■ ■ . • ■ - ■ * * • • * »* t 7 . L » • • .. 4 * -«.-'•'F -.,W’ A ' »Ú ,1 «wZtaffli • mmoo W- / ««A.» . •s ' ta * A*« • .* » . >* . *• tftu» ♦ I e I VI ZÀ » V»>L. Il 1 NO. 8< IO, LINN COCNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JI NE :u> is-.fi» V1 * • Bank oí Scio CAPITAL. $20000 • <>H h El<> Pruiitil fix Pratleit C’slirr ' W-» • • • * < s ' those bravo txiy» of the «rcond < In- gm, volunteer« 1* ho bid farewell to rvni.iMtKo Bvxitv vkiiuv at 1 home, to loved on»» and t., Oltf tiON. . land and marrhnl m > gallantly away . to defend the honor of their county Hy HlA A. PilELPH and it« fl ,g. amt who died In the : faithful performance of that duty; die«! the deatl, of «oliller«, brave and true. The Oregonian dcM-rvo- prslee for the work It has undertak­ ft'f en, and we tru«t that It« hunt, will lie rewarded by the erection of a flt i 4. 4 e » A. J Joms:i J. * Ganes C V. J cübsoc Z i V V. 1 • • aeueeeeueeeeeeefteeeefteeeae 5 • BY THE SCISSORS _ ? ë The Goodale Lumber Co., ha» been Incorporated with J. < (lo>lai<>, T. A King and Jcffcraon Myers a» a« l.icorporator Salem »« head * quarter« and J.Vt,,»»l a« the capital ! «tuck. 3Ó. .1 M ica A xle C rease lighten« CLOTHING the k»l- •Uxtena tl.e road. ¡ • • < We now have the largest and l»c*t selected stock oft’lotliing ever show n in the valley. \\ hieh we are oflering at . South Af’lca 1« now looming Up h«d« th» Iran, Savra wear aixl ss a gold producing regi.in. A r- rv.aw S. id ne) a bere. (H.rt rccelved hy Ine depirtruent of ^0 • »1 taf MT »YANOAW9 OIL CO. ling monument «acred tothe memo- . state frum l'nitod state« c.,n»ul i ry <»f Or,.gon« brave aoldiera, on* Marrani al Pretoria. Tr«n«vusl Ite lt>H*s 4 gene hanking and ri­ •hange lrla eXceeda g2,<r*vo answered the call of the Colonel Arguelles, the late Fllipl • • nntlon w hen lt< honor w»> In danger. . •.•••••••••! }••••• ••••••••« no Peace Commiaaioner. ha« been < ondemned ;i* a traitor Iwi-nu«« ho L P. U". Q ¡b»hy, < riti* Ou Sfoltir» favored, ac<< |iting autonomy for Id- Ml • • • • cimi Mutuo ili»«! forcMry warden ha** In-tead of continuing the The Saloon Journal give« th« vote our thanks for a mpr of the game of stat« «cnator* In the recent legli- bloody and u«elo»« struggle for indo «.« IO. OREGON and f .neatry law« of Oregon, i«.u***l Inture on several lm|«>rtmt quretions pendence. It 1« danger*>u« to be a in I. ».k form very handlally arrang- and we give th«’ record nf Senators man of »on*« among fo>>l«. t'b-m and Kelly a« follow«. <-d and indexed. The resident« of Colombo in » ’ey Ilosolullon to II,ve«tigite (M-niton Ion, prOaenlesi Admiral Dewey an«l Newly furni«hod and refitted >• tlary and employ clerk«, deni no lì,« Oiegon .Mining Jirarnal al 1*3' his men with l<»«> pounds ot to i throughout... Kelly yea. tirante l'ae», has thè thank« of thi« They must think the Olympia 1« Kc-iilullon for member* to carry some kind of a floating church or offlcu for a copy of thè Oregon Min­ off ilill'a ixxle. Hott, no. "unday nchool though Admiral M in- Our labil « ar« *nj>|4le I with ing laura. Il i« tNibiish,sl In pam- I Hcsolutl >n to give away ttjo and his men obtained