The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, July 07, 1899, Image 2

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    The Samiaiii News
V !»«►••
Returning loLHerl «ay all Philippine
newe le oetiwirwd.
Datitsl F Timane. former mayor of
New York, ta «lee-l.
New York h*« a a«» of yellow freer,
It came from Culm.
Fifteen hundred men are now out It
I' the < hicago «to.
Sec retary Alg»« Invent*! a parapet,
I but on a lest II proved Worthlaea
The writing paper trust ha« )>*»n tn
I nor|<irat*l, capitaliaed al Il 'i.Ots'.O- ■
Our «a!«-* abro» I
«Jouldetl «me» ISSO.
At a tnmoll in the Italian C't.amUr
<»f «foputira in Uoo*a 40 deputies aera
bava more than Iin)or«d.
At Belgium th** gnvernn.^nt ha»
New Orlearx will furivi«!« the tir«l , rr»!«d tu ih« socialista tl»e V»gM lo h«»ld
tw ■ of il,» Hpwnlab court «leu«>g<a|dt»va ' Hirelings
tltx aak««l lor.
lx»nd<*n t«lrgi«p|i anmpany objects to
A new sugar com pan V organise«! lr a Paride cebi« because It sill hurl
San Frtnr rHku ha» |j.0UQ.CKX) to use it their busti»re».
Haw isla» i talee.
TI»« < ahtornia tnìBais «ho wrra ra­
c » of ih» Priora L<: gi j’srtv panned
parteli tu hav« (irr iabeti in Hib«na, ara
out II,• A m four days' lima al l aps ahv« acni ««Il
A lasts
The («anal linai ha» h***t» Incorar*
Alter 3ft ballot» weir tak»n, the Ken
fed in Sew Jersey with a capitahaa
.achy I*rmoral» m>iu>nalr\l H»li»«u
u of |
<«orb«l for govern«*!.
Urtali price« will a!vane« in kern­
A Ja;*ar.rsc vessel has arrived in ing with th<We of th« wholeaalt in lb«
Nan Fran»i«>oan ! i» •« I to Lav« bo* Iron an I «(eel trade
boule plagus on toe rd
Gallerai Harrison <irsy < >t;• says hit
Ihutlng has Lrokrn out ■ fr «eh
nan>«»»k« »hould hav* 50,0vo uj «* h lu
Cleveland. Newra*. street car» w
route Ui« FilipiniMi
detnoliibrd by th« mob.
Th« rru>»rr liti *g<» ba» gone t<» Pt«»
Th« government w:|l u»e
torta. Kauth Ah h 'A to j r 1« h i AlBrr.» au
temfl riphwfvr (towel in the fall caw- «»(•rests ’.n lit« Transvaal.
pwign in tbs Philippines.
Dretfut lias al lati been let Ird in
The freight S' ifeamer Paffuee buine«? Franca.
lb «as taken tn lienor«,
near Cup« llrnry. coast of Flor i Ja
wbtfi hi» retrial will tai« piare
Her crew f 34 was picke«! up.
Th« United fiutici <«m»nl at Salva
The ship Selkirk went down on Apt • I- r, Inf» rm» t’ e alate • , artmmt t?.at
te«f . in D.r Philippines, w fh a $40«, »allow frier ba» n »1« it» ap| <-aran ••
All bauds wer« sav.-l
(KM) arg<>
Tbs ('hirag«» stew kyat 1« strikris have
I’nder direct orders from the prr*i-
be«-n su os»ful, and have returned to dent, every nerve I» «tri« ned t«» get the
m i k at an increase ng j
< ruts a lay. *<<larite«f regiment« awav from the
Die pea»« conferem*« w U lay •»!•)•
flisatu>aru«*f l pr<*|»-«al»
Tl » H«»ssiau
proposal» were declared nt » ri tails.
Philip! >ir<e» without a day's delay
Vanderbilt I»«» bought anotl-rr road
tn I*.« K»»t. an I the rumor is »«
v »1 that he Intends evta1 lift ng a
I t-w Iran»- »mtihrntal line
An a«|halt tru»t. to untrol th* jiav-
l’W»n tn ■«•prorate I In New Jersey ■ Iti»
a oaplUtllxaDon of
Yellowstone ha» a new gevwer
of the opening is about the *4 ■ «
«• the famou» Fountain g»v»rr.
riupt <«n |‘!*y» D m • ’’ t” - d) Irei
Nan FrknciSCO sulhorHie» hftv« lie
<<>VereJ »otmtrrfeit »lie« for »lamping
rertlfi» »!•*• *>f idrntifl iti n aft g '•■'* »t
H«’hg Kong. They cut an im|M»rtaiit
part in tbe Clune»* »tungghng »* hemes
in Tela» Il is reliably alati
family of su perenna perii hed
lo«i in notion and corn alone will
wit lie
||.(MO,OOQ will n«»t rover the loan to
fatlros'l» and other pro|*rrty
California rejsnlv a profitable fruit
No colure*! regiments will he organ­
ised for servn r nt the Philippines
Th« ’varsity boat ra«e wa» w *n by Any colored rnen rnlHtr ! Will 1,-e at
j'ennsyIranis, with Wi«rn»t»»ln
«»n I. •igu»4 to va<an< >«*• tn the n*e*rni col­
T « cnly-se* vn t house I. I peopl« were m ored regiments of the tegular mtny
Hraty rain» list« don« great damage
Crop prospects In
Franco have improved
an I
Firs in lb« freight yards st T»4edo,
(J., did I’ Hi.mM »laiuagr
Rich Sew N rkrr» are on thrlr way
to Ala»ka to lr\«i<*p Ainrri an mm«»
A Lfr »ise »tai «* f rohd gol*l will
|»r CoHrado's state exhibit at the Pari»
Hear■ A Itniral
lit <|Uisb cointnand of the N ith Atlan­
tic »«)ua truu in November.
Admiral Samps n ha» b*>rn grant* I a
mollili's leave of absence.
lbs Ibwrv home fund contributions
bave rea bel nearly 11 4.000
A Germau
• melter in
curapahv will
«ounly. < al
bull») a
spam ha» sold the gunb*«at Vela«
quei to Venexuela for I3U.0VU frai. ».
A steam Hue colla|«e*l on a Mieex-
•ippt river strauivr soalding Bve men,
two fatally.
