The Saiiiiani News SCIO OHROOM ♦ermfnaH^n h-4*f]ute« >^t»*.n Ppa>n and th* ps-*>p*e nf <’uh» and Io M toM t -i •f maintain rRational obi g ariana »nd tratoiuil lily arvi ittwei Well » r» «m ««Muli Tt w*a fitti©© that «tet­ as to te don* la th* way >f 4©- »pera*!***»* la ta*t uuartee #h»uN b© >mph*b*d by tb© strong ©rm of tte ted *<»•*•» alone t»l«©>!ng thè stero pr*« *p< of war « -1 h etJcMns ih© ov«r» «*mtn*i uf tb» a»!v»raary *r 1 Ite etti«.« itoti f bis |»«««r *h«f»')f tte »pe* !v and ©»»r* ««•■»• the Oeace. dtvMM v»ct«o» • permiaeihle for no patti!toa ot th» vd teeponel Ihlllll»© su« ¡ •uh! l»e th« Ughi <»f R »pilon I leaf Rattle •< niH Ibe mura«.a > »W|M*ra tb© 1*1*1' snt fr»r ro « r*• dta of rhiiiov The test seen» e*f th* w*r ©I Merits lis starting pls«© It after a brief assault t-> the lami for*e». In wh «••t»<*d the repliai *urr tismalli »suailte« tlaelv t « * »» X » I III« I s I biimm I NEWS OF 1 WEEK HIM »II law» la I.»»«’« I*rs4l*s |l«a |»> « wngrr«». From All Pnrts of the New World and the Old. ’S* I W OF INTEREST Moretti Text ni President's An TO OUR HI ADERE Th« ÍH» >l.| It* 11KH) 1 II < mor© pâjfe’i muiiajr It la annotiti rod at no nror© praaiJonii • I Washington I»»«! tvs* tore i© b«* naipf^i uiitil cot that will i I l«*wa m Mon« Cft* further Um«* fea Mirlri TrvuLk’s has arire tw«w*n (tormst.jr an Hints, relativ© to th© t » north <»f I in Afr ca be­ *«• U«»n. it Frew U»tin- ika. 1tonrral Thomas mie al i he Military s»rv* Is* uf th«* rovo luttonary vwdttr, has u«ur)M*.| lb«* (■real pruclaitnol lntnsrif c I ©I lb© republic. militar Rhs’t*r • ruh* and 21 prepar», Hantlago tK largar *v 13 th* menred emterksll 'ti 1 le squadron the’.ted A»n Juan «mitro f*»rc© «as relut co On May to <'<>mmo>t««re Ht © tea a» early a» Aug • 1r*-n temterded tte fWFlB absent from th© United H l'ng thè ti ulh ■ f ganti*©.* bar''- ■* m«*Mh* Atta k hai »ny m»!srial reoult It «toni that we!ì-*»rtor©d land ojwr»- ri i< i %iB.«»t i * 11«»%« •re Indtopcnaabl* to achisv» a d»- 1*4 *dvsntage *P©1n» Overture» fe» n < rttml.m ItobsoR*» llrr«»l«at* HeetlIUlee, ©et in th* w*r thrtltod i not of H|*enash The annihilation of Admiral h»»rt* af ouf ruuntrymen. 1 « in Ih» very fe shlbltl tlag 1» having brought to th* Hpan *h « uf Jun« | Ideutenant H I of tha •ri*mmt a realising se n*e t»f th© hupvb *«vrn 4©vot*d voluntser*. Ww* ttp«>n •»> * pr ••♦»«! 4l»clo»e4 Rpaniards Il I* a must gr©;- of Rpaln'a Interest* during th© m gran tty of th© if>lng Incident of th© nar that th© brav­ the Mth of July, M ('ambon proawntsd a ©ry of this llttl* tend ai h»ro*a « mi ror- rommunlrgt ion. signed by ths l>ukr nf logics H y dial!/ appre« late»! hy th© HpanUtrto. w ho Almo** v*r. (he Hpanlsh ml r. Is ter of stat». ruar act ••l ble. •» n| a flag nf truce to nutlfy Almlral Inviting th» Unit*«! Htatr* to slate the H!i terms up«>n whl h It w,»uld be wiling to m*nt th« m upon their daring a t They make ix-ncr July ». by a communlcatl h giving 0p« \x «« > A » I Were su ' •»q-o r Uy ©«‘ hanged, July 7 addressed t«» th« lhikv of Aimtnlavar, and !’v Jure 7 th© cutting of the te Cut an han( this r* hte isolated th© island Thereafter th* government w«r* announce«! sutetaniially Invasion was vigorously pr<»secutr4 Jun© In th© protocol, afterwards signed Un !•>. under a h«-*vy protecting fire a land- August 1«. th» Hp»r.»h reply dat«*d August Ing fur**» of frtt msr'.n»» ft >m the Oregon. 7 was handed by M Camten to tl>- »• ■ f an i Mar! • -head and 3 >nk«e was rfh- -»d at retar) of state. It ac< epted un <»ndl- Gtiatttanamo bay. «her© It had tern de­ tlonally th© term* Imp »rd» as to Cute. termined to ©«labllah • able station Thi* Porto >k tu Introduce fr--m the enemy after sever© fighting by Inadmissible rec©rvaHon* in regard to our ,»i vs 3 ft» pre© the niartfte*. who were the first organ!»