a '• :? /*'•*'- ' • » ! < • .• *♦ « I ’ Pimples A n- r ' »«l l«r»allhv, and l*f- • j'»urt»<-y phaeaiit *»»*.! trtmrraaiftaL Hood S l> A«... re»»« ■■ .1 M< parlila I • «. r I • Hrori', Pol, ITEMS OF INTEREST. A J*a earryirg a «mali el«n trir !«mj to prvVer.t «I i l> * ■ « ’ , | • i 4 l«'t> pau-nir | in tlern.ane. t'tiilean. iiev.r eiit-'t or leare i m i> h, • trirt ear or otiicr Public vrbirlo with- out bowlug to «Il ita occupatila. A Hrightrin (Knglandt yoona man 1« « klllr.l liiin>»r|| I mv A umi hi* *11« li»»‘le luti **f li in* fot ki *ing thè k . rVMnt giti. Il i* ectimatol (Ls| *in»w» t! <• Ire^lu- ning «»! th* LiricMica! etra ll.O4»OtuuO ¡Marron* Lavo p »,* • 4 ili • .»rth«|'ia » ■ » OrnI tiro logi*l* Ilare «lirovere I that crow* bave no lrr* than 27 rr»< », *« h dtetincily re Ivi ahi® U» a differvnt a« liun, The wag«*ot <*b> numeri iti Artrny ar* 15 a monili, wLich to IO per coni «Givo Ih® *xt’i»g<* wag«* ptevaihtig in < ‘bina. The rimi Cinnamati lo <»fT» r hi* sur- vice* a» .» fohlirr in th* |»re«mt war » u» < >«g rt»onrel t> ih«* «ir«’ ami «righi <»i thè bui ideo*, IL« grrut<»l stru ture* in thè World, Ther® wmi roti In !>>h-l'»n (|>a nther day a manuscript in li*« aulograpb ol William rotup* »>ng thè varia Doti» tnad* fiotu II»«* th*i oJition uf hi* lrah*lation <»t thè ili*!. The art»0< tal it-nint <»f common «all and cooklng «>!* ¡*»4 tu ni chlofM«* ani toadium carbonato) I* us» <1 l«y ah lt.iHan spreti lisi, Or. TomanolL fur thè Creai- tuoni of gxttmsiv* barn*. Whcn li«|uid air, containing fr»-m 4*> lo 60 |«M « « ni ni «il g. n i* l « ¡ih powderrel < barenaI II forma ali «i|l<» atre wbirh I* *ahJ lo to o»ui|«arat le io j>»»er to dynamH*. *r• «t i • M l rj ira 14®. Par a Mai»y ? * *r « to ft «■<*' • l i 111* «1« uà ! >)t< a -. and that ! t* t 4 • ?■» r »• t .»• t ali»* ■ t n ■ < •* * a .’• » l I J < I *» % < . T ! la Ito • *»Ijr r h»f .fut!« n m tur. , n o market. }t l» tal* n Ini«»ha.il in .‘n ■ > t M 41’ 1 • to a • v*i H • • » * n tf ** i *»1 tf r <■1 *» btih<1»v4 *.V?ì;. ’« r >r.j • a t fall« to rute t*« ud fer t T'T.U*»«, lt ’in» •■..aia Ad» drraa, >') F i 4 < <•.. l<4«do. 0. |ir-hi t y ! ? ««!»«» «.« Itali’» l at i) 1 < are tbe t* l. The tiri.e rwpiit4o0»i }• ira Tn BiLHIInf» l »t t<» an>t taAlc * puwda» A Fr« t ,i afii.y * » « laijna nov­ erai in Itati trige» l< r a t’iillei o( <*«.»tn liliared p4|*cr eteri alili pcdl»he«l aluminum, th«* chief t*ch>g that ihr aounrlt ate »ur^trally r healing U ill* Hide nrk of bhtitd jHiiaottiug. THE ILLS OK WOMEN ▲nd How Mr*. Fii kham Ovorco.no Tbom. IIolps Mm M mv )’• : i oi llt lM.rl.hn» St . Chlt atfii. Ill . <■> Mr» I'mkhaiii •• I hiltr, Vevn It- tbl>-I for tin- ¡-n’t two )<-»r» with fn .no; of ll > womh, le «H’orrlv. a, pam» o»er tny I dy. »o k hi ndwlir». b-iikach«- ..crv«•n»n« •.» »<>«1 w« n«on” ! trii-d doctor, and rar rented < » without n-o* f After tan inf two bottle, of your V<|»etablo Com­ pound. th, rv.a-f ! obtained wa« truly wmxJcrful I hare now taken aevi ral more bottlea of yvur famous me!