The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, May 26, 1899, Image 5

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■ IO, 1*141 »ox
i'urm *Ji «liww*»'» I (»at at* c»»r»h
<an«l tae<M<
unti, a <«m«|4« t« rar» (• u»«*to
J. Wil M»N,
Altomej al Law ani Mian Public
H4 l<», oUMitiN,
0 In lw<> wiaks we will move C-
to our ¡a-rrnmicnt lia-nllou
two il<sir* east <>f P.O.
0 We are »» Hing n tlio cut and V
«|a«h order...
1:1: g
The “FAIir
././ 11 •/:./!
Twcnly «heepvhi ring machine*
are In opcnillon on thè ranch of N.
J|. Croi irci, on Hindi cr.i'k, ncar
Pendlelon. l’hese iinichlne* are re­
ino! ing oli Ilo* a\ cr ii e J *■•> II* < < • •
of uool ea< li d«y. or alvini l*«> lo Ilo*
machine. Power ls furnisiiisl by
tho um > of u h<>rse|>ower turned by
alx borse«. Thl« 1« thè lir«t lime
mai'hiiii » evi r bei*n operateli in
Ibi» lountry, alai -m < pun ii ite in
elllied lo I h TI ovo that Ilo* Jay* of
• hearing »heep by band bave pi**.
ed Hlid that all ■boep in thè futuro
Ullll*' «lieiri I le.' ini'hrne. I -•
Imii'hlun* are operilc l *in thè t ot
Irei ranch and tf, ii l«ind* of »heep.
are driven thvre for «hearing. The
ndvanlngc I* noi mi mudi In thè
• hearing of a largo n uuilH-r of «heep
tliaii by Ihe old liiiTfitrtl, bui in (he
ta-tter matiner in ulilch thè fleece I*
taken off thè «h<*ep’« back. By thè
lia*'d*hcanng tnethod Ilio »lo.arvr
wa* api lo i ut Ibi* llln-r and thu* in-
Jure tho M'Iling ijiinlit i of ttie wuol.
lly iii * i < hlne-slieiiring
thè tlei-ce
come» from thè »heep'* Imek ili per«
feci coiidltion, and it la cbilmed tb it
i ai li llcece I» Wortb > cent* more mi
|beaver><ge lliali w’.ien «beateli by
Tut For Hau
About Jum 2"th ('. (’. Lee will
have !■•> head ot draft at <1 saddle
burst's which lie will »ell at public
.«alcoli four month’« time, nt hi*
furili *lx and one hnlf mile, «outti
rasi of Helo. Wail for lilui if you
want giKxl horses.
Olii I roll IK lll l' A I KK.
. * r I
to ft
tit Mt kill
In limi
ll<V l*Iff
The supreme court rendermi a <!•
«i'ion In Ilio VLiirnlh murder case
«bd liniere*! thè i .iso remamled for
a new trial, The attorney« In tho
lant, B il N. Blackburn, altonicy
getir rnl,
!.. Hayden district al
torney, . J J. Whiln «•y
u«»<j A. <
U sjcock, attorney* for respondent.
Ttic defendant, M T Mdirath,
W«« on fh-tolar .‘|>. 1« •' I, Indicted by
lhe grand Jury of Linn county fur
the t rime of murder In the flr*t de
gri-c for killing • Tiarle* A. Turner,
by «hooting him with a pi«to|, in a
hay Hold near ILirri*burg on the
iotli day of June, I«*".»*.
