• e »•fe*. f r HO. ■ LINN eot’NTY, OKEiioN. I K1I>AV. * Baitk oí Scio MIO, Pt'ni.i*HXi> xi * CAPITAL, $20000 at t.l\\ < «».. bll'l.ov, By I II A A. I’HELpH. vrawte A. J. jGhnsoc J. W. Ganes C V. J o I bsob r,! taint Ca liner rati» at al He* Hv» at *h.. «»»»■<■'• 44 •r* ••u<>*<.ta.»4 u*«H u*ati*r> <>1 | |< I laper In tin* •talv which is al the present time ‘.p|x>«lligOhe intliaiui Inni uni IMS- «age by th«* < »regoli |egi«l»lure of a bill providing fir the »ugar twit la>unty. What i« llie reason, Are they all ' taking sugar In theirs?" The Cottage Grave Me«»lng*r ti»« changed from a -even column folio to a flveeulumn quarto. The change I» a g***sl one. for II gives the paper more reading matter and advertis­ ing .pice with veri little more l»l«>r. We .*r* glad tn «ei' Hint T tie Me*- »Inger I» meeting willi Micce*». We wore in error In «t»ting I hut "no floral token»'' were placsl dir grave of J. It. Yarbrough. We have «ime ta-en Informisi that the last resting place of tile devi i» «si was Lundsa.mciy reuieu>lM*red with floral offering«, laid there by loviog hand«, in »einem he ranco of him who had bee»» called ti|H>n to give up his life without a moment's witrniog. The committee on revision of «ch'Hil law w ill «urely tie asked to •trike out the infamous law pa««»*d by the *| ht I a I session, w Idch require» that a lierson to la- a legal voter at tl •chool ele. tion m2i*> or un.re In «hort it is a pro|>erty qualificatigli, and the a- mount required Io i initie one to vote d any setiool meeting I» This is a gm»* Injustice, e»p«H |.dly to the rural district«. Thl« outrage i» «o |MÍp,it^e that republican« are Itile: e-tlng lheiii «elve« In It« repeal. - McMinnville I II. F»rllw»«l »oily • < »11 Mi.ti.lay of III xt wiek an eh«* ho«1b. tl"ii <>f city <.fb,', r» « 11! b. In ld in M. t*i,ct(«n>, nnd n liew txMrJ of iilderiiien l.v 1 tew» A. te A ligi«* • r M * 1 • ~ here I* nolhlhg ' U A M Ar fwin hvium» l.v ! ■ B « r M. wltl !♦ choM*n. T ■ Is.ut Ibis fset lt».t would crv.itu TV* e-.w ton i* •' »• «t •’ *>•’ ♦*>«»< i«t4s llhlwy* a» Il «liould, perhap«- Lui iievcrthc- * Uy. llaf tlwburW. JM«»i»h»»i i • - I il i N i i - 11 u-i. 11, it iii. n w ili I "ttaMV li-uti l*t «.i.» «tokinn 1 and «tU *t» t h»i> • !<•■»•» K< •♦* ’ * . •" il h io gni’1 in* J «4 io y lw choseli to tilt llir respedlve of A*bha»»4. tic«.» w ho are iwako lo the ititi re-t« Mo«r t*M» g W h 1I hAill ami iieed« of lite city and il» pcoplv. 4 *> 1* M Ar •t •. t M 1 l.v... . |*ortian4 Ther« are muuy thlng» whi. li may Aitetr*} l.v l.v »■ M l i I* M k«ra*rbuttf B M come up durlug thè coining le ir 1 Ail M 1 Ar wtildi in timny wuy» may l»'fietlt l.eleMMun Uronrti or itijure thè City» intere»!». and •BWfM *un*hy l h» handle mrn »hould lx* A dranV Ar i !* > A* • ¡Tv" IhtiM* «ulijecta w lio are tborouglily 1 Br L<'>Nt»“»tt ... l.v I '• O A N. H OÙ A M. ! are willing to lend titan» At t 7.01 t', ,M. <|U.«llfle.F.We . £ • l.v 1 telNtnoti LMir.tu i it '■ •*’ P- m their riiergl, » to a««i«t In ihe carry­ ing out of every undertaking which W «MMlbtie m Mpr lug 1 ir 14 lierati> te* will uiase the town belter, couimcr l>all$ rirtrfH MtHutay.i dally a.