The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, September 22, 1899, Image 2

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The Saiiiiaiii News
MEgsgar?" 1
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II •**•■ Ing •
•»( Ib»
W •••
< Wilted » r«*B tte« T»l»grteph < ■!■•■•••
AA's»b i often. bep< 14.—Tl*. war de
partmenl taceiaed aJltpalcb today con­
taining li.» information that < learanoe
Tba Nata la«. lowa» and Tennessee»
papers have bwww allowed tbe tiaatport
«ili auon ba <>n tbeir way lumia
Taitar al Hoag Kong.
It ta eaiocted
that site will proceed to tbe United
Ria negro»» «ara klllaal in a ru-t be-
t««*n abito and -.uloisd minerà al far- HOQT
SHAFTER Diate» at onro.
The information came tturu Colonel
tortili«. III.
Metcalf, commanding tba Twentieth
Pillahury, thè girai floaring
Kansas and troop« aboard tbe trans­
H • lluda
Vlkwre * r« W«u Obvlacl»«
nnll kmg ut M>nn«*-ta. la dami al Ini
Il la supposed eloarattcw topers
las lhe W • * ut Tr•• (»• la iF»« t aagMlwg
were allowed ut»m the auirg«-«tiun ol
I |< !•»• < tel as an Illa
torna In Minneapilis
tbe titillali foreign off! e lo the British
Tba Bratta« meeting b--ìd in London
governor al Hong Kung thal it would
VII a «pinllraa affair
Inteieel iti Ih*
Waahttitfion» wpt.
K —’
lw une.«ele inlet Iste wiUi American
«Ubjecl •—□.» lo ba laggHg
R<M»t «nn|>l »th «Uy o**rn»l«*l <*«n«rel transporta.
i « i <lviefmim*i|f that ib*
Tha plani nf ih« Amsnran Piallarla« Shatter
Another li«palrh (tom Colonel Mrl-
«in Lark for Manila '*alt. in reply to one ae«it y«t»rd«y,
Company, Promlsral Lami. L I., • »• Thii ly tilth
leelri-yed liy lira. Ime
»latee thal lhe Tatlai was not over-
uiounlabl« <»l»at*< lr*
The»« hw cmyu IJ otoveJed. and thal lhe f<»<d waaa« g*»»l
Tha Itriiish a-lmlraltv bar prepare-l
ih »1 t.ti*i In I!*«*
h*»ti* >haflar an ! a« on lran«|<»te leaving Manila
a «al map
f Hi John'a. N P . a« a
the qua’trrinawtet•
He Mid the tiooble aroae among the
pieliminary lo fortllvmg Ih» luan
The plea* ahoul length <>t t t»<* an i dia.harge.1 regular auldlera olio wars
An «lobo ho-iau, Ave mila« f i»
uf arnclif g «hip« war* rvlurulrif home on t-oard lhe «hip.
Mora. N M , rollap*».l an i bille-l Mai
ncMtthlfi’e«* by tha *to«.'’eta»r aa IngJa
ad Cordova, bit «ila and tu rhil Iran -juale.
Two tian»|<»ft *hi|« can l>a
Tha «amory .d ih* martyred prati ■ »an! up ll.e I lumtiia. afi’l I»« «aw no
nrlUgarewisM Htoll«Vto*
la ni, Jam»e A Garfield. «aa hiou.n ‘ ira»«»n why they thuWid h>t| tail Iroiu H. I
K««rto !**• F««lto.
P 'rllait'l Ultw* I (ar Manila
A* lh*
m Han Pranciaco «ilh a parad« •
Nrw Y« rk. hwpt 16 --- H L Ihi IgA-
*hi|<a caMibl not ralmn !<» <ha I'wilal
tiarriaaa al <1 4dan Hate l'ark
tn tuna la carry
triaap* to roan. who i mmandtod lbw Hraty Ar* tic
Tha llnngariar.
Maor «
Manila. Iha dwlay, aven >f it wa* ah * Sped H>on <»f I ** arrived in Hrouk !y n
Jokai, now in hi« JSlh >«ar, «a- tuar-
Th« Diana, th« «tup winch
the <»|<p"*iluin claim«-i. wa* wnlm|NM* today.
Hml al Vienna in Ih« lini .garian a l
(uti^toywl th«« mtoml-A’* of th* rlped)
tant. tn the opinim* «»I th» »■ « irta’y
rana. Ai stella Groeanagv, a girl ol 1 «
The tran*]»*’t« will
hlta«l out at Imn into nurthtofn ar«*, r»ach«d Myd
Toni Ree! ha» p bhah» I hi« farew»ll Safi Frair .* «» wHhevvrvtl.log el epl »»•y, (’. H . I i<**4av
Mffuilwra •>( lbw
lo hi« Irlanda of II.a Urti Maina di» what th® rcgtmanl CafViea
When the Hr I newt o«i wirnttfic party remalnnd in
Ila MV* pubi in «fflra 1« man’t troopa cornr !<• k*>»rtla’i’I. they will be > <■' t.rv tn an « i intan I lie «hipping uf
«p|»irtonity. noi a mima la al k m alhiae*! tn pAra-i® Hi the oty lveh»ia i
• mailw during lbw two
tha mal.
they emhaik
Thia will !>a 4etartiiinw4 niotitha’ ciuiaw. Ol |*uary'a work. Mr.
Hi i lgeman «av*
Th» raplt nf Il a Trantraal i» veli by iha com in a nd 11; a
I'.'AfV’• r» «ult* in th* first year nt
Tim awcralary fell that all I*-»filan I
ii risai la fa-tory la thè Briliah. and Mr
Cbaml-et lain dacia ree II «ili compri an>J (>rag*»n had don«* for lhe cwnintry. IL® f- tr rtliotnd io hl* gri-aiAto! Arctic
work fully reward at jam tationa and
tha Impeliti g.vernmsiit 1« cunaiht entill»t.l that» 1« famralda «<»’i«i lrra
What h« ha* al­
Hon of the req oral tor the em hark a Hun justify wMifltlrnc*.
thè «ilnailon «tirali
ready bc I ii * v « k I reniovea hi* undertak­
f troop« at th” Oraif* »1 m»tio 'lia.
A Manila dlapateh «ara th» crulset
ing from th* realm of do ibl to leaaun
Tongwe ha* tala-
Charleston bomardml Iha fori al Rubig
ablv itortam aucc« aa **
graphwd M**crat*ry
waying the Ore
Idtlla or no in jury «aa <L,na.
