F When Hot a Oon't »w.gi ii.| fr»r bm • .p . ..i .- I ••k» H »»d'» Har».t«»rili» Tbl« I» « —I î» S*’ © J'"’1 •*11 1 7"* bdb”» it H •od • ffarMijKArtlla is a ftr»t < La«« «um- a»«w medir in«. !*©<*<•» it i« «o y»*nd for tfr*’ «tunta» h, «*> c*M>hng to th© bl«M*d «•» helpful to th« wb.it« body Mak* no miotake, but get o*»ly ILIWII.KS Cl All • IN BETTER AIR AHafue* Ar May Will «• Hrwuctei Marte » > C'aSMp »He »•«««r*4. I WÍÍKLV t atte. . MARKET LETTErr, w»rd tey N«»tM: H *t Vat 4 Ca.. la© , «I tr»4P * - *0. all I m RS < MMAlflf *J irr* uuo4u»*„ Fm Head. Oiwnwul I FIRE AT SEA <**■**•• •! »tern «tmtaaMwr Xr«4m»»te«fl Few* «arm»*«* A**«te*r MtataPgugtam W fl «Iff. Wl,r. Xreb K»e> Ml» (I... Dr. J«n>«a K lfoam*r, whit* recently rial ting Brwlon, had lt*f I •« ©f Flalti Mn»Ia •Hot. —“gutnmer Pi AMA Htorlee” in Gustav© Kobe*» wilt©« an Article oci the August i«© Ilea’ Hom« JtMlf tuli. •*1*1 Tf »!U|«»’t in Camp uni Hutt!©" foi t> Au<-nt C< 'itury Mr. Ki»t <» *avs: IMS «»I |»| «r Tot i Al MKM Tii© first nw *»( fir Id music of winch m tv»» i «»lutely Aiith©’ tic informa* 4 »-•.it Hv L»ti d I • uviti«ui, that St h I • » village ©t French Flanders wl *©r© the F¡- >■ I* have w »» no fow«-r lh.»n threw viH»»ri«*s—Philip Ag.— The steamahlp WaalilngUin, July 80 -Swcret.iy Ab Th© wheal traluhi* drop;«©»! into Aolanlifla of th© Tweetta line, tia ling gvt ia .{reply amrerucii ..vrt th« welfare a l elevator people are tomb­ sily. i Miii* up the b«y today with a ■ •kill« of Santiago The health report ing it. Th©»* ia a ptoenuw ul carrying heavy Inat to «larboard and the Qargu •bow« a »urprliitigly largu n«al«r of rba»g©s in the a©ar future , end as ©h^ ilotsl hi her low*er hoM on the» Sarsa­ T *• a»»* tu tale ita flr«t app< «ran« e al c*>«« of »1. kurea, but aimy aurg**»« valor (©«’pl© have no stcck. they era parilla • ulhonac tbe »lat»m«nt that ill«*' o ten) i.- ;ug to bay t!»e dally arrivals. 0 30 o'rlock «m Monday night, when Amrtksi UraatMl Mr4Lln». Miller« are having a little, and « the ve«a©l was off Fenwicka laland. on figure« are misleading ia a rertaln rena«, era w!*e have mail© good salea alwoml The wltel©M Hothi’s Pills ' »ml that the «itnattou may not bw for near afop u «©ia© tli* life boats. «»flirtai 4r»a«f»4 lb* a auhllcr*, name >l©te, was formal to F I* g halaltkg th» Kfl^rl axg |E «l««|ang which, tn tin-ir prreent »i.«|«, would tail. Tlie beat id llielil oan 1» convert, tbe br»of I to 1 Out# they cover©«! !••• h*«« hkoMghi tap tb« < «pit« tod ilislingulah l»-twren«u
<»•«It>Ma Krlgnod I dhu the al©«*rAg© IcAtiug the burning ona of mortal ilia««* The inference The Brltlwh own tbe forge«« pait of only to put th© wb' kl out agA n at tbe •te.nurr in tlie three life*«»ata. whlrh North America, that 1», Canada. San Fianciroo, Ju!y 13.—Th« «team- la that man» of three Caere la Shaft»«'« ' • tm© pitefl I© f-«*vibly a «ha»l© better. >uld « i*dy have •< *mu>o>laiiMi th© 45 They own one f -urth of the railwar. »hip M»rl|’e»« of the crew. In the United H la Ire of America aud Apia and Honolulu, arrive.! today. ■w«ll it» grand total of alck an I wound, Ib» it .