• > OREGON, FRIDAY, Jl’LY 7,1899 e«e***e»«*e*e««*e»»**««*«e o n i i -* * M4» v 4 vais t KVKBT I.IW CO., OHII.ON, By IRA A. PH ELI’S*. CAPITAL, $20000 ----- OFFICERH------ Presiient A. J. JlilMI J. w. Ganes C.v. JsliMI Vise Praiieit Citsliier Does a general tanking and ex­ chango business. Ixnna nixte at current rale», and dritti» foiled on principle cities. CASH : MARKET... 8CIO, OUEGON H kkby H asslib , Proprietor. A choice lino of tre-h tnc.it-, In varloty, constantly on hand. Will do a strictly Cash busioMa. WATCHMAKER RN» J E EK. OREGON. All kind* of watch«*» dock* and jew dry rv|«ired promptly. EAST and SOUTH « I Shasta The Route —of lite— Souillera l’iicilii' l'niiiiiaiij. Btrvtb. »«•♦♦»»»•»»«»«•«»♦a*»«»*«« Two Kings lost their crown« by tho recent action nt the commlsulon In Kamo*. The joblot had bocume a FKM» nulsaoce and its disappearanco will I'wr annouY. Ittvaru y In a4un«. fl * I«* an ad vanta go to the Pacific re­ •il monUi. M .......... I • gion. _______ A4vnrtutnff rwloo al lbir.Uvin< raton»to I« A bookkeeper namoxJ Himmona, Ma>d HatantJUy. in Morrow county, la hired by a | Tt>n«u»nt adTrftlarmrnta tnuK ’*» pai l * bett tbar.f lrr ieglxrti inr tb-tr inwrt <>«. man named Green, and signa lot- lera "Green, per Hlmmona." line F.nfw/vxrl « the «4 ornfw, a* would aupfioae that such a firm soB^cteM moil UhBttvr. would be In a con»Unk pucker. j BL Ixiui» traveling men promised •s»»ss»Ss«a»S»»»»*»»s»»ss- a aulwcrlptlon of il00,(MW to the World’» Fair, and their tat«*«l total Is 61 '•I.'»’"”. With backing like thia ! ........................................................................ •* the grami International uxposillou of < «>1 J. B. Eddy, formerly of the 1903 I« found to break t»*» record. CLOTHING A meeting of the county Judge, of all, or nearly all. the count lea of the stale will be held al Portland on July I.'. The Idea of the meeting was first advanc'd by Judgo Gray. of Ul.t«>p county ami has met wllh favor all over the »tale. The pur pose of tho meeting 1» to score an agreement on property valuation* to lUweburg Ptalndcaler, has purchas­ Tho United Sute» w-nt abroad the emi that each county ’nay pay ed tho Forest Grove Time*, and as­ during the 10 month» ending April Its just proportion of the-late taxes. sumes control this week. SO, 107 exactly 1T7S locomotive«. In I Al present aomeof lhecountie- p <> ————— the «ame month» of 1896 It exported more than thoir just proportion of Trade wllh Culm Is booming as a 866; for the same period of tho cur taxes, other» placing tlicir property matter of course*. It would have rent fiscal year tho record ha» risen valuation at a very low figure and Newly furnished and re titled i>»cn|>c paying what really is due mounted to great proportion long to 414. throughout... from them. ago but for lheunnatural barrios and Homo of the men babiad tho guns are emerging lung enough to iiavo extortionate regulation«. FONOLINQ A TARANTULA Our tables are supplied with heir Innings In the HampaonSchley But they con not »ei­ 1« 1« n«sl <• ns ««,• The is» Tarealal» the best the markets afford .. Proapecllng on the American able controversy. »Uns, »•«. of the line will bo carried on ex* tle It. They might a» well try tu es- “Tbe tarantula» pin» in < onfinenirnt ‘ ULI is h tho identity of the unfeeling South of bridge, ten-lvvly in Alaska thia season wretch whojabtaju Billy Patterson» r, marked an amateur apider collector. Belo, < >rc. The mining of gold on our own »oil slats. rrfu»o to »pin or rat an I »rldoin Itrr | long A ccntipedo or scorpion, on tb<- will be the best modus vivendi The reci-lpts of the Hues canal in other hand, commit* suicide wlien it The "big" Oregonian 1« Jumping I6B8 were 6I7,MI,2DO. This was the sec» no ehancc of getting away ” largest business in It* history while ‘"Commit« suicid»?