SE. YOUNG&SON OF LOCAL INTEREST PURELY PERSONAL Of GENERI INTEREST Z SHEARED This spring Styles. E i) llyd», M B Turner On-gon. Byers'new tl'Nir mill »t PsMidfetan. Mrs. Ikald, of Salem was visiting t '- rn aud of Islands OÍ diMirvyesi by fire, cxl )A»i.(*W(. Itanisd'a. Attorney John Nummer». can t I m beat. Hlxtes-n re» I «tenet* bavabessn tailU A. <1. Prill, Physician and Srrg«m Albany, was In Neto Tuswslsy. ’ amara's «|uelros went to »ea, Mrs. T. N. Coffey, left Wednesday al Th* Ltalle« »Imv April I. Neveral Scio < irwgun. To Muff a la Magnate; T. K Coffey hM the largest and for Italia* for a few week* visit with , arn under way. H<* X«g»hU> sunn ceuwlImping back Rev. I. « I »river, of Eugems, will heel line id harnssw ever shown In her (xireats. With ail the ethers after work for ¡«incoin, Nclo. Merchant Frank GlM, was In the leave next j Nvtirssk*. tu deliver a letivs of The old echoui hooka used to tell Flic« am hero amt ao are the eoonly seat Haturdsy at last week, ' lectures*. u* that Oreg«» wnsderived fnwa the serene door to keep tneui out. I lair kxiklug after buaitM>«a uialters. The latest rejxwt from Nksgway Is word omgnna, I he bpasMab name at- Mrs. A. W. FiikUn and Miss md *|>ring hinge« complete, Addle Grace Gill left ye«turd«y for - dial Frank R«-I am hanvees, ituv be found al T. N Saturday, «baking hand* with hl»I M, E. Hearn ami Mi* Myrtle I that-It we* the doty ef a hushnod to numerous friends fa them |«rts. Coffey ’ s harueos shop. Blix for tbs Work *»rs Opeaod but UotMsrhi of Harrisburg warerwcently •’curb bls e»if<»ev tn nswd cf anything In thrlr weeks, returned home Saturday ul Nan Franctaco. ha» just been sent lu tbv Bead I-alter ns advertlod for were opened line would do well to call and see evening, Th«- < iregoti delegal Ion In < ongress. Gfltce; yestunlay aftem-am by the county ' them. G. W. Pblllpa. left Tuesday for Syivoater Brow n, a web fared »cm b commissioners, and were •• follow»: I The regular qusrttdy teachers H Belknap springs where he wilt »prml consisting of O*o W McBride and To whrnu this letter wants to go, J. It TlllotMin, »10,750; J. B. < ouglll, | amlnalhai will !«• held al the Alhnny a few da>-s in tbe hope e’ iinprving Wm It Ellis, hav* unanimously Itchopping turd wood fur-bla grub lecumamled l»r H F McCormack (or «IMM»i J- A. Md tw-ney, »Ig.TOn, college, Albany Or., commencing al bls health. In Silver City, luabn.” T. A. r.rixon, except electric wirlrg I o’chwk. p. m. Wednesday, August I Mia* MouLa IkanM will preside I»«*! master al Eugene. An eccentric character of Jeriey ilorMfler It will run pay toasalgn; »tft,H.Vi; T. A Erlx< n, without heat lo, Itl*. al the f-wtidnee dill very amt damp the oew law im « w «1 by csiogrvM City whose will was reonolly prutMt ing »I1.'X»>; B. F. 1 haycr. lU.IOn, A son of (ieo. Itogers, living cast wimlow during the »toiencv of Miss I throw» all aaaignmeau Into the cd directed in the document that ll->p>kii(s Brua, heating ap|>aratu» of .«s lo, fell from a tree Wednesday Gill, who I» at Nsalavlllo. Vnltod State* ceurt». Ntate law* on 1lou should be expended for bi* I »3u>»<; Hopkins Bru», pluming, heat- i morning and dlslomlesl his »lionkier Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Irvine, Mr«. aaalgnment ar* therefor* lno|>er* liurlal. C«n for » bemislone, $5o fi«r a itig, tilling, slating, no tallc -hlngle* 1 I»r. Prill wassumimmed andadjusOal M M. Peery, »ml Mis»«-« Annie and live. band, *A«> for • (-askel |IH for beer galvanized Iron comic, |.l.«l in the dislocation. ’ »III» Morris, left Wednesday for the aud *15 for totwveo and pipe« fur the building »1725. Rev. C. R I .»mar returned laat The bld» wen» taken under consld-; Ilarry Jotinstnn, who has been III blackberry (etch frra wi-ek'» rvcrca a-«*»k from a visit to Eastern < iregon. mourner», |P)(or carriages and >i fol for several werla |>a*t at the home lion. opening the grave. eration He ha» been offered tho pastorship Mr». 