K, • I • VOL. 11 SCIO, L1XN COUNTY, OREGON, I-RIOAY, ................................ .... : l-l'ItldsllLi» kt i.ki railiAY AT |B< I«», I.IW BY THE EDITOR BY THE SCISSORS S w (Ml* <.«»%. < «»., Fifty «ix ve»»el« ware capturvd by By IBA A. FlIEl.l’s. the Vnltrd Hlalt-a r.xvv during the k'tirn'O»! ihr Bo« luoeia«, •• __ - -- i* |>> send home the SpanUli army al AirrriMag mi» at lait.livida ra<»«.u> t» a a ). Santiago. But It i» cheap way to get rid of an enemy, and ought tobe iiKÍor«MÍ at the Cgar’a (•♦acecengrve- Alt AIM» Jonathan CAPITAL. $20000 i Pruiieit Vice Prcsiien! Cnmer ( Tlie >«, kwirzlonen wie«lad ex- pan«|. n fron» n wor«e tyt«' of savage Ihan any foiind In the l’hillpplnes. It i« n<4 Worth whlle Io hold up the Iwrbrrlan hugnta» to men of Anteil- can dew ent WATCHMAKER RN» JAH' Æ A E R. <>oe would hardly think that tho ('nit«d ftati-» «upretue court had decided I hat truat« and ronsbinalkMia «••re unlawful, Judging from the uumla-rof big concern« which are -■utiibhlliig almoat daily. 41 It E< it I.x. Export« of manufactures for every month this year have broken all pre \)l kind» of uatchaa clock*, and jew vloua records. Al the present rate of increase the foreign demand for elry re|«tired promptly. American manufactured articles will I soon reach II. imki . uio a day. «’TO, EAST and SOI TH V U The J Route Shustu During Victoria's reign illiteracy In tirent Britain lias been reduced from Pt to 7 |« r cent. In the same lima Illiteracy In H|aiin lias conlin u* d «bove 60 per cent. Ful-llc Intel llgencc I« a g<««l national Investment. lion. Binger llermanu w*» rot "In it," w hen it crime to the «ppoint- mentof a «ucc»-»«M h .Mr. Hermann would have tilled the IÍ t.r PtMthki*«! Ar > V M l.ff 4. <«n y I.* " • a V» 1 pbt-e with honor and credit to the na­ . 4 1 A « ••*• » rah. >•■<» L» » 0» r M Th« »*-»>»< < ral.'I a ■ oj»*l aJJ u’Mti«tO8 <*rt w rw-ii tion but the "|>ow er» that be” couldn’t »•01 ( Uni an 1 S m U im . T«»n»», M arimi •re I It that w n .a- wHi, *p«nt. langwnt ihr-H, II« Hv tldi’Vrf, Ju neu«! - fit) i «»H .«» tat«.*» |«r»ln». »n 1 ath •(• u<»n irv«tu i<-*burj •nulli le» and iDcIudtnf Wall »V* A i i; r. »• Itali,. M 1 I.V.. IM r w I.ff . Ar Ar AlbMj loecbtint i.» i. ■ 1- M u»r M i « * I • l«»nnn ’• 1 4 • L» i l«r> at. 1.» t> i.i. 1 Ar V4 «»xdEiirn * •«! K Hs kairoh Ar 1 V .1 ff h\*. p a « K’lAV ».m. ?WV’ A.Ui- I 'ining ( 'ara on < igdeti Route. rallsiia £aff«t S.e«p«r« — ax il­ ari oMH t At* »I rri-ixi. cam « Alta«hed I« ihrmktfh tram» ----------- ——. Ths JUv. Irl H. Sicks Annual Almennc »nd monthly ;n- l»r, Wonl mid Work«, ar<* now known from »«•« t-> m - a . We mi- pie.»(«I to call the nlli nt ion of our render’ Io the AlllinnitC forltftW, OoW ready. It I« a «plrudhlly printed ind lllu-tmic-l t«Kik of J lt> i-»g--« mid t hr »form form anta anil ill»gram« Mtlil rial rniinlti L*wal «*•%«! iaa«at 4 A.. •■«>«• «nil nalmnomlcal »nd »ch-iitIfk mat­ ter »re -iijH-ri- r Io any thing thid ha« rvi-r t»-,-u m-i-n l-efore In a ?'> cent hunk It 1» monthly Journal, Word and W-.rk«, 1« one of the t»-»t litera­ ' ry, home and «rh-ntlilc rti»g»zlne» tn the county l»-»td«-« Cunlamlng hi« monthly »torm forenikt» with t-xpla nation«, Thu » u I m « riuiioti pric«- of Word and Work» 1» il.UU par ¡yen« and a cot.y ..f th« Hick« Aluia nac 1« - nt .i> i plemlum to evor vearly -ul.