After an absetire of six years a Mm
nea|«>li» min returned to stand trini
for grAlni larvctit
Captain C<-ghlan will g<> to Puget
sound after all. a» com man hint <4 the
naval »talmn at Bremerton.
The navy »!epartm**nt lias received
infoi tuition ti>»< .Admiral Dewey sailed
from Caduti» I m » for Port Heid.
Governor Jones, of Arkanaa» bat
In which ha
John Bull »• sai l tn l-e in a ba I issue») a pioclaruat ion
pln< h and Germany an I Fran.e are not •ays th« importation of uilnerv mail
far behind
They all need Americftn oease.
g* !
Two« sailors Jumped troni
Th e new French cabinet I« txli g tli« plague ship anchored at San Fret»
Well rreiVei
Two hostile groups giaco, hoping to reach shore, but Writ
have withdrawn thrii opposition and druw ned.
most Journal« are favorable.
I bree hundred native Porto Kicant
«till»led lu the new battal­
ion aulhoriU* I bv the war ieparmriit,
and 100 mure will bo tefo»n.
Agon ah!«» ei|»ects r«*» »»gnition after
the nrit election.
11« ha» pro< lalmej
that the prr*ent admirii»ttation of CL»
I nit«*’! Mates will meet defeat and Fil-
ipino indcpendeii« e will follow
>in>** H>« ann<)t>h< eiuent that aL»>uf
10,000 volnntewrs were to !>e mustered
into the army service in the Philip
pines, the president ha« l»r«n deluge«'
with application» for cunmiieaious
Al Poughkeepsie, N Y., In th« col-
lege I nm *! ra<
Pennsylvania four-
oared ami Cornell freshmen were tbs
The elgbl «>ared race wa» an
ri itlng contest between tbe Itba an»
and Columbia
A dispatch from Peltln »ays
Flitcbe, Hiterpf«l«r of tbc French l*ga
tlnn there, has been struck by a China
man, and Is suffering from foul»««
Ths French inlliister demamls a pnblK
apology Iruiu the tsuug It yam«*n
Mr Thomas Lipion's cop < I allenger
Shamrock was launched al 5!iliw«l|,
I tigland
A« ths Nliamro* * r«-a bed
ini<l»tieam from the sli|«s4 a barge oul-
hdrd with her. »liking the va« ill's bow
al ve tl e water! nr and in »king a big
At Piisblo, Colo., the Filer» smelt*
ere. on* <<f th* tru»t plants, has Hwumed
oieratlons w
-* •?•*♦ * **f th« »«•¿•»tar
i i s wage« pu l out are al-<>ul
what tbe oom pen V otiginally offere»!
and tbe men ar* guarantee I proteettok
tl tb«y th <> m > to violate the eight bum
MI mwv »•*•• ||»*MS.
For 70 wain I;...well I'■ ardali-y bar
been laxtmaetar al Noilh Ltmeing,
N. Y.
The campagn will c< a«e in the I’hil-
tp|»tnrs until th« La i weather t» eiuled
Mean while < Xis’ for»« will Iw mcre.iatMl
tu 40.000 men.
Th« secretary of war hae »ent t a re­
quest tn General II. G.
ti IHX,
Otis, i al lex
Angeles, to come to Washington for «
conference in regard tu affairs in the
Th« ooroner'a investigation of the
two negr»*es killed hi the Alabama race
riot, f«»an<l that lhev «ere »b»>t down
tn cobi blood, but failed to bung to
light th« guilty parile*.
Kat I road ticket agents in ihn entire
territory west of Chicago Will h»Vr
ibeir inc»»tnes
materially increase I
after July 1
After Itila date agent»
will receive llbetal cniiiiiiiwioi.« for
selli t g tickets over foreign or conr
Ihg line» Tbeee com tn t»su»n» Will run
from 2A retila to
(>er ticket, Die av­
erage being al»out fl
A Nt Duna poltee «»ffL er (>»und mn-
reale»! in a dirty trunk and a valito a
ilm of money *■>. •
mg fl5,iM»<i *<,
government I m, gold ai i tuli» »»I
denominai ions.
think Dial th:» small forino« ta Die
property of 'Ir» U alt> nger Warkerle,
an aged Grrmaw woman who ts now a
patient at the city insane asylum.
Al Walla»«, Idaho. «Ivputv shrtlffs
have | m xte» I notkres fotbhlding the
public observance of July II. This is
the anniversary of the riot at G”in,
seven years nyu It baa ever sinew been
observed a» Miners* Union »lay, the ex­
ercises tn tl«« forenoon Ixung similar to
those <»f «Memorial day, while tn the
afternoon Fourth of July s|«ota are
Not a fciveieign or ruling prinrain
Europe la>l»-l to «en t t^n-en Vl.toiia
(elicitations on her IWtb birth.lay.
Tin Ave-ton schooner <'nk«h»a «atlrsl
from San Franciico lor Manila. Cap­
pant ol tha
William Whist, of
Denver, wiu tain Ereitco. th» «de
■trli ken by death whii« prajring that little vwttMd, »»paeti tn rrai h th* I’htl-
b» might h'in hx wife, who tad died ipplnes in «.0 day*.
The t-lfswrion ol natural aft<l mano-
14 horn« l«e lure.
The elm tree at Fort Meig». In Ohio, faclnre«! prvnlucti of the «oath will tafo*
(rotisi pl!ara ih
mad« famotx by the campaign of Wil- pl««-» at the Giaittl
York, Ouin tur firing October 3b
1>«tn Henry llarrxuii aganxl the In­ New
am! ending December I, ÌBH.
diani, ha« (alleo.
An Kgyptiin railtnad has just placed
mother order in thx coutil tv lot 104
steel height care.
lor reciprocity with
litllxli fluiatia have pr<«retl».|
briskly that confident hop» I« eipr»«w»d
tlxt a treaty will b» « gi>»<l nell year.
Th» attorn»« general liai r»n«!»r»d
an opinion in wliicb he hold* that th«
•aervtary of the treasury has no author­
ity under the law to comproMlw mitt
brought to recover additional «luti»« on
which have I--- n ur 1er-Valin .I
> tier» no frau I nr irrt guiar ity it shown
ou the part of the Im potter
A writer in a Belgian magatine hu
indulged In a violent nnsiaught on
Archbxhop Ireland anil French < ’atbo­
lts says tbe American piotate is
I (co.
a savage, and entirely too fat a«leancad.
