•■X •4 • » LATER Porto Rnwna, it >• territorial right«. *£ 10 w OREGON i" WINGS nF THE WEEK A < «•tos|>l»<** R»vl*w ««f Ih» Ttaltagreplklff ■ffi »•«>• «sf Thia end All viga I «ta f f bans hav« r»«entrl th- Ani< r! «n aa*umption of authority at Manuulllo, and th« aitnati-m Is «trained. General Butler l.a« w.riie-i hecrstarV Alger that »> m» sb « of strength m -1 be mad« soon or America «III lose al) prestige with th« Cuban« The rccreut storm on the !ak.< sm must furious. Chicago's water front was b»!!y battere! In spots. Ths sever­ ity of th« blow was tbe greatest sine« 1824, The total damage Is estimated at ft 1,400. An el» trlclan has made tire startling discovery that escaped «Itwlrl dty In New York follows underground plf'W and resulting rlwtroiyyis cuts away th« bottoms of street ..ar rails and Iron foundations of all kinds of strccturot Complete returns rw<-lv«>! by th« treasury department show that the dr«- nmnnted American merchant »hipping Jun« 80, !is. says that la’or mu.t not !<« Impt*,l<*i Id* state, an.l if an attempt Is made th« tram i arvying th» im|»”t»»l laborer« will t>o mr-t at the stalo lino and ai.ol to pl». ■*• with galling guns. NEWS m I-1, «III dean,nd Tii« no* Frvucb premier haa»w»L Agricultural experiment stations ar« to te establish!**! tn Ala»ka. NOT John H Dialogue, LsaJ of tbe ship­ building firm of that name, i* g conslderd l*v tba C«rvt«ing Iwpectot general of ,teatnbat<*l finally di»|.w»ed of at Parte T)-» Hpat»- number of pa«M»ng«*iii c«rH«*d on yf *» h i * l»l. |re»ce cummlssiunen a.-qnic - <>! io Intprol«*»! by tl»<* eervlco during Kb« tlm relu»al f the Am»r|.ai.» to bars year lg *30.000,000. tim In-avy burden »nddh-1 I j-r-n the At a inerting nf tha Faria p**ace row United State*. Th« cession of Guam to miawinn the American! pruOetHed a America was agreed U|»>n and all differ- written expieaainn of th» purpoUa of rlir-i-S I. gar.Ill g I’orto III.-- «»tiled by tbe Unit»’ I MaK«u Ko take Hie rntln» inotual understanding. group of tbe PhiHppIna K which had Uw»n h*rurre»l by 8pu!n months ending September 30, I Sir*, ths !”r t! «• forth* rai » of military or naval rc*e;ptl w.-rc «71 .to*480. a gain aa op» ration* to qiirll the maurns liona of c - npa'cl with tt. »am. |»:ri-'l in Hull tlx* native«. ot |28. DM.813. I*rnaid»-nt M Kinley wan the goenK of It U oxj> (< m | that the I. < I- -n of the honor at th«» peace jublil»*« banquet ol a. rotary of the navy to I. tain all tb« the Phildelpbia c lover Club. v - Is porch*»- I during the war will Preaident Zvlaya, < f Nicaragua, baa have tl.e offset of caualng a iron -Hl In granted two Amcth ami a n<*w cunoea* American shipbuilding, It comes just • ion for an inlerocvanic canal. nt a titnr* when there is an ntiosual do- The prcii lrnt liaa tamed bi« annual uiaiid f»r »>il|*s flying th« American proclamation, «eltmg apirt Thfirnday, flag on account «! th« r-apandlng com- Norrmt«*r 84, aa Tliank*giving day. mere« of tbe United Hlatos In general, Tbw Wfxxleti «trainer L. IL Duty war at.d t*artlcularly on aciamnl of the I 111 g throe mon instantly and Tbs postmaster at Hweel Home, Or., burning one seriously has t»e«-n arre«t. | for cml>ei«1vm»nl. Tl*n Han Franr lscxr gram! jury has He made no return« tn tlmgotcrniuei.L voted to Indiet klrs. Bulkin ou tho The trial will ta> 1’vtr -, r Unary procantions an* l. ,i g charge of murder taken by PalestineauUioriliM to inanr« lirhl in tbe supcilor court. the safety rd I mpotur Wlillaui during The steamer L. R. Doty, w\tb her hi« tour uf tbe Holy latnd crow ot 15 men. la believed