Mr. Hridgvman L*li*v*a (hat Prary
gon. < bartered l»v th® gu*atnn>aiil.
Tlir M iitriry and Con. ord «ara «al l
• «nl l*a u*« d I'f H •• tr »n«| ft Alton of will •« • tnphah hi« p if|<>«A and rnach
lo continue III« laimardmrnl.
Iba (Mile btoforr hi* four yaars ar* up
The department ».«ya tha Ore
A Washington diapal li ss»« Il a Tar­ gon ba* not ha®»» chartered
lar n-.ently delaye-l m Iha <H «ni, «aa
McGraw and Parry triad to gat Seat­
noi otatcfowdod. thal «ha li ad 133 le»« tle niada a port of embarkation lot
Xwritlr* nt
- ** evtltol Ito th»
Ihan bar c»| «city, an i thal Ita lioobla UiMipe. hut aer® toll at the wai da-
T w «» M« n II b listaHlr f ««•«».
aaa «nliraly duo lo giuinbliiig
artmaol that a few more animal*
Manila. s«*pl
13. via Hong Kong
Gne of the rn>»l retna'kable relig
ought I»® «hipped frut.j th« bound, but Kept 16.— Th® loca! paper* asaart that
institutioiie n> tl>e ormntiy, the Mona»
on more troop«.
('or|Mtral DAinLofTt-r and Private Co-
The ravulalion In VenemaJa under i
I e»lro ii (iH)ii.g atr«r/gth
< >>’nal iu* Vanderbilt <1 ed *i 1 lenir
al in* home In Naw York al paralysia.
Huth ii»tgr .*’i
f Jama a bar* ra-
lapsed into •atagary and ¿ »i.a upn Iba
w ar path
The great count*. I of Imf rnVed Orlar
of Ile I MenO)-eU«r>1 hi U a*bmg!<>n with
l.O’HJ delegate* pietent
moot Ago • »! !•»’*
er* are t ret
of lighting (or lb« Filipino«* rauaa an 1
«ili terg captura by ths Au.anean
The yacht Namo baa attired at
Ihmtdnlu on a trip around lbs «'»rid
hha Isti Naw Y • < k I- r )roi agu anJ
baa mal« nearly iü.o u milra
< lakland, Cal , hat a q tad ihr flee
of Ai nu Carnegie to K 1 a I
for a puldio library buit-llng, an I «ill
guranlee the ne-esaaty ll.owa year
for Ha tupi rt.
The Portland chamber of co-nrnerre
will send Senator (illuni to VA «•hm(
Ion lo puah re>ngi>itiun in ih« malte!
of «mbaikaliun vi tr -ps (or Iba Phil­
ippines Irorn Ihal |«.rt
Al Tteklbte M V
> M • •
ern. ah Amanean pugilist whipi-ed
l'exilar l’almei, an English hatatn. in
lite brat rout I, ai. I wins t > Ulla of
riiatnpmn In thia das«.
Horrstary Kat. of ll>a« n m
inarca Oomni'.««..'!!. who hat I-ran In
■ ■ i I «■ ‘ * ■ . ■
f t l e Jb » I -c I * ’ -
Hawaii in»r«tig Itirg Ilia labor «Ho«
lion, «ays ti« 1« of th«
mi I «1 tba dedicated with imp>oing eranoHiir« by
solution of Ilia labor pr lions :•
tho <-iu| l< rment nl Irra white labor
country al Washington.
Eatrntlt« Circulation ba« Iwn gireo
leaders ot the different railroad em
to a motor In N- • York that Ilia Chi­ piove« organisation«
are dl«ru«arng
cago A Alton, Ilia illinrna Central and plana with a view to establishing em­
the Union l*a<-ifl' tisra entarr-l Into a ploy»«' gr.aery «torr« at the division
<onihmalKin and uoul.l form a trunk pQiul« of the varimi« Irne«
II suecea«
line from Cbii ago to Ilia i'aciHo <oaal. , fui in tl is line tber departments aid
Chairman Van Horn >1 ilia Canadian bo taken up.
r«ciflc. aay« ilia Canadian i'acitic 1«
Admiral Howell will tu
I Far-
aril our |o < «tatdiali a girjt «teaiii«liip quha* a« commandant at Sol folk navy
line Imtwaen Lltarpool end liallla* to y ard.
taka I ntli < «a away horn Nr« Y uk
A n a w ca I
h as ' ■ ■
line«, and ekpocla to racelrs « aii’-aidr >
Veneritela, with Senna Calcano al the
fi<>m ths Canadian goterntnriil
h.-ad, with tire foreign forlfolto.
An tin<«n«ormi dl«| ili iron Manila
John King and hia wile, an aged
tie Hoi g K- i g aaya t «1 < m «tn, i to
couple, were killed by their drink-
shells Joo VA heeler, tli« teleran tight
rated »on at Souttibridge, Ma*«.
ar. by t^n Ill g him tn an ol>* ire poat
In tha suslhein island«
The mill situation al Fall River,
AA'Iieelar now dr. larr* that • «ill ap
Ma«« , ha« l-eeu greatly «implibr-l. a« a
pl y foe pr
« vmibination of »lock it likely t on I
tvuiilty bi .!.«« titers it «- rsm !;a::ge in iw «-ffve ied.
I n mansgetuenl ol aflalit in the i'lill •
Iluutk» Cochran haa a-lvise-l Pimi
dent McKinley to tender hie gi»»l
Noilhern railroad« are intuit I in t
Rlcew in the ««' of the Trans
late war.
vaal muddle.
The tranaport Senator, with 10 nffi '
Hairy M* taler, 11 years aid. was
cart and fno r<- ruilt bit arriml ««frit | waahn.1 (ruin a raft bv a passing steam
in Manila.
er and diowiied in tlm AA illamelte al
The «taamer llnmer hat arrited In j Portland. Or,
Han Prancluo from Ca|« Nmua with ,
The mammoth new Ornarne, the big
'I III g' I dUrt
ge«l veeeel in tlm world, arrive-l in
Lieutenant Peary tied lilt feet fr<mn ; New York, til daya and two liouia
g bls
i a from huglaud.
aalkt Without limping
New York ani Ilo» I on rapitallsts
Tli» lank« nt Guatemala I' lr will will form a liveelock * nm binai imi «iti
to c- utrol the
rate the »«chequer by a loan to the got- i a ' apital of 1 ii.OV'1
cattle business.
