The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 11, 1899, Image 4

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1 A large amount of dellciou« ica
\\F F- « e I ¡««I • «-f g' «1» luat year uu-l w «
, .. „•
i u. >re
cream w a« dl»po»ed of and a very
’ '
I II. * > . «r al>• I .11 a - ■ . ; I '
I ' i
• I «
j enjoy alila time wa» had by all who
clivuper in the I'nlted State» than they are l<»lay. Wv have
j attended. Th« only fault that could
i : i. .■< lock o han i
. -t- 1
' ring pi
E. C. Peery wr» up to Sodaville
Machine oil at Peery A Peery’w
i ’>e found W«a that the supply of
4. G. Prill, Phy*iciau and S«rg«*«in 1 cream gnvc out too early in tho Sunday.
evening, fiiiteen gallon» of the
M». and Mr*. C. V. Johnson »fient
Scio < »regon.
Medium Print».
3|e per yard
Dr. Curl will be in Melo about « Au froteo mixture wi» disposed of In Sunday al Sodaville.
• *
wiandnrd Print»,...............
1c «•
• hi rt order, ami agita a iiuantity
W. F. liebel wo an Alluny viel
gu*t remain mn-n day»-
I i tra Print*.
m»re would have found ready *al*.
lor the first of Hie week.
Manhattan hor»»« food. Just the
(Over 2«»' yard» on sale)
H M. Frost ton of Mr. ami Mr*.
thing for over workod hor»««», •t
Mi»» IltDe Shore Visitisi with rrtt-
I roll of Ixom mU’lln.......................
• 1.1'. Front, wh<> live a few roll««* live* In Salem over Sunday.
H«r* F.. Hlbler**.
I abut W muslin.................... ..............
i it»it A mu'lln,.
.. ..
At their home near Jordan >*a*t of Melo, returtn-d last F'riday
J. N. Long, of Stayton, w»i OV*f
August <i, IS9#, to Mr. anti Mie from Dawson City, whore ho had this way the flr»I nt the Wiifk-
LI. muslin,..
been for the post year. Il» wa» not
“ V Icugtia," best tl indette In the market.....Sc
Win. Farrier, a daughter.
l»r. A. II. Prill w«i up at Detroit
mining, hut own« a claim up there
If you want the boat meal for the which will ba worked the coming Monday on profi-Mional tmvinea«.
money <2»x ; served In th«« v»l ey, go winter, lie bp>ught lack with him
O. Il Cyru» I* at Albany and
to th«« Albany lunch counter.
a Ano gol<| watch chain mode oi valli» thi* week, visiting with
Wm. Mcltonald h»« i«urch<M«l «mall nugget* In their nstiiril ahapo Uvea and friend*.
otiv of ttioao ¡2 foot «-ut ilaivoater nml color. .Mr. i'r<>»t left Dawson
Mi*« Maud Bilyeu
liilyeu catriC
M.I’.AN Y <
King blnd««r and header combined. July H,-imi a couple of week» lie- i from Alteny TureiFay, »nd will re-
Mmilialtan Liniment G Just the fore leaving -,«l«l ho «aw W. FL Sav . main •» vcral day* Visiting.
thing for hoof tsiund hor«-» ntui age, and «tate* that he wa* doing
Mr». Keynold«. of M-dcm, I* In
sprain* < f all kind*. Ito«* F Hita quit» well, tmt would remain anoth­ Melo, visiting w ith her parent*, Mr.
p J. WIIX»N,
ami .Mr«. FL J. IhsJvy, and family.
The receipt» from the two |ce
Manhattan horse retn'-'ll”» art­
Mt» N'««*«lan<l, of Altytnv, I* in
a poaitlvely guanintoed. They arc cream «ocial* have been very en M«-io visiting at th« home of her
aav a«»»i>*n»a»an^n»a»»a»aa* the tnwi on the market. Ilooa E. coumgltig t«i th«r*o having the mat |M«renl», Mr. ami Mr*. K. I}. Miller. ,
ter in charge. The Aral «octal netted
Self u;>etilng and i l->*lng umtirel IliMer
J«>hn Mmllh, of l*ortt«n<l «sun« up
I *« are a new Invention in • ¡ermany
Jake Bilyeu i* now working In *14'26, and the la*l ono I2i>,€« mak Wednesday evening for a visit with
Self returning umbrella» woaldn't l>i<« f! it mill taking the place made ing a total of |.V..?ii now on band for lii* (tarents, Mr. an«l .Mrs. A. (>.
be a t*i«l thing anywhere.
v ii-nnt by J. C. .'•Impmin, who took tho purch»««« of chairs, and with a tsmith.
ouplo or thr«'«« *x-inl* tho amount
<>f tho Spicer warohou*«'.
It 1» announce«! that the now gold
I )li.