President Henry .Morton, of Htevenl'
institute, at Hoboken, N. J , received
a lettei front Andrew Carnegie in which
ha donate« th» sum nt fMl.OOO lot tha
•motion of an engineering l»l«>ratory.
A «tate celebration it Ixing arringwl
f.x the welcoming ««I Admiral lb-w»y
to hl« old home hi Montpelier, VL, al­
though the etact Im in which it will
take ha« not ye« ai been decided upon
Went Down in Lake
During a Gale.
Kan Fiano»«, July I. —Th« Aoa*»
riglr«I I1’«*«« bas frAaiv^J a letter (ruin
Di. J K S toste, fot torli v a well krmwu
physician of thia city, tailing of th« ait«
ovt ton tn tbe Kotarhne r*>unlrv
lei tar is dated Kuwab liver. Alaska,
U.oilth of Maonelurk river, January I,
Dr. blowB save that I.BOO turn
paid |20fi
m nry to Kotarbne
buying ptMV»»ioi»S, clothing,
mi nir g I« m . s , etc., » n th« strength of
circulars i»»ugd by certain trar apofta-
lum com (>« d te< announcing "The rich
e»t go! I th »in Alaska." and <>ffr« ng
other indu •uuents t- secure travel on
then lines
Th« cieu'ars, write« Dr Mon«, were
mahoiuos lies ma*le «>u< «»< wi»*»lc cloth,
m*i no „ »Li ha» *-« •> I
I «»n K« tie-
bo« s*- u.d <»r either th* K »wak. X. io
ark or wlasik rivers wh-.rh f >w into
llotham ir!«t, a pail <»f the sound, or
any «»f their tribt»(»ri«FS in anything
lik« paying quantities.
l’l> Io date
other large rivers have l*een pro»(wct«d
with no (»suit, i >n« thousand )»«»!«•
were sunk tbl» winter, S aiw «* « f lh«tu
35 feet deep, with m» bed rm k or color
Iwing »truck.
About November I a rush was »taited
for th« A-asL*M>k on reports bring r«
t«ive*l of g »Id being found in rnurtuo«**
qusntltir« and i «»p-hil pr «p«*» ta.
ter journeying Ift days, cutting trails,
dragging heavily !•■< I«*l sled» wivb Di«
thermometer r»gi»t«riig from 45 to th)
•L -grer« below t«ro, w* rr«»d.«*l Beaver
< ity. a »•Itfoment ron» i sting of
cabinet« only to find th« rrp«»rts »bxw
i » rej-url had torn
Intel/ fai»*.
started by a merchant who had supplies
to »ell un-l by a re»«»' for <>f ila .a
lifp *»ts from oilier rivets ar« just a«
d , ih ouiRg ng.
Of I.
men who came here probe-
bly Leif have return*«!; the remainder
ar« l etc waiting fol the ice to break up
and for He l-•»* -I •!♦■ arr.VA* f a v« »•*•!
to lake H em ba< k to civihiatiou.
4 hi» country is cobi and produce« noth­
ing to sustain lifo. Of the men w h«»
are here not 50 have meat-» to g««t away
an I must, unless the Vnit»»d Mat»»
govern Bien t »«mis one of its transport*
h» 1«, <h« of «old or starve.
On« half of the t» rtdd* suffering of
th« people in this «listricl ha» not been
told. The la»l news received from t>«w
stat«** arrival on t!*« steamer Grace
Dollar, am! th«» la»t papers are dat«*d
June 20, Ikyn
\\ « do not know if wo
belong to Spain, Grrmany ot the Uni­
te«! Stales
M? M ujv wished the fart of th* n*-
CWMity of governmental aid tmpreeeed
iipm the )»eople until n»‘> *»sary an! is
sent to distr* »»rd Americans who were
h«M>dwinked by the tran*)iurtat)un com-
Negroes From Pana Fired
Upon by Strikers.
Wk»« |*arm»Ml la !»•! iea^aattwl KaW»«!«»
Havana^ July 3 — The cititene of
Natante* protest agam»l re«IOfti»g the
cemetery to er« law »est Ica I aulitoli tee.
It is asaetted by (Lose wbo are partfcu-
iarly a live In their oppwitron that
th« ehurch. IL mgh always rogardiag
tbe cemetery a» a leading amicr« «»I in-
c«Hue. ha» invariably taken a Uantag«
of tb« poor in connection therewith.
•'»»m (• Il ing them tn pay «sorbilawt
• un»» wl en res l g giaveft f r their
lead, an ! then, at th« espirati« !! < f
ths terms, rrlenth««lv disinterring th«
remains and throwing item into uu*
remarciat«d ground.
Briga her General l^»« ralle») upon
th« governor-generaI t»-!ay with regard
to future avti«»u againcl the thtrvrs ,
who Lavs r«Hcnllv created *•» much
trouble In the di»IH t of <i4.«i»a)»y.
Th« prompt tn«auies already taken
tu che» k the outbreak of
thievery and it i» not expected that
tl»«»« will i e mU'li unite Irouhl« tbere.
Nrvenhela»» General I«*« wt»L**» to
take atopa that will be absolutely pr«*
vani iva.
Geneial |ln> ke h*» recaivaJ a Jr**»**
drawn bv Nenm Li Suu, wristaiy »»I
justtc« <»n th« adviaory <*bin«t. I»y (!»• ,
temi« of whn h, lor the tim* Iw-ing,
It lien* f lo'F go . in» rie» w »
lb*» rr--'ogniti«»n of charter« and lirrm»<*s
anali p>e«rnt to tbMr diplomatic r«pr«-
«*ii tati v« or ruusrl all such due murili»
f<*f for inai « gallist <»n
Th* people in Havana are deeply in-
t««r» «t«x| in tl.« reiAirteJ discovery of v**l-
|uw f«v«r ««rum
Mn«t ••! th«*m dowb*
its rfh» a* y. but thrv »ar they will give
it a fair trial if oppotunity « ff**r« I
They indiava that if admn»lat«red In
n*>hnte do»c« it «•«>..hl tt I batm th*
Murphy Ride a Mil®
57 4-5 Seconds.
