The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, April 01, 1898, Image 2

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    The Sanîiani News
*••«*•« Th«ti<e« t'ffg** I mm «>»«4 lai* (• >
I m < «*•■
Win Iwtwrvew«»
< whaw W ar
««•*• «h»
' V
l.l»«at«Manl <
w ub i< fw* w ••biwatww
(>r»g<*n « .imu»i*»ioM <«b« O«r Meral a«*l
V ia*»i»«l4*4 «Mppwrt.
Washington, Mar. h 33. —The feeling
W «»bin,i<>n. Marrh Iff.—A ath«
Eev U ”M. March 34..— Th* Culte*! T > th« L»»yal Men aml Wumen of Ore­
was universa! in officiai circi ce trslay
of it.quiry into the loes of
The Spanish Piotil a Starts
*•! wm presented in the «a-nste tolay thal thè cu Ioni ttalmn »»f th* Hp«nish
the Maine at last fimsl-ed It* I «bur tati*
Th* Oregon eonim»»*lon. aonsisting
With th* rw
during the dwltvery by Thur*t»»n of crisi* was t»ear at hand.
Great Damage.
work of investigation of the «Insister of tli* followmg meniter*
for the West.
W, S.
Nebraska, of a *prw b on the Cuban port «*f thè Marne court ut inquiry only
ami »ubcnitted its rrjort tn Ksu A-l- Masut», J
E Hasdime. Henry E
• abject.
Not since the inauguration of s luti« ubile off. with th* W hit*
mirai Hi es rd.
II© |*iiiitet «»ut som* ai­ Dörch, J F. Itatciielder sn<1 R D- In*
President M« Kinley bsv* *o many poo- iloiuw the center of long •nd earnest WHOLE TOWls AHI’. FIJMlHKlf ter at ions
oli* winch
he <xm»id*»ed neeww- man. of f\»rtlar»«!; CL
B©» kman, uf THEIR FLEET MO hr s i cited
pl* Iwea on tii* »*nal* *1*1* of the »spi­ cunfrrenc«** between th© pr«-*»d*iit an I
■ary. gnd
the report was taken to Wa«h- Jack»««©v»Ur, J A tl right, of Sparta;
te! a* were there today. The galten«** party leader* of cvmgre«« am! with ex­
tngtont o!sy by Lieutenant-Commander J. (4. D av . of Ol Iwla. Fhillip Mdchan
!M««r»allug < •» 11 •>«* « !<••• ««f < urr»n| K«rnl*
w*r* pa> k«*l with |t*q I«, many of ceptions! autivity t«>war!» emergency
Manx, judge
lg© adVuCMt*
advocate «»f the
(he «Miri
and E P M«*<o hack, ©f r*al*m; II H.
l>«M«agw I «a
W III 4l»»Whl la
whom bod arrive»! al th« capitol as preparations in the war ami navy de-
l<«*f»»r* h aving Key West.i <i »mm an-1er Miller an»! O. J.
I m « <m«lvM»*d lurrn from
uf thatUs*
Oser Half • W Hite* (»«altar*
early as W 30. in or»ier to olitala ««ata.
Manx said ©»»thing > *»<ild te g ven out Fass; H F Alley, <»f Baker City, J
Il ««I h < uni 11»<*Ata.
T»n>^r«lur« I allleg
A jar of r«»*rM bad teen place»! on evMwtwe that definite rrs'ilt* regard)» g
stami tte work of th* «x«urt ol f inquiry (>. Hanltawn, of Astoria. E. J. Frasier.
An explosion occurred al th* Man >•
or II* finding«.
Personally, the o»m- of Eugene; W K Hunt, of Granite, and
Tbnr*t»*n'* de«k. but he »J*»k* from th* Main© li»a«ter and th* <’aten qu<-e-
<'ln»’iDUati, Mar h
1 4. — At
Washington. March 36.—T»«lay W as
wan unsi min* n*ar Mon«»ngAh©la City, that of Hawley, in ihe *« ■ ter part of tion in general wet© *to»o< to be
mander said be was inlen*©! v
’ r»*I lev©»I (i N
o’clock tonight the <lte><> r ivwr at
Denny, of < «»rvellt«, appointed on* of unriamphsl activity in ail offi­
Pa. Two men are kn«*wn t«» l»*v© been the chamber
Itis first wl I ohv . in r*scbe«!
st »"«■in plat i ng his later*.
clnnali registered 6! fwt
A-hi*'»* »a n»***arlv that
by ttovemor I »rd, organised on th© Dth cial quarter«
Fiv* were injured, ami from which he spoke of the command <»f *i-
There has te*n no change in the rising an in* h an hour,
day of M.«rch, , with W. H Mason a* th* Spanish torpedo flotilla ha-f sailed
IA to 33 *r* said to !•* *nt«»mtel in the !ent Ups—*» dciirate and touching rwf- plan of eending the M-on© r©|<wl to
r;«« of si* tth be» in fcuir h
Cadets llnisnwin ami |l«*yd
from the <‘anar I»*« f» r l\»rto Rico ami
president, J. E 11 a»©! tin© a» vir*pr©si
•renew U* th« !«>*• ««? ins wife «»n hie rungrew* early n©xt w«*©k »©*>«m|'ani«r*| 6 ami 10 o'»-'lurk Tin* *ky is ovema*t,
A*«i»tant Lhginner Bowers,
dent, 1’hHhp Metechan a* treasurer, from thi* moment the m>*«i m< rgvtic
It is but not threatening, an-I the mercury Englwaer Morris «
An explosion to»»a pia©* at Han mecnurable (rip to <-ul*a—eoinmandcd by a m«««.kg< f?«»m th© president.
