e VOL. Il SCIO, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 3 18W T . ^r w* • Fl • • A » f’/T «C» .. k> X 4 w w » rvm.iMiia»*» Mi Km ^'14», I.ISS 77 te/ b V ¿X • ' * • i ridat at 4»Kt;<.4»M. ('<»., By IRA A. I’HEl.PH. >. >i4M»-«l fh- |w»wt«4h«c *1 Arto, orvgtrn.»* tat** titoli Hidlttvr Wh ¿•- «nntiiii, lotaria J t HMtotM. •• iti ** tl V. ............ I |K> ’• 4 Irvrtiajnf rat«« ai retrajo tw monthly. lran«l«tot »<1 veil iarrnr’t» t» mu»t l* rat*1 fnr A >rft t tra «»«'Ur U|i»«n tor llwif Inwftum I! CAPITAL, $20000 officer * A. J. Johnson J. W. Gaines C. V. Johnson President Vice President Cashier ............................................................ : BY THE EDITOR ................. ................... | I 1» Is easily understood why Gov­ ernor Lor«! calle«! the special se«»:«m of the legislature. Il Was not only to Mxur* the election of Simon, but • to appropriate 141,000 for the abor . tlve legislature of IW The gang I wore afraid that Governor Geer . would hot appeovu of such legisla Hon. Judging from hl* recent mes­ sage, their four* wa* well grounded. — Woxfburn |nde|H-ndent. It »earns. alu>o*t twyonsi belief that the sugar Ix-at bounty bill did not |>*aa. Ono would hardly sup­ pose that a measure calling for a graft of $.'*1,000 per y th. credit of tho father of the bill that he h| in »elf could not aay a g"ol word for It during the last momenta before the final vote. * The appropriation of several hun Ik>«>« s general Kinking snd ex- change business. I smus made al dred thousand* of dollars for the Current rales, anr, which was promised in such glowing term» by Mr. Tongue. lie- fore .lection, I) »n’t It seem strange whit filinsy II y.ima a smooth polllclan can m«k. OREGON. tho |x-«.p|o believe Ju»t before elec­ H l<*. tion, and how easily they forget all .'■out it when ho wants totx< return- All kind« of watches click» »nd jew <■<1 to tlie public erdx The improve­ dry repaired promptly. ment of Yn«|u!n.s harbor 1« of vllal Imporlancv to Iho whole state and tho people of lhe whole state should di-mand it, ami not bo led estray by m------ the campaign liar any longer. A. IV. IIAUKV WATCHMAKER KI. Eli. J E EAST nini SOI TH ShuHtu The Route > «|wrra» Tra» I mi !*••»« I<.»r«I«»»«! Hally, ftujlb. « éo • • r r. M M < -* * M wrítain i l.w l-v a ’•«y M I Ar N*n ► ran ’•»“ V A W ' ' Í M ■ • I' M Tire a'*HR ttllfi' •trf*«t *Ì| •Itoti'•»»•-«rt wrwi» I-Ulti*H'1 ton-l hto‘« I»4. Ttithtr, Marton i*0b»iw>n. Al’mixv. r.i’.gwMt
:«s ) ' 1 ■ AHtosny RoM'lurg Mbniinii Hrant la Daily rt««pt MU itila y 1 V . Mì . Ttv '• ffl» A to. • w r.to. i - ■ ♦■».•• tei lO'hh) 1 jrtwntm « llmny lx Y*an<*n . u I.T I Ari l,tr 1 ì •»« •. <1 A to- T«\ F.W. e oo n.tu tttMMlbMrit *!•» faig f »r|t| llratoh. iMlly Mti |*1 Mnftey i * » Mp.Hl. |I.v l#p.m. l.v Ai |> in. 1 Ar A «Nu-tbtifn H rol torto Ma» »* n M , ìiM ivi» » Lv ’i b*»e a.na - a. h .1 • Dining * ’ars on Ogden Route. Tho «loath of Jamon II. Minter re- ducea the numl>er of Oregon’sllvlng ex-Vnlted Htalo senators to «is They are: Ben|amln E. Ilardhig, George II. Williams, li.nry W.Cor- t»ett, James K. Kelly, John It. Mitchell and Imfayetle Grover, Mr. Harding 1» thu ohivit in point of ser­ vice and Mr. Kelly in |*olut of age, Mr. Grover has the additional dia- tincllon of la lng the only living member of Or« gon’» first delegation l i congr« »«. General lain« and Dvl axon Smith, who were thu »«-nator» wli«-n Mr. Grover was tl-,U r«-pru»«n- tative, have long