I Bank of Scio* \ *1 r wv '.2» -A» 4 • 1KM: 2* * X - > «y * ór S4 « » t. • obtained Turkey* territory I and |3>,'«»»,<»•» from t ir,-rev In 1*97.“ FU IILlaliKi» KVF.RT FRIDA t AT h< lo. CAPITAL, $20000 The Pl.lladi'lptil i ll«n>r om a general tanking and ex­ change husinr-a«. Lains made al « tirreni rales, aud drafts Matted on principle eitle«. -ay ataiut our here fsmou« l«attl»-»hlp, Has Philadelphia." the Record ever tirara of thr “Oregon$*' •'That w«« a gr.*»l »lory of Or««gon; In ara built light PhlUdvIphl« make» g«««l -hip«, that the "Oregon’»" part In the Santiago I» true, "but there are others." flglit, l>ubll*«bee to the Onarlv«, it wouhl bo a trlpof | fair to say that bail «he la-cn »lour, ••». .SCIO ...... Ill Ii. • • • ni 11 no. l.nai They woul«l 1 ba L w. ri < iiAitb.Mi.x the tight woul«i h ivr been won Ju«t Vuluatd«« group for us Id retain as a «vailitig «dation, ns well •« for- com- — FKOl'KIKTOg — the >arne, had the Spanish fl«*el kept invrvlnl together. an«l hnd all the ships run furllflctl anil Hiero in a alrotig f«ge»> on the name track a« they dl«i on the She -link one torp»»lo !>oat Il would tml Iw of Mililiers there. an «-»«y task lu r«-«hice th«« fori«; but wlthl«« single »hell: »he drove the once dong we woul«l tuve a bu» ■ 700 À CIIOlCB IJXK OF 3nl ln»L I flr-t -hit»« ajs the lowest I «s though every r sir «»flier deep- magnificent unglneo. $.13 75. Multnomah ryrnnty pays the highest and hiught ns she run tut though ap«-« d under the motion of a charge, EAST and SOI Til of education Oregon shows 1 that the average monthly wages of heavy work, »ho ran away from the Nep«»l0o»dl>ility. Cruel fate or ar* equally hard-hearted re. i>ubll«-an adiuliurtratlon may |>o«|M>nc that event until after the November elections.—< iregonlan. A tnlto is .’>2-" feet; a knot U6O88.7 feet; the hitter measurement comes from the knots on ttiu vessel’s log that ns line, which Is so arranged the knots run off from the reel each Ü4k»cbatr* <«*«» «r| «-»• A M |demon»tr»led one tiling, and that 1« t.v I ».<« *. M. Lv »•«« R M. that a large number of the voter» of r m ‘ to bs put up and pl«« r«l In clmrgc of H M someone w ho thoroughly understood T toi A W. ; the mix)«« of voting, and voters »,«rc « L« l.v Lehanutt liruuth ■ given a chanco to practice on »ample I- ».». : l.v ta. A **» ! Ar w r.M. 11.» 1 A» «. '» i Ix’!•*. . . J-X 4 A1 Iran y • F j . L» 1 .' V J T »A ft «*» m liuol A.* I tmllot». The result of the A M» j showed Hut! A large number iif In- r.w, p.m i teligent men were unable to properly WaMMSbwrm *f»» í«* l«l 1 tally « »o *l *»tn I t I i Lv l.v * 3$ ». m» i j Ar mark tl.elr Ixillot*. They hnd their i own Idea of the matter, and did not WttutAtaira Ar hMp.i Wraf to b» ’.V ItolA a.l >ajr»»r»... *|.» | «w>'».i Dining Cars rt equaled liy no country weekly in tin« alate, amljnst how it can better Its prrovnt enndltKa m a bu!«r„way—by »u, !i i change— we »re unable loser. Its puMi-hvr 1« a democrat of the old si tiiail, ind we are nt n loss tn m*e how any one can give up the man­ agement of the principal page of hl« pi,a*r to one of directly oppoelte slews on thr leading question of the die. Better atay where you are brother B. If the # I nltvd Ktates Olympia al Manila gave u* give u* and the i fregvn al Santiago. Even "empire," apparenl'y, lions, muy have Its mitiga* « who atul by Its frarleos policy ha. lailll M t •• • f ftoffrar, r >urwtot -f U»» Art**. fft •• M - * f . trfgam*. t I Wew •• * Oregon free of charge. the to th.papers Inter«*«!. 