“ I aaked "Why. right onto tho McKinley admlnl*- the coal of maintaining the cnnsl how?" tratlon. ami the ••little” republican was alsiut 640,5(10 less than usual. "By luoculatitig Its lot, with ita- wn paper» of the alate are camping on The »ui plus of receipts over expen­ poison I has» »een it do it time and %K .xcott'» trail. However, the Oregon ditures was tV,767,HiiO; nd l, as the tltne ag*>n Th»* centipede earrfo director» have allotted to the reserve has not yet ceased publication. IWli*..n In t wo little teeth, l*eaidea t he *•«■ tliu -uin of >31,200, tho net surplus in each of Ita many feet He bitea hi* is »»,323,600. the Tho Slayton Mail goes for l-ody savagely wbrn he wanta to kill Linn county court for not taking During the first five months of hiuaelf, just a* a tnan would pluuga a We buy <>ur dock in largo dagg»r in hi* heart." quantitlea mk I keep • rail immediate action In repairing the this year Havana accumulated ♦ -M, "And how doe» th« »corpion kill him- line of carriage and wagon 906 in her Trea-ury. No such but­ Stayton bridge. Tho Linn county material. All kind« of ane» was ever shown nt tho end uf aelf?" end of that bridge, however. Is In five and twenty -months <>f any "HI* poiaon liea in the »nd of h*a tall work in our lino «lone on much better condition than the Mar Spanish administration. Tho com­ Ila turn» th* end of hia tail up over -bort notice........................ ....... parison Itself -|H-.iks for the Ameri­ his back and jaba it aharply: in a few loti county jmrtion. can administration. Such profitable •s-conda he is dead" Col. Bryan declare» that ho will integrity must in the end conquer "Which do you think th- moat inter­ every breath of Cuban suspicion iind esting, tarautulaa or <.e*utip«dea?" i in­ continue to l>e a candidate for Prea­ every bit of Impatience. quired of thia practical student of uat Shop opponile Livery Stable Ideal as often as the four year pe ri - ural history SCIO, OR UG< »N Ils sat at hl* door at noonday, o Is are dipped off, until victory Bn- "Tarantula*" he replied "They ally perchce upon the banner of free lonely, glum and sad. Tho files have better dispositions au - are guaranteed to be out onto the promenaile ground of card­ 'lays had a abort *r*ng« In a recent argument before the alow, but It was dangerous to get in Industrial commi-alon, the president board iu front of hia dwelling ■. . "Here's a piece of pear for you. :; front of them of the Commercial Travelers Arao- Browny," said tb» master, elation submitted figures to show "Does he like pear»?" ' The homecoming of tho volun­ that the organisation of tho trusts "Only the June. He sticks thr Juioe of ; ' Front t lie had resulted in throwing 3*J»»i teer« Is not w holly an occasion of rt $d.oo •• Favorite salesmen out of emoloymont find raw Iwef occa- ¡otially, too, but be vaatly juicing. All who went out will not ¡toour most expcii-*ivc**ldcal In reducing tho salaries of 25,000 prefer« » good fat graasli.ipper if lie can get him." return, and while no welcome that more. He estimated that the annu Browny examined th» piece of pear ; ¡ The - IDEIL " No. 44 is a Has rille. we can give thoso w ho have safely al I om to the salesmen aggregated passed the |»erll« of