T<> thia Indictment a pie« of not
guilty ua« Intert*
I ami a trial had
on the l»t day of Novetnlier, Ptl*«,
*nd after rxi lvlng
ln*tru< lion«
from the court, II e jury returned a
\i-rdid of guilty a* charged It; the
indict tiiciit
im tile itli day of Novrmlwr I »•».
the defendant tlli-d a motion Io Het
a»ide thw veidiet, anil for a new
trial, on the giound*, first, in«uff)
io m > of ttic evidence loiustifv the
verdict; aeeoml, error* of law o'cur
Ing al the trial, ami egccpled Io by
I he defendant; third, error of the
i - urt in permitting Mr, M iry M •
tirath, w lie <>f tie* defendant, to tes­
tify n» Il Willie** on thu trill ot »lid
. MMn, iigainsl the ot.j.-i ti> hi of the
I hl* motion lieing over ruleil, the
•c nt once < f death wa* pronounci*!
ngaitial the defciidnnl, and it was
from the jii'lgini lit -> r<<mlered that
the di'feiid.-itit appealed the cn*e.
The principal error* «»»Igned In tin
case upoti w hich the supreme court
reverx-d the court I h -I ow ' and order
«•<1 a new, are:
The admission <>t the evidence of
the wife of Hie defendant, Mr*.
Mary .Metirath, called a* a wllne-«
for llie state, to ti »tify against the
ob;i*t|on >>f the defendant.
I lie sustaining of the objection of
till' pl.iinllff to a question a»K>*d by
tile Ilefelid.lilt's counsel to show Hi ll
"III* of Hie w Itni: «-<•*, A Kprlnggate,
acted with ami p.irtl< i|>.i(i»l in a
meeting of a numln-r of |H'r**un* who
were engaged In di*<ii**ing Ihr
question of doing violence tu the
u>< I thereby
_____ ________
wm an hi«
i. r - ! i <1 > :1 i ‘ 'i i -■ i w ■ t - i- «• i „■.o n-i
the defendant.
I hi It tr alili Ci ■’! in . ii'kiiiT of a
penknife. found spun Ute ponoa of
the,defendnnt after th« killing and
the Inslructi'in* to the jury pre­
vi .u g :o I . !■ ir.u •< r a od i **pu fat >on
la nut n liefe.>*e against any tritili
nal clin rge.
I liave left all my account* with
the Rank of Scio for collecting ami
nil tho»e Indebted Io me will please
call Hiere and settle nt once.
Hr. E. O. IlYld
Scio Or., M tv 23,18U9.
It I. glven (Hit timi Sileni and np
» ii II. \ luwn* w ili * ooii li a ve thè 1 Ire for breakfast evi ry tuoinlng.
The delivery will I h * Iliade al llr-t
lo ralla.i\ bii'ji l' « opi raled hv g»«**
Un«* mg lue«. Ix<i» r liouid ulr will
he thè uiotor power. Il i* under
• I oih I coni rei* bave already lieen
ni ole alt li thè Southern l'aelfli for
thè u*e ut tlie Irack a» tur itoli ili a*
Aibmiy, and pi.*iulc Eugene.
V V • :
to $2.00
\\ e carrv a r«Miip|i ta lint-of both (*<n»i*tii in black, white
aii<i limit. We al«o Itavi- ait exeeleiit corset at l**>
ami »AO renta. Full litte of Kummer forget* at 2óc
to <1. AH the above are tielivt r«>l to your |KNitof!h*r
W B. Stevens & Co
M*i*>nh' Itlix-k
Albany, < iregnti
if .*«>»
- •,
'' %
* X
\ 11 kinds of mill work on short notice
------- I-HOI'KIKTOKX -------
All kinds of Luiiilier, Saslt, hoorx, Mouldings, Shin­
gle«, Paint
• e»
warm weather, ami <-ur propte are
n<*t g* Ing to kick if thu prediction
•bould come true. Wo h*va hail a
very twekwant »piing and a < hang»*
logisMl, warm weather Would te
welcomed with open arms.
Stayton vV*«M»dmro will send a
■|»'clal car to the big Imc<>ration
Bay aid \'olunte«*r .Monument
etvises iu Portland, May 3», thu CAT
to liuve West Stayton th<*
.'.»th. A 32 'ound trip has lawn ar
ranged, ami ticket (wider» cwn re
turn any Huie during thu week.
A. G. Prill, Physician and Surgeon
sheriff!. A Munger* wa« in
Scio < »rvgon.
