4 S< IO, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER Bank oi Scio IMiis I OFGENER’L INTEREST Th# Ohio MIL Co'« X4mtcr Xa a Xaaa Eveev Intelligent family nwli I. Wracxaga J ’ iddlthMi tu their lor« I p>«per, a gm. The Keto Mill <'««mfwny’e elevator A writer In tl«e Guanl anva two of national wrw-kly The grvatc-t at»«’ went down al H;.V u'cita-k Tue«day ! the for*«!« rangera In tanf r-ainly m d J. * Gainei I amount nf during thrmonth of 1 erumt«leiw th* ohl our*, along with anm* ion of ail putalr question«. It is th« prihdple ritira. menl that 1« In rviileuce at Montnuk failahnuf I2fr*-«.rom|»letely ama«hlng Yankee Instructor# in the art uf favtwlte family paper, with num- • using them. «>■ in evidence at Santiago. Il ia In the flr«t «t««ry and fli««r, and the thing forevery inumliwr of the houa • Th«* body off J. F. Wright, of Har evidence at nearly all th* «amp- tadlnma of the bin« now real unon I hold. Serial at.irie«, plry, wit an«r And lhat incompetency w. mu«' I lie wreckage and only a «bort di. , ri«l*urg, dmwiie1ay somewhere near (heat In the world). Young Folk# we have no Tou — the IJame for the .hortcomlng« of lA.UM) t«u «belt of oata. Aalde from A carload of i««lm woo.I for lhe lion Bureau (which answer* qu«« the War Ih-partim nt put upon hi# thia there were arverwl thon arriv* «I lion* for «uhm-rila-n«), Ihu New* ««I Thursday evening from Coburg «houldcra. Wo want to we each bu-hcl« of oat* in aacka on the fir«I A < It OK K (INI Ot I'tila Is trie flrat shipment of 3&0«*oni« the Week In complete form, tn> link eipn«ed. To make General fli««r Tiie t’Ullding waa built In l«V2 that th«* company t«»ugtil al that other «pecial fiMture*. specimen Alger the «cH|* g.«it ami diimiw him «nd wa« thought to he one of t.le plavo a few w«-eka ago. coplra gladly «ent on Hpplicatl-in. an«« from th«' aervice In Mire IO tuwuage our outraged well t«ullt oin*. with a caparity of last Monday aod taken tiefon* Recor­ we will mail a Copy to each. Only irge of |n*ldl|rig With feeling«. What 1« needed la a gen­ tai.iaai l«u«heia, and although It ha«l der II* Il - n . b «r| out a llcenae. ' 'rheJury found them 11 a year. If you wl.h tn ral«e > oral in vratigatlon, a general rem.xlrl Al way* on hunt, Give me a never t«c.-n filled lo Ila c«(mcily the guilty and they were fined 1-ki club, write for term«. call, Nbop near the bridge..., lug of the ayatem that ti«« broken company would not have hevitatrda apiece. Prineville Review. AddreaaTMK Bl.AOK, down under atrr*«, a aweeplng aalde moment In placing till« amount of Toledo. Ohio. A r«*cent een«n« of Itaw«on «hows > of red tape and the clran»li g of the grain in Ila bln«. Th«> grain In the a |aipulati«in of i«i'lai |«-«>ple. 'idler«* War Defwrtmrnt of Ita Incompetent# hln* hail be#*n de«trlbutcd In all of 1« iimple fiavl supply for the coming ♦VOTIVE Fl)R f*VBLI< ATio.N. and political ap|«olntmenla from them and none wcreenllicly empty, winter. Quite a numta-r of Linn t*nr*tc’'n. Jtilr * 1« a * NiHkcr 1« twrvhy <-n timi f hr n»ll«»* |».>- county |a-«qi!e ire Hier«*, iiut none {GeMTnl Algrr down.- Ex. • nd only two were full, and thy were of them are known to have «truck rauirl aa’ttlvr D m fikr>f iwwk* ni big Imenfh • to tnahr linai pninC In nf h ter tabu. «•> l<«-atc«l In the center of the t«u ihling anything overly rich. Ihat *»1«1 |WT**f w’.l ’*• meV »w<.»r«* !tn- The Medford Mail, pul«llah«*d in »* r .'«>, 1 tu k »Ifnewx lo pr»»v» BURN OllEOON. large amount of grain |*Hired out on I I he d«-e«l was from Jennie Hooaeii hin CO'III.WMH»« TV«id« Nk* I tipovi eoi cultthatiof "Ira Phel|»«' |«ai>er, the .-M-io Nl. w«. mid la* I. *U; la a era« king gi««i local peprr. It I* the ground. The worat of th«-»«- were felt l'«»*l to that Oregon Coal and of Th«imaa l^rwotsl. nf |/kr«. M. I '«•ii.AÌ-l. «>t r« •. an All kind* tit watch«« clock* and Jew one like you «Ion i ..... every day. •top|«e«i, however, and on Wednes­ Na vagal Ion Company. > tk* w hl'hiiwn, of Jordan, all in 1 inn cocinf) dry r.