1.1XN COUM Y, ! a strictly Cash i,u«!n< »s. WATCHMAKER J E II E!. EE. OKE IhroHRh Htie«* t «Illi Imir«* h tmin Ht I iv . p tn * ar p m * ar • ri»v'|i! IViGUitd M 'lInvilir |n I. . r. h art» all I»|( *5 a w 5« m fr •*>« »«< . . ,«an i rei i ktft al MnFmntjBit vIth <*r «tn 1 l*«a» irw Mall Gt«! »»•! t-c tr»cM ftar J u'AS a»-1 » III\ v <♦« . ..■inni; M m » atf» r. M »I AH m, A ■•■ »»• F A I*»*» For* - a*»’» Ikiivlfi lr> Ln»»» m jwtlwt* ar»»t Fn Vwi t’hiî > afid ,»*»*» !■ • •!»*.'»I»»rst .<♦•»» Mr * M« F« B «vol »w«, lU'lfrl In, al«m J . |U k oí <• *• lo. «He. y ; juina route « meeting ut Vm|iiinA uhli the NA BAY STBANSHIP COMPANY -----STEAMEHs------ t i ”« In l'vorj r, -i " «I. ’ >’><• of ■ above •leather« I« dur to «ul a Yaquina sbotti every five day* «t muh- I h - i treen yat'ey i«iint« -.in I rnri'-i'c'i. Pari-. Alfmny points west Io Äm I mnciscti, ................... »I» <«• I trip.. . ... ... ..... .. 17 ”0 tiling date- ipvly to ED iN STONE, W.vitiit. ?t mager. T. U A P \. i;H, Agent,All.'iiy .Oregon ÜERVITASS C’- < «».. «»It ’ «.«»X bs tuxbx . or.xocK Fre^arausa ïsiag MUi tar th« rari* Xxhlbitlcn. Frvttn Thr <>rv«truc Ion and amuse­ Sin I- rund«co la«t night, after hav l***r annnm. In v « îk i In »hm'» Il * ment »fforil.-d And tliey will tie Ing had M-veral conference« with *-1 ih.«. “• ** ’* ».»••. I® ph-a-rd to learn Dial the Exposition «»rioua commerci li I mm II c « and the % 1 vert lai»» g rwl«*« at tiaiF. îsV«n< FBlr*,t«» Ut> to he held thl« *ea«on Will alm to ei|MMlt|on rnuitnllli« Iti reference mastithlJ . excel all its pri ilci .-ssorv it will to an Oregon eihlbit In the great ’*•* f«*r la-gln Kept. 2« and end -pmprlnt- Ils succi-»» I» air idy assured, enter­ i-d » I >l.<««i f'.r the purpos'd ma«. latore M prising men of affair» arc »1 it« head • T. and the variou« committees are Itlg •< di-l’lay of th.it «tate"« rraourv*« working In a way that guarantee» in the t nltiil Stale« building, tail, In ve«tigatlon ilio • <-»t cX|MMltlori ever h«ld in the u|«m a thorough * • many of the people nf that «tate an- Northwest. The business mm of Portland not -ati-fii-»l with the mnnm-r In u Inch their di»|>l«y 1« to tie inaile, a have already sntau-rtbed a guarani««* i •••••••••••••••••••••••« fund of to provide for the l ite t niti-d Stali'» building will con lulu cxt<-n»ive i llilblt* but they In thl» issue will tie found a »tetr heavy exp«*n«t » indlcent to inaug w*11 not tie M>grvg>«ted a» lo «tate-, rating *u< h an eX|Mmltlon, and this uii-nt uf tiiu amount of real ••»tale i» a »uro Indi «lion that nothing 1 n Hie ngrii ullural department for wild In thl« vicinity within tin put will la* left undone to make the fair In-'aiH-e w ill be «hen!« of grain amt Jur» of wheat—l the fatm. fore»!, from .Minneaola and It« n«*lghl» r ->;,|i«i hi» b««n pil-l out lien- for « mine, stream and factory «ri* all w III te ar a California t ig. tot«l of .>«*7 acres of Dnd. -*«<-io has . going to la* un exhibition at the 1 X The Southern !*ncifie company nut done mu«h in Die w«y of adver­ txnitlon. which will make II an oh- ha« taken up the matter, and hm tising her re«our.