Henry K Ikw h a* super»ntendent and warlike measuru* f»»lh»w«-«l *»ne another
R aí a© I, Cah, at the Cnlt©*l Hist«*«
Instant attend»*»*
A htt*h fell ovei «Infinitely sell tel, however, thal (he r«*gi»tcr* <4, with a tender»1 T to rnw of th© Maine, left
J F Itatchehtar as «•'« retary and the In constant sutwv*s»on. The inovvtn«-i)t
smokeless jwiwdrr Work*, which reeull- the great am!l«r •*. wM :» hut g with
Reports fmm N»»rtbern West Virginia, City of Key We*t
of tbi* fleet is watch«*! with the k»*en-
under» ig ned riet'ntii» commit tee.
ed in tha death of two men. Charle* alumel breath!««* attention a» t inter* will relate ex» luslivly to th* Maine al the •»♦uri’c* of the M»»n<»ugahcla.
by the court 1«
The decision rr«i
f*dl to inwive
The fotuiiiiWtuU ptveent* to tli* peo­ • *t interest, a* It
It will not take in tl»© tear­ bring newa of heavy rains last night •till a mslt©r of
A Jenks and < bari©* Nekton who were e«t o|en c»«ry word, item* eurprie* diiMister.
iVrhap* ple of the »tat© the following «latemehl ■fftrtoo* p*»*«ibihti”« which might cum*
employed in th* material ruom. Two I.«*« i***n aspreaerd that
Thur»t«»n ful oonditton of affair* in Cute, *• am! uf a rapidly r • g rivet !»•» igirt some •ignifi«*ahce i
e » attAch»*>l ami
pel th© Unite»l **lale« government to
and •p|*-al:
buildings Were rum p lately »|e«tr«»yrd. should spi**ar in public prominently so •huwn by the reports l»y (’nit©*! Mates This is an a»*timnrv that th« Ohio w»ll conclusion* ■l'«*u
Ti»e r©m»urces of Oregon are mani* pr»»te*»t ag».n*t the irov*-ment as d a
• :.i| tb« • ' h f» '
'T ? 1
•«■'Fi after th* •l«*«Ui “f Mr* lb irtloti,
have a protracted high stag* of wstrr
by Rear Admiral
We have the fineet of agri *ul- h"*ti!e character
ing* cio*© by an«1 wiml«»w* broken for but the flr«t «entenoe of bi* •(**»* h fur- e”*|»©iit m«**«ag” to congress.
Reports from all quarters «»f the Ohb w !>©n be said to a
I torn»* I lately on th* teueipt of th»*
turn!, fruit and grating lan<ls, while
Th* prevailing impr©«*r»n »mung
mil©* an»un«l.
nl«bed a key to bi* actum
II i* true
valley are of drirshng rain or cloudy
‘’’The case <»f
our tmiter (»»rest«, salmon t »h©ne« and official dispatch from one of our naval
No rl*ar weather t« r«|<»rt« I
P*»rwli •r.
bh»d<*d *t<h k can not te «urpa«*©»!. attache* a hr» old. briefly announcing the
A Havana di*|»wi©h allege* that Clip* that Thurston's «pouch today, view«*! th© Republnan teaders »»I the bouse i* •kt«**.
that th© president will intervene In
All towns report the Ohior;«ing rsp w h ich
|lr«t.|<N> till* »wir mineral land* loth in •ailing of the fleet, the fit w a « mad*
tain*<tonerai Blan»«» *nd General Man« from <»ne *tai>dpoint. wa« an libDitill
but is it idly, except Wh«*e|ing, when* it i* *t« ol the
Eastern and Western t>r©g*m are richer known to tl.r presnlent an I an earnest
terula have notified
Madrid govern- pr*«webng. but it was justiffod by lb* Cute ©n human* groan«!»
|M»>iti»©ly •late*1 by one <*f tli»-tn. wh»» tmnary.
Interior town» that I .»**
ami broader in «*xt©nt than in any of conference was h* Id l*tww»n him and
m©«»t that they will resign their off! «• condition* attending it.
Mrs. Thurston'* dying r«*p>« »I to her i» doe* to |h« president, that the inter­ •ufl«*r«*d inundation lx*ft»rw ar«* finding It might te in
tb* other Fa«'i6c coast statew
Not* .*«** retary txmg and A»M»>«lAnl <e. retary
if the Kpanltii torpedo fl«*©l I» to to* d©-
relief by the r»*»« "M»i«»n of the waters.
-ul-l I»*” no vention will not «x»»n*» until after the
findings «lo n<
tain©*! at th»» < st*ari-*« tn
i - t«» husband was that he
withstatiding all thi*. the rrmurr©« id RiNMtevolt. Th© new» »»f me movement
Lea of hie i* report«*! at If.-uni I ton, mystery of th*
uni «»f hot death, tu do r*|»»rt of the temrd of inquiry Into th«
<>r»-gmi ar© not kr»»wn to the outer was fully »x»n*i ler» I. and th»» pre*idvul
th© demand uf President M Kinley. time, on a
<>., where th« <irr«i Miami swept away t!i©r l-»rn* out
was a*lvi-« I t! *t naval •traleg sta re-
wor 1-1 •* th©» should te.