-(«lr«d promptly. Ila "makeup" 1« tin.I . ta~ and it« day morning a gang of men were G. C. Mllelt. a well-known lam« r ' j column« ar* well ffllwl with Item« art to work « leaning away the ‘.vieck «■ounly farmer, who live« near Junc­ ava? p < H ah A Mixdiii, NoO bu«hel«of Ira waa with The Mail four year* laait. althougn the building will I m > ii .««1« from 6tMl acre» of I uik I, an aver­ V11 ...__ land we naturally take pride in call­ total lo«a, and will have to be re- age of 2»i| faisheta per acre. ing aitentlon to hi«, auccem In hi« iiew«|»p«-r venture. If the people placed with a new one. The following government rule Sev« nil men were at work in the for niCHHuring hay m *y prove of I >f Scio apprivtat«« an u|rti»-«tate —of the— i neway iirw«iak|irr they will aee to it building up to alx u'cha'k Tue-day value to farmer«: Subtract width of that na'i coluiiiu* are not wanting evening, and although the walla •tack from mca-urenient over top of .Ak) SAO’.MÜWL t«»r («atronage." •tack, divide thi« result by 2. multi- . were hearil lo crack aever.il time* plv the answer by width’ of alack, . ,«y JUAN RUF on p. >.«7, Jhecntd rf Mr Fn&lrr« the < »r» g««n gentlemen «luring tiie day ixi fear wii« fell for divide thia by 422. which will give .he mimt-ar of ton« in the slack. -lartndcrj I who h raring ( liehiilh In the E mm I, the aafty «if thorn« in the tiuiidiiig. •nata. I I Morti«. O. W. Phillip* went to Jcfferaon ' ha* h phenomenal home or el**» he Im Th<> litrgcst tianking Institution In ■ PorfLan! ... ir i >U < •*k early \Vcdtie»«li«y morning, and from the l'nit««l State« at tile present time ' % >«uy #«ar S* M l.v M « *-<• A « ujlhe ii««Mt «le« rived man In thè World, «■ « a • Ar ■v**» > r»t»> wm - v L t *«- P *• l Al Fi Erte whrn \V. Perry Taylor there to Portland, where h«. will 1« «aid to la- the N «ti«m <1 City Bink ‘ in the city of New York. It now ìc’ 'r'o.'/r” a«a«Zs '»ffrmi lo huy thè l>l«< k horxe, thè make arrangement« for «hiring lhe ha« depo-dt« of over unity million«, grain now In the wr«*ckcd elevator, loan« rln- fora hor-e audit will be Backed and whipped. ha< a-|H-eie r««.rv.-of al»iut thirty-! '«««haa le— . «rv in and .«'»■»«li... I wo million«, nearly all uf which is Athiane. I nf «uvh «|H-rd w«- aatl.hictory, bui A. J. Jnh'iaen, the other member of lb«- firm, waa at Alaea on a (>lca«iirc gold. .Mr. Taylor droptatl nerdlationa -»«»* * k; ft.» . ,Àr 4 1 M wlien he leartieti Ihat hopple« wrre trip, and was telegraph.«! for. U|a>n In r«M*ngnitlon of hl« gullant ser­ *30 L* i: » P N ! r • < M a neieaaity to hi« horae'a apeed.— hl« arrival definite arrangementa vice :it M mita. Dewey Was advance«! will la* made for lhe handling of the two iM.Int« In naval «'»tiding, wnil«« American S|«>rt«man. grain yet to come In and alao for re- Samp«on, w ho did not pacticipute In the t*attla of July 3«l, hit« heen ad Wilhelmina, h«« iltnlneil her ma- pla< lug tin* «-levator. Th«- lo« of the vanctui elgli« |M>lnta, and Schley, I building will be in lheneiglilairhoaj who led that ch «rge, six pointa. Jorlly and liecmur queen of Nether­ lands. She I« the «iHughter of the of I2VXI, to «ay nothing of Ilin extra Much ta th«* fortune of war, when manage«) al nutiunal headquarters. late King William III and Emma, expeti-e in curing for the grain, and removing the wreckage. daughter of Prince Oeorgr, vl< tor of I > ‘«I**. 11 L’ A iwMlMtrn 1»‘A p.n * ir * #en.m. Qneen Emma wa« regent t.v BMP. «.Bl. Walde« k H’wH >» iff» Sa*r<**t ,«|i a. 1 1 vr- .Lv 1 «luring her daughter'« mlm.rity. The eighteen new war-ahlpa pro­ Pining Cur» "it < Vpleti Routt- King William, her father. dl«ni jected by the Navy Department will CANDY November 23, l*ttl The family, cont <32,001,(10(1. If they nre fa»t TullauA laflet 31««p«rx known a« the House of Orange, are enough the country will taku It for — AM» - drevnded from the Prince* of Or­ grunted that they will tn» wtllatactory SMOPtM I «•« -l i ll’IM. 1 .K5 ange, the atadtholder, of the Hutch In other respect*. Aliaci-'J I« iim.i'-gt* trai««. republic. — The Mardi« calde