-<•« and advantage* jcit lesson Instructive and Invalu- ■ppropriati-d a large »urn of money t* com pan* I toother town« In the a 14« Io all The J »position marcigc- to make an exhibit of Pacific coa«t meni will lake to Portland free nf product«. They have pledgial to valley; had It done snthls total might charge all • tidbits; shipping t >gntid procure »ultablo and large quart -r«, igOg have 1« ■ n much larger There .ire full particular« will tai sent if " you In which they will Inatall, at their now I's-ated here twenty-five Bolie* w III drop a line to ••Secretary Indus own e»|M'n«e«, auch oxhlblten« they may obtain from tin- varioua «tate« Portland. Ore." < >re.“ mlan families, making about ti'i tllal Expoaltlon, Portland, tiobl, silver and bronze mialal« lmver»i«l by tlitdr line«; but In the«e IM-r—'ti«, and they are all g • id citi and diplomi« will tw awarded for quarter« each of the»e alata» will ten«, iil>b ind willing Workers Kid the tx-»t exhibit«, und the farmers have M-perate and Individual repre* have brougli with them ample and producer» wlm »end exhibit» »eiit.'ition. Oregon w l.l haven large mean* tn pay as they g->. They will la-doing good work for them- «pace for the exhibition of her pro­ hive or g ini zed « lodge "f t heir "W n •«•Ives and the whole North Pacific duct« anil < aliform* llkewine. Ari- const — work that will rc«Ult In xon-i will have a room or «pare for fraternal l«-n*-fi<-l.iry «.s-lely and bringing here people and wealth and her fruit« nnd mineral», and Ctah have < rerted i h 111 In which to hold development. It 1« intendisi to nod Nevada, though producing mln thi ir ■-< ting- and »Do to hold put, have on cxlilbltloii a «ampio of imi» nlmo-l -olelv will tai provided for in like manner. lie m «ting» of all kind». Tliey every variety of gr-iin and gm-« W. II. Mills, nf the Southern Pa- that grow« in the Northwest, with have tn «veilmt lir is« tnu-l under full particular« a« to It« growth, ciflc lumi department has agreed to the le idi r-lilp <>t Pro. Joseph < IlMll- yield, etc. take at the depot in thl« city, any exhibit prepared under the auspice« Bennett's full military bund nf ks, who w.i« prominent in mu-ical of the < humber of Commerce and circles nt the Om-d • Exposition pits c«, which furnished »uch aplen Will did mu*ic nt l»«t »canon's ex|si«ltion expoaillon committee. I!c last year, and they po-e«» talent lias I h - oii again engaged, mid the transport the same free of charge to •utficlent I . give a v.«ry credilnlrfr amusement feature of the fair will l’uri» w ill in«tall and care for It dur «xhilnllon, Mr. V. <1 i.lck being m <•» port -Hglit "I hand pvrfoimer. Many ( ill«« and town« throughout Oregon li.ivr from time to lime pre- ■undid figure» to «how that they were locating tot» of |n-oplc within their mid«t, but we doubt if any of th'-ni can show figure« equal to th»»-« we pre-'-nt today, taking into . hi ->• l.