’ I
The French relation at Trl|«>ll, head­
ed by Patber PiMireau and Major l.aiut,
hat t»eeii annihilated by the nalirna.
Iowa of I'».-«, A «»ka. is to io
motrid aciiwt l.ynn canal on scows lo
hkagway, to ■ gn ent
at «- ■ g
Two firemen arid a child warn kill»!
r gat in a »«oil in Cincinnati
tlrrmsn lost thsir liras in an affoit to
recover the child.
• a
broadawurdaman ami piatol shot o|
Kariaat City, has challengi I Ksleibasy
to Oghl imn a dual.
fteeeut testa praotically aaeors the
adopt io* of tbe Maaser r<
, ■
United State« gorarnmeril.
it is being
u»ad by Ilia tierman caralry.
Captain Rolurrl Noble and I .(plain
Arthur C Du. itli, aide« on the staff
ot General Mraltrr, ba»» been pruuu iad
for bravery at han Juan lull
The |« pie of t apr ,N. ne are to h«va
a well-orjulpiml refuge, w uh will be
formally oi«ne I on Thanksgi ring lay.
It will be the larg»«i and tlnr«l alruc-
lure north of Hiika.
The nary department lit« ••» gned
Rear Admiral Farauliar lo command
the North Atlantic iquadum in pla «
of Rear Admiral Sampeun. who will
a««ume command ul tha It -tori nart
The Naw York World publishes a
tntertiew with Aimirei
llewey in which theadmual la credited
with «ayrng that he still Iteliere lhel
tire Filipinos are more capable of toll-
giiteriiruent than are the Cuban«
William II. Ilolwell, a well known
printer, eg president of the Interna
tlonal Trp.giaplih a) Union, died at
Whitehall. N. V., aged <7 years
An imperial uka«e has I-ven la«ned
eatahhaliing a system f education to
th» children of the nobility in lluatia,
largely al government rS|-en«e
Halration Army folks are lor bidet
to use trum|iet, drum or lamhorina is
the streets of Philadelphia, arid «peecl-
.only is left to them In their publrt
During the international espneition,
soon lo t>e held al Buffalo, the Niagara
falls will be lliammaied by tinge eleo-
trig Searchlights, equipped with multi*
colored gist«»« and arc lights.
The American» Company
has been organised in New York tv
control Ilia manufacture and operation
of all the automobiles and motors in
which kerosene or gasoline is used.
Prof R. A Fessenden, of Alleghany,
Pa.. ad lre«se-l the American Aeeocia*
tron for the Advancement of Science in
Columbus, <>., concluded that the earth
jTiiSt be at least 600,01*0,000 yer— *>14
Fmbark at Portland
Direct for Manila.
incendiliy Krn In Pina are
attributo! to anarchists
Diragto* Mrinmn, of the renani, ad-
enumerali*’* lo •!«» a- »o studying
liberal offer
Attorney-General Blackburn iiaa de
cided that a game warden . annoi giant
|H-unila tn hunt game out ol aoasoii for
| »< lentlffc pur|»*ee.
The Karl of Yanuouth. who hat been
ependii-g the summer at an Atlantic
■ i»oil will go on III» stage.
t baile»
i ■ (•liman baa engaged him.
The troop« quartered al the Presidi
: in Han Francia».! nuw uumlwr nearly
IJ,000. This numtier include«
letumed fiuiu the island« an«l awaiting
| • ester nut.
Emile Zula lias published a protest
against the Retine«' veidlct, in which
! he shows conclusively the weaknese of
lhe proset utiou'k case bvfors the eye»
uf the world.
| The crimmiMionera of Gallato ennn
ty, AA aahington, have appealed to lhe
t»< retaiy ot the Inleriot .o modify tl .
. txiun-lanea ot the Olympic m«eive
Four bundled and fifty tl«iu«and acre«
f agricultural lati I is included in Ibi
Tiie Filipinos bave made their reply
to our offer iif aolunomy. 'l l.e do< u
meni repeats aiguinents contained in
a recent ap|«al lo the |«iw«r« tor r. -.-g
union. Il further aaya that Hie race
prejudice -f the Anien.ana la to blame
for ths lioalililiea.
The Civic Federation conference on
the uses and alm»»« ol trusts and com
bmationa opensnl in Chicago
representative men from nearly every
• tale In Hie Union in attendano«.
Governor Tanner and Mayot llarriaoi
•io ti delivered an ad.lreea < t welcome
V«tl«a>* Praying r«F th« «rrlvel <«f
A meric ••«•
Washington. H®pt. 16 — Mail ad*ice*
received at the * *r department from
Mifnli »tAte that lhe 1 atltea <>( the
t*lan I of b.»mar are praying for the
tpe««.|y airival «»t the Ameitcun« an I
will wri oina the*
hoitting ot
American flag
It i* «aid that, a»«
<-( lhe foreibla coll»-« tlon of tale*
bv the euriaaarH* of tho insurgent*,
who take al! they h*ve got. tlie native*
am in a >tate<»f *emi »tirvation. They
have no f«ilh in the Tagal*. and they
e«rnn»lly dretre .American protection.
An Inturgenl lwa«ler. General Lua
ban, ha* bolted to Japan, taking with
»collv«u»l by him for the
I 0 Agetii* of the in*urgenta endear
or to force lite native* to join their
ft»r< • which they Will j. t -!«i.
on lition of the inland, it t* A**erfv<l.
t* rapid!* approaching not and an
"t 11 • -ur I
I rag
•ip- n the i. itivf- in th- fiiitn i tri? it»
« tl ’in »it I tLuv. a* t< 0 let
Irr *av*. th ' “A’eti dc*p<-i ate Ji*tui banoe
it it continue*
Anti Mleaieitery Rlola In 4 hlna
Kan Fmnci* «». Sept Hi. — A apecial
fr n Lioma *ay*
Telegraphic ad-
vin «
to < n n ‘ 0iv*‘ l at Shanghai
annoutn ing that aeretal Hritiah mi*-
« rkti.era«--« have bo« n driven ont uf the
city of Paungan, *ituatc<l 160 mile*
aeroe* the l»ur*ler in Au lone province.
