The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 25, 1899, Image 2

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    The Saiiiiam News
■ 'J.-
Nuota ti*»«,«
• wm |»t*ie**e«l • • M«vlew *»f tb» I
rt •
• Ml
ut Ib» !'••• Weefc
< ull*U Frate* Ih» l»l#|r»ph I u I himm *.
Ti.• b.mlo Domingo re**lt hsv© e*
labliaf ed a junta al New York.
A lv.<©» fr»»ti» H*«no!uli» s*y that v«»i
« at.i« se liuti of Mauna I a * s ha« ©ntir©li
WiHamelta valle* h u gr«»w» »s bave
agregd oh 40 oenla as the pfh* iuf Lup
pi* kers.
July ispurti ab *w that both ©sports
and Imports irò resse*I uter IL© aauit
inutili« la»l yrar.
A mira w t'atnagi© hai sant another
<!.©•* lo lite Anti lu. pei lai • «t«*
lx-aguà al Boato»»
Pr©»i leni M Kmlev S| - «ke In the
• ■ Lola»» al li.a < sth*jli< SUflUUiei » Lool
al l^iie Chat» p la » n
Augustus Howard, wanted in Itoti
ver. ia th Ughi tu ha an «*»<a|-©d <• «vici
uf hy.lnev, Australia.
A suspicious disease. having ali die
*.-. . • I t
» -, .ague i ai ma 1«
ita .«p| r-s»am v iy Puftogal.
I ¿»lori • • r* »ve» mg flom Li«
w un.I. «tri «<!)>«'< ti amiti lo I«© able U»
allenii the « wtn t-mari tal
A « aio ni re'll a fever ha» «ppSNki«*!
atnung the marine« guarding lite guv
• ri mani prupeity al Havana
Lily !«st*gtrv, Ha se ir re», a« again
J he gru* m is bui J'i |*»ar»
■ i sge. t«f 1 i filili |<ren.age
The t’nlteJ htalee cable steamer
Il >ket i ai) ere in Maúlla bey «ni
attorti lo tuw iter uff baie p»uv»l un
» .* ••••fui.
Meli ani are holding tire Vaquí In
di «ne d wn. and liso twiners no« liiiuk
the Yaqs>*s war w l| le .uHined l<> thè
ludias re«« r ration
The na»v department ime re eiv«*d a
letter fr m Admiral b*w»r Speak ag lU
gl. pimi <»f Hi» t rain oui L” an*» I li
li •
e el .rU al ìhs «suda ot thè A •
li leu 14M« pie.
‘I e ih««-ting uf M Labori stirred tip
all Korop*.
The opinion lo generai
IU*»I Drefyus’ causa la ¡user thereby
troia tho eulor ri «Lee oca ut li«» at­
torney during the «unfi«mtabun.
e. rota!* Wllf* tl W li e ir. < h lg"
after hi« re ont ir ,p l ih»
att • *»«
Me learnel something ut Philippin«
litoral condiliuui while hero, and
i» enlbusiaslic over Ilio futuro uf Iho
IL© Album which ha« Joel arrived
in >an Frai lece lepori e that luo pe««
I -• men ar i w* nen, without f »1 and
db « ene. ws.-e i icked ©p
u the Knlü-
•• be.« a by th» revenu© culler B» a»
and taken to M. Michael».
El #« retar? A'gar «uba nbod | i JO
I«» a I the P rio Kh
T • now < elumbia brat the Defender
a mile in a ra< o for the Astor c op.
It 1« »«limaleJ that lOO.lXX) t*ma of
f. -< i w : »• i.o*- !ed weekly h r rei rf of
Porlo Klcaiii.
Frank Benna, who had much to do
with the development uf owehall, ;•
d« a I al < hi. ago.
I n forty fifll. annual •r«»uin of the
Inter nal nu al 1 vp«»gtaphi. al I’niun to
vu al Itotruit.
Kmperor Wtlhatn remember «el hli
h riuef anldieri hi ( huago by preaetil*
h g them with a banner.
Sir < halte» Topper
we muai ar­
bitrate the boiihdarv dispute ur<.*«aa«ia
muat build a railway to llaweuti.
President > hnrmau. of the Philip*
pine «• unii!»• ion, will go t<> < baiopUiD
l<» « «»ufar with Preii Ioni M. Kmlov.
Turn J uh neon, the Buckeye r«>t grew
man, and hii toother, have »• ure i a
(èlitra. I to build a railroad in England.
U hen the Olimpia armed al Ixg-
horn fit in Naples, A iniiial Dewey wae
•*ti with fever and unable to -<«> db
Tha revolution ia gaining in Santo
Ikxnii g<> and lb» peuple aie iu a wild
The iitnalion loouniidoied bad
for th» government f<>»< va.
>r. retary 1. «»i ; .«• sent telogi «ma lu
nasici of two ofB< ere of •«< h Volun­
teer regiment tn the spamah war.
1 he navy department that dr
le>l to
givo the « ru’aor Olvmpia a ro«t and
Dewey'« gallant flagship will b» ioni
to l< alun navy-yard an me dial, >v ujxm
her arrival in American water«
Panica are told to be threatening
(«errnai.y and Fratne. and England ii
l*emg kepi busy In avoiding trouble
from th at < al itringeii. v.
Her liado
cunditiuni .uulinue gtrod, however.
Knwaia hai agreed tu arbilralmn uf
tl • claim» of Atarri* an « ititene wl.oee
vvaawli wo'o ieiied by Ituaeia
< • ma amount lu l luO.ffou end I:
- « •
willingness to arbitrate them is the
Leal »video e of their validity
Janie« Brooks, of McPherson, Kan.,
walked 37 mile« tu »ve a Climi.
TI o Cum» so etaporur is obliged by
hi« religion tu fast H4 day» in a year
In Cuba 500 plantations under nut*
mal conditions are g«»»d fur 1,0X1,000
Inns of sugar.
lato. 1«
Tbe non arta.r* I 'I
«■>’> ••• ’’•-
r<Maia¿ tealleee ar i« t. «i *
la« raecbed
¡I is veld the It ot <-«<nferet • al t •’
gag*» will bo a reprreeotalivw. m u |....
tlcal gather mg
Nebiaaka baa raiaed •
brace regimen I and wiu
h<«mo in a rp* al tram.
t > . i
The seat«»f tnw Yoqui lad an w»t ha«
been removed
. . a *
to the ladisi •
Kight bundrol t- : a of • | J ci > ft
Philadelphia on a tiauaporl for th«'
Furto Rico eufferers.