see. and camp, 6610. us If to extract the Juice, but he did not . ! ke g«aras ter it is e.e.y rtspeu. .Yutk- disease and war, will be too gener and to the railroads 627.ttiU.OUO, be­ seem hungry. The master then took up ; ¡ lag cheap aboet it bat the prkr. ous or enthusiastic. no expression of cause of the lo«s of patronage. tbs star-shaped creature in hia fingers •I Mil. ,»a«/i/«6*•//-’* ta/rfA’X j »• moments 11 was really thought that him.”' .a gres-, I» timely ami proixir. the millenlum had come. It appar­ A curl) headed voting man of 20 or ently struck the earth Just over the theretlMiiits drew near and -a'lr'l to the Hj. STEVENS 1RMS 110 TOOL IM From a likt of Oregon volunteer» cliff opposite the hotel and when It tarantula coaxinglv who have died In their country’s reached the earth great streaks of Ilr<*wii) inslautl) burn lied hitnsslf wore p and r< treated Inapet show Ing plain­ cause since tho la-ginning of the very bright flushes of light thrown In every direction. It was a w.ir with Spain, published in Wed­ very pretty sight to behold and a* ly his dlslikr "When he was free and »»rv I is> ■ n» nesday’» oregonlan, we tnko the -•«riling a» it w»> pretty.—Ione day I watched him unwind yard* and follow ing summary of tho number Poet » ar,)» of spun thread and float down on of death» frem vailou« cause«. Per- • terittblr ladder of it to a cranny half It 1« a noteworthy fact, and one Itomlla 2: typhoid 9, smallpox 5; way down th« ruck) irfacc <>f a atrep which should gratify Americans There hr captured a juict beetle pneumonia, 2: malarial fever, 2; that all nations are »ending young bluff meningitis, I) measles I; asthma, 2; men to American schools to acquire lie eclal lines requiring techni thoM« |M*ga on Ilia back I, hemorrhage, I; accident, I; heart cal knowledge. Tho latest move­ the top uf hia bead«*' failure. I; erysi|iclas, I; battle, lö. •‘But tarantulae are dra«1l} puiaon?'* ment in this direction is noted in total, *>4. "Yr* but th ) their poison aa a the statement that the minister of The) bate enrmiea to guard public Instruction in tho Argentine defense There Every once In a while some one Republic has proposed that congress igainat juat at other creature« i! a htt> »«c m the la«’ ari»« s and say» Harvey Hcott In a vote a cr« dll for »ending .'i0 youths , ui » i " i in drr to the United States to study in the section of tach loot and in the little candidate for U. H. senator ns if that agricultural and Industrial college». »harp ria ' a at the extremity, that italau would be an itwlul catastrophe. As hollo« 'Thet tlao ha’r f«o treih that The first rectyrocity treaty, under are 'en< tnoue a matter of fact He It would be head anil shoulder* above cither McBride tho Dlnglry taw, ha- been sign xi "I ha*eob«er«ed that they tend their by representatives of this govern­ voung until they are four weeks old <>r Simon as a senator, and ns much ment and of Great Britain. It is VilTli F. is hereby given that the as «Mime very <11 uigi vvablu ways of for the British colony of Bartmdoea. After that they drlilarratrly run away from them and lea»e them to look after •’ undersigned lias t»a r*. duly ap tho great editor he would come I'reati.