v~r SCIO, UNS COUNTY, OREGON, EHIHAY, .Bank of Scio 1 v.»>. CCXXXTTS3 3VJCXZZ I'VULIUIAO Al ».Hl ritlbxl AT •4 10, I.IW < «> , OFGENER’L INTEREST A Mxa FctiEi tt Xear 3Sux-xt;>. Oltf.I.OY. By lit A A. PHELPS. 1 J. JülDSSB Vice A. W. 11 AGE Y WflTGHM A KER RN» J k' lì’ K L E li. T.* m N»* ft < Ilf hr«8! «mall Ha« a t «aliar af Maam* Hlad Onr «ho ha« tra*«Irti ¡»ratty much all around th«» ¡flobe, mad«* a ¡»rctihar ’ «rr^aUvo at a nxiti ¡ralbrrit.g a frw n*lfbta ataea Hr bad holr far out* cla»»rd other attraction* aa to be th«* first thin« •u|nt*ot*d a« worth a riait. He waa ln< Uned to think that the aum mer rr«'»rt» would hare been the thin*’ in the projxr •raaon« and th» u neat tu th« »<■ th»- Art muar itn • ' h« aa«d. **if you r pr the tower? la l’aria they nav have you arm thr Moulin il<>u th«- <«o.den tfAt* ’ \a you «on»»* east. If you Stop In salt l«akr City, they nant to show you thr temple, and I d St. Louie they take you fir«t to SLna • garden I hm y«»u‘rr Ihr .ry • »I a bit of natural «• « n»*r\ EvrF\ ¡»lare has a leading attraction, and if you arc a visitor you arc *ure to lu* made aware of thr leading place to **sit." <4ucluuati Commercial Trib­ une. EAST and S0ETI1 The Shuistu wi w in m in in 14 LOCAL ATTRACTIONS. a I a«« I Hatunlsy aflerooon at»>ul I A Corvallis man I. shipping to ’•'clock, m IL B G«»ln» was hunting I’ortlumi w<-rkly from 20 to crate« m a thabl on F. J. Denuy'a faint, of overbearing stmwtwrrtos. ■ hout f>*ur mil«** from Hcio, h» found KntrcrU «I Ih- f-Mli.SUw .1 Wie, «« John Fulton, agt«l 75, ami Mr«. the l»»ly of a man hauglng tu a tree «««. iv I a I sm aoui ia«lwr OFFICER«- Matllil* Ki-lfi-r. «g.-.l To, w.-ro mar­ ’•y the fence dividing two field» 11 •• did not re«-o|[,*l(<, the man a» any ried al lUkvr i it) Wfrln« a l*y. TMWa President The total numlivr of d dty and It. Shelton was cent for to In time of w ir France can put hold all inqu< »t but upon his arrival Ttandem el»vH!*rnM’til» n»u*f ** f» out of every I'aal of her population Wbrr« Ibawürt i« lnfi>rut«'«i that ('«•rnvr Norman, of Aibsiiy, hadbnen flora a general tanking «ml ex- —— W. W Hander», of ixu-omh w»« -ent for. •*• he return?«!. ► hange husinrv«. ¡¿mina made at In Rclo the flr.1 of tho week and took The outstanding warrant« of Mai* About 4 «»’dock Sun«iay aft«*m«>on ►•urrent rs'rs, ami drafts issued on home a liaul uf ff-ur for J. C. II irilln, turner Norman arrived and held an principle eitle«. hour county, Including accrued in l*-e meeeh«r.f af that nlaee in<|u«-st. tereat, amount Io t'.'i, k86 41. The Tlie President ha. Issued an rxii’u AU day Humiay th«* scene of the resources nt the county are *55,221 41. live onler creating Porto Rtm a new suicide ri*»vmliio*l a pieni«* ground Excess of liabilities over rcmurve», military department of Porto Rico, Men and women went from all di with .Maj. Gon Brook in command nations iu •«*«* th«* dead man, bai til, 664 IM 1» Grande's sugar Iwel celet>nitlon only one In the eolire throng could The Polk county Observer 1« ex­ which Is achrduled for October t’>, remember of ever having M*en th«* Kl< Il A HI erting every