Fwattlo won first pl ‘ a al th» an tai
nxeling of the Fa
N< lbwrel at
loll. A m «*‘alu>u ai Astor 4
lb» a*', rotary of Iho interior ha« •
•U«i orders tu reeU.r® |r> pul L< domain
the land uu<» roooi vol fur M«o < cd iu• 4
river beat railway.
Two Indiansaud uro white man were
hauga ) for tn .rder at Dawe .< i4«l
They Wore lb« hial legal ' *« ■
cutioni in that ctmulry.
General Me «itl, after a laili w th
Free lent M K-r.le, alate«! lo a
• pun lent of the p*»ei that It ero w , I
co i.«« «dial go iu t>c
mai ere
Two Frotrh lieotonants were a»»at
• mated in H e Kuodan. where ih»'- trad
been »ml tu tubo on.msnd uf «column
uí tro« |a.
Revenge is thought lu La%t
prompted li.© •«:
In a head cud <ulli».< n »rtw.cti trod*
ley cars near I i i «d» ¡ i ia thirty ino­
pia were injur»«), ootue fatally.
’ aro-
laesurss of the nw’tcHinan is given 4i
the vsmee < f the a< • l«!ent.
The dwent* siiti e.
bmg, N V .La« rtweiv«
pare tu lesvr fur '!au44
»•' .. • e < i.
Thirty Utsl mfanriy at
n ent at Pistts-
I «>r«lere to pre­
within a week,
v •
I . t ‘ <’
F rt 1 ¡¡««lúa».
Prince llenry, <»f i’r • ■•* a. wi.o corn«
man«!» Hie iletmaii »«pia»hnn in ti e Pa
rlfic, will vi«il >•*. L «: t«< <«( on ’'. ard
I hs fiagihip after h»
('hii a.
P »• i!»n I Si • k ,¡ . .
- i ■
• t. .nvitution t<» Vi».I \X .««i«)ngton
M •
. - ■
Site at Port Ai
« >. H a»!; . at.-1 if »at-
isfactory arra: gemente can !>» made he
will put m o|*»raliun » »1 mglo ami
I mi 'I ow ware j ant of g ^.«r.t
li»na, w uh will
vo rinj Í
t lo
Bauchi*» tn
Mr. Prlrison
w .»• !av<«r
last mooting
The Colorado volunteer» have ar*
nr»! tn ban Fraiiciico from Manila.
ilvuaral Davis »ays li.e deaths from
Ito «loitti in Porto Kico will roach
The partner of Al»-i Mr lK’iiald, the
Klumlika king, denies th«* lattei'e
Lank’ «ipt* ).
Tl»o meal «-ombiii» bu» forced New
York but. her» t<« r.»< m > the pri«e three
cents a pound.
ActHoding tu nows rc«eived of the
n«»t nuw in Be» mg *«*4 ti e whaling
MaMIk was not a g»r4l •». ••«■»«.
1 hr < aliforme f*«*»"! g«-r Ass • istion
has ag»«*e i >> ii 4 rale uf <
f>'» lo ILv
M i »« mj ' hi river for »»turning soldiers.
An emblem of a l*adger four f»et
long < a»l from a >pam»h lann n, will
a lot n the new l>atlle»hip Wisconsin.
At Cal bond« I«*, III., striking miners
were arrr»(«*d for viuiating the ••<»ort*S
injunction against interfe»en<« with
Illinuis wants a deep waterway tu
the < • «»If and a river cunvrni»« hi will
lx» I el I in < hi* ago tn ttoturber lu or-
The anti «-ipans.onisti talk of put­
ting a national ticket In the hrld
«gtiitsl XL Kinlrv a» ^Continental Hr-
publican». * *
E gltlewn th )«an<t unstarnpe l < igars
were captured al Tauipu, Fla.
la* .or* La» been carrying on a piutil-
4’ lo liafh for Mjtuw Hu **■
The AOlurnubilo >• lo be given a t«»t
f<U war service
Au elpeiimeul will
If !««■ S ill .Ml’*! I ill» .
. d me 1
from < hl. ago tu Now York
In a brush with the insurgents who
again attempted lu retake Angeles, the
Americans lu»l two killed and
wounded; the insurgmts lose is net 1«
in«l»4 al ‘¿00 men.
A-mn ral Hwmpeon will have charge
uf the naval reception tu Admiral
ThO North Alla» ‘ • e p.a •< n
will prebaLiy meet th«« almila, a lay’«
•ail from New York.
President Hatehford, of the Cm led
Mino Uuihers, blauies the itato author»
ilia» fur the lío
le at NS ardner, I la*
Ila «ay» the miners* urgim/atiun is nut
cimiinal nor «laten Far of elimínala.
A Pari« »penial tu the N» w York
Journal save that a sytMll «»to has plot­
ted to kill I)rvi fus if the trial result»
in arquitial.
I'ho | Inn in* lu ed the
Filing of Labor!.
As»«iran « is given
lhai «peedy acquittal may now It»
looked for.
The British government used 124,*
000 gallon« of corn whisky Iasi y«ar in
th© manufa lure t>f sm< kele«« powder.
The limber lands of Hie South art
being rapidl* pun i asrd by northern
an I wsitern svadnatoe and manufac­
A N'sw Orleans man is said tn have
Invented a sugar nene planter, iu the
form of a W4gon. lhai with three men
and foot v «I m will do the work here-
tnhire dune by nine men and nine
James W. Bradbury, of Maine, v the
oldest living ei imoiu or of the Culled
Mateo issate
He Is 97 yea-i uf age
and served with Webster, Calhoun an I
A g ant reaping machine at Jul­
ian s. Cal., cuts a swath 30 feel Wld<
Mr e It)ft3 military operations in the
Rwudan have «wel the Rr neh g reni­
li ent alwot >40,000 AoO.
1 ’ e Xlarvlan l p*ar'» crop, both it
quality and q »entity. Lae toon a de­
eded failure this »Weoon.
Mei <*o le now prod e u i.g from 70,000
tn 0^.000 tons uf sugar annually uw
ft.ftOO 1er ms, er baoioudae, and raa. Lea
In lftftd the E’kg canal carfiwd to
tide water l.4ftt,0fto town uf v^etablo
fool, in lift? it corrie«! only 744.UvO
Ten Regiments of Volunteers
Will Be Organized
Ftre |‘*®pla vaia tlrowru»l liy Ha
rapatali.g al tha •< I.ovati >«a. 'ga
Itatialt. Mieli.