wa« cut May 2 Wwt Side I )ÌVÌHÌU|>. The Monroe d’M'lrlne ha# nothing and re«tomi Augu-t 21. Admiral >«*»•«• PtartlMMl gh«O4 •rwallta. to «to with the di«|MMltlon of the Ma'I train lallv r gir pt » Dewey managed to get along with­ Philippine lalunda. It doe« n««t re­ out a daily identical note from I he quire u« to take the I'tilllppine ia- entwert of Eun>|a*. A ' A '•»’» . a 1 i ■< »' ' • ! e:th treiM land nor forbid ua to do «<«. We l«a . The Klondike «uffervr i« much In 1 « <>■ il» port Unit • f I • -•A « m Manila tiiat w<- have to atrike her In M M » 9 l> n> I «r . Tli **• w .Madrid or < adir., and we are guilty evidence in Ihr Northwestern «lato«, ti»*l« la inlrnc« # a#»!«r » • Ma *1 ilia golden visions can n<-W br of no undue reaching out for foreign IHm'IMtM.',. .1 - n» . ... Wlfh 1k. menatimi hy a railroad ticket to hi« ru.Wsul 01.1 OrU »tat «na r«. if». Mall .-«ui ferriti ry when we take to oure-tv«» •>>lp llne. A>r Mt’i» an I IlitS» »wllln« old home. tafna na aty> kalk>- . a ronqueat ttiat cornea tu u# through Itatr« anb «e U.ir.n i. an« V« r.*w Atao Jam«*. «Tilaa Wiainbifn an-t «»«. Ju«tin«blr war. They banish pain OTttgsa B*xU Th* ST or 14 ! tmlla.can »w .4>iaiwM tonn Mo W.t.a -J For Detroit — l eave« Corv-iHia " Albany Arrive Iietn.lt . I Retornlng - Ieav«a Detroit " Alimny Arrive < torva II i* La wi Ji “I > -fi b. ill l'orto Rico tn naturally one of Ihr richest rant n trina on the glut*. It* uX|a>rt« fol the |«t>.l year aggregateti in value
  • ,6iai.(xw. Cutler favor able condition* the*«* figures can la* easily quadrupled. It 1« mid that the tlnesl Havana rigar* are made from I'orto Itlco'» tobacco, anil that the toffee produced In the western part of the inland I* without e«|ual. In order lo tusk« ths Chicago 12:10 p. ni. jH-nc« Jubilee strlctiy non*|«rtlnan 1:4ft p. m. the man.igera prop« we Io invite both «1:00 p. ni. President McKinley and Wtn Bryan. Thlsexcit«-« a curiosity toknow what 7:00 a. m. t i* managem would do if they dealr­ 11:4« a. m. 12:21 p. m. ad to give the cHehmtion a deep political hoe. JVDUB Bl RM ITT haa rvndereti hl# . :00 a. m. de.ruion In the celebrated R»l«e. *7* a. tn D'Arcy circuit Ju election 1'2:'21 p. m. conte-t ca«e. declaring Judge Bol«e clecteil. The total vote wa# fouml 12:10 p. m. to he «»,ti3u for Bol«e and ti,ikx> for S:0ft p. m. (1:46 p m. D'Arcy. The friction let *ren FLngland and ! and 4 connect at Albany and CnrvaiB« with Southern I'm-1 tie train Russia In regrail In t hins i- ao ser­ riving direct «ervice to and fnm ious that England threat»««« tn «eli* Newport and adjneent hracNea one large Chinese rliy and Ru->«ta Train for the mountain* arrive at another, Whet China gets out of Iletmlt al noon, giving ample time to reach camping grnon«f on the thia arrangement in not «(ear. BreHenbush «nd Santlam river, the I V««cle Kam i« Hte u mr of jnt. name day. tuo new flr-t-cl.taa riti« •. Ten lliou U L. WAt nrs E cwim Hiosr, T. F * r A. Manar r. tand* Mau-era were captured at San- t'ngoa 4 theaame number .it M «mia. We will prove It to you nt the State Fair Beplember *22 to SU IWW, and you «-an «•••• for y««ur«e«f for th«- cheap rale of ONE FARE for round trip from alt point« of the Southern I'aclrtc. line. In Oregon. Y«Hir «hould la-r-onally h« All kinds of mill work on short notice Thi« week «prêtai «alo of Sch<»il ShorA «ave you money everything.-. All kinds of Lumber, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Shin­ gles, 1’aiiitH and Oil a always on hand ... Ready made (’ofUint Reaper (fully. J. A. WEAVER SCIO SHAVIN6 PARLONS H. H. HENLINE —nu)rnirn>R~- Shaving. Haircut, ling. Shanpooing Udita Hair Draaaing 25 Bathe. RI PANS No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten (or five cents. - w - - Mr ffr-B r. • ' r#»U •> a’ • «.» «•• Work f 'j inntvvd rtHctly CO. t> ------ rKopKirTviw ----- ALBANY, ORE * Bilyeu Block, Scio, Ore. GIVES RELIEF ............................................................................................................... t : S. M. DANIEL ••! >•• SCIO, 0REG0N