*»r »*>•*•«( Vr«iM Ihtt It l»**l by II ».»4 .»•
W o««* W •• *h<»« Thr«n«g>* the 1
filo« >*•«••*«•
lit* •*■•»•• >- •»>> < •••* Hi»«» III« l.ify
••»«*• î»»tt III*« I ••! Uy eoa !«•»»•««
It I*»»I Wee <»««f«Ml lu I JU
rirk«4 I r
< 'leve'and, July I. —In a heavy nori*
MU»phv«Hirn. III., July 3 » Al 2
Sew Yotk. Jul« 3.—Charles M
rest gal« )••! night« th« steam Latg*
Mur(»i*y. «d th* King» County W|i«r|»
(»'clock this lu»-rning, (a«»n<ln< *«»r W»|
Margaret Olwtl), laden will» stunw f*ou
i liem Bryan's tta>u on th* J«*iiti«M»n < ily
m«n. i»“!« a wlia on a bicyrfo, p«trl
K«ll«y*s island fur <’|ev»laud, foend-
bv a l«M>»ni ‘livr. in 57 4 A »«•»-«•mis to*
. Itrsnch <4 (l»e Illinois (‘**ntr»l. fonsring
•red in l-aka Kri«, off lx»raine
N ins
lay *IL» run row wa« a tw>*-iuH« fo>a >1
47 nrgrn minar» (tom l'an*.
• »l
(«osuna wer« drowned,
F’*Uf ttlOi>«*>»
• nt'» by • crowd of minera at l*«w>l«r. ,
tra< < mi a »i<ltng of th*« fo*ug l»law I
of tbs cr»w have been pick*»! up by
Moiphy followed an rt>gtn*
In W il llamona manty
One r>«*gro wo­ ,
passing steamers, and brought Into
and a day aw<‘h. tbu lutfov bwing pro*
man wa» kiH*4 bv * ballot (hrough I»«»
port. Th« dead ara:
w *.-««-> I with a hu**tl, which art«’ | as a
■ heart. Th« n«*gt*»«a w*r« brought bv
Captain John G Braun, master, of
Sam T Buoh, »upet mlei' Gitl i»f th* N(
w nl ahi«dd for th* ri for
Tl»* fo<t I
track wa» laid n*ar Mayw<w>l, L I ,
Ix'Ul» Big Mmbly mirro, orar IZeriots
Litsi« Braun, wile of th« niMUf
I vili«. Io work in hit mine H»vra. wl.arr .
ami *il*httd ti*>iu that siatnui tw»*
ml’rs ra»t, and was *• near!* perfotl i*»
. ibaie is n«*w a »(rika.
Blain hard Braun, •• year old ton.
Tbe miner». 50 tn mimtvf, «*
v foval a» »kill cvuLI maka It,
.Mrs ( ora A. Hitch- ock, a passenger,
I.IM ) i «-«»pfo »aw Mm (’by u»ak«h.s dar
orme»! with r fl*o en»! wrr« bidden • I
f • rveland.
th« gra»« Iwhind th« o-mpony «!«(«/< 1
illg » bfo
William Dnyl«. fireman, CfovelamL
i Wbrn the train »t»»pp>*«l th« !•«*!«?, an
Khginauf S.»m Booth La l his han I
le* rg«» H»ffr»»n, seaman, Cl«v«lau»l
Ital sn. gol on th« platform am!
• ui th« tli!i>l‘. e of «ngina 7 4 wh« n Hu*
tiiitblF'l (be n*gf«»*a to get out. <fon- I
Frank llipp» wal< hman. Cl«v«|and
** * * was givan U> »tail al 5 10.
Two »««metí, name« ■ nJ iJdrrwr»
Intai !•’•'!. i-ut wa»
1'i’gtn* •!•»(* I at a rapid rat*, and to«*
•lopl»*d bv a revolver in bis fa «
fur« 400 yard» hi I I <»n travrrard. w *s
From the reporta ol th« cm iv<-ra,
traía Lain tn m«»v« at> I lb«* minais
luwuing at a rain uf tuurw than ft J
poors»! in • withcrirg hr«
< t incbn |
m *•< an bone
wae kr«pibg
the Gt I Wil's cargo ol «ton« shifted
Brian yelled to the negroes to throw
while th« vraso»I was lalonng »n ths
w*|l within th«* hu*»l. Aa Ihry itrarsui
• tl»« n»«Ge* on th*» fl<M»i
tn- rgh "f tb« Sea
N1 rtlv N b*fe • r
11 »1 L* g>t> it i ><g f Hi»» mil« »t meh. t i>*
w«-nt down th« rud ler chains ¡»erted.
Half * rn»!e furbtar on tb« n«gr •
j d -v w as a ml!« a minuta, and a cl<»»id
wore unl»m<lrJ and placed un«l*r charge
allowing her to fall off into th« trough
of dust oh« Ul»-d *v«ryth:i»g from th«*
; of g tardo
They war« thru motel » *l
A» tli« bolplrsa «raft r<«** on th« top of
\ irw < f th« s. eclat1 rs, who lilted lit**
i to the mine.
a heavy sea, lbw alone ali«l to Ireward,
banks **n either shl«.
Inten»«* ex» itemrnt prevalía In the
On «utcrtiig this ('*’«*, which would
ths «tremer lt»t«*l heavily end sank.
¡Carterville tosi field, and blorGy riot»
The cabins came !»-.•« from the ba gr
I mi h>« S|»*«d. Murphy, in r«*ply to a
• re ri (»rete«I. a« th« feolli-g ba« been
query, ahoal**!
"Lui all right, avnd
and floated on th« w »ter, while the res!
inlctjM f.»! werk».
ol the ship Went |O the lottoiu.