10 eratt • the the otlh-iiil Lillota remaining management will prove disaster)« us 0«’» remember ple.i-e t'allfornla, and California ihit tills \ 0«« Dollar a Year will <«thi ini» I «I lot». In Sodaville precinct i one «hould lw allowed Formerly NEW OCCASIONS. Producer« that their exhibits will be taken to IHihtical campngn. |*«>» Han«) ta j » n» ilhr' ar I» X» a tr i V 11 Ita a h - W p m 1 ar . M« MlnvIHa The Medford Mail publl«he<| III ta p m ! *r H tl Mill Ht ' ln-lr|*Ti4r»?ra‘ .lark-on county** leading city an- IHrffw i crwmfxiIon «f taeTmnetam wltl» ato* • ti’lenta i «nppr«t kvn imtrffMHl* ikitt'l» »<» » i»t< fn imlnfu and 1Ü*» and that the nil torn I page would be n»|a» Atar» JafiHh, | hh«a «n«l %tt** tralla.can ha <4Hai»*«M| (W mu Mra. U. K. devoted to flu* Interest of tf.e re­ mal»«re, th'lkct arfrni., *• io. K. KoMNLtn. Manacrr. publican party. The writer, who Is i‘ II W ammiam . Aoa.u F «t »**•• A^eul, l>*r» well ac«|Uiiite check invaluable to his party k I m tel When Admiral Camara offered hi- i teligent boaid was »uppuaed to have At Allienr «'«'I ‘o' « s)Os «»«»invi « III, mins »( ihs <> < X K rslh.wil. Kiprs*»tratn •tail, nurvqrt Mudai . feefera that the ship is going per hour. . I'he county cx'urtsonleri- l the l>oot‘i« •»mil, Lv.. .. l’f»f « San 4 LV ms Al'atij . StiMur-I.itr U %r knots took up the entire limo of the circuit court al Allmny !s«t w«-,-k, Im- plain!/ Thr »bove in»**»» •**T •* «•*»•*•*»» lln - ri'Untv .ire In I «-«I of edm it. n Kitt fend «nd R»»'♦»». T . ■ A It iv Allumo. Tn».gw *»»« • . iti - ?, .«» to th«- io ii.i.rr - J I i arriata» n* Jur-MUm < ux I <«M» year« ego voting «ctioola were held ■ ihdstfmfo MfMMUmr« jih oevrmi gountlM In title alate. M'«' K -» i Ir-xs F. M «k M wo ||e j, •latixl for t ho capture of Havana, but half mlnute shows the rut»» in « a were to demand Indemnity of B|»in In the • ■* Tur« to M iffrturtNt **-l proportion that victorious I «tVBBffY • • M*>«rO> Ito»». >• ♦•■»•»*>•*«. same Wr»4kff<*ry Mw#««rro *«»J rMo*e*l **ff Ft ble«« i'wltwrw European nations do, it would about B •/ fcrdlflwM/ «tWftrff •*!»• »»•fWtrrfr If* fM*g«* err* cot>n-e»te old Kpnln herself. An prx.r F Irto rd T mp Eiai'ern paper h is looked up some toeatM Till*«** •V. M ft»* MM * « to*wu of the indemnities exacted In recent or»' It.«-»«'— * ai'“»» years, as follows: “As to war In UWMFff* A tifflto prtkkM* It et IJ»»r*H»re demnllles; Rus.la demanded *725, r M Hfft. (Mtn.ms)of Turkey In l»7*. bwlnccepted bfrir C, * BACNlb-- omue territory and $225.**«•,<«»• («till T*« bMt «,,»«». » ■««,«« tvstnisv unjatld)| I’ru-sia gained territory van, m te IM w wit.i, a riNg““* and *3 o ,<< mmvxi from Austria In liW; Germany tia>k territory and $l.i«»t,* ■» Ms«*«« mv - m . a»e r» en ml,(«XI from France In isll*. Japan nq sv«*,ir»d »175.O1«',WI from Chins Ths P»s;la « rrogrcxi. l/iverw of gou«l mualc,- uni I hey uro plenllfut everywhero—will tn» gl»«l lo k now that I he cum I ng < irvgon Imlusirlid Expo-lllon 1« going to trout the |>e«>p|e to the best music that cun In. procuri-il. Tlio con>- niiitre li-t«i entCHgeil Bennett*» Military B uk I for tl««« full term of the exposition, anil tiiat i- an inaMir ati«*v that tli«« inuvic will bo of the besi.—not only c I u « m I ch I but almi nlaiumllng In <>l«l limo luel«Mllos ■ (><1 evcry-iliy tunes that everybmly un* ■lerwtan«l and sppna-iate«. Superintendent lUker, of the Ori-g-ui Indudrlal Exposition, hn« < iii iw how thing« are done ttiere, and i*.'«l*iiri*«l iil«*«t» <«n modern fur», which lie will IntriMluceand Improve i,. a «hr!—. •■'.*.—ry :. .. ..;.u u-.-ful foalure of fair» will bo- in- - ­ t.hiu rd a: :ac comic.