* ! demand as to the ¡‘hlHppln«**. er ted force uf th© Unit©*! Blates to «and fn Cute Contriving that dIs«-u©stem on this point Th* teudlion su won was held, draplte th© could neither te practicable nor profitable d-r» ■ rate attempts !•* dis •-•!<«• <»ur (■ rr« • I dlrrct©«! that, in order tu avoid ntis* 1ah]ulri. about 1ft mil©» east of Hand- wrr«* umlertaken. The vague »nd ine»- inform©*! uf th< • tuatlon, and I rerom- ago. This was *«mmpllsh»d under great ilth Of Febtu- pllclt auggeatftona of the Hpanteh note rc*«n»!«d f.trms’ •!« • ’-»rat. n • dlt««t>n© th» G« n»ral i they <»n August 12. uf ths Hpanlsh Antilles e d!»tin- pre-’ident Io u»e all th© »rm« 1 fore«© of th«* W h«« ter'* division, parti* Ipatrd. loslt g Id in is dis. heavily. Hy nightfall, how* ver. ground M Ci mbon announced hl* receipt of full i bat thl© nation to r»rr> that act Into efftMCl. . Un- within five mile» of Kantiago w«» won powers to sign th» prutcM'ol ui submitted. onerous •- •. . - ' » .<•’,• ■ d w a t eW of by pre- as afureaa ! was given Apr I 26 !»y tele­ Th© adtantag© was *te-ndlly lnf slate as the after a d<*>|fe*rat» charge an«! the tnwat- tn»«!*« poaaibte sur««l during th* war Th*- v«rl •• gov« rn- of the United Slates. plrnlpotenttrtry mml of th© city was rompieted Th* »ver wrought m»nts respond* I with pf lamatbm* of navy co-operated by shelling the luwn slgnr*l th« protocol providing: |u»U< © prevail©*!, and neutrality each aft«r its own I r-th.fel ’Art Iris 1. Spain will rclinqn and the roast forts. awaited th© result i* not among the !«•»»< gratlfyl Aj» i claim of sovereignty ov«-r ai*«l ligation at *>n« © set I >e»l r M© t Ion ,,i the l rni»«I m . of th© struggle that the obligations u! Cute. uf the n»v«l tesar«! On ths day following thl* br1 liant neutrallly were impartially «$;»* h-.arged by of ! "Arttrto that th© origin of all oft#n under dell« at* and dim« ult dr- achievement of our land forcea, July I. rout t re- State© the Island uf I'ort* ©real by a subma* «M.'4'urfed the deebatv* nsvAl combat of the cum*tan . The United Elat. • will occu r*< i r % h a i « run u m nil tte Hpanlsh ship© were destruyr«1 re py and hold the city, 1>««y and harbor of blockade contratend. the exercto«» *«f th© Two torpedo boats were sunk and th»- Ma­ Manila, pending the conclusion of a treaty right of subjects atkd (he Immunity uf neu­ I PI>ri>|irlMtl>>n wf Fifty Mil rla T»r«wa, Almirante Oqusmio. Vlseay* of peace, which Shall determine the von- tral fl«*s and neutral go*»to under t he tor tntlounl llrlcMtr. and Crtstutel Cuten Were driven ashore tr : dl' i ••Htl- n nnd ©•»vvrnm« t»t of th« «n*my a flag A similar proclamation wa* The Spanish admiral and over !><» m>n mad© by th© Ht**ni*h government, In the : wrr© taken prisoners White the enemy * Tr Th© fourth srllcle provided for the» up- All th th tinge carr ed conviction ta conduct of hu»tlb!'e* th© rule* of th© hw*s of life wm deplorably large, *»>me mu«! tho >ughlfttl. ev*a before Ike I hi l»<»intment of Joint commissions on the ers» declaration of Pad». Indudtn »hâtent ion >*.» perishing, on our si«!e but on» man fin naval court, that a crisis part uf th© United Htatoa and Hpnln to Htat«’* of Central Ai tf of from resort to privateering. V© ncrord- wa« khl«-d ar«! uno msn *< Hou»ly w ur d *1 opttonal ron« » asIon h* »'» with Hj aln and toward meet In Havana and Kan Juan. reap*-« tlv* !ng-y been citearved by both r-Illg«-rmu». A though our »hi|nw»rr repeatedly struck, t |y. for the purpose of arranging »«nd car­ t«> tetome « ffvctlve ite strong was th to nt ham! although nvHber was a p»arty > that de* not one was seriously Injur*-«! Th«- Mtn the pr««*cnt grant. rying out th«- details » ’ f tte Stipulate«! f It hf-e«ler© than five rommh- le emergency uf war, which It was »rd at* fully shown in th© (««ward the achievement of this astound canal cumml*ai.