**•««1 I» «•<*<! li |i»r|Hi«nli Wit»» « > r w : L« r along." but thr»r« was no nc r#«.ty
, fol Lis rmiarks aft to aprrd. a» th* «n-
» •|»l»«l««
The reecued member* <»f tlx crew
were floating on th« .urla-x of Ixke
Naw York, July 3 —A dispatch to gin*«'f wa« »rndii.g l! « Lig str vhi flyer
ah<iig al tup si'* * I
Tli« q iartrr waa
Fr io. clinging to bite of wreckage
the H«**i I from tVa*hingi<»n »ay*
It»» H»h»l* l(«ihsf|«| !<• Allerli *•»
Their rwue w«« allended by <-lhlbi
Im|-ortaut t*«i» w>th thorite, a f **w rrac «♦*) tn I.'» ••(»m l», and th« half In
Th« Hina f »F th* throw q tar
tiuns of heroism, for a h.av;
I by ' «k 2 5
Manila. July i —A oil:« hi between high rxtdtc»!*«. are Kring •'•»»» lu*
tvr« was 4<
Al th«’ finish. I*“ ”f th«»
ha wa« »till running whew th**v w< ri
th»« two arnitrs at **an Fernaiidu »ertn*
Yr«!« hr* sbowrel 57 4 5. on* 57 3 5, a»»*
picked up. Captain Wi Imighby, of
inevitable s*M»n
Tho ioaiirgeuls air
• ther AS anl th« filth 57 .1 4. wh *»
the Mate of < >hio. Sighted the w irckagi
active all around th«* town, an I ran b** ‘ Little is known at the war lei artment
I wa« hold by Mnwlff Crvamur
about b 15 this morning, directly it
•rrn worku g
the (ret ebr» to uf tha <’ba»ac|*r i«ti< a uf i|..r new rii
the <M>ur»e from < levrland to Toledo
Il I» th* Hivrntioh of l'r'ili-sM r , timrrs agv*w-| ti al M up v I »d iov» ?«*l
■ttengthen their |<>eiilon.
lMy and I *ive.
th« •¡isu*i»v«' in 57 4 5
Th« big steamer imme»liat«ly put tnt<
■ Tuttle, »»I (>rrg<>ii, whoa»«* ft» Il <• | m » i
night forces are at work
tboro «»n Hi« hack platform who hat
•«*rvioe bet lifesaving crew, ami afte
It 1« estimated that 3.000 men wrrr
wal«’ « m ! Murphy »11 through hi» w « h
•ailing around th« wreckage for an hour
seen marching in the roa I north of wrrk» ago to pul a rr-l h<»t poker in a
that th« fidar’»
an I a half lfoyle s as rescued.
Ib fl-
u! I b” | drtf d ri fo slated
town yesterday meriting
The Amort* charge of thorite. >!*♦<■! »ting H
run was Dirnwn a line, but he was t<»n
h»nr e
t .* -ibing U ’ • i
I*. h indla i»*irs |>a<| kn< br I ag«ititl th»»
ran» turned out an I m«ni *d lb«* do-
rut •be/ buffwt al la»st six tlmaa an I
weak 10 take hold of it, am! went down
frn»e«. rip«s ting an Atta k
Tho •»!- I is l>etie*rd to ha«« picric .o ld a« its
•a. h tuna I ha r«*nru»«>un sent him ba. k
ill the |»rr«rnce <»f a large crowd on
<|ier» »leep in their cloth*» Slid break*
(»illy »it («M*t. but Mm phv alway« ha I
brnild the strainer
Setolili attempt!
fa»l al 4 <>'« I«* k in the mornti g. so aa lu inventm are a*i*l to have turn v»-«y »at-
• gt
i 1.» r*-p. «; it t ia 11» t '
were mad« to get tha yon) ini» tlx
I isfa lory, and il m.»y pi >ve to •»•* H • s
bo ready fnr an »««ault.
During lb* I a* l quartwr of » mifo,
water, Imt the s<»a wao «till running
The eommisaion of three Npanlah I tuateiial the army ha» beri» aeeking
high, and the work wai extK'iiicly pei
Betides thorite, (he ordnance depart* 1 tho ndrr ©ov«r«d th* groun I fi»r th«*
off! ere who on to re»! th* insurgent lint*»
gf«M’.*i part fully a who«l's l«tigth out-
of th« arniy ha« h«- n eipvrm.eut
a fortnight ag > b< make a tina attempt
Rid*» of th* h’N»d, but AS |»a I 4««r*l th«*
Heffron'a death
to arrange for tho release of th> M on­ I ing with pirite, «mm**nftite an*l diy
finish ho waa du«« up
Juat than two
for he g'abbed the rope, an»l, bring rn
ish prumnorv have not return«»!
1'hrir and wet gunv«»ttun, | »'>' g more alien
lion t<> lie la»t nati»e»l eiphudva than strong man on fo>ard tb«* Irani roarh**d
oouraged by the crowd, made a *<i|»er
(ì«««ral Otls*
ItrglaMrul» Il III
Ho for none of then» h.»s town and •* rrl th« ihfor by «itbar
human effort to put I ho tope around
reports come t<> Manila that thev w**r« ! to any other
B« rillrd.
destra»! beftve a-fop arm and lih*«d him afo-ar I the car in
hiiu«*df, but hr* wa» too weak, and haC
\g i. -
* .. ' it i .4 '
Washington, July 1—The fir»t voi- : • • V I
»afrtv Their acD**n undmibte Ily aa*r»|
to give up the dr»)>era(u Struggle with
It is sal»l that
vnleari lo be raÌM-1 fnr servici-» in 111» entertained hospitably
»•!•• b« was then in
CaptMiu H i II iaiu Cr >r.i!>r, military M *ri by'« fe,
th« waves. Tl»e I«’»» tie of !><»vle wa»
l’hilii pine» «ili Ite tinte» lor ih» «kcle-
I attache uf the American defogatioa to • uch a Sr,*» • •»r- i;11»»»» that ha I hr hw «-n
•'ffected will» difficulty.
Expert line
ton l>-glrnent» now le-ic.g foiinvd by
a. •• I l>» r«- t >.n -n ti •» wl.- *d h »
mm walketl up and down the steamer
General Olla.
It I» nel le-lieved tlicro rebel leader» of Hie pfr-ent cabinet at­
an ! every time the lug I it«<u>l»l b<
will b» thè leaet diffiuulty in ublainlng tending, bene* the Spaniards in Ma­
I on Ins way botti« and awertain if i-wst- • nd a sarion». If not fata), acuid«nt
works»I near him a line would I k
thè»» men.
I LI« the ingredients of Inldite and the might bav<* happened.
Finally he r«-»- I■*•«! one, a»»,
it x prot abi» tiiat «ini« lime will initsloncrt *!H be •!:•*• ••••?»«!
