• /e« • r •** » t « • • T • • <• * >**•>« * •A • •• * * r . > The Saniiam News' •CIO OREGON g ■■a. (Hi OS Of I WÍEK LATER SAMOA NEWS Fir» at Tupper lake, ‘u lb« Adi- r< ndack», dveltuyed a butel and IE building» Yellow fever as broken nut in the National I bulJieia' Huui©. year Hamp- tuo. Va. C ubana aro finding fault with the censii» («»mmiaeiuners »| pouted by the l’mt«*! filate» It Is rumored in lamdon bury may resign. that S«li«- l»ew«v Will •!-*•» I all uf Mr tiller lanran purls August al Talk of wai with Great Britain dues not alarm Washington oflitisls. Jr«* ->«»*y ciueed the dealt» uf «•!»• and prut>4 iy artolher at Lui g Beach. < al. Two csMil Am«r nans at« w I lu bav« dl*|*ersed a bowling mob uf 400 in Cures. M«ikl«p hn will I»« acting avcrelary of war outil Alger's rn*»g alluri take« place. Mr« Rich, of Tela», was taken In Mrl.O for morder Inal, wraj j*©d in an American flag The< atholo «<• hbishop *»f < tatelarid has i»sue*l an appeal tu I be tinker* lu res}«kl lb» law Russia and Japan are reported ta lw preparing with a view M< a jmwsi LI s uoiifhcl in la>r»a. The Transvaal It it said muat oom ply with E'nglaud*« • >»ry • >• maud or a b*»t war will follow. Freight handlers N«w Vuk They a*k Lu su (iom 17 lo 30 cents an hoof. m r»a** Th« militia was ordered ont tn pro lecl a <«*N»rgia sheriff ai I Jail fr«»in • limb, who threatened lo I) mb a negro. William T Stead say» th« pea«'« <*m fer»r. « has 4 I «-»<1 ag «*»1 .-as • I, I w« t»l G » ! I th- el}.* tat !■ : » f ! tbe delegate« I The threatened rate war t»» Mise- irl : fiver punt« l as been BVrrted ami th« , r«*lu>e! rate tickets have beru taken ' utT the market. Pre»t leni M> Kinley will tender Al mirai Ifewrey a ie««ptiui» wb»u b» or rive» al U *»higtiun Private James A Ih>Ge, uf < *. Secund Oregon, su«« uml«rd lu dys- •ntrry »1 thè Preetdio. P xksu »» a vuluntrer wnul«f noi re rubai. General Oli» drn»*»l him a per m»I tu gu itilo botine»« in Manila. The tripartite cortim:Uee ha» almi • l e i tbe kingvhip ot samo» a Ijtidging il to 1.« wilboul •utbotiiy and u*«lvss The BU knul tur|«edo boat de«ti<>yer Gol-!st»>rui>gli, waa su««w»»ful!y lauro hrd fro*n Ih» wav» al lt>» Uniti A Za. kvr Imo worb» at Puiiland. Or. The Ilari iman Ala»ka espeditìon hav returned The et|««ìitlun, boti* Irum a * ¡«ni t and pìra»uie p ,nt uf \ »w wa» «ti enlile •»«■* m A Jouriivy uf u*er 9. IMM) mi Ir» w a» made. The N*'htasfca rrgiineril and ivo bai trrtee of (Ite l lab arllllery, bave »r 11• ed in *»n Frem isco The Ne! *as kan» Lave |(>o w*< k. amounl to 901 TI ì « v »ay lite» hav» bad enuugb ut Pbihppine bghnng The rumi li irgarding ite formalion of a ( binu Japanrae »lllatHu are •< mi uffit lally detned at P« km. and il i» »• e«»!e*l that tl»s «nv<*ys recenlly »»rii t» T«>kio wrre ap|*ointed eimplv lu prove tl»e f(irt»>)!y relatlun» belwc<'D li»« ¡-<>w •r». A Paris dlapatcli says tw«> automo- bile» !*ral tbe Bari» ht M«de rlpt e«« tram iti a ra«w lietwerr» tlome Cities, • dretarme uf in ile», makmg the l«*»t lime «ver rcNordt-d for an aul«»m<*l»ile ri.« di*tan asnalties vii mute The Valentis < Won Paul Kruger tende?«»d his r**S!g- *aavalry. an i F and II, Twenty fnurtb I s )at»r w itbdre w it. infaulry, iti all lu ufficerv ami 454 en Information h«.m thè luwrr Yaqui [ lisled men Fiver, al the suuth end of tbr «tate «.f Tbe Caiifurnia volunlrera bave a»ile<1 Honora, in Meint», conveys the iniellí- tur homo. grnre that an outbreak b^s oorurrwd Dievf >• la lepottvl lo bevetluuslv ili In a fight among the Ysqttl Indian». with a frver. on« whit» man and TO Indians wore American »torka non cnmmand con killed. fidente tb^uughoul l.utupe. At Hattir»bu«g. Mr»« , Henry No Caroline ialandrrs want lu t»e an Val», a negl«» wb<» attempted to a»*aull Ruaalme Davis. Katnrday evening, was ti ri ed lo Ih» Viilted States < apturrd i.rar B*u»d City. Mi»»., and later i from St M h L mv I* via I ■ ■ • •> » ■» : ' • • ; ■ »”<• . • ' - •« * ’ ni ji ihi‘> ihhi in p»i»i * . ’.U” i »«f w bi« b is in charge of Parser Key««. The pur­ ser say» theie is wealth in the C«|«e Norn« district, ao»l dr* lar**» there Is nu truth in tl « sluri«» <>! failure lo fiml gold which have tern published. rains are di« Presklent IleuieauB. uf Manto mingo, li»« In-eu «Baatsinatr*!. Ik* Tke taaly of th. tat. Koli.it II In geraoll ... i rriuat.'l al Frv.li »’und, N. Y. Th» fight between the Im*♦-<*«I oil « uiuùinat luna i*as trern amicably a»l Jusled. ’Ih» mes«enger boy«’ slnke In Pitts I urg ha* bm u •etile») Tbe buyaclaim a vidury At Hartford City.ind . Bslph Khrlby. » w ve.tr tis is ei|M**t«Ml within a fortnight Oli» reporla another engagement w itlr l «udii» in < rbu In which Amori- ■in force» w« re victotiuus. A mine eiplrwion near Br**wnsville. Fa., killed »is ar><1 eni»»mbed «0 mill­ ers. Wt.o later »-»• 4|Mrd. A < h ago tiegres« is all»-ged to liftVt «tlem| tr4Ì ti.« sleahng uf b»ur rhildrrti wiihin an lo»ur. Mie is nuw io )ail. Admiral Itewsy haswirn»! Iiissrrept- • noe to t*«»r<»me the city’s guest upon his arrival in New York. F '»ur fife timer« In th» <\>!umbus. (> penitriiiiary »ere »«» unruly lini Vpex lai Steel tri!» wrre bulli lut their rn< ar< erat ioti. A little * v was sh« i an I killnd by a i.«»!. union c«»m!u< to* al Clrielaml. Eight bumlre.l truoiwar« now un guard. Oli« lias !>ren cable»*! tu semi voltin- trris liurue »a *ot»n a» p«»»sibie. il l'Vlrig An American lady millmriair«, wa» li « drsire of th« pcv»idrnl lo bave no arrested in Part« lor shoplifting, ^l>a ielay tu ih» metter. was reloA»«d after paymg Ivr lb. atuleu W illiam II Pt'Klor. who weul U goods« California in IM9, rsnaiiisd ttoer» 15 Th» reciprocity treatV w itli France vrers and acruinn late*! a fortune, ia <'*»o< «-•*n*ns had to ir ad in Hfooklyn. age-l M yeara has been signed. I* ma.le a* a • « u I It i> >n wf Cambun*» It ha* boeri derided to disotti timi« Blgnihg the convention. thè use of nml as furi on Die New Sir W lifted Laurier refuses to quali­ fy l»is statements In regard to the laoumlary dispute, sml 4*««rts that lie meant Just what he said. A small !*»y bas testifitv! al Chicago that he wilvrswod Mrs G«orge kill GtMtrge l> ballon l>r»>t her - in law of President McKinley, at Cautun, la»l < )ctoiler. York, New llavrn an«l Hartford rat) r«»a I ami tu substitute coke tur il un • Il ha.un «liVre Cnited Mates manufacturere will I* benefited by uur new treaty with France Fermar«, however. will re- •rive no lirlp. aa iiiaiunum dutie» will slay on agricoltura! pruduets. The Illinois Central bas a new rum Nel Pe»ce Indian* may make trouble, petitor on tiusine»* from Chieggo tu Tbe M. Louis A Suuthwt'st The young burka have threatened to Ih« golf murder Northern Fa« tfic ©itsnsmn arri is buihllng a ronnevting link k hi« ago and Eastern llhuwis gra i«-rs, I • aus<> the line ci ss«« their feeervntlon. llev. John Morrison, paator of Cai Sir Wilfre«! laMirier. prime minister vary Preabyterimn rhutch, of Portland, of Canada, is to I m » prvsentoJ by bi» •Ile*! al Cam) W »lev. nnar thè Grami friends with tnilh favors dlvi'ontiniiam « of corre»|4*ndeul «ays lumi will I mi uniy the war. II* contends that such is the nominai head of th» war oO ani ter» in latmlon. am*»uul» to over ist.ooo. 000.000 |M«r annum. Saiah Br.rnhar.lt lava vii. «al borii The Fourth of July Just past wa» in l’aria an.l noi In Amal.i.lam ot lai mors widely cwlebfate*! in foreign coun­ ttavm. a» mai ul bar biograph.ii ta- tries and participated in by foreigners lala. than any previous «me. K t’rawlord «ho nav rwcantly The ««questrian Statue of Major-Gen­ admiltnl lo III. bar al Atlanta, Ha.. iv eral John F. Reynold», who com­ Ih. yonngrat lawtar in lliat «tata. il mande I the First «••»ips of th«« Army <»f noi in Ih. country. II. i, boi quii, lì the Potomac, was unvellwd al Getty«- iaara old. barg, Pa. Noi un. dtnpof intollcanta ia allaw»l The Disciple« of ('hfist will hold to li. aold al any al tlia uillitary campa their Jubilee missionary