11 Ibhard, ot < lack mas c«ainty. »t the Itapli-t church«* at F<««Uar*d Most of the blddci* »nd a number of hl« parents near Ntaytnn. Is ao far C«urty XAppt&lnn* of |i*o|Mo Interested were pn-w-nt. recvvercsl as to !»e agaiu al his post uf was in this city last week visiting Mayville, and will probably accrj(t her nephiew R«»»s K. Hitrtrr. the same, The blds were all In exr<-«» ot ‘ the duly In tills city. Mr. »ml Mrs. I’hll Itawlsof I.Ilans Mm. I ai M sc llouud, »tale lecturer Nhe returned home Monday uf this cost estimated, »nd nu contract ' was 1 Constable "Roberts, of Hill»boro, lairg, arv visiting roalativca In i of the W. C. T, I*, will tx< In Nclo wes«k. uot let. I Im» a warrant for a man named Albany. Judge Barton state»! that he next Momlav evening, August I, Mr. and Mr». J. (’. Johnaon, for sod will da-liver ■ lecture at the returned to their borne in Salem Roberta, of shrrw«MMl. Mr E. I>. Cusick left Tuesday fol tlKMiglit tdds would be adverlaed__ with having '>eat*n I again In the fall, perhaps InOctotwr. church. All am cordially invited. Munday evening, after sevonl day»' assault took place un the street» of a week's tishlng al Geiseodurfer's ■l>rlng«. tor tho work to be 'lone within n with okltlme friend* ami Nclo was Just about deserted Nun- visit Nherwixvd. year and be thought it rouhl bi* j day last. A laig» number of our aetattves tn this city. Mrs. M Burroughs, of t'undleton, Tho Ijakevicw land office an- «lone for *9«l less than «.tfer.-d by w„(|| »nd taxhi Mr. and Mr*. N. M. Itanlel went ncunces that the land» cnil*racv>l in is In the city the guest of Assessor bidder» nou. ' v III«-, ’ w bile several Jome - I the • Elksi over to Monmouth the first of the the Fort Kl«math military reserva­ Nt*» rd. cxcursioo and «pi-nt the g real or |>art weak. They were accomponied by tion, the sale of which w*« postponed MI m Groves, ut Corvallis, has been czajbtuzz wars. Mrs. Itavls, of that place, who lias «■mo time ago, will be m 4«I on visiting Mies Or* Harkness during of the day by the M-aih-'rr. t»e<-n visiting here for some time ■ Svplembor 2®. the week. As result of the VanWInkle- past Jadg» Bonttt D»:.irsi R.a XUctad Mr. Charles Cusick, pharmacist at by O&e Voti. I'ralilree contrst II, B. Boyle ha» j Mrs. Warner, HceompanltMl by her ’ I»r . Ijindx*taon r«'eirvc«t order» this . . . At. iiam July'jM. -Judge Burnett neen ariwstnl for Illegal voting, amt iwo «laughter*, Carrie and Emma »’'•'k for seventy ton» of casenra tho slate Insane asylum, is-in the called court .« «»turday uftermsm at w .i. t »k«-.-i iwfort' )ustl — I’owell, of <*amr over from Altainy Monday to •«fk, tail cannot till the mum uli city a vacation iri Mis» Mae BoHocp has joined » I o'clock »ml t* receiving bark to fill a party bouud for Nuimt Hood, whore our city. 1 Mias ___ _______________ i conf reel for fifty tons—l adía non L A she expects to tffke her summer test for the county clerkship of I.inn Prof. Wilson has leased the W. Albany the saOM* evening. county. He derided that the vote» T. Izigan residence, ami moved his --------- Wednesday night of last weeks Mr« !>alcy, accomiHUiled by her of F*red Gross ami H. R. Boyle for household gixxls Watson ha. return«! lliercto. Ill« son, «««-d Hkretrafr. zvhMuy worthy nml two dauirh VanWinkle for the otllcc should mil family will arrive In a short time Tenn,, articular notice II contnim<«l from a vf«lt tn Memphis, , M !«»•» I Holley and Jerne, and Ml»av« bocountrd. This gave the election and will take up their permant Claude and Viv and ttieb brvther, eighteen care aud was l«a»d<^l down bringing with her bar stater, Misa to Crabtree by the original plurality residence among u«. Guy McKnight ^i-ft lids week for a with «almon froui tl.o i «sqterwlive M organ, of I nn«l the vote now «lands: < rab ria, assigned a-wigi__ __ to Warehouse st Astoria, Sunday. July 31, tho C A E. R. It. I lie r.