la-en dead. Mr. Grover’s num« was mentioned for thu senatorshlp prior to thu election which resulted in the choice of Lau. and ¡Smith, but hla canditaturo was not »eriously considered by the democrats until lhe »|XM'lal Mraslon at May, 1859, which refused to re­ turn Smith or ele< l any other person Grover received a nuuitcr of Voles in the democratic causus that year. —Oregonian. Several of tiiu stalo paper* are complaining tbit so little la larliig done by the preaeqt luglsluturo for WE« OWIM t.A» »LkKI'IXU «Alts Alla* I.»st |<» O h >>gh traina. the actual benefit of too people of the stale. Tho ground seems w ell West Side I >ivi»ion. taken, but why are the refoint pi ■«•w»»w rarilanW an.>ers of the state not raising a kick Mall tra»,, dailr earwpt Bantay. at the action of the reform members tila o ti ->•< 8 ■■ I > of the legislature. There are enough I « I» n . . » at Albany a«i1itoit4 • 3Sp m i i» ganlxe and stand together to a mau. M. MIMVIII» V 1 h M»a u « e m »r . T D> le-|*rrv*tonnr I h J< 50 a »ti And why should they not do so. I'lifirl oftnn* lion »I »aiihknHir»' with ' They went al»>ut the »'ate last opring «thtrnltol kfi'l Of Irti ¡«I anti Pa« I*« Mall •'raw« »¡, ji lint, inr JAPAN «id IIIIS4, "tollina telling the voters what was needel, «tair» on arplhaikm. ft. Knlliiir Matta«» i *nd how the tax payers were bring < Il M a HMM a «, A m t. r A Ian A ¿eat. Port rot»l«"d, and now that they have Rtofta* an*» tidied» Io >M»irrn ¡«nini• and F-i boon elected and are In a position to rapto Ai»o Jaran, l hiña llon«»4ulu au4 Au» tralla,ran ’<*• obtain« 1 Mr* M. K. Wood dosomethhig forth* |H*<,plo they for luentarr, tkbrt a*enl„ rat Mcltt. al*» fttust get the utterance m «de by them be* a J JOHN tot >N, Hante <4 H* h », ’vio. im ®. fore election and simply fall Into the old rut;'io as others do and have done for year« They put In their time Introducing useless ami foolish bills, and aaei*t in killing overy one thnt Is for the good of the |x-ople. Perhap« they wilt Micceed In getting through a bill or so that win relieve ilia people in an Instance or to, and «t the Miur time they have assisted 'he boodle member« In passing < ‘onncctlng ut Yaqulna with the -s-ore* of measure, which enatded them to get their greedy hands Into the states exchequer, and when the hour of adjoinment shall havo e ma ------«TEAM ER»------- and gone tho reform tumibera will point with pride to the bill or t o that they passed and strut about with their thumb» uuder their »u*- l«ondors and tell what “wo” done, }"rat class in every reaped. One of while the botallo politician will sim­ ply look wise and «ay nothing. Thu the above steamer* 1« due to «ail from Yaqulna about .very work >>f tti«« reform memlen so far five daya has not amounted to bat little, and It 1.« doubtful If they yet accomplish Mhor*c«t route het arecn valtey point* enough to pay for the «alt that they and San Francisco. Fare: Altainy nnd point. west to San Fmnciaco, hav. eaten. FftUsuta Su£ot file»;or» — ASI»— VAOÜINA R0HTE Cùmììis i lata II. II. YAQUINA BAY STEANSHIP COMPANY BY THE SCISSORS 2 « « HORStl TW a»»»air Io. .... <10 no I K . h ■•»• Tho next ‘.r*naport leaving Han Francisco for Manila will have on ti Mni a reliable undertaker and < a«- kets for the removal of lhe remains «oldtcrs who have ■!