• «hurt tliuu Monday
Thuro is talk of making a county
!>avl<i Vyrr- wa* an Albany v
rvxid from laacoiuh to «¿uartxvllle.
or the first of thw week.
A daughter wa« Imrn to Mr, and
Win. Jonew, •>( Jeffa-rson,
Mrs. I. I. ('alavan, of thl* city,
to view ;hw races Momj ly.
Saturday but.
R. I). C ilavtn was over from
PUn* for a Catholic church at
t«tny with a hacklowd of horse
stayion pUf*> foot iu i|imun«iuu aru
•p« «datore.
being pre|wired.
l!aw«on City wa« vi«il<*d by a
(tarar Johnson, of Halem, wu In
l>r. 11. li. Curl li«« g<>n«i from S*io drsaaterlous fire on April -M, which rs'in i v<*r Sunday, vUittng friend*
but w ill return ul»>ut June 1st, to CaU'cd a l*«s* of JI,<«•>,'••». Tills 1» ami relative*,
the third time that the town has
remain a few dn, s.
■Mr* It. E lliblcr went to Port
A case wa* r««-ently M illed at com» r.ear la*lng w I| h »I off the fac* amt .«MRirdty to vl*lt with n*lallvc*
Heppner that had U'< n on d-»'k"t <>f the earth by fire, tail th» last w.s* and friend* fora few day w.
the greatest flr<* of alt. About three
for twenty oneyonr*.
Rev. Mallotk, o»
,u irtrr* uf thu city's are« w 1* burn­
i»r. A. F. Illackaby, the dentist, of
ducted M*rvic<oi ii tho 1
ed over.
.»ilverton, will la* In Krln Friday and
churvh In Ibi» city lati Sunday.
1 have been a sufferer from
Saturday, May 2t> and 2i.
Serfling um
up from
chr.»nlc diarrhoea ever »Ince the
Indications are that the,* peach war and have u < m »I all kinds of med Monmouth Ilio tint of the werk
cr*»|> of Oregon, outside of te*gue idr.c»'« for It. Al last I found one viaitlng with reltllvt»* and friend*.
river valley will be light.
Mr. and Mr* Geo. W
IV. I’hllllp*
remedy that has been a auccesss a* a
• »ver «Mlcoyotes have been klll»*d cure, and that 1* I hatDberteiD's tulle went I*. Silverton Tuesday lo viali
In Morrow county *im q tho new I bolvra, and !>iarrln*ea l.ctncdy.
with rvlaliv e* and frlvn>l* a few
bounty law went Into effect.
I’. L. Grl*h>tm, (iiirs Mill», M. <lay*.
If you want the I -*t meal for the For tale by l‘e**ry A Peery.
Photographer Britain I* up at
money 8bt) »»•. v«-d In the val ey, go
Mr*. W’. I'.. Savage ha* rin-cived a Jordan Ihi* week with hi* large
to the Allmiy lunch counter,
photograph of Mr. Savage ami hl* lent, fully prepared lodo all kind*
Kain fell all day Wednesday, and mine anil cabin, which I* locat<*d uf work.
the day was more like the mld*lli> near l»<iwt,<m < ity
Alaska. 'I he
Attorney T. J Wilson, of lhl*city
photo give* 11 giM»| idea of thuuomii« h i* tH*«*n admitted to prill*«
<>f January than lh< first <>f Juuu.
Have you seen the new «hlrt- Hon i f thi' country an I «how* Imw lore ttic interior department
w «1*1» sml «hoc* at M. M. ItanleT*. th«* mines are work«!. There were Wash! ngton.
They are <). h., ami the price* a^v live men lii the group, amt all were
S. L Shor«» wa*»
*lre«*. talas though they were In a frlcnda again (hi<
w irim r country than Aia«ka.
had quite a aertous tlui
Prof Earl*ton, the aeronaut, who
An exchange gets off the follow- now much impiovvd.
wa« in Alb'i'y Ia*t (th of July will
“)f men aru Hie «.«it ot the
l>c the re again al tl,e band b urna­ , ing
Joseph \enietz of Bruno, Nebrn*«
■ ■irlh. Women are uudoubtly the kn, was In Selo Hit* weak looking
More land !• b-dng cleared In Till sugar. Salt I* twees-ary—sugar I* a over Ilio resource* of <>ur country.
amook county Ihi* year than in any luxury. Vleiou* men aru saltpeter He left for hl* home Tuesday.