Over 3,000 1 atna* resi le there, the
majority of wh on joined the anti-for-
eign den '».«tratr n an I drove lhe mi*-
tonariea out
The latter included Mr.
and Mrs. Shield* an I Mr* Macbeth.
not the miaaionariee were coin pel I e< I
t<> »lay in I o« 1M at I* are nut known
further than that the miaaion a e* de-
atroywl and the mieaionariea Lately
••• .»}♦•! by ji'Uii.»-) ng
ratly al
Neer ¡«hang an ! <*hun King an anti-
upf -Ing h«s ! ■•
At; u ! by
kidnaping ol children by wandering
A numlrrt f native < athuhu*
have b«M>n killed
Vaa»to*tttol* tc • « «> I u t inn Mpr»«<llGg
New York. ^epl. 16
Nan* of th*
progress of lhe Venrsuelan revolution
ha* t*een receivml by a proiu merit
South Aiuern an. by mall, in thi* city,
horn th* vice milit ivy oummilttoe in
charge of the affatia of the rebel«
Thia cot»»»it»«-e i* ¡•• »te-l nuw un one
uf the Wrat Indian i*lands. and cun-
attta uf five general*
In l»ie letter, which is dated Septem­
ber 1. tba writer *aya that the fi volu
tion i* pfogttoVMt g fApnllv nnd hag
vprea i to all part* of the republic.
The letter further etale* that tn < <»ro.
the whole atate la In arm*, ami thal
General ('astro with an army uf 6.00V
men, left Valera on Angu*l IV. and on
August 16 annihilated ilia g nernment
force* at < arot a under Torre*
It I*
rr|»«tiit*«!. AuoiiwiiiM iu lhe writer, ti<at
Cartro pursued the government troop*
to Harqui*unrto and captured that
Wardn»r Says It Extends
Under the Sea.
O*aa« I p GetoW* **«»•• t *«ll It
BemarbeWI» V»ru-s »» Wish She ChleV »r
44tte V«g*lB Ktof««*to4
A big ylald of wh»at le tepori») in
Mtotog Atoes Stoibtovlli»* 4»r««it»4
I«« 4M* !«•«»•**•••
Circi» City, Alaalte, boa haa a pupo-
Ialina ol bai IOV
UBEGON < tbe Wall, Walla «allay
StoFVlwr* •< tbto («••4IF «■•«
■btetottoto Vftoll M»4 w « m *• < l«4H*tolltoto
Seattla, Hept !* —J E
thu wall known oiiuing m in wl*u ha*
ju*i itotutDtoki from < *p* Num*, ad
vat" »* Ihw novvl (hrory t|.*t »:
dwpuaita aitwnd mils* > tn t<< >«*«
•U|'|M»rt of tha lb«M>tv, hw
that two
min«’« placed a eal*««in I .Ml fret frt»-t»
low (|J<
The ditl wh.oh wa* l«kwn
out tan 15 to 5U cwnl* pai *h«»A«-|ful
btmiiat •ip^rifucnl* war« tr >1 al a
farlhar dietanew fr n* ti<ia mark, with
btoilar rwwlis.
(*••«*!? K di» »» evi e.n T*«H
Naw York. *wp<
It — A sp^ial to
th* Uo<id Irmo Itbaca. N. Y . aey»
Yoflt owrres|H>n4anl it ablw to
authority that lbw tkhurman peacw
commiwiun offare I every InJucwmtMil
• b«Ht nf *b* lulw *•• f gowatniuenl (u
Aguinaldo and h>a fnlh<w*rw
naldu was piu«ni*rd as the priro for thw
r •« tor alum ut |M*Aoe in the Tagal trib*»
• tto'l. I* of 111 Ito l
44» |u
a yto«r
while the lag»!« romeit <*•! poe<'*tul.
if« wa* toLI llrot b* could cfch k*e man
from hia own tribe tor ths minor twu-
mctpal ofticto*
The numtu
>n went
en fat as to promise AgulnaLlo tbe
Motel suppkirt of tbe United Melee got- j
eminent, it *u-f» were new-had« to make
h • « 4 Urship f t ■*’ Tags • th >rn igl y
•rc urr
With all thrs* inJuceiotonta. tempt- j
Ing as they must have br«ti. Aguin<l-
ifo, aa the recognised hra l of the insur-
gent m •vtorovnl, e I aw ! in»-.| to yield
instated upon imtnrwhaie «• If govern •
menl, and as bis ln*i*t4ii«e wa* eo firm >
as to make an agrreti ml imp«
le. ,
the Amer in .111:111 wu* » *••»• ! n
got let tone
Frrreideat Ikhurruan «i* frank in
telling your curr**|w»n lent a day or to I
•ifu that be favored giving to the various j
tribe« the largrat |oesible mwa«<»re -d |
home rule al the earhest inumriil.
II* j
thought the eetetal tribe* <xmld admin-1
liter their iok*i affaire, elotfi their
municipal ofth«*i* **tablish court« and I
p«*rtal institntiuu« etc., but did nut I
teheve h i*>»Blble to allow th* native« :
to pailKlpate :u the general govern-|
“Ho* <ould th*'» ¿.»Via<n tl»e »«land*,
in view of the !»•!r»nrmity an I tutilli- :
plicllv uf the* Irtlie* * be ad»le«L
Wiangel. Alesila
18, via
tir». H*|»t
|w —III# Mt k-*o
•ttoam*r Htrathror a arri*«- I lo»’ v ». *.h
6 7 survivora uf ih« K-itrt oftuii t. 4 >
Tha majority «f H * n »»* «• li «»ut
mtoana. Th»y *• »11 t* ■ihipp*-*) i«» !’
4 '
w>unJ at tha ripaiiw of tl>a (’• ir*!
HtattoS tfovet utnrnt.