♦!«».'* from th© N»»it?(w«et ara Th© str©*ag© |MteM'ug©rs were forced out •st. halt of the railway« tn Nouth A., .-n .1 far Matita, A pi ivite »taint 1. tan reti- of tii© Tbe Mari|«..« left Sydney Joly 4. an 1 fry Csplalti Walk©» and his Not withat ending thi« mitigating Th. total value of the l'uite-1 King* mates t!« »t-r.rg crop wheat at fl00,. men, ami nhvu disci pilus was restored« left Auckland the 0th. Nh« arrived at fact, Heeretary Alger iagoing to remove d..m 1« now «.Id u> lw . .................... . ih >, 000,CM 0 b »»hela. Pforiag tlm winter prvpetatkkoa wetu bmt toad© for the tlie «nldier» at the ear heat opportunity A I l. d to tbl«. arvvral tl .>u>«i>d ill. Honolulu the 0O4h, and left th« >l»t wh«Mkt yleli I at 40*1.000,000 hn.be!», it *.«viug of the ««»men and ahH«hen of lion« are invented out of tlie tx.m.- July 18. aU>ut 4 P. M , th» Marl|maa tn more lo-althfal clime. The aurgeon- «nul l make an agg^'g ‘t© wop o»< l»y th© rope ladder«. Tliti« tract of land adjoining Montauk Point, S.me of them have been brought to to and a »mall l».at from th« transport lorg l«!atnl, belonging Io the Long votive fweple place the cr*»p at 300. a p at 1 « t* avnhd, and th© safety of f I •> • r !«» ibi¡> \ri»*y Navy I Malta, 0OC,0OO b'i»hel, an«l the g‘Vcrnu»er»t lb© "n jsrram*« on U>sird the Ardauho U i It« »ubjm-t, can tiavel entirely rou I ■ ariled a Img of mall tn th« Mart|»>*a. Inland Railroad Com| any, wbicb ha« fig **■« cuítale th© yield So •t it a )w««,trr I r (h L-*i AH »be the world without leaving Ilia llriti»h Tbe boat'« crew rej.irted all well on brs-n offered Io the government a« arrlt- fold*el», or 30,000,000 bu*b’ l !♦** thas « ut ’ lati t - I it It runrs The I.eat was «•* tn lente an»l the Th« board tile Rio. The troo|« an laeird the ■ lie lor a large enramiment. empire. »I» s<»re swoli**« »wealing feel, a in*” ih ago. btausitcian Know maker •ti ttke a »• so d«n*e lot a Umo th al II II»» •• toa Val» B- *J Itala* V% ta*».l *1 •« ol* p«*»**** « n»»d b •, t ant <»i > <* * •!»*«*> easy There ate «let.000,000 fireipie In the trait »port ar«mu«tly from South Dwkot* tract ia three mil«« «quarn, contain« an tlw* spring Wheat acreage IS,$OO,OOC unb,<,r« to remain > I «et •bundana« of frreh water, a conaldera- is Mra H» r. R<»rcr fo» Iwrlfois !|> Ih© llrlltali empire. Tbe M.irt|>.»a bring» the fulfowing bb< lake, a bill 10 feel in hvlght. and BO«« a, Wftlteh ©x ©• 1« that of th© govern E.(»e ,»n Hw np|*o <1 « a. They were all or­ 1 It 1« aal-l that the i|.n-en would bare advloa*: meui Tbe »«r* a/»» of the «tepartmenl der rd forward, and the women and ©mintry a g*«*i «©rvi©© by (©lllng tl»©iu »••c «tures a.’i»l many other «anltary advantage«, in* «»f agr .•-uttii « this year i« nearer th* h<»w tu Ufomltfy ti«« ©lite!© varieltefl <»f -to live aimthet 70 year« to enable her Addraas The «teamaldp Coptic arrived on the *'h»l Iteu were fir*< pul into the life- inu«hriMims Ih Al givw i»j th« *«*• >!