*tern men arc rock *.ilt, an I nice,
three yeats In lb<; history ut tho
t rank Coffey and Mr.
gentlemanly men are table salt.
< >hl maid* are brown sugar,and |>r*-l- of .Salem, were In Selo Monday,
Marriage licen*»« has laten issued tv girl* Hie tine pulverize*! sugar. TTie«i* genflemcn urn hou mhiiovv rs,
for the marriage of A. J. Well and I'.i** the pulverised »Ugar, please.” arid are now engaged In raising the
' ithollc churvh n< ar Jordan.
Nancy J. simnm ami C, F. I.ibby
K yle, Wheelor A < ('» ’*>., who have
ami l.l/xiw Miller.
H. II. Hetdlnc dn,vo to Stayton
I m * cii buying
_ entile in
this county,
friends. He
M r. ami M r*. < I««»», Gia** uro the have 17 carlo id* of Altkany Sunil ay to visit w>th friend*.
proud puron’« of a bouncing girl Tuesday, and Io arload* at Junction was accompanied by Mr*. L iuti
fsitiy which arrived al their homo ( lly. Part of the cattle were loaded Paul «ml Mr*. T . J. Irvine, th.- I liter
going to visit with tier *i*ler, Mrs
l.i*t Saturday ovunlng.
w hen It iip|a*ar»»i tbit there was I oil I*.
\Voik wi* comm* need on tin bitch ilsiiil the payment, ami the
M. I. Bilyeu, who hi* lH*en up al
stone fiHimlallon for the Scio Mill cattlu were unloaded. I here were
l ump iny** new grain warehouse on in all n!»>ut 1 To*» h ad, all young cat Sodaville for a couple of week* pa«t
I u*'**i iy of (hi* week.
■ tie, uml were ladng *lilp|»**l to returned home Monday, The vl-lt
The people of l.icomh are nearly < »111 ilia, .Null. They wa re valued at at the springs >lld not benefit him
a* he h id li<'|w<|, st ill hl* |)< i|lh I*
through firming. There i* more « |<i,<«M).
somewhat improved.
grain sow n thl. year than last, and
Uni* weru open 'd it Washington
llr.and.Mr* I.. O. I lyde a'n| flitll-
Hie fall grain U looking «plendid.
Tm-sdny for a «ite fur ■»aletn** gov­
wire ly left I uesdiiy evening for Allwny
Thw receipt* of the AHxiny post­ ernment building. 'There
office <lu ring the |>.i«t year have ex twenty’»'Ven tender*. 1». F. Wag from which place they will go
ceeiltsl »*'•»•. which will tn ik * it it tier offer« d lit« i ourt and Lilwrty per*umably to Prllievllle, < trogoli
-eeoml-cbis* oitlce ta'ginning July I. -trcet corner for tkhl1*". Till* wa* tin* Their friend* in till* vicinity wish
highest bld. John Hug.-* tendered them much *ucce**.
J. A. Pennebiker, who once re­ a corner In tile II it at Ferry ami
Mr*. C. V. Johnson returned
sided In till* city, <lii»l at hl* home High f >r $.’li*>. T’hi* wa* Hie low Saivin Monday evening She
near St.'iyto» Moml.iv. nml Hie re­ e*l bid. A special agent will tie -ent
accompanied by her *i* i-r,
main* were laid to r**»t at Mehama to Salem quite soon to confer w ith’iii" Rumllett, m l Ml««
Wednoad ay.
our people and view tlm site.« offer t'r*«**en, tailti of Salem, who will
There 1» no kick coming Ht the • d.
vl*lt tieru for a eou|4u of weuks,
work done by the Salem Steam
'The 27th annual ronulon of the
.Mrs. Cyrus left Saturday for Al«
L iundry. You can send your laun pioneer* of < tregon will be held ill tmny ami Salem where *ho will
dry every Monday by taking it to Portland June loth, whena program visit for a few days. A* soon a*
the express office.
