• r » . 4 ■ «* i 0(10, LIN.XCOL XTY, OREGON, EKIHAY, SEIIEMBER i h-ink oí Scio 1.1 X X CAPITAL. $20000 — OFFIt Eltt* Fies Preuteit Ja.’iier lbw*» a ¡re no ml trnnkln^ nml ei- 'tviiiffe Imalnr«*. l/ana made at urr»*nl m’r«, mid •Imftft i*sm**l <>n principal till««. • • • < » h butin* *•«. WATCHMAKER «N» 7 Æ II ?; /. E JI. Bi’IO, OREGON. All kind* of wiitclo-s cliM-ka and j« u dry re|«ilred promptly. EAST mi a If, „ I. I ’« I* M I I.' ..Ki M loa.M. ’ (VA M. ».M. I ’ .».H, \J V inm IH m » »» ■•|»r Illg I«« I'l It» AM« Il ear«-1 Ml flu n day' •*• p«tu Ary u*. l.v • hst .1 . Lv W.MMihum I.» . . U «T»i «wio M ' • I lining • 'ar oli Ogth'ti Rout« Suffit SUcpert — ANU— m hmm t.«" *i > h im i su* t«> ( Lt««ti£ u Intlfir I •and«) . _ _ ___ ____ _ ____ _ *• J» («» ’ »r |B'trjw*fi-1«*«>rM •r » *5 «i (it •V > M* a tu !• t 4 *<* a m wlih f»c i i|trr-tal anti <*d«*n line» f«»t J lFAN an 1 « Ills V Mit t»/ ilatra«i*i apfilkatlttn, II. KuMll »M. M m ft(« f < Il M »MKHa*. A»<* <• > A l‘a»« At« it!. I’«»rt .aiul.ut. H Imtim» point* and En rx>fw* A«* m > Jatmn, I Itlfia an»! \na- I >:ia,ran l«r , Itati» of ta lo. ta lo, (»rv, YAQUINA ROUTE *• ' • •« X •* '- lì ; ■4 Connecting at Y»<|uina with the ------ MTEAM ER m ------- Flrat cl '«» In every respect. One of the nlatvc ateatners I» due to »all from Yaqolnn a limit every five days Shortest muto between valley |«>lnts and ."*an Emnclsco. l'are: Allstny nnd points *a«t to San Francisco, Cal.ln.................................................. *10 i 00 Itounil trip. ... 17 00 For sailing dates upply to EDWIN STONE, H. I» W ai i » em , Manager. T. E. A P. A. J.Ttff'SK.r, Agent,Albany .Oregon, u «voti 11 r : ö D ü IDJ ü H ü JÄL Harness Oil »4 • Cl w< «MSlf jF-u«rt Mk*4 low* Sal *c« S*«« i» va-r.« »H (a •»• -ufi L» Ml «•* Our taMua nrv »•polled ulfli the l'e»t the market« afford ., NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A JachSoo Ms., CHICAGO, ILL. I -• ulti of bridge, A DIAMOND FOR A DOLLAR « Lual'rd 3;eclxi Cffw Vblch *SP— Lilt rcr Toa Dir* Oa y Genuine Barrio« !>iamonds have a world wl reputation. It I* al­ most impossible to dl'tlnguish them from genuine diamondscmllng hun- d ed* of dollar* each. They ar<> worn by Ifis* l*-«t people. We w ill forw ird a Genuine Barn«-« l>ianmnd m-.unt.al in a heavy ring, pin, or •tml to any nddre*.» upon rm-elpt of ll.oo each. Earrings «irw« or drn day* only. Hing ai d stud- M-Iil to any ul t: .* up receipt of )| ■>. In o-«i« ring ring give finger mensurt inent by using i piis-c of string -a!*« full particular«. Addr fll plainly. 'Illi B a HKI'»* IlliMOKIl C«»., 11*1 I I « I Bin 1A |IW A A . New York. OO»1><1«OOI>OOO0 4I>«OOOOOOOOOI> fi o ■i X ft Tlie “FAIK’’ ft ft ft ALBANY, OlCE. ft ft ft ft fi ft ft • • • ft ft fi 4 i in Bilia * and I »ry G fi A great value«,. ft ft ft I f fi <«ranile and Tinware « at great reduction « ft ftftftftftft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftft ftftOftft SPECIAL SALE Scio, < >rc. J. J. Burne« & Son General Blacksmiths Wagonmakers... AM We buy our »tnck in large quantities and keep a full line of i arringa nini wr.guii material. All kind* of wrk In our lino done on aliort notice.... . .. HCR3ESH0EING A SPECIALTY Shop op|xo|to I.iverv Stahle St I <>,<>. a 1 I (< »N II.AXSEX X- LA.\1)O.