M hi 1». W a » xit,. ' t.i the front ptrl
‘ w*« rrl of the f avo used ■ v < id.e• *1 K iteli
qni« kly got it around hi« body.
elap." b«-fore thè lioop» <>f tl « previa-
of th« ar and laid on i - "i w I hm « a
wa» more dead than alive when taker
General Gram
lena! ariuy uro »«-ut to Manila, bill, •uffeting horu fever
It 1« unlru** that he pbysfcian a hiiini»teie*| to him. and in
in. Captain U ilkuuhbv said i>« did lilialiwhlle, they will Ita «Irilled and 1» commanding hi» truope un the a>'Utb excellent effect.
to < »aliaci for any fo«» than f)*e minutes ihecvt lisl w»«
not leave Hi« »| m > i till he was sute tha*
tingili inarksiitarxliip in camp,
Il i» line.
alila (U oiliver«« With those arunn I him
quantity of tbe »-spl***ive
no others remained on the wreckage.
»stimate«! that thre» monili! «re re-
Military offb er» hi Eg land have ap­ Murphy *«rmr| dated al (list, »nl
qoired to m»k» miltlieis o! recriiit«.
parently n«'«n unable to »ecurw all tl o «ai I. in At «A.-r to q irfirs as in why bo
Tlt« uff).era ol thè war depaitment Vmerlrani H»errH»«l bjr
"I dnl that
information concerning th<* ciph»«ive fell i i.*k »•» tnany tim« •
Kept Out «»f *111«
it a numi-r ■ ! v-- tini««-’« t.<>w
ft«elell»l Haw In Belgian
the au I Lor > I lea would like to have
II •<> that I might n-»t coma in c«»nlaci
Seattle. July 3, — A -Ivicev from Atlln
cuoiiug boni» will «lesile to return to
l.e«l t«» Itlullng.
is MnaliaJ that emtnentite. th« »»vare I with the plank« whn h wer«» Laing turn
ih» Philipi'ine« (or ashort servlc« »(tei mining dntrh t ar« to th« • ff»*« l that
up in front of ma "
Hru.wl«, Joly I —Tit- storiu of T«r- they bave an opportunity lo •< » Judge Irving, wl>o «-»« »ent into tho in and use I by Franca, was kepi a se­
(.»ter on. howrtvei ha Ti l not refer
ixxity mi roio we.| iu tb» clianibvr u! > httnie ari-l friend«. Tbev are n-g irded district by the Briti»h Columbia gov­
t«> th «. i it s.*i I
"Boy«. I va felt «1-
ilt-pniux today.
ai thè mesi d.-sirabla t»r ih» regiuienls ernment to straighten Out the tangle
wav» that I coul-i du this.
Now that
Tlx MH iilxts l<-l « crowd, being organxe.l by tignerai Oli».
i :» q «» r | by the alien excluwion ad, ha«
I hava don«* it. I am »allsfi* I, an I ro
at Kandy II «nk
■ lioiilmit ‘‘VlTn la repnbhqiM,** ui th« 1
arrived there ant) has already settled
Teals of
it* wore mil* bv tl»« are many olbai• '*
Tliw Mluglltiit in I r««re.
park, «.'rn-a< ntlifl irith ip-ii'liim«-«
manv disput**» over localn-ns
ifoforw th« train ha I reached Baby­
aeveral yeais ag • and
<w< urrnl. Tlxnt e tho tnoli pro.wtl*, j
’ derided that the nrgima! stakes, located
lon Murphy had rrgain«! bis normal
to tlto I'ttbllv s-piail, ti e ili<>|X cluiin| tha presa saw S«*nator Drpcw lo l«y. I m * hire the p.«»»age of the «-i luaioi* act,
Irp.E!tinerii ha« («'«ted thorite with roti
ile «.11.1
•• the liolatl ■pp«'ar*l.
O itll stand, u
< r tho I • ators Are
M ir| by role a 3*< in- b wheal, g” ire.)
• idtr.» d»t suc<**»s, «nd if it conlinm*« to
“l hâve jixt returned freni Parx and American» or Canadians
Tlir «trr«ti wer« nlli- l by ■ ihoutin|
!>e aatisfot tory H may I ’ a bq leJ by to I3<>, U’j-inch crank hangtus, and th«»
mob, which «rrnliiallv gatin'r*! in Brume!«, whei« I picked up my «ou.
Itu«« Humbei. of \ u'toria. a 1st« ar
weight of
the luacbine
wa» 3U‘V
Hie natal servii e.
front ol ih« war mintetry, wb«ra gan- i «hn is now thoroughly rrwtored to rival, aays
"The con lit ion of affsns
(u in Is.
tlarimx with drawn aworda attaurptad hoalth, «ud whoembarlx with me bai- in Allin Is very »orious. Nearly 4.6*tU Joint Pttslltr < .»<•« t*ri*i!n«l < «»»Mpa**y
urd«y h>r New York.
to diap-rw tbv Hour«.
men are in th«» <h«tnct doing nothing
Tacoma. Wash.« July 3 — A »p»' al
”lhe «itualion in Parli, wliieh 1« .Many have run out <>l provisions and from New Y».rk to thè Evening New«
At tlx ct>nelu«t n o( a yrcat m<-«-tin|
»•• lltt **>il»Jttr| «*• Auy «*f
in th- town hall thx evening, thou- 1 eqnivilent lo Franc«, «come graduali« money. Only a few of the < laltns are today say«
Negotiation« wih h have
II»» Tr*tt»r I taWors
»«ini» altrnipil'd to clow the ttraiKW becoiuing broadec. All ibis «pa«inmlic ' turning out well I would not give over been pending fot th« (>a«t 90 day» fi»r
tfan Francisco. July 3 —Tbe steam-
Place, in which th- town ball »tan II. upset, thii changing < f mlnirxter«. tbc • 3 (MR) for the tkesl claim In the dis­ »-•tl >*m«'iit uf tb* trim« for a ) nt
• hip Ma ;■ -a »rriv> I fi tn A »trail»,
The gendarmn clxigcl with tlrawr trivi freni thè l>ou»«-to|« are «urely trict.