* rll«-r. Mingle eopii-« of Word ami Work«, 10 cent«. Price of Almanac »lone i *•» a n> 10 • »«» I tv.n • I a.. «... with < *r « Ibtental •> •» «»ri. real an IN ’ e Mill •hip Un»« i « m Brill « RISA. •Wiling tU'Mun I««’». H. Kotni i». Ma iatr« I 11 M «KBN 4M. A««.G > A ha*« A.-ent. W»r1 lAH«l.<>f. R«, tn Kaatrrn |n* »I» an ! f u r«ijw A.** Japan, t bln« Honolulu at. 1 Ina tralla, ran IM» cU-iainM fn»m Mr» M. K. Wuo«b U» lh«n , (;-krt W r*< «sc .aj». f It « I VAQHiNA ROUTE ( onnocting at Vaguina with the YAOUINA BAY STEA BSHIP COMPANT Types at H-istaaä« u ▲▼Oil I'hera ar« two dlMlnct type« of liu«l>«ninta hand.— France* Evan« In the Janua­ and Han Francisco. Fare: Aliwny ry L m B on * Home Journal. unti pointe mat to S«tn Francisco, A Buffalo buy wa.« arreated on a < al In, charge of gtao*l larceacy, for »teal- ». und trip. Ing a blcvcl« worth klnO. • At th« trial th« toy’« attorney proved by For «ailing date« apply lo tho manufacturer of th« machine that th« materials and labor u««-d In EDWIN STONE, It» roi>»1 ruction »<* worth MM, íi. L. W alukn . .Manae. r »nd n« a rraull the court deci-led t . t. a r. a . that the charge could hot he sustain- ----- HTEAMEKn------- ’ V •r J An«.— An there i» no different* In the prk-« the public will buy only the ta-tlcr, no that while K’.banv. It I« amd that the w ,r»t < ••«■• of hlr-cougha will tie relievo I by t ik Ing two t<-a<|KX>iiful of juice ft -in ajar of ¡H*r««rve«•,'«•> h*» arrived in H-tn Francia«-» from Au.traliu in part aelllcment of the Thr plauliliutk of Jan Brltlah-Arm r- un telaorc of trade. I directly m*t < S. M. Daniel s Store ¿.bout one mi’r It Is raid to coat over 117 for every Itapllat convert In foreign land- i nm gouthrrn < -nd Vi.! for «very .Methis!tat ronvert. ' or Hand mo Tl*era ire some uncouwrlud at houn -<»5 arrra Gt rtdittgly f<* yt I Such matter a« I« conlalnni In the linea a general hanking and ei | edltorlal column« of Ihn Hetdinal change laislneea. Ix«cn« made al «ud ■’latraman, of Hal-ru, i» uninler current rates, and drafts i<*»ited on «■ting to their readrn and lh« priucl»4« cities, *| mc » had beiirr I» (llled wilh mut­ ter of mora Importane«. NO. 9 ------- ------ ceo «e «l Ann Artair, Mich., tumarrj Mi«« Amelia Ihiy, «ged M>. Our war >hi;>s are resuming their «uil« of white after demonstrating lha they are one uf the world’s great fighting machine« Their main ml««lou I« pete«*, bul their mot­ to is rvadiri“»« f<>r war. ---- OFHCEtW Yf-»il«utl, i Mich , 110 year» <4< •O«nr pmm that «re .if Iruiv 4«rn:i »h :«ir proportionv grow ut vrt.ain Io-ah tira. ih« croup of which bA* th« pla< The Increase »hl« year In the ex­ < ov< r» tn arta <>f about acre» And port of American manufacture» I» pr*,»«*ut* a re run rk able ;»nmi thing par * lha:i to fr»»t high w Ith aouie other nation’« lmtuuv- «vbile many of them nar to a height of fi< iu to so fret lb« •; • -dim *t a blu. without exception, ar«’ retnarkaldj In one respect u peace tr«aly ii abrupt for am h »and v »oil. The hai«b -t like < hri»tmaa- It come« bui one<> raiiiM that wer fall in thit tert ;«»n » an a year. And when the Spanish na­ mil rimae vent« r to run d“V n the al«>pr» tion I- a |mrty to the transaction th«- «> it «1 tke fr< m eirw mmediately -»n