• l< Mr» I'lukham "For a lotif time I »ufTrivd with chrono InHat: tna’.l« n of th<- w. ml» pain in abdomen and Ix armif down feeling ry ne reputai timea.and ao weak I «a* hardly abl, to du any thintf W'M»ub)o t to h< adache,. also troubled ” ith «rrh«i-a Afterdoe- torliitf for many tn mtha with different phy»k:ana and ytUng note «filial glren up all hope uf b< log w« ll again whan 1 read of the great g >d I.yd.a E 1‘mkhama Vegetable Com- puuud wa. doing I de< >l< d Immedi­ ately to gire It a trial 1 he result »». •imply pa»t belief Aft< r taking four bottle* of Vegetable Compound and living three package» of bauatire Vta»h 1 can »ay 1 feol like a n« w wuman I deem It my doty to announce tiio fact to my fellow »uff. rer. that I.yd.a E I’lnkhani « Vegetable rcmedlr. bar* entirely cur«-I me of all uiy pam» and aufferiug ! have her al. ne to thank for luy recorcry for which I am grate fui May hi aren bica» her for th* good work ate ta doing for our ••«.* PROGRESS OF CATAPHORESIS Mrdlcftl lllfltlrnlloil of llhal (•»» lit» l>»>n< XI Ith I Iwrlrlrlty. I STATE LEGISLATEKE. f ,h- ' a eivil viiglievrl and city |'r«aa»*w«f | m < « —f Ih» **••»«••» *»f attorney, an I th* y ahull r.'«*elve i. i I «W»M>ahwr». |vay e.iwpl fl.al afti»rl,<*d to their re»« T)»** régulai r»»oiino «*• U«ll*»w«w| in • |xx lire otheve. l»»th bcm*«'« of the l»>* *1*1 nr«* W«*4 m ** Th* Jar. anuf’ r. r« «Kiltiltoi, calling for Pt’ offered by Selling, calling for 15 cop- •et» '«f tha <>,« ¿’«'.1 coda tor the u»o <>t In*, five for th* senate, an i 10 for the the lluc«xj proti i«- lor the ti.play ut Ibe American a* follow*; flag on Uta acboolbouaee of tLe alate. By Full<»n. urging the < hrgon dele- By Hat.’lline, revolution pn>ti iing that gal Ion lu congres* to pre*« the ret*n- |O) coplee of tlu> i ulve n Ilio forml to th« com mitt»«' on w«y* and public hijliaaya. By Paly of B>-nt«>n, mean*. By !>a!y of l-ak*. amending regulating tai «alee nt land» mortgaged th* statute* a* to the qu*iifi»"*llons of to the «tate, road time by title, v<»t*rw By Daly of Benton, providing and referred to the «'tn mi I tee on pub for a >'«»mmille' 1 f two from th«’ acnate lie landa By ll*a>dtina. to protide for and three from lb* bouao to amen I U m * II.■■ 1« ¿'dation of the aale of tuatii« .pvl •chool law*. witb««ul compensation, Ian !■ ni. 1er >1« fault. By Taylor, bill carrI*»I. By Mulkey, amending th* to ii ... {.irete tlie city of Frndleton. «■’ ii*!ltut»«»i» and abolishing th* «» Hi I> -f ir, amending the »labite In ref. of »tat* printer By Taylor, provid­ ervneo to traap»»» on telephone polea ing for repeal nt a t creating U»e • t * I«» ami wlrea. By Kuykendall, to define l*oard of «“piaI»*alion. By l>aly of the quallfi'-alion of the v* tei« at echieil Iub’, for tti* protection of those fur- meeiiuga au I kindred aubjecta. tU«bing supplies and labor on public A tpr»«»C' from the liou»« reporting buildings. H» II »sellin*. amend,ng th« i a«M¿« ol a rem,lotion urging tha th* Portlan I charted Dy Dufur. f»»r Inimr '«i.tr u».