terminal corporation fur the Pacific
While 1 am a Canadian. I con
• wotda, in-l Hx ctow.I retaliated wilt laylng thè foundation of making meri Irmn. in tbe etrongesl term», the aa* coast have bean practically concluded, via Samoa and Hotiululu, today, an I
Itoliea. hbot« wete 111 nd on Loth hide« I divide off Into th<—e cognata paille, I lion of th« provincial government in an<l th* plan of organisation agree I repOfIS every thing quiet ill the ha-
iiitiaii island«
Three |«o*ona were wounded, and a |«e I whlch, well define-l, will, in my opin­ keeping the country « !«**«»>! up, Ameri- Upon
Tacoma will b* the center of
The rmuinitwhm lust no tiru« in g*t-
lice officer w«« aeveraly «talilied with I ion, y»t rai.e France iute and krep ber | cans should I»« thankful that the alieu th« system, which will inrlude various
lu g to w»*rk am! had an interview w ith
•boenxkcr’• knife. The rioters on lx- , In lite front mnk.”
ports on tbanatigtbl« wat* *« of t‘ <»
j law kept them out. "
»vl kiiff*. wl •» Agrv'-T to •ufrn I-
Ing diaper»«-.!, «»iienitiled at another
North l'a< ifia coast, where <Le steam*
A ttlfltf (■*••*•’ l*tt««lUgtt Still
r n i arms and aban*l«*n then claim» to
A larg< ■ iowd g«ther*l in th*
•hip line* uf the Pacific will be »en­
Paris, June 3*» —The action for dam­
the Hmrne.
The ruin in »•»mn 1» i>uw
Rue Royal«, tearing up th« paein*
age brought by Mme. |{e«al a» * result r«HiOH( l,ll»<>R«!
engaged in writing its ie|M»it,
•tone« and using tbeae •S lUJMillr*
of the 1 *■ ■ f f ft I,
til V th. ■ . •
Apia 1» to b« govern*«! by a court »1
Finally, the cxio guard «a« ur forc'd
Rennes, Franoe, July 3 —Captain the pr» Je, t, which In« Indra the Great an I mayor
Ing <»f the French lii»« steamer lei*
The judicial and diplo­
out to relieve the police.
11« was Northern, Northern I'acific. Burlington matic functions of the consuls will I»«
Bourg -gne in collision with the British Drevfns Las arrived here
I Lx pile these attempts to »uppresr
ms at
ship Cromartyshire, Jun« 4, 13911, <ff
greatly rrsliicted and the »up»«m«
the dlitathancM, rioting eontinu*I to
Mali« islsnd, N. S , has resulted |n a by liam to Brux, 12 kilometer» from unce begun.
court and one law is r«"»gnise«l •» sul-
a late Lour, many peraotM being in­
There he onler**! a landau.
Aknlli«! I»l ploMittllr « *!•!•
verdict against the cum (»any of I Ik 1.1 MX) Kem ew
fl ienl for the i»e*- !• of Kamoa.
A tiauiw«y conductor ret rived
Irancs, the plaintiff al th« same time accoiDpanl«»d by the chief uf Hie detec­
U’a«hiiigtori, July 3 —Tho neg«»tia
•nue will b« raise I bv imliiect taxation
two bullet wounda.
I'ltunately tlx
t»eiiig debar fed from rlaitnit g any tives and prefect of the <!e|>artmn«t, lions In London lo-kii.g tn tbe arrange- tv n' Ans of iin r••»•**.| customs «luliaa.
tr -pa were alle-l «nd 36 arrests wer*
money lost with M. Rt»»l which m »y am) was driven to llennee, where 25 m«nt of a m<*hie vitendl fixing Ibe •nJ the (><>11 tai will be ab*dt»h*»l
ma le, many of those taken Into co»
after I»« recovered. Tha court found gemlaHDua wait«*) his entrance into lb« Ala«kan boundary, have again nearly governor will I m * appointed who will
tody twirig in jateaeeai'vii o! revolvers
the coptnany r»*s|onsible for th« acts of town. T«n of the gendarm»-« entered a rea< bed a crisis, the several confer­ not L« the »ubj«H't of any treaty p <w
fix public prosecutor, with Ina entire
Th« ences that have taken pla<e recently • t».
the captain, who »»• declared to tw at wagon an l followed the . arriage
lie will Le »••it(e*l bv a <nnn«*il
staff, remain« on permanent duly at
Th« (arty ar* between Mallsfoiry an I <‘hoate having of three, one from e« h of the interest­
fault in bringing his ship to a stand- real (id Io wed on fool.
tlx Hotel tie Ville.
Il 1« rurnot*) that
•till after llie <wdb»i» n. In losing tim« rived al U»« prison without incnivnt
been divnully disappointing in roaults
ed powers
This council will leaislafe
one man who was woundett ba* «in««
A large rrow«l assembled an») wit
in launching the b -als, and In not
At moments it ap|e*ared the details f >r the samoans and will fo* aideJ l*y
itiuLI I m * easily atvat ge l, Imt it turns a ait.all fo>*ly of tej r<-S'*ntati ve •* »im».»i •
fur n ailing the passengers Will* life
out tn an i foetal ion.
out that tho»<* very detatls cannot b« <«•» • »Is Ros«* an I Mai«« era | as»« ng.-rs
Th* |trM«ibl>N K*p«lr,.|
W nm»M t awgers lu P*«a»e«
agre«*<l U|*on without ibe »H'lii *
v» un iiio MaripiHiA
New York, July I. — The emits»
VV at til •»«• |k«l|aan T?ul|.
the interests of many American nun*
Paris, July 1.—Tbe chamber of depu
Bf<M»klyn. wldcb was Injure.) off ths
Some of tlie rebels aia tBaatisfied
Judging from ti e i»iiinlwr of blast»
Battery Ifo ration day, wan taken out going off near Pyramid harbor Jack ties adopte») a i«soltition today author* «is, mainly thus« who are driven out with the | ro »linatlon providing for a
of Di« drvdork at the Mavy-vard today, Da I Ion mtirt be doing extensive work mng duly qualified women lu piaclice of the Allin »listricl by the severe am) provisional government, and l»av« J«-
diacriminaling Canadian laws.
at lb« l ai.
tborougtiW repairs»!.
chued to give up their rifles.
on liaat end of hit trail.
1 h« Tranoaffl l»ifW*ully.
( n|.»r»d «wl (Iters »hnat • A«l«»«»n West
Vlyhllng W><«»«*h Msrrltt«.
llartar«! W <« m Tlir««s
Mr«. S«ulHw«rth l>«ed
!x>ni!<in, July 3 —Tlx Dio-r «••*•.