« ùregun F Ex position, and the «urmundliigs will la* an |d«*«int ami agreeable that all will be glid they collie,—and people will come from all parts of the north we-t, and full description» of the thing« they exhibit will go to all parts <>f the ciiuntry and many parts nt the world, and the result will lie a lirge Inditi of new people to the northwest and a cmrvsporiditig lnc’«*»«e of wealth, and everybody w ill be benefited. In the great exposition building, or rathet group of l»ulldings, an* to la> gathered the pnslui t« of the field, fon*»t, orchard, mine aud factory, and the f<«»l harvest from the sea, and combine-1 with their exhibition f»e music dowers, floe artsand ainu -e- ments. comt>lne'| for FOK HER SAKE. Il wanted leus than an hour to high water when Misa Marty loar heard her brother's take ground on the narrow l«e*sh below ibe garlen, and set the knires aud glaaw-» »trsigbt while she listened for the « II« k of the gsnh n laich. A line of stunted hazels ran along the foot of the garlen and hid thr pszall»l«or gnolee stuff. h»r »)»» rented all the whi>* upon lb» line of grni wa­ ter above sod btynud hi» rrspectablr l>n«-<*e«iiiig “A terrible sound a sort of low bvralhlu', but Iterve. an* wma thing sone, a suck-suckin' of the mud h»km. an* 1 rsa dost a Isuppuw. InbU anger, be took uo care bow be walked rouml tbe |«iiut I for be al'ays uxwiresi his boat round the point out o'sight), an' went wide an* «.*■ taken There be was. abose his knees In II. and far out. It aeemesi to me, In the light of the ’oung in««xi For all his AgbUn*. be i eard me. and whUpervd out o' th«* dark: **'Little girt, it’s got me liuah' don't shout, or they'll catch you.* “ •Can't you get out V I w biapervd back ** 'No.' «ay» be I'm afraid I can't un­ less vou run up to the Unbai an' fetch a n*|ie ' “Il was no more I stayed ’« hear, but tan up bot-foot to the Im hay aud ba« k Inside the minute, with the wagon rope. ** 'Hold the end,' be panted. *an«l throw with all your «trvngth' •• ‘ I threw, but the rope fell simrt. 1 «ice ««gain I threw, but tuisard each time l,i a yanl or more He wouhln't let me near the mud "Then I fell to runnin' to and fro on the nig, of the Hrm ground, an'sol« hat- • C" Nor. vb’U ite »Sirred tio kitchru bin' lartsnN-n my teeth Iwi-auiw I coul«l hitHvai Uu» b»Otpob • peg tn the wall «lerise nothin And all the while be - wheroTts bnni Her «irately 8tte«l aaort w as flgbtin* har«l of dull halo in Uir whitewash «lid be “ 'I'll run an' call father an' Job.' appear to want any wrlcotnr frout her says I. Hr was a long yawed man of W, »hr n "'flu«!'ee n«w' Hr you « raxed'' Do long jawed wuoiau of 61; anil they you waottolet 'em know all?- Ubilrrotuo«l «-«mb other* ways, baviug “ 'But it'll kill you. dear, won't ItF kept th!« «mall and deooiate farm to­ ** 'Likely it w ill,' said hr Then, after gether for X> years—that is, »Ince their awhile of battlin', he whispers again' fathrr'a death 'Little girl. 1 don't want to die I lea th A cold tunip |«aaty »Uxxl on the table, is a cold cud Hut I reckon you shall with the rider jug that Job Ixsir •are rue an' your name a» well Take regularly emptied at »upper Tb»»e the rope, coll it as you run and hang It »ugirrstMl no small-talk, and the pair lark on thr Imiiay, quick! Then run sat doe J “ ' in «ilence you to thr heuhouae an' bring roe all It vm only while ' - • out hi* the eggs you can find Be qiwk and as plate for a *e«'ond bel pi ng of tu, , jjo ■••“«Hon», for It'a little longer I can that Job »poke wUth a full mouth hold i,p «u mi waist.'lie an»« "Who d'ee reckon I ran acro»a to-day, "I didn't know what he fjeant, but down In Troy?'