The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, September 23, 1898, Image 3

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    • '•
riant With Mtogaatlto Faw««.
V« tworvffillag •<«<1 y.
Thera h v® l*r©n «hacrrvFrrd tn India |
It haa Lmg Iww-n an Opto «err^t that
a *tr<*i*ire plant which i***»««sea aal«»n- |
John Hbwrn.aa wah mt «»ut <•( M hio
grwai •ufT* rwra a»»«1 tb«v tWwrv» m
P.op’" who buy ,C ht'f.
Th" hint
ley’» cabit.*'! bvsMuw« fen wjts aUnft'l t«» I tailing magnali© |M»Wef.
k. ! Jt •
Now t* a t IL 1 W »II s !t
I |»«v«* |aM h>< g'S’p r
t«»u<*hlng it urn n»»l lately rraw»ivr« a 1
»potto F f n 1 ■
i«* •U rat
p«rt»fsU i nd rah
f bl •1 «*1 *• »I« ••••'.ta fr»»*’i t’ n 4 M o atrwng magnetic •«K«-k, «teil«• at a «lì«- I htt( t Hett drink more- tea a
lady of th«• Intvl " or ot lb* Id. iu«i® to •i*«l rurv in Hond a Man afmrnUa ltov«i»ar
•talrvinan in-lh wt«* it« «»I'l tlii»«* incisivo I tanev <>f W f< e| a magnetir* ii « ewk «II© is I
year th in other people.
; I«»* nmrw © *p»lrIt. It I* |W»i • wit •fa that
M*m»d b « m | glv
t power.
It Shrtman rrwllv was failing affect«*! by it.
thwn may 1*. as I a th * n Bae Of th« fl |M»Wrr U» faffd. »•«•»gtheti «Itosi awafa
mentally, hat» at»4 a tbifvt f«*r revengo
In Uip'athl. it is aai.1. .It*'«• fashion» I
i t nn»*i niAira,
U« «41« fo-aalv»’ Iha » m rvr<® If y«o® ara nrrss'tiv arai ra
bava w<>ik«NÍ *a a |«»w«'fful rvwtorwtiv«*.
, have not changed f«»r l.tNN» ■trara.
"first Uk.ltoa” «4 1 In w all. but at pr» wmt aw4 ®b<| ». iak« Mawfl • hor«a|«anila oj
Hi«»«»«', if it has tw*n correctly to-
Mr« Dole. th«* wifr «4 th© A n vrl-in ©rah«« Hi > iwr«« »traitgcl
; l- rt«'«l. will provean iittrrrslmg stu lv
Hawaiian who wa« the Pr.'kl nl of tbs
I t»r tho expert |»ycb«>b«gi*L
It «uè-
foruw-r republic, oempiew fhe egivial-lw
tains a belief long entertained by aitt-
| • A gr « .• c * • • . fF«*-' **t M ■! > ' r
I'. »1
Fr/*« af fâa 4f»g4aaf
Mrs Hole us.-<| to Iw Ml«*
. «Imi« »»( innnuvl disorder« that mental
£«rW/aec«fa >>i«v^acfwra. **
Annie P Gate <rf Mas*»- b.i«t»s* Mood » Pill» i ~
vigor must t«e »astainol to »»me »legrvo
I* only a few years younger than h r
by th«* paa*l«»n«—-by ambition, or lo«row
>l«iu la
husisin-1 ami the rejs»ria that come
•>r hate, of ri» alt V.
<it»al In tel lo la
fnwti Americans wlw» hare trnvefirf In
can not safvly novein sluggish currt ul.
A l |rt»«to»»l
•»» I
I»» <}•»•• «4
Hawaii I way tlmt she Is one erf the im«st
They rsNpiire aetmn an«! mnvsmmt,
••»«! fl«•»«4•«»»««•
fascinating w««»u. n In all the <| -fightfui
- and lx king three ronaume them««'H« ma .
4 *mlo*g ► • p*»<4»>«»•»
4 'baas’ s
K«f-l 19. —(To th« K»litor.) ■—IHp»»k«'| ’View.
— Wh«n J« m * M>vl[ and l.ithe Apple«
TUB. UH«»W ¡II or a < h Hi ihm
OCTOBER 22. 13^3.
¿at* an«l Chnatophrr C^olombua pre-
11t ied that the Moelhweat wa* fT »ntf tn
ft 1« argn«M M 4-«« tl41 hhrr«i that the fr.'Wth
Irrdnp into a ri<h and |»ro*lurtivn ' «*f ®»«ta!*»«n le .’t« o lb
•»a»« ’iws arm Ism
«4 ito*
lash ih mm a ra tsflsets tna>4r I*»
region and that citfaa and town« wrta *ail«4
«<«>«»•! iheli win • fi 1 ithis» 4<«*'*a»« •<»«■
Io a|irin/ np all over 11» they «•r.»>«*H»^| with g ®ial rg e*i»t»4.thma TH#
o a »n .«qr* t n
I • >»fa M .1»»* 1«
mined rn«*l4l« for verav liy that w«*rv «o»«ib
th* lar®« —U ,4 lg wir
M»*marh flltwra.
n<»v» r award««d to th«***.