•• ••
• « |u< t. • Thin so
y t
r*s than the value of the entire street
'ailway proj-erliea of the state.
Napoleon lll.'s lost dwelling place
and ths scone uf bio death—Camdsn
boose. Chis ohurst. ami its beautiful
ground«—Is in fillers to serve as a golf
Jack Kvorbardl. of New Orleans,
the light weight, ha« annnuri ed Ins
retirement from 'bo prise ring. In the
peat <o«v years ho ha” met and defeated
many of the beet p iglllsts of his vises
in lbs country.
«a« <•■ -ae b, ■ wlnJ
•ad tain «tora at be.
The Rueerke
«uto «Ifiu.Otrj
Portland, Or., i» lo hai© a
f** lu«y.
<!•«>• al O«le IV-il Vl»»a Slave 0l«lf
S' > •• lit >••«*•! M » »• I m 4 •• Ml» <a»a
I' m «»**« I'alltff.
Washington. Aug IS.---An order has
tkM*n leeued directing that 10 olJitiun-
al rrgitn<«nti of v<»luul«M*ti be organised
fur •-'»vice in Dio Philippines
regimet-ti Will l-o nund-'rel ffum 8S to
47 and will Im urganisml al the fullow-
mg place» in the order name!;
< • w re h at Fort
Hnollipg. Furl
Cook, Neb. F«*rl Kii«>. Kan. two
al t amp Mradr Pa., one each at Furl
Niagara. N. Y , Furl Fahan Allen,
\ t . F'url I«eavonu rtli, Kan . JefTet-
Son Barracks. Mu.. South Fiamingham.
Í4>*<iua. Aug
19 — titillati« Bal!
w , 1 e tam»**>i usarlne I.ver, f w«'a4-
tie, was d row me I this afte» •«» m while
working >>n the submerge I Andatane.
I9*i feel under water.
Il lias bawn
cuotendrd that «livers could not «kMNMrtnl
leeper than l&o feet. Baldwin sai I be
cuuh! reach tbe Audelaua. aud tua le
three «lessenIs.
< >n the fuarth trip >lown. tbe terrific
air prwsiure broke lite
tut>es lu hie piieuiuatir suit, an I he
His hea l was crushed
w as -Irow ne«!.
|«i p.«-i «-s l»y the pressure.
Baldwin made Im fl»»t trip to the
i lotturu of < *»mmcf.wmetil bav «m the
after i -m of Augu«t 9. a l t ■ - • * all
jmvvious rec*»r*ls for deep sea «living !>y
g -mg down a hill* over 33 fatlu-rua
When he was drawn In tho surfs« o. af­
ter h>s first d«'W* ent. bis first words,
w i-en thw helmet was removed from his
• t were
"I Knew I Q»uld ssauh I 1«
ship an*! I d»*L "
When h« went down again this af
levn<a>n Ins ••« «tanls and a few specta­
tors who were on the tkgrge, wh h is
m -»red near where the Andelana is 1»
lug p l i glv ••» I giweH’Ve. a« they had
ioue brf* re. anU one of the
men at ibe air pump adfiad, •’We’ll all
attend your funeral. ”
Little did thev
thmk that that w ul l b* the last lune
Baldwin would tn» seen alive.
Ileretr fore the rec»»r«i for the deepeat
dive made under water was hold by
Gunner s Male Morgan, ol the t'mlwd
Malev cruiser < Larl«»st<»n. who went
lw»‘ow the surface <d H e water a lie
lance of 1.»*’ fret.
When this re< * rd
was made, it was eonaiderwd phenomen­
al. and many tho ghi Hie feat in»i *
Al a depth of 19M feet there is a
watvt pressure of 90 poun«ls t<> the
square inch, ami a pr* «sure of 95
pounds to lhe stpiare inch is nec«»«ary
to f«»r-e breathing air to lha man be­
low lbw water, but this did not deter
Baldwin from attempting to rear!» the
sunken ship,
hi describing th«- f«< I
ing riiwrianctol under 33 fathoms <d
wat«r, Baldwin sai>l tl was a parafys
ing eenaation all over Hie brety and
litubs, and when there would !*♦ the
least hitch in the airpump. lhe top <d
Ins hea l Svemad t<> raise about Hirer
Ordinary garden hose was u»«* I
to furnish air to Baldwin, an! this
was only guarantee«! t«» withstand .»
pr«-ssum of 75 p* mJ», *o his death »n
I m * laid only tu tils own carleesness.
Before the raising of lhe An 1«-l.»na
could finally I m * inter’•wfuI, it would t»r
necissary for Bal lwin to go to 36 fath
oitis of water, am! lie seemed perfectly
w illing to chance the danger.
Bal lwin was to re eive $3d.000 fur hie
lalx»rs if the And«dana was rai««*d, bill
|gpg !••• 'has h rn kJ!-*l H
i ... t at lha abip will . ontin ia t<•
lie in < oinnieiiCM’uienl bay fur some
lime to come.
This will probably be the last at
tempt tu raise the sunken ship, as
Baldwin was the unit nian on th«
Coast who would even make the st
tempt to descend to •«» great a depth,
I particularly so ainoa th»» water is ai
ways muddy un account of Hie Puval
tup emptying into the bay at tins
Red Pay, on the Island of
Andros, Swept Away.
The •l»ns
• Vslwslty »t lo>
Mil*» • M H*wf
|t*H»f faar
<»«••! tilslrwwe.
3t —Ar
Ja«k*c»r viBe, Fl*.. Aug
gording t<» a M ami 1illspwtrh to ihv
T>mes Uh’« mi au 4 Cilts«»n, i -©pigili Dd
km, uf the steamer <’•«©oa, «naira H«al
the U»WD of lì«- I Hav on tbe iliiiil of
A od ros. Jo tuie* «uutfiw t©»l of Nas«*aa,
Was swept away in tha r©» ©nt trop • a I
lives Let.
hurricane, an 1 aGuil
An ©ye witnes* <d th© «>t«um ©«11 iu• 1 «rd
ILal th© b*»s of hf© <m lhe island was
fully fin )
K* alter* 1
thr )g'i
w»*< k of houses al R<* 1 Bar after the
•’«*■ sui»Blded, h© »lol, w«re hun<lr«*l
uf cor pa©» • f person* of ail ag«w and
Capla’n Dillo» 1 SAtd th© n m<l
b «’W al th© rate of lu* mi «»• st» hour al
N*»»au, with an oc* a «. • nal gust which
reach«*! a Velocity of 1» • it. 1 t-s an hour.