•••■• in that far away land. Thia informa­ tion come* direct from thu Quarter master at Nun Francisco and t* relia­ ble. Relatives mid friends of lb«' volunteer* who died at Manila will ■ be glad to hear thu decislou of the w authorities. rwaak Tb. grrateat danger frmn I m Grlpt»«* I» <»f Ir« r»-«ulil«ugli itemedy tnken. all «langer w III I h - a» "ideai. Amang tln> leu* of tb >u- and» wb<> have u«e.l thl« remmly for I» grippe ww have yel lo l«Mrn «>f a «ingiù cave having r«--ult,--l in ftneumonl. whlch «huw• of the telephone In the Unitesi Stute« I«derived from lhe fact that the figures credit thll u-ed »1 T72,*i’J7, while Germany has only IM.101. Great Britain and Ireland, f?i,f>45; Sweden, < anada, .Switzerland. •>,’»40; Franco, 2?,738; Norway, gn, 07» As Honest üoiiila« for I a Ori;;«. George W. Waltt of South Gtr«li- tier, Me. aay«: "1 have b «1 the worst c-mgh, cold, chill« and grip »nd have taken lots of tra«h of account lut profii to the vendor. < hnml erlKin’r ( ough Remedy 1« the only thing thnt hast donu (ny good wlinlever. 1 have used one50 «■ent bottlu nnd the chills, mid and grip have nil left mg. 1 congmtulatr the mnnufnetur« « of nn honeal mt-dl- cice.” For «4«!« by I’eery A Peery. T. |. CLAXTON, Contractor "Builder., Cs I 5 S / X« ¡X sMfcdri r- • !<«*' X r i 4 HL dcli wealth of tiiu tutiuns, it* storiev of adventure xnd love, its descriptions of trxvel which cany jou to the remote*! rods of the eaith, xod its instructive articles for young xnd old—these are the fit t requi'ites for ■ ur own enjosment and the entertainment and proper education of yvur children. To secure for you the best and meet interesting of the great illus- trated nu car’s subscription to this journal, {rated n T PneYearforOnlyî 2.00 • • • .! ne paper and an illustrated In this V t a fourth ot what sotne of th. magazine at i- years The Cosmopolitan has illustrated m • largest clientele possessed by undisputcdly « ' Iv, in the world. It was The any pcnodit.i, .• u ne to India to let the world (. >stn<'polita» « » I ■ i/.l ptiguc It was The Cosmopol- know the teal I '. 3 great Free Correspondence ¡tan which cM.ibti h I t its c vn I ts on Hl rolls. It was University which i «■ lift ,-e of «1.000 for the best horse» The Co in« p w > . i ■' ■. and best arrange. less cirrugc and ; .. met>| of sewer and pi/e ■ s stem. Im iin< s It was lhe Cosm«'politan which set the pre-knlsuf gi it sch««ds and universities seriously discussing the def «.tv i t • -ting <•-! - d svtcnis. It is The Cosmopolitan vC - cnkipii.- • aiw- in Ik-' lead in advancing the wotld’s ’ivilizatiun. >_.w ~~T~ till) nini HOUSE MOVING Given «|>ecîi«l attention. Cou- tracts for work In my line re­ spectfully solicited,.. $2.35 » Shop on Main «tract, SCIO, OHE. RUN No betft’i’ bm ^nin whs ever olfproil bv nnv pa|K‘i’ in Linn County. Call and see them. SAVE MOKE KN HALF on he ont «jf Car Indies F fl BARGAIN Newspaper Readers £ THE SEMI-WEEKLY REPUBLIC F ""THE SANTIAM NEWS Both One Year $1,75 3 3 3 F 3 F mu • • ONE Ex 'L l ». ’M GIVES RELIEF. 3 5 5 3 3 liti £ • • The Semi-Weekly He la the beat general newspaper of Its class published ha a larger circulation now than any oilier w.-ekly or suml-weekry. It hi» command of all the great sources of news from the Itally «ml Sun­ day Republic, and al»<> receive, the spstcl.sl service of tho New York Herald ami Journal, It Is tho leading dem­ ocratic pap- r of lhe Ml«slsaippl valley, a.emember the offer—the Twice- i week llepubllc. hi page« a week, ami T ig : S as gam Nl.wa loth one year fur only 11.75. 