\ Keep a fnll line of Building Material -'»di nnd Door I .«ctory nt Nnlutu . . • w .olii I mil • < id of .Sa lo, i tyegou J. A. Cumminq« ALBAN Y, OHEGON DRUGS. PAINTS 0s* WALL PAPER ('<:tn|.lcii> Bn«- .J \\ e lmw have the ‘ largest and best selected stock of ('lothilig ever shown in thi’ valley, \\ hieb Ve art* otlcring at .... C7 Way Down Prices We have imiliy special lines of Spring1 anil Slimmer suits mid light weight underwent BLAIN CLOTHING CO.,’ Albany. Oregon b i j A Ij-m I tft-jry cf cr-:;:. Ile J raluc rrictkal, Vp-t '-Jat.-. < on. ne »il < inirrcbcoAlie tlanj- KStcl.) FriutO . ' " -i'jtifully BluitratcJ. By JACOB BIU0LB No. I BIOOI.B Utile SE. B4XHC No. 2 HKHH H Hl UK) BK A • H «*• a ' . « h ae rr*«fl** Wtt» «»«Vf 7< t lM .lr«ti n» . • o -iM.'Hl w rk >■»(< *, C*n<» «- t «r<»• A« « * n» I H•-.!• «T - ïrr rvad *»d lesta how j ..*•. fàlllrad ag <*»(• HKKH.r PCX I ÎRY BOOK No. 3 * * » ACCURATE NERVlTAliFS X uly furniMitfd and refitted thmughoul... PC J”M! '*•« tu»nur a/rl«*- '.ot. »»..i ilxry SAFE, SOLID ( 'ures Itnpotency, Night Emission« and wasting dbacascs, all affecta of self* al»u»c, or eicrss and indie rt i t ion A nerve tonic and blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. B y mail fitk- per box; Ö lanes tor m2.AO; with n written gnaran« tec to cure or retuml tbc uumry. rv s lotir NT D N /•neral ideas I tell you. we ll beat the crowd 1 anU sitatr, » La»f fr- u a pevud eenaltlvenr which made him quick t.< refu«e any help, but at that moment Albert a h^-.id ...p n d through his arm aff ectionutely, the scale tipped- All r:ght. lu-rt, begin to»m*vrrow?" To lx* a I ov i« u t to lack feeling, tut often it »a hi» greatest care to hide Ik The lecture » m a/.« doo» on ebar* s< Ler Sy.. ,.ng The two boys were iu au uupressible c* a tltloQ aud •«. me uf its scutenc»»a »truck home Keep r»g!it with y.i irwif, then body can rc in charge of the yoUDtr “Never wrug a you ng person by taking G;m t>n a lower plane than that of hia own intention, and again An ii»drp u-irut vi. w >t life or uf any suby t !• far more precious lhau mere information c'hertah it a« a sacred jh on What way it that reused 1» Miss At water a sudden sense of having fallen U-urallt h r tru* standard? Was It that just then ’.ue caught »:gbt of Frank Alcott. iu an attitude of sb- •orbed attention, with the two bright • jMit» of re 1 in hia ehr«*ka that some times showed »*• vividly In Haas, that vivid color wh1- h »he always regarded (too hastily» a» a mark of ’ temper?“ If she was somewhat ri/i I she was a woman who strove to live in obedi­ ence to conaeiencr ’ Have I * rouge«! that boy* l h.e q o»«t:. r. filled her with dismay The aqdlenee poured out The aids walks were slippery with ice, and, aa it happened, the lw«> boy* were just l»ehind Miss Atwater, who walked on, rathrr gingerly, by herself They all turned off the main street at the same corner But a few step« further on she auddeuly alipped, caught herwlf. hesitated for a moment, evidently in pain, and after a few halting step», lcxiked about f >r s«>mc resting piece “What la it. Misa Atwater?