« w.*ll as «s iallv- W taelhum Ar IO* I» t» • J *4p.m* l.v Iva.*, a.tu. V* rat *rh» toe.tu. «l.r I Twe ■«>*». ... Uta fror». W iljltM. A rvcvtiily r«-i»-.v»v I t*«»nvh! al the pvtdlvtiltry ha* ihik I v ] titling * ’ar» <>n * ♦gfivn Rout«. Orrg«»n » hnrgv* of txibrry hih I t ruvhy on lh<- i»i»rt of (hui 1 n*1 iiuti< hin hMfting fullmxs Sufi«'. a;»*;*r* i tilth I ih w lilrh ahould be in veil ig it<*«uld I m * Li in», ttar.;! ai 7»aw« tn Cori alita l.v t l ofi i» m )S111> u> Ar tiiMch* Io *bnrv wll’i Ihvir unfortu- At AHwny b « k I «'pivalli»< • »»«*< l «Ith trai»« . nate brother th«* |M*naili«** f<»t crime c>fthB«i • A F raihoad» «xxnililltnl. All art* injunl 111 the kirrr»» traln etr< <4 -»undaj >• 4 eye« of ju*lirv. and a loin's ofttvla! < M» V tu . 1% r t ;ah I at j « .*5 a w hi* financial mlvnnlagv* w I S M» a m rank or f 34 |» m ar M* MlnrlHr li ! « *• « tu «nould not shield liitij from the * Jrt p m J »1 It»4r|WH«tr»»c |M*inillir« of a crime, whether com- l»lrwi rrmnerikon »1 HanFraitrlMm w!»h
l (Icirtital an4 I*»« *r« Mail n» nailten a |» p . fci'Hh I II. Kofttti 11 . Ma »<* r < Il M ambii < m , **• u F A Ita’ « * ¿••al, l'ori land.ot. Itale* ivi » ticket » 1« F»*t«*rn poi:,!» and F- Al*» J»rw«n. I ulna II"« h « ìmì ’ i «n i \n*- tralla,mi» tu* <•!»<«Ine4 fr»mi Mr» M.F.W' mk I tttun*«**', tk-i»«-l •«felli,, W r*t *rlof mlm» t ’-irt A I |||\M **, . Iu* ì» • • s. *»t YAQHINA ROUTE Connect I ng at Y.iqulnn with Hie YAQU1NA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY STEAMERS The foreign trade with the Vfi|t<*d State« Is now nt Ihe rate of iwotdlhon dollnrs | mt year. In tlie |n«t right month, the increased vnlue of ex­ port* wlotie reached »jt>7,<•»>,•*»». This fact musl b. « Iinittisl even 11V those who Were »«> |>«>«>liv'r that the Oingney 1411 wn, putting a wall around th. coininrni.il interests of the |H«qde ot the United States. Never!heh-s«, there 1« really no dlffcrenci* between the l»lngiev I iw and tin* former Wilson tariff liw. Kotli put a lux on the coti-uim-r In preference to th. manufacturer, nnd Mark tfannah admits it, when lie said that money to run the govern inent had to come fnnn the common (temple, in the form of a tax, and he was In favor ot main! inIng the pri*a ent WSMWUMN MX. bMNHMl It MM paid by tho misses of the common people—consumer, and the tax on each one was so small that they di*i notnollce II a. they ilid In a tariff tax. Hurt ng the past «en«on Oregon has made for herself s record which wlll | In time add thoiiMnd* upon thuu» J ¡rat clnaa in every respect. One of "nds of dollar* to the properly val- n> . the »tate. In the u*i*litl.in of the above steamer* I« due tn asti populallun and the consequent In- from Yaqulnn about every f crease In »he value of her property. live day* At thu Omaha ex(xs*ltion Oregon took more premium* and medal* Hliortcst route I» I A'een > vwlley |«>ints that) any other »Lite valley |«diits in the Union. «Lite tn APwmy , _ Her exhibit«, small ..I in quan­ «nd Hun Fmnclscn. Fare: f' __ ________ _ while ___________ und ixdnts west to Han Francisco, tity, were a fair example of what the ststc (> ns luces anil what her poi- ..»»0 hb «IlJIltle* for future Jevelopetnent Bound trip. OH. were. Tin* Oregon exhibit was viewed l>y thousand* of people— 1 or railing dates *p|jy tn |>eoi>le who were living in the Mix ■aru stricken state*, nnd wlm knew I l>\V|\ STONE, »»I the »*• nothing of far WVIWIII we»tern imitili^, country. II. U W ai . h » s. . luimg» r. people who had no Iden wh<*n there T. E. A I’. A. vnip wa« planted what the harvest i.T'’'A|l' \g*" '. V’my.Orerei,. would be, of even whether or rot aee*e««eae*e*»aee*oe*4«o«tt SOFGENER'LINTEREST? «> migi.t dl«|MMv of tlieir Inter*.«! in Ih* atorm rtddi-n-»tate, and -*«‘k n< a bomws In thè lami uli.ro IJlKX.nl, nnd cycloneoare unknown an*| w h**ro cr<*|., riover full, liy |>r**rerly ad ver li»lng < »ri gori *h<* may becnme thè ntibling |>l»i*r of th>*u«ands >f thè«* | hs ,|4<.. 1 he exhltdt» al t»ie Omaha fair vere »mali, imi in many wnv. un» noi wluitit »hi uld bave tiern; and agsln II cnal th<< (Miopie of t »re- gon m g*«rd deal of inoncy, liut in timi* the money «peni wlll all come imi k tona, and vaiti, il rnany thou Mt«!, ni**re. It »natler» noi u hat (isrth ular lia alHy I, favori *1 by thè largì r numlu*r nf new ♦«■itl**r», thè uhi-le «late |, !a*nct!lt«‘*l tiy thelr cooalng. Ad'idTal !»■ wvv I, ni*-nt«'*l to have il*.cllri. *l an offer of ♦'* •»• for a mag *aino article. He »aid be wa« loo bu»y. < orviilll« »toutly |i* >t >*«l* *1 *g>ln»t moving the t . and E. otflee» t*» Albany, tart lln ir lengthy* petition urn, of no avail. TI m » custom« r*-celpt« for ilo*l,iy« of Ih«* (>r* «ent tl«ea| year amounted 10 ITH.'lln.(pt, a little more than tin* promised rat** of * «»t.UUUa day uniter tlie new la* Iff law. Th** grneril orth w of th** ami E. railroel were moved to Albany yes­ terday, and bcreaiter all is»rreai«>n den«*«* with the manager, of th«* run*I should tn «ddreaaed I** AltMiiy. Lcxtici i F.as««r. At the u ir *l* pirtn*< nt there •i*«*m« t>> tie an iiuprew.cm that not JhinlH * Linn county ph»o- nearly so many tr*H>|*a wlll tn* need­ eer. died nt Fil< home In Albany ed in Cut*, as was design it***l In a .Sunday. Novrmi*r 27. 1 •»•«•*. »ged general order m » uh : time ago. y «-nr «. Ile mine Io ( >rv gon in H-*»«, ‘\V E. < -ittcrlin was a visitor at und tin I iilwny« t*»rne the rv|»u!ittion Oregon enpilai city the Aral of toe of an hoii«««t h<»n<»ruble citizen. Thiuji'(i'.i»iil Ir.ivr» a w lf<», hi« week. M.ili'in was E*l, t«*yh ««I «econd v«»íi»|M«iion, at d M*\<»n rhil home. an*i he re**eIves a royal wel­ dr«*n h «» follow «; Mr* John H. B»lli come wlu-n he go*-« down that way. tiior*’, Mr*. Sarah llalli more. Mr«. Two niort l»regonbr»ys Im ve died nt H<’«sler, Mr* I b»ry. John l.vwiy, Manila. I hi II i of muallpux, Alvin At*v Ix’vdy und Mr* J.i* K< »ter. < tyde I'erkin» of Halen», nnd Charles Tl»«’ r«‘iuíiin* u»-rv talu n to L< -I m McKinnon. They gave their lives non Tuetdiiy morning where the up fur their country a* much as if funeral wk « livid atni the rvinniu** they had dieit in l*altlu. burled* Carl ll'.ffin in 1« home fnnn Wash inglon where he went t*> become a 'he roo;.