un entire­ the bc»t the markets ».Toril... of Indian war historic*. lloth JM line of frr«h meat«. In A chotee |ihl«t furili and 1« a well gotlon up ly different id«*« I ,«t year. Bill appropriating Ila.ixMGor Oma­ Variety, cofialahtly < n hand. reference for Ihoac lnlere»ted In ha expoaltinn. Both no. S>uih nf bridge, It 1« now said that if General “J im -" min««. Bill abolishing offlee of state food Wheeler 1« sent to th«* Philippine« Scio, Ore. Will do a Mrlclly < <«h bu»!nc«a- commissioner. Both ye«. It will I m * tn serve as military in- It I* »fated Itisi "Fighting Joe 1 Bill nt»>li«hlng equaliratldn board. -uectofan«! not a« i righting officer. Wheeler 1« to U* M-nt to th« Philip- j Both ye*. If the flery old w irrior »hould hap­ Bill fixing property qualiflcatlon pen td » m * anywhere n«*nr th-* tiring tdneaona --apecial misaton." Just! — mill'IliETOKM*— of voter« at school clevtlon*. < letn line, however, when a scrlmunige i* I whit I* meant by this la notexplain ate-ent. Kelly no. going on, nothing short of >t bill and | cd, t>ut the Filipinos will prole,bly i Memorial for election of t*. S. sen­ chain b ill keep him out of It. get some idea, once this hutnin | ator by fH>pular cute. Both yea. of I-Ubile Bill rupiirlng door« »Nil A. B. Conley, thu Wheat King taiiiib land« in their vicinity. buildings to <>|wn outward«. Huth ha* sctsled this year a «mall tract of > All ktipli ,,f I,timi,, r. 'J;i«li, Poors, Mouldings Sltin- ä 7<«»> acres In grii'i. In (he mean < > i<* thous.iiKl automobil«« car- yea. Bill for optional ph Hot age. < leni time there are 2>»r> acre* of thi- ünt« and ' >ih ... rl«g«*s b«\»» I m ‘ < hi dnlcrtsl fot Han no Kelly yea. *< io, Oltl.f,oN farm under sunnier fallow and the - I r «oci* <» :iD»l i>a-*-*«’iig«,rs arc to I m * Bill giving preference to resident r«m tinder is In haylatid. Mr. ( on- . U’« boy our stick in largo Ad kind* <>f watches <-li«-k* and Jew < crrt<-■ VIA - Bill protecting hotel keeper« from pl r? I n« 111 1 ■ X change. Illi , p. ,ce ■ - .N I dead lieal«. < I,-tn alnent Kelly ye*. where old hut« «re stuffed Into tirok Amoog thè < urrent l*.,rl«iun Bill reducing salaries ot Marion en window»; where the Wife looks ty note« Il would -e«in thal there 1 liken Nig of wool with a «(ring tied county offiel.,1« Both ye* of th«—— Shop opposite IJvcrv stub'u • houli I h * roi.iii J,i-t now for some- Motion referring normal school around the center; w here the hu*- o eg 1 thlng likc tld«. “t ount« de Iiion i bill back. Both j es. lnt.il Ilin , tuh.icco pall ram , painted i « General appropriation bill. Clem on hi« «hlrt front and the neglected and D'Aublgny arr once more to I m * I i J1 ■een m -o 1,1 circle* utter a fort- no. Kelly y,»«. children wipe their u i, ■■, on the In the opinion of the Journal Kick« <>f tlielr hand«. the1 h h t of r • -1 ., i-1 r-■ ! I r. ni- ut ! I I »prrskft il.ii, v • > t • •• 1 /.«nt 11 time» .mil I < :!■■ .1 .; g 7 Ab* nt - K< il> right i I I Myrtle Point Enterprise Im» the ! I times wronp", The ea»t any one follow Ing bit of sound truth: "Each I f.k p»vHtan«! ... irpjb4 M. M| The l’nlted State« ani hot il ics are I was wrong accordingly to lliu Jour­ .