- •«! the fmlvr.l app'orpl* protection of grouse an I pralrto chick­ ation for the Improvement of toe en*. Hr Da'y of Benton, asking the Caecodi* locka, War rrceitisi. s. rrtary of state to supply senators A n«'”«it’r from th« b«iu»n proridlng with |3 worth of *t*m|< and |l worth for a apeclal conimittv« for r lütntna- <»( r»«psp*|'er wrapper*; adept«*!. By tlou ol the hooka ami accoc inl* of the !;«-< I. providing for th* return to th«* Oregon io.aoe aaylum wm r<'} ei.tuino the tates. By Harmon, to provide for th* lex'll « and n'ltninl» of the •lato peni- resignation uf electors, ami kmdiol trntlaiy wa. re|«irte.l, and tbo acuate matter*. coricarmi. A message from the house, concur­ A tbrr-aga from the hon»e concur­ ring In the senate Philippine rratdu- ring In the ri- dution provi.ling for ti ‘ns, was re. rived. Morrow intro- an eianilnation of the l«««k. of the »« xj - dm■<■ I a bill to Amen«! th«* statute* reg- rvtary of *t»le wa. received and filed. : »lating the payment uf county offi The chair anmiunoed a. a »|x>cial oars. oomtnimon on examination nt the aay- A me**nge from the governor, recit­ Inin t>»ik. and mv'ouiita, m’liatma Tay­ ing the !<•*» of M.-ehann »1 hall* at the lor ami Kelly, arid on examination of Oregon agricultural college nt (kirval- tha x’k» .m l a iiunta uf the p«'nlivn- h*. and recommending an Immediate tlary, bxiiator« Pattvrerm and llow«. appropriation for rebuilding it. in the Hitcn sl of the state ftn ! students, wa* Th« II «04»«. rtM*vi Ved. I’pon the me«-ting of th«« house Daly of Benton, moved that th«» gov- Wtdr •«■«•«lay morning*« vend com in ittee* ' ernor’s message be referred to th«* agri* wet* ap)«»!i;ted on minor matters, an I < uhuial «’ummill«** for an investigation then t o lutrolu« lion of bills was be­ | «if the Ins«, the < <»mmitt< v to report by gun. Hprakcr Carter announced the ■( bill or <»th* rwiso. The motion carried. metnl»oi* of the committee on inveati- Th«* hoti*e lull t«> ameml the charter | of Baker City was rea»l the MH’ond and On motion of McCulhs h, the joint third limes ami pa-*«*!, resolution ref« »ring to the committee Til« llrall»«. on f >1 ti*!»«-s was withheld fmm th* The rtr*t bill introduced in the hon*e am.'it* . pending a reo»nsi feratton of th* matter. Th«*«« bills were Intro­ Thurwlay morning w.»* by R om , an- ! thoniing corporation* to a< t hr rl«*eu- duced: By M-nsly—Pr«nMing that *n attor­ t«»r>, aJminiairator*. ARvignea*. reenuv- er*, •h,|‘OHitors, etc., this same a* in»li« ney fr«»m outride stat«-* who is a pra* titlunrr in the high«Mt courts, may ap. vidtial*. Wlion the Raker City chatter wm |M*ar a* an attorney in an action in Or- a lop!» I, four year* ago, a portion rela­ •gon. tive t<> the el»*« lion of officer* wa« left inro’itorate I By Stillman—To city of Pmd Io tun an«l re|M*d the act out entirely, and, a« a con^oquencn, the trow in fticnn. Referred lo the I’m.»- pie« nl officer* have l«*en holding office for four year*. Grace introUi.ly delegation. By Rosa—To establish in the riijr <>f a t which remedies the mistake, which the house. the ututo New Y«*rk a fist*I agent A bill w.»v inlr«»nrvl«*d frlative to the protection <«f the »»hei’p inter« «tn ami a flat* tai on dog*, by l’»e governor. lo Rolution* were introduce«! ai* fol­ By Y> ung—Tu provl«lc for th* dis­ charge <»f judgment liens on real relate. io«**: llv -MiMwIy, to make the «male an I Ily Young—Providing for the protec­ tion ol elk. ari l nmlung th«» clo*«-1 sea- huuHt’ omimittri*« on printing a joint sduc«4 In th« I«» get on* for the Multnomah del ga­ *<«1« ftmni«. llon. Th<> Portlan«) charter lull. intr«i !u<-»«l A tggololion by Morton thanking the In the »etiatr by ll’wltln« TbniMlay *t*t* printer lot a supply ot *tationery murnlnn, pto»i«l«a for wi.eral hn|»irt- wa* aitopti-ri. •nt < liangr* in tho a Iminl.tration of Hutt* moved tbat the h aixiIi•)«••• 1, an«l tha t«r«.