-rnlI-.11 tic- niiotint • I laimr and a-l Vertislng done by i-ach place use mpared to tli.d of sk-lo. I he Within thf past six months twentv-tivo Hnh»’- «.th'« mentioned herein were nil tnian familii *« haw Incateil at S< io. anti many mon* m «Ic through tin- effort« of It. Hhel are coming, I lii'V have inv«*-t«'tl over JflO.UOO in 1'« only -Old reliable real <•«* ’on, Hi-lo's tafe agent, and all credit for the real ami j >i'r-"!i:il property. They have built a liM-itioii of these |e-op!e io our hall ami organized a lodge of the Bohemian Fra- mld-t 1« due to Inni BY THE EDITOR Slia.sta Frsiic*.» :f th* VonhwMt wUl h» Exhibited U th* Fair thl» fa-1 I RIDAY, lly IHA A. I'HEt.PM. PreUM P Cüili?r MIO, oxxoQF nrivsmiaL xxrcixmr «y V M FkH»AT I I X \ CAPITAL. $20000 i • OREGON, L’uret lt potrney, Night K.Tlaslon» and i-tlng disease«, a!l effetts of »elf- ss"*S^ «buse, or • xer-v and india- ir- n Aitervctimlcrtiid - • '■ '.-r, H- ' • ’ 'e p'hk gioir tri; de check» and »r , rrktorra tb* Are of ye ith. V b* Hf mali AO<- ; m r box -, « boxe» »ith m vtrlitcn guar.in- • • tu euro or riTuml thè niotiry, NI HVITA MEDICAL CO. Jackson Sta.. CHICACiO, I1X. «hy »V * P' *ry * 1 : HOW IS THIS? \n lidere-ilng hlstori d fact pitn avoided the ne.-o»»lty of hos­ tile dem 'ii-trx’lon, fuit the Interest Ing fart I« that the doughty officer had Ills <-ye on M mils over n quar- 1er nf a century ago. A ««arch will ta> mad« for the letter In the file of the navy department and if found it I« < l|H.s ted an effort w ill tie made '•y the i ltiX'-iis committee l<> hnvv It ri-pr■ \. - ’ i :ll 11 ■Lr;l-' I i.llii I . ’.imlcr the leadership o i Prof. Joseph < ibtilka. They ¡ire ¡1 thrifty ¡uni imltistriotis people, an0 1.IMMI Jos'-ph (lillanpy to Frank Shindler. liO Ed Keene to Autou Paeil, 1,400 Total, ì U WS i »I », 1 ( Ml I m . as usual new «nd «1 tractive. The Ing the term of the cxposillon there railread «tnl steam‘«>.it line« will and will return the same either to give specially low rates, «0 that th .1 Pnrtl md or to Die great l!f0l exposi­ en|oy Itient «nd ts-nefit« of the great tion In Buff do, N. 1 •’» may t» de ex ;>.i»ition will tw within th« reach «irisl by the Portland committee. of nil. Thl* will be absolutely without co«! to Oregon. The only matte* that will tie of About one month ago my child, which 1» fift's-n months old, had an exp'll«** to ltd« alate will be the attack of diarrhoea accoiiqmuied by gathering together of the exhibit vomiting I gave it such remedies and tlie «alary and e<|M-n»e of a com a« are usually given in such cases, petent Oregonian to explain the hut .»• nothing gave relief We -ent -tale« resource« and Its exhibit« and for a physician, and It was under hl« the the Southern P.tvffic agrees to cun- fora week. At this time the «•s ure nil possible cone« salons in the child bud been sick for about ti n Way of steamship r itc» for such |wr .lay« and was having at»>ut twenty son* in charge gettii'g for him the iiv« operalinn« oi ¡lie bowei« every #amc privilege-. In rvery r. -puct twelve hour», and we are convinced that can be obtained tor their own that unless it «oon obtained relief It repre-.-ntat vie«. In thi« manner •very Pacific coast stiito will have Could not liv". < ti imbertain*« <'ol Ic, t holer• and Diarrh >.-,i Iteim-dy !!