* Ml»* Marty cut the ran for my life to the linhay »n«l bu-,)g slice without troubling to say that «be >ip the rope, ar.* then to the henhouse had not a notion 1 could tel, pretty well where to Unit a doxrn egg« or more In the dark, an' in "Why. that fellow Amoa Trudgron,' thrv«- minutes I'd groped aliout an' he went on. gathered 'etn in the lap o' my drew» '•Yee*' " Tear* to me you inuat l»e failin' if Then back I rati I could juat spy 'rn— a dark apot out there in the tnud. you disrenirtuliar» 'en. son of old Sal “ 'llow mam T he axed, bis voice like Trudgron. that used to keep the jumble- a rook'» shop *eraaa the water; him that «toile •' 'A dozen, or near ' our «-gg« back-aJoug. when father woe "To«n 'em hero. Don't come toonigli j "I remember." * an* shy careful, mi ' s I «-an catch.' "I atepped down pretty nigh to the "I thought you mutt. Why, you gave brim o' the mud an' tOaae,) ’em out to »»iden«*r, to be *ur>- Be ) of somehow wake the house an' any you heard a man ••That's right.' hr rails, hoar««- an«I holh-riu' out ili.wa ';«>u tin-mud." "I m , 1 wm .'! « low; 'they'll think >-gir-»lval>n' nateral to «i low family like ourn. Now back to "An' »aved hi* life, though you did get *en two moclha in Bodm i • «»I by yonr room untlreaa—an' cry out, nay it. t'p to ttie anflpiu» hr w»«, an' i >t in' there's a inali «boulin* for heipdow r. 'pon thr mudl and, dear. I*r quick! five min««t«*» to live w hen we haule.l 'rn When you wair your candle twice at out, ah' wonderin' what, he could lie «loin' there, found he'd l«rr«i traling the w indow I'll about like a t rojan ' “An' I dhl It, Jot», for the cruelty in ««Ur «-gg* 11.« inquired after you ■lay.*' a fearful woman | « ■ « l>nowlrdgr Mi' sou rescued 'rn, an' hr went to ga «l ''Did he?" For hr Mild 'tuns the only /ay. At.' ■I m H ow '« Martv?* «nya h« his root tier took it a* quite rriw-onal.le ' Agro' rapully,' say a I. The nrrv« that her hualmnd's »>n should take to • hat some folk» have! Come« upto nie the imd 'tana the way of all them no cool »a my lord and hold« out a liau.l, lle'vr «grown into a sort of commercial; I Trudgrons Father to »on. thry wiuiot no account. Kgg-«tealin' was ju»t the •totruu-h like a I miw -winilow, with a little hole-an' i-orner wickedness tliat’d l«at<-hguarut too f i-t lo |>«it faith in " "Elae you'd ha' wrttrd it wt' the blood "I mean, did he a»k any more about i o' my back. Job. But thr rope's tieen me?" fmye«l to powtler this many year. An' "las; wanted to know If yo«i waw marrird. I rr< k<>n he meant that for j you needn't look at me like that. I'm a bit o’ pleasntne«».'' past no. an' I'se «lone my share of re- l»rntin’. He didn't say If hr was mar "Not that! Ah. not that!“ rl«‘«l, did he!*" From 'The Delectable Job lai«l »town knife and fork with Duchy.** Ibrir points resting on the rim of hi* plate, and. with a lump of |ai»tv I hi one Ill It AL*'. X Ì . <•••«(• F fsiw » my prnMMil i heck, lookrd at his alatar fib ic h;;-! liuti« gained in utMrtvrvbt* tita « ftrwd tH pu«hr«l i.a«-k her «-hair a bit, anil her your < utv In *-*«•«• uf Mvanc* <.’!$ U«* i I mi wr laara "N«vt that’" ah» repeated once more, hrsMighi to tu y atl rut lUM- It l**a «rrtatuly and har«lly above a whisper, She dhl « mwvh I iiutiiy from ConattUtpflOfll. mH l»y not lift her eyeo. Before Job could ffchkl A PttKRf. speak — "He waa my tarer," she Mid. and ilcftnty I» »li«»«»d Oran bltMMi mravK » clr*.n No shivered. taauly » ilht’ul il. ( dMairî*, ( ldilU-»r "Mar—ty—" tie tiran >«*ur l>hx»d »tnl k«*r|> it ilrah. by She Icwiked Up bow , hardenrU her •timng up the i*uy liver du»tag all trn ip lk, twitching tare, fr>re^*| her rym fo |»uritm» tram the U k I a . Urani today to fMtnivh pimple«, btiilff, !»