YtwMit 50 f
will gu |n Sr-ittlto toiHurruw nn tha
Stramer Al-Ki,
Manv urn antf'-r i.g
from tha effr-ta ol woirr
L *ir
• turiea uf hardatip a». I • ff«-» 1 j; v»n 1
(tur* ! in thrlr 1 *» monti « 011 ih* ttail I
ara in a «ifnilar alram lo ih«*** w. 1 h
bave pr*cwlnl tlivm
No i aw f^l* 1
lisa ara i*|M»rt*«l
li .* rhu ig t tha!
al !®aat *5 proa|<< to’s *’f •!» *»’« ih*
trail. Thay wil! |..»%* 1.» •m i» h»wn
tha Hluknvn In tm»!l l-»at* •# tba
a«*»terlr*M \4 htoa*gvte«**r* 4-* lleve 4 *««•
luw atag* uf water w ¡Il pi*«<-ht <t-■«
fite«l4l*»te t va»M* • w * V* Ijudtlaf
StraUirana fioro ruak ng an ' •♦. trip
ibi» ywar. Or» hrr I «*t t»ij» *l r * «• the Herald from Waahniglun say* |
bung up nn a san i Li« fiv* day*, *0 ¿mem an larmtors are to hero c tUpeti*
mi1** «bota Wrangrl.
(ton from a new quarter in th* wheat
market of tiie worl I
Consul Mona­
J. J
Itili Ito Bpaetl«**».
ghan. uf CbemBilB. in a tepuit to the
Spokana. 8«pt
|k — Prr*. leni Hill
i «tai* department. g>v*s interesting dw j
and a party of Gtral N<>rtE
fK- -, » *
1 4 of the
I I •»*• t». lit: U*
» nl guaat* 4rr:ve«l li« :.* thi* • vt-i t
Monaghan »-o
on a *| *< tal tram Mr Hill at.ictHur i
that Hua vail territory I* declined !<•
hi* puri«»*» of bd-gmntt'g at <mca pt”
' I hi one uf the world's ri. !.*•< and moat |
n*ne. uf company H. Kntr«*ntb Infan­ in a nr»n t improv*mtoht* In Sj».k »».• hi -
productive plai**
It is | uii ticular'y i
try. have t»F®n aentvnewd to death by
well adapted to the growing rd wheat '
rourl-marlial, and that private Me-
■ and other cereals, and stiirw ti e build- ;
H*nn*tt Ima Iwrn condeiunad to 30 ha w ili return lem Tiua»lay ani Ha-
Ing ' f the Iran* Ml^ ian
>>» I, wheat
year«’ itnj»rlaunment for having crim­ cu*« witb t-usHir** rotoli 1 <1 mi M in­
from this region haa alr*a ly Lun I it*
inally aaaauitnd nail*» woman in Ma­ ar* Ui* mattar of «tnoluag !»< r* 1
way to th* EuiujAtoMD market.
nila a rm »nth ago. The Crimea, it la of tha aurroutiding connlrv furo» l'akrr
Al present th* reauutc«* «»f this re-
•aid. greatly aroused the native«
gi< ti are undeveloped, .»nd must lerua n
Th* |up-i* a«f»*rt alau that General Brillali Lo Inni bis or» tha notili. Tn*
au fur et>m* tears, as the p(»pul«lion is 1
Otia ha* recommended that President party will laavw tn Iha niurniog l >r
as vet grrallv •v-atterrd. being le*« than i
McKinley approve tha «entente, and i’ugrl sound.
one inhabitant to »«< h *quare uitl* |
that he de*ir**a a pnlbio niecution of
t*hlll|»|»lnto ( uttiHtluiiiueri to fltodte'tt
lurruigration from Eu <-p«' to R umia ta
the men aentence«l to death, a* a warn­
Manila, Stopt
• Uliinrl Charles setting tn bowevei, and I, 1 '» )er* »iis
ing Against a repetition of lhe crime
Denby and Prufv»a<>r Dan Wm r«ter. vnta r 1 tbe regl hi I t-l yrar
mtombtof« uf the lJliliipphia coiiitnisaiuu
lla««»lia«* < •i>itali*4 <>t»4 •(••t Injwre«!
have rtoieivrd instruction« from P’4»«l
Han Francisco, Kept. IS. —K
Ailmlrml W«l*nn ltr|»««rt* • Sharp Ke-
dent M- KmltoV a*king them to return
'• Hanning » Haw A A
Spliai •’
g • g tevtia* ii t I«»
as *Miii *a |Mi*aih|*
Ti«y ai l -m
Wethington. Sept 16.—The follow­ bark on tha a'u.iUj«r lndt.4. ni,> h aail* rived (mtn Honolulu on the steamship
Australia last Tuesday and rr»u vterr.l
ing di*pAi< h Lu* lieuu received al the from Hong Kong Kwptamlier 56.
at the (heinental.
Among hh *fT is
navv department:
ia not known whvlbar tlr • Iri n di f 1 •
was a valise containing !>«-lw en ! >,•
“«Manila« Kept. 16 — Secretary of the will return with thru» or r«main Lara
t»(M) and 150,0V4) in bank r les. t-n-d*
Svnv, Washington*
Davidson, com- Tba vuiuiii idBiutitor« had jut rrinovr I
an»l sugar stork*, to^etlier with a num I
nnmHng the !,*»ag'is. repolla a «harp ' into new tiffke* and tijMvtrd <<•
l>«t of other valuable document*
A |
ngi«g«*tnenl ut Malemao. The vr*a*l some month* workc g un th® **tabliah-
tow hour* aft«*’ )»!* arrival he m 1 •
w«« «truck many timet by rtfi* shots,
ment of itiiinit li ai government*
but ti • r»* Wi re lit» <'.lanaltiea. The Pata-
The N«v*da oavaliv w*»* unabl« to the valise.
A11 investiifatlon his hern mile an I
¿ um ailriHcd the insurgents’ tiro in 40 •ail on the Nawje-rt
They will taka
it 1« tlionght it is on lt< way be « to
nut.ut< «
T I.•- range wn 400 to POU
tha neit available tranaiort.
Th* • • uaion was tbe capture
Can Meat Ttoll 1* h* M. f«
t>f a Filipiuo riboontir, vliii h Davidson
Th* I’Fte*i<lton4’B Trip.
Seattle, Sept IS. — Aiming th* many
Washington. Sept Ik —Only Serra-
nnfurtunate pr<i«f>e< ter* that h ive re
.M s I fiiiao is in th* island of Masi Ha,
tarie* Gag« and Loot, Postmaster Gen
tm ned from Alaair 4 thia *r,i*un t* *n eral Smith
louth of Luton, and north ut tbe Vi
old man who cannot tell «ho ha 1«, or
Mj as.