“ »»id Al bert. at her elbow. “It's a sprain—that's all,” but her face was very pa'«- and the boys, half frighteue I. vet rave and mauly, one on ea- h »ide, supported aud almost carried hri a! tig to her own door, for­ tunately not far away <>: in I»« r «»wo armchair, she »•ill held Frank'*» arm; she was uot one to 1 '* Itn*’ when she «hr aaw her way Wait a in nut»«. ' she insisted insiatrd Then, after a f-w tnoio.-t.ts' struggle with the pain: “Frank, 1 think that lecture was meant for me I haven't dime you justice’* “1 haven t «lone myself judie«. Ml»« Atw/ter; I’m /<< ng to take a new start, said Frank, bravely. An*! so he iut with Frank Al r >tt N t only hi» »lauding and influ­ ence in n ‘. .1, but his happine.« it home and hia growth in «elf res|»ect nnu personal weight as a pow­ er fur g.»«Ml (l ite«! naturally from “the time when Mi-» Atwater apraiued her ankle N Y Indr im -t> lent. S tevens R ifles YAQU1NA BAY STEANSH1P COMPANY F n <• if 1 ■ nrre week Gc<>. Rice, it K. of Linn tent hariutf » •trutfiflcv vrlth hlmwIf not iu pcthap» st wafl to» N for •petit V k * M.-nllum, a* fir*I nnnuul |4|>merit lint after a Hille of •(¡•ac« on lx twuon ( rlterian. th« ¡f Mlnnea|«>ll», Minn, any»; br ple of Oregon—what Iv ' I never can tin*! any chance to lie* ■re they like? They tire Ilk.- there*!- •u»p try in/ '* Frank i* a farced lau/h that leaa *e*i. In energy, like their own great forest tre«-a. In blgne** qf •<.uudc4 a% if tl would t>e rather «a«ier ■••••••••••••••»••••••••a* • • heart; like their b«>unieou • torrent« to err well. I can. Fee fol a food chance of rain falling upon theJu»l an«l the unju«t In tholr curdlaUty to all wh«> now *• .a.••••*,.••••••••••••••••. come to them »* friend« or m Albert aho*»h hla heal, cloeawop^ftd and brown "‘T wjq 'I work Frank Ttio .Sail Frmriv .) Itull«>tli< »«>» gu«««t«.” Cut«n I* tM-coming dally more In * C< me al - < an*! hart a «a-.ue of ball, that Ik-wry li «< to llimik tho repub­ favor of th«- United State* retaining you'll feel belter lo morrow lican party I r i I d ui . iii «pot wlii. li The tw • >mya w«nt <»ul Utt wai t*> he doe», but If we Ju«i^«> rightly we order system, Now they have both much out of a*»rta f< r wholesome Apart In »«>«v< »-iful operation and tho grat­ and he «'artrd h* u*e tn a mood half doubt If he uhliM to thank any ifying fact comes to u* that they arc m<-rdy for th<- privilege r>f killing hu­ paying tholr way tx-siil«** giving the He wa« a moody boy, that canuot It man iM'iug* it* he *4« compelled to l>eo|>l<> a l*'lt«'r «orvtco than they demed With leac »elf will and tuora apph«'at *>u he would ?a»ily have led do io carrying on tho war with ever know before. New menatirment« have recently hi« clam for he «a» a txiy of fine nat­ Spain. If th«' r< |«ut>licn(i jetrly de- ural al Ultlea. the f!r*t to understand •Ire» any thank« for t>iinging about been made of the highest mountain* and the iaat to for/et any u«w prin­ of tho Ande* in Mouth Ame»i<-a t'.il* war they can h.iV«' It It I* our rhe hlgheMl peak ol the Nevada do ciple *»r important fact bmu/hl up in Ii«• mother wa» a wid< w, only opinion that if the wnr had not oc- Si.rata I* 21,7»4i f.x-t above wa. Thia •tudy cured tlx* nation u.«u' 'h « f b*ith h;a faulta au I hi» <-*t mountain In Amerh-a. was fouiid could have «eltled tlx- difficulty to be aluiut ¡¿fi.JtM) feet high. The rirtuv« She w»« loo openly diatreaaed w ithout Hoid*h' I th** lb «ok* of not iix - ««ur.