But the |«v- • hlrhia Iba bast «»<d1 •' Nw fat r«»a4lvv naw«.
a o«| all •Ktfiiyt llkHibbA
I’ln who ranie afl^r ih<*tn am enjntyntf ! a.«m a • ■
I hr Irnlla of thru |»r tsihtionw, And will
Í « I u«* t • !
Ab-elutcI t Ihirc,
<Ut® nan «wir» If th«y only raro t«>
>1 »i'Jai » d
llintw lloWrre on the grav<w ot th>w«*
thamralv»« • itg'l I *ntly.
i «»I ■* <•
Xutf itioun.
E r the Northw« nt ha« <WrelO|«*d anocnl F.gypUsn® Um*l to fi®h with
an ) le developing, ami Portland 1« ooo th©ni on th© Nil«», a rrordi ng to th© top-
4 the |»r» ttir*t pla> rw on th* c«’.u»t.
It twntationa <>n wall • and •u forth that
,..Cos[s Less Jüan OIE CE IT a CcnL. , CM SEMI 113 HUH «ÜLS «ILI II lllttl
MM wien forethought
the («art of Lav«» rom© dnwn to 'U«.
I ♦
g«* «Ï»* « «- ■*’■«*< Ar-'« I«,
hoi plonerf |**>|»le to plant shade trr»'V
• !’r»t t«« a»4 UiMtag p •4«r.
• «
•• iMikkMI Nil g MA*« by
a!«<lg the «1 Iff of the «treetn, (or now
Tl'-re Is
< sf*»fh In this «setlea a
they 3*1 I b«*auty to the lan«l«M>a('<*t an*I
mnlff ihan *U «»ihr» «ttaraav« | u < u < t
In rm city of the world do they «how
’ '>««*>110
111 h • 1C«f « «»« t | l«e I
l^raMotrtaci •
to !M'tt«’r idvanta,*r
Toitlan>l*a atfreta
irti 4M* « »I it • b* •' «1l»*«»*r an«< «><> err «I* «4
«to,- I
an» w<*ll «h > lr»| by «lay an-1 well light-
Mh 1»>rai lr*atre»rinl.
H Inenv
ol by ntght. for the wonderful electric
(,sn»l>lrr Well lief»»»« krllug
•khM hw j>r»«Tcn raiarth lo »■< a <r»»n*
Islanda. Thrre U no Itmlt to h. r tn.-t, current i* « verywheie anti ever ready to tinaal •ft**’« s*v and thar-bsra rari’'*« «wnttilu-
Ila» !*•«« « ’»«s^v 4 f<>< ihr ssass»«
"llet AW« nn a*'«i<iaintAmw» of y«»«i*a
I isonal treat ment
Mall '• « atatr
and a woman brttcr fitto! f.»r a dly- aid hiitnanity.
b<is a s«'l of plate touth that ar»' giving
f r J t hen rr A to. T«*ir*l" * •»>■«»
nifi.'! |»'sit|,.u tu |if.- than I» Mt« l*.-lo
fa th* '*nlj c'■tl»1'lilt b'fH
t the market
g<«>! sitiidv lion t® not alwaya a gun-
eoulil U”t bo found. Mr and Mr« Doto part*! and full <4 life, and her lnMiir*e Il I® tah ri 1 vtirtTiaiip tn• 4<>«ra frt»f?« >«t 4».«ta to ant«»© that you can meet with th© Paine
a lea«i*»s»ti/tit. Il art® •tlrevtiv
U the
live In v««ry almplo y.-t cvmfortohto houses contain evi-rylhlng needed f«*r and miiroHi> furiare« *>f the ®)totei». Tb*r *<rf r««ulta wh.'n your trwtb nr« all «’lira« t-
Il« i botnet are neat on* hnndtr 1 ddta-v F ••t any r a«« it tali« iu «•d, i r liicr© ar© a grvat |«»i cant of
•tylo In Ih «ir Honolulu bomc
ll.xh the ij»«’<»( man.
enrv ran<!
and tr»t! muni al« Al
art* ioved and r» «;« 1- -I by rr<:yb» ly and taatrdnl an I in man; camm elegant, , dr.-»«,
F 7 « l«r h KÏ A CO . Tulwt ». O
mouths that will not tolerate a j-l*tc -f
nidlyth ruggl«it, TN©
In tl»*> capitai, and even thè tnoat bitter
any kind, ami tho only war you can «lo-
llail'a h'anally Kha an t the faat
Ab’llMl X.
«mevny of thè twpublic canno! Imi ad yeara a.Fo th>ulrahr»l lbw fir fnreeL
1» rtmnv thia fa l Is by a trial,” aaya
Purtalnd |»rople are rnterpr iilng,
miro thè Pr. »ld< nt tu»d hla chnrmlng
All deserto are situste-i wh<<re the !>r. Thotuaa II. Whit«», al the north* A4ult« «3 ('»«sla
I hlhlrem. I «» 4 «»sala
wlfe. Pn »ideal l»..|c. Il »hould !«• «ahi, «nd Invite the |«e.«j.|»» of the «bole « in Is frolli tho i»Mn, before reaching « »-I cornm at .Morri* ti and Fourth
I* a native S'H of U».. Istond«. alili .ugh
thein aro cthaurtcl of their monture •trsM'ta.