<» t.i .re al) ol.tbeni ] «•• lie!- re her, ntifl.l 13th in«*, with new* that the Unitrel eluding «alt water lathing a»t«»il «©«ding than at any time lit its Lwl «nd water ott I mm H‘1. and were Aug*»«t 1« a li»»«* Il *m© Juurtusl( tuak* « a camping ground will go forward im­ New». Ilia el!•*lory nerv©« aro N>a- tmi k reeolntlon malting Hawaii part of the mediately, and every advantage will !•« («art is mad© it will shew Aiiat the crop stipptir-l with vnmpassea and «ignat ll c»«*ar thal il»©«* Afw v©o tu**'* var»©- Ik shoal as rap*©led. a« it is able to g»*l t4ll.nl In a »ingle n.Mtnl, which I* in Ttir ai.irw. root riar. - United Stat««. On tlie city front and taken - I tl . eipern-i.i It waa nearly midnight when I gained in th., iMMier the correct figures llmu ever be- tok-terts. the roof <*f the m*«ulh n»*»r th© troni. tn th« city proper tbe people were wild formation of th«- great earn pa at 17hl. ka- (’aptAin Walk«’! ‘Xinaideud that he bad «liti ttiM flati b© hu l ih tif©tt«»l with have smart lug f©<( ot <».r the bettl« »«aired veteran« in Shaf­ I a *1 y©«r, but th*n (armera di«l nut Tim women ami children wrio taken tn Dite i» L«' auso of ths lx»tter i ! h > »«»óre us«*(ul llrS. K*»rt’i »Il*»•»•(« have a taste of 11 wheat, and where Alien*« F«©.»< E aw © ft (vwtte tl»r fr©l an«! longer. Thore wu « general hand* ter** army. Ko k to the »teani^r, and lhe liteloaia (he diffwreht kin«ta *»f Hi© woodfl-gmwtì draititg© of the land. ft alt©« walking *a*y. Cun* a?<ti*t©fs A ml raikms •¡»rt«. •baking Th« time for their removal la left to tu a «follar wheal, w»wt of them think were |Kil«'r»l to the davlls. but were 1«!tese*•©> an* ta xi ** eitet©« corns and tumumBoi all | m U h am! where. < taken on board. The sltriitkm of the jubim is calle*! cab b© «appi. tuvnUs) lo tb<» ffltoHy fivvfl r©st and «*‘t«»fi»rt T©u ll»»m*a”n a« the new» Waa re< elvod up Ti»e officer» from that time on hept laf ’ì»T A« * must dvlicioUS ■»itlriU to th j «ufo* utial n»’’k «»( l>r 1 H. mon »als <•(« ut©« try It b«4d by town the fire whiatl« wa* turned on, plaosl upon him being that be «I ir II Ag.iin. Khotild th© com crup I«© ma- not delay the l.ouieward »ailing of Ida |cr.«Hy d«itxtaged and a©ll al high prices, watch over lbw lifet»»ats tn prwvent th«» (feti uf COSI. Whitt*. N*». 3*1 '4 M* rri« »n street, til druf stets and «h«»e «l«>re» for ■**< i I ti.e whietlre of factor!««, mil)« •nd by n »ale for them to leave San­ j look is n«»t particularly favorable. Tbe stricken, hum drarrtiti# the burning at • < are th« iH'-st modem, ami his It**/, New Y‘*rt. liMwe, and pwndmnunium rvignwd. tiago, having regard to th« fever condi­ ship in them. lu eillngtllahiug Or. » on »hip» load-- ••own siiti bridge work is ol fluoh artlt- ©Xjmrls for the year ending June 30 lirukeoh Ib*y dtaotrciod th© ©arlit-st Firework» were »«l off in th« mi !«t of tion* with cotton. f" » »’ d t th it his (>aliehts m 21(1, Out), 000 bushel - < f tl'uir and SPAIN ALREADY PROTESTING. ronord« «>f illuvtrsted comic literiui© 11 the n-u««, and bundreda of guca were At « Meanwhile, detail« are Imtng made J ¿ t«*d nut only with th© looks» ugainxl I 4 b »ph«'!