A < « «■.>•" (<>■ >. • . . - h ttnins land. The |*«s-ubilities of this trade . favorable upportuntty tt. »lip in Th»*n wo aritne»»««! thu novel spec­ oitb»o.« A » rsilrm-l. are immense and we Oregonians ' somewhere. Finally about the mid tacle of an army being thrown be- ' dlcuf September we moved t«u k to Kl|*r»«» train «»ally «•■«♦f*. «unrtayi. should not let them slip away from our old camp on Clear creek. On the I tween two arme* of thu enemy, 1 •.-f ■ 1 nr ! * -•* a m ' us. • « T M i* m j ar . M< Mlrvlll» i* 1A Mt a m luurtiing or tho 16th wo u <*ro ar either one ol which wx« almost as • «opa1»« Iv t « SA a lti • (utlrnMidrom j ruuscU befure daylight, and llstoued |largo as tho invading army, ami but F. C. lived Htata Fish Commis­ to general orders from the "Army fur the audacity and sudeniiesa of '«winas'tton at Mn) ras«.i»»» »Ith <*r* t Ostentai an<1 <»« irtital an i I’», in/' Mat? -’»•««»• sioner seems tu I»* in favor nt fkeep jot the i’utomtc," stating that 1« was tho movement might have proved J. BEARD, I’roj/r . • hip iUMM fot J AFAN ant t HIÑA "uU ng Ing up our fish supply, and ¡hero «latra <*n a|*p:i<*!U>n . upon the point of entvring Kich a defeat instead uf a glorious »uc­ fore favors propagating not only mond Va. and that In n short tlmu, ce»*. II. Kt'tHifM Manar* i « Il M A a a II AM. A *• <* r À l'A*e A gent. I orv chinook», but silver«id<-» *nnd st«*«-l a few month« at thu farthest, the re In the movemuut our corps, tòlti • n«t.f»r. Newly furnished and refitted heads also as thu latter fl«h are com I ttellion would be crushed. After under Nherman, had no engage­ Hair-wan » lletrnfa to BAMmi and F • throughout. - Ing Into favoi In the eastern mark* rO)W A*«» Japan. I"ht'-a Hk*n*«tahi and Ktia* eating breakfast we were *tarto«i un ments until t.M.iy tllh at Jackson, traila, ran n>Hah««*t ft«>ii» M*» M. K. Wrmd- rt«. He alw> favors ««.tablishlng the rood tu Iuka. This was a small from w hich pLu-e we drove general nu>narr, U« ko< agoni,, glw tram hatcheries on all the streams on the village on the Memphis and Char JiMM-ph F Johnston. (>ur regiment A J JOHN MIN, Rank of feto, «nSo, uml the Our taUtMi are »a ppi Io*I with located. If till« 1« done ami the ty, an«l a large amount of national capital building until the evening f Use busi the iu irkoK afford... hatcherlei properly operated every »torus hud been collected there. tho 1'ilh when we wero moved to­ year, there will I m - no trouble about Goneral Price ha«l suddenly moved ft inis Champions Hili In great .*x( bridge. tho rivers being “fished out." a«id on this point and capturing the b isle t > as«i«i tho tr >>p« ei.g tg-*d at Scio, < ire. thu tisbing Industry will continue tu stores, made htsl'cadquarlers there, that point, but Fem barton had with­ .» For Yaqulna: t«o one of the lm|«ortant occupations drawn before fto could gut there. Train leaves Alimny ..t2:50p. M. of thin stato, but unle-«« some steps (¡•neral Grant sent two columns un- Thu fifteenth corps >11 I n,,t arrive In ■ d« r geiier.il« It-is«»« ra- and Ord, to “ “ ('orvallia. 1:46 P. M» are taken to k«M*|> up the supply ar­ '«llslodge film. General Ords in front of the intrenchmenta until the « “ arrives Ys«)uina.. 6:5o p. M. tificially, it is only a mittar of a few »(ructions were to wait until ho •Vunlug of the IVtti after the x«s»ul< years Illi the «avuput ion of fisher­ heard ILMecrans engage«!, and then had been made on tho work«. But i Ileturnlng: leaves Yaqulna.......... 7:<»« a . M. man w ill I- ■ gone on thia coesi so tar go to his »up|*«rt. All through ttie assisted In the charge on the 22nd. I xmvcm Corvallh ....11:4“ A. M. as a mean* ol >f miking a livelihood I i 19th Ord was within four miles of On tho 21th the 2nd brigade was Arrives Altmny .!?•?'