W. \ Mill,,
Mr. and Mr*, Arch Goin, of At
neccaKiiry l«i purcha*» «uthcleni
i«>ir«* just i«"iiu<i from Hie French
Mr«. L Prohat, whi reside« on a «-hair* to comfortably »«»at lb«« as­ tainy, wen« In Selo Sunday, the
mint are ta«ing received with great farm near Provitlence church, ha* sembly ball will be r*l»oil. Il i» gu<-*t« of Mr. and
•*p|.« IAI.IST FOB BF I KA'TION lavur. Gold coin* usually are.
ith Tyjhohl
fever, ;« go»l way ti. r»l*o tho »mount, too, Butcher.
t tieen quite
■ low w .........
f«-ar* ar«
are entertain«
entc-rtaln« «1
<1 a*
a« to her
"I don’t believe (»«»I is on tho Ar and fear»
for it doe» m t tux any one person
M r. and M rs Ilo»» I-. Hlbler und
ing line,', exclaim» Bev Dr. Kader, I recovery.
>«mri.*M>, oiifX.oM
•pH his
for a very large »um. ami again all ¡the Mi«**«* Munker* drove to Salem
There I* no k|ck coming at the are given nn opportunity to help y*’»t*«rday to wcicomv home the vol
nfW ill make regular trip» to Scio. preaching <>n the I’hilipplno war,
Watch I » al olumu for«l-«teof visit* an«l the voluntei-r» Ju*t from the work done by the Salem Ntemn with tho w««rk.
front seem to think Hie dortor I* I taundry. You can semi your lauti-
Il II. M«xire, a bachelor, who ha*
Albert Cnle left M°nd*y tporning
atsiilt right. At »11 event», they de dry «.-very Monday by taking It to
lived in the vicinity of Providence for I’ortland w here he e«p«-ct» to »c
ocritH’ the Aring line na resembling j th« express office.
(ziro ae ito eoa* (»ITO tir (TITO £66 O 6
church for wiverul year« past, be cure employmcul witti the M. I*.
quit«« another place than the u-ually
Wanted. All
H hmc
knowing came In ino Inal week, and was
contidored llie resilience of the lhem*e|vo« Indebted to U* to call brought to thi* city Thursday,, ('ompnny.
Mr«. I’.(>. Smith returned U'««L
ami M-ttle at an early date, a* w«« where It was thought that after a
I he KeV. W. II. < <>«t|ey, of Stock are In m«‘«l <d money and mu*t col fuw- day» of medical treatment liu netjny from Wilhoit »pllng» ¿where
) .. IL- I. ... I..III
bridge. (|a., w till«« ntt««milng to hl* lecl w Hat I* du« u». I’eery A Peery. would gel nli right, but Tliur««l.iy «he had bo««n for au outlug for a cou­
ple of week».
W. W. I homp*..n sliipp«-<l five pa"lral du tie* at Ell<-nw<""l. that
The committee having charge of levelling tie got on tin« war path, lie
Mr««. Mary Smith, ofSilrin. 1» vis­
carload* of hor«-* from Moro, Sher­ • late, w i* «it.«1 k»«d by cholera mor
man county, Oregon, to llie horse bu*. He any»: "By cliaucv I hap tri«« school «Ms-hils liav«« <l<«ci.le<l mil ('armlclii-l, and without a word of iting ut the homo of h<«r paronta,
to give an ice cream social on to­
«■amiery al f.lnntou I <*t Saturday.
l«en««.l to get hold «if a bottle I of morrow evening, but will liavu one warning picked up a chair ami pro« Mr. and Mrs. Isaah Pfatt, n few
< miles southeast of this city.
iìieballl», “Oregon’» Pride" l*not < liamtiertain’» • «die, Ctuib-ra and
next Saturday evening, Augu»t I'J. cei«tc«l to Inv low Hie member* of
doing ao well In the hand* of Id* Diarrhoea llemvdy and I think il
Mr» I’eery, of Sodaville, wa» In
the household
It then ta«com<« ap
Wanted Bacon nml Lird
I w ill latent libit he Would h ive to betak« Melo the tatter ¡»art of last week, vis­
wa* the means of «aving my life
iii - w trainer <m th«« gram) circuit tin*
year. H< w a* diurni.-*1 in the 2 <H It relieved me at once.’’ For »ule ;my JO cent* per | k > uii <J for «Ide l«i en to the asylum, ami deputy "her iting with her son, E. ('. I’eery.
eon, 121 cents for limn« and lo cent* iff««. W. Morrow and A I'. Cowell St,« return««! horn«« Sunday.
by Peery A I’eery.
(lice at < olumtxi* Ibi* wao-k, S< in Ii
iglit winning In 2iUI|, 2:01), 2 <*l.