convention m ot Canada. Cincinnati, October 11-19, ami 10.000 Governor Stanley, of Kan»«», ba» ap­ delrg itee are rBpe* ted. pointed hi» wife one of the committer A great rave. »ai«l to be large* than to investigata lha »late*» ibantable tn* the Mammoth, in Krntu» ky, ha» been •Ululions. d>soovrre«l In Victoria, H. <*. It has latria A Thurvton. former mmlvtar l*een eiplored a distance of ¡3 mi lee from Hawaii to Ibi. country, who ha« without tbe en»l being reached. irritad from Honolulu, ,ay, the out General Horatio G. Wright, who loaik in Hawaii la very promising The made a brilliant record in the civil war, • ugar clop will unduiibledly lia the •er ving at Gettystmrg and Hie rMinpaign largeat .ver handled H. derlaiee the in the WiLlernrsa ami around Rich- laland.r« want («intonai government tuoml, die»I tn U asliitigtun after an ill« pare and viiapla. nee» uf three ui out Us. AGAIN City of 12,000 Located South East of Manila WASHINGTONS IN THICK OF IT Manila, July 29. —An «tiwditiua jurta»l town < u th» • ;tb s' r« f lawguna «Je Hay, after two fiuuts of sharp fighting, «fur* mg wbicf* four S*«i jl«rs W9«a killed and 12 wounded. Th« Iren« h«s cumroaud- Ing the I. a I bur were utaisr waler, but tbe swam pi uses of th« lan«l mad« lb« work Larder. The troupe boarded r»*»<*« Tuesday night The f> r. e cOMIpri«e>l 40U of tbs Wssliingt<'ii volunteers, (5U of li • Twenty first Ii.fsntry. ISO »4 ths Fourth aialrv an I two guns • f the First artil­ lery. The»* ami tbe gunboats Nspidaa ami Ckwto «seeia! led opp**vite Calamt a < r»*wds of |M«uple in «arts and un f««>l were seen ruahtr -j toll.« hili». Na 11»«• «•« aping from < -a)»mba in canue» said 100 insurgent» h«l I the town. A furoe uml«r ('at tain M cGrath, of tbe Twenty first infantry. an«l <‘ap<*in Mlenler l. Inm!*»l east uf th« town, but f.»nn I a rivet intervening < ap* lain M Grath ami Lieutenant Batem • warn th» riv«r un let a fir» from Mau­ ser r.fl«-« Having «r««*»rd li v stream, the ••flhers ;••»»• •* I m as <«• tu fsrry The Insurgents re­ th» troops over, treat »d through ibe town. sb«*uting from bous* a sod busties a» they île-1 lu tbe bills. Hra«*rjr 9f VS ••hi•<(!«>•• Thre»- memlwrs uf th» Washington rrg’meiil waded ft tn avouea through swamps often slioulder deep, whiles group uf E'.lipino« cui *(,« mi I v «I in bay •tacks were shuolh.g at them until the Naj • Ian !»< used tier sib («oaiiders an I Gatling guns uu Hie sta« k» fur a tv a millUtM Muet M)n 1» en i id.ling up tlirir hand» and shouting •‘Caatillanoa," lli.t th. Ev.n spaniah tail- American «avalry. diers embraced the A turili an» hyatrr- Ically. There were 50 Sp.-ttii.it prlanti era at < al am ba. uf whom »ouïe a**r. civil uffi« lais ali i son e weresuhliris They had l»r«*n given th« choice »»I Jol|>* itig the Filipino anny or benonilng ' N t ■ ■ a, .1 ' ! t •-.!• t ! - t r Ii. V : !l • t t •• f '■’t p|' rtanit) Mort of th»« civilians rrachod the American lines ■ ■ took away ulliers in their retreat. 4rtn«*«1 Flllpln**« < «t*twre«t. General Hall captured 13 Filipino» with gun». Ma)«>r-ut them. Today General Hall brought to .Ma Kills the Spaniar Is wh«»tn the cipedl- tlun had released from captivity uf mure than a year. Lieutenant l«ar»un( commanding tlm Napidan, tralay found a 1» ng in v-iiig Spanish gunta»at. which had been »t> ouveied with bushes and fishnets as to not to reMtnhle a vessel. The Filipinos having met reinfofve- snruts an I thinking that the American» had evacuate«! the town, descended from tbe hills today, intending to re- occupy < alainba. General Hall easily drove them tack. General Hall will leave a garrison at ('a)auiba. |.