« the fired on the ground, of th« eiemitive "Llaiifair pwllrfwryngrU ’ ‘ i« a village a papyrus uf th© twenty a^Min i dynast) nt troopa to «npply the force that »hall but with the «■* mfurl th * recwlvo from Ilettarr* •••»*««» lllr«» <»|»rr«tI»» r « %V* • building At tin' »auie time th« Hawai­ garriKin Santiago an long «■ it «hall be pr> *»’l< r his meth« Landon, July 3g t — The M . In.I 2c; Val ­ CITI r • • • «m< r a * *r • f I » k . *• »5 thrnugh the »treeta to tbe wharf, play­ there. Thia futce will be made up ’ ■ . - y ««oil «d th< Daily Mail say«, ley and iJiuewtem, 04c | m ? i bush«d. Hwr. lu-o -r.r. n. . i iat rut K a».ov o... ing American patriotic air*. An Im- alruret altogether of Immune». • irttal f.-r and that by a «ktllful dentist. b..ni» Mot U»IW. I II li li UU*L U4 M will |uo>*at»lv protrai «gainst an 1 . . -T fc" I ’ I 1' -i I!» , mcnae prorewtlon waa forii.r»l and a Atta «Uwl, llil.n.Ui, Ll* f* General Shafter'« daily bulletin, a» n* ’ K n<> I h< r» to tuih'i th© dlsootti- .tit**« k np»n Furto liirt» after the W am K- . f ■ . . ■; ■ . inarch made to the elecotive bull-ling. poatrsl by the war department, follow*. ♦ forts c f bfok« ii l«»wn ami stained te©tb Prof.-» or Leial, patn*l* overture« f<»r |»‘iv•»». >h*»i»hl « Captain Zealby, new caar* fever, Sfi; <-a»ee fever re­ gray, 3^ per bushel. I-lea**»nt to l<*»k npou without ( mb in. nUie pole at Kotchelovka. a village It of the Coptic, waa priwenle I with a «li­ ircttlur note on this subject l>© sent to Bark*)—Fted barley, $‘J1¡ brewing, turned to duty, &42; death», 1'riv.ite J. the governor nt ol Kurek In Ru»«ia. the i>uwer«. it will contein th«* rx.ul i?! by sv»**writt) ver cup by the eltiren» of Honolulu for 11. Farrell, company II, Ninth Maeaa- $Jd per ten. ¡■It W» MilieiuO—Bran, $16 ¡«r ton; mid­ l*»t f of the Spanish com in Hid vat ion*, bringing the glad n»wa Th« presenta­ cliUM-tt« Volunteer», at Silemey, yellow Ho« » Till«» < w on tn *r- iiiuking it clear that (lie Vnited Mate« b««r tn»«« tion took plan- on the d«»’k of the Cop- lever; t'.'rj» ral Thoma» Kollnton, cum- dling*. $21; «hoita. $13. sáe *> a x BfiMUl tegiiiii>> < !•> I u«4tn« u »*• W> OtMi Htku4r «l P«4l«r* 4 t.«r *n, ■ . - ' r : ' 'll ■ ■ • • Hay—Tun «»th) . $11(013; clover. |IO ' • ’ • ■ lull l a/Ucuiari * hast «4 e<4. Mita «»< ( a»r:h tbfll ♦ •« UsA l«e rur»4 te/ Unii tic- Tlie cup 1» a muMiva one, hand- |u«ny D. Twenty-fourth infantry, si­ to dale thi* atlf » th*» Anooienna had util; Oregon wil«i hay, $w«g!0 per t«»n. »•* m y*ar« » et th« i r n»ir ir»» r*t»f> •*>»? i • hl firj H . m < r i uh y < f t'4i»»«*ry, I” , >.»g.ista *.üd tola) : N'i. H‘»>KISS A »♦.. •<»r lb* i Aat IA * van •*> t »«cite • birr, p »text 4 Club and the executive council bav« fantry, cerebral a|«'|di XV. 4 «»t 1 « O»r«s la boMMSw« in all »• tHMMMM 1 fair to guAxi, 33 dairy, 35<¿33*vc "We resol v « h I on peace many day« X«.n s»>4 «tu®. a st-i SHAFTER, Majur-Genaral. «tifi«? f «Lkf o*o «'-»>***tXt¡Oh iu«4a held Mwaiou« daily and have arranged |«*r roll. .