Five dollar* per ton 1« l»hl for for lar.l in Ave nml 10 | k > u . i «I buck- took him to Albany, where he
Ml«« «'mma Warner, of Albany,
borre hr« «««ting
Jnduwtry «binding tiny In (Ivlioco valley. <-t«, In «-xehangu for gixids. N. M l<K-k«-<l up In a room al the St. was over this way tin« first of the
I <'harl««a hotel, but this ww* not ju«t wi-ek, visiting with her brother, ( .
rttiouht lie r««viv««l in < lr«-gm>. Me This appear* to tie an extraordinary
1 haveju«t put in a full Hr.« of to hi* liking, *<i with hi» psk-ket A. Warner, and numerous friends.
have miei favorable comiitloti* for price fut standing hay. »ays Hie
producing a high via** horre mid If Prineville Joui mil, but taking Into Inather l»-ltlug which I will »ell At knifi« he r -moved th«« hick and «•"
Mr and Mr*. II. ShoJten anil «u
breeder» will brc«««l amt f.-«-d for a con»lderallon tho f»«-t that it ro very low price«. All |"«r»<>ns wish­ ■ i | h «I. He c.imo back to tho horn«« an<l daughter were over at Corvalll
purpo«« there »houkl I h > a go««! pro­ <]ulr«-* h-*s than four fl««««ce» of wool ing leather belting of noy «iz.o will of til* sister, .Mr*. 1«. Probst, who I* over Sunday, visiting with Mr».
fit In tho liu*lii<««* f<»r «»me year* to to pay for a ton of hay, it 1« not •<> do wcll to call and .«-«- my line. T. quite III, and «««in after hi* arrival Shelton* *1*.er, Mr*. T. W. Dlllvy.
high utt««r all, a* one ton of h»y w III m . Cuffey.
triend* Induced him to come bi Solo Mr. Shelton returned Mondiv.
The hop yard* In thi* b«-»llty are in search of Dr. Hill, ami here bu
The h<«r»n «-mining e*tal>li*timcn1 winter, under ortllnary condition»,
Mr*. A. <1. Frill, Mr*. V. B. Goin,
Ju*t trow in a very promising condi was met by Sheriff .Munker«, who Mr*. John Cyrus and 'll*» Evi
nt l.lnnton ha» <>t>eii«xl up for bust- about forty »beep.
A farmer diggings wcll near Pen i thin. There are several yards In took him to Albany. He was ad Myer* went to Altery We«lm*«diy
re«« Hile y« ur. M title the prie«« of
g - «I hor*--« I ih * u temienev Io rui«« dletoil ha* f««und subatanttal evi­ this locality, ami ns far n* wo have Judged iti' ine, -ind taken to the a»y- evening to attend the reception
th<-price of canning matt-rial, it 1« dence of coal oil. f ile odor Iti the ta«»n able to leai n all arc free from luui Saturday. Hi« insanity seem* given Co. I by th«« cltiaona of Hint
to be of n mild order, ami hi* mind
liopi-d Hint Ito- price of hor«« mcit well w i* so strong uf oil dial he bad lie« and are locking well.
run* on * religious strain. He will
w ill justify a continuance of thi* ««*• to retire from th«« hole when he
Tuesday bight nml Wednesday no doubt s<s>n n«««over. wltli proper
Mr*. Jnme* Morgan, of Whlte-on,
rvach«-<l a |"«,ut tifte««n feet l««low morning quite ii littlo shower of
tnlillahlnent until the rango I* rid
th« surface. He brought n bottl«« of r.iln fell, but not enough to injur<> attention, and w ill ta« able to return I* visiting h««r brother J. A. Jarnl-
<1««n of the Indian pony.
wlial looked like water from Hi«« the grain to any great extent) in to hl«* homo ami friends, lip I* gm, near this city. Tlie lady’« health
well to I’ciidb-toti, nml the li<|iil«l I* fact It w ill In-Ip spring grain that I* atmiit l>> years of age, ami 1« well is very poorly, mid her visit here i»
Sctcol Fan! Appetitele!
known here, having lived here the in tho hope ttiul the change will ta*
strongly Impregnate)!
with oil, not yet reedy for the binder.
beneficial lo her.
greater partof hl« life.
On Tue-day Ih«« »tato «««liool land which is apparent to Hie taste ns
The Degree of Honor lodge of this
Mi** Pearl Kennoyer, of (Oregon
comml»*tonera mn«le ilio largasi iip- m «-II a» Io (lie smell.