«nt munici­ Tim house, on reconvening, concur­ pal oo'i't. o »tln< |3,o0't for th« judge red in the *em»te icaolution regarding •I«’ I II .&00 lor the clerk, »• to h« •«par- the retention ol the Philippine ialand*. • «lad by u potion court, llm Ju l^n of Hill introduced a bill creating the « ♦ office of clerk to the justice of ttie M’Jfiieipu! Ju!!•••»- jw.-v«• <»/ l't«rii«i>d. ncaay'a term of ofl1ca I. made to ««pirn Standley introduccl a bill to prevent thro« «Java afl«-r tbn act .hall take nhnep, horse* and cattle from iaeing cffi-rt, an«l the mayor la to appoint hi* hrrde’l from one county to another. • Ut’CMOor. Tlirto.tfler, hoarror, llm police judge .ball be elected by th« A. D. Griffin, alitor of lhe I*<»rilar4 New Age. I* *«*fgrant at-arLi>« of the titter«. The board of public work, ia to tie hon«*. In dentistry no *ub)<-et i* more di«- Il«.u»x Keanlulfm.. eunrd than the |iainl .vii.ilive that lum. Young introduced a mraaute author­ the patient cannot endnia an ln*tru- nient to touch them can lie made thor* ising the accrwtary of »late to hare oiighly inaenaible to pain or fi» ling in print'd l.oOO copiv» uf the gorerno,'• ftom 10 to 20 minute*, *n«l can l«e mewage. A joint reaolution by Roberta wa. then filled or treate«l with ea*r. Ye«, electricity i* a great boon to manhim*. read, faroring a. tion by congmaa to­ Jual think of taking the nerVO out of a ward making an appMpriatiou for the tiailh in 10 minute* from the time of imprnvem« nt «if the Columbia rirer at the application of the electricity with­ the t'atcade lock, to prevent the poa.i out the alightcat knowIr.lge of it by billty of »tich dlaMter. to rcaaela a» the patient." The late mcth.al of hare recently occurred. bridge work invented by the brother A concurrent rwaolutlon by Hill wa. of Hr. White la a great improvement read, i«roviding for a committee to in­ on plater. vestigate the land board. It wa< re­ fer re I. A rvaohition for a oommittea to In- «4 PISO S CURE F vuutigate the fn-crctary of .tale', office, which <»□!•• from the .rnate ami bad be«u tabled, wa. taken up and con- PTION •urrel in fln Overworked Brain. A»« rv r'C-p4, Ptrnrk-« 7*4. (Vierta«n«*! I«» tire m h»s eliurei« r»»«»1ère «Mi a« an « «Im aloe, Krnrel Keca- |«rr, uf Pl* ««.uloii. Imi., <»Vr» 1.1 led him •w-If ito it Ally .mt pin »leali v. He * .»• .imldtnma, his mimi wa* always «»e hi* work From rarlv m<*rn until let»* at night b* omlimiAlly pour«*! uvei his bowk*. “Biintod th® eandl® at toth er«!*. •* Few preanfMi, eve* with th* stru *g**t const Hut tut.