by marine Th« Philippine Insurgents I bava mrn to have bren lost in the great peaceably withdrawn to tha diet ian-te st»rm In inidlake ott Kcnoaha, Wis. Cailonal George R. Waring, jr.. for­ d.vircl by th» Amriicau«, elrvpt In Cslocan, the northern suburb of Manila. merly «treat ocuiiintesioner of New York, ia «ick nt hie brei.o in that city I’anl . Lucero, wh-*»« age. as shown with yallo« fever, cuntractod at Hav­ by the records of the missions of l«os ana. Angeles and Soledad, was 115 rears, Al Richmond. T* x., Manuel Morri« died al the county boapit.«l al Salinas, and I’cter Autre, nrgroe». sr.-o hangrr! t al. from a double gal Io««. Mortis mur­ A Kolm di.patch says the Japan»« dered and then outragr*i a 6 y*-ar-old • teams! ip Mi'ag.. i sank after Laing in blind girl. Autre assassinated Lis lul«- n>lli»t<*n with t’ .- Japanese cruiser troaa. Kingsamaru. Kilty J a pane.« w» re Vice-President llotaut narrowly r»- drowned. c«j*«d being killed in a runaway acci­ A team behind Further Information, received from dent in Philadelphia. Foreal. Ml«« . aaya that 14 Is the num- which he was ri ling bolted, am! «Iron tart of negro»» killed In the Harpais. a terrible disaster seejned certain a villc race riot. The negiot-a who tl.-l trellee offir-er dashed out. »ei«e-l tbe bits to Ilia swamps have all made grsoi of the horses and (topped tiiem. their ere-a|*o, and th« race conflict la Ex-Slate li<-precent«tive Georg« now al an end. Ogl«, of Clackamas county, Oregon, Spain wants the batt ht hl pt Oregon has refused to «ccepl th« money voted and Iowa recalled, and protetta agslntl him by the rnrnt «ration <»f the legit' th« Uniteil Stat«« tending the w*r*hi|»a latore lor full pay fur thè din-rganlaed to Mmila. Hl ie claim» such action is house of 1 <<1. in violation of the terms of the proto­ Three more warshlps are to he seni rid, Slid that tli« statu» quo null tw t > Manila. Two will pr ■ *-.-1 brway luaititalned until |*eac« is concluded. of thè Nuca canal and one acro*« thè Cotton buyers of Dallas, Tea., on for- Pacific. The Brooklyn will |. ilio flrst biun orders ssy that owing Io ths to sali and wlll trave nr-ar York early thirst.-i • I war i». I glan.1 and tliie we< k with gnppliea and ammuni- f irn ilelena is Frano« they have rwvivv.l caldee say­ tn*n t«r ÌJeweiy'e nevi, The Yorktown i» to ing: "All shipments from thia date soon to folhiw. until otherwise in»lioct<*d must I« lesse Han Frsncison suoli alter tre mg placca) in ootnuiisaion. made subject to war Hsks." MltiBf Maw» llam». Graham A. Your.g, of the army en­ The Virginis gtan.l r«mp nf con fed» gineers cor|*a. who died at Willett*« crate veteran« a-l-'f ted a ri-t.ilution to Point. «ata hair to over <1.000.Oro. the effect tbst there could be no mo- Tlx ■ tn a» Greenwald, a private in bat­ rresor to Mi.« Winnie Davis a« the tery 1, Seventh United states artillery, "Daughter of th« Conf* >l«rary,'' the was allot a- fund, to pun has« the ground and to of contemporary upper build a large social settlement house triarchial in the Italian district of Cleveland, O. house«, one-third of Its menrtera It will be eslled the Alta house In being In the seventies, five In the eight- les and one l»4. honor of Mr Rockefeller's daughter, A tract ol 1,184) acres of timber land in Went Virginia that waa granted to George WMblhgton by King tleorge HI of England for hla service« In the In­ dian wart previous tn the revolution has jttal been sold to lumber S|-e--ti- lator a. Ml«« Zephyr Adler, wl io is rr-garded as one of the moat beautiful women in Nashville, Tenn., has joined th« Sal­ vation arruy. Amcrka Wil! Take Over the Philippines. A company of Cliir.e*« naval rnservea 1« to te fortur-d in Philadelphia- Pt<»M i i l McKinley Is »aid to have a plan to g»t back «1 Germany f y «>. lod- Ing impure German prcalm Is, and th ns retaliate against the kaloor'a govern- lu. r.t (>>r lire nn ju»l die rlmlnatlon r»n- tmually l»• Araibipalaa'» Pari«. Nov. I.