« of Lo&cfoUo-» member of a aoclalist colony neveral I he < Irritimi, l.aJi«.«' ||oin>* Jour week« ago. lie d*«1« n**^ consider hai prilli» lite tlr»t of !l Jie rieri of tlie experiment a «u<**'i*«», and wlll |Mge illu»tratlt>li. of Longfetlow, Mlnnehaha pr* •» keen regret nt being com and lliawatha are glieli in the t ur l»*lled to surrender U u I m while no reni l«»ue, illu»lrs(ing Ixmgfe llnw’« ha« loiijMSi soldiers and 'J<»i gun« famou, | mm . iii , ' 11inuulti i " Noolher there. Hi« iimbitioii tin« tn*en to go lllu.tralor I» *i wcll cqulpped a» Mr. down In history as the defender of Taylor to gin. forni and color to 11 wan. during a lung und Uia dy Izmgfvllow’» Bplendhl crenlions. siege. ì lio pinture In the Hecemta r Jour­ A freak f*M,t I,all gime was (>layed nal I» remarksbly inlere«ting and Tho Normals in the entirvly ».Histylng and glve» a.aur at A'hhind ance that tiie serie« wlll lai ready first li ilf »wept the thdd 17 to 0 anil great achleveuient in illu-lr.itlori. it l*s*k like an en»y Job. In th« st«'- oml I* ilf their * p|H*neiit» the high »chool» t«*y, whip*-*! tlo* tl*‘!*l 'racMet * Koto*. the Normals 17 to U and thu t’nder till« head the <»regon State wus even. Journal, of Eugene Ims a mimlH-r of The Japnne»e always bury their Items which should lie road hy every d ul with head to tile north, and f**r teacher iii our public m I khi I s . Be this reason no Ja(**mese will »leep low are .« few noil'»: in this (xisltioii. Many private applic mt* for cer­ h*iu»es and liiitel, have a di.igram There were filicide in the last l.mvCu clas». of (xiints on tliu com|* i»» pasted on Ten failed. the t>*-*lri>re than one and ciituc up for !■* iring, and, nfter i th it only when all otlivrpunis'imeid m i«» of ti .tlm >ny wa. introduced, tlie de'endsn» w i» h* 1*1 t*> the grand fall. tn tlo* »uni of ; I1«'. Statesman. Keck approval. Who should Jury J I'eopli* w ith capital nr* the one« plea««* if not tea. tier«! M -st p. ,.pb* lion are bolter «uite I with the tie -t. A advise*! to go to I'tirto Rico **r the I'liillpinea. If you have •cieiiee may hr**ak loo»«, from the olulu < opinion of any lad a l>u«ines» or pr<> capital , w hat 1« the u»e of you going where. \ ou ar«' tiettef off at fc««ion Ilves u|«m the good will of any , it» patron«. I home. The cli me* » are nine to ten your capital w III tie come el|a*r In miking r ¡died change* la-gin that ' invi le of t!vn years In any of «lowly hut firmly, la-at n >t trample leiice 1 countries. up**n tn<* toe« of your pr<*deee««or. those 1 Many have f illed by seeking too Siys thu Chicago Record: It 1« radical changes In old well e«tat>!l ,i im interesting histori* *1 fact that <•4 < U’kbiiu*. your hi« i votin’ ( every uieinlH-r of tlie liw firm of rulhrr ak n airot>K indm ijcu ilmtiio Mltehell, 1‘ ilpli A simnti, of Port m com mu nd. i land, t »re , h is 1» * n •l***'ti**l l*i the Mr. Mitchell XVhon thr rod or vhib Ixdorv h id t'liiti-I S'Hi < sen it* Ix'.itvn oneltihi Mib'disM'itl (be aiiuile -erved thria I* rm«, Mr 1 >• Iph »erv hns now vontroll*-«l I’H>. A high or- < ed one, an*l Mr Simon, the iunliir will bv sworn In the 5th uf dvr of t ivil4ihii> Mtiivhvmh’s all pun member i Uhmentrt. \\ hvn tho Culled Stitlc« I »ucember. first giitivil her Indvpendencti 17 In Japan t here are pagodas of cor- otf»’OM»w were |»unl**hv i « m rver can fall to noto th d the Ametl,.sod.