«ul»a In t*rl»**n. Joliet, 111 . July 311 A-loll h L Lueigrit, the wealthy Chicago sausage maker, win* was serving a Ilf« *«'hlen«e In the )«*nltentiary here fur tbe uiur«!er uf |«i» wife, wa» found dead in lit» «ell tudav Dra. Werner an! O'Malley held a p* -tiuurkui elaminaturn. Dr. (J'Mailry say» I.urtgert died (turn fatty degeneration uf tire heart. He found that the heail wa* surrounded by a great mass of fat. ane I « art. Dial death had not Outlie long l*efute this. Will Watty «»«Iy ©«Ml©««. t btaago, July 9V A »pernal tu the Time« Hrrald (rum Imlepemlwnre. Kan , say*: Th© girls’ chibs of several S«mth* rn Kansas towns have remilvt-l never lu marry a young man uni«*** he serve*! with the famous 1 wentirlh Kann©* Thev say they are determined tu keep their agreement ar»*l that s»M»t> er than marry a man who staved at h'uur they will remain single all their live* They intend to give the lairs of the irgiiuent a big i©« ©ption when they rvturn. < urrnraa Is ••«stlty W«lla<-«. IJaho. July »». — Haul Ot>i- *>rai> alio ha, la uu trial liaro (ur M««ral awk* for Ilia iimr lrt of Jain«. Cliayna, a Hanker Hill A Hulliran mill man, in thn Wardnar riot, on April it*, wa, lolay run,tela.! of niiirder In lha Bacond decree. At 1 o'clotk thl* afternoon. Judge Htawart aenlanoad Corcoran to 17 tear, tn the peniten­ tiary. Vnder the Idaho law, the pun ialiuiant for murder in th« «acornl de gran I, Imprisonment fol from 10 year, to Ilia. Italian» V» »ra < lll»aa». Washington, «Inlv 19.—The state de* partmrnl has received from (ienerei Foetrf, of ¡.cuistana, a preliminary re­ bori upon lite killing of the five Ilei* iena el Virkaburg. The point of inter« e»t and importance ia the governor*• statement, timi he Ima been officially edvieed that three nt the men were rmluralilrd Amrnran» San Fra no I wo. July SI.— Samoa n ad­ vice» un 1er dale wf Jnlv 14 were re reive*! iu day by the steamer Monna ar follows: The »llaation In Samoa is u • of gr«al i . mc i.r»» the stillo • of natives being far from reassuring Several figlila bave occurred in differ ent portions of the islar Is between supporter» uf ri«ale fur the kingship, and several native« have t-een killed Nothing much »eems lu have been a > oomphsbed bv the high mmmiaeiun since erm» were sunenJered by lb« contending ta< turns Chief Juethw Chambers, being dis •afiafiel with tlie supputt eiteoded tr b» cuori t-y the > «»mmiMiot>era. will lew« tolav for Washington. Their ac­ tion in refusing the aid asked f«»| to sustain tbe «v» tri's authority is said lu have t»e«*n prompted by lispatci rt re teived hr the German c«*tnn<>»»>on»t froto hie home government, which. H it Claimed, is greatly displeaved with bit rs- ••guit ón <»f the supreme u» is still in MI ’ »-t lava flow is apparently filling up It»« lab)« land, and Hilo and the w bol» island of Hawaii are env»lope«i m •make, Vc«»rle encviunter dense < luuds of amok« a liundrel miles out to »»»a. sihl navigators are seriously inconven­ ienced. Kilaua la also smoking !rce|«r and indicatums a>. thia vulcauo soon be in a< ti ve «HUptlOfl. Frank Davey, a photoÿraph.r, returned from a viali to th. vok He aavs there 1« a wri-, i>l wigl.i era ter», five uf them w.r* w«*re des«!, but ap- peared to have been a«'ll i« quite leceM- lv Oneuf th* others was betaking forth smoke and tir« and molten Paks of great »lx«* A- cor lit g to Davey, the lo* k* were as big as horse» an*! went •u li*gh that tlu » o««ded before falling lo the ground again !l UM»k Ihivev and his party 15 hours to as< end the mountain from the active crater lo th« summit, where their hor««s were left. Two mm i>«' War li|i«r*. Chicago. July II. — A Tnbur« spe­ llai from W ashington says By the as- saMinati«»n of President lleuraauB, of Man Ik*twit go, < ul*a may I om one ot its central figure«, as it is well known General Mal imo Gomes aspites to th« pre«ld«ncy of tba "bla« k republic.** One of the Second Oregon volunteer» •ays one reaaon why the regiment da* • ired to l»e mustered out lu San Fran* Kan Francie™, July 29. —Tha trans­ < ¡eno. 1» because it» regimeut received port Tao ma sailed for Manila today. no congratulatory telegram» form their Bha ha*! on is mid a I >oa I 100 head ut •late on the g-»ol work they were du- Nurse» and mule» fur Iba um of troupe ‘ur Ito lb» Ftoi lippinM «ta - • ÌF e • t » TALE. SsiH*-W M mm During th« first engagriueut while the company wa» firing al will into th* W' mm I s ahead, savs Hergrant King in the Minn«a|«*li» (Km > Meswugrr, a fur­ ion» water buffalo, !)»• Philippine beast of bur»tan, menn»ler*l into the tic« field «1 ireel Iy in fr«»r»t of thn line. ROOSEVELT WROTE A LETTER The writer immwl»at»ly directed b»s fire toward the buffata» with no ap)»ar- ent rwsutl. Afterwards, »luting a lull in the firing, we »ham* fully c*• i«(•■ saw-i to having wasted our strength in this ignoble manner and were surprised I*» i«ern that ever v man hn«l g slaletnsnl is mede in iv»nuection g«*»*d it» enrape, h»r it patiently p>'*d- With Ih» drpwrturw uf A gei fri»«*» ite de»l ahead until tlie |im>»er swalloww.1 . abiuri lital Ii'tteftHii Rmwevell, <»f It up Paring the charge al 4 ahx an, New York. wr<*tn a l«*tler urguig hi» a fiensied pig. of diuiinnti *• sis»«. r»lirwm»nl, and al»o llial Generai Gii« da»bed fr«»m i em*ath a Itambao Lui b» r«*he«i*d in thw Philipp» n«w and ami. apparently, J*» lg*ng thnt all the IhtMik«' te» »t><*r«"*d«»d by Wuml a» mili­ corn motion was f«r his lasnefil, thought tar v governar ul Cutaa. Thl» iettar wa* Leal lO relil« A, th. pig .Inalimi ivi wriiteu l'* a mem<»er uf Iha re i.i» thought no mova of it for »onio lima •rihai rsMHgnatMMi Afterward, U|ain glancing to th. WAV. There was fri» ln»n twtwnen R* m » sw wa u* four or five stildiets It. hot pur veli ai> I Alger, in i • nn<<* inm wilb lite •mt of tbe sam« pour lilt)« »wiue It lâiiiü'ii rntii.l • rt»bin li ■•*«’ veli |»*rlU’l* is laughable, even in tim« «* of p‘4» e, tv pated in g«»lting up, while be was with w«t»h another man chase a L«»g. but thè mugli rnlers al Santiago Sg»«r«*laiy when rn«n forsake their p »■ *•« forg* t Alger crilK-iswd litMiaevell fur a ivlter the l"-ir uf i-unfli-'l. the hum uf bullets, tbe *bu«it» of the tutors, ami th« wails ul tbe wminded, to grapple with au right -|'4>«ind shoal, the Ihvli« betXHll««» lu«li«'ti*us in the eitreme. We l«M»k the trouble to learn that the pig got away. At Cab an the rebels lia*l mount«»’I musalt« I< mi > ling gut.s two m« u*tious rapiti re*l tn f«»rmrr times from the They attempted to fire one Spanish The E>f them*. with direful results. Amers, ans collected th« remains of 30 rr> els k-lltt’l by th« elploamn of the gun. The insurgents ha I not the «<»«ir age lo fire the remaining »annoti,which was loaded and p’lincd when <‘aloran was tapturr«!. The native« had h»a !e»l the g-m with a complet»curiosily simp. The caution was fiital with ■• iso*rs. knives cull, pie»«« uf brick, nails, bolts, a Diet im»m«lcr, a hmaaahue, a < at hnk. a pu-« « of rublwr I hmm *. and, l«> cr«>wn it all. a large quantity of h<» p iron bad been driven Into the mu/sle so ligiilly that H was ne« «-«sarv tu tile Given As a Reason for Secre­ tary Alger Resigning. mure city Jail yard Cornelius Gar­ | m «II««1 to f«ri«in« diner. John Myer* and Charles Janie* Tacoma. Wash., July 31. — President pal l with their lima for criminal a. C S. Mellen, of the N rlliern Facitta saull ou Anuie llailay, a 13 v.ar ol.l TMilroad, in talking today of the rail­ neg i css. Joseph Bryan, th. fourth road situation on lb© ooawt, said. meiuber of the quartet, killrsl Mary “We have offered th© G R. A N , Pack, a negresM Tli. nei'ka ot Jaiu.a which is iu the Union Fa itic sy»t»iu, Myers ami Byran weie broken bv the to let them run into Tai'oma over our fall ami they »lied almost Instantly. tiM< ks from Portland, and loglve thviu Gardiner’s cap t*r«aine «1 i*arrang«xl in terminals here, s*» far as w»« have any the fail «ml his fa « wa* visible to the • •v in the matter, at very r*as»»nabl« »|MM?tatura. He was apparently con lei ms. They may aoerpt our propnai- •emus slamt »»Un moment, alter which The terms are entirely satisfac- lion. he slowly strangled. lory. If they ar© not, we will in aka tht-in. satisfactory, Il wituhl I m * to our t nterv«li««g 1 »p«rlui«nl. theirs, to let internet, as