•'When your natural l«M|h
hi» parermi w.-rv
Ili» (all. an«l to entertain their gueete they hy pa*«it»fl over mountain« or aoro»» hare be»’U all taken out the plate la th©
only reoour«*, and if you ar© unfortu­
fniUcr and mother boti» wcut matiy have arranged to hold the Oregon In- estensiva traci» of land.
nate enough to I avo a mouth th>vt will
ycora ago tu Hawaii a* Christian mi* dnwltial Es|<oeition from beptrinl»er 93
Me L1IU>». I.l la <-..m,c. tr wiih..u( * baeti* ..I
I*«»rtland |«oplo hate Ih*
not relatii a plat«», miner r the rest of
•l-.imr! s. Mr. Inde wa» ¿»turateti Iti to October 23.
I aiu -'O* Jeaa. VI.«.re Whl.l..
Il I. . |.UI*
■ AwuFArrruKn ny .
Masaachuctt», ami It ««« w|,i « n »tu- Mil*cribed f 13.000 in hard caah to p.iy • n i wli.-l. *.tw alino, ani r* -.n.m. nde.1 b, all youi life will b«’ tho ultimate r«wult.
the <*i|M n*e of thia ci{-*»itlon, and II phyakl«»» I h . m » n-otlcv Ih la n«rntl)
rheicfope it is of vital
tan« «* to
Ìcut therw that he m«t Ih« girl ut »
will be one of the grandent event« that
Iir- a«»rr th » a v m a
There «re UOh registered diatilleriea keep your natural teoth na long an p»«-
tnu dcstln««.! to t<e *’U».- Or»t lady" la
•ver iHOurrml in the Northwest.
It 1« not alwaya necee-ary
rarv to
iu North Carolina, Virginia I. m 6IH, sible.
the land of Kalakana.
Il will contain everything to make • nd Kentucky 877.
have your te»»th extract«'’! t»-ca«im’ they
I » ’ » 44 '
i • > *
it rtttr.» live, inti reNting an<l inatrnc
ar«» «lr*ray©d rr«*n tn th© gum margin,
It « lt>( ... »
„ ■• « <, .. a
f*! - r ■ e . *
live. There will I m » the baud ennoerta rtTt »
• * • • • ■
> ( !
Si or because they pain you ami ymi r.iu
wtosM»« ».
Ptoi .to*», »«■! *. < aal.i«.
every afterinmn «ml evening by Ben­ s '• »'
r "*■
r 7 FK f a «« <»«»
n«>l us© th«’m in auoh condition, for U5
«rut uto y. * to .»
nett*« full military bund of 32 pi<•« <»«.
V.'!. t vf •’. •;
’ :I 1. I
’ • I
Arvii » uvcl ri. * un L.W* ra.
A«» 1*4 Uy
Rii'l It uiHlrr the tiinrt murlc ever
<-.» *r>o Ito
, «s»»f>f.'r,
to a g«M»*l. healthy an»l **rvi<«’ible cm-
Klrrtrls- Il»-ist<*»4 «4.
heird in the Noithwent. The wonder­
The progrt -s *4 <1« t t il *» • i ■«
♦» «
» > • ««i-» • ”.
L immhi F ite <>f ItoDiblon li» ìmm ' h giv­
ful llcgelroant have been engaged, an-i
h.i» mail«» it e.»»y for an up-to »late »Inn
they mil autarc the audience with ing su<‘i • hs Ì u I exhibition« of the virtues ti»t to reproduce the |«»st patta f if -»’
their gr» al aerial acrobatic (•*.*!«.
All of Lis new electrkt hwuMWtnt, intend >1 organ®, making thorn thoroughly reli­
BAG NtEOLffi.........
amt« <4 new and attractivearnunenmiitM for th«* arieti « f blrrdmg in surgical able in ©very aenac.
A platinum wire, ar-
"When there ar«» but few teeth or
T > day.—Never was th« Cbrlatlnn re­ will be given in connection with the
ranged to carry a current, is en«-l«»** I
old rout® remaining In th© mouth *1 »
ligion »0 eff.-i-tlve a* It Is today II-r. exposition, an I there will bo a repre­
in th«« i>l,«-b>s of <i pair o I «tee! f«»rr<«p«
not have them extracted hecntnio «oine
T. T. Mungrr, i'tiltarlnn, N«»v Haven, sentation of Southern plantation life, :
ami free cooking lecture«, an I a bahy or any other rejui-it«’ utrn«il, the wire «h*nti®t that i® not in ¡< - ■ •*n»ti «4 the
»how ami iliildren’« our nival an«! a
late meth«>I® ««I crown an ! bri Igr w«ok
A N-dde Motive Th.* motive of o'lf lady’« ilv-prutm**nt. and u school el- city.
In predico a cartoni of suitabh«
advisea extraction an I plate.
Try to
tintJon 1» an cn*<4ttob and n.dde one.— hibit and a manual training e«*n|m) in voltag** is tutio* ! on, tho artery mi. I
find s'niH one wearing bridge work, ami
Itcv. IV. 11 Moreland, l.p:»»-o|sillan, oi»’ration every «lay.
Everything will find Conipr« ■<<•■ I, and tn a few s< * <>u4» I«* »"on for yourwlf.
You will n«»t re- ». r. ». t
>a». .1», *va.
Ran Francis«'.. C«l.
I m - on a magnith'« iit s ale throughout. tho tissue« and the arh’tiul walls are gr< t your Inv. wligalmn, an»l will, 1 f«-» I
• fleto««
Glory,—Dcvitb niv '-n* f- r < a-h «tic «f
•. ■ •
n w o vlaita tba axpui
auro,alwava remember this sHg^estion. ’’ I a
ti* the entrance Into g! >ry or the «n t¡.’I. u ¡Il fl
ing naw and noval, blood i* rcinlere<| itupovaibleL
trance Into global. Il«v. Mr'or, to inteic-t. instruct ot atuuM* them. temperature employed »• al»out HO de-
Itaptl*t, Columbus, Ohio.
One «4 the «{«rial feature« will I»«’ the grv< - Eal.f -nlo'it, sh«»n mg a groat «Itf?«*r-
ence bolw«»rn this an«! the electric • .01-
A Pulpit Artist
\ pr i ’>. r sb ul.l w«*«kling in public, Whh li it open fr«’o
teiiaing iriMtruni- nt*, and the iiec«'ii«ity
be an artist w h.»“c business It I* to to all couple«, ami the newly-niftflied
for a ligature i« remov«*»!.
make men feel Ills m. swtgc II. v F.
James, Epls- <»{>aUnn, Philadelphia. Pa. w«*>l<ling prevent«.
Your coirespondent was at the Expo- ,
In Nei’d.-There are tlm<-< when <>u«
sitlon bull ling today and i»w the ar-
want* to Is» comforted, when we priy
langvment« N Ing made f»»r the great Jonnio B. Or- nn mi I Mru. Hurry
to lx» kept nrarer to the b.-art of '< ■ I -
fan, am! noted that there wa» going to
Il«v «'.
Hulk Pi, sby t. N«iv
I m « a big diaplay of all the fruits,
York City.
gtains, grw***a. vegetable«an«I « «untiier-
J cnvir E Guar w. H’lirimrk, Iowa,
stKc®®t«F® I« h r
« C«
Power, rtie «M'-rct of power In th« ciul timber pro«lu<od in the Northwest, writ« *♦ to Mm l*1nkhnm
material realm consists In our ability ami good» aoli«l gold molal« costing
•• I K im ! been aiek nt my monthly
to toy hold of th«' force* In nature. - $20 ea< h are going to l>e anard«*! for period« for aevrn yearn, tin I trn d
Ib-v, I.yman Abt«,it, Conyt- ;at'. ui .l
the IwaI exhibits»
alrn-»**1 m-rything I ever heard of, but
45 and 50 Pint St.,
JOI Fini Aw.,
l«t, Itaooklyn, N. Y.
The rX|s»shion building 1« an im-
without any tx-n« tit
fun Und, Or.
Scatti«, Ta»h.
4T/.4A r.vfi/.vjc’í /?•»//rrx.
Ohriat. It 1» far better to know m«*tr‘e atiuituie 2OO1400 feet, suitably with ba«'kiM’he, h**m!ii«*he, paliut in the
whom wo trust, and that h> 1» able to divid«*l off. The grand music hall is ahouhlvra and <li//hi« **. Through my
k.-op all wo coin tn it to him until the 1001200 fret and three vtorlra high, mother I was |n«!ur»'«l in try Lydia E
l*iakhaai*n Vegetable Com|wmnd, an«i
tost great day. Itov. Dr Cuyhr, l’re»- with nil arched gla*s roof. The build
OFF Fl«t OtFT Ht SOQu ABTf «>. FO«tl AVD 0«
Ing cost $150.000, and it is convenient- It h;»a done no* »0 much good. 1 urn
bytortan. Ilr.siklyn, New Y--rk.
« hrtn *"«} Fire Fnflnr»
at* 1 t a l b » Tr
»• It’« Carl«.
Iv barite.! being within easy walking DuW trt/UUvl BUil Wail
era. >'U« llydrahte. aa«l a fall •»»■■ « <»f >'•»» I*¡•«rifnetsi
Religion. Th» ('hr.stlau rel.glun is to
’hr)»li>iif ’ II •«»<! t »»liftM Mir th'flr, ) »
» a ''
>■ * .4
distance of the hotels an«l bu*im <•
«mine a serie* of propositions cone« ru­
Mn H aunt II aiu > y , Rlvcraldr Iowa,
canti'd U r-piall«-.|
Il 1« the ><••! tna4«, •« t 1 '<>< a «• Hbl«» a» 1 y< a will l«raru w4»y
part «4 the city, or reached from an)
4««l»r*»« to fi ir* > ««i»»4 ts !•!«*»•
I s'v
*r I . «
ing life, and divine purpose» requlra In-
part on a fhe cent faro on «trcct-cars write» to Mr» Pinkham the «lory of
tit < ‘ •*>> f • l»r r»«l 1Y •• lln tl.f I F I • an - bl -rf .
»• !> » • I •< sbor it SY
licetiud assent. Iler. D. S Jotdan,
tn« 4hla l-laW. 1« l*ulr !
|»«Mt**4® 4»» ths
,-ttofe ll»rh. •)'! uffh 4hs» »"11 li‘| |'fr»»>ife II
her struggle with aertnuaovartan trou­
that pi»« its «loora.
onij aN u4 I m © (owhtfa. M a !» »»• hravjr
I r« |’i<» wit>* • •«««»» t»»| . nt» ri«r<r>l )**lnl».
I til tartan, Palo Alto, CaL
All the tailroad ami rbaml'oai Um's ble, ami the benefit she received from
ha» • »hul <•« rn'tila •!>«?« by *h« <>t*»*rat*«r • au cv4ilful ihs fliriain, th'« falttf Ihw
n e( r»M Hat |>
• In a : -• • «' li *
a r
Qod Will Help However d:t!l ult, are going tn mak«* rp«'rial low Fate« to the u*> of Lydia E Plnkhain*« Vego-
H* werr nt any Ar« *■ lift>«t<laher *»'•« havlit« a ahu4 «>lt. I* »1 It t*e a vh'tof*ly r«»r»
arduous or re»p->listbh' your w«rk tnny the vx|«o*it!«>n from all part« «»f the table Couipouiwl. Thia La h»*r letter!
•Ifurtv! inarhtiic. n«>4 raptoblr <>t ©«mlfaii;« 41 »- |*r»-to*nrr t» t««rafr4 • L« a* its»Ha4l»*f •
arv un ihv marbA, mad« «»i |i«hl mau-rUI »I4h rlvr«.«l k»lh*a. and sa»r*i««|»ly n«*
be, rest asaur«'! that G--d will pr»w» N«>itliWi*st, ami the admission (re is
•• Mow thankful I am that ! took
tliUklvd as Uv4 U» bto 4w L *4 U»* ¡ .**»uir
H ' •■»»»»Itrsl !•>< bul a m
« nl
your »ufllrlcncy. -Il.-v. J a
H.u.y, only g*>t ng to lx» 35 cent a, children 10 your m«*dicii>«». I wtm troubled f«»r
........ REDUCED PRICES..........
Presbyterian. Philadelphia. Pa.
Peoj>le who attend will rrmotn-
O CAL- Size »30 OO
No Reform In Riuiln Spain stsuda b» r it a« one <4 the pleasant event« <4 womb and ovarl«*». womb wia al*> very
h>« i; Pi g *«lj»|>lf
( hfffifikl < har®r« with l a. it
low. 1 wa* iu constant n*l-»«r
1 ha«I
untouched by the reforming Ide»« theii live».
heart trouble, won abort of breath an<i
which Influenced even »t»cb barlu»r<-u»
< «»»Ml ttr 41« It ; «f I Ightreltig ll'till
could not walk five block«« to uo® my
Cuuutriisi a* Russia and Turkey R.-v.
N uii » intoirating ■■X|»’rlmcnt» ta'aring life.
Buffcrv«! very much with my
J. M Hcov.-ll, Baptist, I’hllad. Iphla,
on tlie «-oivlu. tivity of Ii<l>triin, c«>n-
l>a<*k, had headache all the time, wan
.Inctor» hav«» tw-an tua.lo by l'rof.-»*'«
n« rvoua, meu.«truatioiu w«*re Irregular
Ib’Vetotlon What do«-» faith In G<4 Koi'll, a« rr|»irt«»l In In.lustiiR« an«i ami painful, ha«i a ba<! 41 m -barge and
m.-an unh-u It mean« that he hag Iron. H r iortn.«! a chain •.-vt-rsl yar-la wm troubled with bloating
1 was a
»P’kcn to u* and revealed him*-If to long with links of iron, an.l
perfect wreck.
Had doctorvd and
u» in the p«’r»oo of humanity! Rev J. ¡' plM-.'-l it in circuit with the »■ rnnin-
taken local treatm« nU, but nt ill waa no
In’ filer t" (urihvf mti I ¡. e ELASTIC STARCH i Ir t Urv’h.