While here last week Mr. tari
city w ill give n «jiider- Web tsisket so
portionment nf «<-b<»«l fumi" «-Ver
II tins I h « cii decided t<> hold the i-inl on I rldny evening. August 1«, more, of the Northwestern 1'1 it and City, came up Saturday evi-ulng
In another collimo will lo« found
Fiber Co., "t «led th it he woubl «hip and 1» now visiting at the homo o’
li eli inibì «tute. 1 «-y <«ll"bur»<-d annual county teacher's Institute nt
I •-i. ’
■■ «n, mg il., viri u* i"iin
I ■ tsinon this yeer, August Jl»t to it Houston* hall. A very entertain­ to Melo lavo fl ix threshing m u hjnee, her "Ister, Mrs. Geo. Harris, near a n ari tele from Th«> Oregonlmi of
ing program li.ts been nrringi-d, and II' I b- « -I” . I III X t-' t II re -fl till,
Providence. She will return in Juiy 2tt, which fully explaln tire
tli * on ii bn»l» of SI DI |«’r capitai, ■Jbih
I'liis will tie an interesting
riti» x « «i * * achnrii i i-n-ii« *’- w » •c«*i -n of the inslltute, and ««very n g«*«l tlm« 1« n*«ured. All are cor- thresh id! the flax ral»e<i here pro­ atxiut two Weeks.
manner In wbiidi tli«« Kiuihcru Po
."i-i/p-s chlldren of reli «4 «gì« In the t*-aclH-r in the county i* ex|Hct««d
vided the farmer«, would biml their
Mrs. Geo. W I’hllllp* went lu A! ciflc <o«np.«ny propone lo proxld««
Part of the Heid Mill company’* fl.ix ami give the straw to tho com- teny Tue»«lny evening, to be pres­
»tilt««. l..i*t yeiir there w««n-2-»t.Ìii. tot«« pri’ciit. Lebanon |>oop|e will
and II «- iiinount tlien «Ii• IrIIniIid w«-home the - In-d mn'niri" with ost meal mechluery I, is nrrivi’d and l«-inv after threshing. It will only ent u|x>n the return of the volun­ and maini iln hi ««xliiblt a’ the l’or
I* ex|Hi«itiou next yriir. it i* grati
wa* 11
or «I -M p* r c.ipii i
i p« i arm« and nil who come w ill la« will soon be put in place, Tiiv i«».«t a’, nt twenty cent« per acre to teer*, ln-r br«itli< r, Walter " rrcl.
the 1»mg n m««ml>«-r o( < <>. 1 wliii-h re- fyìog l'i Ho- lwo|>!< of Ibi* «t .te lo
Th’«re in» liecn un inerì- «*! < t only •il«J«« to Amt comfortable home» wltli«« other machinery which th« ron» bind tlie fl iX, nnu in i ;ng
kunw Hrit tiil* gr«-at compiny ha*
Hi«- nun.’n-r ■:(
«-Ml«l ,i.. •| •«.| i,irt««i !■-. ■ t J«..r’' • i !. I>iiny coiutemplnte putting in Will Ilire-hlog **'«nl*l «-usi ti,« m nojhlng nintnc’i in Albany Thursday ciglit.
lek« li II lipoo Ilo III*« 11« |1> I r <V|.|>.
ren »Ine«’ ln«t y«-ar, yet lite amount I «ml Prof. Martimliile, of Altainy not arrive until next month, u’vlr.g Again if Hi- flax Is lie.ul« d It would
Mrs. Maggie Brandenburg nml tlii* exhltiit, im I kiK.wing liow wcll
n|«l"iri i«ine«l i» * l i,i»r2.2« greater. | will ta- the principal instructor». to tin« tact that it lias to bo manu- Ii iv«’to I*« Hiri«*liei| with tho regu­ soli, C«*cl), who has Ixx-ti xiwlling
LInn county’» npportionnronl of thè I.ectur«•» will ta- given on live edu­ fiictur««! In Hie east.
lar grain thresher», which <loe* not with her sister, .Mrs. Jra A. I’lielps, and pi rfei lly |ln> company curry oui
other moli rtakbig* of equnl imp«>r
M-hool fumi arimunt* lo >|o,*r.’.S-i on cational topic* by prominent men of
Most of th«> threshing machines get nil thv flak out of the «tr-iu. of i'll i Nr.w* household, for - •«- «
tan< «< lo Ho niM-lve* il I* olii, f «Ir tu
1,188 chlldren.
l Hie stale, tat no li-a'her miss thi* In thi* locality are at work this Mnny flax grower* dia-tare that tin. nl week* past, loft yesterday for her jmige Huil « ir. g ri Witti»- a ■ Il r> |>
I ««pportunlty for self Improvement.— week, ami in many place* the grain cowimoa runchines Io *«•« enough to home In Meiiford, Jackson county. rescnti «1 ai Pari«, and
tlint thè
1 a-banon < 'riterion.
I* not turning out a« wcll n* ex|K«ct- pay for the threshing three time*, it
Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Cnlivnn re- w hole *tnte w ili hav«> e«|U il repre-
I or some time past tho ? inotitb»-
j«i*l Hi
il thè
Or«-., *< «datimi.