«>x I mini! <1 |»>uitrv Oi<>w, of snort wtalKMi In the mountain«. tree i!H7, VanWinkle Hilft. i Liverpool. A »ampl ile- of what the will run an excursion train to tho For some unex|ilnlnrblo reason we north west can do. the Ntate I’oulry »««■»■liUon will tie front. Fare from Altainy to Idanha rifu« 5#r c»tt '‘¿reelin’, cn xmegu held in Alloiny from January 9to Ift, fnlled lo mention last week that JCImor Jordan, a Franklin bicyclist, and return >1 00. Train leaves l*WB. The iHnim-»« meo of Altwny Oscar llyde, of former SUoLoy, who / *_taH « 'drugstore, ANstny. have guarantee«! »280 to defray the ha* been at Jerome Arn/.ona. for tbe ■ let a bull on the road near Jefferson Aitsiny at 7 o'clock. -k. 0. V. W. Orini 0®s«rz. Fred Jack, of Brownsville, » hi of |M»t two years, was visiting relatives 1 a few day* ago. Tire bull would not expense» of the show. movoout of tho way, and Jordan Treasurer Jack, Is in the cllv to lain. Voting Is this week doings and many friend* in tills accUao. tried to get l>y tho tx-et ho could. ting Mr«. I»r. Prill, and Mias. Eva When it was all over, Jordon found visit his |>artmti< Itafore going with t In Myi-r» left here Monday on their hla hiqycl« ou a fence with the front Id» coui|>nuy, Batlory B. uf Salem, The wheels for Nodavilie, to apend a wheel doubled U|> like a wire basket. for Mnaila. The couifiany will pro­ alley’s w III be pul in first cla« shape, week at that favoritero«ort. While Jordan <■ «-ap«d with few scratches. bably leave next week. Tkmaii, l>. C. Ilirrln, ami aumc gixxl score» may tw looked then» they will go on to Findlev The repairing of the Magnolia The Bull wan uninjured. mills is progressing rapidly and It is fur. springs, come distam-e atxive .Stxla I B«-relit old, Corvallis, LnGrand’s »óou,i;f*> beobeugur fac­ probable the mills with their roller Those w tm wenl to Newport from villv. pal |>h Feeney, Portland. Mr«. Max Freiilenthal, ami little tory 1» rapidly nyariug compl«*ti..n. proven« will tn- ready for grinding Nclo on the Elk» excur.ioii Sunday Newton < lark, Potland.. : lle.a-lpts of luachim ry to dale have about tho ist of August. I’mlor Mr It I, Ihirham, Pol is nd. were, Mhe«-» \\ mni«' Munker«,Anna daughter, of Portland, are In Ncio beeo 1r three year», W II llihler. After a week»' vl»lt tier«' Over «KMJ cords '>f wood have been to do a g'HKi business. Me»M-rs Ja*. itarm-«, nn«l Samual , Portland. limy will. In company with Mrs. Ixiughl and |>iled up on the factory Monday the tint Laid of IWs wliwnt Treaviitativo (o auprvti.e lodge, I milder». They repot I a very pleasant iiibler, go lu lower Noda, for ati site. Over 15<> men are nt work on wan brought to tlm Red t rown tln the coast of Spain, I» admlr* not formally decided not Io retail Id. Mr. nnd Mr*. M. Gill, Mrs. May Recorder, Mr. Margaret Herrin, We wl»h to call our rea’lt-ra atten­ Gill, ami misses Annie Grace ami atUe. Tho Captain who brought They will be glad to »ell the lot to a Ashland. home our great battle ship in reeord ­ tion to the ndverllaemeiit of I. Itecelvcr, Mrs Minnie A Mason, Gottlieb, w tilt h ap|>ear» In another F.moglnc Gill, drove up to Nodavilie breaking time, and fought It so company for the purpose of building, at a reasonable figure, Tho locatlun Wednesday, amt w ill enjoy camp life Italics. su|H-rbiy in smaslilng • ’ervera’s fleet, column ot thl* (xi(H*r. Mr. (‘«her, Mr- Wild» Belknap, Prine Gottlelb kee|>» a large and well sele- for three or four weeks—with the I» the ta-st kind of man to take along is an excellent one and II 1.» to tie lio|>od arrangement» will bo made villa exccpiioti ot Mr. Gill, who n-turm.l on »uch an ex|M*( thia war? Our Medford. fine line of new gixxls. Ncio has no day. having tieen ctlled a» wltneeeea army nt Santiago I» actively ami without a guverment liceiue, by Chief of honor, Mrs M Armstrong, furniture store and out people have, In the Van Winkle Crabtree contest nilrr.eitly engaged in efforts toclothe, ia-ltig hnpuaed ufxm by a »potter iti the employ of the to go away (r«>m home to purvhHM cidx, but Judge Burnett, would not feed amt house I n . imm » refugees from evidently Pirut a Cornrr Crugxtc:« Albiar. ___________________ government, lias served hi» sen _____ _ do __ _ reopen the caae, hence their sevices »uch gixxls, and tliey cannot belter ttie enemy’s lines; in trying to lence ot .'