W Atwood, Epls «'palluu, ColUtubUA totor cell» an.l a galvanomrtrr, the
I m tt« r
1 wna 4nlvi»« »l by one of my
tin tit mult, turr r*. I L. Hubiitflrr I’-r-st
K< "kuk, lo«a. have
chain to'ing in a room S30 from
neighi*o4^ to write to you. 1 have now
<|. i.l..I to GIVE AW AY i I • autilul I rr-. nl with < aib |.i. ka^*’ ' I
Evolution. -The evolutionary tb«*ory
flnHhc«lthe • r«»nd bottle of .Mr» Hnk
I* beginning to lni|mrt something of It* dl» haryml In th« vicinity of thn chain,
hams Vegetable Compound, and am
torg«.«•»• anti a <q>e to all our com . p- the ‘levlatton of th« tfalv anometer
better in every way. I am able to do
tlon of human life ami destiny H. v. ■h<>««'l that the resutenra of th» circuit
all my own work and can walk nearly
a mile without fatigue; aotnething 1
J. 11 E <t>, Congo g.itlouallst, D- uv.-r, wa» roluee-l to one-thuuMn.ith of it»
normal value, an.l tn a i<sx»i»d etp«'ri-
had not Irtt-n able to do for over two
moil the r.'iatance fell to one ten-
Your mnllrlnc haa done nw
Christian Peculiarity.—True Chrl»- '
They are ijtiq inches in sirr.aml are entitled as lull, ws
From these
m<»rr good than all th© dortora."
tian peculiarity Iles In differing from thousan ilh of the normal.
ei|>»t im.-nts Prof. ►- >r Kort» finds an
the world In character. As to «sr.duct,
'S; l*n*(>on wl.V llfl.tnlef .-muliwtM* '
tJceent teen everywhere are thr uu-.»
with poor conductivity are neverlhi-l. m
outwartily Rev. Dr. F. Cratw, M«th»
' 77/Z
effactiva in thunderstorms. The oaril- ‘
dirt, Chicago, ID.
•tloni pr<*!nc««l provoke an enotmou»
Iteatti* Oom Nnake llltr».
radn. lion of rrat»tanre at lire proper in­ ©f •Armitr« « g • <’» «nbtnetl TheYvry and Frsrt <*•
Fully 2o.(rt) of the population of In­ stant to facilitate the flow of the cur­ of R< bkrrftif »re tinmer» i« fuv<*»«ifats
tais ns* 4N<O»**-I of 4«-arItlng
li la «airvmaiy
dia ar* annually bill«-«! by snake bit.-«. rent through the conductor.
tc«tor»«linf. lb<>«igh| j prarikral
The most deadly of all Indian reptile»
(ìolng to Butlnea» College P
VVA<.«>X* tHI’ll.'V to
appears to be the Cobra dl cajo-llo, '
I m » Si*! fan in Irarn «hai an<l ho» *• irwh
PONTI.AM» Ut MNrM fol i K«»K. f'».rtiat»»Ì.
which 1» gr.-atly dr»»ded by the bar.«- '
Tbe new tn»pro»<*i ftt*»u,hton wajp.ris <•«•<"» < alt. «>r «rile \|»it<»r» al«a;a «ab
legged Hind««»»
With a vh'w to r.«- •land the rwrkei. I lire« ntorw • er I.- a - i * are r«oas
¡•l*’ lavtaf,
A P Àa««T»<>No. Pria. Ipal
■giMtiaix a«*
duclnj the mortality, the government ontl.eway. It |*v«« to have tfi« i
Matr morir? by «uoxMful
J < > 11N pOOI.E.
tri< d th» effect of offering a reward for U rx.-1 r free cwt* '¿u.
•ole axent, toot of Sl’-rTi«- u *tr*rt, Fort*
■bakes' bead»; but. Instead of diminish­
I m »> ai»-l »• Il «haai «>• mar-
ing the nuralwr of these rapid. *. It only laud. Or.
Furtunra havs t**a
Wife srf if** Fsrisier Regklillr** A ■*»»•
•c«»t’ÎI*««•••an Frr*4«l«wt*
Nervous People
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Hnw Gen
Mil. ••n.lbto.laff »er
rbwrr I •• the,
r Je
<>,b tbe sirve«, <t
l’r*»cr, r*»rto llu**.
Aiwa,» t I..«he« In ih- Ver, I’lal«»'
hint of »rock*.
Tlio«* wise little matin r* «tm decry
the American habit «rf ov erdr. *.‘ii«t
Wee l>lta of bat>1>-» n II) Iw li.f.-r it. I t •
know that Drinra Alla-rl, th« »mall
mile nt 4 years, atm |* |n the direct
line of at)c<-cat*Ion to the nt
gland, wear* the |>laltx-*t
'««a -C. I ami X to i» making a I 'ig
j march, nt .1 th.* prortalon was .»ns had
cone astray, lie ua* hot ,„.1 ,ir.-d and
i hungry. when he met llaj.>r It. »bo
I Itti Iti.l him home pr. «utnably to wan#
Cort to break fast.
The major's fortunes acre at a low
ebb, and when the bre ak fa»t *n
I brought on II proved to cvtirl«t enti ly
of rhe rhe cooked in On woadi fui
jfloathern fashion. with rv.-ry kernel
1« rf. >t The hungry gu< at ate a »p.
lie detests Her. Then he ua ted
for a »on nd cour»«.
“Hare some rlee, colonel," said the
major. wh>xn nothing ever disconcert ».
quite a» tf the rlca had but that uto
meni disappeared.
"No!" snapped the colonel "I’m a
Kentuckian, air, anti I don i ent rice I
don’t eat rite. air. Give me aotuelblng
"Why, certainly colonel, certainly."