¡go iin»l m.-vlv known our rvi»dutl(His to th« official programme ot «xercliu-» aub- tel i.*< ir iia V 4 Tft' *1 Ch* • •©—Oregon full «'ream, I«<«tl2o; the United Ktatet government. ¡a It Uiong? I re- laslgniuvnl <>f W tar Loan llotid«. Wteo In >»r 1*1«, Toted«, U. J je«t of cour»o to any change« that Ad­ g.»rd as null and vmd and as deetitilU* Washington, July 30.-—The treasury Young America, I3*^c. U a « I» X 1 * w • n > M aoif Get It HigbL miral Miller tuay enrgret. In the Whs)***!* I*fTr4e4«*. O frfoulli v—t’hn k» »»s, mixed, $1.60 p©r *»t g«MH| faith everything that the muridi-g, there will 1« a combined department Polity iMtied the following keep it Right llwii* h .; stat«ment authorising the asalgtiraenl «.for* n; hens, ♦* 00; springs, $3.O0«3; Amerit an» have don© since, an i I am • ■ • ■ <> ■? ■ Thrss UKtpum I’fV«*’» |-'f U4Ur tf •! g« «, $3 o<» • 1.60; ducks, young. $ <■ < lead) to prutcM against it formally.” i» due not mly to th» originality and »*!. 4» » will H ja M o j > u l.v i IwlUr. Get ll tfQA • t HI-’.I f r.. >. l«..••>>!* or i Ii.<• I ■; II of the new bu&ds: df 1 »!, 11 o. ‘»r r « fpre 4 i*c 4 r •*!» w » "««?• dr*4g : .«« nr almpll Ity of th.- combinati n but aUo •*In order to «ave vexatious emlaif- 4.0» ¡«r d«xa*n; turkeys, live, 1U<¿4 •treugth of the national guard. Itali • Family F»41« r- thr lot I mtr U i rr H lllril. ¿ H Pr < * .» , to the rare and «kill with -, In. h it i- V .. rarsn»enl to large miltaci ila-i» to the 12^* |<*r }<*>uiid. After pa i ad I ng th«« principal «treat«, Pinol««, Cal.. July >9 — Al 1:40 Hu» During th© H«t y<*»r l.Siii i'ul;it«M*s—Oregon Hurlumka, 30($35c manufactured by mu utifie pro««-». • war-!<*an Imnds—meaning by this sub- the pmcreaton will move to the govern ­ morning an esphifliun t gly<»*rlne bou*e «•! tbe Het« tlleí» partment has arranged to n**«»gtiÌB** •tatT. th« call net. Admiral Millet ami Pow 1er Cotnpany. No ) one on© waa was in mi lh«i III« T*o bottles of t*l*o*» < ur* for <*««n»utup 5 all the Itnportanoe of pur. l.a.'.u .» the transfer» of m ticca of allotment«, so aa k. Later a orew lion « »ffr»| it»© * I a tend luintf th»»»l4r Mr» Minlater Hawaii. Con»ul-1" n'rt it t ,,.*lJd)ridlt«ii", smentii allotletl to them will la* in a Cf«»¡ , 1 HtfO * fl»p, 4 < in Hr«» «I ktki Tr> Kchllhrxf « l*«»t tea «»4 l>«hlng pv«4«r by the CaLiroKXta Fi.» St hit C o W»M»i—Vall«y, lûbt!3c per pound; exth’fcfu«»h the ffattow. tiigethrr with the aiuging of patriotio position tu real is«* on them in c«-e of only, a ku.ovlc-lge of tint fact will fri : ' H' t «.i. rut Maiini tacr, ‘«nb«it I •<-•» hjr «nrlreitf Fattern Oregon, 8 (4M 3c; mohair, aiuti ttx'k pii !;i« e, killing four men mid Ami-rii an alra Preaident Dole will liO'FUity «obviant(ally as readily ns if <« # n |.^t ubi lui.i I. T’nu’i l-iAi f.iijdly injuring many others. Folh.w •iu>i-.t one In avoiding tl..