\ a A SK'IQ, LINN COCNTY T ‘ n at.iuiK«« ar no rktiuT ar •no, LINN , Mn, onmgxM», tr' -ffidchcv mall TMMM F *r annnsn. tu Variai»^ la alvina fiso 4 « mnffllt«, •« ............. I w BY THE EDITOR : ......... r •!!•••.............. . Th» t»W and-arrow styl« of fight­ ing vi* n«»< very smt-troful against th» modern method* employed by » ib» Aneró ans at Manila. f th» ad­ I lianatattt »wttiuam«’**U m«.a< b» ht Wiien tha«rfvlrr tffftvrM for th«»ir iHwrilxm. lari all work together for vancement of the countv fair, for we should have a fair, an«! can have Il If w» work together in unity. Bank oí Heio American whiskey I«rallevi "rake” In ihe Philippi«*»«. Thl« I» not re markable, tmwever, a« «»very kirnt of liquor i» broa«! In olrot»bly reach about th» 10th Ihat. Manila Authorities In F.ng'.and are berom Ing greatly concerned over th«- spread of lurtwrcuhuis through the u«e of the meat, butler au«l milk of cattl» Infected with the disease. Ke- «?ent experiment» have added Io their alarm, and the qr>a«tlon of the • zterinlnation ut disease*! cattle I* being urged. High aulhorltle« as sert thst the government must stamp out the dlse-*«U, even If II 1» necve«sary In order to do so to kill half th» cattle in the Unit*«! King ■torn. In view of the fact that there sre more deaths from roo«umptlun In England than from any other di*e.*partim-nt record« show (hnt at the thneof th» deatruc tlon of th» hnttleship Malm* in Ha­ vana harimr tl-e total numtwr of per- anna nn hoard was kV* Of Ihr««- 'Jr>I wer» l«»st an«! nlnety-four «urvlved. After all the .«>-<"«ll»*d hold up leg Islature that didn’t orgat-i*«- did less Injury than the recent one. It WSS a nut of jobbery from ts-ginnlng to end, amt the onlv men ulm will re- «•elve credit for having twon mem hera of it will la* ttio»o who fought the graft«and job». The gun hunt Helena, which has reach«**! Ihtwry' draws l>«t M feet, and will be of Immediate service in i keeping the lines dear along th» Litt. Does a general banking and ex- river. Hour other light gunboats Governor Gecr h «s esime to thè t-liaiigo hnsltitwa. Ixwns asada »I Following i» the li»t of jurymen I front «esiti and vetoad thè Multo** !!>«• wf the vineyard o*l. That anything should I m * wrong A. T. Powell, ('. |i ('«nnpton. an* slumlierlng all th«»««* anti trust Tangent —E. I>. Barrett. «Uh nation il character and |>olicl<*s RN» Brownsville—T. <'. loom, < leo. law« which were t i do «*> many • never occur» Io the Spanish mind. Fry, ( rocket l««itn, W. R. Ill h . things—Chicago llword. The At J A H A’ A A’ /A tornev Gen ral. wh*»»«* bu«in*-«s it I« chard. shellairn—N. B. Waeliburn, A. Io enfotw lha l.*w» but was selected General Jofieph J. Reynolds, I'al OllEPktN. •M t(>, I by the coriHiratlnn» I» rocking the t-*d Htat"« army, who «I««—I « n Mun- ( '. ( 'h ri-mnn. cradle. Harrlaburg — P. W. Starr. day Inst uas gr ,-lusteber«, 1 he had another »mull >u v<*l**«it to re Mantlam—A. fl Guyler p<»rt, after th» car was replaced on is the only aurvlver. Grant ranke«! ( rnwfordsv ill«* Win. Ireland VI4 N-k 21. and tho 111«* General liufu« IxghMon • hM. a Smith, 1>. W. i th«* track, he sent tn this mnate* piece of br«vl**ty: "Of agin oil agin K inlin, W. F. Moist. ■ Iugulila, No. 82 gono ngln Finnegin. Il:«ls«-y—M. Coon. —of til«—— Sweet Home—J. I*. Hahn. J. II. I jiwrcuce has Just sfartetl a Marlon couniy’s fin«* courtlitHise caught fir«* Tue»d iv night and had 1 M*ml Meekly paper at Junction City. Chxmber'jüx’s Cough lUnisiy. i n , r r, in MQSpe f mu i d •• -1.......... . , | Wo nr« al a lose to understand hl« The tir«* waa rau**e«l hy a defective This remedy 1« Ihtend«**! erpwlal- motive as Junction < Hy is hardly fiue in th«» aurv«*yor’» **ffi**e. l'io- ' large enough to *up|>ort one p»|«-r, ly for cough», cold», croup, whoop­ I.