Washington. Aug 19.-—“The poltoy
t>f t r w ar if pa rime n l, * «aid
r el al V
ll <»t, *’ii tn ftirmsh Gonernl <Hii with
all the tr«- pa and >up| l
that lie can
uro and ti al ate n« > •>e»4ry tn «m l up
Hie h.«u»rr» ti u in the Philippiliae iu
• •*d» «»r >*k» I I anti •« g wn.| *1 rg M MS«
the eh«»rtr*t |*»«»Tde time
It* rr«e«l*i*4
Ji «* »'- rotary w«« »|>eak:n£ uf the I J
N«*w York. A'»g 31
A dispatch t<
remgiu-«*uti t< al were called out today
the Hersh! from >»n Jn«n, Porto lllc«»
bi nr let of .tha president.
lie aaid
Visits to I he tn«»sl di»tr»*»«*d
H «1 no delay w i!d i-e alb wed in Iho
dl»tricl» of the ia.4 I pr v«» ti 41 II I
enlisting «-quipping ai d »upptymg the
f«»rmrf rep»»ris
f irrrtl •» «••» l.t: ■ «
lifW rv*giui«*i»ts al»*.» ly »ugantiad, and
have mil f-«*«‘n tn li.«» i ^ asi • 1 >gg» ’ si*»!.
•«».ding i!.«n> I»» the Philippines a«
People in the towns are huddled to­
«•-•n a» they were i,reded fur active
gether anywhere f->r ah»-ltrr
in lbs
»ii**t •
if I « pri venl t.umlx»r <»f
Country the people st« «derptng m ths
Irnnipuli i« iftiufRclent more will tw
«»pen sit.
The f<M«l supphr« have l*»«r»
The tn«n already enliats»!
totally destroved
Only the well to
doran afTord to buy provisions.
at once and th«* n* w r«*gini«nt» will fol-
Unless su«,T«>t conic« in a few «lays
low .«« fa»t as lL«*y are organised and
the p<»«qd«* will «tarv«*
The supplies
from sm Juan hate m»t y«-l art ied st
'A lit!«’ there ha« be«*n i«»me suggre
thw towns, but are
The de­
ti<>n lliat the new regiments will l*s
pot* in many towns ar*» already sur­
u«4'd a» a rv»-t*•» lure««, it may tM*«tatrd
rounded by a large i.uur rr of hungry
p -itivrlv t it tl «••»0 regruenl«, a» Wei
The itiayors *4 H e t< wns ha*s
a« mure, if they can I*» use«!, will Im
no authority
to di»|>«*ns4»
•ent to fsmf«»rc« ii«*nrral Otte.
money, but moil of them are contribut-
Kecrrtfiry K«***t *« ni a mpy of the
ing genrron«|y «ml of their *«wn pink­
order »d today !•» th«» venous depart­
el» to supply ti e mi»«l urgent need»
ment« "( th* army and they at once I m *-
A*» far a» <‘ag»iai ami < ay« v, the san­
gun preparations f<»r supplying the new
itary conditions are not ihr•• .*t*i .-*1, bul
Withiu half an hour
r* ports from t<»wr • further noutl- *»t«ta
the Ofdr an« * bureau had sent orders
that their condition 1» dangerous. The
to tl * different aracnMlp directing Hie
|M»fil lies in ti»«» Lrrdiiig uf the mhab
c«>mplat»* «»ulfits uf arms and urdnanoe
Hants in th* towns
Several of the
• ippl • « f»»r «-.u h icgimenl I m * sent to
soldiers were Woumlrd during lhe re
th«» r«-nd«-ivous nb«ue Hu-v arc to be
cent hurricane, but it is barned that
The «pinttermaster’• «le-
there were no «leaths a«»mtig them. Tbe
partiuet gat* orders for
Lest |M»a(ed person* agre« that it will
tents, clothing am! otier ctpiimenis
he n«-ce«-ary to provide work for thi
f irntonrd by that department while
Hi habl tan ta and seed» for the nei!
th*» • •-iiitnis-.vry d»q■■»rtment order«» I a
planting. An offi* ial rrj"»rt f*>rm Guay
sufli* mnl supply ul rations to la* on
mas says that 2fi5 I ioihm *» were tie
h i’. I to !••• d inc tr»K*p'» as fuwl a« they
Nlroye*l, 175 seri*"i*ly ii>]ut«*d and JUi
1'1»«« ni« di- »l departtnent was
damaged by the storm.
also direct«»»! to
that supplies w« ro
In the district surrounding Maya
guex, »«-ores <>f women, old man and
The regiments «ill be recruited with
ihlhhen are homeless and
the «.i nc rar«» ever« :»«*d in enlisting
tim flrftt 10 t«-glin«-nts.
Tin- dlgtHotft
Shelter and f<aw).
Th«* schooner I 'oii-
cepcion, load» t! w ith 2iH> Purl«» Kn ans
vthtrli were liol very thoroligniy cov­
going as emigrants to Kamana. went
er- I in r» niitii g for ti e first 10 regi-
■ ’
air if*. t«r»lay.
All Jtnnjel ov**r hoard
no n?« will tie visited by the offL ers of
am! several were drown«*!,
A M«va-
the new organisations. It is the in’.en- I WASHINGTON’S FINE REGIMENT
gu«»i paper reminds the public that In
ti<in of th«« department to liavt* the reg- •
the year 1MI the city was destroyed
irn««nls give more intention to tiring Hian«l liar'lahii»» •««<1 < llroala 11*11«-«
Ilian K«sl«ru»rs.
by tii»» for tar«» day», the g< vernor was
than to any other feature <»f tha drill, j
Portland, Aug 19—First Lieutenant
|H*r»<uially d 1»!r 1 lulling |.»0,0UU among
The men will be armed, a« are th«» reg­
ular infantrv r«-gi
-i.ts, with the new William E. Welgle, company G. First those who m» -l l.«-eded 11.
Washington, who has recently return«*!
In Arroyo
]»• r cent of the I iouim
ttiagasine army r»f)«»s.