-nx-iif of Ae wa« Enginnd is getting another war on t .* ’ f h 1« fied tlx« contr.icl to I k > entered Into 1 • her hands with the B«a-r* in Nou t h with tlx* Mileni Light A Traction brother» or •»i«trrw. he wa* left flume Afridi. A U.ir with the»« peopic I* < <>. for th>< op-ration, la-ginning what to hi mar If He ha*l. beaidea, an a serious affair, even for u great nu­ September |i»,of 15 12’»* camllef ow even tb<>u/htful di»p.*.t'- n alow to Frank Alcott ll * on the street» of the take or ffire offetiae glish ami the Bia-rs have a I m III c * Ity f*«r the lump *um of S2->»» a wa* high Npiriled and aoinetnuet urer* > ear. Forty five lnm|« were form­ bearin/, and made lew frienda am>>n/ tlo-re are no tiullel ill* sent out giv­ erly u*«-*l at a c«>«t of f ’>l<«» a year. boya tfhito everybody liked Albert, ing a result of one killed and four The or'e authorizing the la* th.Trf re. Frank " a» both feared and woutiib-d »Iler four hours of severe »nance of f<',.'i,0««i I per cent refund­ diaiikcd. but lie tween thcmael era there p. -%s;1 .«• nn ;r*r s’ m.-l ,n^ fighting I II«* B >< r* do not go to ing la>n a* far n» the world, and with all race* ami Monroe. 1». B. Ogden, aa»t«led I*. uaual occurrence trita-«, l>ut Hinn for man, it I* doubt !*. engineer, h «« r,-turtiever found a h irder peo­ official viewing visit to the little rr Hbe w a» a tail, di/uitied person, in river and »tat* « that the f t**»« np- /old glaaar», with li/*ht hair neatly ple to defeat than the*«-."south Afrl I r -pri if i ■■ w dl I»- »nifi. Ii-nl to . !« «r crimped aud parted al»or«‘ a ra'her in I fir I.in- t. tin- -tr.-ain i* far :«« Monroe, and high, straight forehead Exact ana>n . • position a* speaker of till- hou*e of and la> |.r<>*<-<-iil«-d with vigor. Most Frank Alcott bail a true love of the I >. .'epn-M-niativoa. and for w hlch nf th«' Work will consist of clearing »tudy of hi»t«ry: he had an unusual lie I..t* tliv tli t’ 1. • - knowledge <»f the aubject, too, for a etructioos. I m ») of hi» a/t a« he had read a eon tiie t Hill'd Slates, or should have, The |a*>|>le of Havana itre n«t<>n aideral lr number of imp>rtant hi»* at least. Ilolias held ill* |*i»itiiuI ¡»lied to flint their city (ri-e fruiti t< r eal work*» iu tl * tiro- li rary left fur a long tim< against the w I di of x ellow f«'Ver at tin* *«*a-wm. Bcemi»e hhn by hi* father but with vivid the people ami ha* en the hond n more deadly and ten«- tbc grow th and development of er and more particularly those Who * ii>us a« a coni igioti than anywhere government» and inatitutiona: but el««', tn the We«t Indic* many gained their wealth and |a>wer |>lace* have cacti a l«» al brand of he wai indifferent to the date» of battles, or of the birth an«! death through by controlling congressmen >ellow fever among which are «ollie ■ J any pr nincnt man M.