« own exhibit installed "iqsirately There la noth, . very «erlou» in w -1« re, omtm-nd'-d, and I decided to and In charge of a mtn from the the report that liter« are lielng try It. I »oon noticed a change fob Mint' stale. hurried to Vlclort ■ by the <'madi in the tielter; by It» continued use it The Chamber of Corrmerce has al­ government. Tlih Volitai Klale« complete cure was brought nt»iut ready appointed a committee to take and it 1« now tierf,-ctly healthy.— and Great llrltl.m and her coloni*-« I. Il-igg«. Slumptowii. Gilmer t o, up I he iiistter on behalf of Portland anil Oregon e<>n«l»liug <;t D. D. Oli­ are not going to do anything di >re W. Va. For sale try I'very A PeiTy. phant, A. Il Dever«, ft M. Mears, than a little growling. Al! d’ffer. J. Thorlntrn Ros-and J. c. Hatch Admiral William Felt Htmp«on elder, with whom Henry E. Dowch, enee« ’Vili be aettled a« they «Innlld ha« »ited the government for prire of th« state linr'l of horticulture, lie lielwcrn civiliz' d countrlea tn m'-y won by Schley, tin«ldered In the Mh Fllchi-r return« to Sin Francl«<*o In tlie history nf th»t country it Santiago tight. ni'ich plra««d with the ready and will attract the attention of th« en­ ktlfhu-lnslh* resp.it>»« to hl« efforts tire world who ar« quick to re-ent Senator M'-Brld* 1« hark from 111- «fated last evening that he met ■ n liniirls-Hi-n -nt with mt cm.«, a N'-w Ymk where he r.«-cntly with »uch «uceess that he believe» Cnmd. mil itimi and nun li-ll-in tiy milted t>> the -urg<*on's «eal|M«1. ( I'tfornln Itself will have to look tn Ile I* gieatlv improve'! In healtn. It» laurel« in the way of et thusi i«m trickery. 11« apeak* glow li n< y of Orrttim’« and enterprise. it !s doubtless a fact that under future *iid gives n«*uranees that A I'orllaitd fiirmiure dealer adver­ ample g'lVeriuental appropriations the new circumstances brought tí«!-« great birgtln« ju«l now and ad- will tic »I« ured for the proper (level- nlai’lt by our »rqul»lll«in of terrllorv vl«e« young pet.plo tu g wide i.nd Judicious advrr'i« l*g »brnnd to uvuri. and thereafter maintain «high poaltlon in the mar ket« of the world. The |r linwIedge oi Oregon'* resource« w ill Induce many persons of meen» to look to tnl« const for Investment in factor­ ies, taking not over much capital In the lieglnnlng to e«tabll«h trade with the entire world and the I'acl fir coa«t be » 1 »werful tend la-tcitl mate rival of the over confident Eant C ire al» * »* C. W’e have many sjM'eial lines of Spring ami Summer suits ami light weight underwear k BLAIN CLOTHING CO., Albany. Origen Co-Jt Pur»u int to adjournment Judge Boise < ------I’ltopHimiiui^------- \II kinds of mill work on short notice All kimh of Ltiiiiln’r c*¡i.«li, Ihior«. Moulding* Shin- Paints and < hlit . • • scio. er?rc<0N Tit »«ml 4 «.filer !• An I 1 '<<. A klwsH on haivt i ! i L *1 -r- vi i- * A <1- 4-V *»> f : actual, tf A " 'll I I* i.cticmiie IfxnJ- V,* l.