«aid the b**sL "Try Some of the mu»
fard. It’» very line. air. very fine."
tteentlfirl Mr*. "Jack" H Hmer.lln,*«
I rlen.l* (lulwt »be I* Nat Inatta».
l’or «onte lime past New York ao> |. ty
1 ha» b en d • p!y Int. rented In th« un-
ut Mrs. "Jack" Wilmer-
I ding. Um beautiful scion of the Vander-
biu family who la confi lied In the
llloomlngtlalo Asylum. l!>-r friend»
claim that aha I* not Insane and that
• ho I» the victim <»f <»>noplrscy and
they liave gone to Ih» court» to secure
her relmaa.
Mr* U ilmordtng wa* Marl« Alien,
the. daughter "f Vanderbilt Allen, an.l
grandi»!.' e <.f the old t'wmm.slor«’ Van
dorbilt. Khe iva» a protty, dashing g rl.
and "Jn. k” Wtlmenllng f«dl h> kora
with h.v ami mirri.«1 her In l“e.«2
Husband and wife were l".'l» forni cf
g»y.«tv, and Mrs Wllmrtding sp«nt
money freely
She was not wtth-.ut
w-me f.'rtun
<rf her own, ami her
gowns were th« ««tivy of many wotn.-n
who had more wealth but l.-w* origin-
rui'ca »! nr nr.
frock* and !«.nn.-t*
'll.« ■
Id • n of
th« royal family nr« »1« ty* .1.-th I
simply. Iltelr tittle arm* are unli-vn.
|»ervd with frill* and furbelow* a-I
ribbon* and !».»• are not continually
getting Into th r pt
u* ■
n. ■ <>r
tl-kllng tb.-lr - -ft. pr.-tty r
k* . Little
Prince Allert, »’
j t ♦ I* In;,
given, «■ -nt- tn. l< .1 -I 'r'
f p’¡-: r.:-. I
blouse* of the « im- material. trlnnm.l
with brntd of plain white or turkey real
The children of many of th" well tod«
' o
irr' ig<- ■.. .
u'.', : ;•
Americana ar«
«tum.-.l In »m ill gar
There were vlolout quarrel» and dlspu
mctit* every bit as «-c.wtly,
Prince Albert*» younger brother.
Prince Att***rt l‘n 1« r* k Arthur Georg,
of York, who I* on« y< -ir young, r than
the chi. st baby of the Ihifcc of York » !
Interesting family, playa hit baby
game* In ordinary fr>» k* ..f nalii« ■ >k.
trimmed perhaps with a few dainty
luck* or edging* of delicate hand rm I
broidery The little shtcr, Prims ««
Victoria, who ana 1 year < 1.1 April
last, ha* for cv.-rydny wear plain flue
Utile »Up* that have neither heavy
lace trimmed flounces to hamper her
■mail leg* or elaborately made yokes to
fret her Infant mind.
(Julntaln bald to lie the Only • nrvlv-
Ing Specimen In Kngt tad,
A eurlous clause. Inking on« right
tnck to the mid I'e sgrs, np|> ar* In the
title dec«!» of a house which Is now tn
be sold >u the village «rf Offhnm, In
Kent, says the W.*» ni'ust.r Gasctte
Srbtsluied as pirt of the "m ».ling.•«.
land*. h<-r.'lltam<-tki-* nnl ¡n. iids.«” I*
the village quintain, which still swing«
on Ila stout oaken before the
house, and the pur haa r must coven
atrt to k.s-p the r.-lle of a bygone pa*
time kn g<«»d r«t«alr
On« end of the
■w lng'ug crossbar of th:* quinta tn (add
Io be the only surviving *p«c!m. n In
England' I* Ike a aquare tar
get plcr’asl with a numb r of h de* Into
which the point <f th« player'* Inn ••
would enter
Wh«n struck It « -old
•wing roumi. aivl tuibw. the player
weev nimble the sandbag hung on the
other etui of the «’roasbar Would swing
round and unseat him. 11«:« I* a chtnc«
srl.tam m«*t In these in d.-rn day« of
g.*tlng l«nrk Into medlrvalt>m
tations until thing* w.-re brought to a
cllmaa one nkrtit In l>< Imoulco's, when
"Jack" threw a plate of ICo CAWU1 tbtu
hl» wife's pr.rfty face. A sqiarntion
follow.'! arn! Marie w«i»t to live with
her father, who wna In Italy.
llif nervous » was out I rel y '
br<>k< n. ami at her father’» advI'e she
rotum.'l to An»««rl<*a to sc-k r.wt in a
sanitarium. In a few hour* after her
landing »he was In Ill.Hwuing.lsl« Asy­
Worldly Wisdom.
A relative whom Mrs Vpprnop bad
not s--cn f..r many year» cam« om- day
to visit her.
•’Marla." »aid Mr t'ppenup, after the
family had retired to rest that evening.
"It seem* to me you weren’t any too
cordial to Cousin llarrl.-t, considering
the fact that this I* the first time yon
and »h« hare met for nearly a quarter
of a century. You dldu't even »mile ,
when yon gr«ctcd her."