—-WbH« tb« Hpawiab O’ m MB> dBn of tbe two ournratoanms In lau« fipaia isouad. by rural deerta. twin It in the »um of |40.000,< to wliieh were ptofgnd (be rtvenuo* of tbe PhUippiuea. an-l to which the Sj>anl«h national guarantee wm a ! !«•!. From the»« |40 .OOO.OQO of obligations, t^pain realised l-fi.OOO.OOO in oath Thvve 11 ’. 000,000 represent tba Philippine debt, which ia entirely onttnie oi tl»e f SOO, 000,000 of the to-cal led Phillppiue and Mp«ni*h debt. Th« ofindili 'iii alan differ, the Philip* pine debt hiring I»*' n created by r»»yal decree the archipr Iago n«>< • railed Cuban debt w»» created b, law. Th«» • ff« renew ml m f n of li e noti r«wj*»n«it»i|ity of th«* 1’hilip» pine« when rcmntr<| from th«* «orereign- ty under which lie roourcce were piedg«'*L bh-i'ild th« I’nhe! State« abenrb the Philippine«, i «'i e but M ule yrl know whether th«-v will a«Rum<* a («art or all of Ihle d<4*t, or mor« than ti e Philip* p h« debt. Th« Americana bare de» rlln«*>l to »wimp the Cuban det*l I m * eauae Coba !• not thelre; but In d«*p<*a* Ing sp iln in the Philippines, the Amrr» i ail* ii- j i.rr t »• («•rrlU»!)'. and II ii Iwlicrc.l there will lie torn«* fmancial an«uHipt!on by the United States. At tliU j«»int arl-F- th« «|u< -lion «f l ow mueb finunrlil reh. f rn’ght <’ rn» |k«o.»*l<* Spain for her !••<« of the Phil­ ippines. Some ww on«*rnna the cou- Jitiunx tmp«»»«?d by the Americana. Nevertbrir*», despite thia attitul* of tho Madrid pr» **, and, deapito the aiatemmt given Frhlay laid U» the pre*» Correspondentt by the ypaniah cumniii- •ioner, who denied that tbo Hpaniardt ha i any intention of withdrawing, tiie American* here will not t»e aurprited if one or more uf the bpanub commie •lot.era reaign and practically cfoee the rogollatiuna Tliia feeling ia up»n th»* fact that Srnor Ki«m early laal work woukj have rrvigned, if bin an d'ting wouhl not have imjcrlle»! tha bagnata mintwtry; and tlia rvaeoniog ¡a that, if,while (»n aming the Cuban debt, I which la nut mentlonr«! tn KliC protocol, benur Itioe waa inclined to rimign, !«• might, in the o|*rn Ilei»! of contention aa to Kite Philippines, feel that reeigna- tiona would help benur Sagoata, on the ground that tbe deman»l uf the United Htatee !*-'? the enure Phtlij pine group would be egtorlionato. It ia believed h* re tonlghl, on tha eve of taking up the main queatiun, t! at the Spanleh oom mi a* »onera are not likely to acquieaoa bwe in any treaty that the Am«-r)cana wrottLi aign. Cur* f«»r ll«»g < l«*s|cta Washington, G» L 31 —During the pa»t two years lite department of agri* culture haa «*on I net rd a a** r Ira »«f rx|«rri- menta in the nor of a »«»rum aa a rein* e ly fur In -gw afl«rt«*d by eb«)h»ra or »wine piagne. Tho mpiimeni» were ronducte»! by Dr. D. E. Salmon, rbirl <»f the bureau «»f animal industry, and tbe reaultt were eminently aatl»fart<»ry, proving that tbe di»ra»e can ta eereeaa* fully treatiMl, »a*ilv an! i nc x penai vol jr. This vear the experiment» have l»ern extneaive and far-reaching. The bureau troatei! »22 bogie Of theae, I7» < *■>« *r it tom • 14.11...4 Trai». N.w York, Nov. I. —Nii lrolaa Jack- •no, ot Harkenmck. *1*0 