...... Il la bui j..-.,
A carload rd nrcg iti horses i ten old daughter <d D. C. Hiding of B ill near tl.o average and If the price» th«« farmer« should blml all turn««!
ill do to bind, nml the Company Ttiurs«luy List, mid will make their tuxiple of th« »late should lend every
K«|i«m list Wednesday ’ for I Ha h I a -ton, ha* ta«cn »uffenng from what would advance Just a few notches
It.i'ii, Cui , where they will begin was apparently an nilnn«nt of llie the farmer would im happy.
wi>l Hirosh it, nml will ludo the home in this vicinity In Hie future. effort t o aao*»t the railroad company
They are now nt tho home of Mr*. In thia undertaking, and do
Hie fall raring circuit. '
throat. 1'lie cliihi wa* taken to n
(t S helman, who live* near Sail- straw nml take it away Hiem«elvu».
they can to enable them to curry
V'anter »lock furiti M-nt i ) d » ii l>e- <b«-lor, who -ai<i Hint there was a <ler«oti's bridge, cam«« Io*.-ing The (tax !ndti»try 1« tac««llliflg HO Calav-iin’a father, M. Alexander noir
out 111 eir plan* fully.
and llie gathering In tin« throat, which In a the thumb of tn» Ii ft hand Saturday small mutter in this h e iliiy, uuj thi* city.
ceivor 2;IC. A'tn lieti
v s. . ■
— 1
Among those who went to Kilem ■ "
green trotter Ticket» In charge of ' f««w day» woull tie r«-«dy fur the last. He wa« cutting wood, when tho««« w ho raise flax should l'«ik I«
John Sawyer; Aug Erl *<-ut lance. A f««w days«-r Hie child'» tils «in »liiipod, striking lii* thumb the interests of Hie company to a to join in giving tho Oregon volun­
down Hill i'rnrier J.11 < laytnont, h g'amlin lher noticed n «mull pimple near tin« liand, cutting it ulnul iwu certain degree, ns tliox' uro Invest- teer* a rousing welcome wore Mn.
green trotter, nml All.u-or.i, a green at II «- *i«|c <d Hie jaw , and u|»in ex- third* off. Hi w is brought iu town ing a go.Nl deni of money in tho am- C. V. Johnaon. M ism -« Halli«« Hund*
i«i<-er, in charge of W m Frve; I. , nuiin tlon f-i .ml the point of some and Dr. Prill drc*«vd the injured terpriso, ami in a few year* it will left, (ir.ici« t Jill und M r*. Latir i I’.nil I’EEKY HOBMON. In
Ore., Wednesday morning. Au«
/.Iinturrm*n «entd<«wn McBriar a object lm!n«’l'i«-<l In the flesh. Work­ ' hand.
ta> on«« of Hie best paying crop* that and Meaar*. A J. Johnson, Henry
gu«t l>, I" i**, I’rof K. C. I’eeiy, of
green trotler hy Mi Kinney, ami ing nt this a moment sh«« "ucce<«l<«<l
our farmers will have. The com­ Myer an«l II. II. llonliue ta«»ide*
thiacity and Ml»« l’««arl Hohaofi,
Cl.ilr Young ha* a«-cc|’te«l the |m- pany prono.«« putting in a mill tu re numerous others, wh«?*e tiemea w<
Prlmr-roue, ii green Meer by Al:n- i«i getting I'obt of it. «ml pull««l out
sition of conductor, brakem in. Are- for the purpose of making grain did nut learn.
of Mtayton, Bev. tangbottom of
inoiit, In Charge of John Ktrklind. -a 1« .*»h*-r iitaut two Inclii«« long
The r»c< » ix giii ihere August lt lo i* |H-r*umi«l that Hie child hnd, man, yard master and general roust Imgs out of ttie flla-r from this year»
A. Adnnichek, and family, who
riit«««* young ¡wopli» ar*« «pdtii
PJ. Front liiere they go lo Oakland when lu ta««l, put the feather In her itsiut of engine A which yank» crop of straw, and thi* alone will cume to (hl* city early In Hie *|>ring
und thencc Io the »Lite f.iir al Sacra« moutli, ami Hint it iirnl cn«glil In frlcght car* ta-lwceo the Scio roller <■ iy-,o no outlay of it gissi many dol­ returned to Tel n, where they wi«ll known to the p -ople of thi*
section. Prof. I’eery 1« .i menita-r
mill* and West Melo. He till» Hi««
tier toii'il* nml tin- sh irp quill had place with «« ii - c , too. n* it only take« lar». In Hie long run the farmer* will r«-*ldo in the future. Mr. Adam of tin« drug Arm of I’eery A I’eery,
worked Its way to tlie surface.
him u step or two to go a train» n*k«<d tu give a few cents now. tat tlii* city Put Hie climate did not *.-<>m of thi* city, «nd Is one of our highly
Death ef Mr» DUyet
r«-*m« ted citi»«-n*. He Is also prin
Mr. T. A. I’owtll, of llal«cy, length.