1.of interest w ill I h * presented. the weather conditions will permit
'Th» hots«* r ice attracted quit» a The opeimig prayer will lie by th«* »lie will erect a new cottag ■ to re­
crowd Io Scio on Monday. A large chaplain R**v. A. J. Hunsaker of place the one recently dv*troye*l by
numlier ware here from Stayton ami McMinnville, a former Albany man, tire.
Albany*, a« well a* several from L*»t> uf ¡«17, H»« 1'inunl addrea* by Hon.
Schlnost and
anon nml JetTersoii.
J. A W lymire, of .“».111 I iancl«eo. 11 Paesl, of Beemer, N<-br i«ka, arrived
Aron mid Alset.a 1111«» ofSaglnaw, piom-er of Oregon of l*lo, ami the in Scio last week, and will l<*,k over
Mlcb., have sold to A. W . Wright occasional nddr»-** by < hi»'f Justice Hu* country with a view to a future
>>f Alma. Midi., .t>>sj acre* of tiiiilier Wolverton, lb».L A iMtiquel will home. They urn llnu npia-aring
and in Tillamook county. The cor: follow.
geiitleinen, and we hoi»* they will
slderalion w i* »12,00*1.
Among the unique honor* that locate liming u*
There was to have boon a moct will I •• paid I«» Ailmlral l»«*wcy
Cha*. L. Ivy left Sunday for hi*
mg of tin* Selo II >»•• < iiupiny Mon when he com*'* Io Washington will iioiue in Uaaaliurg Wash., after a
day night, to consider the in liter of I m * a monster testimonial, consisting two week'* vi*lt with hl* father,
more thorough urg.inlz. ilion, ’»ut of autograph letters of praise from John Ivy, uml sister, Mr*. S. I.
Hie meeting was postponed for one th** pri'sluenl, thu vk'e-preslih-ul, •shore. Sirs. SI oi ' h , who ha* been
all the ineiiiber* of the cabinet, near­ quite III for some week* |>a*t, I* now
ly every senator and representative rapidly Improving
Wlille In Salem
tine of the la»t congre-s, prominent statu
A. J. Johnvm purchased a
('. N. Young was down to silvor
thoroughbred St Barnard pup. It I» and iiiKcia!« from every ton over Sunday. H» w i* Invited
just atxiut tin* Ihiesl npeeimen of
to attend a concert given nt that
the canine friilernlty Hint wa* L ive bu»ii>es* and prufo** loiiai men, It place by the Marine bind, and at
ever gaxed upon.
which they were going to play hl«
E. F. Long Mcttred a meat ('Oil- other man ever received, and will M:n*c.itM-e march. Mr Young ha*
tra* t yesterday for furnishing six • Imw the world American* received many (Uttering complaint*
or seven humlr»*d |x>unds uf meat Know Imw to honor I heir heroes aa for hl* musical composition.
weekly to J. 11 Morris, hotel tn tn nt well a* to produce them.
) r. I Smith wa* down troni
'The txidy of Fi»h Commissioner
l»*-tr ilt, w ho is xupplying several
it-'girt mill over Sunday, 11.-
logging crews.—Stayton Mail.
tx-eli employed at Hie mill a* engi
Wm. Zink whoreside* near Ilii* drowned in lhe North I uipqua neer for the p-i*t month, and status
city, lias been granted a pension of rin-r, la-low Winchester, April N, th it Ihii'gs are running III nice
*'> |x-r month with two veil* bu-k wa* recovered Saturday by J. t’hap *h.i| »•* up there uno the prosjiei*!* I*
,»iy. Mr. Zink I* onu of our hard- mail, T. A. flee mid (Teed Gillam. giHxl tor turning out a large qunntl
working farmor«, and I* de*»rvnig The txidy of stale Senator A.