Were >l«»molished i y the hurr < tn««
from the Philippine», says:
“ | i,««
;Higton tr*M»p«« l .iv*' •»! •••<I
th»» ¡»ol nothing remain» Many prom­
th«« hard.liij » and climate of the Phil
inent per«<ms in t l' .».io have »!gn»»*l
*>•*• I r«i««'l»< o • l|»bu»l«-r
ippintMi much beitrr than Iho Ea»l«*rn an a| p«»al t<> H e public »-king fo«<«l ami
ably < • pl«tr*<l.
Two thou
< in.t* in.i*. M* ii< »>, Aug
IV.— The tr«M»pN as they »«-« in to tak«» more natur­ woik f«»r Hie inhabitants.
\\ hile
gunboat ItotiKwmln left port Tuesday ally to tl»»s rainy
an I a rutuor was started lliat it went there has tircn runsitlerable alckness w hole district.
to intercept n vwsesl f'otii bun Fran- ’ arming the trie ps, still the number »»u
< -i *- • mrving (Filling guns, rirt«*» and the sick list has iieen much below the
ammunition to the Yaqtiia.
The gun- ! average of other regiments.
I lie lieu-
H II I rd FIs« <««»•» r I <-«n I ngl««*«rs ««g
boat ha» n«»t returned, but minor aayi speaks in high praise of < *•■ i rl
Th«** Urlha« Flr*io*H.
Whuiley and hl» ability as a c*iinman«l-
that il I - a« captured the fillibuster.
Chicago, Aug 21 —A special to the
<« .ivmaM 1« full uf Yaqui« working er, am! lias n<> hesitancy in asserting
Keeoril from Tampico,
Mm««», says:
at all «’»rts «f occupations.
Several that tho men ot tho Washington r»*gi
By ilio eipl’fioii of a Loih-r of a loco­
• I-- a< Li vn with pro-luiw an«! manned iHfi l stand “t the head of the list for
by Yuquis arrived yesterday from tha all-tuund g*H«d soldiers, of ill the Vol* motive un th«» Met can < ent’a< railr«>a I
Th«*v •even men were kill»- l ami three others
Th«-y »«¡-orl that when the unt«er» now in lhe Phllippin«**.
The locomotive was
w* n wor*ls of praise fro n thrif corps fatally injure«l.
tr«»upa rea« he«I Vi< am Friday, the tow:
was d«-sertr«l, and rm fight took place. commander, General Char lew King, fot standing on the sidetra- k nt Gardners
when the explosion «- lirted.
It Was
A I m -I v of Indians met the li<»ops «»n their sp«Midid w«»rk on more than «me
*f a spe« lai fiatlerii and of great Bile,
l.’|-«»n General King's de­
the man h t< ward ti e town am! field (wcasmii.
them in check until the Yaquta ha I parture fr< m lhe islands, lhe regiment­ being used to haul trains up the moun­
left the town and then they tliaap- al «-uiumauder. C«»lon«d Whuiley, was tain,
Atnung th«» kill«*d are four American
pe.irr-l it. the w*»-»ls.
The mam lasly chosen to take itis place aS corps ootD-
The Washington tnxips, tl «• et.g ne»-rs who w»-r*» in the < ab
of the In iiani, in« lading woman and tii<«n*l«-t.
say«, are now awaitil g names were dimori, FitsgeraLI, Hussy
children. < r - m d on a raft to the north ht-utsnanl
* ami Gil son.
Another American en­
bank <»f the t ver, made a detonr be­ transports f«»r Hmir return to the Cni-
hind the tr«««»ps. ami escape«! to the '.»-<! Mates ami he thinks thev w ill leave gineer nam**l I*«>khart wo »landing
near the haximulive when Hie elplt»«
mountain». The Ya«pii lose in the ikir- Manila al>out lhe first of September.
• ion occurr«»!.
II” was Ir urla» I a dis­
mish was three
'I he horse under
• nn|h,r
tance uf 10o fr«-l and was fatally in­
General Torres was «hot.
Manila, Aug. 19 - Kight )iun*!re«l
The ulher m«»n kill«*! were
The remainder of the campaign will
nsurgettls alia* k«»'i Angeles this morn-
three Meticaii firemen ami wu*Mlpa»s-
probably consist of sruuting in the
iig. lint the Twelfth regiment «Iruve
mountAtns on Hie part of the troops,
hem into
'1 lirer
and ranis
in the huaymiu valley 11tche»«I ItM-omotives were capture»!.
A»ylutn f«»r « «»n»u m pH « *•
ranches by the Indians,
None of the American troops Were
Chicago, Aug. 81.— The Illinois Ho-
The insuig^nts Let* is not eiety for the Prevention of ('«»nsunrp-
•'•«g«li»( S'r•!•*•?
>p«*ii «-r. of h«-nlti«ky,
19. —Jim tn«»wn. <*. I
tion is preparing plans for the rsfab-
F'rainey, Hie pugilist injured by Frank «r|M»rler uf the Manila Times, was iiil>m«»nt of a state sanitarium Lu tbe
McConnell in their fight last night, kilo*«I y«-*lrrday during lire fight al Au- treatment uf ronsnmptiun, whir!) it
died here tills afternoon at 3 15 with­
will ask the next legislature to build.
out having regaine»!
The fundamental purpose «»l tin» pro­
II «n«f W er» l‘nl*i*«•*«•
M- <'«»ni;«*ll and
bis swsm-ls, witi,
ject is to provole means for the treat­
Ihw-kfor«!, III., Aug lu.—Two hum
F*r.»mey *•»«*'ofi-ls and manngera of th«
ment of tlie poor Who «re disabled by
I f « m | p* up’e were puisotred al <heg«.n,
chib, have been placed under arrest,
the *lisea»e.
ill., l«»lav bv h-uroiiade which thev
alw> Kefvree Hnam <*«»»k.
Governor Tanner lias in Beate I hi*
Hack al a picnic.
As yet no fatahli«-»
intention o! supiwnting it ami of ap­
|»rw«r Will % lilt Fraare.
ave tM-en reported.
The poieontng is
Nice, France, Aug. 19.—It is so-
«tpp»s*-*l to have Ireen the re«ult of proving the purchase «*f tbe sueietv, <»n
asking f<>r an appropriation of ♦ M>.*
noun« < I that the United Slats cruiser
uric a’ td in the lemiHiade sol i at or-4
* 9 with which lo build lhe »anilar*
< »
: i, now at I -gt ■ rn will arrive d the stands.