*, can keep up und*-r •uch a strain. In *’l Ittinn to I»«* st ml ire, Mr. Krm- i |w*r was t*A«liitig »«haul some tbier « mi Ire from b>* home. Finally, hi», rire«nv* »tmiy and th«« f ipwuri of I gi««ng to art*! Lorn wchool in all kiiMs of weather ttiMeimilted bis health. If* • a* taken to hi* l»ed with pneu* m-mia ami i»i* overworked brain al- ni'Mkt r«4l4p«eJ Fui reterai •«*« Ms h«' waa seriously III. Calatili ha«j taken fiait in bt* avatem and hl* rat nd ••• In a !ehe»Ale o n«ii- tmn. II* Was sent to Colora«lu where bn »p«nt three months witfcKmt re*♦ iv Rig any ton«'fil. Then a nutod special Oser »4 nr «2y. 1st from Cleveland treated him w ithnul avail, and then a luwpital in t ‘hb was tri*«l, but all al•*« lately mthoul l*enefil. Finally hi* physician r<*ctm>- manded Dr. William«* Pink Pills f«»t Pal* People, an ! from the first tn»i Lo begin to improve. When he had taken nine buiea be was roni|dett>iy cured. This famous blood and nerve in'-db inr !>▲>! a• - <oun for each letter of « nc-hftlf ounce or I» **; but afterward this w as r«*etim«*s half a mil* wide. s««J »4» dgs* on tl>* f’wl they may lw* erresmg. n«F«H> ««Jenin* <»vei«T»mmtn«*n about th® city uf M itAnras that the inhabitant* often rrceive th* sobriquet ot **cangr*yx ” They ar* ffv*|u®Utly found IU th® house*, and in some etarf ev«-n under th* E«-»!*. There ia a *{>ect«* «rs«)ori. The TtvSty *‘kf»r»u» firet th* r> h‘ lui»« was !»!*•! al IO an avrrag»* of righi mil»*« AH lami Titia wa * cut from stait to fini»h. «low n lo r-ight dava, rcqulring an *v*r Mgr sp«*«*l of 10 mile*, Th* qui* krsl trip made wa* in rat ry ing Brusi «Ioni t«incoln** inaugura) aJtlr* which was dune in sr>ven «lays and 17 hours, an average *|K»ed <»f 10.7 miles |«er hour, the f istest time of any on* rider l*n»g 120 mile®. ftom Smith*» Creek to Fort I Tinrchill, by "Pony Bub.** in eight hour* and IO minate«, or 14. 7 mi Ire |M?r hour, Considering th* distance and «lifficultie* enc lUntrted, such A* h«*tiI® Indians, ruad a nt*, flood*, an«! *n,*w*torma. and accidents to li*»rse* and rider*, the *ch«*lul® was main- tain«*! to An astonishing degree, Tha service created th* greatest enthusiasm not only among the employes. but also m the ranks of stage rmph»x«f*. freighter*, *im! reiMenla along th* route. To aid a *’¡* ny” in .hffi. ulty was a privilege, and woe lw* to the man who would so mu« h a* throw a ttouo In the way. 1 nrl« S«itt*a XX «trh l»*»r!nr. Al Hi«« Unit«*d Slates naval ol«»- rva- I »ry is nn ®X|M»rt offi, ••! al tlie b- i I of a «h*pnr!¡Hcnt—pr,J »Ely th® m —t )w • fe< l of its kmd in th* worM—*wh«i«’ duty ia to keep in hind for th* use <»f th«' navy thoroughly tested chronom*- ter», a work which requirre much care and attention six months in th»« year. For this porpore, aay* The New York Sun, a tem|«4-rat’ir* l«a»m is t«-l with the chronometer »ml time service department. In which th«* testings at«* mad*, umler th* influence of a hydro metric condition of the atmosphere. Comparisons ai® made «tally botwren II and 11:40 o*clock, morning, with th® mean time standard rlo-k, an«! th* error* and rates ar® work>«t| up on«* a week, from there mean rate* calcula­ tion* being ma le and comparl-on* to the nearest «¡naiter of a se, nd. Th* ti’inperatur* is clo.