3 ^UiÜHUUiÜHlHiiUHilÜiUiÜiUulHiii^ SCIO p LAN NG MILLS?» r \ t 1 è «3 HARRY S. JOHNSTON J CO. t> , ------ PROPHirromi — IT A slngln blast hi lhe lionanra mine In Biker county list week al a depth of 5 feet through eight holes tuade with Burleigh drill», brought t >1 l.!>».hU0 f«>r a )ty It la popularly »np[ «ud that the new artilery equipment of the army rarreal. on »nlering th« body. iur»ta and 1» eager to «pproprlntu iaOjOtll, with »no. phyalologiea) »u«c«pUbiUty two for it« navy. that make, thia ai.imat tn ra rulnar >.f «u.-h a Tha now May or of Havana, tbougli abla than othara u> th» acti a native of III" Gland 1« a naturaliM*! earraat Tb» Lombm Lam-at holita Amurican. He la an advan« <-d »pec- ’.hat thare ia no g'--l gr unJ for thia aaauaipUon The aaplaaati -a 1M alaa Ituen of the Cuban of th«- future. wham Tha boot, au l mora parti,-alar Columbu« ba« had another funeral ly tta emal and aola Ung »ad tnaul in Spain, thu moat aolginn, II 1* re­ Sk*. but tb. ah<* preaanta to th« ported, of the whole auri<*A it i» a ground a large matallk- wntaet and wi»e Spaniard who can >ay that thin thia a>nta«t !• in «<>un»clkin with to ti><- Mat* malaUic »«ductor* tn th« (tape of A woman In a N«-w York market nalla which piarc. the atro-uraat bought ten cunt« worth of meat and part of U.a Inaulation and aff -rd aa al»<-tri'*l ;*'.h Into th» t»«tjr Tha •tole a leg ot lamb, a alrlolii »funk and a rib roa«t. A quarter of t«-ef ooutno* with earth ia further In waa too big to g«>t under h«r atiawt. p/mrnd by th» grant au partm.ua>lanl w»ight of tb* animal, and It may ft»n A «enatorial candidate In thu i‘ «jl happen that In p»mngor»r w.lgr-rund accu««»l of buying «»•• w»|»i|«er Infiu- ence aaya the only |»«pera worth th» »a Um el »urfaoa of tha boot and buying are Uio«e that can not be th» w»t f«tlo«k. •» pec tally in th» caa tmuglit. Th« remark ahowa a round of unlriuoned h r«aa. may bec« body In thia way the »afe'.y of was 75.XIO,««**, nnd the amount »f tha natural re.Utanoaof th« boot» la money In «iiculatlon ffa* SI,W7.301,- ncutreliaad A borae. too. ooaera mor. 422. T»>e figure« «poak well for the ‘ ground than a man and run» greater ei|>an«iou t»f the pa>L riak from being in contact with polnta Farriera It 1« amixlng to notl«^« how much | of ground further apart. an ordinary throb will grow In a »in- [ ought to oonaldar tha above wall, ao ea gle aummer, A ailver fir 2) feet to Induce them to beatow eitra ear« high wa« lately carefully measured. upm tha driving of the nail, to ae« It had pul forth 5«45 new »hoot« vary­ that it doe. not penetrate to th* ing from one li.«If un i. to lin br­ "^uick.” ____ __________ each. —’’What ia it that alia you, Mm A cn«<> of parrot* that arrived In Gila.7" -Well, my lady, the d.wtog la'ith, Hcotland, w.t« purchased <>y a aaya if. juat geuaiwl nobility!'1- Moon- firm of whisky manufacturer*. aiil ur, Tho bird* were taught to erv “drink — Pen—"They do aay thr oar nixt the Blank’» whlvky/’and were then Jia- tribute.! in gilt cage* to Liverpool injine I* the moot daxiger«iu» ’ Mike —"Begorra. then, why don't they lave Nil «»tnerx»n Iw a man who get» no rich that hr won't accent a ;«■» in ISW. on a railroad.’'—« hJeago Ilreord Bohemian goeae, which are driv­ —Stikker "1 dreamt Uu>t night that en long d i*la ne«-» lo murk fit, arn »Ind ! you gave me ten potoxiA** Stryker— before »turling oil the journey by­ ■'«kxxl! that nuk* ua aquare I owed being eent repeatedly over patches of tar mixed with aand. Till* forms you a tenner, you know”—Tit-BIta. —The Baby—“Gobble, hobble. Gob- a hard cru»t oil lhe feet, enabling lhe guese to travel over great dis­ bla, hobble.” The Wife—''John. I do bcjleva the baby la trying to «ay he lot re tance*. me." The Brute—"Very likely. 