was »»nt to Tronto» prison to avrVo 10 yi-*»rs (or rauaing th« .fr-ath of hl, 8-VMt-olil «in ta*nla, c*mf««*aK| to Sbariti Harting an*! lirepuiy Hhvritf Jaekom. white they ••»* on tbr-ir way to Tr»rite» front Harkan.ack *itb th« priaonvr, Da thia niforuiatlou. Ml«. Jackson ts I>«1<1 •« an accvwsriry to tb« t»ur>l»r of l»»r atr-j •■>«. Hur« ar« Jack. u a w.irJ« to Ih» »her I fl "Mr *if», wbovn t ha.l nnlv rnrwntly marrlml, ¿atei < n th«tra<-k altv«, for tear h» would gel off, so I (truck him In th« aiomarlr with an •rr*» bolt, and that mal« him uneoo- aciotw T »n i put him »n tho tra.-k. juat telo* ’.!>• cri ori r g, an I ««ii<*l«ad 1 vrnt botri«. 1 flare! up tho at>>iy «Noil tny Ivavmg H m trey aalrap on tbo hill n«ar tt - ttacka, to Mr« my llf» Iho jn íg» tri»! m» and foot-I tn« g-itlty of man- •langhtvr, thlnklrg that taml« *alk«4 on th« trar-k'an ! «aa »truck by a train. I got »ff drad a ar l chimneys were blown down aftd a num­ ber ef hotisca unroofed. Th« contents nf nnmenois hawkers* stalls were carri«**! htin«lr«k»ls of varis In the air hy the wind, ami many p*o- I w«»r Injur«**! t ■ th« ID if lebri«. which ill-! al-o ¡¡ iiuhdiw »lamage tu prop« Hy. WILLIAM M«•»eiuoil« «sf IN JERUSALEM. 1h* llrtfal K rlu»a. G«rmHn 1*11- Joiu-alvm, Nov. I —-Th« approach of t) »’ir Uorman irr ,**iinl inajealies to th«* city yesterday was made through tri* umphal ar h and amid banners, gar lands and ever-growing crow la, dis­ playing every way their enthusiasm and delight. The formal entry through th»« Jaffa gate was herald»*»! by the r> .r of guns at tlw* oitadc). where the Turk* Ish band playttaf th« German anthem. From the • -w« r «»f Ihivid, Emptuor William and I'tnpr«^* Augusta Victo­ ria prov«‘<‘r|»*s| on foot, amid wil l cheer­ ing, to tliw church of the Holy Sepal» ch< r. where they wore received by th« t'atholic. Grw»k and Armenian clergy, whose patriarchs prce«nt«*<| addresses eulogixing the devotion of the eui|*ror, who Las since conferred »lecorations on I be |*atrlarclis. Emp«*ror William an I the empress, while nt the church of the Holy Sepulcher, visit»*»! the various pirtionn <»t the sa< r»»d shrine, «ti-l »¡•ent 10 minutes al the »» ne of the crucifixion. ICE A IN THE YUKON. Duirn 111 ver linai» «.anti • ( Wane* uf Itrlitg W rerkeU. G«»n<1 Hsn Franciitco, N ot . 1.—lea «raw making on tb« Yukon, and thr-re whs tliin lee at Dutch Harbor, a hen the Potllaml r.iUed. October 11. Tl>« lug Ha.li« haa gone into winter quarter« nt Dutob Harl-or. At leaat a du*»n river ati-Maers aro stuck on »nd bar. in tba Yukon, and all will probably ba 1-reL The Dawson sill, ii that «ben tin- 1.» hriaks up they may go to pieces. All the tiea.ure in sight on the Port­ land was one box ol gold du«t and nug- g.mts consigned to the Alaska Commer­ cial Company. Its value was not made known, but I» not boitevod to exccci <10,000. Several ri'tnrnirg mincis were on the v»«»»l, but they carried tiieir wealth in th« form of drafts, auJ were reticent regarding the atuoUtiL Mush l»r«>p l»oWM. H|«- pobhc mm", at Republic, on tl.s north half ol Cidvill« rcM-rvation. Frig­ nulling or« averaging 15 ounces of gold, or nearly I 100 to th« ton, was »n. countered at a d«pth of 400 i«-«t from thi • iliac.-. Th« drills cut through 24 f. «t of l«dg« matter, 11.