*« ly observed • odi day and recorded for th* previous 24 hours by a ehrnoim thic thermometer, and by M*lf-rrg storing maximum ami minimum tberrnometer*. Th* room to heat* I by circulation of hot water, th* fuel I m ing gm», »nd to r»««»l« I by an he reft ig. r.itof when a t< mp-ratur* is required below that of th* outside at­ mosphere. For the si* rubier month* th* teni|a*rntur* room is kept within « range of two degree*. HKl»| 4 1 l<>> IS II I < I < I » :< Baker’s Chocolate, BUY THE GENUINE A ; A 4J L« ¡a J < $ celsbretcJ fnf MWt th«ux a century as a tleHcioua, nutrilhore. { jf «nd fireh forming tovsrsge. ha* our well known 1 • SYRUP OF FIGS • / a 5 •/ MAWvaacTVMxn ar. CALIFORNIA Fill SYUUP CO. ir aorit rua WAM*. I* Il Wrong. Oct It KlRbL Keep il Rijhi. \ allow l abel X r *! <,4 n ***!*! 1 »n t h r f ? n I < i i • r t V i d ¡1 1 packagv, and our a 1 » H J lra.!r tnark."l a Hell. 4λ f ! ,/ Ì . y Èli J ( h >*' lAturr. ’wo iLs V ai M [ if ■ u e Msssre*» HevealeSl RemeSI> ®HÎ h»IL Three Ck «i a * . >1 STAke J « m Irei lx iter, o l II from yewr 4r -.«»»ive*. j »huimU» 4r«.< I.ou»®, or tro«..» 3U «ari a Uo.Diee l«ru*« a ».. ¡ ru i i.id ili SPRING KYB CRAIN BAG NECDLI8......... liai» o» e.‘h « 3««« The toot U*tM¿i« Is Xh - m«nr *rt I o l Kt l of »»Je by «¿4 *«•• «4w4 MK 4 s 1M»**«U»« Hx>rvK. A* h* w h i. a i im s co.. M«r«*l «MrewA. A mu » FfsMWww, C»i NuNii UTHI U Ut St ISI M*A«h* OMV ■» X WALTE* B.XKEK A CO. Lid, Dorchester, Maaa. •f • Artf*«t f « 1’ry s t r-*.a -« ÇÎ Xa fir.f • tiqrjrt * ifci« arw ui*'. ’ I !t. a '■ »•■)< ti i» . ti -' uecî / laWrv»l!tt*. " *hh r» *• ’ - '*• titling to Huilncn College f to s t f*'l te learn whai *n ! * - « » «■ A > • KTI *M> at ’IS» *.«« • ‘ *1 t r #g. I' fila I, <■!•< i4 1 »fite V |.it><» »!••>• w«fc e . a r a »«« tb > - m . ritu» j > ai >•. «i *•• a. r. ». t. w IIKN wrlliHf to s.l v «»1 l»er* iM^ulion lb*» paper. [NüiNES MO BlWS Cawston à Co. ».es«,,«', i. h r t«..., a c. «3 »nJ 50 Firil S(., I’iclUnd, Or. tri it titiixi • ixn n tirtu XH bin) Av»., SaaNla. VT ...Willamet Iron Works... IKCORPORATtO IMS. MxnnfACtx.rrn H M-.r-rw af I So*i <\Ar> Frgtnrs And P> ilcrx. Saw Mill, Flour Mill, Mining .tnd Dredging MAchtrwry, Sbahing, Ptdtey** iTingrr*, U a I< t Wheel*» r*c. Agrntv fie the John F. N C ak F1« mm Mill Machinery. Tluntley Mfe. Co.’» M i r (train SepArah n and Scuurm. [X ta W hi in Exctbi f Baking Q h. M«H -»nd Elevator Suppto», C®*ir utiters 4 u» ana gri thv *11 i v| ii«» i r P.l II I»» l;s PORTLAND. OR Front nnd Everett Sts. A Beautiful Present In «».¡«r t.’ flirt’ r mtr I. i.l.ASTIC STAUCH <1 I ■' Ir- - lb v 11 th«- tn i:v:f i. t . h t I. C II .. .. i I - -. i ■ Ii h r
  • l ■tank »«I>1. Tbcac presenta Ate in the ioitu I Beautiful Pastel Pictures They ire tjxt«) inchea In aire, imi arc entitled a. lulh«wa: I’Illi *:* It !• iuii4 lh*t wsst«>rn caplt*!!««» at« IrinpUiirf th«* «-r<«Ulfaii»>n U a ftral M« r*«»n»pany, whH*h hopes !<» bîau »- t r«(. '• «»»• * ini ’ «It ! ,• || till : A <« I'.' XX h ( hrf thia I m - Itur or not, th* f«< I »« uum ' h « lh«i II«« teller*» Mom« h KliH-r» Is • hr»! c.«.« r- tn >!y hw the «l>>rn«4-h, Io » r ah 4 1*I* m > !. ah »1 lh- i-th c puts It Wilhlli i'Vrribi 'l| »ti tii* arti- <>r write JOHN I’< hi |,K. torriM»n eie, a hair receiver, or ratlo r a new street, Portland, (>r»g«»n. variation on it. ft i* of clia* I stiver, gilt lin*-l, and there'* a hole in the I.ottsrl«« In O|<| llatghg in Havana the sir.u«g«'r ’« itii' iiilnii cover into which l< st lurks ai* thrust. I. arr«**'»• **w ■ • ’ - ’ * f ¡: * I«, gr *'Ghr b«t*lnr•• *rtut t.»r mir !r<« refer < re 4 < • faws|\«., lloráis» 4 <• <*'<•«'.» »•■•▲»•I »4 1 sn l»r.oau-e* in toflk** ». <>rerew a*4 real i h w s*h I »taMiareu n«0. CITI l I I • . ■ H ’.