*»« i» between fono and JltMt ing cough and infiuenza. It haa ’ and rhe Times has pretty thorough- he<-ome famous for Its cur«»» of the««« Many valualde ma,M wi te «le«tn>ye*l feriti». 1 I ly cover«-era, an«l we «loubt If The manager» <*f th*- Allwny I l e »’«ne lu• o* •<<«!> at |i|s,k';«K» giving aceounta of its go*xl works; qroafnerv are c<*rr»-*|»>n«ling with í o- ■ «nd amt 7«tri*»!. M*t o» ' It doe« for a great length of time. 1» st 1 1 ».... f..«« kn.l Ar • ; ««rated, creameries an* mat mg mon The S|>nntsh It* t.« n I- »< I be nccomplisB«-*! Tha extensive use of it for whoop­ A i U* • } r fr r m 1 Ik *r ey for farmer**. l.ef«mon E A. ■■’» A M l.v M puHicans are «.«Id to be organizing a ing cough has shown that it r**l>« IrbAMutt Braueli that disease of ail dangerous «,*oii»e- ' *am|*«lgn against Hagitata, but they A cablegram tally «■»rw|»t Burt ■tey.i qucnces. Hold by Peery A I’eery. of Mlnnrapoll» dour have been con will not defeat the treaty. S|>ain's ♦ - - lis.«. r. 111 *.i> At • dem ned by the official« at Constan, be Cotrntv Fair Conxnu’.tess. |.el«nnfi l.v 1 * O A «. ' i-opperheatia, if she ha« any, will Ar • •• A M. tInopie a« unheallhtul. This will » ,0 r.w. • bv.,.«». Alt « »y Af I r.N. ' turnes! down quicker even than .. Lv 1 * «0 p.m i il diane«» lu gel n I •«r.m. ¡Ar ... («'«raffi Rive IT were their American counterparts. filthy lousy _ . prune» The following person* were R|». whack pointed as committeemen In th U with which the I tirka have been | Ex. locality to aollclt Ilf«* <« rtl(l<*Mt<*" to feeding the denizen« of our board­ «M*»V**irf* sAr 1 .t’.- 1 n . i s/p.tn. 11.» Wr»| hrkn & « *u>. ■ 1 ' it was only a few years ago that the Linn county fair association. ing tiou.es for Io these many year«. " im a»m. 1 ju 1* m.1! A t . ... JÍMtfMiM.., st V Scl«» A. J. John«on, R. 1*. Mlink­ I Jul«*« Verm wrote a l«o«»k entitled Every d«*ul«‘r in theeouniry reports and lra A. Phelps. I lining < ’ar* on <)g«!en Honte ¡"Around the World in Eighty ers Ranllam John Meyers, H. Cyrtta the supply of hoavy draft lior*><« . Bays" which attractml universal at very short and ns tho d«*mand for and J. 11. I’rery. tention. It 1» lbw eittlid that with Shelburn (Jrif King, S A. Ih»rfi i them Is active nt g«x>«i pric«*n, the * iuUmxa Euüfft Slstrsrs range of value« !< felly a» high, on the complatlon of the great Siberian ney and BeM. Munk bra. —Affli— Tallman— cargo uf cotton for the Japan«*»« r. » m l > I,,•>«..! «r IxMpì» 1 atxiiit twenty six miles an hour. I 1.*-‘J it. IS n ui , Ar ...lorsslls l.v ♦ l.«l p m plo forgot tomorrow what happen* market«. It ««,» «...I « »1 * « .« rf.nn^ l « 1th 1««1M ht than < X t. r«lii«a-l. her demauds for appropriations for by constant hnmmering «lay a’ter lie«» steamer Tumbi Mnru. she 1« 1.1 pres, irnin da »■ v-»n* *«nda> . Imprevcments of rivers »nd harbors. «lay, w«*ek after week, month after said lu have been the first v«*«»?l month that one may ex|«ect to k«*ep ever l*m<1»«1 al a gulf |»>rt for Jdpin. r<.,«i»VT I>urlng the past forty y**ar«, Oregon in range of th» puMlv »yr. More and will go bv way of the Hu* z C.