• • SE KT EM BEK 23. |Mf«. Bank of Scio hwZ <«♦«•■ 4 te* a a • a • te k wte — • n kusiiko kviby rutilar at SCIO, CAPITAL. $20000 • MAX CO., OHIGOV By IB A A. PHELPS. OFFIl EHH----- hesideol . . . . Vice President Cashier A. J. Joiim J. w Gfhei C. V. Jchioi T IWr ananm. i..»u«t>i> ia alta •lamaniu». “ - ... III, ........... I. A-lvarUaU« ralM al lau,liti«. ralaa,lo be pod ne.nlhlj. Yr an •!»•>< a4*«4liV«»aai» moal I» mH lb* W b.ti I ba <«■>(< i ,«I tm tot Ih.ir b.aan than ever hefure. It will hardly he possible to make lie tier display« ot the horticultural and other agri ■■ultural product» uf th» »late than h«ve he»n seen at previous exposi- Danmark siaughtem l,F»t.iMo hog« t<*na, but ibe committee In charge s|w*cl to make a more extensive every year. showing <>f thus» product*than ever. Tho new bank building at Eugene I h« re will tie more workingexhibit» will lx-ready tooccpy In a short time. t>> Oregon manufacturers than livre | The workman tx*gun lathing the ! ifore an I these al was. prev* oft Interior <>( the new court bouse at great int, r<--i>. 1 io- larg* attaa Eugono Tuesday. «lance at th» Portland Exposition | A perfect mrslel of the l*attie ship Vesr after yuar proves that people apl r «data a clean display uf the Maine, cut from aldock uf anthraclt«- I.'oal, by a patriotic minor, 1» ou ex products of thu country. blbltlun al llaxlcton. i*a. 1 OFGENER’L INTEREST Doe« a general bunking and ag. change buslnaas. Loans madn at The Corvadla Gaiette xa y» the current rs!e», and draft» i-onud on early «own tía» un the Oregon Ex principle cities. périment dation farm thia year yielded 364« i poiiod» per acre, nt.d late n «own yielded .M.I8 pounds |HON «re th« benefiulur« of < utwt. — IKoiltll.TOH — Fortner A Allen, of Pi ine ville, have »flipped 73 <»«1 sheop to Chicago from Baker City this Tho » value of the »hoop Is 1IM.0ÜÖ. A delegation of prominent Philip pine native«, appointed by Agulnahlo Is on It« way t«j Washington to con fer with President McKinley. John I. Henderson, a lawyo, last week swam AI wiiy t on hui) J, Giw ui<* a ""'’“¡V fonti HoirI Hiver \,r, down the < olundiia .2 mlh*«. 17 of it with »all, Nliop near th« liridge.... ,„H |gl*l«tive clerkship for 20 Oraren Esxts Th» Worii : days nt Mor »1 per day. Wool buyer» In Pendleton a feu 1 day« ago, *aya the East Oregonian, We will prove It to you at the Most of the diseases of «wine arise were figuring on tin-amount of wool State Fair September 22 to to Isbs, from filthy quarters, and frmu feed­ RNB in Oregon and Washington yet un­ and you can see for younelf for the ing too excessively on fat forming told, and figured out that at least cheap rate of 11\E EAltt: for round food. Hogs need grass, pure water / E W EI. EE. I7,nun.uint« 0UO. Ing option« on the streetcar,electric Two .if gentlemen from Arg ms.«« light and railway pr«>|>erlie« of < utai If v.-n want > nb-e, iiut.y, m-.il and PoitoHn-o. Th«-«ugnraml lotwc.-o titling, welt made -M I at i'ms are already in piMiesalon, and (Hint« have your men«ure taken fora I for »hlprimnt. They have already the question* of annexing thiaie tailor made garment. Can make purchased .’it»>o bushels mid will take > islan 1» may therefore tie regarded you a suit a« low m 17.6b. Several 10,000 bushel» more If they can get goal ones. new simple b -oka Just arrived. •is sett led. It now transpires that the city of Y’our» for business New Westminister was burned by —of the— N. M. D am Kb, Prof. J. W. Johnson, who was for ineendlal«*». Two reluastsi prison­ manv years a prufe-Mor In the I’nl- threatened to burn the town, and Thfct* Not Ootnj to th# St*to Fair'.’ I er- verslty of Oregon died nt his home It seem» they pretty thoroughly I d Eugene Tueaday night of last When the Southern Paiitlc makes : kept their word. week after a short illiiv-.-, of bruin The Epl«coiatl Church of Eugene, troulile. Ml« wife and «lx children you a rate of ONE FA HE for round trip i.o ill I wi h <* o com- IlartUbur», Junction <1ty, En«an*, Tho si-Kson’s record of tho hop < .-ila«« <>.r*«r. Irem«, .«hl« I and all «la- product Is practically Hi» same Ho; aat Trait Orawsrs Taks Nctlcs. mission, «md: "This r>vernment iianitn.m koMour« «ouih lo aad Includi»« i will -MH-ure from the nituntton what- throughout the the hop district ot Ashland. I am prepared to Insure vour hop ever American courage, honor an«i ■•••*«., Wall »ally. , t iregon and Washington. It is univer­ sally short, but superior In <|usllly. kiln, mid Its contents, your fruit j valor have gained." •;«© X M Fr f land 1 » .. • r The the place for the 1 1. !• M l.v xil-uty L* it-M r M Price» lx-lng better than for several dryer and their contents, Rl the • m r. M ’ Ar Ku>u- my agency, which have a combined i-apltal of over Twenty-five million (bi is ocean la to bo our commerce, on 1 turns, and. secuml, ttiat it*» reputa I I «k tiffin this coast is to tie our great activity. lion of the product, damaged by dollars. A ixillcy in either of the»» 1,^1 A |h*H) several years of mol-l ami lice, will coni|«ini«-» Is a* good a« gold, and lu Ono night last week a burglar en­ i-e’oon cium > of a lofnyou receive your money lx* measurably re«i<«enied. tered the resldi-nco of J. J. lieard at »—««—•« *.*l«,«b.l4 »■«••». without delay. Tangent and atole 32s in money from thiily ivi.vpl SnaOay I For application«, write to nr call on, Beard’s pants, only four feet from No more troop» are to be mustered C G. Bi hkiiaht , Il ’ s) ft H . ' »X tsfftailiurvi ■ wp.m. II.» Ar i (the bed and from the [««kills of Nlnly »lx thousand have t«-«<>d from The Itelles to retained In tn«» service as near a« light», flags, bunting ami flower- Montana and \\yomlng last week, PoUsxaa lagst B;«»;«ri [MissiUeon the foolingof the regulars will decorate the big l.xjxisltlon Oregonlsrast tMs.miliigagr.-ay.ro — AMD— in (he matter of drill an.l dlslpllne. building at Portland this year an.l of pure brii st able to furnish th» rangemen wt h A world-r«>tiown«sl w<>rni-renown«-«i | , ------ -i « — among the tnxqm, and to tiring them aerial acrot»«ts, will perform their ' Bie future. .......................... West Siiviaion. (town to the strictest dl«« lpllnv. Thu Dickson Manufacturing Com wonderful act«. The admission 1» fletterei l*«r 3I ims y «!i>l ( <»! valli« cnn te mt with train» ges Gorden,” take same narrow, to return until Oct. in, anil at one energy to h«irl a dynamite cartridge ollhffii. i A K. calima!. •mall-souied view of his u'terance and one thinl fare .luring th«« tail-.of 1<»«' |«>und* a distance of 27'»» train eirept «tinta >>. that some |>c<>ple In this isiuntry took ■ nee of the time. There will tw two yards, and projectile« ui m - I» r . ar I* »a«n cd our battle-cry in the N|ianish war concert« each d ly ami constant. four miles. t » I>m »r «I Mimlll. «Is Sean, • » p in ; at ln«lrpnnr*** A Ma» J«. (•*”, I Bina II« hi <4 u I'I and Xtta. spitefulness but a high .«nd noble av­ t »wh«. Mài» tw ••’■fain«>d ft «Kl I Mt» N. L. »ooj* enging atonement.