Captain Eulat” *t t •» V**. •♦»■« • » «o lil* utm **t to »ave an I fr»’»* Cuba at* I Main© disaster g*«©s to cntigrves«
’’The two question* will be tr© •atei two cottagiw and drowned «ix inmate«, moot that »-ven
In a* c*>rdan©e with th* re­
For the puri"”“«© of advertising to tb* garde*! it as »••♦* ntial tl it the turjwslu
all«-g»**l to have *”hl a Mutilar nu »-ag«» its pffwjple.
quest, lh*ref<»re. Thumt»m «uterifleed separately,” »aid he todav, ”and the namely
Mr« I'bartas Whitman, her kenn sent to U‘
world th©*«* rrib*ufees, the above com- fle*q should not I*» allow©»! to reach
to the H|wini»h a* hoir ally
bis prreunal feeding ami delivered hi* nir»up* relative tu Cuba wilt hr rent three *fue11 children, and Mr. and Mrs meni may r©q<
What, if any. con-
mission has been appointed to «levis* W«Mdern waters.
Chaplain < ‘hid* • k. of tl»© Maine,
•!>**. h—-a *i«*<H'h that was hi« tribute
Chari«** Kpringutan
The story of l«*s tion.
Th© g»
way* and means to have our *tal* clustuu wa» tvache*I !• not known.
ha» complete! his mortuary rvqort,
Main© question.”
<d life by the railroad wrwk near Co­ (mu©* that ths
lu lb* m*m<»rv <»f hi* wit«.
letter tn the «lay tha Spanish min­
r«’*”nt«N| at the Tran* Mi**;w»lppl
which »lif»« that 357 men *n<l two
Without knowing lb* motive which
lumbus. Im!., not only lacks oonnrma th© Main© was
and Inter national Exgoeitton to te ister. **©nor F* l*i » Bernabe, called at
offlrer* perisJied in th© caiaetrtqdi©.
tiun, hut it is positively lent«*!
animated Thurston and mspir«*! him
I »ut no new r©a
held at <hnab.y fr**ui Jun© 1st to No­ th© »tale department an«l *|»©nt sum*
Hix •uroutnted l<» tbwir lnj»it»©s while
to h • bc*t rff>»rt*, hi* audit» '• instinct­
The railroad situation in the interior this conclusion
• - g Wil; If««» I 1... M r . I • II.
time with Judg«» lUjr.
Il w.t« natural*
vember !*t. inyM.
lying in Han Aml>»«*i«> l”’*pital. <»ne
of Ohm I* impr*»ving- Cities ent off
ively rceiisol an«! *ym|M»thiaeI *Ith
< *«n*llll«»n F»«r t»tlwr »«nlrr
ly bf. r «d th it t - a |
* h u! t •>
The expuailfon i* primarily Intended
died <m th© Spanish li«n«p
bl* mnotion Th* »perch wa* very gen­
Washington, March $$.—Hectetary from the world yesterday arc getting
to embrace the industrial resources of Spanish flotilla was one uf th” subjects
tallies hav© !««©n r«•■«»«©»• I I
erally regar Irnl «• • nu»'.«r!y »«n»*, and !x»ng d’ tcrmiiio-l today to bring into train* out tonight by retired tra- ks < r
th© state* w« st of th© Missuwippi river, referred to.
wreck, of which 61 have toen id
*!•*«••»••©<• nf lb* W nr«hl|*« •• l uh
even tho«** who e»>ui*l m«t wgr«** with s»*rv!cw eight old, *rngle-1urreted mon­ by detours over otbwr ma«l*.
but I* .u»tern state» the British «x>tenlew,
161 ha«© tiren boried in C»»h»n <
llahr«! by lltr M«.lil«l |*r»««
la«» o»a « 1% ar I ...«ting
bi* oonrluaicms <*»t>*l«e! Hie p-eer < f itor* u-« *1 during the late war. ami
In Cincinnati the tallowing ia the
Mi vivo an I i '«’nlral and **«»uth Ameri­
• ml 11 st K©y W«*»i
This is
Following the flotilla announcement,
hi* ©ratom.
As he n«*er«*5 llie et*d of n<»w lying at to-*gm* i»i«nd navy-yar»l, i ai I road situation
No train« on the
New Y»»rfc,<*h 31 — A «Itepateh can republic«
<i*l report, mad*
tbe speech, his voice, which ha<l Iwen Fhdadulpliia
Erie, in or out the Cincnnati North- to tl»© \\ «»rid fr«»m Madrid *ays
l h«’ many Fa»tern government* will te rep- Itnprt.nt new. fol low*.I rapidly.