« M. Win» >11« ' has received an average of only advertising bottle« ar« lo*t by '-let­ nal to K<>be Tokahama and Nagasa­ It>tlr|trt*.k r»«* about 2.V»,t*io a year. California has ting go” at inopportune moment« ki, Engli»litu«*n command the ves­ received a total of over IJ,0«)0.uiiO In f ir a few weeks or a few montti« sels, but her crew I» mad» up entire­ than from any other one c-iuw. As ly of Japan»»«. ‘.appropriations: Ohio a total uf near the bu I dog'» grip tightens when ly Massachusetts nearly hl« antagonist is up|H-rn>osl, an one's A bill Introduce«! in th«* Mlchlgnn tl7,0t»),(M0; Illinois nearly t24,O00,- advertising grip should la*c*>m>- firm legl.lnture at I an'ing provl«!«*» f**r <10; Pennsylvania nearly ♦2'»,'ra«.<»i er ax one see« tho wave of buslno»« th» licensing of all peraon* who «It* towering above. Key sire to line Intoxicating liquor«« a« a depri land New York over JG,<«»>,(»»>. depression stone Philadelphia Pa. beverng". Th«» annual fee Is fixed I Further comment aeetn- unn«*cc»- at |A, an*t th«' bill provides for the I have been uffilctisl wlthrheuma i wy pul«H<*atlod i f Hi« name and a«ldr«-»* tism for fourteen y**ara »ml nothing *j r llcenaed and the s**eme pay th» freight*' and wo must once. 11» doe« not any, In a long bic feet ni sir, an«l such rows when ex|>ect a great ex|>enna, shall bq an air tight partiti five day» for the past ha« taught those at the English Baptist Church nt Minc-r«- tw«*en such cows nt least four feet In vllle, IM., when «ufft-ring with Shortest route bet »«*cn volley point» bead of the nation« affair« that Ad* rheumatism, was ndvljn«! to try height. All «taNes where such row« ami Man Franclaro. Fare: Altmny mir-d Dewey knows Just what he Is Chamberlain’s Pain Palm. H»«ays: are kept shall tie well ventllat*'*! and and pointa west to M»tii Francisco, doing, an«! would oot ask f-r seme* **A few application« of till« liniment kept In A healthful cl»»n condition. proved of grral service to me. It («1 thing that he did not have any use tabln, i > u M iim I the Infltmtilon and reliev­ (HI for. He has become convinced th«t Round trip.......... ed he pain. Should any «ufferur the situation« demands mor» vers- profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it For sailing dates apply to •el«, and he know» that In the Ore­ will pl«*«»» im>.’’ For a»l«t by P«?»ry P»»ry. gon he haa one of the nations EDWIN MToNE, I- W a '1 r»R, Manager. grrstevt fighting machines. The i Sivww bitura barb tea can T. F_ A P. A. adm!iil«tratlon Is only ton glad to r.otbe excel**!. The Httle cixnerl- my *r»gnn. comply n**h h’s ♦»»tvest. heecd 'he ■tr.lfp ->."e, Athene. F'*l N I P, A. W. 1IAGEY WATCHMAKER HAST mid SOI Til The * 4 v £-1 • ........................ ».....* _ .................. • Shunta Route COURTESY TOWARD WOMLN. Th» IntaraatMwal ooa’.nlloo, raraot- ly bald la London. ->f woman later ml •d la th» tamparwam work. w»a a not* b!» d«u>o patad Ona of lha striking lacidaalaof tba oonvaaUoa "M that, on lha opan Ing Munday, two bundrad London pal pita wvrv occupied by woman Rut. notabla as lha gathering was. tba Lou don pram amtna to hava glvan It Hill» own sid tea lion an*l th« notim bmtowad upon It was in «oma caasa a great UaaJ more Insulting U-au cxnmsu-lalory in character One «'onaertative Journal eharacterlsad th« i-ouvnotion aa po»a>l uf "blatant female agitator« to whom laata and propriety are empty terms" When Ilia Chriatlan Kndeavor- era awarmed down u;v*t> this metropolis by the tan thousand, «vine two or three years