R<-»*i, wlm u**drown«*d with Mr. lyof flue lutuU-r the coming »<-asoii.
of Hie consideration grant«*! him.
Prof. L. < '. Peery has clu** d hl*
McGuire, ha* not bu«*n found. Mr
I»vwey! will return to America Met luir**'» I mh I v hail risen and school at Moro, and returned to >.To
md In- will receive u royal welcome, e<i a abort distance.
distant*«*. The
The clothing Wcdnt—*1 ay evening, lie look off
and the Salem Steam Laundry will caught In brush on the vast side of hi* hat ami held hi* breath in «ur
•till continue to do first dam. work the river, Himut
yard* below lhe prise when he first entered Hie drug
al moderate price*. Take your laun­ p> Int w here »’omml**i*>ner McGuire store—of w lib li lie Is onu of thu
dry to the express ot’lcu every Mon and Senator R«*»<l were drowned. proprietor*. Ed* many friend* In
¡.Mr. M ci luire's 1 watch wa« «topped thl* section aregl id to Welcuimj III III
liomu again.
A letter recently received
fr>>n> at 2:10.
la|tiiuii<l Cyrus, from Manila, *t ih*d
lhe horserace which I* to take
that he wa* »till Iu Hie hospital, hut place at thl* >-ity tomorrow, Satur­
Answering the «upposod >|u< »lion
liad hopea of getting lo tin* front hi day, promt**'* to tie a g'xxl one, and
>< few days. ill* h«4 lx-vn ill for run strictly 011 the square. There of a foreigner as to imw many stale*
sometime past, and ba* not been hi wa* 1 large crowd in t"Wil Munday there are In the Union, the Salt
Eike City Tribune *>iy*. I’orly five
much of the hard fighting.
to witness Ho* race, and many went states and Mime terrilorle*i they III'
The familiar taixx of the »team t way * 11-a pp* *101 nl, mul I! Is )|o|x'i| all «pue* between the two gu-ut
wood«aw was audiMe Saturday last, that the race tomorrow will bu run oceans, anil at one bugle call last
nnd judging from the look of gone- without so much trouble in starting. summer In every one, soldier* fell
news which the majority of the Alex Williams his given notice that into llnu; tho Ire ul of the thou« iml*
wixxlshi*!« in this city present It no on«* will I m * allowed to tiesp.«** wa* like th» lolling of their aland
w ill have a g*M»l dual of buzzing to upon hi* pusturc mi*l twrn lot a< ird* reflected tuck the sunlight
do in lhe next few weeks.
they did Monday, and Ihuee who al­ through one eighth of the sun’»
There was quite a cyoto chase lenil tho rail* should Lear ibis in daily round. And they all •peak
near the city yesterday, in which mind. A great deal of g'xxl pasture one language, all »Ing thu • ime
several of our *|xirtm«n Io k part. w *• ruined Hie other d »y by •«•verni song*; all turn for Inspiration t<> I he
Tin-i-yoh-s have tx-en killing *h<*up men slid boys running their horse* «Bine tlig; and though each Is « »i*p-
ami goats for T. J. .Muuker* for n over It, when really they had no arato wave, when blended make
Wi i k or »0, mid it wa* thought atxiut right Insidu Hie fence.
but ono ocean, and when In full
lime to give them a little chase.
L ist Monday wa* “horserace day” roar the shores of the nation are
The first th».nder storm of the in Scio, the occasion was tho mean« sliaken, for in majesty, in latent
season nccurvd Munday evening just of bringing quite a crowd to thl* |H>wer in unapproachable nplendor,
nt the close of Hm races. All who i lly. A Ira k had Ix-en prepared In there I* nocounterparl for them In
remained until the last succeeded tin lane near Alex William*’ farm, the records that have existed «Ince
111 getting gixxl Aud wet. It was nt West Scio, atnl lhe hors«** wi re nations were first organ I red on
The earth.
atanit ns hard a downix>ur as ever on the ground* »on after nixin.
race wa* between Wm. Richardson’*
visits our Miction uf the country.