w.Older I’ that it -all I«- ' t. ltvlid touching the wurfac« . rt;« h*Ua, how- In a twelvemonth. ever unfertile they may Appear «»re« off­ ered with a huuriant growth of wire- One hundred and sixty-three uras*. which 'fru- to privet.! heavy th lea go girl« ki»»ed tiotmon in one winda fr< m drift ng thr Mini. evening last week and they- say \ peiwon may beg ii at <» jMjint where Hobson was right on to his loti. It wa» fun for liohaon and the girl*; 11 r bottom of <>nc of t hr hill» bordering « at» th« but there were others tint country. v\ Ck «ntlraly ne of the Hpanish cruisers sunk , roup until 1 by Dewey haa been raided und I« p iin». and all th«- whib* t!.»rr will have making a run unaided to Hong I m « n un h.a one u«ily at ot thr t- world, and man> perdona b< l work on a mem-age to the |H-ople, ihnt they rr.>rc*»*ftt humlrvds of )« his tir-d experience in writing gov A f.t<-* t toil of the mound I hiî M» f’ ernnr’s >-a*aig««. \\ ill II 1-e a high teem to «upp rt th.it thtcr Geer affair, or just a medium easl> would thia* WhH* th«* *<»¡ ill around running message. — beiuocrat. gr«at piles of ««and has u »»odd < Queen Victoria'« t.'hriatmaa was foundation. the bill« t brinar Ire« rend-imi additionally iileaaant tiii« nothing but »and, from »umndt tnbaae year by ren«oni>f a barrel nf Missouri tine of them might I • cut down to a apple«, contributed by n former »ul« ho ?! with rh- surrounding country, ar;d Ject of her Majesty now engaged in no «»ui! hot whit**, •uiftiitg saml would cnt Munt' rt d the buiine*. uf lieating the world on fruit. \noth« r ’hrory that hn» often been «tnplov rd in an effort to account for th»* lien. Joe Wheeler is the most pop­ lam of three rnnaHia • ■ i ular hero in Washington. The In that they arc a diluvml f rniadom |*r dies keep his desk covered with hap«» thrown up by th« action of a great flower«. I'lie bi yclist» Kirn out fori whirlpool ut a time when thi* « »iintrv him on the highway, and he I« one wnt covered with water 11 of the few men tn putide life at the uf fo«»il remain» Indi i*ai>lt«l who is always »uro of n o-el •♦**4 i n in the trolly car-. ever favor» the mourn A number of J« r» Grover Cleveland 1« throwing hi« orrd to induce Mr TU wliola Wr ight against the doctrine tlon«i in Home f thr of ex|>an«ion. Since lie got »luck |‘Urp »lay at home and fix brlierr there U the local roads rather than to be hdle contain evulencs* yearning for foreign turnpikes that built by the l and of man remark a ulr that .Mr. Tit we know not of. y irldt-d to (hr in all the stirring incident« of the friend*, but hr at last d« «id til w«r pr-rli« I and the tail ling and roast Ing that followed th« declaration of rxcav aiiont Th |ieacu, there has mil been one word with a great ¡4uf iutm of suspicion that Henor ssgaata ever <> **pie of thi* »«■• • »* It has I m eh rutimated that entertained a -Ingle thought uf re signing Navi*« may «ink. t’abl- contain, above the level of thr n*-t« go to piiH-e«, .md dynasties tot Ing country, more than (ref of V« bite ejr.d f surprise«. A lat» ma corn, K.tnvaa grow cut toil and Maine started a «now storm that vxtendnl clear tu Califor­ nia. Senator Hitnoti, of thi« »late, ha« been ap|«>int«an Scientist«. lah nation I« now playing al ten, t wanly and thirty cent«. i % A reduction