- worthleM n A two year»* Hn-ly of s 5o • ♦» 60 per 100 ¡«»unds l»hy»amid buil h r« were loth aohd and d Cidi YO'JRSUF! the nf th© Company a tfuaTanty if th* baud, when Admiral Miller will Ih» I'm« iflr Csteta. Irei *4 ? . t » '« r «I Be«*f—Oro««, top steers, ü 50(>t$3.76; d< . nitriy t «Mc«. 6 ^0*41’ ¡M»r pound. warn w«d «»th jewel« (probably «’ormi I* r *. •*»"♦ t*«U»e I awgllan Swl|«itttal <»MAffd- ha it jm - u *»n the ki*h»©y«, h.«r anti lent M< Kinley anuda a proclamation, »«ya that the (‘nit«*! btatew will soon ©’«** •>* -«h.»9<. Veal — Large, fi^KOc, tfuall, ?$|8c diiin, as Ho» diamond wa « vary t* »re©) Kan Franche«, July 3D.—Frota I A I fí W c I s without irritating oru«¿kcn- it will be rea l by Adtuitai Miller pre- bw cuiincct«4«l by cable with her newly p» r pound. M tep U'Hggbl*. and even laths to»la had aw h cutting !*»•» Wei- •»»..«»» br- inowt ’ . ««»» h«*u i »© • “ •at**© <*»mes the Inf* •••m «44» an-l »I «Lie« n«»i nur f *•*•»*• H©«» •*•»••» *I oim to Ih«- holating of oi l Glory. aoqalred paciflr pg«B«p*t>|rbn< uni the » » «F*'*» P’-tan. I M •»Igea. N» reniarkatel© was th© qualitt tewaltl© W«rkrtfl. mi aséate, In «der to|pi*I Ila beneficial Ui4ll«ni tlint th«* arrivai «»f the Ameri­ Miultte* >«wall, c onaul er« will deliver «hurt ail- from Hit» city with Hawaii, the La­ workmen that the catting msrka in per 100 lbs; ; nativ«w, $hM »0; Caltfor- by the mustering into Ih© Unit»4 th© ».ompany — Iti-.wi «ri-l the I'ereinotile» will eloae il roi.es, the Philippine« and i , I . SP44IMC 5Tk CHAIN Bonn hard granite flaru no indication of weal nla jiotatoes, $1.00 per lui pounds, Stat» « vohtu’«H*r set vie© of the Ila * J «ACNIIOU8......... with the presentation by l're»|.lent Kung. The |«a|-er aaya that nn»*l of CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. of tbe tool while a sul of a 1« nth of an ¡©r sa< k, $1.00; iti»nip*. 76c, Brets, H '■ ’-I. I tallar l b- L-raJ * -«-•.* tat ih> •>,«. auium National <4uar»|, a for«© of Ä»»u Dole of an American fl «g to ilia Ha­ the •titvrys have lw*n n»a-lv, and that »• »• » ’■ r-« r. R ><••»« t p BH SAM F*4X< |«( a. Cel inch waa ro* I© in the hardott rm k al It wa« «»ffb hdly given out at •fi t.1 fcffv ».Al .I.MI 4f-Tv4 tat bjr waiian National Guard The flag i» 11 r «entrad for th«* laying 1 f the cable carrots, «I . 00; liulbuure l«ntK«, —c; 111» n. Let »Vll.l.F. Kp. NSW t f»Hk. W 1 each revolution, ami a hole througl A'*«) b* .**l*p»uri» r« today that th© First the original »ilk one u*«4 by th« Boa- ha* already been h t, and that, acrotd* ra Mwrftwt fMfVcl Maa«* taww«—«ye { ton'« battalion In 1MI8 when the war- :ng to the b uns of the wnnlra t, li e wai»l*ore«l perfectly anioodi 4»ih-r»ta«Ñ tñi iaaix ita m1. I- A«. ia. *•«. .... *r ru Pr- Bniivr—Fancy nativa creonriy. ©iiiuient <»ftle©ra and h«iv© been papos**! • m» Wfo>biiigt<>Dt July 80. — Ferdinand liiiman Ilf© is nine «lay« out of tlie year. ler ami a ball will follow at th« o|«-ra sc«-« «srl . s| A M it’ It LA writing t*« a«1 v«rtl««rS pi •an Fr»»t Pock. of Chicago, th«« newly ap|wunted briik, 20. ; ranch, 7wl2* , dairy. 