♦*»<< hr*, I»!«' khrati*. Inert h«*r brother*»» .md went on. breath- and that *»< Kly Lilioua «»mpleMton by takin»* !m!y CaiMitrvtx». braQty for ten «ent* AH drug "1 iwrir to you. here, arruffi giata, aatifffgi-Uun guaranteed, ilkr. 25c, M>c thr table he «a* my Inter, I ruinr<| *rn. Hr wu thr only man. 'ref»t To In' < s » m «U| h UI«» w »or*»*r. Tak« <*»•“*»'« < /(RsthÄftir l«t< or TW you ann A* the Izord IhrtU. I *t4M«i up in the bo* aud tworvaway bi* g.I.s.t.Vonr sluwsls Wl,h Cssr.r.ls. Can.if I'aOtnrilr. rnrn rnnsOMli*1» tvrvver nntue to sa*r ruine An* he made me.” I* *- ftC O C f,'i,'lrwoue o’ tne But we uaetl to m«*et in the urehanl most every night. Don't loo’c ■o, brother I'm j*ast Ao, an* noUilu' known, an* now evil an'good’s the same to me.” •Nloon '* “Wall, the last night he came over 'twaa spring tide«, an* post the flood. I was waitin' for 'en in the orchard, dow n in the corner by the Adam«' pearmam. We couhi KSV the whi’e frout o' the house from there, nnd ua in the dark »hadow. an«I there waa the gap hamly. that Am««a could snip through at a pinch—you frn«*e«t It «ip yourwl* the «cry summer that father died in the fall. That night Am«» waa late on' the dew heavy, and no doubt I loot my temper waitin' out there In the long gms«. 11» had words, I know, an' I reckon the tide rvn fur out while we quarreled. Anyway h* left mr In wrath, an* I stood there un« Irr thr ap­ pie tree, longin for en to come back an' make friendi again But thr time went on, an' I di.ln't hear hit foot- step« - n<>. nor hl» oar* pullin' away- though hearkrnin* with all my rars. “Ah' then I beard a terrible sound. Miao Marty pause«! and drew the back of her b««n«! . r-* h-«r dry Bps befc %mráij'jT7-i J m I <0^1 w J J t L J J * w ■ j ■ HL a ■ h M * ■ r* ■ 3 3 3 3 £______________ X WALL PAPERO- W<> run intcrcat von, if you are looking for bargain* in Wall I’aper, with a variety of piittenin. 3 £ Newest Designs and £ £ Latest Color Effects.... PETRY & PETRY |||H Pili •d p », OR I 1,1 i\ I l|k’|t’,«. 3 3 3 3 3 3 gimuiiiiililiimmiliiidilliliiiiii^ 75°x <0 r. J. IRVINE PROPR My rigs are th st-class and my horses are good drivers. Pilli ill ’m« 3! West Scio, an' Ionin Train at Mun. Hsci iuu».. ■rj r_>skl Hardware, Stoves and Tinware... t \\\* have a large and well selected stock of general hardware, ami invite you to call and inspect the same.... M. C. Gill and Son... <1 HARRY S. JOHNSTON e» CO. > —— I'HoPIll KTUHn------- All kinds of mill work on short notice » All kinds of Lumber, Stinh, Doors, Mouldings, Sliiit* glen, I’aiiit- and <>ih always on liiiti ZN » t UIV 4 TUA of ■ 1 OOFVWFCMTB A4 u Anvraff Mfwtira * *r»t li w ifi«»»» **<» q« . Cty t«if< frw», wtoitor« »D Ir,ver t * r*n»*««i lF !•*<•«!l* lu Aiuwura ltd to’» a • **«*«■ |**ieti(g («tai |tl. zM«|» MkbU A lu KKtora •V*- jü twff !>*» ih «M SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Inni»»*« etrraixt ► ***k r •/rail YOlb*. apez-iHH** r*»to--« ***t ÜABB I’A tfwtw ua-tit fr**, A«Mr*a« MUNN A CO., i A* nv , New Yerlu Q000 SALARI CD ! urn .eosuifinw i« uhcu asa * imiH m enhio ilw raavS at ail : w»i, »nd nani» N«w I» Ih» <«•» <» prvpar« !'»'"* «"d X»« <•'«- lias Fall mtwwaim ««lausa ta ««>»*,, <»,-'’ t—«..«• »«d «» ^»i»,n tee^, inlM-l*. _______ pM», wags «aS 4 mm •< • • »aau . * ». »«v»n «-TO» « tkVMiL zmL ( x * t :: i bint it ri i«ft The Weekly Oregonian, Per year San Francieco Examiner, Hoards Dairyman, »» Orange Judd Farmer, Thrice-a-week World, D H » If $2 00 2 20 175 ! 180 ' 2 00: 175