■ M I.it •“—f-r-j-î—— v’m»»? I i ■ » • ». 1» vi ar rvery local |aiper give* from . \ M Ir •ta»i linn-'*./» I » • »» I* M just now trylng lo tinnì up flfty nals opinion was &. v’.ixi to J. i . ixmi in free lines for the 1 !,■ t wat« ’ i * • i» M I a u’l* nvl«i »vi«-, n «rtny amlifll.inc«-«, «hlpped wmr- benefit of the eoiiimumly in which « »»t i Kn«| «n*t * «i., T «e "• < . »' It whs a sight worth M-«*lng In It i* located. No other agency can •frani guaranteed to Ire ■.<1... ». Alitati/. , " ■ - . wherc un a traili of eeventeen car* I, JiH ’ict h»W lira* < i*iH»< g, Jtin.i«-:» I |t), Ktitfrrc. Portland on Thursday, when th«* or will do this. The editor in pro­ and m bici, np|H«»r lo bave , dropped t »Hlr»4riiitii •*, |*(«|»i». 1 all ••• tir. I •< Ai ' e. •taklM'.'l • -s« V N.-itlv e Son« and Native daughters portion to hl* in, an«, doee more for lUrartMinr e<»utli I i « i 4G<1 incindiGf p'fh ly off thè i-irtli. If« I won- i of Oregon in I its a guard of honor hl* to*n thii.n tn> other m,n, in.' . e r> derful how r.isily little ttflngs llke 1 to the pioneer* of th«* state In annu |(’M«« litar/ ’tail with all fairness, man with man, he ■ al session. There were nearly it ought to be sup|M>rfed, not because ! 11, 1« rati I m < Inai. M ,*iri> A I i %r M ,.- r r M • l.v %H»awv' . I * thousand of men arid women In line I yen happen to like him, or admire I •Ju !• M ' ir "From th«- ttowiiara I* A llu»«i in ottl. er, lutely decenaod, who hel|M-d to lay the fouudati ui of his writing, but because a local pa , • < SO.oo •• f avorite thl« common wealth, ft was very per is the 'a-st Investment a com i wa. deprl,ed of 1,1« |io ■» ■ go I h »(-„ um * of the fait (hut he had 'laughter« should act a* their guard ; tor» of local papers do more work for \Vltv not ri »10. " I.tr I K««r» n.m putii le money, j A* a man willing Io i women are the ones to Inherli the ^ronixe your I och I p.i|H*r. not as chart i We ar« in the wheel l>ii*inv - ami *ell al! ‘ Steal, he protmlilj found retirement results <'f th« lal»>r« of their fattier* ty, but as investment.” hegsarastrt it iacrery respect. Sotk- > • *P» <«g I m I• I Nf*H« 11 . I «nd mol her«, and to carry on the the way from $20 up ’ all ami >< e n* before Imying. lag cheap abnat it bat tbe prue. 11 r iwpt **t •Bdajr.) on eleven million« no hardship un­ • work ol tlie state building so well Had management keep* more jmio - M m I« rr««lftfit !• .23. .31 and .33 ral- V Ar liV, f».»i • ica« there w i« more «till i„ sight. / tffpeltl Í.V UiwUlmm i ' iM-gun hy them. The annual meet pie in |«K,r circuiuslance« than any ret •*» W» t.V i”o% a.m. Ibr« rhu-flrr. 33-10 *IMI 33-10 % A |A|M*I I V ' Ing of the pioneer* «nd the Indian other one cnu»e. To la» »nccewdul í» ’ m it nt Ar . .1 V • »••• autn. 3 and i l l<> rrasirr-Ire, » Thecu»tom» receipt* collected by war veteran«, together willi tlie aa- mint look ahead and pimi nhc.id IX M*lJ IA L »I1M, K 13.00. l>ining < ’nr< oh < >L'»lon |{<>iitr l ode Kim at .Manila and ilo Ilo (or ««■milling of the grand IxnB«** of Na­ one -o H ih I when a favorable opportuni-1 tive Nona nnd Native Dmgliter« ty prewtll« itself he is ready to take, four months amounted to nearly SuSet Sleepm made thl- tl’e p* ,«t hut» irtant »<•« nilvnntiige of it. A little fore I one and a lidf mil!!