"Henry," rvpihsl
ha»e yon notl-<«1 that 1 smile
It wrinkle* my fa««r all overf Well I
didn't want th«’ wrinkle* of twenty-fire
year» to take effect on her all at one.- " i
Juggrrnsol Ntory a l ake.
The gha«tly »torie» told of many of
the Indian fanatic» who, at the roily-
k>us festivals, throw thcmsclve» be­
neath the wb«-*-ls <rf th«' Juggernaut car
are for the most part Imaginative.
Tbcte car festivals, which »«mrtlme*
altracte*l a» many as 100,000 pilgrim«,
hav» certainly resulted In h»«» of life;
but It 1« «fated th«««> dewth* w .-re pure­
ly acldentsl
fine of the most distressing thing«
In the world I* to h««nr any one scold I
qi ' istaiv at
owner ha» only to d«n the remtempo
rary costume, Ult at the quintain ami
Imagine that the dock has tw«n put
bsck a few eetrturlos.
Trwe Hospitality.
The Washington Post prluta a "true
story," t«dd by a retlrvd srtuy officer,
lb« occurrence happened '« Now Nel
Cawston &. Co.
j A Beautiful Present
Beautiful Pastel Pictures
Lilacs nnd
lucraan-d It, a» It was dls -o.-r> I that
the natives were br -. ding th«- »nak< a in
order to •e«,ure the reward.
An Oat-of-the-Way Verdi. V.
A Georgia Jury r< - - ally brought la
the following eitraordlnary verdict:
Men do not propose marriage outside "We, the Jury, find the defendant ab
of uovels, though the result of calling ! most guilty,”- New York Trilmun.
on a girl ami treating her to »»da Is
"That hospital,” aald the fluide, "»«
Just the Mme.
built «nd endoare.1 by a d.-nf mute.-
What ha*txaotn.' of the old fashion«*«! "Indecd! ' »al«l th» loquactoua lunatic;
people who on a hot afternoou um-d to . "the» It I» the first autin title atae of
make their own soda watet!
belnfl dumb founded that I ever en-
Countered.”—New York Journal.
ft.»mc politician» are like c*»rk«r-rvw» '
Moat meo «pend too much tin»« act
—rather crooked, but they hav» • |
Ittfl oa committee*.
»irony pulL
who Is »o old and f<vb|c that hla brewth i
gives out.
Bennett’s Renowned Xillüry Bod
t’nder international law wars! ip» in
iiatre»» lot lack of «aval may purchase I
enough al a neutral port to rarrjr them '
t*> k l>a< k t«v the nearrat port of their
■>«n country.
I *h»ll recon.mer.d 1’1*«.’* Cure for <’.»»■ I
«umptlon far and wide. Mrs Mull'svi., !
f'lunistrHV.1. Kent. Kurland, N»v. «, tanfr
A hotfnl of < arlh from the Garden of
Gctbaetnane was sprinkled over Mr
‘il»-l»tone’« coffin.
It was once customary In Franra
when fucato had remained ton lonfl for
tita hort to O'rve a mid shoulder of
mutton instead of hot toast. Thia wa* ;
th» or If In of the phraae "to give lite
cold shoulder."
R.a<l» on a »»ali begiuuttig by ua«hhf in In-
turca W ma ter fall larncular«
h »« i ..f
sfrnrs fio®. Ha ver al yiarw* «sparlar), r ,.n tha
' ' ’
• a *
|e*1ge >»f Ihe h<i«tiir«»
fWnd b>f »•• r frrr r*fe®
»fir» bor-M
IX WNfN»». IIOpKISg A <«•
Ch’esco b «a/d of T'*•!*• Im ìm
Oftrra io
Pnniand. oregon ai>4 aratlb-. W aah
I« It Wrong.'
Get It Kight
Keep it Kight
Naafs’fl n«v««lr<1 Kemedy wIlldoH. Th re«
d<»ra will maka yoq tocl betur. Gei 14 irom
your drunist er any wholeoal« doif Imus«. or
trotn Uiawart A tt*ume« I»ruf« o. Neun:«,
Lilacs and
yawsrl artist,
These rare picture«, four In nunda-r, by the renowned pastel
wr-r« « ■ h<
R !.<■ kov .•( N'■ w York, have hern i h."en lr<>m th< *r very
In >«« i- mf
. •« sul')* < t»
tn his »tu.Ii<> ind are n- w offered lor the tir.t lime to the
The pi« ture» are accurately repro*luced in all the color» used tn the orig­
inal*. I'i'l arc pronounced by romp* tent < ritte ». works o( art
I . ori pi. tut* , ate the Corr. < t thing for the h.sne, n.-tlong surpassing
th m m beauty, ft. hness of color arid artiHu merit *
■ •
Elastic Starch
puri h.v*rd of your grocer. It is the beri laundry »tarili on the market ml '
is ,old foe IO cents a package. Ask your grocer foe this »tareh »nd get a i
beautiful pit ture
m i mm ii H i iummuMtwu i M i mc i iiuiM«