• •-. St. vCiiiceriivit. , luka, but did not near the tuittle sent around by Haloes Bluff up the 3 For Detroit: songs, and thcrvfore llosecran* hail Yazo liver to intercept Gen. Dick 1-caves Altmny. 7.10 a . M. The north bound overland was an uphill tight. However, wo de­ Taylor with a cavalry force, but we Arrives Iietroit Il M A. M. wrecked in Cow crook canyon Sun­ feated, Price, who suffered a loss In were too late as our cavalry had W« buy «air »toek in large 4 Hclurnlng: day morning by a freight train killed and wuuude«l of over son and driven him off before wo arrived. «plantilles and keep a full IxMivea tft-truit........ »....12:20 M, breaking in two and one section run* about !<»»> were taken prisoners. We wero then moved down the line of carriage and wagon -v* Arrives Alhnny..... 5:.1S M. All kinds of nlng backward into the passenger I Over 6000 stand of arm« and a large river to Haines Bluff an«] emtairkeil material. *61 j MVM Altmny................ 6:(rt M. train The engine wan pretty hadlv amount of ammunition also fell into on transports and taken to Young* work in our lino done on Arrives Corvallis.......... 6:46 M. damaged tail luckily no one was kill* our p-i-ueaslon. During tho night Point opposite Vlckstoirg, where we short notice........................... •6!x*aves (orvallia.......... (J:40 M. ed or seriously injured. The w recked Price fled soutii want and succctaled remained until after Fembortou sur­ Arrives Altmny .......... 7-26 X. train arrived here during the after in forming a junction with Vandorn rendered hl* forces. One and two connect at Altmny noon. on Sept 2Hth. In the meantime we After the capitulation« of Vicks­ and Corvelli» with Southern Pacific took the in«ide track and fotlowtal burg the 2nd brigade was moved to train», giving direct nervi«.**» to ami T h » N i w s and the Oregonian one around to Corinth for which point Black river, about 12 iiiì I oh from from Ni-w|«ort and adla<-«nl lasiches year for S2.no. they were making. Itoaecrans took Vicksburg, whore the writer went • No 6 runs from Altmny to Cor­ l««>»l at Corinth with about 20,000 into th«- ri-tiri-menl of the hospital vallis on Mondays, Wednesdays and men, and General Grant with the with an attack of the fever with Fridays only. remainder of the federal forvus had which he had been threatened fur • No 5 run« from Corvelli« to Al- lmn> on Toeadaya, Thursdays and Cure» Impotency, Night Emission» and movefit by the division ol amt Charleston railroad, where we Train« for the tn -unla'ns arrivo nt abuse, or excew and India- the army. General«, Price ami Van- t«s>k up « inter quarters, and kept a i»etroll at noon, giving ample time «re«.->n A tiers e tonic wnd dorn {tho latter* la^-hlef command, t<> reach camping ground« un the I«I« hm I builder. 1 . V -* moved their comblm«l forces to at­ walch on Forrest, < halmers ami Co. Brcitcnbush and SatiUam river the pink glow to pale check* and tack Corinth on t h I. 3rd. Our divis­ who wero operating in that vicinity. They at one limn a(t.«ckeregun Hank of Mo .’ 1 A Few Cash Quotations. ' i- < To Eccrij ft ' CAPITAL Î20000 b V Presigli Vice Presideal Casïier * *• I % • > ; DELINEATOR Vis-: • ,*•«»»’ • 'r ♦ 4»: I *' % I : ¿» CASH : MARKET », ’• * * * * BYTHEEDITO ‘ « *•** ■ 4- J* I ? V '.!)> G. D. TROTTER, • • •« STAYTON. OREGON. e* ?’ i to > ■ If r ■ T X. W. ILXGEY WATCHMAKER « 9 I ‘ < í 4 • J J i: ■>. d « • » -.. • i « II EL Eli. EAST and SOI TH », i : ■..« The w 1 b x/ • » ■ ta . « • d « Shusta Route I h- “FAIR” 4 4 AND FEEDJ^ SPECIAL SALE... * 4 * « i [-“.A a * 1ÎDIJ3Ï % ■ ■Í**1 • "■* : . ■* i • -M * d *M U. .i NERVITA^B ♦ la A • . k V •Vi- W <1 « > . s .4 IRVINE & CALAVAN, Propneun x » (hr A HAXSEX & LAXDOX Building Material «I HARRY S. JOHNSTON a’ CO. > ------ t-Kol'IU K i llIV-J------ All kinds of mill work on *liort notice All kind* of I.iiinher, Stuoli, Doom. Moulding-« Shin­ gles, Paints nnd r À*‘i 1 -s « it. * i*-* .«• ♦ f ' i» » 4 .ft