12', »atittfactwlly. Tlie North Fork will Cshluf nis » » lii*>t»ll«»«> »hl* |i«pe*. ■ hot»«* <|l I5i'. lnwa, fane; cr.aiii.iry. 20c. curry the New York* and the lakinv Tlie citl»- iia have aahri ribc-l 11 8,000 United Htalcs rum in ms loner general to CbecMi—Nativo Ua.biiigliiri, Il «4 lite erigit.e»*r«. i for the day'« celebration and the moat the Pari» exposition, wan al the Uhite f w g ll*,c¡ Eaatern eh«»», 1 lyt 11 «,e. llou*« today arid had a long conference imi-irtanl event In th* hhtory of th« What Mrs. Noll Huret baa to 8ay 1 *«• < hit 1r©rt «•» Meat»—Ciiolio Jreaaed beef «toar», I iaiau-l« will In« ceivbrate.1 with a mag­ with the pr©«ident, who »ugg©«l<*I that ▲bout It. Wi« hhs, Kan.» July 3v, —• A s¡>©< ia I the re presentation of thia government prime, 7e; row«, prime. tl«,o; mut­ nificence worthy ol the oooaalon. uiti, 7c; )«*rk, 7«7t,e; veal, fioltie. to th© E.tgl© from Tonkawa, Oklahoma, should be conducted on a broad, g n- Steamer« to tlie other ¡»land« have Dr»« Mn*. P iwwhau : When I wrota Hani«—Lar ¿o, 10 «,<*; «mall, 11c; «ay» timt in a firs whirl» ©unsumrd (hr already »preauml, « hildren, ;rdrr t<> further mtr I j . - EL ASTIC STAPCH H .t Ir , Brand), ■ 181-; Ire.*o.i. lie; »piIng chicken«, «l©alh and Ihtdr bodu*« totally con- better. I had womb trouble very bad the tn.snuLi turrra, I. C. Hutiinger lt. v Co ,<4 Ki. kuk, lo»», have once made in all th* town« to officially of our rwpt*«a«'n tat Ion there, the preMtit «amed» Two olilel children, a la.y id Mvwomb prv»M-d backward, vaulting « - 5< 76. appropriation for th© pur ¡ hmm « Iwing <|. I.l’<1 lo tlIVE AwAY 1 b--utilul I .< ■ nt ».Ih cach pai kagr o( celebrate the railing of the Star« and pile* 1 waa in auch mlwry I could Fi«»b Fi.li— Halibut, Slitta; «Irei- 13 «n*l girl of 14, were fearfully Mr. Peck thinks an aaniat* •tarch «ohi. Tbcac prete dii «re In thè lorm ol Strip«« by Admiral Miller in thia city. $660, (XXk l»»irnw!. The origin of the tire ia on- acarrely walk acroaa the floor. Men- ant commissioner general will be ap­ b«»il«. 7«4ci aalmun trout, 0t — L©vi Z. Leiter to- Por tatuo ut h, N. 11., July 80. — The leucorrho-a I Wheat—Fceil wheat. fi-'S. «lay fi I«" I for roconl a warranty «I«“©d, thi« afternoon with 133 panaengers H|>at.i»li priooner» confinod al Ncavey'a Gala—Choteo, pat ton, «2«. had given up all .on*©y'* g Pie! !, L;.- a from !>!««• ui City sn*l about $ I,(MM),• They are ijxiq tach«-» in and .ire entitled M follow»: fidar ! U«iv pani uu vy lire r-|mp*»« r»f yelHrtg t . in- m hole, |26; ceackad, ' »ivteration of f 3,1&3,. the plOperty (KM) in gold dust, aud aa much more in government today, thè money brung re­ ft>e.| uinal, «25. wellt every body at th© *»«ill»©u*t «'ornar of Stat© «nd drifts. Tids 1« th© estimate uf Purser co i ve» I troni Adtoìtal Cenerà, al An- »'< <-I—t'h-<|'f*r* thought I had Twigg*, who says that It is a very non-1 napoli«, thè man roc-iving front gl to ton; convumpt Ion rnidillin,-«. p.r tun, «17; oil nrr m oof>*i«leied «me of th© niowt valu* servative one. About $«’ hm », oov in dust «IO In American curreney. cake meal, par tua, «35. After taking db!