- »ion or **rL * ol **««ion*i of the kind J. STEVF.NS IRMI HO TOOL CO ihoufffft will also «ave much expense -».• o’’!f,-< « AM «leMi'iMè CAM will nor take long nt tint rate to gel yet held in thi* alate. The *ur — «* R0B« i i i o i -i'll. A pruduti ind AUacl^-l to thRASgtf f/wtna. Ku k the JJii.rv»' |»,id to S(>ain for | rounding* were congenial, vtlKofl i I vLI «. MA«!». „ ' Oregon i ar«ft!l man will keep n bottle of . | exhibits a dtM*|ier and mor«* general < hamb. ,|„|n’» Colle, 'h.l-.r.i and the l«l mil« and Io begin to get a Wc*t Sii\ ¡«¡on. feeling of love and sympathy for her girai profit on the Investment be ' pioneer* than any other »late on the blarrhiiea ICemedy In the hou«v. fl» I M . FM WM«I « 4K «Mill«. the »hifile«, fellow will wait until M«'l Oalfi 'Ullr rln-j.l < -.la,. «Ides. 1 c « mi »I. Thun* has not Is-elt such a nece--tty ,*oiii|iel« tt and then ruin 1 crowding of new comer« here ns to hi« lx t hor«e going for a dix to« und i ■.1 «••»»•» ? I.t tM»rl A» ‘«h**® f» Ml H;l)|»m %r i ormili* l.v » i *A 1» in So that they take proper precau­ i «mother out those sentiment*. It have I, big doctor hill to pay, tu «lde- 1 Aptai») ftt»,l 4 * fti¡1 a <*»m•»<• much ticighborllneM any out a hundred dollars and Eij'it»»liait» •!•»!> 4*ioorer. , *A * W» , j> p In 1 ;. « 11 M» a w »hould try to I«- «oaeeret about l>rey- The bilch-tring of the Oregon plo I 4 I» Irt : fti M M » n * > » Ir For «ale hy 1‘eery A i’eery. • u» i» «1« •jtr In*I, |tf'rv!r»«nr I» I« M» A III fu« having lunihsf In franc« Why n«*er ul w ay« hung on t h<* outrnd«* of IU ml t»m»rs«Mn st F»n, •,«. Iws, « lit • *" i tils ratlin door. It diM*« him goo«l to ' ilitertal sml urli-niMl sn-i I* .<-'* ■■ Vlsll ••rw«»» inde • nr of Hie few decent th ng« The cltycouncil of Ashland adopt­ »<><• miiiethlng of this warm *rl ,hil ’!»»•*• ftftr J % I* A 'i * t4 < ll|N A. *•1 llrttf (Te Government h i« thu« far done ity In hl« children and tl’<* f*vopl« ed three ordinance« reDtlng to Aktr* »>n Ut»I Bn It. KiGfiLir. ManMrrr .... Ú filini «sirs st *«•« •••»«Iff |I> in connection with till« tiuf irtunate generafly who are tubing Ilia piace. Ilqtti/r traffic. No IW provides for • ItMkBftitAtf «M» i. I A Pa«» A f tit. Port t^TVI 1511. Rl LIABLE f a "restrictive list." of chronic ùind.Ot. i —Statesman. inan? drunk« or Indigent* w ith fxmilie» fîa»< • ntih th lu te !»■ » . TW ;wGMt« bW»1 Fn ARTISTICA '».jw- Al«n ’sf«4i», i hirta lt«iH«»fnlw t»n«l Vn» 1 and after the council ha« ileci a re* I kid»e nf common« Keep n full line of htriimihoi 0 Jb * them «uch there is a penally of »in W»r»«artle«. The other; wa» the fourth secret try n( the terri­ Inali of <1,01X1,000 for «trength enlng tory of Oregon, lie was l», and ««ttlvd In Mari ciamt. pr that the on county, where tie wan active and thè pcacecongreau, thè grrat Luto The iitethixl of securing a license I* • ’ unilerwlgned hat beet: duly ap rontpicioua In pulillc affairs and In­ peun