alt work together and do what they to be ju«t t>> hi* likelng, »o he aotd
Lust week w«« im-iitI- tied th»* ser­ writ«-« I'tie Time* that I’urlluml
Another Ice cream «octal will be c .n for Hie enterprise and they will hi* crop and personal property to of the Moro ptibll«' M-hool«
ious illnc** of Mr*. Mike liilyeu, •porlsmcn have rnl*<-«l F k«» with given Mstiirdiiy, Augu*t I'J, and th«« all I k « benefit ted. Tlie people of Mr. I.ueolcka und returm*i toTcxa*. lie I* a tnember of th« board of di­
of Jord an. mid la-fore our p.«|H«r li.ul which to pur-lias«- and tiring l's> f>r<M*<M«l» will t»« aihled loth«' a*«««m- Scio are nsked to help in the matter Mr. I.nenlck i hi* moved hi* faml rector* of the Mineral Springs Col-
t acli<-d mnny of our reader» death pair* of IL'cvc* pheasant» to the >ly hall «eating fund. All should «mi they will «!•> all they can to help ly to the farm and will iittend to lege, at K m I iville, and »lands high
In th« estimation of every on« wtio
turne«l leml a helping hand by |Mtronixing it along, and when the plant is o* barveating the crop.
Ii el relieved the suffering» <>l Mr*. Wiltamette valley to tie
i* favored by hl* ac<iunintnn<-e.
Ililyi-u, «In« having |m«*««d away l«M>se. I'tie amount wai t«-«i tor this these «ocial«, n* a small amount 1 it4i*h <«d and In w «rklng -inle’ we
W. O. Kutin and W. O. Cook,
Ml«« Holsson is (lie daughter of
pur|M>»M 1» *.?»•, and Mr Powell’» from each on«« tho* raised will soon will reap the tK'lletll. A
J hur«l iv. Atigu«l 11. I-'.’1'.
A *niiiple
of who have been here for «everal
Mr nn i Mr* W H lloboun, '<(
.Ml*, llilveu w is th«- daughter of ««tfort* iiloiig tin* tin«- uru in a fair make a sum «uflh leiit to purchaoe llie grain teg» made froig Oregon
day» |>a«t, In Hie Intcreal of Hie Mali-ill, hut Ii i* mad«« her horn« In
Phillip*, <>t way to ta« crowned w ilti * ui « kw , »1-1 what chair* nr« needed to properly Atwr may tn« seen at II. Nbcdton* of
Mr. and Mr*. II. II
Harveut. r King binder, left Wed- Stay ton for some time past, she 1«
Jonian. Nlio wa* t»irn war the tlinugh there y«-t remains a consid •eat the hall.
Ace, and it shows plainly w k»t can tieelay for Brownavtlle, where they
a very highly «-'teemed ami ri-An««l
place where death found her, and arable r.ui-iui.t to ta< ral-.<«l in order
Main »trect present* a pretty I« made from our straw.
have *>m<.« work on a Uuder. The«« y«iung l»dv. .Mr. and Mr«. Peery
was Ji« yi-nr* of age. Mie hail I m ’ i - ii to reach Hi«« »mount of ></»>. Mr. "r«-cky" at>|M«amnce at the present
went to Newport W<-«lne*«l «y iwon,
m»rrl««l a little over a year mid a Powell i* endeavoring Io r»i«c Hi«« i tlm«. .v targe amount of gr»vel ha*
they work n* r<«|>re*ent«>d will tie a where they will reiiialn for a <-ou|>le
half, and had been III with quick hal »’«<•■• ot >.'««« and aaka tboae inter- ta-’-n put on the «tre-t«, and "till
of wewks, after w hich they w ill go
consumption forth««past «lx month». reted to contribute whit they can there I* quite a lot which remain*
'l lie Ml*»e* Munker», of H*-lo, are chine, a* they cut 12 feet of gniiti al to Moro, where they will remain
N..e le.«xi-s a father mot mother and an«) send it to him nt once. Al»>ut »2<i to hecovered y«t, bet our cilixen» are
a clip and will either bind or head during the coming « Im I year.
two brother* amt a »« rrowhig liu* Im* been rul*ed nt Halsey nml other aw-fke to the ta-*t Interest« of the vi«lting at the St. Cliarlt«* hotel in
Hie grain.
They have the ta««t wish««« of I ho*l
tmml to mourn her untimely <1e town- in thi* part id the valley will town, ami our streets will not pre thia city.
Eugene tarimorc, manager of of friend* for a long and imppy w<ai­
tiiise, all of whom have the sympa­ contrlbotn. I lie bird* it l*piopr»> -<l "••nt tho muddy appearance next
Mi«»c* Anna and < »III«* Morri*, of
thy of the entire community in thi* Io obtain nr«« mild to ta« very flue winter that they did I i*t.