The iu««»l violent cas«i
al Villefrannehe. August 37.
• re of »mall children.
Wvllmsw'« F • |*«*iHI mm ttetwrwi
T y |w»erwi«h leal I nl*tw.
Ti"in*>e, I.I.m I of Tron>««>, Not-
Itotr«»it, Mich., Aug IN.—Thw Infer
w«y, Aug. If—W.Itri Wollm.nn *n<1 national Tytographical Union conven
lb. «arvivon <>f lb, ix>l,i ripmlition lion to I ay sel«M3te*l Milwaukie as its
Ir.l by I m anivril b«*i. llii. „•■Ii ( nrit meeting pla»w.
on tba ateaiMi Ca|>«'llaI baaing
The report from lha com mil Ire on
• •■••folly iom|>lal-xl lbal> aiflotation, laws favoring the h-vying *»f s s|r ial
IU Franl Joaof Land
.Mr. Wrlhnann • ••«•«•merit of n«>l more than 50 ©eotr
ba« ili,< ot.tril lm|*>rtanl now Ian I, in any threw months by the eswcntive
ami many 1»lamia.
«luro il whenever the strike fund shall
Ilalllmora dro^giat, bavo organi«r4 | fall below 120,000. was adopted.
ari l will try to atop prico cutting io
<*rlM»lwal < ar»le»swees
Bridgeport, <’oi»n., Aug. 19 — Tha
jt ry in the inqu« »t into the cause uf
nt «1»! tie Klelt<n Stfrrl
1: • Iw it < ompany’a bridge at Prck’e
mill j »nd. August fi, by whirli 80 peo­
ple w-r»' killed, rendered H eir Verdict
today that the mofortnan
wreikr»! trolley car wae guiltv of crim­
inal carelessness, and that the ^helion
Street railway was very negligent.
The jury a iso rr««-mrnrn led a sp»<ial
•rei*ioft uf the legislature to art on cep.
tain laws which it recommends for tho
Iron mining gives employment le
mure than 17,000 |wrrsune in England
<|»«.,wwier Fight.
Hj>ok.n., An,, 19. — A N.w York
•pe. i«l lo lh, S|»>kr«n>»n U.ri*w .ar«
l'r*.i''rnt M*ll»n. ot Hi» Northarn Pa
el He, who will atteti'l th* eopmany'i
annual niwting in New York, Frhlay,
mji the Cleat water trouble I, practi­
cal!; aettl*l.
Atlanta, <la . Aug. I».— A <li«patrh
from Brantley, Ala., «ay,: Charle.
Hart, a negro wlio yeater>lay attempted
to a**aiilt M<<. Stephen Hattie, a wid­
ow, wae taken from Itlantlejr ),il la,t
night l>; a m«b of 100 tn-n and ,bot to
d»alb ia tbe wuoda half a mile away.
Shamr««« k
4rriv*s 1« W«w 1'erb,
f»u|»i •• ii * vs«
i •••ma < i*«r«*g«»
llavaua. Aug
31 —In view of lhe
fart that C'olonel Bacallao. chisl »*( lhe
»«-• rei |«*licé. persist«*! in his «ledila-
lion that General Jlmln»*, tho aipirant
to the prrsolency <»f Santo IXimingo,
was ia Havana, either not having or
having rstnrmsd. ti s military authuri-
tira telegraphed to 1‘ienfurgos, in­
structing Captain .Stamper, rullocloi of
' cuBioiui thsrw, lo awerlaln whether
Jiuiibrl was on H e Men«*!’S steamer,
and to take him under arrest it that
s’ mid I m * the css«’.
Just ab H «• stexin
rf was al*»Ut to • 4V<* < i*i f .«-goa, <’w|
tain Mampef located Jimines a ltd at-
' re«te*l him
JirumrS damssncoJ in*
»rr«-«l as an outrage
He »aid he ha»1
broken no law and w >nld not yiai<!
»-• epi to force.
Captain Mamj-er re-
pl.ed that he was lo U»e for. r, if
tieceaaary. and Jimmri then fielded,
remarking lhai he di»t so be ause he
co«Hd not help himself.
Captain Stamper inf*»rni«*>l Jtmlnes
that he would make him as comforlsble
as ptMwtible, and. after Jiminei and his
•* tetary h<» I pecked
their trunks,
thev wein «Iliteti, svompnml by II-«’
ihirf of p-«4ice an ! Captam Mam|»er, I»
th** Union hotel, where two beilroum»
and a «lining rvmtn were |dac«»*l al their
• «BS|-<MaL
General Jiiuine* will le
I kept under ) mv ! io * charge until further
advice* are receive«! from th* governor-
Mrl i*na»ll H»«l F»«««» I «tn* « « I fu 11 y
« haff* *»f M at>»la<»( kl»r
**an Francis* <>, Aug 31.—-The an-
- t<q*y held on the remains of Jim
Ftaney, the p ‘gd*sl, who dte*l after
having been km***kr*| out by Frank
5LC«»nn«*ll on Friday night. show«*l
that Ins vital organs werw diseased,
1 that h»» was in no ounditkm tu enter a
ring as principal, at'-l that he had
L«-rn putniiiel«*l and beaten to death
Lv Fiank Mel ■ nnrll, wh*» » *• arrested
on a charge of manslaughter, and is
now out of Ja11 on bail.
A similar charge has aliM» bean
placnl against J, J. Groom, J. D.
i Gibbs, promoter» uf the fight; Hiram
(*4M*k, r* frr»-e. an I the »«*< «m<la of both
men engaged 111 the r*>nte«t
Ail have
given l*»n <• an! are m*w al Hbeity.
Dr J. L. Zabala, the clly’a autopsy
pbvsician «‘Xplailia the rat»«» <«f ll»«-
pug) i»l*s death as f*»liow*»
“I f«»ur
severe conlusiuns on France ’• la«
shoulders and up|M»r arms
Ti etc « .
a hemotrhag«» of the Liain on the h it
i si In ami th«» organ it»«df was in au a
anaemio csmdltnm
lhe man must
Lave rr««*»veda tmible punishment,
and death as» tmthing more than tbe
result of tiio bio»« which were rain«*-!
on his fa* e and h**a I.
Ib«» imps« I <d
the bead on lhe fi»*>r La l nothing to
do with li.
Ilv was in a dying comb
! lion before he tell
"Fraucv should never have rnt«»r«sl
the ring.