effort to"boom*, Ixillas will I m < a noteworthy event In the ili-ad man. T. B- Bra«!ford stafi*«l >*>t< ii-iu mm — industrial history of Eastern ' trvgon lhat he Wan of the opinion that tlx* Acsxirdlng to it« edlbral column» In fifteen year« itu««la has »ent man had been st his nous«* when he the city 1« Just entering upon a p< r«oti« loNlberia, fully liM),i«» 11 veil near Tangent, al»>ul a year season i.t prosperity never before relative.of prisoner« having nccom ago. ami r«-maincd atmut a week, è * ?!°li 1 MX F «»F licanl of in that sleepy city. panlefl the exites with their own Gut In- rottili ii it remember his name, lie «Uted to Mr. Bradford that he free will. had norvlalivc, on thl» coast 11«* 11 may la- hiqx-d that the govern- keil Midi, The first douMe decked ship built I was a mail ap|>vn-ntly about 50 years i in Englund was the Great Harry. uf age with gray I uiii and l«'.trd constructed In 12Mt by order of IL-n the outbreak at the Indian reserve lie w i« plainly dre» • I. ami hid ry VIII. It was I Gift tuns burden nothing on |lns person to Identify Always on hand. Give mo a lion in Minnesota, and that the ring­ and cost f«k',i«»t. him. A ' omb. palrof «, ■ I’ticle« and pell. Shop near tho bridge... leader« will be found to Imlude Mrs Annie Kline Rh-kr* t • ohc<* h i round piece of li»I was all that wae practically the whole tribe. famous Confederate «py, 1« now found In hl« ics’ki’I'i. A Jury con president of the Ht<«*kton at, I Tuo sistlng of N, a i'. \'.iiiev, II. B. George J. Gould will, by d<*ci»lon ¡unit»- Countv Rillr«« vl, a-ixty mil« Miller. T. Il iltdfiird. B. F Ramp, J. J. Piarne» mid I’’. J. Iteiiny, un» I of the Court of ap|M*nls, tw compcll- iriu k in < alifornia. Tho Trill« Kt Ito Horticultural cmpiinuell* I mid afti-r dm' dv||lx*r i ed to <*ontrlhute to the state el­ lion di'ciilvd that the man come to chojuer of New York #l i.',7«l ea a >ocloty ha. <*atalogu<-d J I varieties Ills death by his "ow iliiml ’’ Tlie of |H-aehes grown In the Izine Mar tax on Ilie bci|uest of *,'>.<»ai.tMl left State, ami baa given adi-tini't name tmdy was brought tu ibi» city Sun­ day evening and put into a mugli him by hl« fallier. Slncv llii re «till to every one of them. isix coffin ami burrivd In the Miller < tw ing to rulnousconipvtltion with rcmaln« of the ta-quc«t n nm tll tail­ cemetery Monday. ."«outhern cotton mill«. New England •CIO, OIC EGON. ance of *4,867,318, hl. »Icep will manufactures eontempLite «nlntitut pp«l.,l>ly bot bc dl«turtie.l by vl Au L atc.i Düsrhtora Soll» Ing m i< him ry f««r '«he pr u of the pourhouse n» doll«, « i«'li doll repr- -entlng a Thr I mt« I Stat, sgorcmnn-nt ui«>mr- provide« fora bounty of $l jmr ton federate flag to the IJGth I .OU I'll till •i I tr«-r«i 111 ,1 ilion and la-lng made in time« -« r»r«l for year, by « alu.blc arri ■ i for a!l sugar beets harvested for < '«nfedt rate Regiment survivor«. th.it country. I'he colli « lion I« con­ Tlie resnlt of tlie pi- tee negotiation« sidered to tx- tlie n*o«t uniduc mid ants w ho srr not even lxM,r«lr li 1« SI »,'« Its' « ar,' ole- of tin Alilcii I- now to «Imw tlie world her I» • .