II” tem*! order* that
correct ion.
tirai wa. tbi< ann.-uncmet I by Haorw-
cl*ar and ringing, noticeably broke. th© moutioni Catskill am! Lehigh pro- ern is in the Mine fix. the Baltimor»* Madrid pa) »er*, inclu’hng th© minis- r« im - nt»*.I
The buildings and grounds
tarv l<*>i gi
. at > g th» p! >• 1 g >>f our
Itav. (Jmeu D Taylor, nf Th« fhille». H«* was alm«t«t «*ver«-*nie with emotion,
to B*»»t»iu; am! the mi»mtur* A Ohio Routh western IS badly cript l«-l t©i tai organs, the C»»rr©(«» < ’•»»r* *¡*«»nd- ’ »
* raf;g« ni< i,!« w ill mak-
Or , who has horn in jail in Saginaw, but rallie-l with an eff««rt, and < ¡••*«-1 Nahant ami Ja*»n tu New Y»>rk
ends. Literal an»l th” i«h»l<»«, print by ei|**wttion in extent an«! compb-terv** •qttadrun an.I flert on a war fooling'
"A.lmiral H>ear*l baa boon granted
Mich., f«»r «M’Y©ral montfi«, at©! sgsiu»t in a manner that thrill**I hi* auditor».
other monitors. Manhattan, Mah«q»a<’, »lorado, Iml.; the Pennsylvania i« ujwn pt'rmisMHin th«*” items of news r«g;ird- •»- *>nd <*nly to tl>»» W»»r!-I‘* Ckilumbian
trave, vrty much IO th« rrgrel of the
whom proceeding* for •©» ur ing m*r»n©y
Hlaid and <11gn Ifi«*l «w*nator* turned M untauk and Canonicus, will r« tuain to < «duinbu* ami th»» Eu»t tt>iay, th« ing naval preparations:
navy department, and alt.-ga ther <>n «■•
umter false prelenses have !>©en drag- away and wept, and in the gnilrr i«*.
The filing »«piadron is detain©<l at
t Cincinnati, Hamilton A Dayton is cut
al Philadelphia, where the work
To the intelligent jw*ople of this
g’hg along in the cirr nil <*»urt for a tears welled to hnmlred* of
It preparing them for «eivic© will I* g»n off from Toledo am? Etatroit only, th» the Canary islands for two r«-a*<»n«. on© state it is unn©«:>-*»•*ry to mak” a »!©• conni of hi, health. Captain Hampaun
ha. boon made commander ■ f the fleet
year or mor*, has at lost t**'n sen­ was a remarkable e*ene, ami the vttll-
Big F*»ur lias restored r ’lninuni -ition is th© n«*»'«*ft»ity for repairing the tor- tailed statement of th»» manifold a«!*
im mediately.
«I Kry W»«t. Captain 1‘vana haa been
teheed to •!* year* in tii© Ja©ks*>n »1st© nee* onttl the last word had I nwm pro-
Lung t<*iay telegraph«»-! <»rdeis to with Imhutiajoli«, Chicago ami SI. j©«Io v»»»-el Arete, am! the other is to van tag«-• t< lu te derived from an exhibi-
prison. Th© <’<i «lupi sin snt a I teg©. I that nounct*I wa» as of death itself.
A* Captain Ludtow, <»( th© M»»nit<»r Terror, Luun». All other roads from h<-re are give time to th»» hatth -hip Crlstutel lion at thnaba of th© vartous products ordeied to take oommaitd ol the batti«'
The order, to the «qnadroti
Taylor indurai I him tu buy $3,006 Thurston sank into hi« *»wt and buri«*! (». pr»M©e ! at cue© t»> Key We«t ami r©
Cutan to (XMil aii'l complete her outfit which g*» to make up th© r©*«mrc©a uf ■ hip Iowa
In Han.l|.>ii fina la have not jet Iwon
*««rth of sham» i in th© Interstate Io* hl* ta<w in Id* han-l* th* galleries
|M»rt to Admiral Ehcard
The Terror
Oregon, a« a m<*an« of attracting th©
l«aued. ”
Vestment < inpeny, nf lb*- italics. Or ,
wer« swept by such a tumult of ap- will te |M«rm »nentlv alia I •• I to the situation al Dayton I« distn,Mxing. PaliiMu* to cm * ori it t»> P»»rlo Ki«'*»
agriculturist, th© stock
» runoern which di«l n*»t » xi»t
plaus«- ** I*«« n«d in a long time been squadron at K«*y West.
Onlcrs have teen given to harry the gruw»*r, th© miner, th© manufacturer
It 1« sanl »he 11»M*pl tM1« Mh*l Other public building«
% J*lw« ( «3Wfiml*«(MW.
Itolani W »»rthingtoil, t i* vetcian heard in the **»nate chamber
takes th” place of th© M•»*«<• hn«ett* are crowded with p**rfton* driven from pr©|»arAliutis «»f th© battle-ships Pelayo an»1 th© capitalist »©eking investments
the next important tm»v” was a <le-
As a brother might hay* done. Allen, ami Texas, which hsvr gone to Hamp­ home.
Nut a train is running in or al M «rwiHv*; i‘.i«p,r»»r t’arhss V, at or a n»-w field in which to follow their
jourr»al *t. di«**! st his hum«* in L *n»n.
terminatiun to create a joint coiniui*
Havre, and Ncwmunca and Victoria st avocation or invest their accumulat»**!
ton lioa ls, and this niuvoha« been »*on- out of tbs city.
■ion fr»uu the war *l«*partment« *» aa
Representative King, nf Utah, intro­
• nd. placing hl« arm over bi« shoul- l» inplat«*d fol mor»* than a *<*©k.
Cartagena, t<» ©na!»l© th»*m to p»irt Ad
to bring them into harmonious action
Flflrrtt I.Ism I ««»t.
duce«! Tueetay a j«nni resuhitiuu rvc’tg-
der», »piK’ily ted him fti m tbs 1 UB*
miral Ccrverata *«jua«lrun of »-volution
Th»» navy department has pureha«*«»*!