*» under this law have to tm thruiaelvea Thia plan trachea them pointed by the County Court of Linn nearer representing tho northwest ratified by the Senate and approve*! «rlf drfrnor " St ! a » uib Star County, < »regon, a« administrator of by the House before they go Into than meet nny man In tho stato In the estate of J. I* Miller, deceased. eff,n-t. Negotiations are also pend ’•Irrrl Mallr«»*»d «fulUHru Any and all persons having claims the republican party. Mr. Hcott Ing for a similar treaty with the Krcrnt wtalHt»<** <>f the wfrr<*r rail- »g.dr.sl »aid satai» are l.etvoy uoll- though w!!! never be V. S. senator, Brlli.h Cr'anv of J.i:iu!..i and rcMubl,x! with dlnrrhoea tk*i >f the«»»* r«ta rt.rj |>rr mile, most a constant sufferer from diar­ «> large that he has l*tx*n cx>m|ielled which «igniflc« that thrrr ia a good deal rhoea the frequent al tacks complete­ t Mj’ol* exchanging notes for gold. of water in »trvet railroad •rcuritica. ly prostrating me and rendering me I r". Tri i-urer Roberta said on this ( unlit for my duties al this hotel.I subject: "We have today, about . About two year» ago a traveling' 62:M,,ttk) In gold and our vaults sale-man kindly gave me a «mall are almost overflowing. The Chi­ ALBANY, OIIF'GON bottle< f < hiimtx-rlaln'sl'oilcUholera cago aub-Troasary cannot receive VtlTK i: Is hereby glx< n that tho and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to more gold, as Ils Vault« are full." undersigned w as on tho 21th day my »urpri-e and delight Ita effect I Treasurer Roberta has Issu*-d an in of June. l«t»9, duly ap|s>lnted by the i were Immediate. W henever I felt i terestlng statement showing the County Court of Linn County, Ore­ symptoms of the disease I would amount of |si|x*r money in circula­ gon, as administrator of th« estate fortify my»rlf against the attack Complete line of tion. The total Is 6£Q,M5,4I7, di­ of T. M. Munkers, decoajed with a few doe» of this valuatae vided in denominations as follows: Any and all firrsmi» having claims < remedy. The re-ult ha« been very ones, 655,4:12,179; twos, 6-’kXM6,336| against said estate are hereby null- satisfactory and almost complete re­ five« 62*T.2t<'.fl2J| tens, 6-152,311,710; fled to present the «ame, duly veri­ lief from the affliction.” Eor »ale . twenties. >2x9,321,226; fifties, 6-5o,- fied, a» by law rctulr«-d within »lx by Peery A Peery. '«14,i«M): five liundred», SI5,W7,.'»ai: months from the «Isle hcrwif to the .one thousand« >54,797,000; five tinderslgncl, at Mo, i.lnn County, Sailing ships are not entirely out thousand« >*Ho,i«»i; «nd In ten Oregon. of faaliloo in tho navy. The Uheas- Hi .ii-and notes, J|n.lji*.'->i. In ad­ Dated thia 1st day of July 1.899. peake launched at a Maine port this dition three are thirty-odd thousand T. J MLNKERH*. week, Is a square-rigged sailing vow dollars In fractional paper currency Administrator. sei to be uaed for the training of in circulation although nono has T. J. Wtiooff. i o x rat cadet a ' ’.*een hitied for year». Attorney for aJminfsIrator. : BY THE EDITOR We now have the largest anti hot selected stock of Clothing ever shown in the \ alley, w liich we arc ottering at Way Down Prices GDùIùJgJÏBlAL | We have limnv s|M?vinl lines of Spring mid Summer suits mid i light weight underwear............ J BLAIN CLOTHING CO . Albany, Oregon... SCIO piflNING MILLS xl HARRY S. JOHNSTON *■' CO. C- Barncs & Son A. W. IIAGEY RCIO, I BY THE SCISSORS 2 Ten thousand volunteer are being raised for aervicw in the Phlllippine« to reinforce Gen. th,* rainy season 1» over Gen. Oil» will have an army of fully 5O,00U men, and If Ihf» 1« not enough to put d*wn the rebellion forthwith the number will be doubled. ------ flu »1*11 f »: l »»!<.•» All kinds of mill work on ''hort notice General Blacksmiths Wagonmakers. . . • • • SCIO. OREGON HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY STEVEN5 RIFLE5 I n. • <®r M, i f.rM. • ♦or m i.T .