Griggs were pf**<-nt at (»»«lay’s cabinet
w here he < am# frutn
Th« re is a . lot
The t ri «; l*nt *1 luiur
of bli»o«l in hi* b»,»ti; which ba* caused
thal he ha I Intended to ettend his
Humor that «he ’teiifh <*al»ln»t !!••
a paraly*!* of *|e«*cb. dn<i to typhoid ■ Cbu'agu trip to Minneapohs an I bl. :
A f tv'il I p«»«i 11.
fi-Vi r
l hn only won
he . an liter Paul.
Baria, Sept
16 —The Matin thia am an indiatiiirt ye* an 1 110
lly U 0
A variety cf
• i‘’j» •* w*ta dis
niorning a»«ert« that the cabinet ba« ai l of a map it wa* k*arned f at ho ru*«H‘ l, but final action was not (akt-n.
agre» 1 to panlun Dreyfus ami that the raroa fiuiu Cambridge, Ma-*
A tu*n •’lcept tn the case of Cub,*n money or-
decree will Im aiglied September 19.
who ai 1 >iijp4nioj him from D.iw*on dets to the United States, tbe rate of
«iiielhig like which will t-e rai-e-t from 3'J cents pel ,
Many of the provincial paterra pub- Sat« hl* iia>ne
li»b article« insisting <m the granting *'Fi*k *’
l-fiorta are b**tr.g made to 11 ut) to 50 cents
cl a pardon. The Figaro aaya thal evtabhah the man** 1 (entity.
If i*
Hirrbel •u«l II mihwi I.
many ufflcers of the army sis asking lirub* are also paralysed.
Alchl*<>n. Kan . Sept 1H ~Mis*«mri
,that Dieyfua be paiduned.
(I|>»n1tig a»f Ihv Or«., u •»(•Ito *•■*.
Parifi< freight .N"u 134 wa* wir .ked at
Connie«« Friibescliristein, president
I 3»» ihi* afturiHMrn. midway between
Salem. Or.. Sapt 1w -Without *«»r-
uf the Austrian Red Cross ’’ociety. baa
Paul. Neb.. and Julian station. 1
a i liten a letter uf Condolence lo rmuuy tha Orr>! »ti *ta‘e fair of lMig
al Nebraska City. Three uf the ;
wa* formerly upvr. • I lu tha public tbl*
Madame Dreyfus
Fully <5oJ ¡ h - o |.’ u were in at- <*rrw were Instantly tilled. anJ their j
K r e g • r * • Il. r G ■
tendanc«, • large Crawd !r ipenlng Lol 1 •• ci emate-1
Pretoria, Sept. 16 —The dlscuaaioa
The killed are
Engineer Tom Gil- .
night, and pa*»e I the uiur eri | Ira*
of the fiial diet! of the reply to lhe
autly to iMpocling the many fina pavil­ iara. Fireman T. M Ruse. Hrakvmari
Biitish note ended this evening, Presi­
W fl. Foster, all single and revidents 1
ion aibibits in hr’ nmg to h.vtru
dent Kruger having lelt al I o’clock
f A i.: «’»n
menial muaic by l*Ar*una' u’clewtr*.
and nut having rammed.
Il Is under­
an outdoor lliu*l’at*«l Ircturu ou the
llra.h (V •<•.1 SU.k.l.
stood the government «ill draw up the
war in the Philippine* Lv Idwarl
Vallejo, Cal , Dept
14 -—Michael
final reply in its final fmui loinotiow
Mjitold*. a r*c it «lb hi i v Mi** Helen Gwens and Richard Convoy, inailnes
and snbmil lhe same lo the vulksraa I
leautar, and vtx,al •« !« nun* by I'hatle« ot Ilia cruiser I’ pi u bava I n-l
The reply will t*e in terms strongly in­
U Wbiltng
from tha efl'cts of drinking wood
fluenced by the Orange Flee Mate, and
Both uieu enlisted at Mais
ituuiig other features lhe maintenance
Htetigllteg K«w«u4la*M ««’ * Nwgr«»
island. Owens, who waa formerly a
uf the (onvenlion ol I Shi will be
Mobile. Ala
IH ■— Henry luemlier of tire Distnvuth lufantiy,
storngly asaeited.
Gardner, a lo-giu eg* ! M. wa* angui »erred through the It: an cani|>ai<i>
The situation this evening is not
in the jatlyard here today fur assault­ and rain» here front hamna on Ilia
considered so favorable as it was dur­
ing a white girl u.i lrr )i) years of a^e. Badger.
11« was a uelKe f I’l.ilalrl-
ing the forenoon,
last June
When (he trap fr|| the
Ntogra I y«•«■ bed leg UtoWFgla.
MUN ba l not bwsii pr< p«’h faatenrkf
-■tSesil Aase" llainsld I ai-tarsH
Macon. Ga , SepL 14. — A apecial ami the negro full heavily to the
AVilllamelon. AV. Va
13 —
from Tilton, Ga., to the Telegiaph ground.
II* was a—i*tr l fu the • •(•
A negro waa arrested at Tyty fold, suffeiitig grant pun. and the trap Sheriff Henderson, of l^igan county,
an I a ot 13 today went to Iha
this morning and poelliaely identified sprung tba art und Im»*, suet« safully
Hatfield fort, in llie mountains 30
as one of tha two nagtoee who a«aault».l
Mwrriewwto I« >towra.MN.ei«n4
miles from here, and without hlrw>l-
Alias Johnson al that place last Tues­
M John's, N i , >ep| H * A vnPan; sited eaplureil "Devil Anew’’ Hatfield,
Two hundred
men, heavily
huri*cane swept tl»i* •erlnm uf New­ hia eon Bob and John Dingeaw. a rela
armed, aaaeinbled al Tyty.
Four fi*h ng live of the Hatfields i-y inanlage
Feople pa««it.g on a tram at < o’clock foundland last night
thia morning saw a negro suspended boats were driven oft the >l Julin’t priaoneis will be taken to Fike county
JO feet iu tha air from a telegraph pole. coast, and three mvn ani a wouan and tried on i-bs-gee of murder grow
wera drowned
ng out ol tiie llatfiald M Coy fe id
«ar b for the other negro continue«
Thui'igh iHemal Sw«*as|» 4 •nal
Glaegow number» among its imputa
Hon a man who is making a manueoripi
copy of the Bible.
He el|«»la to Ou
tali it in two wars.
Wilbur F. and John Rtilea aie Ivina
living in Wichita, Kali.
They look so
much alike that only intimal« friends
ian tall them ai>att.