« ,t flit k-. rs Hi.• »ihr« uteii tiir ed in the hcul. II. is tt «l’h-ndid nuviil demonstration off tin- coast of dilli«, and expt tin them, ami in the d State* tnail They drmiruy lhe th« Spain cun tiring that country to it« thing to encourage new Indu-trlv«, I««IIC of l ile I. lilies’ Home JoUllll The ¡»»Mit ■ lie will show |>!cture« of tlie tlr~t lieg» mid the mail matter. luit it is not the province of the sense». office building in X«w York city I m a The commission sent to Hawaii - «tato to givo bounties for tho pur- Krgr buildinu and not* many year» to examine Into (lie condition of w ill allow tl.oother«. i i»»»e. Where dotte they have de It L* sanl that there are AV cat« in old. affair« h 1« <*iiIuTudial to rvcomiiii-nd a I veloped into regular »teal». I>emo th»* building cured for by th»' clerk*. form of government for 'lie Island Th«« »I ile rapito I of New York I crut. similar to that uf the llistrtcl of Cul- which co«! f J’*.'““*.1““'. ami h i« la-en Soin»* of the « ata hare nrv< r lóe.l any­ Wrath I 1 ~ umbia. thirty years in tinil ling I« >it lust where ebu’, other« ha»e com»* in from TÄ» i ¿ M, FL*. I’” . • A 1 Ar » A. M Tbs Fargot*.«a Orar# Of Li Tiretto. the neighl>orhood Th»* «-nt» who have « uuplcted. Th« Culsm General, Demetrlo . r M «1 * * Il aun) L t « M known only thia hotne are very thy of î:u a M 1 Ar ^• aî » Frwuc i « xm » Lv • « • •• V M. < a«tlllo, ha« ais-vpti-d a |H>«itmn un­ In the city of Paris there Is a con­ der tii’ii. Woial at r («•"' a year, and Don't emib your luilr over the •tongeni ami will come only to the 1 ’ • » ■ - >. all a fn«r»hd ani Wùata, Tutnr«, Marini vent and garden through the Im­ the frli lion between ' utt on your head and t hen k lek clerk« in th»* btdhlinir So yon are that >' ~ n. Alt«n». Tananai, «I.. 1.1, ll.i«,. mortal Hugo's "la - .M i-vr:il>le l " th» goM-ti,mrnt i« ’»»•rv»-oX. bv th» m * faithful wervnntM ulto prêtent I urta«« ninu. tiialna. *>a»lau l and all -la It 1» the convent of fill’ Pl III Pieptl«. creasing. In lhe grounds of Ibis convent 1» a tlon, rmm K’*l>ura aulii inani ili i.llu. thr 111icul party to an* •hrltrr <»nt! »k lias la i n arrested in the |im>torth'e * M 11.»... . I1*»» 1 A»»tt Ar 4 «P V indiscriminately. Hen- also repose other, but the red sensation 1« call« M t.» APmtty . Lk if m . r M i tic bones of l*n I’ayvtle, ta-sldv nt JucKsonvIlle, Ha., with a large edwhen i woman leave« one church • to I’ M «1 K'MM’f’Org 1 v « A X nuinla-r of stolen letter» III his |»>» iho««* of tils wIfv who w ished to lx» Tlie Lein all city council, «-iys tho to join another. Ub»nuu llfMnrh ai'ssion. I’Urlod there. The resting place of l’otta go Grove Messenger, will rot IM'.ly • A4*|M *loi»» tsatth* »hip < tregun. ha« returned to I m - divided among the >>fl|i-«*ra and tion, nut will tight the tuan limus in * A M. Ar 1^-1«non ... f » granite slatx Upon a register kept Km Francis««» from st Poter»burg "Jackies" of Admiral llew«-y*« ami lhe next term <>l court. • r.w. l.v„ AHwny Af j1 7 < a r< Mor.ui. 1 Ar I •(«•»(»*» I lew ey will rei ulve tiy the mnclvrgeiif theconvciit then* He says that the American naval S ini(non'» fleet 1 « 1 A fl© t». m* Inscrtaal (tie name« of but a small victories madn i profound itnpre« *9,372 and Hampson will receive M MMlburti *prH«sf»e M llrnM» te. \VIINTM» THI^TWoRTin Í lb, fftltf work v»»u it»« t* d at hou*«* “«ìar) Fayette Memorial Cumnd«»lon" tin« ‘ Governor-elect I ’ . T Geer, wasglven t.r .. Mi r«t Ht |o Why should mil the I niiel St it. « L* I"H*. A. «hllGAlt- » .'’U p rtl . 