— Ex. Ik« llah* .1 Walliaataa ».14 Th.) uta Id I Irr «Md II« m . Uut U «old Vtrr M««4 I heir I had in the T Fvk«r Pajwrt” a pa» tgc which may be cuiuidered ot «ufll- rnl intere»! at the pr» «eut time to be prtniucxd for more than W |«ar» <* Great Puke had been ou Intimât* irn rm a »f frirudahip a ttb Mr. Cruk Croker, n id made a ci all upon him ten dm» I r re to* death < r» krr made a ntrtno random of lab e«»K»erration. a p.vrt of wh.vb turare upon tbe value of the ** pa a I ah trtM>] which be bad ft»r aliira in the pen kU»< cacnpa'gnB Mr Croker, it wtl I be rem rrtary of th r at! intra It J. and was in Paris Htth 1 Ue alhrap^thr battle of WaterlcH lirfe i» an extract from hia me tn »raudum of the inter*tew of SeptewlM r 14. 1*5. I rrmiti fed him that >ne da; in I'arit. when th« l*f HjwnnUb a fan try * <’a»tle« Pr «f thow Spantani* during th* m hoir prttin« Mitar war but that they wrrr wor*r thafi a nothing " Dukr Oh. %*• *. I remember I Lad in tny louth read < if I he oM Mpanlah Ul- fat» ry •• the Hur.t ».»Idlcri, in th« world, till they were ent to piece« and de- V Ft yed in one. I think, of the great Cun le'a battle«, »nd ihi. name **old Span t»h infantry" h«d taker hold of mr and I use,I to rail mv old F!i.gh«h rrtfimrnt« who wrra •rrunu with mr hi thr prnln«uia the old -“»iwtnifth in« f.intrft Thi* ffstir rl*r to <‘n*tl« r»*4*h*B tniftfAk**', which I rmirinber ftkade ub lauith Croker—-lMd you e«pr «er Sjtaiiiwh troop* really «tend to their work anti tight 7 Duktoc No; th«- I*■*» would flrr a e«d* l‘ > while thr 1'iirmy wa« nut of rrarh ant! thro ul! ran aw-iy They wrrr. no t| orting men that everrò *gregiti«l to aee a ring cimi le»l «U I II ruilvd In a tuoal di-gracu- ful I1.IM-O. Hharky bested ( ortn tt at the very couimenccioent and no doubt lo keep from going down, Corbett's second made a foul ami the fight w i.^tuen to shark s In tic ninth round. The refree declared tn bet. off ns he Wtu rat I,fled that It was a fake. The painting, in Ihe royal gallery at Madrid comprlae aomc of the nio«t t>cautif'il in the World, They nuinher uver Iwo thou«'in•.< Mici v«*nr HIS Mv new I'nll Stock is now * about nil in and mv store is piled full from ccllel'to ccil- inir with Nice, r Nobbv, New X* w r and Seasonable grinds ot all kinds, all bought at. . LOWEST... CASH PRICES of 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ■ Correct Prices 3 3 3 S. M. DANIEL 5 riti! Ki UiUi ^@@©@ilUlH4iUlft I ? Í STOVES- \\ e havo jllst received a lot ot heating and cook stoves of standard make ami latest pat­ tern. including the \cr\ latest st vies io ti ir-tij'lit heaters anti ins|»ect them.... * Tfl\N tlALFon îhecotd <* Variridon M. C and Son (»: t* «o I b t»i