«•A M A» f Tbwehoeal • !*«t »’• • - tv ■I yvi ‘1 « « I •*. »* .. Tv M i :1* • \ • I ■ ' ' • H. X- . liar?'.«lattea. Jin», loti ' V» It ••nr*. < re*nd, St »I. Rodketaarg Wall M o A »< I Lv... .Pn-.l ! " 1’ M 1 I.V— à.» r. M I Ai » Lr » A I • I ■ •< j ♦» ti .At . 1.T ’ 1 « r u. Lv ; ‘ j A IL. «o i Dining Cara on < l^tlen Routt*, t-n’/.n-a-r. Juffat SR«?»:? —AMI»— ! F.fISO < AUS Attori*«-! Io ihomgh iralas SK io VI m 'I. a * 4wr^— • » • «í.t»a m i I MA i» ni I At ... * •• I » I I < »• id At AHannv a». ' < • nM« < «>:mrw i a I, tram« ÒltbaO. C. A K ralbo «i. Ífipre*«ti«tn dati* ricept Atinday . « ••I nils '« M tn I it m ..7. 1*0 i lie i» Ii M»a m in aittw|iir hole *»<»•> . U fj . Ihiwt twinth 't»n al *inh»hr,wv wllh <*r- *t!d*maü and miro .tl an<1 l*a< tfir Mail »tetut- ahlp ltnra lor J A I* AN mxl < ÍHNA. Millng tlafna on arvilUn tant. tl» K«'»HI WL Mn.irt v . < HM u U aw .A1 u >1 rw»a A jant, lx»rt lapd.Oi. Fab Ik krl* l<> »»»rm twnftt« Rul fctv pop» Al O J. Mit.l bhi.« IL .irei’In • \itw- m i»«« -Iti«’» !! n.L.WoorU *nan a , w«» » “ Io pi o l«cat> A J »II A Mis. Ik. ’A < . Al’o io, ore. 1 aapw lr....... V. M YAQtilNA ROUTE Connecting at Yaqulna with the ÎA0I11NA BAY STEANSH1P COMPANY -------STEAM EXU-------- i*lr*t-cla«» In every respect. Dm* of tho above steamers is due to sail front Yaqulna ataiul every five days Shortest route between valley points and Han Eranclsco. Fare: Alhany and pulnts west to .San Francisco, t'ahln.............. 610 00 •toilnd trip...................................... .. 17 00 Fur sailing date» apply to EDWIN STONE, tt. I» WAI.DKH, Manager. T. E. A I». A. T.Tt PM it, Agent, Allwny .Oregon. NERVITAISS burta Impotcncy, Night F.mfolon» and vastlng discaac», all effects of aelf- abuse, or cxccm and India- cretion A nerve tonic and bhxHl builder. Bring» the pink glow to pale cheeks and reatorc» the fire of youth. By mH BOc per box; B boxc» or with a written guarnt»« fo to mr* or refund tbn money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. %f*v* A Joc*<»on Sts., CHICatX». IU- ’ c« Peery A Peery, Hc*oOr. : SAFE, SOLID ACCURATE Columbia Bicycles, $40 y nut ri-« e««l »«arap» iHl.rsd Hawmlll in mild east of Melo, < iregun Ì.XX.T« THE McCALL ÙlHPA.NY. 11« le He W utb tlreef Ma Twl boa ih ■ orrv •• i « q I ifth Ave , ibiuio, en4 loft Market . T. J. CLAXTON, kaa f raacdxe Contractor N1 Builder... MSCALLS MAGAZINE I llrlgbteAt Maga« la« P«NHI m 4 O mmaíg * Brauu/ui ( > <«*t I'Uiea. l.iarMiairq I^cro Re liar DA, FaaA k»**. Für., y W th •••••4 r ’• t«»a ■» Of SI foe I« ewey ■«w«tHy fouo«>lot p, ««»■»•»• tt e I mi le • •»% W hm I s ' ■•»••• -•«•« p*rtk «MS - »•-• »• nf. te. sui^ • ran ».-i.» saew» THE Maf.At L CO, ■s» t« ,«• w ,4ta a« . Hs. v-»a / NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. !«n.| O®-s al * e «•■>« • Uy. opwtm. April W, I»» «< Hue I» hrirliy »ixen timi tas fottow- lito-nSi -»I • m*< <**■ *;«**t «Milk*» xf SI» Inirn* lion 1* tnaka «nsi 1>O» I Ih •tipi«*»’ “• t1'* »tslm an-l that eU<1 p»*»r eli! le tes.1«* i»h-r» m» I onnly < h*rs nt Una t'nanty, al Albany, Or» son. on JunaMth. las», »I»; " ki>*Aki») rr.ri*kKU»<>, II K. ima», tur ite ■>«• t et «e» u. tp io, » r 1 a II» HUM thè Ibllowlr f witorss.» tn prò«» hi»<*nntln,wH>s tretlrn.«* „non ino rsl-ix-'io» n-l. »I»; Ami* hmw, «I Jontan, I have had twenty-fivo ybar»' experience In this line of work and am fully prcpnre«l to do all kindsuf wood work............ HOUSE MOVING . Given aj>