An rxatnination «»f his lung«
showvd ph’iiralic adhesions, an*! his
s**itvm w a» otherwise broken 'low 11 II«*
I was fit fur i*i a* In al purpCMMNI in l»f«\
bul «'eitainly not for unnatural rier
else. ”
Saikalrh* w an lll«*r Ito»*
F**t in fine Hay.
Violent Mob in Paris Wrecks
a Church.
< r »r • Il B ««•!
« 1 e «••»»*»•«»• • TN*»«« Inin »
H •*•!• •*•’• F 1« ■ *1
« « ■• « •!
1 •»••»* H
UHM Ih* I*«all* •• • Il • «I I Igtel
Was trslav
du Peuple
ciaiista gai
after n<M»ll
Imus, ami
gsi of it©*
Fa Le rot. V
arehiSla, were th* ring
statidmg on th© |t**l«-«l
which I i »«- b in the cent
I* la Republiq’i© adre
tm«>ng »»tl »’t things I
anar» hist* sbolli I I*©
The police
and dislodged I aut* an
tog litre© arrest».
poiiil di»p©l»*d, bul 4 i
onstiaturs, headed
Henri d’lloft. ma«le fl
la Nation.
Th© p»dh
ll>© column an i a «tri
terv fullowe*!.
M Guullier. ci
tw tr© siabtNpd
t he
Th* rioters
i Temple at
Rue Darl«©ri ami the
Pupihcuurt, they fur ma­ I up mtn a com -
pa«? t body.
HatcLets w©r© «uddriily
prodm'©»!. w th lor«g kn v« • stolen b m
H«e coniti©«* «-f •h«’pa
trate»! rusii w.t» mad«» u
lhe age ! »a- ristati. •
Luatily ch*«©.I |l«e outer
©er© MM>n furc©»| will
ha«« of Hull
The mu»-
were then .»Ita * I
fir»l a©cout>l. th* wild I
Hi© church, nhhb inst
th ©i«e uf w id pill «ge an
tars and »tatù*-« ©»•«•’
fl-mt Mtul »m.«»h»*d, pit’tui«« were rent,
iih II ci ! i«* k ». ufi -iiii mis ©ml )«<«»!• fr»«m
high altar* ’ were thrown «L»wu and
T .»» ♦ r»l< «fi I
traibplrd limi • r f »« »
above was ma ide th© target !<H mi»«ll©*
» » ■ *r w is *rs v-
ai <1 th* tlgui© *d t «-
Then, while
tare»! in sever
the **< ar msg •
uir 11©<I oulsnl©,
tbe elixirs «
pl|«M| «ip and Set mu
in th© center of
W hen
H-* •<; •«
fruit1 a III' church.
h«*l, 11 • «.rmifis
till« Stage was re
w as pulled «htw I» ¡4 J thrown into th*
i* cry wa« nt«©»l
© Virgiu had been
,tl>al I be at at ue of
'uwd isturned ami
forgotten, sml th©
■t«»r© thia «town al»«.
Au Atlemjt wai m.i I© to hie th©
« iuir «>f bl. Josephs «t.ih i*-©'ruleiim
sud th© li'rmru were i!;rd tn to
j ■
' < ! « ' '
i •
• ■ < » w '•
». » •
v ni I .
forts l*« th-fei. I fh© rim « h from sucri-
Ths thurch In ■tlii4!> d III lbs
puur«-il unarlvr of th© city.
No di»»»rd%
©rs of am kill«* iir» d In IL© fusbiaii-
able district.
Me -in while the «arrÌBtan, wh«» h^f
t»«*ci captar©*! by th© snarchiat». «*«•
< A|agd. anti «»all©*! th© j*»li '«- sml reputi­
li au gus » !•». <» •» i « -mpiiy arrivs«!.
with inNity constables.
They were
cum|x»lle*l tu f>il L(i a in order to form
up into line of defense. •• th© amiioh-
isle at teck «el them
SL raul, Aug.
IV. —A Winnipeg
Man., B|*'« ial to Hi«»
An Kdmonlon d r.patsh suye H •
Sa»ka!ch«-wan river has overflowed,
rising 4i> feet during the last 20 hours,
ami continues to rise fast. Ahea ly the
lifblge piers are four feet under waler,
and rleolric light boilers
cover«» I
Floating islan *• of w «» h | ar«’ paasing
Tl iw f«»rri”s have broken a* ay
• ml no mall baa arriv«*l.
of feet «if lumber is a drift.
At present
1*1 tl |«*©»y •«• thief
the water Is rushing over Ibe Hiidmin’s
Bay < ■mpany’s flats.
Two and a E. » f
Aug 23 —Th© Naples «-orr©-
inches uf iam fell in 20 hours,
The • |M>hdent of ti i New» t© «»grapi •
th© mb«!an* ♦» ««f an luteivie© I «• Lad
rn«l is not yet.
Th«* !*»•• will be great.
Th© historic steamer Noithwest, one of with Admiral Dew*v th»*r* «luring th©
Hie Hudson's
Bay (‘««mpany’s Lest a'itHiral's r©<rni visit. Admiral Itowey
t*»ats wu broken from h»-r inuorihgs. •aid he !>©hev«*d Hi© Philippine que»
lu his
struck th© middle pier of the bridge j lion won! I shortly G» «©»Ivetl,
and went «l«»wti the river a total wr«* k ! Jmlgmenl, th* inhabitant* a»© «apal ie
* *y
The river is full uf drift, minsr»' • f »©If fc i>-rniii»-f t. ni i ti.«i
sharks and ©fltects. CIllSFhS on lhe io »©Itlr ths iusurr©» lx>ii at >1 lo ii sum
proapeiity I» to <«-«, «- I«» it t«> tio-m.
river tiank are moving out.
He <!•« lartd that h© Was i.» v©r in iav< r
• lr**t l»u*l «1 W <««*«1»
of viulsiice toward th© biLpii - *, w d
Shrrnlan. Or., Aug
31. — News l>
r«-mark©*l that after anlonnmv <■«»! b©©n
been r«M'rlv«w| het© of a serious fight «>
j •omtoletl, annesalion might lx- talk«**!
The trouble L*-gan >alur«lay
When ask©»! whether a *«mf!i l »•©•
night al a «lance, an>l was between Bud
tween Germany and Hi© l*iiit«*d Mates
Pollard and a man namr«t NfIt
<iv««r the Pit111ppm«-» were p*»Mthl©,
ended in lhe ejection from the hall of
A Imlral Dewey replied. a«*ordtng lo
a yuung man who ha t tefused lo pay
tb© oorr©sp«mdent
his almissiun.