«? for temoni •* parpóte©« in ( hirago, was turned over to him tor «af»*keeping. live Ixittlea of Barley—Rolled or ground, per Con, War-revrnofl stani|W amounting to $3.' Fatal FuWtler Mill F«pl«»*htn eli. •- «24 I.writ Haarebetl la W.o Verb. Lilacs and Lydia E. Pink- Wild J35 w«r© altorhe«! to the clUr of the Britikh re*miBia»ion to eettle the Poppies. |ier ha» le*en dmignatoil by Pietniader- owner, *I k > was also th« paying teller «4 85; «bulo wheal fluir, «4.60; rya •nd waa able to nearly all my own difference« l«n Canada and tbe tieueral Mmith to act a» |«eliriMter al in th« I'vDictuy A* Mitchell bank, w«s fluor, «4 15. work I continued tlie u»e of your medi­ Unttrel State«, arrived tuday on the Santiago. Piiellu lalel Egg»— Paying 15(4 Ifitgc., «elliog It all inqulrie*—Mr* hiux Umar. Deep­ fette)« applie« only to the general er« at the aca-lemy, at a dinner to­ «M» a». tn gold dual niel bullion. water. Mo. «Sic. •ervice. . _ "j c X u Í nmr flirc* letter« like the foregoing, con- night. »<•« Frwtacier*» Marte»« lint, a luawCol Tri,* T m Itnrrlrang, Hall ItalA« *«*ufh liahoi« C'rof»«. ■tantly living received, cmtrlluite not Wool—Hpring—Nevada. lOglltapat Havannah, Ga., July 80.—The llrlt Ix»mfofi, July 3 k . — Th* Madrid eoi- a little to the aatlufaction felt by Mr* Watertown, 8. D.. July 30. —Thirty dutin-l; Oregon, Raderti, 10« 18c, Val­ re picture», There rar. pit ture* four in number, by the renowned naatel arti»t, I'inkham that her medicine and counsel thousand acre« of cro|i« were te«tioyed lah alii|. Alitila, captured oil Guantan­ ley, I6<|tl7e; Noithern, 14M15<'. rrwpoitdenl of the Ihtily Mail aaya: The R. LeRoy. ..I I New York, have been tiationa initi ­ are ««slating women to bear their heavy or greatly damaged by a hall »lortn in amo hav by the Marblehead, waa belay Mliloluff*—Mnlillltiga, «10«2I 10 in hi« Mudili and are now nffernl for the 6r«t time to the publii. ate I by tier many is that the power« burden* Codington county latt night. Tbe ilei-lami a lawful pria,- ut war by Judge bran. «16.00(0 Id.00 per ton. The picture« ar. accurately repr -line.1 in all th' cohwa uved in the orig- Who waa chartered by a Mr« Hnkham’aaddrewilaLynn. Maaa •cope of the «tortn wai « ij mi lee wide Emery ‘-pre-f have arrive»! at a formai agreement to Inal* ami .ire prunounced by nt critica, worfca of art. Union«—New. 50(070« per «nek. Spaniard, and wm on the way tot loan All auffvring women arc Invited to and about 27 mile« long. Many farm­ Paat.l picture« are the <..rre|.| for IO ernia a package Atk your gnu rr be th» March and get a withdrawn from the outlying towns and patch from Admiral Camara, nni.ounc- *2 36; Meiu-an lim th* Vnnod Btatca aro grow­ |l.60«*.00. per box. .‘■•a *0fl>B0*0*ot 000* oo 01 ix t BBsaaeaaee—aeaaaaaaa A Beautiful Present Beautiful Pastel Pictures SEARCH Elastic Starch VX ALL GROCERS KEER ILASTFO STARCH. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE