The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, July 14, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. Il
Bank oí Scio
' ,<>n poople each Week, and they
Vice Prttiteit
r»r annnto. lM\ATUk .Jf
•«a B»o»lbi,
A. J. JohBlOD
J. W. Gaioei
A choii'a line of fresh tnoata. Iti
variety, constantly on hand.
Ttti N* ws—although they read it
each week— ami to thorn wo would
like to any that with their financial
Will do a strictly (.’ash business.
wâ ii \( h : y
aid we would bo atjo to make a
much tadler p«|M»r. The w«tns con
a .
dlllons oxl«l as
to advertising.
There are several firm« in Kclo who
are not repro^Mcd In our column»,
•till they expect us tn trade with
them, and wo <l<> so, too, but if ask
od to a«»i«t us w ith a »mall adv they
remark that there 1» nothing In a«l
vertislng; that every bexly knows
thorn; »till al tbe same time reader»
of this paper purvha»« numerous ar­
ticle« in adjoining towns simply I m »
«.’ausetbey d«* not know, through
lack of advertising that they can ta»
J Ä H ” A’. A E lì.
All kind« of watch«*« clock*« and Jew
dry repaired promptly.
EAST nini SOL Til
. VU_
—of the—
Southi’rn Wr Cnmpany.
• iprraa Train» !#•»* I**rti»u'1 Unity.
dkrath. I
I N«th.
Un«L ... Ar ! • * A.'
r. M. ' I.v,
Ltr 1 A.nt A.
w « r M I.F
• or I*
4' \ M « Ar "totr» $r»n< iwc 1
Th* H’-utr traîna aîÂpaî s’.! •ta»*--»
lY»rti<n<1 ar»-t
toirm, Twr«u«r.
Tun*«-»!, M h -1‘1, IUI ut «
Hu T»»-tirg.
JttnHtam City.
Gm»#, brnln«, <Mkian4 and all «ta
ihm« fremi Kaaaburj aoMth to and tnchidinr
A «bland
ÜMtbari Wall Hally.
Ar « fl !• M
••*» t M j Lv... Por»Und
r %!
1 r* r m T V
L* It
Lv I : mi a «
a .-» u r. m 1 Ar
Imbuitoli 11 ran rii
Mtt.xts imu « i »i.xarixo cab *
AlUw h<4 to IhroWffb train«.
Went Side Division.
Hríwar» l*«»rllnn«1 mm «I I or «allí«.
Mall train dally ricrpt Uumiay.
rut bam i l.r
ar MfM> p tr
If 1% p in 1 Ar
< ..i i • ! •
I» • I <r, i- H
At A Dim y and C« m valli« ennftert with tram»
otiliro. < A I railma t.
ICBprr*« train daily rirept Annday)•
« Mpmllv
I*« «rila nd
ari» aun
Î Wpui'ar
M. Mtnrille
«IS Van
« » p in J ar
Iti'topandcmr* k |l M> a m
t CMNinarttcm at AanFran. •<«* with <*r
rlblrnlai and oriental and l*a« thr Wat) »’ram
•liti» linea f«x JAPAN and (HINA. Manina
dat«w<»n appHmtk**.
K. K oimiim . Manager
i It M AMMit am , A eau« F A l*a»« Agent, For»
land. <>r.
Italo» anl> tkkrt« tn Maatrn* |w»i»’t* and Kn
m|* Alan Jaran. I hlna Honolulu and Su»
traila, mn tir old a I nr<d from Mr» M. K. Wood
nanN«i tkkH a<**nt.. Wr«t *rl<i, al»«» fmm
A J JOHN m »>, flank of h» »o. nrta>.Uro»
VflQtlINfl R0ÜTE
Corvallis 4 Eastern II. II.
Connecting at Ya«|ulna with the
— 911 ami Ra —
|’|r-t ch’«* !n !*?•?)’ w*ajww*t
<)nn r»f
the above »t<»amer» 1« due to mil
from Ynqulna about every
five day.
Rhortest route bet ween valley point,
nnd Kan Francisco. Fare: Albany
and points west to Kan Francisco.
Cabin......................................................»1« «•
Itound trip................................... ... .. 17 00
For m H I ng date« apply to
11, L. W ai .»«!»,
T. E. A 1». A.
J.Tt i HH, Agent,Albany .Oregon.
Cure» lœpotcncy, Night t'.ml«aion» and
wasting diseases,
ail «-fleets
of * —
city council of Albany, l*O.
Photo of camrl house as built in
Figures from sixty-two lmi»irtant
I Mt.
American cities received the day
List of present officers of the city
follow ing the Fourth of July show of Albany, Oregon.
A brief eloquent address was «!<•-
that the celebration on tho nation,
birthday resulted in the accidental liver st by K. M. Yoran. nn«l a short
»[»eech was delivered by
killing of three ja-rwins and the
County Judge Georg«» D. Barton.
wounding of 107t more. It cost ua It w «• a beautiful ceremony am! was
I cm last year by two dead nnd hun­ w Itnessed by a large concourse of
dreds of wounded to sweep Spain« people.
Tl.e court liou»e foundation is now
two great fiecls from the faco of ths
rca ly for th«» walls, and the work on
ocean—, but a country as great a, the building will gorapldlv forward
ours is llablelo take c I mik ' os . »ven
It will I m » a «trucluro that will be a
In Its glory. All In all, there was credit to Linn county.
some glory In tbe gr,-at victories
A Mold Dopot
last year, glory which placed our
navy ami our men first among th"
The Southern Pacific h«s n force
bravo of tbe world, and showed to of mechanics at work on the Interior
i of the depot and they are rapidly
tho world the benefits of a fr«-e nnd
transforming it «o that the oldisat In
enlightened country, govern«»! by a habitant will ta- unalJe In a few «lays
free people. It showed the advance­ to tell where he Is h L The room
ment winch II wa. ¡H>»,ll>le for a I formerly occupied by the bar will
I ta* um *U for a ladlea walling room
civilized |H*ople to make, and al | and the ticket offt.-e will lx» extend
though we are not nor never were «si «er»»»* the l*uil*llng, making II
an aggressive nation
still when the most cmvenlonl between Port
to release th«« op- ' land and Karramriito. The rtami
I formerly used as 'll«- in«li«—s waiting
pr«-,M>l we were found ready a> d
room will be enlarg«»«l and will ta«
willing snd fully prc|M*r«sl to cope for gentlemen travelers
The 1er
with any imim-rgcncy.
i will run until .*sept< iiilM*r 1st In th«
small room on th«» »outh »Iff«* of the
' <le|xi| and then will prolnbly I m » dis-
For the ta-nefit of th«> Brow navlllc
eoit'inu«»!. Th«» enlirw interior will
Tim«»-« wo wilt Jii.t say that while ‘ i>e rvfinlehe«l In attractive colors ami
Kclo 1. not a prohibition town It« will present a very pleasing appear­
financial condition will alse up with ance to the new arrival.—Albany
any In the county, or even the «tale
It own* nnd operatie* it. ow u light
Persons troubhai with diarrhoea
nn«l waler nynlem; it ha« a* good a will ta< Interested In the experience
school tjuil’lhig na can tie found iri <>f Mr. W M. Bu»h clerks of Hotel
Linn county, not even
tarring Dorrance Providence, H. I. II«» says
"For several years I hav«» be«»n al­
those at Altany, although they are
ni' >«t a constant »offerer from «liar
much larger. Its tale* are not very rh«M»a the fr«*«|Uent attacas complete­
high, nnd we live In |«ea«-e and ly prostrating me ami remlering mo
<|uiet. We trnnaact more t>u>in«*-« unfit for mv du«!»* at Hila hotel.
At»>ut two years ago it traveling
than any town in Linn county with
salesman kindly gave me a »«nail
equal or even larger population tallii«» « f t hi« tube rial n's Coi le t boterà
The Tlmea* statement that our r«s and Diarrhoea Reimsiy. Much to
markn were Inteniled as a «lur u|a«n my surprise amt delight Ils efie. t
were Immediata. Whenever! tell
the pcopl«- of Bmwn.ville 1« tala*,
symptoms of the disease 1 Would
and no man with the Intelligence fortify myself against tbe attack
nccoanary to «•cceaafuHjf conduct a with a few does of thia valual»!«,
newspa|>cr Would Intimate ns much, reuiedy. Th«» result has been very
Mliafactory and almo»! complete re­
unlei*. he had Ju«t vi.ited one of
lief from th«* affliction." For Mie
ItiOM "gallon Joint," of which the by Peery A Peery.
rime«man speaks
abuse, or ezetss and indis­
cretion A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Bring« the
ptnk glow to pale cheek, and
restores the fire of youth.
By mail ROc per hoi: <1 boxes
for •U.ftO; with a written guaran-
tee to cure or refttnd tho money.
'-.irrori A Jae*«'H St... CHICACO, ILL.
i or »ale ly i wry A Every, NctoOr.
¡1 In nlmonl Imporolbc to e.tlni ite
the tienetU' to tie deriv«-«l from the
visit of the N ailonnl Pre»« «««»I«,
lion to thin «tat« during the present
ire nth. There ar«- representative«
of nearly '»O country paper, -«rwl
magazines In thin «tale »• the pre,
ent time, nnd each of Ihew repre­
sentative« talk, through the col­
Merchant» who sell sawmill ma-
Th« Csra«> Stone Lau.
chlneiy in Portland «ays that th«»
The corner stone of th«« new court demand for such g mm I» I» unu- illy
Many men from
house was tatd Frnlsy last at 5 o’­ large this seaiKMi
clock by the Graml Izwlgeof Masons the East are <*oming Into the forests
oft iregon with imposing ceremonies. of the Northwest and making in­
(¡rand Master J. M. Hodson, of vestment« anil many of theso are
Portland; Grand junior warden K. putting up mills.
M. York of Eugen«-; graml secretary
The Salem Journal accuses the ed­
J. F. Robinson, of Eugene; graml itor of the ludepeixlunt of having
»enior steward, F-. E. Hammack, of addressed an appreciative audience.
Tiillm.n; and grand tyler, Gustaf Hu delivered the 4th of July ora
Wils«m, of Portland, were present.
lion at th«» asylum. Thu average
The corner stone was laid In one Salem editor la not happy unless In­
ami ancient form, and a bus contain­ ta having some fun with bis fellow i
ing the following was placed in a editora.
receptacle In the atone:
F. L. Chamts.*rs of Eugene offere<l ;
Ll«t of County Glticera.
a prize for the moat m-w <|>aper clip
Alhanv Herald.
ping* with his ad vet liscim-nt. A*.
Al’siny Democrat.
! lie run» a large nomta-r of small I«*-
People's Prow*.
i cals there were » gool many. 1 a-lI«
Iz'banon Criterion.
Jemiing» won the ni'*»t will* i*5,7l’>
Iz-hnnon Express-Advance.
clippings. The prize was a Ureaeul
K antiam N i w ,.
Business curds from various twinks bicycle.
bad In Kclo. But »till there
others who have |>atronized our col
umn» liberally, and they would not
have done so had not tho iQveat-
ment been a paying one. We have
no kirk, howi-vor, at the patronage
have received, and
thoroughly established ourself
anti businoM houses of Albany, Or«»
Kclo and shown for ono y«>ar what gofl.
kind of a |>aper we were papable of
CoIna of various dates
Brownsvlllu Tim«»*
publishing we earnestly ask every
Copy of Frank Leslie's Pictorial,
oil Iren nt Hr|r, tn lend os their aid;
Illustrating tho aaertssination of Li«r
If you are not taking Tiir. Ni w« do «uiln, and funeral, taken frntu tbe
s >, It will m t
you very much ol«l court house after t>eing there
and if all do what they can to help thirty-five years.
Alau Ulates Hights Democrat of
us wo will lx- better prepared tn
August 21. IHb.’»,
help each an«! every one.
We want
Alhany Journal, March IWC
to tender our thanks to those who
Morning Oregonian, August 7,
havo a»»i«t<><! us during tho |>ast It««.
Ll»t of the cou'ity officorv of Linn
your and solicit a conlinuen ce of
county August 21, Itofl.
your patrons*«# 1» tho future.
List of the memts-ra of the first
Dining Carn on Ogden Boute.
rillxaa DuStt aio«p«ra
wo have labored h«rd
give the
people of Kclo and vicinity a g »xl
locsil pa|*»r; how well wo havo auc-
-oeded we will Ion vo for other» to say
I hiring our control «¡f the pn|»-r th«»
»utwcrlplion list ha« more thandoub-
lod, while thoadvertising |«atronag«>
ba« been very good. There arc *cv
eral citizen« of Kclo wtiodo tiot take
H enry H as 'I. f . h , Proprietor.
iMPIy ;r»rrp< Wun4*yj
Ar Fii » *.»
*» I'lA.W. ! r
* •
A Ms 1 Ar
4 w> r,d, i I,Altany . m «. *' 1 Tut r.s-
1 » I A 0D J».m.
l* I Ar ...
WuudMtrM to|»rlM«f»M|4l llraurh.
iMliy rkrvrpt AtiadNMT-i
.1 Lv
.*f 1 lj.V> 1». tk <
tv 1 1'^c a.nt i
1 »* i* in. ! * , . Wftakl **a )O
Mnln'R .. J1 rl
« J” p »»a 1 Ar .
Ttd« l»su«» of T he N kws completes
one year of our management of the
paper. For the past lw«-lve month»
.......... I •
.................. . .................
A lrvrtlMnf rat««« at tau,living
ga*d monthly.
TfanMffnt a4vwii«rm»nta maul tkt na>4 fcw
Wbefi itkaonUr l»<lv*u Ipf UMttT Inwrl -a.
1*00« ■ generai tanklng an«l ex-
chungn laislnesa
lami*« Iliade al
current mie», and draft» ìmhkm ! oh
principi» citi«*».
just the kind of p«»opla, too, who
arc desiraua of knowing something I
of this state and IU resources, Its
climate ami Ils posalbllitlcw. There
Two regiment«
under the new en<i»tn>eot will tie
1« no baiter «ray obtalnstao to ad
! taken from the Pacific coast.
vertise this »late at a lissa cost than
A death from tho t<*u«'h of the
to give tbe««» editors a hearty wei«
I "k!*»lng bug" 1« reported from Phil­
uotno and send them home full of
adelphia. Another kmd of kissing
praise for our brsutlful state.
, once In a while mu*«» «troth —when
■ dune by the wrong ¡««opio.
The twenty third annual report I
Iowa is the only stat«» In tbe Un*
of the d.-ptriment of public works ion that has a dally ncw«t>a|>sr at a
of tbe city of < hlcago Just pubii.bed dollar a rear. It I» the I¿»» Moines
It 1« a in< tuber f :tn A sm *.
«hows that the average «xrst of main­ >• »*,
¡ ciate«l Pr<-<M and prints all th, news
taining a 2>«IU candle electric light
¡ bollesl down.
all night every night In the year
The chances nt birth that a baby
was, for the year t<«,
will eventually marry are nlae In
In |s''7, which was the lowest
twenty, or rather less than one half
p’evlou, c«i*L Formerly the city Thl« result may be accounted for hy
tho groat mortality ofj» rsotts under
paid a year for ront«»d light«
marriageable ag.-, ■— jm <-ially of In
Chicago now ha« the largest uiuni.’i
fan la up to tho age oí fire.
1«! electric lighting plant in the
Ono of tbe latest thing« In com bi-
Yet gas i. .till u»ed very
nation <*f capital is the pie lru»L It
i was lMor|*orated In Now Jersey a
: coui»ta of w«-«-ks ng", with a capital
It ia a fact—although it may of $ I,<MMI,i Ml, Il seems strange that
«erto .frango— that one of tho visi- this trust with the v<»r»clty of Its
ting editors purchased a piano in kind, didn't go fur the whole t*>k
1‘ortland last w«H»k au«l lia«l II ahip-
Colonel W. O. Waull was tho
|»d to bl« home in Minnesota. This
editor of tho first paper publi»h«sl
same piano, »aid he, would cost him
on the Pacific cuasi, the Spectator,
double the PortlaniJ price in .Minne- of Oregon City, flrat i«»u<»<l February
«ota. It wn* a new Instrument and S, |*»p>. Portiaml wns untbougtit of
was purcliaMMl nt n factory tn the at that time, Col. T* Vault having
moved from Vancouver to Oregon
far oast.
CAPITAL $20000
NO. 37¿
The <>rrg -nb«n Munday publl«hed
a li»i <>t the ttr«»gonian« who are
■»■•■king -’>1'1 in tn«» Klomila«- coun­
try, an«l »«> • that George Mheriff, of
Keto, Mini Nels I hompwim, of l^-IM-
I mm. h«vr made «« miio ns-enl discov­
er!«« up the Ktewsrt river. |t dm-»
not ■■«--■■lion Win. Krtvag«», of this
• Ity, who 1« working a ta neh claim
«i.-.r li-wiMin. <’. W. Watt« of Al­
bany this week, r«»turned from Data-
« tty. tait will go back to the
umn« o! their taper», to half a tnlll 1 froten north In a couplv of weeks.
\\ t* now have the largest and
best sclectetl stock of (’lothilig
ever shown in the vallcv.
a» u hie!»
we are offering at
"I wi.hcd Pd a been a telegraph
pole of a »tone fsnee corner, or some
thin* o’ that sort. Ihl, inonlng »»id
one of tho ohl timer.
"A fellow
came down
th«» streets
hlcy«'l«» nt a clip that should a got
him nrre»t<'d. He w ns humped <ivcr
that machine In a way that remind
<«l me >d i, crawtl'h that I saw* once
what had tho .Urnach ache. And I
a I k >I< -g I r.«i to the
crawfish. Well
this feller tie tried Incut Into another
street between tw«i lathy carriage,
that was «aimin’ both way, at the
« r<»»,L«’ an«i ho purty near g»d hi«n-
•oll inimd up with a pxlr o'bata*'-»
anti two p’raiutadator,. an’ tbe anm<<
number o’ women. I <ll«!n*t wish
him any harm hut l’«l Ilk«» to taa-n
what 1 nald. ami to ha«l that feller
run into me. It would a done me
good, amt I don’t bellove the women
would a fairtod from sympathy.
They might a fell aorry for his
wheel, though, come to think of It."
Potato I’lngrco was tho original
"man with Inn ho«-." but ho mmhi
dropped th» hoo and slez«<l th«' | m >
liticai lighting rod by Iho tiusiness
end nnd ha i g'ltie out for showers
of vtrtos,
BLAIN CLOTHING GO., Albany. Oregon...
—— ruouHi »rrokM —-
All kinds of mill work on short notice
All kinds of l.iitoln r, Sa»h, Doot« Mouldings, Shin«
gl«»« |i*aints und < hl» ...
J. A. Lumininqs
A vt-rdlcl against Lipman, Wolf A
Co., of Portland,
f<»r i-J,-*a«* wa« by a Jury Katunlay for tai»»-
arrest ami imprisonm«-nl of Ainell»
Jester, a «.lark, whom they had
ehargrsi with stealing. M «I of th»
Jury wen» le favor of the full amount
asked, >l<i.<»«i, but one man held oui
ami the verdict was a compotniso.
A Firm Library of aneqaxilcJ valar
Up-to-date, Conetoe and Comprebenstv« Hand-
wimcly Frlotcd and fkautlfully Illustrated.
No. 1
No. □
All • t»n«t M chu < s a < »mtotoe WtMMT YrvatUe
illaatt ati'ua , a atan «lard
rk Ft k«, > Cent*
Allato»«! rnwlD< »mall Fruita- rua«1 «<>«1 leartt ta»« ,
««zevtaint 41 Adex**«! It to Itba r 9pt twiucik'tui - (aUl»a«V.o<
v ar kt toa am) Ita* other I lluet r at l<zvta FtU«, > Venta
All ,1ml rouUry O'» I»«' row»«; *»—* Is ».*•«»»<-. .