Chicago, Sept 16 —A special from
Norfolk. V«.. saye the torpedo boat
Talbot will ahurtlv be given a spin
through the recently o prow I Dismal
swamp canal, which will form an Im-
lM*rtant link in the ay*tem of Inland
water ways that in time of war are
eipri te-l to afford *.»f® pAH’sge fur tor­
pedo ltoat* and other «mall « raft unable
Near a certain quarry in Italy is a
to <?ope with a hiwtile fieri. On thia
town the inhabitants of which pay no
trip the Talbot's newly in«talle>l |>rtro*
tent or tales
They are quarry em­
leum fuel furnace will !»• given a
ployee, who have dug dwellings in l> e
’• •’»
face ol a steep rock.
Vlllpln« Folleto 4i«a !• W «srS
Captain Flangia W. Dokina. for
Manila. Sept. HI. — The Filipino po
wms time acting chief of the bureau of
navigation, navy department, is to I- lice, num bet in < ISO men. arm»l with
revolvers an.l dub«, be. am« operative
given command of the battleeliip Indi
ana. aucceedlng Captain II. C. Taylor, al Manila today.
who has asked to be relieved.
Trlrk That Veil»«
The official reptart nn the mineral
production of ths United Mate» for the
calendar year l*iV1, baa l*en made
public by the geological survey.
shows that since 1**10 the total value
of the mineral production ot the I'm
ted States has Increased from |36V,>
>10.000 to
in ItttSH. neat
\f VO par cent
HariameQto, Hept. IE. — Mat Friday
a tnaie formerly known aa t'ansy was
<tye.I l.lar k and put into the lace f,>t
Ur urn inert hones l>y II A B* II at
"Far n.*-r'» Gul"
but the divertors have role-l bet and
her driver off tbe trv« k fur life. First
money, therefor», g< «a lo L 8. Up-
sou's Kiuuey.
Nelltoaal Kaport K ■•»«••! II««.
Fbtladelphia. Hept. 16. — With cel»,
mon lee unattended hy wetowtatiaw, the
National Eiport Eip*isil>un was for­
mally u|iened at noun today. Distin­
guished visitors I Him all section« of
the country were in attendance, includ­
ing representatives nl lhe diplomatic!
orp«, officer« id the army and navy,
•<-ieWtist» and hu»ine«« and professional
The dedicatory cetemome« wera
held In lhe immense auditorium, which
a aa crowded.
Stsi-lorers Varas«
Sok br Ise.
Rt. I’eterslinrg. Hepl. 16 — A dis­
iteli from Hämmertest. Norway, kn-
ouncee the arrival Biere of Ilia Brit-
<h commercial eaie-liiiun which vam-
iy attempted to esplore the month of
th« river Obi and other Hitierian
slrnatna. The rl|-editlon waa turned
back by tiie lee after losing its ship,
the Arttine, which was crashed by the
Fortunately lheie was no lose ot
KllltoU li«r <hllslr»te
Ver Hl.hwar KcAfcrir
4« 4 tfter*elf.
■(colia, Neh., Sept. 16 - As a leault
of ilonirsttc Jiffli (lilies. Mis Fame
Fhllllgw t<u<e.l iter two children age I
I and J years, to take caitmlie aci-l,
and thaw swallowed a due« ni ili» imieon
herself. The hnsban- h-un l all three
lying upon tiie ttiair de« I when lie te
turned from lhe field a',ere be a l
been al work
Eastern Capitalista aie to establish a
atructuiai steel plant al Menominee,
Mich., wlii.h will employ 4,000 hand*
1*1« th* A rmto
Loe Angeles, Sept I4.--II S 'tari,
who resided near Pasadena, myater-
usly disappeared on the nielit
April 34 last, under cirrumstancea
lea ling to the ballet that ha had t en
lie now writes hum Ma­
nila staling that he is I» a military
hospital, recovering ftom biain fever
and a fractoiad skull,
lie piule»»«»
ignorance of hriw he ie.e se,| the In­
jury. and also cave that he i» in tra
Manuel Garcia, of Spain, the oldest I Third artillery isgimanl uudei an c >■
living profeeaor of music lo lire world, turned name, though lie ceruot espiala
bow be cams to enlisL
was bora 94 yaais ago.
Negroes Shot Down at Brush
Mines, Carterville
t-tona S4W4»4IWg
(*•««■»••• I toitei* •»»«!
Vaato-l tola»« Mlu
Mitnia <*••!••« Owl.
CartortiUw, III., Sept. 1« — Carter*
twtou wiiit«« ami ntogru •!»•*• l**lav
Si* n«*gr«M-* w«rw hiil«*'l, ati*l uriw ulliwr
w 4» ui > a I« m I.
r*gi»i:«i»L Dhuui* Na|i«»»»al
Guard, atilvwd bwiw latw th»* wvening,
sii-i tv 111 •t4<l***oi (*• prv**r vw ut < Irr.
Forty lulnrts from th* Herrin mu «-*
Irfl dial plrot t»»r thia etiy thia •*«♦».
mg. Ktniwd with Krag-J<>rg«-n«*i4 ri!l«-s
k'tr»tninr*»l lu aw.«1 the whit* luiuais,
should llmir aerviews be rrquiri»>L
Trutihlw ha* l»’»’ii brewing «vwr sin •
ti « mililia •.»• re< a II«*«I by G*ivri< t
r«»inrr la*l M< u lay. sinew which Uu»«
tit« while ininers havw rrturrd to allow
th« nrgio lumria to enuiw into town
To*l«y IS neg’«««« liiAlchrd itilO tb««
town and oprnwd fir* on a ciywd ul
Tl»w whitiw rrlnrnr«1 lbw firw
promptlv. atul a running light rnsurd
Th* ii«*gtoes, cluwrly ftilluweaf by the
wihire. scatteied, some running up lhe
main atr«•*(. Ih« reinain Irr at-irting
down the r*ilr<i«l llruk
Hwre lue
wur*t **•
t»«H) w .»• «tamr
After I1 »
tight *4* ov«», four »h'Atl trodiee w«f*
pi in'd up. an I another man w »a found
mortally woi»nd««d. Thev ware taken
tu lh«» » lly hill, where tha woun l* I
tuau was given medical irratturiil. and
an inqH« *i w a« held over thudaa-l on**
Later, ne.»r lhe HruaL initi*«. in anoth­
er part fl.**« v, lw-t other «Ira I I mm I-
ir* were f. hiii <|
The kill* I B’e
Lev. <) T J Floy I.