« last 18 tc* t averaging 15 ounr«*., and th« farther wall ol tlis ; ay streak baa not y«l tre«n sncviunt«r«*l. Adtttlr«! Millsr Mill *•<»*»•» Kwllrss. Waaliingti*n,< let. 81. —The announce­ ment ea» ma>le at the navy department lodav that Rear Admiral Miller, com­ manding the Pacific station, will te retired Novemter 12 by operation of law on a* count of age Cummodom Alte-it Kauta, recently in c-niman-i of Mi»e Null Th«»tnp*>n, a <’hri»tian the naval station at Newport, ia now M'irnli»t, di»*«! in law Angele», while on hla «ay to Han Francisco to relieve undergoing an extended fa»t. Admiral Miller, Yu r blah Mu sdorar« K« orillad. M •< • Hr rutti. Candía Viete. Nov. I. — Five more Fpririgtlebl, Ma»a., Ni I. — Isaac of the Mussulman« convicto! of taking Htetaon, a l.rrmlt, waa fcmnd itaad In part in tb» maaaaore of British aoldiers the wooils near his bon.«, in the vicin­ tap tern l*«r 8. were executed today. ity of Wahrvvnali farm, yesterday, hav- . u.g probably i*»»n murdered. An an- tt III Vole at Wos. Topebks, Kan., Ort. 81.—Th« m«*m- topsy performed Imlay showed that of th« fir»t batlalioci of the Twenty» Stetson l.a*l la-en shot down, and that KatiBMA regiment, which hat« death was Instantaneous «aile«) from Han Franelsro for Manila, ' Many people in Brookline, Maae., carry ballota with them an i will rota rr.'s-ntly pan! fj.50 each fot painted on Kannaa officwri alwml midway Im* «narrows, on the representation that twren llonulnlii ani Manila. they were cananea Hall Mwlrwfe r»wnrh f'rstyse. Kngte»«’» Fmsrgenrr a«na«lr.n. Mefitnoo, France, Nor. I. — This die» tri«'t was risitrat by a terrific hail •t«irm this afternoon, which is continuing this evening. The stooee are of Im- nienrc st»«. The ollre an I l«tnon eiopa bare been completely d«wtroy«**|. London, Nov. 1.—There has been the greatest activity at Itavenport, the site of the largest arsenal in Great Britain, and two ol the flneat drydocks in the World, Th« government is aa- sembling an emergency «.|Uadron. which, Il la understood, *111 go to Gibraltar. UpanleU Vtoldlar» l»ls»«1 •»<* Rmif«, Ponta del Gada, A sore lalanda, Noe. UtaoFgta K. Warlss« l*ta««t- I.—The Spaninh »trainer Montserrat, N»w York, Nov. 1.—Colonel George from Havana with re pa ft late. I Hpanitb _ K ______ ________ Waring, jr., dirsi of _____ yello* ~ fever to- tnw'p» on board, haa arrived hera |day at bia home in Ibis city, where he Tb«ra w-rs 78 .lealb, •«•>*• S'Ita«». Washington, Ort. 8 t —Th« Arn« tVr<- king l’omr^iny, of H«n Fr«n«y I« d«tt>an-l«ii Irotu lh« <*>»»rnrn«nl by iE« onmpany. It ls »lalrel «I tte J«part- msnl unr-flkially thsl in caa« lh« (*>. Fry» Ihw Aeltatl» •l<)l»R. New York, Get. 31 — A dl«|«teil to th« lieraid from Washington «aysi Two m-re man-of-war will probably fol- low the auxiliary cruiser Buffalo to ths Asiatic Muadron. Orders have alrvadv l*eeu given to the gnohrwt Helena to prepare f >r her long trip through th« Sut-s canal to the far Kvat. and as sen a» sii« I» r. adv ah« will start. Rear-Admiral Dewey bas I tn pr a*»«.! tip-n the department ths ne< <«-liy of having a large number of llgl.t-drau ghl guntMteatii amntig th« Philippin« IvlarJ«. Tba Yotktfiwt», it i< nn«forvi»w*1. will hv plarr^l in rtumfh‘••i»»ti on il*« Pâclfio an*! »tart for Manila« Before permllllntf Naval ('»»natrurtor H<>Laon to continuo the work ol raifing th«* <'rn!«er Cristobal Colon, hla plant muât rrrrlvn th« appr<»val «I Cha nava I l*Mir>l of conattuition. Ord«ra ! avt tw’rn gltrn tn him tn applet In Wa«h* Ingtnri on Tu» - lay nrit at a mwllng nf th« l’onr-l. Mr U<»bw»n will !etall hla fjlan for fitialintf tho Colon H<* ¡.-ring It n*lr«»rll>>M llnragn Hur i»l Ih«» War. Wa-!)ingt»»n, 1 ». t 31 A large part of the burden of e.niipt-lng th« United States navy for th« war «ith Spain fell upon th« eomtroctlnn traroaa of th« navy In hi« annual rrquot, t'.irnrnn- -lore Hitchlsrin, th« .