IKUmi y«»l.< «!<»,,
il*. I»«
I... «I...
t>< »11 «»< ml». 1^.1 b,««U» .11» I«* «Hb<> lilu.«!»UoM,
prte. v> Cm«»
No. 4
All «bua« Cns. »0.1 lb« Ism B.«ln«m .»•»*«« ss-«»*
ml.» S.oi<>««a life II», r*tMml«K«l<Ml»
with IJ» «Mb«, Ul.Ml.ll.-o« hM,»l«»l«
No. 5- BIUOLH SWINE. BOOK All «b..u( H .«» br«*.1ts( r»««aln« >«.<«»
rry, tHMaw* ew Coslalsa </««, ». «*.u«in*l »«If
l -u«« «• I mimi «»««»»m«« r,k..>>C»»<»
Tb*ui<MU.n nooas •«« <1k|w.<»ifi»»i1«Mt»i-*«»»«w
•ww «aylhi.g II»« lh«n» «u ,.<*«IK«l. »•' wtialt.l« Th««
*r* h,,ln< an «wm»».>ua Mir- K«,< W«M. N uh «».I
». ulh Kvsry osr .ho hr»,w a». Cvw, l«.w of
Chkkas. m ■' -wa »mall r« .i«a. O...M to aaad right
•ssr bx u>« tuuuLL nook». Th«
1« »our ptagtor. tua 1« f<< you aod n t • miuflt II ia »« j*ar*
©Ul it la th* »teat
*!u«u. bit th* nail
the braul. -
quit after you haw aaki it, Farm and HouauhoM ('•pet ‘n
•he * i«H th* btggrat p«p*r ofltit atre In the
of Amrrka bar u»< wer • mUUwn and a bai fregala/ rta*U»a
fi YEARS nemi «Ut of iV). I/*’ to*«.
wUl he ar at by mail
ty ta» e.ldíraa f A DO4.1 <li DILL.
bampto m I I AM M Jut KtoAL a«4 cirxtala/ ¿earrlMaf MIGOLE ROOKS free
uiLMii arsrwa« w
ciba » r jaMAine
t ompletc lln,» of
A scientist of some standing as
»•rtn that cnetnically jmro water I»
(AIson to th«* human stomach. He
upsets Mini«
thi-ori»-» regarding ol»till«*sl water
hy It*«» argument that In distillation
the waler loses sundry »alts which
II greedily nt*»tr»«ets from the ani­
mal tissues when It i» »watlnw«»l.
eonstltulitig a protoplasmic
Attorneys Newport A Cannon com
against Frank Crabtree as counit
clerk Io compel him to flit* a com
plaint In sn action they doslred to
commence. Th«* cleik refus«*d la»
cau««» the attorneys only
him a tiling fee of |ú, ami as thr
amount In c«»ntr»»ver«y
was over
|AW the clerk «»intend«»! that unde*
the law a fl" fee was required
Owing Io a vagueness in the law
as pa«»«»l mandamu« was brought I*
with- the qu«*s lot, anil It will ta
h«*ard ta»fore Judgt* Boise July 17.—
W’t* haw many s|x‘cial lines of
Spring ami Summer suits ami
light weight umlerwoar...........
VllTK I 1« hereby given that th«
• ' unilvrsignod w.»«-»n the 24th «lay
of June. liflW, duly appointed by the
county < burl ol Linn Cnunty, Oro
gon, as ailmlni.l r ilor of Hu- c.t «I«
«i i . M. Mimker«, di-c«».i«e<l
Any and nil pera ms having rlalm»
against shi «I .-»late are hereby noil-
fl«»i to present the »ame, duty veri
fi«»«!, a» by law required within »lx
months from the d-ite hereof to the
undersigned, at Scio, Linn County,
Dated this l»t day of July I’W.
Tho city of Oakland Or., has offer­
ed a reward of J626 for the arre»! i r. .i. w
and conviction of the (tarty or par-
Attorney for ndminl«!ra or.
lies setting fire to the ware house
and »tore of Joy A N"ff on
morning of July <’>. ami Iho board of
underwriter» have added S'asi.
is to I m - h< |M-d that the guilty man i K’iil'l« E is in r<-by given thut the
is found.
tnel«-r«igticd has ta»« n «Inly ap
H. A. Nickerson r«»celved n stroke ' |H>|nt«al by the< ountvCourt of Linn
of (taralysis on July 3d, affecting 1 County, Oregon, as i<linini«tr.ito' of
hl» left »ide, since Which time tu­ the estate of J. I, Miller, <l«-cei»«-d
ba* la-ell «siiiflmsl to his bed
Till* : Any anti all person, having claim«
Is the »«M'ond stroke he ha«rtwlv«-<i ' against Mid c-dalo are hereby noti
Mr. Nii kerson Is one of <>ur oldeai j fled to present the same, duly veri-
fled, as hy law re«p.lred within all
amt Itesl citizen», and his many
friends are jiainetl tohoarof his con , months from th«» date of this notice
to th» umlerslgned, ut H» lo, Linn
dition. — Expt es»- Ad vanee.