Scio, are vlaitlng their »inter, .Mr*. tlie Portl.irnl LI iim * c «I till Work«, ded life.
wa* In Scio Saturday Hat, ami while
and nil lia-al »porlemeo -!
tl-i-ir mnt hour
('. O. Jeffrey ha* *ol«l all hi* crop Jon««», in till* city.
here took u »pin through the coun
The lum«ral eervice* were held in brlnging!tliem here
Two young mon of Santiam pre­
will w liHout <louhi do well.- Brow ns and pereonal properly to Mr. V«cl­ cinct were urre»t«-«l for dha>r<lerly trv l<»ik Ing ut tlie flax field* In thia
Saturday at one ii’clock, and the re
ock», the gentleman w ho t>urcha«e«l
neck o' the w « kh I*. Mr. tarrlmore
Innin* w« re laid to re*t at I lie Ville l ime*.
■ iduet in tiii* city I wl I rid q
hi* farm, ami «ays he i«Ju«t now as
liilyeu cemetery, near Jordan.
Although the prtae of wheat im* near foutlo »e n» he ever wa». He night a little after 10 o’clock, l imy wa* well pleaaed with ttio present
tend«««i dow nu nni« lately Iheieuort» reserved one team and wagon, and were given trial at one, and otio outlook, amt think* the average
vie * w III !>e In the t.eighl»>rt><><»l of
The Dost T.amoly for
from nil part* of the world Indicate «till ha* a half int’-re-t in the thresh wa* flned J'Jv mid llie other SIO.
12 buahel* |>er acre. He «late» that
n mnt<«rinlly «mailer total yield till* ing machine, but ha* sol«I every­
Cha*. Fro*t. who »old hi* farm a company ha* teen formed for ttie
Mr John Mathin», n weil known year than la*t. There 1» nt present
»lock di-uler of i’uluski, Ky.. way«: comparatively little wh««.«t in the thing else he p <>**««« s « h I in the line near Sweet Hume a few week* ago ptiriame of manufacturing the flax
and went to .Ml««>uri with the in tltier into grain bag». A r< Hing und
“After »ufTering for o.ver a w <-ek hand* «if the »peculators and it i* of stock and personal properly.
tía vi ng Itieref ire to the ln<ero»t <d the *|>«*c
(ieo. Kialg« r* ha» a noli«-«« in till» I«- tention of locating there, r<«iurm-«f ocutching plant will ta> eatablTahed
wlth ibi x, u.-i ny i«t
adviMw ulator* ii* a « las* lodepre*« the prici- «u<* calling for hop pickers, and here ye«terday, acvouipmiloi by til* nt Scio to handle Hie fltwr
Thi» in
frill««*l to tellove tue,
to trv <’tiiiinta-rl lin'a <’«-ll-.-. < holera of much an possltile In order to g««t a tho»«« who nr«< figuring on picking family. They Intend to buy another du*try proml*e* to prove an Impor«
and liliirthoea ilemedv, and havc favorable start for them«<-lv«-s with h ip* th« coming fall should call on home in till* vicinity mid *luy W itti taut factor in the production of
grain l»«g». Ilecent experiment*
the |>lea*ure of »tatlng tli rt I l.o half thccomlng crop. I'lie price of Wheat .Mr. K'xlgcrs
lie ha* chirg” of the It. - Express.
have «tiown that n flr»t cl.i«« iiuality
of ono bullle curod nie.“ Fur Milu may not reach n high figure the Myer* It Large yard thi" year. This
Senator .McBride ia back troni •I grain tmg* «■ ,.ii be made of < iregoti
by Peery A l’iwry.
coming «canon but th«> condition- yar<! I* in Ano condition, and will no
»ub­ flax Alter at a nvalerale co»t. An
ar« favorable for a rising market. doubt produce a large crop. There
Henee For Sal»,
It 1» true that wln-it buyer* gener­ i* .'to acre* of hop* to pick, nml pick­ milted to the surgeon'» sen I ped. average crop of flaxaccd i* atxiut 16
ally are now giving reason* why er* have heretofore done well in the Ile I* gidiilly improved In health. bnahel* |n-r acre. After grower» lie
He »peak* glowingly of
Iregon’» come familiar wltli the require­
I have for »d« 2” head of unbroke wheat will not advance In price, but yard.
horse«. Good, well muti he<l driv- wmd buyers were doing the same a«
A. \V. Hagey'» bicycle hospital i* future and give» assurance« tint ment* of growing flax, Mr. f.irri-
Ing and work horse*, Chvap; e*ay to wool a few month* ng«x Wool a busy place these day», lie ba* a amfile govermentul appropriation» more ».iy», th«« Linn county flax
r«>tnmeiice<l to advance, however, , gissl hit of work in tlilslln« aside will he ««cured for the proper «level» livid» will yield fully Hint much amt
JI W. tut i
almost a* «ion n* shearing rommen from his jewelry work, an«l to ta> opment of the vast resources of iliii perhapa more, making It a more pro-
tltnhl«« crop than wheat nt preaeot
ced an«l it I* very protiiMo that the sure that hi* idle time 1« all employ. wonderland.
price of wheat will begin to advance «•«I he All* th« j»i«lil<iii of city elec­
Chi’.tia Dark.