-4»t.. ' 1'4. • r«iK,.f m-* iWsslIfiiH» 111 u st 14 tc J. ry j'lCrtii mi.Gt.tt Dewey! will return to America . and he will rebel vu a royal welcome, nod the Salem Steam iaiundry will -till continue to do first class, work it moderate prices. "Fake your laun­ dry Io ttie express othev every Mon • day. Mo. I i . ...I i. Ii MSI. it’ K No • K’U II I- H/.Rk I« A*l « •• Hi » • » -« *• *•• • 1 realtà» «»th »«btid V**!}» ” .l.f . •$ » $ I I . flit » I m . " •» • »t a I i ■j 1* i». ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. ‘H PtlMrfi.» , >■ II» tifi -.»U ». |k»i. •ill*« I I « V ■ ' fit I is her by given that the • ’ uniierslgned Wai on the 24th I ■- of June. Is'.A’, duly appointed by tlie < ounty Court of Linn County, Oro- gon, a« admlnlstmtor of tho cstitf of "I". M. Munkeh«, ili*cca»ed Any and all peneitui having claims against «aid estate are hereby notl- tl'- .I»«* ..wtifiiblr ihry y « : ycofith ••»*! « *’»•«•. k »’•. H im > f • H ♦ (»S t • 5. Tie JA- X /FARM JOURNAL »*w • irr Any oXh ul the r a t> * ? û o e o e o o e • A*. * . «« s - g*> .u . . s. i»' < .» : 1», “♦ **•" *» - ” ”»?»• » . a 11 M 11 ATM * *• • H i jkaa • »1 1 ’M TfiRN JOURNAL , r ’ Bl 0 I 1» «•*< W t II fi. h d ! *t*» ‘B i » - ........ C e • »late» i <*>l' r »ei. > ‘tf . * R VI AUS -».y« Ï lu 4 TI|d< Ut . - The “FAIR’’ » « I « w »»■•••- FIWM» M .Mt 'ifL ♦ _ * Wîi ;oi «i > * I. SPECIAL SALE... IRVINE & CALAVAN, Proprietors • fil st-clnss Htul my lioVsVs re good drivers. J. A. Cumming» The eastern piper« hive Ifwid word« tor all part«of Oregon, They do not pick out «ectlon« of the «iNlC» md decry all I ho rest. Il emplis- die« the fact that the slate is all rlghb«« a whole. Thl« I« correct, It i» time that the people of the on tiro «tato work cl harmnnou«iy together for the iiptniildlng of the grent common wealth, with It« uri- «ur;>i"od a I vantage« and It« many eyeopner«. Wo mu«f grow If wo pro»|M r from the outnlde and not by 1.1 mg frinii eu-ii other, though «tal» urully there will lie Internal rhange«. — Allnriy 1’emo nt. ALBANY, OREGON DRUGS, PAINTS WALL PAPER Hack Coicecti with all Trains at West Scio aol lorimi Tram ai MaHïer? i "orni let® 11 no of j. J. Burncs * Son ::: General Blnckemiths Wagenmakers. . . j W« buy nur «Pick In large quant • line of carriage and wagi)’| material. AH klndfi ol work In opr line done on sfiori notice..... ................... are guaranteed tb be i SAFE.SOLID, • ' HORSESHOEINO A PWlALTf : ACCURATE, i ________ Tkè • IDtkt" !»* 44 I* « MMs r»««l»»l» i» >1 Buildiiig Material ?Uuh and Ikmr Factory nt Hal rm ••»..* HaAtnlll id mil«' twit of Melo, Oregor! ,*'t Til, <> .EGON BfliUAlAäUlÄli 1 ritte. ! • oxe or oi ■ moras, » hc * o«ij »io. ¡ ¡ W* x»sr**t<« it I* «very rsspect. lUtb- ■ ¡ i«y chop «boat it k»t |b* price. . ! i Keep n fall line of Shop ppixplie Livery stable From the $6.00 •• Favorite" ¡toottr mail expensive”¡deal."■ ; HAXSËM & LANDON •• «»4 ,|| ot-• ¡IK. rtsir. is-to rravava, .»» ¡ >■»-•••■4 44-*• rtun-en, , 4 ; »'tkratiAi.filffaM. aifi.4«. j » /*•>///< kB/«/»/ àW fl J. ÎTEMHÎ iJHtt tía TOOL CflJ CMKOwTTTu ¿1. fwiuiAm^i L kENCPJWIMi HfiHM IP. J J. hEAhh; t’rop r I . * ,Nv'*lk furnished »ml refined throughout... f > • I * h * (tur t •' ' * the b«-t the markets afford ., .'-ouih of hrldg S< |o. O’. ^7 / & i ’■.--i?