iMiwers g , Sii «trengtl,enlng fluential in lift-,1'Uncils of the dem- ladicNiiy changed from tbp pre«en< ixdnted liy the County Court of l.lnn XOXFBirnU AT AX\ PIKE *y»tem. Il provide* tli«l th«* impli it’ounly, Oregon, n« administrator of S*»h and I kMir Fhctorÿ Iheir defeli-e« lu.teud ol all/ move- I ucratlc pirtv. He wa» a lawyer by IV »»♦ t-e--- • « • ♦ »»* « C (onm-cting at Vaqulna with the cant nigst first «ecure a majority of ________ ____ _____ _______ __________ • »«*• . ty ***-4 i«« » * *bn ii'te4 *«»«»• at Helen»............... the estate nf J. I* Miller, decetv,«!. profe«»i n-ulle«l In regard to the month« i-»» t »»th A** . vàftcp, «"à from Yi,«|uina about every I to the undersigned, ut S lo, l.lnn thick lit the center an I M In.•lit»« at I government, and wa* thre«, tlm«« a , ordinance. •Of* Mark*« >t.. I ranc«a. bated thi» 12th day of June 1*09, ^horl« «t rotile bet Xeefl Valley I olili- Th«- turn of affairs In F rance caus­ In 1*12 the legislature elected him W A EWING, and Kan Francl*»i fare: AP«my 1« made u|«,n the improvement of | to All the unexpired term of Falwnrd ed by an irri*lstible public »ciitlment the worst character of dirt roads, I* linker, In the f’nHeil Statist sen­ ha« lotecd th ■ government to brtng Admini.trutor. and |H>itil* west li.'ui I'raixiMo, WKATIIKKFohl, A WYAtT. ate Baker having tmen kllleil nt the Dreyfus back from his Military con txt with an afloW.mce of the most Hirer aaa Atty’« for adm'r. raglinenl In battle at tlnemenl on Devil’« Islamf, is likely Round trip . .. 17 i on »1 wage« tn men; (Fams «nd the coat •"•"'I °f to produce an uproar |n the giy . . IlaII'« Bluff. Senator Ilardtng serv ­ I In, Ve hud twenty-five year*' Hrlgbtot Magai in« Publkah«4 Eor wiling date* xpply to of o|a*r.,tliig the crtf-her, «ays l 'd out the term, and was succeed French capital. It al-o bring* out • experience In this line of work ! Conta ••• Hravitltti < 'i.-fnt P-4tea I DWIX STDNE. lhillH* tiliM firr. It al*' add« that ed by George II. Williams Htaaatrblr« Lat««* Pattai uà, >**ab some of tl'e dark plans of the fic ­ anti am fully prepared to do all II. I. W ai HEX, Manager. » n».. Fa j \* «a tion w ho were delermirwvl to m,kc kind« of wood work the c• The New York Jfiurnal makes way witff 1'«plain Drayfu« Th* graveling one block, IJUU fret in Wme •«» t r ■> * a ■ ( g«a<1 I.Tri x»:n, Agent, \llwrty .Oregon ..the total CMpttaliÇtlion of all the Pari« corre«|H>n<1eiil of the lamdon •»•’* !•<. »•<*. length, la-t fall. I he «tone r l "1*- • trust« io the MiJritrjf, May •7,416,- ita« » » M ».K New - «*>• that a curious me«>-ige AUr — THK M,t Al I < O . has provt-n lt««lf to l>e a permanent 2.15,779. lias l«-eo rf'criv«*! (rum the fl«, du >»t i« w. i,,a a« . rhw sur* What Given aprciiil atlutlllon. Con rrmd, while gravel «III go deeper I Tnelr caplt ilixstion frt the middle Dii’ile: " Drey fu* h..« g"',« tracts for work In my line re en, h y e ir. and Is c< iifhiually need of Mnrvh was over tt.,oiK>,uua «hall shall we ut the time *a»ting ffmarr«, .A4 effect» oi «eli- ! Shop on Main street, I* becoming very popular in several ' a little more thaa oue month. ! of the Ailj trial and was .