«»•..i 1.1 X »,< r>t, a , , «><> l-’UI. xi.d Ir-«I .- I’H. IL 11, M14At. 144 ArUlM/iwt, t*U..*4< .K. IX Wild American ¡’oppies. Lilac» anil Pansies. SEARCH * ■ r Pansies and Marguerites - ■ ■« F il QU« > ND c 30» Sfc* n »<« t t«, X ’ r • » i •(» , M ** ’ ••*'•*■* ** Of ’»« •’*»< WHA, ¿Í M» r* a * -re I * * ré • "* ' * Lilacs and iris. ’7 c X u » hgcrüäo TC9 . * A corion, f.ct ba. ticen notr.| t«y arctic trawler*. Know, wln-n at a very low temperature, al aorb. luui.toro and •Iriea garment«, c*t *ut )c< IS , I ■ Of f In Swrd«*n tl»«*r»* ar* !l<».«tinrf ran- nerire. They ar* small vrewrls, which follow fishing fi«-«’ts, nnd men on Ilium can th* fi«h »till* tl»*y ar* fresh. v ry 41 ■ I lhr*r I i turn MF-* ■ ■ ■ ■ Elastic Starch ¿ ‘ i ' put h.M-«| ««I vur , t « x rr. Il to the beat laundry March on th< market, an I j • , ■ . . ■ ■ . t i ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE A joint reaolution by Myer, w.a read, providing for a com mi I tee of three fr m the liouae and two from the acuate tn inrratlgate and report to tl«c regular «»«»Ion of the legislature in re­ lation to foo-l fi«her and the legialation ne.-ea.ary tor their prv>|«agntion anil prelection. A concurrent reMilution by Beach read, providing lor a committee of three from the home ami two from tha •mala to iuve.lig.vle tbr proltentiary. wm A rcaolntion by Rtilhn.n wa. read. m|uv.tlng that the governor, rectelary nf itate and .late treasurer .ulimit ■■ir financial eattmatr«, which are re- «!Hired fur the appropriation bill, not later than Friday. money=back A concurrent rcaohtiln by Bayer waa read, providing for a conimllt«w> to In- vctigate the atate trea.urct'a offh-w It waa referred to the committee on revolution*. A concurrent reaolution by Maaain- gill wm read, providing tor • commit- tee to Inreatigata the military board. 11 waa referred. J Ho h«mash«>'.4 la torn ph 1« wtthoat a tolti* *f Ihr t«B»>iii4 Jr . Il It» jur« »»»»»»»—»—»•»»»—»»»»»«••»»»»»»»»»»»•«»»»—«—«i Foreign authoritirs M**rt that tuh«r an i whtal» e» o»«- «duiulani r» « >>œmen4«*4 by all ph y »it lana, boti i Bs*i«cC ibis nenwllp culoaia is prevalent in all countrh-s, ir- I hr M»»«t *« nr pi lain g .l«rb«t. Th«! *AUr l«»B 11®!«. r*sp*ctiv<> of climat«« ami other c*m-li- Soymnur K« v«-*, .% poetma*l*r at lfii«l<»iibt«’to||y th* most bewitching, That loublc |4’*'i - - if is sunt to jail fur five days loouulduwn. Inatfon in th* suri1» «airona, ha* I»een plaid .ide oat, though Hie in»l«la ol this wiinbf*n*re, whi* b )••«, of rotirs* found by Professor Nasini, in th* gises the collar, the tevrra and the atr.t** knew, w<* only an • xru*«* an«l a lm<*k* In i’ursi* a bonfire plays an import­ given ofT by Mount Vreuvitra, it is .how white It i. double lirra.tr«! and gr tm I f«»r on* finuhing t«»u« h, I* set ant ¡»art in th* mart lag* ceremony, tha stip|1Y by a brilliant rprinklh g of vfvn! « «•rem ny btdng ruaj ovvr in front of it. d rugeo. a bliMard In it. I wing* poi*«v«| well In front. A Schilling & Company San Francisco