-hl«f conatruetor, furnishes many interesting rlnlail« «« to this work, involving th« tranafonna- -! in- in * i: I i sf I into efTe«-tivo naval v*-«--ls at short notice, taaiking to ti:« luturn, th« chief constructor invites attention to the importance of properly equipping an ! maintaining plants at or near naval stations along th« coast already estah. Ilsheil and he stil tnlts estiniates for th« purpo««, averaging ateut each ca«o. Beaiilea the long list of vernala por. char«-! by th» government fur ua« aa auxiliary crnl.ei., the report nays that 10 v««eeta were accepted by the govern­ ment from builders -lining the last flre-al year. There- were the Iowa, Hol- ■ ena, Naairvillo, Wilmington Ann«|-o|is, Marietta, Newport, Vicksburg, Foot, an*l Wheeling 1'rogrcs** marl» on the veasela in aailM of con.tiui lion haa i en very »«ti.fao- torv. The liehavlriv of all clawns of out naval vessels throughout th« variou« conditions nf ll>« war la set down a> a source of gratlfloation to the construc- tiuu l-iirvau, • In*,«- tl*. gtcalvt part "I them were *le»ign«*l. The chief «mstrootor pays a tribute to th« Inrlefaligahle labors of th« con- > st ruction corp» -luting the wat ami ox- pre-*«*-, th« opinion that the Increase in Ila perermnel has har lly been a» rapid aa the demand U)a>n III «--rvlcr«. i Tberefnre. it ts urged that th« bureau continue the literal policy II lias fol­ lowed tn ao.:gtiing officer, to the Curpg. Th* Stagio»«* <4nlf ««( lks*-1 .«< *lt| f| ia to l-« «l'ir to an apprehen- •itin of an attempt t>y a intriga p>«rr to aaiio th« railway. tba r»*»»4»»i Hamea Te**r«Ua> *!•*•«■» b»r 14 1« III« r*«*l •<**<>»«•«. Waahingt n. Oct. 81. —The prvehlent to*lay i»*ue*I the fulfoatng Thanksgiv- ing proclamation: *‘fly the Pte»bient of th« Unitari Th« ap* Htatre— A Prm*latnalh*n' pr**»< bu g Novrint-er bring» t»»min»ltfo» cuat»<-ma of our amwatura, hallowed by time and rootial In our mr a time darken»*) by Iho do«: I of war. t ut a« we w< re cxnn|*rlied to lake up the «word in the can»« of humanity, we are pet» mlltril to frjol'*e that the oonftlrl baa hoen of tulet duration. an«t the l ! to tr. urn, though grivvoua and imj- itAnt, have been a»» few. con» aidcring the great r*«eult> a* -«'emplisbed. a* to Inaf ire ua with gratit nio an I pra *e |«> tba Lord uf Hosts. We may l«u I and magnify Hla Holy Name that tbe ce«.«atlon nf fowlilltieo camo ao toon aa to »pare both sftdoo the count!»«» «or» r«»w» an I thrfofote, invite all my fol* h»w ritiaena, th<**e at homo »• well a» Ihoae «ho may »«e at »ra or aojonrnlng In foreign Ian !», to M*t apart an«l ob* •« rvo Thur»day, tfio 34th »lay nf N »• vetubet, a« a «lay nf national thank»» giving, tn come together In their »«»v* oral places of worship for a «rrvire of ptalM and thanks to Almighty r (he drv.ilfon and valor •»! «»ur * «»uDlrvmon; for the gl“iV ikf i iif vietorv and tho |M>pe of a righte- < mih pence, an») to pray that the divine guidan»*«* wbh’h hat brought u* hereto* hire U< oafeiy and honor may bo gia« i- coaly continued in the year. to cum«. In witne»» whereof, etc. “WILLIAM M -KISLEV. “Hy the President: John Hay, Soo* rvtary of State.** Ar WOOD «•ItlRg th« MANZANILLO. M«w . —A •|‘«olal 9r n Can»“ < *.v state* that a y<»ung man who wa» am«ml»rr ot th« sheriff a p>w>»v whhh i« pursuing the Indians who Jvst»-rday shot tw«> settlers—thavid Cuttings an I John High— an*l kill'd two borers rl ’den by F Du* ran and F. M’Sivt, Has Jost return»*«! I <’» son < ily with s report of a drsnrrate fight Vrtw«wn the poese and tlie Indiana The 19 white men ai d five bn. k warriors weia altout 4A f««H apart when tt»« batt!