ago. th« daily newspapers were aa much surprise»! and puuled by tho demonstration as tba London Journals aecm to have been by the women’s whits rlb'Mjn gathering, but Now York Journalism. Inelsad of criticising and belittling, welcomed, and devoted Itself to mtllug forth cupioualy the achiov» meats of the visiting organisation«, thereby not only maintaining Its eelf rv«|>ect, but earnirg th« hearty greti tude of a vast multitude of readers Kuglish newspapers would do well to emulate this example of courtrey and true iouritaliallc catholicity . --- r'iúfe- JS •* Contractor AND Builder». WtO, OREGON H enry II asklf . r , Proprietor. HOUSE MOVING Given special Attention. Con­ tracta for work In my line re- ■|H*cifuUy solicited... A choie» lin» of fr«Mh meat», In variety, eonstai’tly on hand. Will do a strictly r«u«'ne«s. Nhop on Main st rent, CALIFORNIA'S Boat Moaragagtor, Tho SUNDA Y Coanrt 'l.'im Four of the m*«t eminent man 1» Rurope ar» at the present Um« suffer mg from partial blinoonful« of ><>Jgar I’-itir over this our quart of hbt inilk, a.l«l fihvoring and the white* of two >'gg«. Bake In cups set in a I-an of toiling water. Cover with mer­ ingue anil rat void Do not leave too long in the men Boil instead. If pre* fer.-ed Farm, Hehl and Fireside M HSTi.ll -*K\KIIAI 1 Hl •* I «l * IRTI! T nrw lu Ihvlr o.n and nearby orinll«*«. I: I. »misai» oftt« «- «>*rk > * hi I ..-tel el I.,,«,. *ulary on. xht »•■■- » par «n«t e»i«m«r. «> tm-re, ««*> i-m «alsry M > ilhiv (Il ll.-t, r. »,.. * rnrloo- .-’« .Mi’-v- d **«mp»--1 eii.vlo*e* llr’twrt t. il-w Pamt', i * i- m < i .. ng, * id . sa \ ¡ 'm AN rtAl-Fon e >«»t F F F F F Readers F THE SEMI-WEEKLY REPUBLIC F "" THE SANTIAM NEWS E Both One Tear $1,75 F F F F F fl BARGAIN RUN I I 99 Mil 3 5 5 3 3 1 • • The Keml-Weekly Republic la the l***>t gen«*ral new«p«i>er of It*cla»a published, and ha« a larger circulation now than any other w**«*kly or semi-weekly. Il haa command of nil the great sources of new» from the I Hilly and Sun­ day It«-put4l«-. and also receive« the special «etvlce of the New York Herald and Journal, Il 1» the leading dem ucratlc paper of the Mississippi vnUey. cr the offer the Twice a week llepuMIr. |fi pagt s a week, And Tin M anti im Nt ws both one year for only fl.74. 5 5 5 ■■■■■■■ 5 ^üilÜÜiUlüUiiÜliUUUiHiliiHUUUÜÎ^ VAQ0INA RÖÜTE T . T. J. CLAXTON CASH : MARKET LawWaa Fw n«r«ai W«w V..S la ****« al«»M •< Mw «Swi* 'z, *’; ■ CorvallistS Easlmi H.R.iii. -C1W1LLAME1TE RIVER DIVISIONS Steamer Wm. M. H0A6 999 icnpt. Goo. lUabe.J Running regularly between Portland and Corvallis, stepping at all way landings. ------ RIVER RCHKDULE------- iHisn river, Tuesdays, Thuraday« an«! Saturdays. Ixwve Corvallis <1 A. M,, Allwny T A. .M ; Buena Vista R A. M.S Independuncu 9 A. M ; Salem 10 A. M., Nowberg 12:.'*) I*. M.j arrive at Portlaml 4 «> I*. M. Vp rlyur, Jlomtay«, Wedoomlays and Fridays. lx*avo; Portland *1 A. M.; Newberg 10 30 A. M.; Nalem 3:'*> P. M.; Independent» fi;'to P. M.: Buena Vista 7:30 P. M.l Albany 0:30 P. M ; arrive al ( crvalll* 11:00 P M. This stenmor haa been equipped with first claws accommodation«. In­ cluding an elegant plana I n«ur- l*as»ol for carrying both freight and passenger«. J. TURNER, Agent, Albany Ora EDWIN HTONE, Manager, Albany. C p. Cox KB, Att. Portland, »oot of Tafflbl'lsi rafi” ™FEED W/£( r. J. INVINE. PROP R ' I* ’ . M’ i My rigs are and my horsefl are good drivers. Fjrt hwtcii w»t« nil tramSeta »1 linlit Tnri it SiM"’1 t ” 1 ’ bn