*> days and returned to hln J.> per cent on on family Nyrlngis. than to trade with Mr. (iottlelli, In n,d required. capture 20,’ mmi of the armed enemy homo In Halsey. As far a» the w-n- Altainy. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson drove to clothe, feed and house them; and teuce wns concerned he had Just a* Ranhweit BxUroaA». T. W. to Jeff Jefferson Hunday ovenlng evening at home w e are providing such com \V. Elgle. of Allmny, Alloiny, deputy, deputy “'*/ «p ’/son Numlay The Oregonian Monday givi»» a head couioul of the W. of A. was In l*'" I’"1'* relative» in that aectlon a forts a» they never enjoyed before wi ll have remained nt home, as he ill 'ta?"here ’*•■ returning Monday. They were In their Ilves for t,*»!naval prisoners, had the freedom of the city, nml lie w will be here ** visit, map of Ilio lim-s of It,«, projamal new ( TusMday. II» railroad* in the Northwest, Invimi Monday evening and complete the accompanied by A. J’« parent», Mr. while titling out a Miuadmn to cap­ simple reported to the sheriff two or three Umma day. lie liad moan Itig that of the Corvallis A organlkiilliHi of a cnmpof that order aud Mrs. J. C. Johnson, wtm were ture a* ninny more. Realty, it is a here at tho Revere h-iuse. and nays: in this city. Tbe new camp will start returning to their home In .Salem. war for the amelioration uf the con I •'The most rxtun»ive rallrtNHl In with something over twenty Ml.« Annie Me»)*elt, wlmhas been ditlon uf Mpaln’a fighting forces. project tor tl>e N < Irvgoii frmernal older., ,.mt i, state(for some t Imo. The tadv held j M deck of 1M ItieNydm-y en roulelo Manila. were completed, even tn the placing fast forging it. way to tho frmit '»•rvlce« al theOaaview school lmu»e| |n „„,y (M, ,CBI1 th„ of a luortgiigv for gl2,000,’W on the tank* among the secret orders In Nundny I. familiar ... Sunday l»«t. l»»t. countenance of .... Johnnie prvaent mileage to recure fumi» for thia county. _ R. li. p. F. Irvine and daughter, LZ._ Ml»» Jone«, tho court joder of Co. law ' am»ftfw»Ikan takr Karl*« ( lever R »H the extension, when the Spanish Nome lime ago C. V. John»«>n, Edna, bro. W. Irvine, nnd Walter r who ___ - __________ _ — laying more ________ attention to the Tw», tlw irmi Rk**l Knritter. » nt«** I1r*4< war Interfered. It 1» not likely that pun based a ilweltlng house (L Krady, of Corvallis, came over camera than to the sermon. Ho and aa iur. Si«r*t»tnMar«wk, Kruptlrm» on thr F mmb . Ha construction will 1« long deferred. w ’ Inch sto<«i in iin- (.ul nig« of .......... _ on blcy-le», .«ml ('lispliiin Gllbort are tin- uol) oom •nd »laaKrw» U m I mw I « tear a* a I m ML MMd •>> town Bntuedaj , evening Thu inaili line will prohatfty be and moved II to a vacant lot near the *<’*lt«d friend* In thia city. Mr. w ho cmii la« lM*,t>efore the t>raiM-hra to Ihrrl fence and sidewalk around the place ’ Corvallia, ------ ami was at one time a • ••»’ X» • • h•«*’• M ’UIII! J I ( .'lUi/ Gill IB The Adtlo'i country Mo.) I court» land, Eugene nnd l-akeview engage C erected a new barn nnd woodhuu»«-, resident of Nclo. il»* im « N mrgr imvf i < hii wrestling with a imcultar g C. BHoWNE, M. 1». attention. Thisayatcm w ill open up »ml made sundry improvement» on clrvle of friends here. lawsuit in whi h ruts cut the priu a vast rvgin of territory uf uuloid the hou»e and grouml». nml w ltli the * IO, OllMrllN. W. II, Thorp, of Caldwell Idaho, cipal figure. A farmer naun-d industrial |x>»*ibiliilva. addition of a new root and a cnit o< was In I tie city a few days this week Nturgpon hlr<-d one Walker to kill (Mint he will have nlxiut a* nice a 1 visltlnguld ac<|ua in lance» and friend« ttie nnletil» on til» placo, agreeing to Graduate Eclectic Medicai lustitute, 3urut Hotaa, (•lace na can be found In tbe city. Mr. Thorp spent his lioyhood days (siv I cent apiece for the tails of IJttto CliM'inati, Ohio. Althougli Mr. Johnaon enjoy* the ' In Hrlo, »ml although he finds many <f Mr*. M C. next u2 week». tails on him a» tails of young rats, Im« enrolled til- name on the muster- Gill, in thia city in honor of Mrs. Mcnry sared en fiai:y Byriagti it rim hired man «-cured a favorutiie roll of twtlcry B. no* urganlxlng at < lam. Ilslramier, of Gotdendalc, Itawson's drugstore Albany. Wssb.who was v|»tt!ng fri«r.;|« here, vardl. t lii the lower courts, lait — vh *> i - u < t~roR_ •et -iturgon will continue hl» legal tight i he gathering wa* decidedly an old The new »tore building now being F a TX. lo e«a(n- paying, ladle»' nfhir,fourteen old ladies living erected on I bird atreví by 11. Shaving, 15 anta A delightful Fair as the «ummer axuru Borchert will ta> a dnsirwble one in .in attendance. Haircatling. time was bad and ■ magr.Ificle*!! tu-T«»-(«¿ir r«r Fifty < •>«»•» A timid violet blew many respecta, It la X6XÖH feet In Shampooing «.uautBMd ls*a»cru nalsil < wrw •»•••• weak CI om - to the fort's e«11 brasure dimen dons and will he wall finl»he>t dinner was served, and in th* even u*<) »iruf* !>H ax 3 pun id» «1 AiitinafffiM» Ing Hr. Prill, wa« invited to take a Bathe. i Il I» not settled yet who will occupy O'er which the hot sballi flew photograph of lho»e prvaenl, which < »«»«••» K»*»i I rw for ('«m«tifmlkm II» it. 'Neath (aitile smoke and thunder he did with a K«xlak. amt secured an the »tail II »n«r tialng it y«Mi «ton't my «**. II. E. Nmlth has secured an ap- excellant picture, and one that will The fort was quickly stilled, fvittrfl th«- |a»< iuaf* »nd pmr ivhhi ry Its huge wall blown as'umler, polntment a» deputy limiter ari loan be highly prized by those present, a« ■ m »M by- Ferry »»•«! Ftwry. Work guaranteed strictly firat-ctaae from the supreme aaaemNv of 'll* not hardly protmble that the Its brave defender» killed. I’ntled Artisan. nt Portland nnd la same ladie« will »11 meet aglan. Nàtili on Ihn fortresa battered, now devoting hla time to that order Tliisic present wore Mcadames,Clara Whose hens- lay entombed Mr. Nmlth will make an energetic me>l. Morri*, Mr». Carllna. Nhelton, Ml*. IL K. Munklttrlck In Culler's lardali.» in Shoe». Allee. Ihald, Mt*. Jennie Mi Knight, Weely. Mr». Lltihie Italey, Mm Marlhla Miaaea* Oxford •h's», per pair, Me. Houston, Mrs. Alex. Montgomery, ALBANY, OBE. Attention, Firsten. Lndle»' •• •• Tocandll Mt*. I.eah, Mt* Itartiria Munker», Mime«, Kid button shorn, 7Sc. Johnson A Phillipa bava ju«t coni Mm Gleen Mclionold and Mrs. I .»die»' •• •• “ II. (deled arrangement 1 with one of the « rlsty. All our Indies' ami miaaea* tail ton larged grain houses on the Pacific nlmes at reduced prices. comi , located al Man Franclaco, to Imfcst novelties In women's »nd Free fiorar at Lut handle oat» direct for them, and will vhlldren*» vesting top Ince »hoes at ’bus t>e able to handle all the oat» In lowtwt price». We are giving »way, Alatot i t II.Y thia section. and pay therefor the A few new suit» for lioth men and FRKK, »olid silverware to rash ru< verv highest market prie». No tiring Isiysjust receive«I direct from e»»t- t.miers. Mee Sample !o matter what the nutter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. A Mrv Mr1« *•«**!*’*• •« ’n< etwee I •* SaLtp, 0< jh . New and Semini Hand Furaiiture, Stoves, Ranges, etc I offer big biii'gains in all lines of household goods. Call and see me ■