Therefor»' we giv«* briefly the plan on all mi«« oe«
Captain Barker, the
nfaing ti»© ind©|«en !«-n« *a <«f < ut*a
Zan««villc, (>, March
b«*r. The act »«• one uf the sjM»ntane- no further ship* abroad ami negotia­
Mt < 'artsgena
which th© commiseton have ado ptrU to naval ai l to s«-'rwtar* l -*ug wa « iesig
Th© submarin© I»»al Holland I*.«»
g. a
i th»* tions nr© not pr»»< «-«-ding in a manner to
Tli© »quadrun ab » inclu»l»*w th»* fi»*t* accttmpiish this dul, which I« «a fol-
nalr.l to represent the navy department
live« have lx«»n loat and near ly»i ,000,-
ma l© an«*tb«*r lrl|» in New York.
At a turbulrt*>* an«! Ils <ud «•( ¡»ollihal life.
indicate smcoe*.
It w.i* definitely de­ 000 worth of pr*»j»«-rtv ha- b»»en de- chi«* crui*«*r Inf inta M »«I.» T©r«—a, the low*:
lu this common plan of action. The
depth of 15 f» « l und«*r water
»!. *«*d
Thurston »aid hr ha«l g«mu to Cuba termined today that the Chilean battle-
s»*com!-t la*» «'rinser Alfons«» XII. tl©
In th© ateen»*© «»f a state •ppropr la-
representative uf the war ltq*artm«nt
•troyed by the flood.
Mm. Jam*»*
giù» I »|4*e*i, an*! was hand!©-f with ease
fiimiy holte* g that tin
m ot •hip O'Higgins could not te s«*ciired.
fourth > la-* < runoT» an I th© now iirtfi* ttoii for the purj»»’»© of making an Ore­ has not yet iwen name*!.
It will n<»t
A «iispstcb t<> th«* Her Im V «*«»©1»© • flair« in the I»laii1 I .» I I m rn grr.illy
Commander Hruwnson i* luAay in were drowned by the overturning of cfars cruiser Varel, of 7,*H)0 tons, gon exhibit at Omaha, the cummis*iun
b*» h< * *-ary f«»r tl.*«” two officers Io
bought from Italy.
Zeitung troni Itara's SaiaAm, 35 in ©• exaggerated. II« had •• » lu hd, In w- Paris, after having insp»*ete l the Brazil­ akiff*.
must rely U| m » h the voluntary <*unlribu-
leave U ashii gt* a, a* t y in arrange
Another squadrun is to te form»»«| at tion uf it* public spirited j»e»>ple. The • joint plan uf «*■’.i»»n In conference
south of Zanxibar, East Afri« ». »ay» ev*r, tl>al an <»v« r*tai«*mrnl uf the hor­ ian ship« now building at Lasiuno. drowne«I in her home,
«nd Toni Jun»'*
that last month a part* «»( t»«*r»» an f<>r-
While they might te •«•«tired, tb»*y ar© f*dl from a bridge and was drowne I. (*a<li*, with thru© t«»r¡M'<lu vcum -I», built »'»»turnis«i»»n lias made a careful esti­ with the bureau chiefs of the two «le*
two *1«-Mtr* y« t»
i” « nllv mate of the ■ u*t of an exhibit, ami fin«l
©»tor» was att-u k«*!, and Ihr»*©<L-rman* Hr was prepare»! itot only to in lors© a lung way from »-«»mpletiun, and could The prt»|H»fty I imm » im-Imice two Musk­ in Hpaiu;
|»ariment* here.
and many of the itatn© carriers uri« exrry word of ths < A»« fill, Clint ¡H) l«e of lilt I«» «©rvite at pr«--«nt.
What ingum rivvr bri«!g«*e, three Licking hamtel over by English firms, and th© that it ran be <*arri©d »ur< t-safully with
rhen al the clue* of the day came an
s^MM-fh of the sattster from Verni««!»! the department wants i« »hq* which
torjH-lo gunteal Itena Maria 'Id nt. th* «urn of $30,000
atinuuncviucnt that the navy depart-
riv«-r bridge« am! 30 smaller v*>unty
can be commission©«I at once.
Il is a |or»*g<»n»* conclusion that the merit ha* I •Hcv»evM|eJ in pur« ha»»ng
XV bile returning home from c
bridge*. Two thmnoind dollar* *«•
b« had und«stat«*-i the facta. In de-
sbowed IV knota.
For the present th© legislature of teVO, with the !>ti«ine«ui eight »team y . '»u I
in Wellsville, ti, Oliver R©o«l
r st”am t g*.
raioed tonight for the «offerer*« The
tailing the incident* ami r««*ltmg the
se*‘»»h«l flyìng «qnadrun and the fi«M’t uf «©ntiment of th© stat© al it* two k. will presumably al or m ar New Y»»rk, for
bara!» Walton to marry him. an»!
electric light plant ia drown»*! out, am!
fa»'t* that «am»« umler his observation, («Nlllfìgrr V at «• »«*•••*«! lite- •« IIAl«« oft » uh»
A<hnlral <*erv«*ra wlll remain on th© r» d”©iii these i»*rtifi< ales at their face us© in the auxiliary navy fleet. The
ber refusai he shot her throug
Battery C ia doing pde •• duty.