>h •ioner© un each aide to m«'et at Par'-s not a^mu»«t unbjue. spec- report* «>f the leverai ©'«retarte« It w a* Ing victory, for whi«-h neither anctent n<»r later than October I. and to pr«**«l to es suggest th© ur of a unanimous vote a must timely appropriation. natding th© mtxtern history affords a parallel in th«» tbs negotiation and conclusion of s action by eongr««* n the Wh of March ap- gv»v»rr»mmt t :<« str ngth«-n its d*ff th© event and the marv*l. lattora of «he past treaty uf | h •«•«•. subject to ratifi« <*U*»n *•’ •e “for th* national de- preparation* greatly n4^d*d tn ou© disproportion of casusltlr» li would cording Io th© respretiv© const it utionai to ma h the linking of th© t and every purpose eon- ease of war This fund telng lnad<*riA(« b<- intidlou* to »Ingle out any for special •cans by a practk^al form« of th© two countries. I«« te e*i*et.ded at th© to th» rsqulr rflenta of «- tulpi«-«»nt and for honor Iteservsd promotion ha* rewarded Th*, sixth and last article prov'd«*s thM re a) is« d That the of presMent " r..1ui wf «»«w war («•« } m »1«» mì «*4 ii w« t»!C c .T,-!uxt lh* ««»» rr < onapl-uou* a. f»»r* the nation a up<»n the signing of the pro haul, hiwilll : construction of such a maritime highway i»f provision came none congrraa provideil ths meant in the war profound©«! gratitud© I* dur to all of Ihoee ties between th* two countrk* Shall te to now more th«n ever indtoi»eri»aMe to W l«»*ed wten (ha applka- r»v»nue art of Jun© 13 by authorising a I rme m« n who by ttelr skill and tltro •uspeoded. and that notice tu that » fT« ■ t : that Intimate and ready In mu w** undertaken. Our 1 per rent pop »ular loan, not to ri »ed tion tn a few »hurt hour* cr-.ishod th* *ra should te given as soon a* possible by ■ ratton between our eastern n 1 lolly undefended, our On. and by |*vylng ««IdKtomtl tm- wrought a triumph each g*»vernmenl to th» commatidvrs ut ■ isth toiard* <1*mande«i by th* u ''r of Btokto and p- * pr >vi»ten for lm rea»ed r dertolvcnee» and far-reaching ef- posts and taira u Of the authorited loan, wteetWi i of the Hawaiian Islands and Its na\nl forces. suppUe*. and evm num- «aso rirred ami prompt»y taken. fisetfl can scarcely be measured Nor can Immediately upon th* c inclusion of th* live extension of our influrn any «udden attack Cr«»m ths aubwrtplhM It* •♦» far exceeding the we te unmlmlful of the »«-hirvementa of proltM'ul. I l»»u©d th© prtfe lamatlun of Au ­ mere© to th© f*arlfi<*. and that I which comprised m«*d- call as tu coi rer It many time* ovvr. our builders. meehankw and artisans for gust 12, anapvndmg boatlHti»* un thr part policy now m<»re impsrailvel e highest type of nontl- White prefsrem ■» wa* given U» the «mail- their »kill in th* construct Ion of our war- of th© Unit»«! Htat«w The nsceaaary or­ call© for Its control hy this rnt our ««my also re­ er tdda ingto allotment ritrrdrd ships ao single der* to that md w. r* at one© given by tel­ ' ar© prot>*»*llions which I dot c»n. nt of men and muni, |.«*> I bi» w «» .« m st « - .f agit.R at>d the With cat a strophe of Ha n! Iago, egraph Th» bte-bad* uf the p rts of Cu­ i grew© will duly appr©« itetall* pf the hurried prepa- significant r-sulf ah wing the tast rr- Hpaln s rffurt upon the ocean virtually bs ai * of Han Juan d© i'ortu It - j w s la ! upon. I he decided contingency !