**n1 out bv , Ebu»e. - -« , |.| Lain.I «HH.» at orvsset **«),’Me, NCJO, ORFL • 1 it I« uffii'le^t to pa/ theespense» 1 the Melln: ’ gov«*romenl ta cau*> It counit,-«, and is giving far more «al et ■ A nervo Ionie irrtd lwt*i Xotlvta I* lirtvl v trtvrn ihftl U m * follow 4/• 11 'of the Cuited Mutes government was feared that if Dreyfue dh*d It ' • 14 t»• I• ftt ’ * • « « •r ' ■ . • JOB 1 -i tii 1*1 ‘11 tafactlon than gfaeel. Many coun­ filiMHl bii.liler. H> t >Ugi ’(» tn .1 Html t»T’«»*f it * >f»»-»t ’ «»f h;« • ’«Gut for fifteen years At the rate earn­ would I m * tM-e<-»«ary !<• tiring tbo re­ 'III ’ dlllHIHII f ’nk glow to pale check» and tan I »hat taM'l !<*■»! *1*1 m»l«' iwft rr ftw ties are purcha«liig atone crusher«, ed by some tif tbi'Jrpst« the Interest main» to I ,•ni.ee for identification to f tffinh i IJMn < «ratita« til ,%»), fltv* M»««,» ta ’*a i>v»e. n--torca Vie tire Of youth. and tlud them a valuable acquisition on It would run Hie Government fur 4«> h , j rtrrEHix*».. cvef. lt«*« that hajiad been allowed to ••• to their rend making machinery. l««ut/ nth "it >t < «*'■,»<•, I ani,»«l «ad k..p il sleali l*> It *s more than any other national ipv !ti ?f ir«iial Utriii:' , .<11 of M* lift in»« f|.e f rlkiWfjt * Il tl» |M4»w* 'co to « uro or reliind Ih«’ money. hl« orrilir rr*PiriM-* t»far mi ««t<| < nltivulkM* •tlrritaa up the l«ry live» «>■•! a.« «II im. hid; «h„w« that the French gov­ The Oregonian hi« undertaken debt In th" world. It I« seven time» <>f «alii I**’»«!. vM \m*’ rarrwr. rw Jor l*«». isinttrs fnan tb» l>«’r -(•«,. t uL,, tn ». njlt*l ernment tvfore Its actions were •••tu* M yrr, •»<*>»«• I I *ftl»ir.'»* I I the very commendatile 4r*rk pf raid­ the bonded debt of ilio lnuiaii pimpi»«. bSla, «:*>'*f fonbrn, «U In ’Inn «ml fh.i .»'ri-, Stat«««. It i« » «•> t.*r «very family cloa ked by piibllc npililou li.id fully . • ' Slnto* a J*cfc«on Sta, CHICACO. tU_ rurtJHly, Ortagem. ing a fund fur the purpo-e of erect in the country—•!<*) for every man determined that Dreyfus should n ut r*»» » • •» *» h • Inga fftnnffincnf to the memory of woman and cbflJ fu the lan«f. F*.* «*♦» hy Ih ,'*y A l’eery, s l<»( tr. ,‘ome back alive. f : CSSH:MARKET BY THE EDITOR : ( Way Down Prices SDaíUMIñl } Wv lia\t- ninny special line* of Spring’ and Summer suits and ITDJIBS I light weight underwear.............. f Ihm II <1 HARRY S. JOHNSTON Barnes X Son ::: 7 ; il CO. > All kind* of mill work on *lmrt imtioO General Blacksmiths Wagonmakers. . . elei :. BLAIN CLOTHING CO, Albany. Oregon., SCIO. 0REG0N EAST The ami SOL I’ll Route Shastu scio. .; I'lidlir i « >.x STEVENS RIELES J :: SAFE, SOLID ACCURATE Columbia Bicycles, $40 I M. C. Gill and Son <»>*> IRVINE & CALAVAN. Proprietors My rig1.* ar»- lii st-class nial my liorst-H are good drivers. HANSEX X LMM ENGRAVING Ct MSCALL/fi ftmTRNS A p NINISTRATOB'S notice . YAQU1NA flOHTE Bui ding Material ÏAQU1NA BAY STEANSHIP COMPANY « — M C , T. J. CLAXTON, MSCALLS^k MAGAZINE” J. A. Cummings ALBANY. GllEGON DRUGS, PAINTS x*’ WALL F'APFR ('ofnplrte line oi NERVITA^K J! I. * I I Contractor ' 1 Buider HOUSE MOVINQ