11.» The t«en with which Gov. Rooae- haan't known you long"—London Veit, of New York, »Igned the oath of ofHco wn« kept by the Governor. Figaro. —Doctor (to Iriah jatient)—“Do you hiiiiM-lf. It w.i« thu one which Gun. Palmer ha«i u«ed during the civil Bleep with your mouth opexi?" Iriah war. Thu Bltile on whi< h the oath Patient—"Shure, Ol «Sun t know, do.- Was taken whs presented lo Mr». tor. Oi're never «een myar^f whro Oi’re bren aula;*, but 01'11 hare a look to Koo. Veit. night!"—Tit-Bite. The trust clause in the will of — Brejedi'd-“I t*U you. my boy. it I* Adolph Hutru, the San Francisco millionaire. In which he«|uelh* much itnponaible for me to find my wife'« ol his most valuable property locliur- pocket!** Batclieller—"You »houldn'l liable and uducationai purpose* be diwouraged loik*« tue: I baren't und'-r i«-rt.«in l ouditions, h i« been l»v»n able to fin«i even a wife yet." — declared invalid by Judgu Troutt, S'oukera Stateaman. mid tiieestate will revert to the huir*. Cùlfor Una Co Fxlr CoavoaUon. Telegraphers view with alarm the Introduction of thu printing tele­ A man* meeting of the people of graph Instrument*, which can lx« [.Inn county I* hcrebr called to tut et operateil by a boy or girl, costs >10 nt thu court liou»«' in Altuny, < n mid can do the work now- performed Friday, Fub. J, IfftMi, at l<> o’clo k by six o|x-ratora. Thi* invention A. M. for th« purpose of organiz­ will be as disa«trous to telegraphers ing » i.Inn County Fair Aasoclatlo«’, ns tiiu linutyixi ha* been to prifiturs. upon a I mi -I« to l»e determined l y Holland Is atiout to tiegin work in | «ahi convunlion, and arranged for n draining (he Zuyder Zee, mi under county fair to be hol'l in I.inn coun­ taking thnt will .x-cupy thirty-three ty in th<» full of Is'.f.i and regularly year« mid cu«t * |*«, bql will annually thereafter. All citiceli» in- 1 tete.teti in this movement, alao add 787 square nillua of h rtilu land, worth )«><>i,<*M).oo)i, to the national inemlaT» of the faculty of tho < »ru- country *f”n •‘«rbulturul collegu.arocordi- domain. Thu ' i h» nlui-kv , ’ ay . little ptui lituo country al|y |nv|ud^o MttenJ Ull, C()nvt.„ !•> tint afraid of expansion either at ! liuti. home orcolonlally. G. I,. Itr.»», I The White Star lino steamer: ( hairman of Committee. Oceanic, the larg«,»t ship ever built, J. H. W hitney , ücc’y. wa* aueveasfuily launched at Belts»» IR1«|UU : It < recently. The Oceanic 1» 7o4 feel U-KSTKI» -KVgRA! • • I- ' 'il. r t<- .4 ’ over all, txslng 21 feet longer than nr«» in their «« u »«vt nwr'a count)?«, ill« coaducted at home »alary the Great Eastern. Her engines are malnlr oil.r .hi »■ -i a »mr ant eap-n- - «'». built for I .uuo horse-power, and »he -tr» '»inalile, no mora, no u—» «ami, Mouthlr K.tt'rn r« gn «rii .llt'—l baa a coal capacity sufih-ienl lo un­ Ci I envelop« ll«*rt*rt X. II'-». re*««1, able her lo circumnavigate the globe , •laini» i*v|H W.c hi.w<«> at a ■'paed of twelve knot* an hour without rucvalirig. Men has different ruothol* of get­ ting even, as the saying g couiiteract« r 11. I- W ai .I'KV, Manager. having a capacity of 11.000 bushels a any teivlency of la grippe to r-«ult T. E. A P. A. day. Il ha« been running on halt In pnoumonia. For «