■ told M«ur< *a of th« nation an«! the determina, ceased A spasmodic effort toward the hk© m*nn«r tgi*ed On August H, th» A convention I rt* uf the s**cr*tarlsg of war tten *»f the p«t»pi» t un­ .If Jun« to »«nd h*r Mediterranean muster-out of v Hunterns or an n**r of th© late United States •any. and n«*s»d not te rei«eatrd fleet under Admiral ('amara. ('amara, to relievo that numter as « a © f«mn*! to te pr» tira- claims 'ommlaston and the try a honor. Manila was abandoned, th* expedition te bte. wa* order**! Ot> IW rm ter I, JUl.CA <»f- ■ uf claims which w*re duly p ntrd tn b wer« •Ufhcirnt io say that th© outbreak I’H'M.HKas <»» t HM < OM I I« I Ing re< »l ed after II had pasted through ft« rf« abd mm had teen mustered out and , th© late eommtowlun. »mmüMiurt. but not »•id©rod when ft did com©, found our na- th* Hues canal di»« barged from th* service, ted m re w .1 t»e<*ause nf th© expiration of the tlm l!tn- n<*t Hired to m«*©t th© ral« w«i sign*«! May 2!. IW7. and has remainM Th* '"»pitulatlun of Hanltogo f«>!l«w»d I ned miry ii w o r. i an-l general atari officers have tern hon­ i unacted u | m > h by the »«-nate Tii- hrm The city was clo©*!y br4*teg«d by land, by th« ontinmlal p«»wer* which on April It te not within the | ‘»•»vince of this white th* «ntranr» of our snip© into th» orably discharge! fr->m th© service therein ftx*d for effect ¡Ing ths rtchange 4 (br­ gh thetr «mbaa-adnro »n«) envoys, The military commissions to superlnten 1 of rattflcatlona having e reed, the con­ message to narrate the history of the barter cut «>ff »11 relief on that side After ad* rn m!*atants, prutra«-ted negotiation* might l mark th» vunra© of th** govern- Hpanlsh declaration of > April 21. but a pointed : > ont I nurd from J«ily 3 until July IS. when, tu bring about, with the friendly c«*n tnent and p <»pb and th»» further nrgo brief re« Ph! of It* more aaii*nt feature* under menace of imm«*dtet* assault, th© For Cute M*J«*r-Genera! Jams* F currenr© of th© Chilean government. i • ns would lead to »n attempt, which. la appropriate. The drat et>e»*unl*r of the preliminar!*« of surrender were agreed Wade. Hr ar-A •ltnir»l William T Hampson. The l*©rla ffrxpualHon. While ’’ o * < th** maintrnanc© nan of jasc©, war In point of «tetr t ><»k place April upon « m the l?th General Bhaftsr or» mau* a te«>iiu‘.m*iinv« in i«.«r«'e th» entire eastern *n-l of Cuba. Th* num Brooke, Hear Admiral Wlnfleid Acott I'rnitowal nf a* Irmlaflrr. universal *ip*«*ltlun to te held In Parts at Matansas. shelled the harbor forUAea- !»« r of Hpanlsh waldter* surrendered ©a* B-hley, Brigadler-Ornerel W Oordon. In IStw will te un a a* al© commensurate Hill! a »mat«’! by the hop© of © p»»r©. tiorui and demolished several hew works•> all of whom were «uterquently con­ They s.»un after wards m«-t the Spanish with ths advance«! f*>sii!on held by <»ur ful /-•»«*! «n.l .-teyhg th» dictates of In c«>nat ruction rommlesion*rs at Havana and Han Juan, vey rd to Hpiln at the charge of tb© prr»du« ta and Industrie* in the w »rid » duly, no effort was re;»x*d to bring abfrut reapeettve'y The 1‘ort.» lit«-.« Joint eontmls l»r*sr> al Mnsll* Unit«-«! Htat*-* The story of this *u« «as- chief marts Th© preliminary report of »iwedy ending uf th© Cuban struggle. Hon speedily accomplished its task, an! The nest engagement v*aa destined to ful « »mpaign l* told in th© report of the M<> s «* n I* Handy, who, under the act »na N« k - tiatlon* to thl© »ffect continued by October 1» the «.valuation of the Island mark a memoratda ai>o h m n arltim* war secretary of war whkh will te tail«! be- approved July 1» IW7, waa appointed actively *ith th© government of Hp»in wn«» complete«! The Unit«-*! States flag fare The I’acinc fleet under l‘«.mmu- for© you. Sife-rial r«>mmtosb»n*r with a v!e* of se­ was raised over the te'anl at n *<»n that L■ ' ' 11*»' mm«- bate « »n. luslon of * ctere Gsorga Ix-wey. ho«! Lain