Iluee Bradley, John Black. Kerry
Two uiii«ientithHl
.M<>rtally w aiule-l
Min t’umrn’i g*.
Tbe mayor i-a* taken etrry pie«au
lion (»» pieveiit further trouble, and
nun* will <>’ ¡.ii unlees lb© negro**
make an alia« k
Ikinnellr. of
Miu*h iu ii«-*. wbr*re the negroes resole.
re|M»its Ihstl the r>rg»«*-• are w«»rk«**l up
it . » a f ■•! < y , aii I, w; ¡n be I* dug
all in bls |M»w*r to ho’d thrui tu
chrrck. be i* afrat’1 ha cannot do *o
mutiii longer, an I that unless the mili­
tia appears shortly furthei trouble may
I ms liHtketl for.
Trouble baa *«*;«te«l here, off and on.
for over a v« »r. hut no fatalities ot
Ciirr< I ttritii Jun* 30. when a j »*«.»n
ger train nn the Central rail-
a tw tir.- j into nnd (MH i Mgfo w > ,
man kill*-!
Tl.o«e imgror* were un
their wav to the uiiiir*. having coion
from f’aii i
A siuirt tune alteiwa» I a
pttvlit**! battle maned betW4M«n lhe
if on * <1 nunun >>n
force* »hiring
which time tiie <1 w«Hing« rxscuptol by
the union negroes were btirne*l
»•i.i! •rr -ts w*-r* male, and the parties
aiv in jvil at Marion «»n the charge uf
at Tree«« awl *•»» t* «»••! !•<*«■ lnr>
IttoteFB W«a»» t*s rifhl
I Pinion, hept 19
The reply ut the
Traii«vaal to Mr Chaml>rrIain's lalml
note is *.»id lo cover nine pag*•*
It is
eminmlly of th* **ii«*galiv.* and inoun-
cl -HVu” rhara< ter. wlm h Mr I’hatu-
berlaiti «)*< lar»*«l would compel lhe hu-
p« rigl gov<*rnuient lo «.onaider the *ilu-
alion afretoh.
Il practually repudiate*
Biisatrainiy, reverts to tiie «even-tear
fi»«m hi*«', an«l Ireliiu’w to give rtpialitv
to the Dutch and Engh*h la«*guagr* tn
the volksraad.
In short, it is politely
negative an<l defiant
The full tell
may not I*» available for a «lay or two,
bul ll will n»>t change th* a*| •■« l uf
The rabinrt will prutwsbly
iD**’l <«n Wtwlnraday or Thursday to
consider lb® null step.
II i* Rup|M»Bud that the neit move
4X>nteu>plale«l bv the Transvaal is an
ap|-«'al to th* powers, legging them lo
re« «immend arbitration on the burs uf
the rulifereiH-e al The Hague.
M<kltalteF lntter*teWte«lf
The t ape Tuwn coirespondent of the
Daily Mall aaya
"Afrlkan.lei bund circle« pride»- to
liavn information thal Fresldrnt Mc­
Kinley lies intervened between Gleet
Bnlaln and the Treusvsal.
r«»a.siN*4 1«, ti«aih.
AVaahington. Hept. 19 —The aecre
tery of war, in ie«|H>nse lo nutneioua
requests, oalde-l General <His retfardin,
tho two uien of the Nlgteenlh infantry
who, according to the press dispati h<-»,
had lieen condemned to death in the
Fhilippines tor aseanlting native wo­
man. A reply receive-l tonight sail
there waa a third sol li»r ,ow alwiul to
t>e triad in connection with the eame
case, and that when the court-martial
was ecu elude.I the papais would Im
forwarded to tlm department
The two
men sentenced are Corporal Damplioffer
and Frlvate < onlnc. The name of the
third soldier involved lias not yet Irewn
made public
The »inlenres Wl!| Set
lie esecuted until the war department
shall have reviewed th» Oaee«. The
pa jmi ta cannot leach Waaliingtun in Ices
tliau 30 days.
IltoftoFHB I m MtoStobwII.
Chicago, Hept 19. — A new baseball
Pulaski, Va., Kept. 14 —Noah Fin­
lay, a negro, was liangwi tiers today > league, whose circuit will in- Inde cities
Ilia crime was highway robbeiy and at- In lioth the National and Woatern
leingled inorder, and lilS elecullon was Leagues, and which will be known as
the only inatama in late yeaia in tha American Association of Baseball
which Ilia eitreme penalty has l-eoo Clute, was formed belay at a meeting
beta of baaeball turn and lovurs nt the
imputed iu Virginia foi thia offense
national game
The circuit as decided
Sealite, Sept 16 —Alfred Rav. repre­ on will include Mt. lamia, Milwaukee,
senting a Philadelphia syndicate, ia Detroit, Chi. ago,
«hipping men and material lo Alaska York, Philadelphia and Washington.
fm the constructnm of rail­ A C. Anson was offeied the the preai-
road in that teintory. The road la to denry, tint refnse-l to accept at present
15 miles long and to he n«»d in nui
II. D. tjiiinn, ot Milwaukee, waa elect­
nactioa with ths development of 35,- ed temporary president.
i nd aciea of coal lands on Kacliekmok
The platform of the new league waa
iy. Cook's Inlet
annoticed aa follow a:
Honest competition, no syndicate
nrto>fn* Wtetellaaf
baaeball, nn reserve rule«. Tn respect
New Yerk, Fept. 14.—Thera will l-e all ronlrai la, and popular prices.
o in.«« meeting in thie city to protest
On» Ha» Killed, Two W»e»de«|.
sinst the mind ruination of Dieyfua.
ChlcagK, Hept. 19 —As a result ot
•forts were made to arrange such a a dispute nvet a anil rd clothes trelay,
jslherina. but tlm men who wete asked Martin Walgren, a »mokkeepcv, was
to lake a leading part dectlnd to do an.
killed, and Theodora AAalgien and
sud etpreeawl tho opinion that th» George Clark« »lightly woundci tiy
museinent was a ini-iakn.
t .
Fred F slier, a tailor. Fisher use-1 a
qoeatly the promoters of the affaii de i knife, ar.d claims lie acted in eelf dc-
GJed to abandon tba idee.