V < H . .W fvf . T*B <1 HARRY S. JOHNSTON e' CO. > V — ritorni » ion* — All kinds of mill work on short notice for the Mullidnos... Ill kitiils of l.ittiilii'i'. Sash, ihn>r«, Mouldings, Shin- I gl» », l'iiint.» und fills always on hand ... lb a«i\ iiuulv < ofliii FURNITURE NOVELTIES.... Especially lulaplrtl to tin« Holiday tnule. Mv good« are of the very latent om. 1 will al«o have a lln<- of Toy Furniture, Mundry Mvt«, etv , for little folk«. I have a nice line of art g»r« drtttMBtr aiotfldr, no hmf* , nu • *mtar> Motithlv hirer If aU<1 ream*« I • ;giu|*«l tart K. Item. Pww’X, IMMM M h m SGKD. OREGON if .» i r u %rit •««* b* i««r iifr To quit tobáceo ««tally »mt fute»»r. I* t» »<• nelle, full ot life nerve ani ettfor. labe S • |t> Ha*, lb* wnniler worker. ihal n.ake« *eak »»-a •lrwc< AU UrMffl«U Site or II. L'ttre*t-»r»a lr*4 tldokw i an4 Ban f.ir fr*r A«’dt*M 2* terna Hewed y Co. Cbit-«*»or Kt« % «• F. J. IRVINE. PROP R A|\ rigs tire lii st-class and mv horses are good tiri vers. Had Ur • ;is »ill all Trains at Wat Scio, and Minisi Trai at faltón • Jl. 3 3 3 3 HEATER -At-d SA\t HÖBE 3 i-< rs 1 «¡‘J, r»*. 3 j • aJlí»!. * .y*":.’";" 3 3 Hr • » V Mammoth Fall Stock 3 3 3 HEAD «h«h*n bjr an I Marshall 1* Wl liter S never chary <»f hi* *t’»rle«k, *ay*» a N<*w V<»rk rxeiianji*' Eithvr *thcy are inexhaustible t»r hr »l<>r*i*'t fear th4t they will low their edge by private rvpvtitfotl llrrr k u Tw»» Yank**« »uiilor* str»»He sat After» vet;. surprising Mirpr.'-tng fral feat one "to ^»¡¡»»r would turn to the other with the re­ mark: ‘That wan pretty goocl* tr*»«V ’ won tier what will come next ’’ That That wa* repented till it made th»1 |Marr*>t tirrd. PnaMpnUy on»* of them threw down a burning match with which he had It fell through .i lighted hi* pipe cra» k in tiw f!«*»r ami into a p»w of That wi»* pretty rtiiiis nn»t • r»»ak' *1 good’ I wonder what will voine un Tlie secret of their stability is that they are tilled in-hle with a heavy liiula-r team cun«! riii-t Ion, which hangs from the r*a»f like tlie clapper of u liell. Oil the uci'urrenc*. of a «leak, the effc t»of tlie v ll>r itlon a re w holly counteracted by thl» comparalivejy simple device. A grl»t mill at Watertown Ma«-.. 1« known to have l>een In u«e a« f ir tJ>i*'k ns lt;:!>, when It i» ls*tn>v«-d to have t*een a town Institution. It 1» now the |*ri>t*erty of the WaKITam Saving* Bank, and »till continue, to griixl corn by mean» of tlie upper and nether mill «tune-, u«ing water a» i motive power. It 1» «<»>it to !**■ vacated ami a, it 1» |>ri*l>.itJy th»* 7,.l>»‘, bridagler general, t'asxi; colonel, ¿.T,' St»: n.u- tenant colonel, « p « m >; major, g'JMO; captain mounted, JJtitw; captain, not mounted, itsut); regimental adjutant ♦ IMSi; regimental quartermaster.SI. *x>; flr«t lieutenant, mounted, IlfliN); tirai lieutenant not mounted. •wond lieutenant, tucunled, S! Js'; second lieutenant, not mounted, $1,- 4‘<»; chaplain, fl.’»»». Ixni’tfi.rgtt that ue send N kwh und the <»rt’gonlnn both v«*wr for >'J; Till N» w « unii Fragrine.) Examiner both om* for «J, J SPANISH TMOOPS. • •