*« Atwatvi that nr«'comp«r«tivetv mild, a* tho did not »ce that this interest made him of the lt< .d »trip«-. >antn Crus fever, while other* ap her moat promising scholar; she Il I* dilli- ult tu predici witli nny |>r* ach t*ut do not equal tho II iv.ina found intu lacking, too often, iu the variety In deadline«*. precise in for ma*.n*n winch »he re «urety il,, outi->tue of lirvyfu* tii.il. Then* Is a great deal of showing quired, au l •»*»»■ did not hesitate to re il I* hot prolsilile II.ut I rance will «« to some of the characteristics of prove bun aevrrr.v tor indolence and A New X vrker cited tim fact tti.it diruto «enti lice bini 10 tipi sitile |Kx*r human nature In a litti*’ story carelessness. Nor Ibis al! He a W ill »treet firm Inn r< coldly d -ne punishiili nt a* formerlv itllendi-d. that comes acr*'*« tliu »*ia. It »:«y* had a habit of asking question* and n thriving and profitable hu-dnaa» in I !>•' cane i< a deploratile one for th.it flint at lxdnar<|u«** funeral in l*arl« briugiug up aubjec » for discussion iu old spmi-h eiinnon to prove thnt In the old divs the crowd In their c I aas entirely ouUi*l« the set h*M«»n. Wall Streeter* Imvo tholr money- goyernment in tl-at Hrevfu* i« a enthusiasm to-*k Gan. Ixifayctte'» k.4<>u/h conne ted with it or naturally nuking fmultieia nbnortueily devel­ Jew. i rm.i-e i in nclther afT-.id tu h >r«>-*, as th'- (.iniou* aoldfer w a* re Idle firm in quontlon bought sug/e»trd by it Mia» Atwal« i driest oped. ulTend thè urmy and anti Drv-yfu*- turning home the service, out of ttie rd thr »«• unei|>eclel questions, which from the government of S|>nln, Jud vehicle and drew til* carnage to hi« ard*nor i titi ttie ndminlstr.iti iti in- she w a« uot a!na>» prrparrd to au- Indole pence wnn declared •’>*»• anti- hotel, with no en«t of evidence* of swr« and condemned all discuss: -n of in lied I r <*•> cannon, paying a lit vite thè enmlty of thè money |Miwer. en'hi]sU»tlc love nn* sold neiriy burn fndepetideiit. mi'l a friend -o'tic week* afterward, though I •< y was bit favorite study, ill of t item to American muM-urua, *ai«i, "You must have been v«'ry aud hr wa» conscious of deeper and ■dioo!', park«, mid private parties, Taitaf^y PtcortUl S;hoo«roc2u. much pleaMsd.” Ixtfayetta with a mure thorough preparation than most to tie eihihlteil n» sjuvenlra of our whimsical »tnlle said: “Ye* I wa* victory over Sp’ilu, nt ti profit that A |**gc of pi. tu««-« of ••.Attr.ietlve very much plei*«*i, indaati, b«it my members of the clas*. Frank waadoing would liavu made Mhylix’lc blu-iti bimaeif no credit iu it, but, ou the Itecontion» for thè Schoolmom" I* dear friend, I never saw anything contrary, was repeatedly marked a» These gun* were taken from Moro stiown In "Ine l.itie's HomegJour more uf my horre».” having failed. Mi l marsed, aa II ap l intle mid other Sp.inidi fortifica­ lini for Septemln r The pici uri a are tion* and «hould have belonged |<> It I* pilable new* that nine «<>1 peered to him, moat unjustly from phntogrnph «tlbmliled In re- «Iler* of tlx* Twenty-fourth regiment u* »• »polls of war, but Spain nohl There was irritation oa both aides. «ponitelo thè pria* offvr mole by h«ve been drowned hi a river In Lu- them nt auction before the treaty ilio Journal n diod timo ago. The zon. That regiment has had nn Aa I bare said, hui temper waa by no wn* nigned. l td* government pro page I« timely, nini presenta nnttiy eventful career In »he Inst tlft«-«*n mean» prrfexl and hia relation over ti-ded again*! the tale, but after- liew Idea» tur maklng thè school- month«. They, *ido t»y «file with »«»me < f the ruling* >>f hia teacher waa war 1 * t * i * ì * i *:*.* ì -gt * x “ * .