* • '• LINN ’ < >I NTY, <»KEN. EKIPAY, JANUARY INDIAN* PASSING AU AY. ri ni.iMiBP fcVKitY ri:lt>AY it I». I.IAA CO., «»K^A.««» By IBA A. PHEI.PJ^ BY THE EDITOR «>»»<»»>»«>♦♦»••»»»>»••»»• : BY THE SCISSORS : a Tribal ReUUuoa W1U Soon De Bn- HNU« Havered •■L a »' *• * « «| •rWy.,* Ih- 4 «'+«.•< IMMi ( . ft NM* V/-V Por ann«•■* iMV«ru,üi} in a h«*«.* « » «xith«. •• •• a - * l»rt*U4nir rat« * ai i»u, l|»,ii< i p , »1 «n*«»»- h>| « * a«1 vrtilariwpnf» « t* tfeot*i'ter t>¿iteli II H ut» I, • • v .e y v Bank of S ltinnimr CAPITAL. $200( BEST ---- ol Fit EHs t Pfesiiest • re PresHsul Sillier A J. J.Ì C V. Doe» «. gmcrul tanking ! zinna « change lm«l«n-»». current r»!e«, nini 'trift» i» principle citi«-». 1 / ■■■ AVAILABLE \. W. IIAG WATCHMA» mts 0,1 h or pro- ( ¡encrai tobacco, til other N, bats, •r< »ckerv JVC, YOU ■ood s» vou H n /J j i: ir/■:/, /:/ <) >•< IO, COPY All kind« of «rateile« d rtol dry repaired prompt EAST and SO % K e.» 1 I Shu.sta The ’liristinas tern, lint, rcliict or hie to the (if till— I « |»r« ** lo»tnv I m»» fev-Hh. I »» i M. i.< f «• r M I. »• Y M I Ir I*. •» . I . . A AiL«k) Ju I ram »•««» 1» just wind %»•. I lu a’te O' > <»>•• «i all • at‘ I*» m .: b Mn 1 m U iu , T11 ■ m. \Hw»r»Y, f>t«f M I1J* f M .. I \i 1 ' l t rx.s-1« «mela, xilonn 1.'-.«. s a.I .«■ •-.s. , I « le.wi. I Ai AI>> |.«-ilM»|«>tl M «wlhlil „ •J I J" I» m. I I A I • * • I : ’<• I fi .«• A.M. AM. » ,w. p.tu. *|»» IttgflC 1'1 II I Wily •-trv|4 «Gtxlat %r l.> V* iMtelOtllVI I , I.» . IY «*•( *« h t .1 V JiMri’«.. Xr • • UV. p ii • . . M*‘ «.III. I »ining every li’if of bu«lncM. I’ortluiia bn» I m - cii run tiy n gang of polltlcnl thieve» until II now flml» Itself Just Uli the eve < f Ixiukruplci’. By the retirement, through the age limit, of Ile ir Adinlr.il Bruce, of the C. S. navy, the lien, of the war ju«t closed, George Dewey, was ad- va need to the highest rank In the navy, that of Beit Admiral. The honor was fltllngly («.«low 'd upon otic w ho had bravely earned It. You should rea I cirfuily your In- contain »U rance policies. They ASD— clause» utiii'li if Ignored or nut un A... vi;- M « oS|M I lift *’ Il dersliasl '»v you will make tlie in- À U m « bed I»« ihrxi.t^h train«. «ureiice valueless. A man gave a deed <>f his place as security to n \Vv«t Side I >i\ ¡finti. in in lie borrowed money of. Ills ||. I h rrM •’»»» «lrtt»d rtli't « of «rtlllM. h one was burned ai,d he could not M m '.I tinta «I a ÌK «A.vp faimia) • i i>» in I a Co»Imn«i A » J» It* collect Id' Insurance liecause he had Lt 1 |.M|> l’LYpu» ’ Y» <'f»ixslll« not iiotllled the company of his the prop Al APwny «ud » oi < «III- *hn«ct w Itb I nun* tr uism lion in conveyiug bflhrO « A K rallr*«»’!. erty to another. h.xpnr*«l»t»ln »tu-ly euvpt Mindav • « ••> i» »U i fi r»»t »I m! * •5 a u< The ludepen Jence West Side «ays O|»iti'»r M<-Mm»tllr *4» II. k to J» hi ’ar hi I c | wh .|rt»«’e .*«0 it HI thst n Inw crcnting a board uf ' coni |»irr» t run ned Wm fi t •„»»Fran« i«t «» «llh »>*• mlaaiuner«” nevd» wntching. Trai Htd«-ntai an I »»il* »«tal ».» p». . Vl tilr.wtii A Uiard <)f “cuiiimissloners” «h'|» II»»» ♦ I’»» -lY.’tM tt'tl «lltNY. SMllltitf true. i|»lr»i.n tttV’G. iplMiinted in fulflllrttcnt of «olile h. k o II 4 » I M*n 1-cri » It M uikii tv, > À Ci**» Ynt. K»rt liticai pledge, «cetn lo h.ivc a per lan«l.<>t. feci righi lo »te.il every tlilng in «iglit • «ni* I w«-t • ’ > - » I - ■ ■’ ' • ar l F g 1”,« \iwt Linm, I hin» ||>m nnd Y»iw and tlien pul in n bill tu lite »tate Mr* 'l.f. *hnl>»rr. tk lhct M4,’e»i|„ U«•♦I »S f»». «!