for r»me la«M»l'»n nt I’»»r1«» Hlr«». curing all attalnshl© Information t «1 • srn.wt! ,* in Cuba with a day The administration of its affaire has wvska at H«*ng Kong. Upon the .otenlal aary to a full and complst© understanding With !h* fail uf Santiago the occupa­ been provisionally Intrusted to a mldtary ' • * ,r < to* re ognttion of ter ^»u. proclamation of neutrality long Issue«! by «-ongresa In regurd to the parti«-lpath»n tion of Porto Kivu tecam* the next strat­ I • • rght to lu.iei^nden e lUwile© |h!s. govern »r until congress shall otherwsw- and the customary 21 h »urs* notice being by this government In th* Parts­ General Miles had pr«*- provlde. The Cuban J«»:nt high comm«»- the i »:sn| rrvoealton of th© ord*r of r©- given. It repair«^! to Mir* i*ay. near H«*ng egic nevcMity lIon. was laid before y«»u by my me»*ag© viously teen aesign«-d to organise an eg- ■ion ha* not yet terminated Its labors Ow­ «■•t nirat >n «as -*k*d so that th© suf- Kong when«** it procected to the Philip of I»e * mter 4. !*•?. an«! ah «• the Isrg-- ing to the dim ulth• In the say of remov. frrers. returning io their horn«* and pedltlon fur that purpo«*e Fortunately pine island* undrf *t«d»-graphic orders to he *»• already at Hanttego where he h««l Ing the large number of H|>anish IrooiMl uppurtunitl*a to make knusi our ngttonal al.’- 1 bv united American and Hpantoh capture or destroy the formidable Mp>*n- pr««gres» in art, a« ton«© and munufa«*- etllt In Cuba, the evacuation cannot te arrived on the llth of July with reinforce- efl H might be put in a way to support ish fleet then »«•«-nibled at Manila Al lures, a© well as th© urg«ni nerd of lm- completed before the 1st of January n« st th« J» > * - i t hy orderly resumption of ■ daybreak on May I the Am«r|mn fore« m*«faf© an«! ad«*«|uat» provision to ©nah»1© th*-*© troops, co nais i Ing of MIS infantry th« «« nigh destroyed pruiurtlve en»r- *1 hr I’rsrr ay, »nd after a few hours' du* arivantag» thereof to te taken Mr gl«*» of tte utiapd con tri but© to the r«w- and artillery, two «-«»mpantes uf engineers Puretianf to the rtf th article of the pro. engagement rfTen*iath.g of !0 war­ and un© comiwny of the signal corp« Gen­ toco I, I appointed W i !|«m H l*ay, lately It necessary for another to take up and !»avi*. kwlborHy i.t lR«»r*»R». ships and • transport, he-aldes rapturing eral Mi!«* left Guantanamo July 21, hav­ secretary of atats, ('ushmtn K Or r »ed and dl«appwtatod at this barren ing nine tr»n*p«»rts convoyad by the fir t Wil.lam I*. Frye and George Gray, »mature coWiplet© hi© unfinished work, an«! Janu­ the naval station and forts at Cavite, thus ary Il last Mr Thomas W cridier. thit«! under Captain Higginson with th© Mas- of ibe Unite«! Stat«** in! Whitelaw Held, nu i « fn«* of my sincere endeavors to reach annihilating the Hpanlah naval power in •n> huaetta iflagahlp», lux)©. Gloucester. to bs peace cummlwinnrrs on th* part of assistant re*retary *of *t»te. waa d»alg- a pr ■ tha' • ©.«rotion. I fed it my duty to the rarifle ocean an«! completely coni rol­ His report waa Columbia and Yah*, th« two latter carry­ the United State* Urx-erdlng in dus nAtr*| to fulfill that task rosai* th* wla >1© question to con grass In ling the hay of Manila, with the ability lai«l before you by my m»*«Ag* of June ing tr««4»K Th© ripcdlttoR landed at the I **»*.• »f April 11. IVM, | announced to take the city at will Not a life was Guarí » July 2 whl»^ te«rt wa* entered season to 1**^*, they there met. on the 14. !