« t‘»gan rg** Cutting«, son of David t’uttmg«. recelvM a b*l| in the l«ft arm, tiie missile pi-sing through his lungs Ono of the Indians, who wa< shot and kill«**!, fought will» d«e|><*rate courage After Iwing repeatedly shot he cuutinned firing his HO« until it was empty an*l then fl -d hla revolver until th« wrap* ii dtopprd «» l*»w that the bullets struck the ground near his Side. George Cutting*, after l>rh'g * an-l* «>1. started, in company with M Mo- al«r. tor Is««, near the »*vne <»f the trout)!«. The w* on !«•>! ti vi be .ne which ha* l»een In con­ templation for many month*, bftvii g twen «leferrv»! from time to time nwii g to preetuiw of war fonine« A* at present me acting collector». ari i»lly serv­ ing in tlial <*ap»«*ity. Therw art» »! ««ui of tbeae deputy » «»Hector«. The largest ola»a aff»*« tewi 1» the corp« of ex­ amining et>rge«»n» of the ¡»eiiaion bu» reau. of whom there are In ail <»v«»r 4,100 A! it ’»,l office deputy mar- •hale, heretofore reported at t hiaaifiol but con-*« rnintf wh<»*-» «talue tfo'ro ha« !’»> exempt ela«w Th» ««’ are other m atter» Ing position*, including «<»n»w of » fl-hi- Clary an-i < •»nil l»ly aoverai hundred. Mau san i lh». O't. 31.—Tin* United States gnntMat iflst arriv«»l here to­ night with General Leonard Wood, oorurnan !«r of the military !«partiu«nt »i Sant) »;** a*' »onp»nt»*i by l4eut<*nant MalHi» w Harms. < hi landing. Gen­ eral IVoo»| waa cto-oted with <*oh»nel i'l ttit at I in« adjutant, at I he was •ui»»' »|u» ntly r» • tved by Colonel Pet­ tit’s antire re-gimmt General Woo*! Kto'ii viaitt**! th« l>at Kite Cuban General !*:<»« ts up| arcntly making evrrv effort to prevent the disbanding of Ina tr»M)| a. Tba Cuban commander wi».hn oondi- ti n that only stdJieia ar« emp!«»ye*t The pla: tors tinanim' iisly refuse tn fall in with au» h an arrangement, consider» Ing that it would I«** a Ir<•!»♦« union <»f the strongest po**»ibte kin»! am! would alt«» t«*nd to keep up tho Cuban mill» tary organisation, which, In the Inter* FATE OF DREYFUS eats of tin* Islam), the planters are very anilona to break up. In tiieir opinion A|»|*«Wl for nf th«» < ••• It It would bu to»tt«r to hate noo»HBmsrut «< r«rie. than to attempt K ot> such conditions. Pairs. Ort. 1** -—The court of rewta- Lieutenant Lueicn Young, the com» lion, which is to decide upon the que«* mnmler of th« Ihst. CM-atml more ex* t¡«»n of the hm » j .‘ntr.g of ibr . f «dtomerit on lamlmg than even General Alfred Dreyfus, the primmer of IM vi P h \S **l him** If. <.’row»!« gathered al island, who Is alleged to hare bren the wharf to «»<* th«young oumroander. faìwely conrlcted of Milling un)«»Hunt who, wit!» I.H'utcnants Itolm an ! Jun- military plan* to agents nf a foreign g« n, of Kite H "fiir-t anil Wauipatu* k. ria- j*4»wcr, opened at noon today. Dining fnat««l a whole flotilla of L'p»nl»!i grin- the •«-Mi<»n of the court, an anil-Drcyf ii boats at Msnaanillo on July I la.L tnoh num I hm i ng alwiut 100 pristina ai' I A or.in * to tli« report« from tb* headed hy MM. Druraont. Mill to VftVM Cuban a«.**rnbly at Santa Crnx rl»l Snr, ani La».a, .limiting "Vive rAxnist" G*-n»ral Calix til G v i a lias b»»n r|i<*a»n and "A morte I». Juif»!’’ attempted to P*-r oian*-iit chairman of the organi a« enter the .-irt, but the |>a.»age ol ti n tion. mob was barrel by the poll ami large ten for. .-'1. t,ts w»r*- ».-nt to g uard th« DUG THEIR WAY OUT. • I-proa.'