County, Oregon.
The barn of M. A. Fitzgerald, on
listed till* 12th «lay of June Ito»,
Hamlll»-n creek, burned down on
the night of the 8«l, ataiut midnight
Klx tons of hay, three sets of tiar
W» AUn r.K>Hl» A WYAtr.
ness ami a cull were <le»troyc«t with
Ally’s for atirn’r.
it. It was u fin«» tMrn, with tw<>
floors and a basement ami was insur­
ed for X4<«>. Tbe origin of the fir«
Is unknown.—Express-Advance.
Th«» report of the director of the
mint for the cali-nd,r ye«r of Itos
shows that tli«* amount of gold milt
«•«I wa» :1.1I m ,! wm ounces l*resklug
sll r«»-or<l«, while during th*» «am»
l*erlod th«» »liver production amouni
ed to fr4.48S.UUU ouncea Ills Inter
«-»ting to note that the silver pro
uuetion IncroaMst by nearly tí»
ounces as «simpered w ith th«» output
of Ito7, showing that the »11 ver him
owner* are doing very well, even
though tbe country refmfe-d to a«iopt
a (Mtlicy of free coTnage for their e»
(HH'iai ta-nelit.
Way Down Prices
and feed ^
• •
fl 1! if
»I p.
Mv rigs lire fii st-clie*s mid my horses
are good drivers.
Had Coiccctrtfitl all Traías al Wed Scia and Marmai Train al Inilun
J. J. Barnes N Son :::
• •
1 •
1 w I w ee*
::S tevens R ifles ::
Wo buy our stock In large
quantities and keep a full
line of carriage ami wagim
All kind* of
work in our lino done on
•bort notice................. ..............
i Shop opposite Livery Ktablo
Kt IO, <>.,F.G<»N
¡From th«*
$6.oo •• Favorite
' ¡tn our most expensive1* Ideal."
• i
General Blacksmiths
Waoonmakers. . .
• «are guaranteed to be
Tb« "tfitIt’’ Ro. 44 I« • fi«« ritta.. ,
Our tai by has been continually
troubled with colic and cholera In
fantum since his birth and all that
we could <lo for him did not seem 1«.
give more than temporary relief,
until we tried Chaiiita»rlait«'s Coll»-,
t holers ami Diarrhoea
Kims* giving that he has not bMb
trout* rat. We want to give you
this l« «tim<>ntal as an evidence ol
oui gratitude, not that you need it
toadvertls«» yonr meritorious reme­
dy.—G. M. Law. Keokuk, lows.
I or sale by Peery A Peery.
ore or on itioexs. y«ie« MtySto.; ;
h« g»sri«t*« It I« «very rvspect. Ito*«-'«
lag «*«•» «tost It tot tk« price.
! ¡
««. a .
is .««. *a »»a .M «•■- '
iw. ««..a,., as sn sTXVKSs, .s*-ae.,,
»».as m 4«,
|«»rx< IALIUM, •14.00.
ill! HD
J. BEARD, Prop’r
Newly forni,hod and refitted
Jr*CM««>//w MMA/rS» CM«a-r
//Mg Ama.
TOOL 00.,
Our tables
____ arc
the beat the markst« afford .,
chwo Z m ^ alls ?«*»». 1/iO
Soulb of brklgv.
Scio, f»te.
Koop a full lino of
Material and floor Factory
at Kalotu................
Kaw tulli I" mil««
rest of helo, Oregon
A > Builder...
I have had twenty five years’
experience In this line of work
and em fully prep»re<l to do all
kln«ls of wissi work............
Given «perlai Attention. Con­
traete for work In my line re«
«|M-ctfully «oHclt«»!,.,
Khop <>n Main »tree!,
M Ji I, i IRE.