He«.«!? I» «llo«.l :>r*p.
•«Mm nflcr harvest.—L'orvalli» l'u- j trician and lust at the present time
Ci. «n l'l««»<t n*e«n» a r!r»n »km
I* chief engineer of engine A. run­
Bring your bark to me. Though ion.
He; Dickert ’Vaste!
without it. t «»caret», * »leí; Catho
ning between here and \V«-st Scio beauty
the price ha» dropped, I am »tilt
tic clean )«ur Llool and k.-.p il t*e«n. by
Dr. Curl will tie in Scio Tuesday Take II nil arouml lie manages to «tirrina up the lary brer «n<i wiving
pitying 2Jcent» per pound.
I a l«h to entrng«« 2ia> hop picker«
August 16. Watch for him.
tiuntic* from the I mm I*. begin ti->Ui) t. tn flick hop» on Myer» A targ«« yard
keep busy.
ItUM E. >1 111 I I H.
sinish pimp!es, Iwiil», lù.*ti lies, 1>l*. kh> ..-I*
The Ice cream »octa' given for the »int that so kly t«iluiii» i*>mpie*ion by tskin,- I mile« east of M-lia <'till on or ad
Tn Cur
<nn««»|»wlh*n forever.
O f «» Itoixiit««.
Tiit Nt w« nini the Oregonian one
Tabe ( '»a. ait U < »mir < -»Wififii«'
f»r W* benefit of the nMaembly hall seating < • *c»r»t«t i«enuty for tracent». All dn » dream
Melo Orepon.
If V C C UU tv curr. dr\<r • t» n f-¡ n w.j I fund,
t rier for »i'O.
T *«". s»ti«;«clion gust»iilec-l. 1J« V
S* E. Young and Son
Attori. nt L
For the Mid-Summer trade
t* * /••« **
'¡i Nctar<PaMic
A ;
I ibiw liiixt* tint’ nt tin* largest Mot
in the county Io pick from.
New, Lively Goods
Pay More for Produce
S( ’I< ), ( »1’1? U
t> i.<tn«. y
ut .New \ .
■ '
• 4: V '
1‘itrla I » I»«'Otllurr, VtUr f
e<iar* a-. ! «• I *M«* &• I
, I «file
t |.r
St ll>.< Otti», IlAlllMaurr, M«l
Dicci'.«! Special 02er Which Will
¿hl’- Far Tt& 2*7»Oa y
(i< niiioe P.irr! -* ¡ilmn- nd* have
i wairl’l wide «i-puhillon. It I* al«
mo*t lmp .-->l>li to <1 i*tItigul*h lln-ni
Irutn geouim- diumoii<l«co*llng Imo
died* « I «loll-ir* each. They are
wtiru l«v tli<- 1» »t ptaiple. We will
(<-rw ir«l a Genuine liarrlo* Diamond
m-amilod in i heavy ring, pin, or
atinl to any a-l lr<-** upon receipt
«>( *1 no each, tarring* M-rouN or
ilrop* *2 per |wilr, Hing -etling* are
made of on«« contlnuou* piece of
Hil< k *li««llv I gol«l, mol lire warrant
cd not t<> taraiT*h. S|iecl.ll combln i-
lion offer for ten day* only. Iting
an«l *tud* «cut to any ndtlr«-*« «ir-->i
rec« i|>t of «1 .’a«, In ordering ring
give linger m«-i«iirement by using a
piece of «tring also full |sirticulur*.
Addr«-»* plainly.
I tti. H ahki «’« H i iiioMi ( <>.,
11 * I 11*3 llroAim a \ .
New \ ork.
NOTI» E roll Prill.K’ATloN.
»I ’»rrifr»n •’It)', ‘ J m I1
^fifitv !•
th*-' th«-
writh»T h«« rt!«w| noil««* »»f
11*Mt to tuahr final
m wupiw*rf oí
tanti that aul'l |rr*M*f win Ine ixmi -1*' I i
< «Minty <
«>( l.itt't t «Mint), at All
<«»n. on A-OfuM »
».ID lilt
Nt AL.
Il K tlf®N fot tin»
t»f n<’‘» ar»<
II* luthw« U m * f»4h«whijf wllnr
bi* l’ont tnq«m* rrwi-L-n*-» «'iwm an
t«f eakl tan«!, v U
a ili Lam T ‘ lat
Tft»«•♦»«■*» J. M < tur» v, • «»ta.» tn .
iNtk«ilk*, «»r . ».il * . « »‘at/« I. »»•
Summer Goods
Reduced Prices
All our Ladies’ Shirtwaists
Lawns, Dimities and Siiminei
Dress Goods, Colored Shot s ami
Oxford Ties, and other Siinimci
Specialties at
Rare Bargain Prices