welt as ManHa. July 31. lu coin pliarow them run in over mir track«, rather with an order received from Madrid, Wa than Luihl an a Iditl »nal line, Itie Spanish trauapirt Alva will pro­ would rather «livid© th© c»»st and es- ceed from Manila immediately to the penne of maintaining one line than to Caroline islaiKis, In order to repatriate pay all the c « m H otiraelves The traf­ the garr• son ami Inhabitants of those fic l«etw«-« u here and Portiantf for many island* There Is great mterr«t in the yrars « ah all l«e Jolie uV»-r the one line, first attempt of a cable l*oa*. lo follow • ml not I m » cr»»w«lv«l. As f-»r terms, we the movements uf an army. The trial will make term« Dial are aatisfactury.'* left rambav. near Taguig, at the north­ »'•«ur kill»«l. «•»••• ern »nd of l^aguna de Hay, this morn­ llahfai, N. M., July 31. — F-»ui men ing. and after making connection with the land w re surveasfully Ian! 1H wrre « rushr-i to «lentil. *«’Ven seriously iiiilrs of cable It 1« vi)»*’. Ind the ca- itiplied. and a nuinber slightly hurt In the si* k of a ronslrtn lion train on blebual will reach < alauiba toinghL ti e Nfi«il«ia»Ni 1» it» ttaltsi. this afternoon. A train of fiat cars Washington. July 31. I.ieutensnt- was pr«Mv**llng slowly along some new ( olunel J’lummei who is organising the track, when oue of the center truck* Thirty-fifth infantry, telegraphed the J uim |« m I the r»ils ami tl»e others lediiml war department today that a number piled un top uf it There were 35 of All tb*M*e on of men from th« >ecund Oregon d«*»ir«*d 30 men on (he tram. to enlist in the regiment and return lo f«»ard the car that first left the track, the i'bllippttiev if they can l*e granted four in number, were instantly kill««!. 30da\s* furlough Thu furlough has < >u* ur two of tin him injured are in a langrrous condition. Tl « a« eidcul Iwcn authorised by th» war department b4pj>riied 13 miles from Windsor. lu such u*rn as J«^ire to enlist. Nrattle, July St.—The Time« print» tills afternoon what |ui|MHts to!*«» full and uncensoted list of fatalities in th» Amernan army in the Fbillppine» up to June J Th« list wa» furnished by Frei J Kite!, a representative ol th» Mat»ila Freedom, who tlaim» to have untamed it from the record» in lb. (urgroo gauvral* olile • at Manila. Th. total nuui '»r of fatahtie» i» glirn a* 7SN—-»J offlera. <199 private» anJ 14 civilian« attach») to the army. *»• > r , lb* ri«bl W a* Magi*»« *f prutrwt 1« wrote t • the *«*’retarv »0 thia connection, ami there was >»»nsi.|- ©rabl© ©i«-itrtti©nt over the matter al the time. This is *ai« renewal « or three tn<*tilli» b**fur© final a< tu»ti. Last mail re|*otts sani they ha I cap- ami the immediate «nd sudden resigna­ nlied |M difYrrrnl cargoes of supplies, tion of Alger is attributed tu fri« tlun but not any valuable munitions uf war. la-tweeii him «lid tiei.eral <\*lbin, be- caus«< Alger desire I to copy certain »I'MHimviits in th© department f«»r bis Fsursn O um V«-Mffo|»i. Baltimore, Md., July 31. — t’pm p«rs<’iial use., an a« t whjoh Cubrin is one »« ¿fluid, ami simultaneously, f uj •aid lo have suocessfully resisto-l by an negroes were hanged lo*lav in Balli* appeal I«» th© pi»-Rid©nt. Th» rhlll|»elM» l*e»4 SOLDIER'S A RESTLESS Aunt««» «r • ^••»•»« !• » '•* F*«a >i»»»««g*t»a J usd.« « Wemivev» Tele». Martiel law is »t>fer«t • « tu U» beid lu Cbkagu tu he|4»mber Plague and .leiayrd •tressing India a^4. * / _ . ’X a* w * CT* R m SÌ 11 «f Will» l*«rM*M«*r. < ‘hH-ago. July 31. — A Tribune *| «rial fr*»m New York says The lierai I ibis morning lias a s|*«** tal cab'cgram from Trieste, in whlrh A finirai Dewey la quoted as savmg **<>Uf nett war will b« witbGer- rtiany.*’ I he prédiction of th» admirai wat hr«mght alM>ul, accordibg lo the Her- al«Fs eotiespomtant, by a discii«so>ii of a threateiied clavh will» the <»wrmau fieet at Manila. Yhr»» H «* m » h l>r*»«tn»4 Evansville. Ind., July 31.