Thurston wait! he had no »l»»irr tu deal
*»nffrring «»f the* llrr«*ti<«-»tl r.««l«>w
coast of Sf>ain.
II*’ then blew hi* brain
l«>at« are of alxtul 4*)0 tons »»a h. and
in borrurs.
Other pori» in th« peninsula bar *
Washington. March 35.—A vivid
!.<»•• II»»if m Wllliww.
dyl»)g in a sliort lim«*
P»|»cr* found
On thi» basis the commission will in an *mvrg”iiry would be suitable as
word-pictur«* <»f th© bar bariti»** ni ©I
<lhilh<othc.<>., March 26.—>ix hun­ callcd th«» gov«*rnmt-iii*« atlcnliori u
un hl» toxly show the <!«•*'I wa« premoi-
at an early date solicit »ubecriptinn* tor)*e*Io boats
The xauhts purcliawwi
Cuba. Iren than 60.000 are nuw avail- »Institution in th© iwlaml t»f Cuba was dred h»»!!*»’« in the east rod of town providlng land ami «ubmarine defentc«. throughout the slate.
are among th»« fleetest along the At­
• bl* for duty.
The remaindrr are drawn in th«*«* today by Gallingt*r ar« tubnmrgrd, th*- p»»w» r hotum uf the offering lo »'»»ntribute a pari of ti,»* » x
<’©»tifloat©• signed by Its officer* will lantic coast, and ate «an! to l<© w»me-
Tli* house committ»**’*»n naval affairs
dead, sick or ret urne«! to Spain inca- > Itep. N. II.)
Ths senator re-untly city waler works is under 13 f»*«*t of pen*e.
te given for the amount «utacrilied, the wbal similar to the Mayflower, recent­
ha* complet©*l tl»© natal appropriation
visii«s| Cuba to study th»* Mituation water, the rle«'tric-ligbt plant it fl***!-
No marine reservea bave bcrn calli*! total issue *»f tu* h cerlifi» at«»« an ! th© ly pur»*ha*»*'l frolU tin < »g !»•« (iuelet
Til© bill ÍS ( .«h uiste! .xs arrv ng
‘‘I d»» not Indie»** ”
I hr, "that there Lung la-fur© th” s©hat<* convene«! «*1 am! shut down, the natural gas sup­ <»ut y«'t, a.« two battalmr* of marini « expenditures thereunder not to exceed
e*tat«x. This addition to the navy is
tetween $36,0<H).(M»0 and $.’7,0it0,<*00,
ihr «’iitlrr **p«ni«h army <»f < utm '»»uld th© galleries were |»sck©«l.
Almost as ply haa been cut »»fl by a break in the are rvturnmg fruiti Manilla.
The th© autlmru©»! amount of $-’•>,00V.
regard«*! «• an ri rptiunally valtiabl*
of which sto ut $ JM'ii.ui•" will te «’X*
•»Mill aS th© «M*»«H>n »tp”IH*d Maculi 1 Ifotil. mains, ami the city is practically par­ vrt’WM »v€ the »»»ast guani v»*-««!*» at thr
When th© legislature mak»« an ap
un« at Q ” pf”*enl lilnv. a-» th” k'1’ »t«'it
pended <»n this year’s work on lbs t h ran
against 30,000 well-dir' iplined Ameri­ <! a ) intrutinced a joint i«*«d*iiMii «!©- alysed by the Hood. The !*•»«» here is dtqoti» and arsenale of Ferro!, (’adir prupriatiun to reimburse th© sub« rib*
need is f»»li fur *iuall » raft suitable for
batll«-ahip«. six torpedo l*uats •nd six
can Soldier*. The Sj .umh -■ ddtrra uf daring that th© I’mtcd stat*« shoul«! «-Htiiuiit*•• I at $500,000. ('h 111 it nth»» is «mi <'«*na bave enough men avail* ©rw, th©»” certiheates, pru|-©rlv »n*
tor)»«‘do-bust* and
dispal« h
tor|»e»io-Utat de»tn»yar*i
all pexqdo on earth a uild mo*l ghnlly do everything in Hit pow««r to pr«*s©rv© ml off fr ui ra Iw *y
* mmui a:
ablc tu man the n«*w Hdf V©**©!•
«I<»1S*->I, will te full evidetn© of »uch There was ad hliuual •«U«facti*»ii at
Replying to a resolution of inquiry, weloume any n-.ilt that would cnabl* peace with all th© naliur.«uf th© world,
fully six miles of roadbv»! have b»-»*h
Th« minìater of murine, sut>s* riptioti and will te paid u | m » h the navy drparttmmt at the large num­
th«* attorney general «cut to the senate them to return tu their homr*«.
mu I not te foretti into war except to washed out, ami several bridge« have llcrmcjo, ha« «ani frequently id lat«
preeentation from the funds at th© dis- ber secured In a single pur. ha*”
Tueeday a *UHetiirnt (Utt tl« re»'»»«
“Th* time for action has come
No pres© erve th«* dignity ami honor of the been carried away. Tonight the fl"ul
that he declin»*« to » make
mak* known hi* I« mm I »»f th© comm las ion.
tiaiue* and amounts pai*l fur the van-
<»f hi« «l«»partm* i t <i»» m»t »dmw ihai any greater rramm fur it can exist tomorrow
He *aid thal be Mould not ask is slowly rec«*<iihg.