*1 j « * I , Get from the druggist a solution army, they voluntcM-nal a» nurses, making the very intwl of the » ffenae of chromic n< hl t w o «Ira** hill* to one •• • -X I • I .... •«< ami for weeks tmik care of the sick Ou the day in quration Mia Atwatrr II iik I ounce of water. Dip .-« »liver In the yellow fever hospital. Now, bad repeated to the principal an Im- of uinxl. a» a mutch or a toothpick, ì on th«« other «Idi* the world they are pudeut«remark of Frank which had In the solution ami touch the wart* holding up the tl ect. and Mr liatca had with IL I he protv-s mar tw repent Hint nine of th«' brave fellows shouhl given him, before the class, a stinging ep every day or two for throe or tn* drowned. It woul«t nut h «ve reprout four time«. Warts somotl-nes dis­ All thi* rankled deeply, and aa he sevnx-«i half aa tvid to have rend appear without treatment which nc are guarantecJ to t>c ttint they went down in ba tile, M ith walked h< me Frank Alcott wa* aa counts for the supplied efficacy of thoroughly miserable aa a boy who la. their face i to tiie foe. Millie of the charms used to remove at heart anaiuua to do right, can tliem.-September Ladle’» llomo AND well be Journal. CiroX: SUrrhstx Sur»l. Like most villages. Hillsdale had its Christian Endeavor club The young Ä Terrine Wxraug. Till* I* to certify that I have ha <1 women, among whom Miss Atwater £-*r*«»m rii«» chronic dlarrhm-a ever since 1 waa alm<*t an oracle, had planned a A bill came into the hand* of a $r>.«M> •• Favorite war I gut » mi weak I could hardly courae of lecture*’ nnd one <*f the beat lady in Boston which speak* vol- 11 toour moAt e «pensi* e •• Ideal.” walk or auf>er Thi* vourh f< r the truth of tholr state- I »ar. let s do our history together 1« my l:<*t money and my hl*tory. mi ni. For al>- oj I'e.-ry A I'eery. after this, yon e*»me home with me one If .hl* bill rome* Into the hand* of day an i I 11 go w ith you the nest, we’ll any man w lio drink*, let him take W. T. !x»>B>urrow ha* moved hl« take it the first thing after cur grub w irmng from my life * ruin.” stock o( good* from Tallmtn to We 11 do It brown! 1’11 put you through lu.aBbi« p<-n>r,:i»->f » ffvrhâfti al >»iUuu, «rtt» r • '! p*ont . and ven can enoghteu me un Virí Á’fZCi lût oiiti.Viu..«, m. tVrrbly Oree»«, tu «time I«* h»»*l»t«**< BY THE EDITOR A choice Une ht fro*h lucnU, In yarjoty, conaUntly un hand. Will du a »tri» OH! <«<»X By IRA A. i'll ELI'S. htUeit GfiSH: MARKET < <»., ? BY THE SCISSORS S « e«< o IX9W e, • Crsl». r - - *«’ t .« r * h< it sn rater*»«* ; ar fri - . • ua .« ■ » i j uG.)i o< *r iH xur«IB a» I rtev. >» trata BKHILli s\V IXE BOCK »’ AU t hrralleg Fredia* Rutrb- I r • e rv r r«lf*a ©Wt « m '«'•»lljtul R»¡f- -• toi «>uwr eugvsvtn/« lrk.v. Ju Lrai» ThrBHKl1 I UOOSfls’'* .* x ■ md.iMchit yt>«t»*vrr A---- »>*';iu» o "■(;»«■'. «. j i >■ i1.-C,io»eat1bl* Thr, Moi ■ r « « « | A»t A *•! N .* u» »fui ¡ » «■ I g I CkicVa, tu arad r ight < tLe HKH4I. book*. Tiw 1 f - FARAI JOURNAL ” r * !• ta f» year» he n.»ll>n th» he»«),— }< in n the On tie«! ‘ Inlet ta 1 n half tegular r*»'iets Any ONE of the BI' f>» «i?« - Lfc b( r FARM JOURNAL J * *ut bf tu»«l a sb , ».Mr,*- ., l«.«l l.«U ft »•■■pr nf F A" *t JOI ! *11«,■ ,,•>» «■•■> , >» tn .< • i; i.oo« fl ft»« A. * JO< KN4I. ► t >> 4 t a:» Ct’- >