—Augusta Mattingly, 17, Pearl I'beany and Marion Onana, were drowned in th» Ohio river In front of the < ity touighl. Hearcbing partie» are along the river bank tonight with torch»«, trying to filtd t he law! ies of the lost Mi»S Marion Onana was on» of the lea ling society belle» of llendrrsoii, Ky . and W«»U Id have bo»n married in a month. Twenty thousand co» pora! Ion» in illinol» will tie proceded against fur non*complance with law requiting au* guai tepori. double .!«>*» ol pE*wd»«r was found, and •Iso a quantity of dyna ml« Nu wun- der the other ('annoti ripluded. IHt ALUM BAKING Has Broken Out in the Na­ tional Soldiers’ Horno. THIRTY CASES; the The revnt di»« n*»ion in tbe paper» of tb« efT« i u|«»»n ll « human system * * . I ' • » i I ' I < , A ami the optiimns that hav»» I m - cii pub­ lished fr«»tn noted *• muti«!* it* tlie •17*«« t that sm h p»wd«*ra tender the f.w>*l uu w L«'!*>»un<*. Itave Cii!is»v»l numri uns Impiirirw for lb*» natu««n of the vari­ ous alum J««w let• In« fiiiiowiiig hst of baking powders MMitalning alum I» tua«lr up from the reports of Stale Chemist Nichulson, «»I Nebraska, the < ity Chemist of bl. Lums, th« F «*d ( ultimis«¡« » ii <»f Minn»- sola, or other lelialdo authoiity: llahlng l‘l«*r« I onl«l*tV*»g VlitHt K. I.-..-.. . 1 ‘«'fi tv I ns A him Jauu*«Mfg t«> i bi-'rtg ' t’Al.l’^11.1 < »»ntrtii.s Alum t alnttivi I ìm I ìi *« |*uw HOME« ( *«»n tai ns A Inin ii . :i>r r •« i. « ■ itati 9 si ■••• WASHINGTON ( *«m tai ns , A lutti )*•- >fi< ' hviuival Work« I w-«*»-a«. 4‘REM‘FiN F < on tai ns A hint « r* went M!< Cw. itraltlw. WHITE LILY Contains AI oui I» Ferrerà A Cu . Taewma. HEIE HIVE . Contains A luto H aahinglua C© , lUe FranriMHi BUN B< >N < untali.s Alum Grant rdmlotl <*«». t'biratf**. DEFIANCE Contains Alum rorilaii-t « uflvv 4 S)4«M < •> . I* -rllau l F< IRELAND Contains Alum H- !»•• .1 Halli«. i*»»rt-an4. In addition to th«»se, it ia learned that many gr«h»*rs ate selling what they call their own private ur *| mh ial brami* These p«f abitii pow­ ders iu >t. Louis, (.‘htcago. Kansas City, Ta<<»ina. >an F rancia*«* ami «I*« where. The uiairufacturvrs. it is said, find ih«ii • fYorta to maikel their g»M*»la in this way greatly ai*l«*l by the ambi­ tion of th« gn»cei l«> sell a ¡<»w ler with his own name upon th« lalwd. «wpreifil- Iy when the grocer can make an ab­ normal profit utM*n it. Many gro»-«rs. doubtl««.. w l«rs in the market. They are r«»nstat>tly apfieering in all sort* of di<*gui***, un­ der all kinds of 'gmmiens. and Mt all kinds of prices, ©ven as luw as five ami l«n cent» a potimi. They can beavohl- ed, however, by th© housekeeper who will Iwmr in mimi that all baking pow­ ders »*dd al twenty five cents or |«es |w«r pound »r© liable t«» contain alum, as pure cream «*f furiar baking powders «annoi l»e produ«r»l at anything like this price. M a *1 » M •• »• g h Now Husband—!>»»n‘t L«»il»rr me, my dear. I’m studying |>«>hti«al economy. Wife—-Well, you nredn’t work •«» bari at it. GuodmwM knows, you're suffi« irntly strong on th« r*«*m>my part of it n»»w.—Lr Petit Journal. nerved •*ll was a g"»el op|w>rtunity,” sal«r !«•••** iw T*n Wars The war depuitmecit has prepare«I a memoran Iom which r«>mpare* th© |«M*sr>s in th© Spanish war with tlu«*© in the first year uf th© oivil war. The aggregst* strength of the tr»a*¡Mi ©m ploy©«I in th© war with Spain was ap- prulimately 297.000, covering a p»«?kid fr«>m May, IM91, to April, l*»99, inclu­ sive. During this time «lealbs from all cans**» am-»nnte»l tufi, 190, 4»rt'*-l to lay. There were »eteral E*Ul«r deaths al the institution vestanlay. but it cannot I«* «tale-1 tonight that all ul litem were cau«r*l by yellow lever. Newport News ami Hampton will quar­ antine against lhe Mihliers* l>*»ine to- tnormw morniug. Toeguv«inmenl au lliorlurs al OLl Point have already adopted ti is step, and no strangers ai« all«*we4l to eutrr the reservation (Juaiautina < »fit » r Hubsun. of t! • l«irt, went to the soLliar«’ tmine to mghi ami vriifhM th« statemnl that thrie ar« now 