The oiiwiniMion will publish on ill« ou* ya< his an»! tug« are not disclu««td,
W Alli» th*
pr< paratimi*
IL* w^nt«
th»* country <•»
writs of iujiinctiun or restraining or
than exists t««lay
Every hour's de­ for Immediate cohsi»l©ratfoi> of the
underutand ih it they are intende«! »»nly fir»t of ©a h month th»< nain«of sub­ a* it is said this woul<! prose an «on-
S'|t«t»«l ott tha* •«lot«*
drr* Lav* be«’n i»**ue»»t by Unltr-d Piatt» lay only adds another chapter to th« resolution, but would permit it to lie
to meet any emergeney on ih« ptirely scribers and th© amount uf their sub­ barrasmnent to th«* govorninent in pro­
court* agam*l labor organ! sal tons or awful etory of misery and death
Columbus, <>.,
(inly on th© table till tomorrow.
lefrnsiv« ami paciftc line of ctinduct, script ion, an*I »m th© 81 st of Lfoc©mb*r, moting «1*» illation m other craft for
their m«*mbrrs » j / »,-• d in
iu on« power can intervene— the United
Hai© (Itep Me) ehairman of th« water »d the Scioto river was higher «ili along pruclaitncd by th«* pr«UH*ntguv
ihVH, statement in «letail uf receipts which i.egotiali -ns are n«>w pending
161)7 ami IMUS
Blates of America.
naval «flair* nrunnntl»^*, quietly r* »«
Th»* p »|M‘r» w^y nothing of and disbursement«
er umani,
I**«»«m»el «a,* M*«liia W «• |l|««wn I j.
A dispatch to tit* New York World
*’W* cannot refuse to accept this re- an<t favorably rr|«irt«*d th« lull provid­ Th© fall in the rixer in It hour* ho*
Mr. II E. Iktach, our ««ip'rrntend-
thè aruiy préparât lun*.
it is estimate i
(rum Madrid say«
Instruction* hate sponslbility, which the (!<•! of th«- uni­ ing f»»r rvlikd of th«* »urvivur* <»f th»» tieen aisiut six feet.
Throughout the day the Whit« H«»u«e
ent, is now tn Omaha nuking ins -«»
been given Sime Friday night to the verse has placed u|»un u« as the one Main« cala»trophr. Th«re wa*» a aup- that (lie fall tonight will te 13 f©«*t
lection from t!>© choir© Mpa< «» (hat ha« prrernted an animated apfw»aranre. sen­
pr» »♦ censor tu stop all fuirign an I .!*>• great pi-wer in the N’**w World
What pr«**wd murmur oí eifiectancy in the This will let the waler <»ut of many
been rwserved for th* Oregon exhibit. ator* ami rej r»’»Hmtat»v«*« from l»oth po-
noetic pre*» telegram*—am! even lele- •bail uur action bs^°
gallar lea, but the tu»*a«ur« a a* rvad ami •ubmergstl lower flours of dw«lhng<*
The commission pr»-*©nl tbi* ap{«ral lltlcal partir* railing to confer with
Ihr >a«al V ppr«>|*rii«ll .1» Kill K« p«»rl«».l
phone ni' B'ig»«—-ootdainmg n«*w* tin-
T•«* Malli* «hip* I amhi h*«l
}»ai»«M«i! Milhout a word of debut«.
At *!• u be © » 11 ie.
mural and fii anrial sup|«ort tu th* th« president. Among the caller* were
I«» the II«tuee.
palatable tu th«» government. Un.iu-
Senator* < *u I loin, Fairbank«, Allrich,
(i al linger** »I •»•»•«■ h fullowoi.
Nrwjiurt New». Va , March 26 —
peopls f the «tat*.
Steutenville. O, March 3M —The
th'*rl/’-'i details * f naval and inihtary The first great I ma II i«* «hip )aunch«*d *|M»k»‘ in a low, t irar tone of voice, di«-
Jone* of Arkan»«* ami Hp»N»n«*r, and
Washington, March 34. — The naval
Ohio river reach«* 1 a stag© of 43 3 (••«»<
preparation.« of the mov«*ment* ,»f war- from a private yai-l in ihr Sooth ki**ed ti not I y ami i bl« throughout th« cham­
R«l>r»*aentativv Bailey, the Ifemoeratic
r«*|s>rt»*«l tu the
at noon to«lav, and haw re»*©«l»*<! but appropriation bill
si>l|<*, jairtb »larly <»f th* flying *q in i- lb« waxes in James river at 10.03 ber. Thvrr waa not an interrupt>ui*
l*ad«r in the hot»*«*
The president
It carri«*! $35,6*»6,Oft«,
Within 15 miles up an»l down house today.
H. K. Dost’!!.
run, - i ll>” pur- ' »** of \e*»w’ls «4 w.»r o'sluck today at the plant of the New­ by word throughout hl* upeuch. Hi*
•ai l to several of hi« vltitor* today, in
th© river fully 500 faimliea hav© teen «n in»*Frase over last v * ar»d f> 764,433,
and *lores abroad arc <**jK*clally inter- port New* Hhip Building ami Drydoek auditor* lifftvn«**! intently to In* «I«-
die u««ing tii« ailuatlun, that h*» would
ami over current • stimai»*« of 33.MI,
»iriven from their houi©»».