from regular price of 20 Cents «»» every dollars worth ot goods purcbased tor chs I i or pro­ duce during this sab’ , on mv entire stock of General Merchandise except sugar, coffee, syrup, rice, tobacco, soap, men’s leather and rubber boots. On all other gt K)ds, consisting of clothing, furnishing goods, hats men’s, women’s and children’s shoes, notions, ci-oekerv above you glassware and all groceries, not mentioned above, will save 25 |M‘r cent on every dollars worth of goods you purehas<‘ for cash or produce. ..»‘.Tf There is nothing more appropriate for a Christmas present than a nobby suit ot' clothes, dress pattern, hat, a nice pair of shoes, gloves, necktie, handkerchief or something of this nature that will be of real value to the person to whom it is presented. This is a plain proposition—you know just what von can save........... 20 Cents on Every Dollar No Prize 'Pickets issued during this sale. \\ ishing all a Merry Christmas aid a Happy and Prosperous New Year, I remain, Yours for business S. M. DANIEL dmn t - d maai»* a Gain iv * tn ul i ••rareta, (’andy < alhar . . ) u« b -> ai**i U»*i‘ H k.va/ . b) »t tni up the lazy liver and drtwing «U im {>u, » ’r a i »* body, itgin tu day to »•ti-»»ii p;> '.Tea, hmU, r»U ud»ra. toticklMhuU. • nd that .»Aly I .ho ’H l-> talti>uf l i * u « t « I -4 Ir ’ >r trn i • nt« til n another tinge are presented quite a- attractively the Interiors of «oírte "I’felty K mm« of Girls," which give admirable hint« for the furmahlng and decora­ tion of the al«eping-ruom. a A tramp wa» arrested at Kokomo, Ind., for having In hl« prau-Mlun “ilmmlea" linnilei” and chisel*. c‘ " " for meri out of railway spik lea. lie convulsed the court by explaining that he ..r rleil the V«>la to tireak up bl-M-uits given hiiu by the young won - n, and I he following 1« going I ho rounda: he look a biscuit from Ids pocket and cracked it in Ulmtration Hw A preacher came to a n<-wpit>cr man In thia wav "You editor« dare court reteased him. not tell the truth. If you did could A go ne I Ilo, the representative of not live, your new-qut-vr would la* Agmlnaldo, th« inaurgrnt leader In u failure.” Th« editor replied: ••You are right; and the minister tiu PhUIpploM, In an Intel f In London, tx quoted an «aytng: ”1 My who will at all tliuee r.n-l under all —PRiiPHlKTOH— countryman will r««l»t tn th« bitter clrcurnMancc-i tell the truth of hl« •nd any attempt tn »«II the Philip­ memticr", dead or alive, will not oc­ pine« tea foreign powvr. We am cupy hl. pulpit more than once, and 3h«ving. • 15 cania auxiountobe uniteli and alllod te then hu will find It convenient to H»irculling. leave town In a hurry. The tiro«« our good ft lend«, the Atneri'-an«, Shswpooing but beyond thl» wu uro determined and the preacher In the pulpit gn Lid its Hair Drilling 25 at all haurd* to rvSnl to the Litter hand In hand with white W»«h bru«n e« and ptenaant word» magnifying •nd.” taihi. - • 25 'little virtu«« tnt Mg m*«. The pulpit, the i»en and the gr*»e alone l tre thr g- -it miid-maklag trlum ; Work guaranteed «trlclly fir»Cclas. . vireic." llMl' -* SCIO SHAVING PARLORS H. H. HENLINE M FE£fl r. J. IRVINE PROP'R My rigs are fust-class and my horses are good drivel’s. I HKt Coietti! Witl all Trans al West Soia, ani Moni« Tram al Sìtlìm