I’«, Julv 3.—R«v
Winnemucca. Nev., July I.—Thx
Naw laon lon. Conn., July I.— Bar­
Washington, Juljr 3 — Mr« Krums D th« Burr <>n»r> id ixmtlun, |>iint« a II Mtl'.wtk. tirt jre.r. of
tlx «lu­
eiening a apwinl train containing com-
rarti won all tha boat race« today — K N boulliwofth, tlx siithoro.«, <li««l tli»|>ali-h from Johannesburg anuounc-
patiire L> and M, of the Twentr filth
ll-nl 1’ir»' »let .in
Iblee victor ir« over Yala In three hour« i «1 txr r«r.hl<-nc« in thx city at »1 30 Ing on r.liabl« authority that the
infantry, and company K, of the Twen­
». lanlxt. aii'l Mr.. Elvaimr D. Ab.-«
—and tha weetern sky glowed eiH>»«*n In’rl'M-k toniglil. anil altar an lllnwa ol tolkataa.l will I m arkiM on .M<>ni!«v
ty-fourth, colored regiment«, artiv*»d in
»er« marrtml Imt Tue.-I.y
this «vering when tbe Harvard 'varsity «e»«ral wrt-ks
About a month ago to onnfinn «n arrang«nxnt ■)•<!• I’T th«
Winneroirrca. A trember of the men
Dr. M t iHtk tH-loiij. to th« fighting
craw pulled over th« finish Ima six and Mt«. Noolhwortb ««• pm*ti«t-<l hy tlx «iiM-niiv« eoanoii «nJ «eceptabl« tn th«
lift the train and raided a nr ghboiing
Met'«ark family.
i*titing tlx civil war
a half lenghts ah«*a l of Yale
After lx«t, and thn infirmity of adaancsd pritxb g<tv«rnrnnnt. Th« arr«ng"Ui«nt
They wrecked th« liar and
lx mi <I«<I in orugnxing Hx F'tily-fir.t
eight years of <l«frat, the students of ag«. th« being m hi-r *Vtl> y«nr
Hhn Fr«tita a r«tr ■ «-tl»« frsnehi«« to lilt- r«giM«iit lllinox volunteef* anil wrv«rl
• tide what liqmu there eat in «ighL
(am budge are tasting tha tweets of grow tapidly worm nnlll. a fw* -lay« lantl-rs r«»i4«nt in th« Tranasaal bs-
t hru Deiag, the hartander, waa «hot
a* It« rl.»|
During aith
•inc«. It a«» a««n that 'l.ath »«• Im-v- loi« 1*90, «ho will b« a<linitl«il tu Spain lx ihilr-l Cuba au-l <li<1 aplvnilltl
down by one of the aoldlrra. Tl.»«e
who committed tlw outrage then tie.)
In Portugal married women retain it«bl«. Hh« wa« alt«n4»l by h«r wn. liurgti.rahip, with otlxr tnoilifi.atiutx work in locating rn.l uiaiking tlx
Di. ‘‘- nt»'«ntth.
Mx lived for many in tbe naturaliiation law».
graix* of Anirtlc.ii aoldier*.
to the train.
thair mai len aiiow.
yeax a rr»ttr«d life in a pictnr««*jn>
I'nlmnatl llrr *<••* •«
Tl»e TrwMSfj ■»•Arlt.
»>•«»• Faelwry Alrlfce.
in a tx >'m of th« old t««h|oni>-l ty|x. Io-
• fttrttpttdtt Fr*v»M |>«WS«W-
ixintlon. July 3 —At •’ a Hartford
Washington. July I —Th« trerwury
Detroit, July. I — A oornplete lockout xl*.lofl a hill in Wixt W««hlrgti>n,
July 8—Tlx Cap« Nom»
official« «1« now ionAdent that th« dn- x In effect tin« afternoon In I'ingree A vvsrhioking tlx i’otomac and tlx bill»
fuiui'l guilty ol murdering her »l«ter, lumini; trv«r ha» rr-aclxtl D«w.<>n, and
flrit lor th« present fiscal year will not Smith’« big «hoe lactoty, employing ol Virginia.
an inmate ol an a«ylnm fur the Insan«, ha. eau*« I a veritable rt.inpc-le. Tlx
• (.red »VO.OOO.OOO. < In« week ago th« upward« of A0O peoplw.
The trouble
by Miiding her poxone-l take by |»xt. new* i»a<-hc | Hawaii Jim« 13, an.I In
eatimat« wa« a III 11« short of »ItXf.OOO,- wa* ferrod by ■ «ttikw till« noon of em­
r.f. t.a airh.
till« »«• «etitenced to death. Th« con- two tl.iv.ttvcr 1,0”0 <tf D.waon'i i ll«
000, but daring tlx last few days tha ploy»« of the turning and well depart­
London, July t —Th« Rom« eori«- d«mn«d woman had previously instiled pop'ilaDnn bad *t*rtr.| down tlx rivet
recept* hav« been rather «trova the eat- mental
• {tondent of tit« Daily .Mail »ay»:
In her aiataf’a Ilf«, giving a lal»e descrip­ in th« lioj* nt finding on th« <!« ol»l«
Imatee, while the «i|»nditurr« hava
• boi» f Behring .ea the f irthne they
Wathington, July I.—Senator War­ con»«<]uen<*» of his daily rs«rt-on» dur tion.
fallen off.
had fai!--1 to pick tip in tlx Klon-hk«.
ren, of Wyoming, called upon the pre«- ing th« l«liglou« cvrrmoniM. th« | m » i *
A queer »»l.tbillun was recently bald
ClarkvvilU, Mil, July I. — Pira men blent today with reference to hie Weal- x no« saff.riag gmat pr<xtr«ti«in, to-
(Julia* Î rgn«FSroNl,
have been drowned in th« Mi-atraippl ern trip. The pireidant conlradicle>l g«th«r with a «light attack of f«v«r. In Berlin, liermany—that of the Vege­
It i. ea.y tn m - w through penpl« who
near thx place by the overtornlng of a ilia ptiblxhed re|orte that ba hae aban- He w«« conllniHl to hi« b.-l Thur »lay, tarian Society—In which ISO chlldivn
and rum« amxty 1» frit regarding were shown who have never tom bed make «pert«, lea <f Vxm*«ii*x —Lliir
• kiff. They were laboivr« engaged It dnnwl the idea of going Weal thx auu>
other nutriment Ilian vegetablea.
cago Itailjr Ntw«.
government river liapiovemeut work- mar.