—Ex. H)«a*r«s th Art a A haM Agent, Fort land.or. The man who keep« cattle, sheep from • distance than ever la*foru In And you can go there for one fare and hogs, and l«r«s-<4« hl« work mart*» the existence of tho college. A »p«*clal exercise was tie Id With a for round trip from any point in regularly, ha» his tai*tn*»aanarrang led that money is coming In at all numbered Interested visitors present Oregon <*. Also all kind« of market in the spring mid early sum­ Is In g ««l hands, ami friends of the free attractions. One faro for round mer, and his hugs and mutton sheep college will bo glad to know that It trip. go in Hie fall and winter. If prices i< doing a grind Work and Meeting are not th«> best for all, they are sure merited succesa. Over !<»• »tudenta »•••••••«•••••••••••••••a* to be good for one thing or another. wore enrolled atx>uton«*-half of them 11 Is corn hay are all f«-«i, an«l he »till being now students. The attendance THE “ has hl» wheat to sell for cash. Ills w ill doubtless be Increased by the last W income comes to him at such-times of the week beyond the largest in 1 For Yaqulna— Train leaves Alcanv. 12:50 p. m. that he has no use for thu money tho history of the college. ALBAN Y, ORE . l:45'p. HI. lender, and he has oo notes to meet " " Corvallis To materially Increase tho num " arrive Y’aqulna 6:iW p. tn. or intsrent to pay. Thl« week «|x*clal »ale tier of really good horse» in tho coun of School Sho«««. \\ o 2 Returning The Salem Statesman aaya the Ore­ try will require a long time, ««> It Is » aavo y«>u money on leaves Y’nquiaa 7:00 a. ni. gon Poultry A Supply Co. will open certain that prlo*» are up to »tay for _ w perlotl, . says , .spirit sof • everyth log.«. '• Corvallis 11:40 a. n>. a creamery in their »tore muni» In a cousiduratHy the Weal. It K "Hid that th»»*'* who • Arrive Altmny 12:25 p. tn. tin- i >pera House, Salem, a* m « Hes|x portion« of Minneaota .«nd adjoining Malov which are not [x>nd to the call >g the Emergency I an Tho Portland Exposition 1» excit­ volinteera, «ending 311 for the pur­ giving direct «arvtee to and fnmi ing mure Interest thia year than for pose. Nuwtiort and adj icent beaches. many years previously. The «*arncsl Train for the mountains arrive at efforts which are being put forth to ■crrAK». X T., Genl*. From my perwml I tel roll at noon, giving amida time make It a truly re|»resenlatlve «lie IrHl.eiC. «»irird In otwerslng the sffbvl To rou-h camping ground on the dixy of the Industries of the Pacific your Sbltohb Cure In .-are« of Wtsnnee i on ftrcltenlmsh and Santlam rivers the 1 Northwest are appreciated, and from •umptl"". I •"> prejmrssl to any It la the meat ret..arR»M» Ki.ieob ttui ii«< r.rr >»- s Mine day. u many different quarters we hear brought to my »ttenUon. |f |,U certainly that more pe«>i'le are _ going to Port- •uved many lr-*ir> Cnesumplion. «..bl b, U. L. WA i pim F. pwim M tome , T. F. A P. A. Manag«’, land this year to attend tho Eit>osi A. W. 11 A(ÌE Y " t tie rruii tneii w no ar«< planning to •«•i»t the bulMing of a cannery • In tula city cannot txt too careful I’s.ut signing V\ hllu >■- ..-.j to »utolillea. pul a »tone In th< ■Io m>t wish Io my h-gltimata m*nae of the I If it Imo. come, • Contrae!» for IHStl cr«»p uf bevi« «re dren.ly overburdened fruit grower. I beeltig nuide at Watwmvillr, Cai., Fruit growers are heartily di»gu«te«l I al 34.50 f>er tuo. an ad vane« <»f .'