!» a to tbe court. Iloulstrr l*rl»oM»F« Karat*« by tirana «•» Maitre la Borie, who waa counsel for a T wrm I* M. 'Zola during the letter's famous trial, Denver, Colo., Get 81.—A special was m-ati- I among th« lawyers, no- ii|.y tn the Nows from Boubler, Colo., «ays: Ing tbs first low. Mr«. Dreyfus, wife About 8:30 o'clock this evening it was ut the prisoner, was provided with a discovered that live inmate* of ths seal In a corner. She was represented county Jail had made their escape by by Maitre Mornard. Ihv caae wa«<-allr.l imm.-liately after tunneling under the wall. Tfiry are Rapurtut John C Caaeidy, who w as t<> Isy sen- the opening of the court. len**e I to lif« imprisonment for tbs llar-l a|-|>care-l for the captain. murder <>( W illiam Rowe, al Hugarluaf; Mifnrd W III Karel«» UiO m»« Georgs and Edward Rowe, aeritene»! Washington, <* t 28. —The award <»f Io four and a half and aia vear» respe«, lively for Oiiltlestealing; Nick Boucher, Kht» rh irf ju«!i<*<) of C ro R'I a , to wliu»n awaiting trial for a»*snlt with intent arbitration w** vul n>iit**tl lit«* claim • f to murder; and John Baptiste, serving Victor H M<*»r»l again*! th«* gov«*ra- a three months* sentence for Isreeny. m»*nK of IVru for dam »<•*« «ti»iot r-l t>y With caseknives and pie.-iw of wool iCAaon of itnpriM>nmrnK «lurlrg tha the» had dug down sk feet and tunnel* revolutionary outbreak* llicr«*, b*« lr» hi , I’-tvmcnt f the cage« Tti.'v had l*er-n al work tbi* amount will el«»ar Ibc diplomatic •eversi .laya. No trace of the escapea cnntiovaray which bwi town in pmgre«« between Kl»e United fiiatca am) Peru haa been found. for »»me year», tbit ¿nYurnmant having Ht. 1 hui «, Bt f)i«t«at* h from Hhcrman T«*» , * **?•?. T*:C *’f ♦(»<• e«»«g* «ay« a d ir ,i*ir»»ti« fir« occurred at Corti» vhlea Khat the money inu»t to* paid to <*«na today. William Johnton and two McCord within fix moiHha from Kim ch lidian tere burned to death. dale uf the award. Inurl*«»« In Chia» In Sta l>«R|ir Baa Francisco, Oct. 81.—Ths vault Washington. Oct. 81. — Admiral Dewey has cabled the department that in the First National baah, umx I hy Judge W'oif, of the W.df, Worden everything is quiet at Pt-king and that mysteriunaly direip- no further trouble is anticípate*!, and C'liipanv. who |**»re5,tMM). Otto finyder, aup|H*«ea| to have m»t with foul ’play the night watchman, peri»be«l In ths in Oregon, but later on waa aeen in building. < hi*ago. Mteseefel fg| Will <»• Riffa* Vii. MeCnr« Claim. New York. Oct. 81. —It la atated at th« navy-yard that th«cruiser Brooklyn will sail for Manila by way of the Burt canal on Tue» >•/ or Wednesday with recruit», ammunition and an ppi lea for Admiral Dewey’a fleet. On her way •he will coal at Colombo, Ceylon. Work on the et wiser Chicago la advanc­ ing rapidly and it la tadlevnd that «ha will be rnady nett week to go into com­ mi eslon. Lims, Pera. Oct. 81.—Th« Peruvian government has vkod e*-ngreea to vote the ■ h i of It",-" -■ to I ly th« claim of Victor II McCord, -■ solar agent of tl-e United Htates si Areqoipa. Peru, in I « - I. agv -I III« govern m nt for damages »ostained by ronron of Im« prlaonment during th« revolutionary outbreak, tn accordance with the award of the Right Hon. “Omini Henry Strong, president of the supreme oourt of Cena la. btiit'lde «vf • V«s|ttel«i»r. N«w York, Oct 2»—Philip It N. Hlldr.-th, 28 years old, a member of troop A, New Yurs volunteers, oom- rtiliie-l suicide st his homo In this city w hi I" del I ri- is fn*m fever ntru--t.-l In f’orto Ki -.*. He shot him-«!! through the hi* I with bis army revolver. Ths ri«a