Tho Sclent lite American, M ly 9).
Peery A I’eery hnv»* placed a Pat Murphy and a horse from Stay
targe mirror In the partition In lhe ton known a* S|H>kane Bell. The contains a picture of Llnu* II, own
rear uf their drug »tore, mxl upon ruler* were up alxiut three o’clock, ■ si by J. T. Itutlierford a brother ot
entering their »tore you enn »>«• but It was after »lx before the race Rutherford Brothers of Turner
Pat Murphy Ills mane is II fi el long and his tall
yourself as other* »re you Bv the way wa* run, end then
they have now got Just alxiut Hie i-mne through alone, owing lo a tn fwet. Hw Is a «on of the Oregon
fln*sl little drug store In the valley. misunderstanding. Pat’s rider wa* Wonder, and was In Al'ury Uve or
under the Impression that his oppo si* yeal silfi, lieing exhibited in a
Br. Wursler entertained a number nanl *.iid "go,’’ hut instead it *.......
tent next to the lh*m<xrat office
of our people st (he homeuf Mr. ar.d he said "wins«.” 'The Judges said it
•Mr«. I*. O. Siullh Wedne«<Liy even wa* a race, but it was decided to run under th« name uf Oregon Wonder
Jr His name was afterwards chang-
ing, by Illustrating hi* (xiwers of the race over, an I Saturday (lomor-
isl. in the write up Oregon git*
hypnolisui. 'The doctor uudoubtly ro ) wa* d<-cid**i upon a* the day
posse** great ability In thl* line, for the finsb. Tho horsee are to tie no credit in connection with
wonderful Oregon hot»«.
M 1« plainly shown by his healing ri-ady to go at one o'clock, and it Is
likely that there w ilt lx* inoro than
Some unknown miscreants near
In a r< fsirt in 1 tila-g.iw n<w-|.u
race on that day There I* quitv
per of a shipwreck off th»*
(l „ ¡Rile
ihr oust
little mone
money up now on the out- Eugeni. Thursday of laxl week at
Ayr this appeared: ' The captain
...... come and It I* quite likely that a tacked witli Mime »tone* the north
swam ashore, and succeeded tn also glNa! deal more will be put up tie­ bound freight train, carrying pa esen«
saving tlio life of hl* wife. She was for.« the race I* Anally run. Al- gers and Arid a »hot through the ea-
Insured in the Northern Marine In though there wa* quite a crowd at I kmmo half a mile out of Creswell
«uranev Company ror i-ssi ml car- the rice nil wem wry
- — <iulet
- ■ - —
an I hree traveling men i’hil Joseph and
tied a full cargo o( cement.”
peaceable. The br*l of flatting pro W. A. William*, of Portlan<*t and .M.
The weather bureau lit Portland vail* among those having thu race L. Campbell of Eugene were In cluse
•tales that tho conditions arc favor io charge, and their aim is to make range of ths »hut but no uno was
able for an early change to dear, .1 a friendly, suchd event
Ladies’ Shirt Waists
proper Styh fiud
Much < ’henper ihnn tin
pit i<‘> « tiler I hem
Hare You seen Our rim
Lot of JEU ELin?
Now, cver\ piece of this
•r is Positively
w < iuai -
nnteed, and therefore upisf
give s;itisfaction. That is
the way I bought it anil that
is i he w ay I *ell it—- sat is-
faction guaranteed or your
Monev Back...........
Shire Waists
Latest Styles and
Lowest Prices
Nice, Nobby anti Neat
At I ’rices t luit ( 'au t be Brat
New Dress Goods
In hall wool Henriette, ynnl
wide, at 25 cents....
Prices on nil our <n xh I. s arc l<iw cr
than you enn get anywhere
if » you
and you enn save • money
trade with us.. . .