«■ with shipping of green fruit F.a»l } I cent« per Uin over thè prie* thal ha« snd are in a mood to tat im|ill«h them an.l , . , . i not heard of the war with Spain a«k »ubsider» large enough to He left Sicily in February, and had . not *■««<■( and •»»».! operate ..lOlMlln the II«,. in»lltuti»n« I O u I I I I I I U >1 u ' erect j tx-en on the water sirico without any Information of what had bin going from the already overburdn<*d anil inn. lie »41 < qd. PRtlerson of the overtaxed producer. : ! FortliUind. WATCHMAKER EAST and SOUTH VIA . The Shasta Boute Süiltliei'ü I’iii'ilir loupy. X1: Frank Hughe«, at a «lance S.«turd I -dghl at a h<>py«rd near Creswelf, Sherwiaa] was •talduHl three lini«*» with a knife, one» |n th«, n s k Slid I twice In the left arm. The wound« are not consider««] dangerous. Hugh«*« was arrested _ Both ___ ___ am bi>ys 17 an-l 18 war» of .tg«*. Mr. J. <*. Murphy, a sbe»ph< rder, died suddenly n«-«r Diamond fxike <>n tho tributary of the North 1’n.p qua. W. P. Faught and Ora Po|n- «loiter were with him Ilecomposi- tlon aet In *■ quickly and they were so far away from any f«.wn that It waa necessary I«» bury tho laxly at tho plac*. The C4«r was certainly a . Y’oung. ami ____ _____ woU ____ ___ d «rriously odiai Mra Julius J. Worn-.ter. nt the 6 t .A N. depot, Pendleton, Saturday Cunningham, with a c«ked re- I M1«. | tt..' W<>rces ter fur a t.lock, firing Hirpo «hots at her, txit the young woman ran Into « saloon and eluded tho munlerer. Ho ran through the «al.x»n into the Grot! Enatern hotel, where he »nap ped hl« revolver twice at Mr». John »o«i, tho proprietor*» wife. Ho was crazy from drink, having oo motive for the fiendish act. Jahn Ssairick Bxac« Hsw Start»«. John Kendrick Bang«' newest stories arc to appear in The l.adic-< II uno Journal. They aro called •Stories of a Suburlmn Town." There are «eversi, and each will relate som«- droll Incident» In the life of a »mall town which ev«ry "«uhurtxinlte" w ill instantly appreci­ ate and enjoy laughing over Thu whole Northwest 1» going to attend the great fair at Portland Sept. 22 to < k-t. 22. because it 1« going to be representative of the whole Northwest, an t ithai ( . Iran . nr ' ■ ■ -I uni 1.- | .1 . r. I ■t.rr.i.g up iti«- Uxy liver and drivu.» ali im puntira troni thr l«»ÌY; H-giu t.. day l. ruin<»h pimpl’s. boli», bl-.trln-«, Ida. Abrada sort that m. kly bilious cwmplrioon by takuu* Caararet«. Iwauty f.r trúcenla Ail drug girla, aatiafacUuii gurí allied. Ilk'. X«. 5oc iriisrn. -urrM ihi - i |J. A. WEAVER F F • « TA1 -UHnd,« ©1 Í® Cheaper Rents«.. F F Lower Prices * “ F. F F F F F F F 25 new and beautiful Dress Pat­ terns, and more to follow Beautiful half wool .Serges, yard wide, 25 cents per yard.......... . . .New Shoes, New Hats.. This week we will have a big lot of New Dry Goods of all kind. Sheetings, (’nl- iroest Outing and Wool Flannels, beautitul Shirt Waist Flannels, Fleeced Dress Flannels, cheap cot­ ton blankets, hosiery and and underwear, all bought at J. WllXlN, Aitarne! at Law and Natan Public SCIO SHAVING PARLORS H. H. HENLINE —PBot'Kirro»— 15 cents |.i ving. 25 Haircutting .■ Shinpooing Lidie» Hair Dr»»atng 25 25 B»th«. ' Work gu.inintee rountle» : * 2* :- — J. "silur) hia I hìv <»nbe «v«»rk l al : lioutr «’muchi t t»' « yr»tr am! ri|rn«m «.Irftnalr, Monthly oonartdr, no more. uu ir-*-» «ttiarv ITS. Itr ferro«'«'’», KnrkMr «rIf b <1<1 Her Iter I K. lie«, Frra’t, « t an J |*t| rtivelop*' Itept M.. Chicoco. 5 NEW GOODS Orejón ’nlaitri*! £x;:sitlon. GrutalErti»itioiEitrGimiiOn®ii FAIR't» F F 3 3 3 3 3