Holiday morning the
' ft ia in. p * m * si !»I* to for» •«*© th© iu
meh met uti the Street and had a duel.
furv»e«-aLle "
Miller fired a shotgun point blank
> ig »*» n «th Kebel».
al Pollard • lies*! an I stmt away part uf
Manila. Aug. 22 —On«» he'itenant of
on© uf P«»llard’s ears. Pollard «-mptie»)
the Twelfth infantry was kdh-d sn«l
Lis revolver al Miller, bul was su neiv»
ous that hi* shuts went wild.
1 hi* another wa» ierlo«i»lv w uimlrd while
I r«M-i»fm«»it©ring )a»l evening north of
sb«»t bit M>ler in th© leg Iwlow the
Ang ie*
The Ameii .ii.« ©mounter* !
Consider trig that the men fired
at close range, their r* a|>© from seri­ a large force of insurgent» ami drove
th*-m trutn ther position.
ous injury is temarkable.
Lieuti-nanl Cole, «»f ti • ilth mf.m-
pwsa«ng*r IfMln vtr*rk*«t.
11y, with MO men, encountered I’M) in­
Texarkana, Ark., Aug. 31. —A me©
surgents intrenched In H « mountains
• age has Jusl l*een rr* rived here tu ll.«» uf Hi© island of Nrgro* and r*>ute»l
rfTr« t that a north bound passenger them, aft©» an hour •nd » half «»! •••
Ham on the Kansas City, Pittsburg A*
vare tlghtii g
I hr Ameiicari» bad
<iuIf rairoad went into Lilt© river, 5u three men sl.glitly hurt.
miles n»»rth of her©
A switch engine, dead ÍDSiirg©ntS ware « «»unta I in th©
with crew, has left for lb© •»• »ne.
Th© trench©»
bn rifles and a «pian?ilv uf
wreck ts between stations, an<l it ia not reserve ammunition w*re captured.
kuwn huw much ot lhe train w©nt ufT
The insurgents recently cut tb© «••»•!*
Hi© bridge, li is known, however, that in Laguna «I© Bay, leaJing to < «lamba,
th© baggage, mail and eipress cars on th© South shore of the lake, but th*
break baa been repaired.
went in.
I'lahc* r«»w« hurtted.
Boise, Idaho, Aug. 31. — Last night
New York, Aug. 31. —Hir Thomas ! tli. toon <>t >*lar.r«lll«, in Ll<>i«, oniin-
Lipton’s yacht Nhamr** k. cliallenger
tT, ***• wi|w<l out by Hr,.
Th. bu,|.
f r \
I th iff port
n.H pottiun ot lha |'la<-« «a«<>y*<l
today accompaniw»l
her tender,
•i>.| moM <>f Ilia rmi.I.nor,.
Tho !■>«
steam ya« ht Krm.
Tha Nbamroofi
.« . « l «1 «.">*•,OoO.
•aH«*I from Fail h«» <>n the I lyde on
August 3, and male tie Iran»- Allantie
To aM'rrtam almtli.r th. PaciSa
voyage in much quicker lima than was <-< mi «1 )• .inking into or out ot Ito.
Erin to we« I ilia <Hr.n i« lha ml««iun of >*rol*a««>r H. K.
Hhamrork alout 3,(X>0 milea, an I tha Gillsalt, ot Ilia Unlt»l Mata.gaislogieal
sailed something mure thao • urt.y, wliu !>■• Ju«l aril««.! on the
1,200 miles.
• f<«nl»h IV ar V*t«ra«t KH1*«l
Chicago, Aug 83.—James P Young,
a private in company D, Third mfantry
volunteer*, was kiils»l bv a freight
Irani al Evanston today, while on hie
wav lo Fori Sheridan to report, after a
day's ab*en<M.
Th© body was strewn
along Hie track for a >•!«» k, an«! the
only remaining v«M*tige of th© uniform
which Young wor* was a bra»» button
fomiti on the r<>adlM»<i
IL» wa» a mem­
ber of th* Fifteenth Indiana regiment
during th* Spanish War,
Fapleaien In « Wina.
H«r« War In Mlaelaalppl.
May Ms a l*»>rmaa«M<
Mrrnlan, Ms«, Aug 31. — A week
Vanooor.r Barrack,. W..h , Aug
ago Dr. Wells, living near Russell, JL— Tha impi«a.ion I. bmuning gan-
• L<>t apd fatally wound«**! a negro white .tai at liea.lquartar, that tba autlinrl-
in Hie act of stealing rattle.
On Tuee
l)aa nt Wellington inland to m.k. tin«
Jay right, two nrgr«»es attempt«*! t<
garrtaon a |«rnian.nt depot tor th.
assasainale Wells, and <»nr of them w«i I Philippin« army, on account of tlia
shot ami killed by tbe doctor,
mm alili which 1100pa may 1« «hipp*.l
er unsm «'«wsfal attempt was made of
to th. M>nn<l or to Han Franciaca Till«
the doctor's life last night. *
i.lra li,« l«an « by th. great
This lias arotiM*l the whits jMW’pla
• oina of money now lieiiig .ip«n<l.<l In
and notice lias Iwsn serve*! <»n the na
■-nnatrurtlng a p.imanant oansp. Tlmti-
grows that any further bostlte move
• of dollar, bar, Ixwo tie.-! .luring
ment toward Dr. Wells will precipi­ Ilia i a«t two taontii, on Mnitallon
tate a race conflict.
Lon«h>D, Ao* JI—By an
aloa t».!a« in th. I.l.«t <'olli«ry, m <•!,-
n>orgaa«l>ira. Wai.«, lx | mimm aara
kilimi and HO otli.r« ara «lili in Hangar.
Tha ai) loaiun or. ana l
tinting lita
n>ght ahift. altan thar, aaa ai y 50
m.n In tha taina.
Th. ra war, many
harvie arfa in an autiaaror to «ata li a
aurvi Tora (rata tha affata of th, a ft at
’lamp, but »> far only flra have Haan
faaaoail nitre.
Pathetic a. enea ware
wltnmæl a« tha biKlim aara iron,til
in thè Burl**., men. aomea an.« obli*
?!ren rcr’ng anti eagerly waiting f„
it ti luga of lb« ei tutu Lad letaaia.