30 case« of the dises«*« at the h-'ine. and that there were three death» from the ma'adv hMav U idle rm one outsole uf tie •* dors’ home bn«« arvthiiig alamt the aiisteix'« of vell'»w f««ver until I» m I iv , tl Is satd that th« «1 :•« ••»« trade its a, |M*arame three »lav« ag<* Ti e m-M*l rignl quarantine regulations will I m - enf«»rie*l tu prevent th«« spread of th« maladv. The t;«»ws Las creat*«»l great «icite merit in Newport News, ()|»l Point and Hampton, am! lite imi«l vigorous meas­ ures will he a>h*pled tn prevent its spica ! There are 4,000 i*IJ veterans al the home, and ««verai large «Brur- • i»»n | »rties went them la*l wc» k Norfolk, \ a.. Aug I The t«*»ai-l «»f be »III» hr* »pi.«r,»i:tin«*l ag» n*t < >1 I I <• nt, |lampt«m an I Newport New* Full»«* offi •’!* have brrn ««»nt » ut along tl»e « *t«r front to wst»h for tug*. There • stramta’aia an«l <»th«r craft, much ci ilemcut. Govrrtioi Weeiti «d lit« «»»Idirrs* h'»me. ««»Ilfiruts the le |»»rt »d the rliStenre tif frver there. Hampton Ii »«• b*«u qua1 si»! hied front I *l«l Point, .in I lh»» trolley t*«irs «hipped i unning tu lit»» f<»riu«*f place tonight POWDERS >•(«!•» «F •*«••»»• <>f lh« l*rlMrlf«4l Itr»»«!* « ««I «4 in tltla lirluH* !*<• • «r «ameni THREE DEATHS HAN < • INTO A of th*» Nii><««htt|* V • !•*■••• «*» |.a*- k WRICK m F th» < btrag« Port Jervis, N Y , Aug. I.—Tf • sc­ ei« Ioni on the Erie railroad, growing out of the landslide a mile east uf l.aiE iW4iHii I «el ntghl, w as not •«* ser • iou» as et Ür*l repu l«t*|, Only the fire- man aiut engineet of the «leraiied an- gute 4*' <»f |4S#«ftg*irs «»u tir«« rip».»*, th« v«stibule passenger train for flufT »!*» and < levtdnnd which •fi \ k' al u ' ha k Saturday, were iirJUtrwL The wreck, which oCiUtred shortly Imfur»’ midnight, « >ta preA’e-leil bv a <1.. »dbiirst ami storm which !ast«w ti with th»» k* ©nd ««rib, (be freight «iUS ad engine turning over directly a» r u.•• westlMHim! lra< ks of the Erie rued my freight rars con* • liliite III« tram, but only 33 were de­ railed. ami the deliri* was piled upon th«» wraiburtml tracks )u*l as theChi- « »g«» ripresa put in an appearaiH^e, run* The engine <»f Ding A0 miles an hour, the ripresa train crjahed itilo the wre« k, «nd the baggage oar, (Simbma tout ami liirffrl «'ar an«l two PiiPman sleepers were pile*! up on the tra» ks inline ! ately m front uf the wie»k«»l freight • ars Th« first slrrjMrr w »• split Hl twt> parts as a mull of the accident, ami ti»« pMssriige i • wrre thrown 30 (rn t down a bank. F»r« at omw broke out, «ml four «ai* ol the ripreaa train ami ulne ul the freight »’are were burn«-l Wa* !• I »»*»1» •«! Vaf Puerto Flats. Santo Doming«», Aug I The bitiiatmn is critical. An uni- I r«ak is momentarily ei|»ectr>*l The frirnds of the government ar» timler aim« and read» fur action to prut«* l prujx’Fty and |-ra« n. A feeble attempt was ina«!e l»» sei*»? the b»»dy of Presi­ dent Ht-Ufeatii bv the a«*aMlns. Ka mon 1 'a* • n s, Manuel <‘aa for the protec­ tion uf I alty TavwravT Gttaw». Ont«, Aug. I,— In llm hoti»e of »»»mm *n» yeaterday, •IrCImrlee Tup­ per *|*>kr* strongly in favor of a re*ru«*- inin of If • royalty on lbw gold output in th» Yukon. Clifford Hilton, mini»* ter of the Interior, in reply, »aid that while the royalty waa not permanently tiled, he could not vet consent to any reduction from the 10 jwr cent now col* let ted. Mr» McKinley*» health baa gieatly improved al luike Champlain. n«.Ml.»a Pram < aleante. London. Aug. I. —A diapatrh (torn Manila aaya that the relíale yeatarday attempted to recaptut. Calamba. but war. raaily repulaed. On. Atn.riian wae killed and an otli.ra woandml. Th. Filipino loaa «»i heavy. WvvwntalM < I Im tele g ••«•111». •ermatt» Bwitaerlan«!, July II.— Early today tourists discovered .Mme. Morel and her «laughter at the lw»tfom of the ravine near here Evidently they bad rollert •dt»ta*n'oof 1.300 feel. Mme Motel was dead, her skull being fracftuied. Het daughter wag injured»