*•• fHMti for n deftciency. Izxik nt thè board A «1 J«4||X m »\ fktnk raf * •sm.OiV of ommis'ioner» «elf emisi itali ints unit .Hatt I'ranvlBon, Enrv: Allwny nini points west to Ain I’mndsco, 'iildfl........ . vî. » 3 A;' .« *s > V. lound trip,. . ..............................<10 I Ou ............. 17 I on 1‘of «ailing dales apply to , I BWl » r r. 1 r l*’ a *• r. <. CU UtJlBO UlI LTU1J w ic»Ä..’Vs« ui mu .sp.lm. tltlly. . y .... MroNK, Manager. \ • • I', V II I /. >•1/11. The movement recently loaugu rated tn thl« city to raise i fund with which to purchase itriy Eng­ lish pln-.i«aot» for the Willamette VHilcy has proved considéra bl y of it sucée««. Nearly was raised, anil Attorney Millon W. Smith, one of the promoter» of the enterprise, «ent an order for 4« pairs of bird. Hit» morning The bird* which will be turned loose nt different point» In tli«< Willamette v.illey are expect cd to arrive about the latter |»nt of f ’ i gram. _ •t 11 reported In Washing! >n that l.uut. Hobson ha« been notified by «e< ret iry fzing that he was Itnpcr- eling his reputation by hi« kissing cxhiblti'in«, end that he about I 1» more discreet. What Secretary Izmg should hue done was to ha»e re-called Hobson and dismissed him from the service of the I 'nlted States navy, ife Pis disgraced himself, and il Is safe to *-.y H at if lie belong. ee nttach 'd to each piece of Inland mall matter. In or tier that every citizen •hull do hl« »1. re of the mourning it i» further vlded lll.il the »lamp« inv«t be «.«id for by tile d»er, the amount to la ill ■•ddltlon Io the legular post igc. Home i eople r*|»eclnlly so, the more sanguine of the Confederate veteran«, think that 1’resnli til Mr- Klnley’saitdresaat Atlanta, in which lie made reference to the caring for tlio grave» of thu • oiifcstvr.ile dead mean«that ex Confederal”i will tie admitted toNatlon.il Soldiers Homes and pensioned by the general gov eminent. In thl they arc mistaken. 'I'lie nail- n can ami do admire th« Confederate valor displayed on the many field« of sanguinary strife, but It cannot admit that their cause was right. The nation forgives their error», t'ut it cannol condone their sin. L a Cnpî« luoutal Truui. "I liaveju’t reeovrred from the second attack of lagrlppe till» year,” «ays Mr. J.ia. A. Julies, publisher vf the lender, MnlU, Texas. "'Ill the litter case I used < hamiierliin* Cough l’'’inedy, and I tiling with considerable success, only Is’lng in la-d ix little over two ilijr against ten days for the f irmer ill n k. The eccoiid attack I am satl«rt--d w • ml have been euually as Usd ns th' tw«t 1 lint for the use of this reim I > had to go to bed in iitioul «!• hours I tier i<< lug '•! r’i< « ' « I ' ii It, the tirsi case 1 waa utile to attend to business about two days before get ging 'down. ' l'or «ale by i’eery A l*ecry. ba*> dun* more go< d ir frroport • pherr t: htn any .tber • duca! »litution in thr l.’i ;t«-d S’ ite». The « i»- k m f- »in th» m / ‘a <.f !*.»■ * r» - : ai 1 i> t ! }'. in ii. th» u.p!*t < f e-,» ./.«• n ( l ! . ■ ’ rr»j.» ••• f.\ ♦ x . ■ • r« vi vathin «rhoo!b< u*r. v^ork un * j,.imp«"frd by ». i.fìu't Int^rrE !« • iti x an«! t;»r l»arl>ar ttmietici?* atd y « *rtat,<>n* of * e pupi!. !<••«« k < r. I>r Moutr/uina u a« r« a•> n< ».,.* <■ ¡? » f -r naug* t f ' t .. be! rr f .re ’ •. .a r« ’urti tu h • nl«r o|M»r.ed ta *h» pepi!. «-.»e' 1 tr M Llr/iiiti.t, “lv! *! r.Lil rrlaGoi • l»e forrver «rxered. Ut « liil.c » ,« r !?.» r . Ut tdy *a a j»e. Ir. ami Ir! ’ i< m brwomr a pari, ir.fttrid * 1 univi, . • ^reat r uti-jr V by < • . ’ » ? f n. * fi «p-o are (u f ti.'tr lìmnt frwm !*<»< ah. i.