*•*. with the gratifying result of 1st of October, flvs «*umml«»ionma sim­ that • ar in the !;r^ lost on our ship«, tha w<»und«d number­ with little opp>«altl<«n Here the fieri wa* ilarly appoints»! on the part of Spain. The awakening renewed interest in tte pro- tion immedial© peace in Cuba am! its ing only seven, while not a vessel waif jr»et©d display. jnlnsd by the Annnpolt* and Wasp, while negotiations have made hopeful progress. disappointing r *ptton by Hpaln th© ©f- materially Injured For this » >H«nt th© I’uHtan ar*«| Amphitrite went to Han «> that I trust e«M»n to be able tn lay a Tr*4« ItelNtln««» Uhh Irssr* fort of the ex© i-utlv© was brought lo an achievement congress. up«»n my re««»m- iirrms« •. end I again reviewed th© alternativ© i m«-nn. Ally t>e*to*rd upon the actors Juan and join©*! th© New Orleans, which definite treaty of pears» teforr the aerate, wa* «ngag’d in bhwkadlng that port. Th© with a review of the steps baling to it* r»»ur«e ttf acth n whit h I had prepared, Th© romm*rrt«l arrangements ma«!» preferm«t't and substantial reward. ma>»r g« neral commanding w a* sute©- signa lur* C«*nrhiding that with Franc© on May Ft. l*sr* under th© only courts© consonant Dlwldrd % Irfor*. «luenfly reinforced by General B« hwann s I do not discuss at this time th* govern- provt«Ions of section >. of th© tariff act tai policy and r«im pa tibia Only relu-daiU’r to cause needless )■**• brigade of the Third army corp« Uy Gen­ m«nt nr the future of the new pusaeaat >ns nf i«©7. w*nt Into «riret on Jun© 1 follow­ eli*' ly si i historical traditions of life and property prrvmied tt»« early eral Wil»«»n with a part of hl* division, Which will com* to US as the result of the ing. Il ha* relieved a portion of our ex- w at i as a neutral to atop the storming and capture of the eity. and and al»«> hy (¡<-n«rai ltrj«oke with » part war with Spain Such a 4is«-u»alon a J |x»rt (rad© front serious »niterrasament war h th» hup«:. * sacrlBre «>< therewith the absolute military occupation of his corp©. numt*erlng fn all 1< *73 «»flb rrs be appropriate after th* treaty of pea«* Further nvguration* ar© now pending Ilf». n ugh that resort Involve«! of the whole group. The Insurgents, and nwn. On July 27 b© entered I'onc©, shall be rslifted In the meantime, ant und« r 8©ctl«»n < of tte *»m© art, with a “h«wn •int upon both parti«* te meanwhile, had resumed the active hos­ <>r>« of th© m«*©t lm¡-»«fast point* in the until rongr*aw ha* legislated otherwise. It view t© tte Increase of trad© bet ween I aa well to enforce © true© tilities« *uapen trd hy the uncompleted Island, from which h© thereafter direrl«w| will be my duty to mnttnue the military tha two countrle* to th*lr mutual ad- to pr eventual settl©m©nt.” truce of I »rermher; US»’ Their forces tn. ot-eritHaas f «r th© capture of th- Island goverr.mmt which has rsisted since nur vantage Negotiation» with other govern­ In « chia cungrrm was a*k©d t© vested Msnlla on the northern and east­ As a pot-»»t tnflu*«nre Inward peace, the occupation and give their people sen «trity ments. In part interrupted by tte war au th. • and r-mpowat th* president to ern side, but were »'unstrained by Admiral In life and property and *n* >uragvm«nt outcome of ths Porto Rican ©gpadltton with Htein. ar© in progress under both as urei tae.i I© secure a Cud nod final Iwwcy and General Merrill from attempt- under a Just and beneficent rule. i» Ju« to thoM who participât«'! la It actions ©f th« tariff act I hup* to te . Th«* altrui¡4 to effect »alii »n be> twr«'n the stairs o( Ni ar iM'oa. lion Jura« and SalvA*h>r, to I '■«* ir«l an lh«* United Mat«* <»t alt I Las lai Ini compì* ! » * uf Hawaii. ItaWSlI, SS cutn- r*< «immend to tuncern R ng th© they should d»©m as r. Rerwmmrndatlw«» uf th* < «* mm I»» I*»« led t he report r day. r»mm*ndA- aiders tl»*a aponsiblllty *1*0 to land© *>!h In K tn» ©sptra* my that ha* cast Its d to share our po­ at th© same ll