1 G Nntron..... sl.F ] ?K«0 A. been formed for the purpose of envl- in marriage tn .Mr, llul M. Co >)«•», taka the load In the w «il l’s affali«? • truUbl I"” * y»»U Ait »• »|wr» ’•otiáfl'k , ho mort*, nt» h-*» Mklar) Montlkiy ; a monument to the nii-timry of ut I nl>>n, (>(ii., at Portland, Tn,... sue I» a« strong ••» tls trffit««« r.iichwn we’lf A*)>) i!ii|i«>ii,” fil pining C htb on < )gn. Il I« pru|»isvd that tlie Alt«, c-l to «In agl, train. til two farmer» with isjual mental Japan. When a dog l«irk« at night ciwt of the undi-rtakIng. which 1« and physical attainment», the one, the ow mr t« arreatod ami ««ntem • I \\ i »t Side | >i\ ision. H. H. HENLINE cstimiitcd to approximate a quarter with it »mull farm gel» moris-oinfort to work a year for the neighlair that >»f u million dollar», shall tie defrayed riuiriULToH— l'nrliaiul atsset « n» a| | U . and -t!i«fae!tuti fr-m h! ■ Work, nu>i w 1« di «iuriied. The dog get« off e.i»- hy «mall con tri but tons M*cnn*d quite a« luu.li ne t profit ns uno who hr, simply being killed. Mail train ilaliv Nt>n t ik«* Ilo* iroop« »urretider««! Shampooing 15 Oilhao < AH iM|lrr«<1. « itti Santiago home, Spaln engagea d the young people of America, "first < trvgon M ide Sugur” was ex- Ladies Hair Dressing 25 KilWBMltwIn daily etcep« 'sind«)!« au Aineriean »hip lo tabe < «*v«*ra, hibltcd in lhe window id J. A. Me. will make conspicuously n*splendvnt hi» ottleer» ami tuen, caplurvd off Baths. - - 25 < *«l»m lv I*. «tu I -•5 a tt •ur Vnitetl States I My at the Pari» Fvrnn's griM-vry store Monday. It f *<* P m » ar M. Mi» vili« Man Iv | m >—it Ion of itRa». N o ot her c*'imtry came from the big I m - v I sugar facto Santiago, home. The Span lards gel • *’ i’m 1 ar In4e|w*n I I*«. r Mal) ex.», ■ clelitatliin of Its national day In cmirae want to use < irrgon made •hlp Uns- hu JU’xs an t < |||\\ ■s.llln. Pair»; but all the nations of the earth sugar ami the market« will soon be lUies <>n sprlkathm. w ill unite with this r< |>utitle In the supplied with It. The quality la Hat««1 •>.’> ti. i. i. i.. I ,ta an<1 r*> !"l* Alna Zaran, Clilna ll«*nolutu an-1 l’t» dedication of Ihl« txnuliful memorial «ild by cxticrla to be the Very tx-«t.— iis is.ran I» ..btain,~| Ur- M.»:.«.«.1 i trlbul«- Which shall forever mark .Herald. luans«*, Ik-knt a*rnl,. Wml s, 1«, H. Xo3|||.RM, Munaifrt An old man named M om , who the grave of l«a Fayette, whose Utn À** " Agaat. memory 1» comecrated tn the hearts lives hear Ncwta-rg, was overcome liy dUriness while «lashing a few of men. days ago. He fell into a smoldering it rvoulres no argument to con vine«« the liberty hiving people «if Are, anil was unable bi move. Hi« America uf the fur reaching valu<< son tierrlvd to bls assistance and of thi* most Atting, i*p|K>rtun«i and saved him from burning to death. significant movement. It will pro Gne leg, an arm and one aide were mote partrlotfsm and implant In the painfully mimed. But for lhe heavy mind» of our youug generation, from rain, which had soaked tho old man’s have tho Atlantic to lh«> Pacific, a broader clothing, Mr. Moss would k now ietige <>f their country*e history. iust in» life. It is a»ked that October 19, 1*<9H lx« Max Baumgart, haa received dir«*ct observe«! ns "I m Fayette l»ay" In from It ibbl Bai «d, it J rwualem, i 1 For Yaquina— «•very school district throughout our l««>k of flower«, elegantly bound In Train leaven Alcanv, 12:.M> p m. I «nd, when our children will I m * told olive wixxl cover», which i.of mor< " " t or vail Is 1 :L'i p. m. story of our struggle fur Gmn ordinary interest. The book 1« " arriv«> Yuqulnn 6nM p. m. the llbnrly, ami they may then gotten up In Hebrew atyle. running contribute their help ami pen from buck to lhe front. It contain« 2 Returning - •' ♦7’ ole» In memory of their nations de I|“WI-r«, prettily arranged, from Mt l^>nves ^aqulnit a. Ill fender. ntritiulls of M*e the big Oregon Industrial Expo 1 and 2 connect at Albany and from one cent to ten cents, to tie id non. where all »«rt« of attractions Curvallis with Southern Puclflc truln will please, amuse and instruct. giving direct »ervlce to and from given their teacher and tbence for- lhe wonderful liegclmans, who wanl««l to the Treasurer of th«* Newport and adj uent beaches. Comm inion. are acrobatic aerial wonders, am going to la- there, ami lhe M inili Train for lhe mountain« arrive at Harry Wheeler, of tin* 2nd regi­ guard and Naval Reserve w ill drill, 1 tvtroll at noon, giving ample time to reach camping ground on tho ment, who died with »mall jw»x nt and there will be free cooking Irct Braltenhush and Sunlluni rivers the Manila, was a Eugene young man urea and a Southern plantation ltreltenhu«h though Ina Portland rompnny. .sot scene with real live darkies mil tuts carne day. i t.’ing able to get In the Eugene com- of other attraction«. The mu de M. •*. WAt i»> * El»wiX S tu »., ; jinny on account or it« being full he r “ ,v Had with all al West ani Mornim Train al SHlion. T F. A P. A. Mnwgi«r went to Portland and eulGlcd there, Nmibw'it. CAPITAL $20000 NO. io, Route —ui NEW GOODS 3 3 Hew... Location 3 3 3 3 Cheaper Rents,.. 3 3 Lower Prices* • • • 3 3 JUST RECEIVED 2<‘> new and henutiful Dross 1‘nt torus, mid nmro to follow......... Beaut it’ll I half wool Serges, yaltl w itle, 23 cents per yard............... . . .New Shoes, New Hats... . I’liis week w<‘ will have a big lot of Nt’\\ I >ry < »oods of all kind. Sheetings, ('nl- icoes, (hit ing- and Wool Manuels, beautiful Shirt Waist Elailliels, llceectl Dress f lannels, cheap cot­ ton blankets hosiery a and ami underwear, all bought ------ PHOPHIFTUR a — \ 11 kinds of mill work on short notice \ll kiinl-s oi Lumber >.i«h, l>oor», .Mouldings, Slim gb », Paints und Oils always on bund.... Reatlv inaile < 'oliinu SCIO, OREGON