•:»«». l'rr- a hundrrd ycar» herersb » i ! ? « gt ffo»T» ‘S-a ’te : laiì* , r ‘l.ittU Mar- ifrat«!- *-||<* ¡l«.txx iT l»r l.» »*! f •• i »« »>f our Ar«t < .'./ri « ’• l> N u / .! t.i i* a» Um \r / • uà* ipturtò front b • ir or by thè • ih ..« v\ .»L flvr » The cap- r» > d : n f. r I :>> t< Mr (. !» f ’hn »irò «i1 training in CXi- M< dirai cùl.egt Tb« c.olÌMtivn 1« b • highet »¡«b -Chi- An editor who knows says that the dream» of pro«i«*rity differ with Hie Individual. The l ni my rate« ro suited in. pneumonia, il whs obs« rv-< ed tlrat the .itt.ok »»I never fol­ lowed by that dl»MM when Cham- bcrlaln*» Cough U«meJy wan u«rd.^ It counteract« oiy tendency of a cold or la grippe 11 t »It in th.it da t gehiU« di«’«;’ !• i« the be-t reme­ dy In the W"i id f< r Ini' cold« .ind 11 l-ittle w irr.mtcd. ( ry A |’r"»v. No Prize Tickets issued during this sale. W ishing all a Merry Christina Happy and Prosperous Now \ ear. I remain Yours for business S. M. DANIEL jiilcrrugntrd hr *tc|»j»et»> graph, lie an*w* re«lr Jtitellig-ntiy, but •nnirhow hm conia nut i*r «lirrrtlo IK you knuYY thia Irdy, young man “Y«*«.” piped th» IHHe •ah, “that Mi** Filkina«* “H oyv d<> yon know Mi-* Filkin*?” "My mother wathrd f«n her for niti« y ran», air.” it t* needle*« to *a%v tb««t thr httlr apprentice wax thr |H»-t t>f mca- ««•ngrr to thr l>rutrti>nl ««»mmander Tbia boy’s name mi« Kogrl. and nlM»ut I** month« ago hr waa b>*t ov«*rl»oard in a storm ofT ('apr llatt«-iu. \ gtrat watr boarded th. •■bip and *«» tt thr lad into thr *ra. Four «»r fbr mm «piang forrlwMird in thr mid?t of thr «torrn rrtrur the In»!, and ail wrrr »uved but poor little K«*gC per bottle. Try it. Peery A Peery. ALBANY, ORE. Ne\t and Second Hand furniture, Stoves. Ilahges I oiler big bargains in nil lines of Household goods. ( al I nini s< e 111*‘ P om T TA*"■* 1 I if» > ’•*!• To q ; V iMctfu •»•«I? »"4 fe»r*v«r lx acllc. Ute. »erte »Rd >oTo Uac. tl u«4 . 1I »>**1 t VK t>r «I. a-»4 •»nil r frie. . i.u-lrr • •tronf AJl U-'.k ti u.« m 1« illoctd I - !>rej». Cbhin I4«4 m | nw^nv « • Iran ••-■«». hrau’ i ’'"tl»otit it. < . •» «rei«» t and) t. ■1 tir ■ f . 1 your LI cmw I ««»»1 k»’S'l» !• ■ te • i . • »••* ! 1 partite* thè Ihgtti t«»Jaj hMmUi r mpIcM» loiU. L*o<»hr«, 14. xmsli ., • ad ih >• .klv I m I h » u « «-«»ft»|4ex>*»n !•» taku»«' <*rt«r*r* •,-»limuly for len «r»d« All drtifc* 0«t», tutela« limi guarantred, iOc, •* . -------- «V^»'T•r■•, — - Athlroai « MU im « or Now Y w I l i»irrG£M MeusoUj U«aa*» \\ <• bitvc rt‘c(‘iveil h uc\s lot of beating aii'l conk stoves of standard make and latest pat- ttTU, inchitling the very latest styles in air-tight heaters, (’all and itispcft them.... ZU. C. Gill änd Son 'o the Public. That »harming (arante, Grace Fib kina, »• thr wlf<* of Lieutenant (oui* mandrr \dulph 'I. r»\, H r jo-lgv ad»«> cate <»f tbr nr * «I rt>uri >f t »pt ry nhifd ii>vr«iti|vamundrr Manx «;»* fortne' * H »• < uthr of fleer of ti*»* Main?, and «w» c«»ntinur«t an »uch uhtil within thfre week» of the time the I -.tl!» «btj» un •• i.t l«> Ha\ that ha might xcfart^|fo? f*»r the rxertitlxe rifticv-r wax T curried h«>nor In thr norr of lad» ( «unmamlrr 'tarix HCd!er«| one little felL*W •(• itlff with wide*G|»e*i rjr* it a ■>lr(iirr of Mi*. Filkin« on Id « ruk. , 0.1« »< mswtial •utpriard him. aid it plru.rll him. too. When ’h»« yuui a'*»fer •urn r»mr to he UUItrfT F. J. IRVINE PROPR. i 'I 'EKA' Till -I ’• 1» ««'.a in tilts afAtr tn ma .«•> nw^iti tlurtr ««a »i and i*rar»n manly «»fihx» work <«»mtnr|r'f af tw «tfliiant ir >rar ami rtprt»* <«r.vihrlc, no more, »V k-Mawd*’»’ fT3 R« f« n-tHvsi. >lii. •t vt»»l« I |*rp« M . < hlr-*