m*, f restgdXl of Hv •«- wh o for i>f a century have looked ion of Ha »II as a natural IDA t ( Ion on«umma los In harmony ©nd in fulfillment of our Arrangements arc being ma le by the war *to| atlin*’til t*» hsinlrr lb«» r**tn«ins of all th© s«»hhrr* wh<» bel thou liv«*e in lh«v catn|*aigt> betorc Santiago an i bling them to this ciumtry. Great im|«rovvtn«*nl In lb»* I • allb f the army ha* tak«-n j » •” within th« East two intinti s. a* shown bv the la»*l reports to Ito* siirg* on gcncial from U«s field tod gntirral Iv Then* is a band of Amori *an swin- Hera in I fern burg. 11er man V, h > are Worthless American peiner paaetng money, for win« h they m»t only i rtM-tfre valuable nirreban liw«*. but «ven rlitatn money in ri Lange from their victims. it will probably bn the ci> I of IXw-oin- tier or lb« beg inning <>f Janmiiy teteto any furti»« r i»r«i * »•***from the turn who Lav«» c Logon to aprtitl the winter <>i» th** rich gold-bearing creek a of the Klon-nkr A I*« »ul .V»l| Ill’ll »ill winter on the creeks in th«* A ihn river country. treniy mai tain C»ÌV‘» litoti I g of Japan » Joint resolu- latb-n* nf the ! " • remain un- all «»‘hrrw ** tall, here tr,4 it iue to fulfil« white ths H»>n«>i«ilu t* »pT r *»Tvlul«t re- a eiequalurs from this guvrrn- Xrw Maritime I'uliry. Hhiit'iiün of Hawaii and th© uf th* United Mts'.ea to Iti» ■-»b«t th© I'hlllppirtes *•- «nt war. vump*d the prompt >f « it m«r lim© poltoy b >y fr« «tuent mmui.lcat lun en«'u< urage«! by I. at**, under th*- Am« er!«■»»» flag, ■w.!y a> quired tolai n»!*. Hptaln tir«! II* rolunirs, at an s annual rost .»»«•»•» tiMnukly ilneu corn­ s jh »t portion ili th© wor d a A il as wi trade renter* uf * ’h trad nl. The Unite! Unit rnm«*nt. Heats© utxtertahe to do tes© JI Is our I) to furnish the people |w te uf H «w»i with r |n»rt -»nd Import trade it will br coa­ ted that the present s tuatlon cali© for lislathm whi« h shall te prompt, dur- The navy *to| arlinctkl Las made pub­ lic a report from Admiral a«lr«m. 'll»«' rrp«»rt » re» (tonerai Hhaft«*r for making public important telegrams »nd refusing to rrcugnia*» th© admiral in th© eurtendrr. Piairto flree have -au*«-«l gr« »t dam- ag>* in fiktohonii .«nd Indian «luting the past few days* territory A ii’»t in a politi«al• < Inb at roui led in the Jrnlh of one wounding of tetera! others. John Warnock, a deputy ab«’riff, waa shot and killed al lliriningliatn Abt , by mi »•»- iped ii«*gr<» <**invict, whtMti he wit* living es« a|M«tl. I«» afrv*l Th»* murderer An Illicit whisky sfili »* n st to i«n. The»«* ate the three main arlu lva, Two honntol live© ! totally wir*rkc«| ami 41) cither* ho|»rto«e. Iv stramlml, ami the worst prolmbly not ’(Minlliitf I orre .>f |O4».iMM> Men >rrikd known, is th© latest hi wn from I he fear- I e i«r l'rr»rn| < ««»dllluHa. fol Atlantic sloitn. linn limili. % si/ ittox A freight train mi the Norfolk •t' Western railr<«a>l went through a brt-lgw near Riv««r*i to, Va. The fitrmnn was kilhwl. Hi«* engliMwr s«’ri»»«isly scablcsl ami a Lr«k«*inan totally injurfwl. th« Aitictoa Incorporating the O. R ¿te N. the rrgu ar army M.- B In »aid act it was <’«*tn|»any have bron til**I with the toe- telary of Blate of Washington, and I th* end of any wir In da 1rs may become In­ show tbit th«* extensions in Oregon, v<» d. ri n« r*«lu ’d to a U Asliii>gt«»n »ii ! Idaho have long I m ’ ch ’*n»f»r tn the »am» or atemrpttefi. by pro» in contemplation. i»‘e dte«-h»rgr. under Al the toiyal Legion b»iiqu« i gii©n n the **• retary may *•- in .Manila <’»'J guests were present. viermtnamlrry was repre­ bl« dUarharge <>r trans- (tonrral An«leison presided ry enilstsd mrn. and sented. tatnrd In this ad *haj| te and Rear• Admiral Itewey was fe*«>iv©d ■ authorising the permanent iru-r« a*<- he command of *nlu d forse by a guar«l of honor fmm the Oregon of the ret ir army teyond that now pr«>- rrg'tuent. Vide«! by • law» In for r pn-r lu the I'ubsns ar© starving to death in Santa passage ihte act rvrrpt a» to the ta. <'Sara, and lh© Red t’r» *s lias l**«*n a|*- crease of 2& ms>»l | |»*atod to to fiirnteh I hereof/* k prompt Th« importance < jf I« « >:ati«»n for the Wumrn an I cbiMrvn ar© suffering, It permanent itesreaae of the army la 'here, sticcor «Io**« not »»in reach thrin all «III fore manifest, and the re«*ommmdation have died, The Cuban triaipa aro Miao of the secretary of war ( >r that purp->»e ha* my ui»»iualifl«-d approval There ran in a pitiful condition to. la< k of «up- be no *|uc*t|.>ii that at this time and prob­ pliea Tbs llr-l C ium will promptly aldy f r • me time In the future !>>» respgml lo th« appeal, but ia hamh­ mm will b« nono too many to meet me ne.-r«»itlre of the aituatlon At all svento, capped by lack of fumto nhether that namber shall be required ('lauds .M Johnson, director of the Permanently or not. th» power should t.« I oreau of engraving and printing, in given to the pro*ldent to m-ist that f«*rra if tn his dbwretten It show«-! te* necea« big annual report shows that during the s ary. and the further dterrvtinn should year 111©»© were 9‘J , V t ii, 2 i *» a|»«-«»i» uf te given him to r«- cult within the above staraps and government »«^unties mH fr« rn he I .*! ant* f th« t-! » Is l»nnt«fel ami delivered at a cost of 11,- with the g >vsrnmrnt of whi. h we are y»0,fi9H, This sum, however, in­ charged. cludes | 12,61 m ) increase of sl<»« k, |30,- V Iilunirrr« fl» île Sent llomr. II Is my purpose to muster out the en- 000 paid for ma« hinery ami |n,4lfi lire volunteer army a* *o«>n as co» gres* paid to uulsi-le employes. shall provide fur the inrre**«- of th» regu­ Minor he«*» !••>»»«« lar «-ta' iehment This will te only an act of Justice, and will te much appro- The steamer Monarch cleared from ciato* by the brav* mm who left their New Of Irans for Liverpool with the horn«» and employments to help the Cuun. T In lus smergeney. « Mpllal < rnfrNMlsl. In the year inai will o-• ur the centon« niai annlvertary of the founding of the city of U ashington for the p«rmanm< capital »»f the government >»f the Unit*«! Ulates by authority of an act of ron­ gres» approved July I«. I7W in May. p*»o the archives and general of!l»-rs of the f rai . fin»- M Were rf hi« «ountry, and the Interest taken by him tn the adoption of plan* for It* futur© development on a magnificent ■4 ale Th »e nrglnal ; i ' nt|M <»ut with a c»n*tf«nt pr««gre»* an! a sig* r «! • ***n r d anything their framers had foreseen. IteperlMteafal Hrporta. Tte several departmental r«port8 will ■■ I ’ • ) i They give In grsai d- tall the • -■'»•hirt of the afTatrs of th© government during the past y*ar, and dte- r«is» many questions upon which con­ gress may bs called upon to ggJL WILLIAM M KINLKJ, largest general cargo ever cirri«*! from that port, embracing 2 • • » batos of cotton, liH.uw bushels of corn, lV,o<)0 etavee. Harali Bonnell, an A In tone, < Kan.) voting woman, has rr« «*n> I a L k ’ vv of half a million dollars from a New York friend intrre©t«*«l m h©r musical «ul’ica* Nile will g«» lo Paria «««iti t«> com f ion. ptolo her musical education. Prisoners when arrested In Moror»«> are lequited U> |wiy the | m »I¡cernati lor hli trouble In taking them to jail. Profeaoor Henry Van Ingen, the ar- list who had l»rrn art insti tu tor «if Vaaear college since ita «»polling in IkdS, die*! s ip I«ton!y of angina poctnHo nt his home in aged fifi J»'»FS. Poughker(«to, N. Y . John H. Buckman, captain Unlte«l Htato« navy, retired,