All sewer
<!<» everything oonaittent with th« hon­
For the !n»'reas* the navy bill«
C«*mi>any, in the preaeno* uf 16,mH) •crlptmn of th« horror« ami crur Hy pq»© an«l brick plants ar© submerg«*! 634
or am! dignity of the ««»untry to avert
*1 he British Columbia, Heatll* A Pa­ peoplff.
al!«»w tu l»e constructed by contract
•offered by th* rve»»m-rittra*ik<«
When and abut down.
Esecutivo <4»n>M>itte*
war, ami that he still lx*)level war
cific Ooaet !lailn>.*d <om|»any hrs* made
three tra going coa*t-hnr bet tic* «bips,
Al 11:» 3 the *« »nd ship, an » i«< l ho dr«*lar«d, however, thal a govern­
W b<.|e town < .««ere«!
eouhl be averted.
He al*<> Nani he be­
application to the rity *«<ai»cil of Se­ counterpart of th»* first *u e. except m ment that KHild *tarv* 4UU,OOv uf it«
»IcMignatcd tu carry the heavtest guns,
Hherodsville, o , March 36.—Tin*
lieved the government of Spain waa «•
attle for a franchise 80 f«** t wide over name, f»»lh»wrd.
displacement, 11,000 tuna, with the
They were chi»tened l>«uplr would do anything, and fol«
Grocer* who operate Bara where in-
town i* completely fl » mm I©« I
Railroad svenue
It wa« slilrd to the oapectively the Kvarsag«- and Ken­ luw«>l line with a further »Iwolaration
highest practicable »|*c«*«| for their toll ali ng liquor« are toldara to l»e am hi « for p- a « as we were
is ©ntirely su»pen«le«l. There i* three
The president frankly a am>wle«!g<-*1
couto'il that it
th*- puritan* uf the tucky, pruu*l an»! historic names that that the In**« of th«* bravo men l«»at m
olase.with «*o*t, exclusive of grmsmenl, buy« otted by the Catholic total abati-
fuel uf water uver the whole town.
tliat he believe« the report of the board
©uinpany to construct a railroa<i fr*»tn have just re p rear n la live* in the splen­ th»* Maine diaaftter <x«nld not I k * al*m* d
nut clrrc-iing f S.OuO.lMM) ra* h, on»« ti
Or©at tlamag«» to pro|M-rty will revolt
u< inquiry will And that th« Maim*
Portland, Or., to B**alth% ami thei e did fighting in«< hinae put afloat today. fur with gohl or «liver, a «ponlanetnia
I mr nam»*d the Maine, «ix t»*r|i*>*h».|«>aia,
lion calling upon all friend* of temper­
Th© town is completely cut eff from
to the British (Columbia L> umlary.
am! six turpcdo-b*»at destroyer*, to cost ance to refute to | «al rutili© groceries of waa blown up from the outside.
Both launching* were succeaafui in wavv of appiauMp «wept over the g«l-
railroad ourumunii'ation.
The c»»iiq»ahy wa« willing that a con II- every particular.
not ext'eeding
340.000, and «» im gun­ thit kind wat passed unanimously
lerirw, ami the vice-president ha«l difll-
Maine lt*|>«»rt ltra< Its« VV as h I tt g t «>n
thw lla.ll« I and Hlli.
tion be imp *»«-d in the franchise that
boat to take the pia« c of the Michigan the county t»oard of the federated ur­
culty in resloritig order.
When he had
Lieutenant Comitian«ler .Marti and
the work ol oun*tru<*lK»n should U-giii
to cuet, exclusive of aritiamt-nl, not gan itat iont of total abstainer*.
Key Weet, March 36. — Adrniial Hi- ct*nclu*b’d, he wa« a»corded a burnt of
hi« naval companionii, tearing the re-
in 80 »lays, and the line !>e finialied oard «aid lavt night that the court of applauae, whh h the the president
over $360,000, to be built on the (ircat
p*»rt «*f tl»e Maine court of inquiry,
rUrnal Fir»«.
atnemiwd m > m to gira «'anadian minera Lakes.
within IH month«
The two incorpu
inquiry ha I not been difteolved.
toad« little effort to r«*»tain.
reached Waffhmglon at II 45 lunigbL
rater* of the ixtmpany are Henry J
Near the »'«.¡ i«ti ,e. there are aa«- The crowd wa*
<>ti«« of thrs«* sea going battle-*!dp* is
I to diMKdve it ill a few
The «enate then quietly rewumnd con- tha «ame nghta ín Ala.ka liiat Ameri­
den««» at the dejK»t
It louka to I k * built OH the Pa- ifl«» coast. Con­ etal "eternal fire.," ao called by tha
Brokaw ami Austin J. Fletcher, Well- dare." he «aid.
“I am almnet certain •i*l«trath>U of the bill making pr«>iiim>n can minera etip.y in Cañada,
that the party left the tram outside
known financiers of New York
Th* that the Washington aut buri tire will for a civil government in Alaska, at.d a. if ari ■greeuieiil anuid be rwaobed «O tracts for th« construction of all three native, where natural ■•« lauei from the ah«*! and tn»»k carriage* for the Kb-
row I will »-«»si l«»tw»M*n $4, »<»0,000 an.I not require any father investigation of at 3 o'clock took Up the national quar­ that the laixl bilí will |>aaa wlüiin a v«*uwd« ar»* to b«* ma !« within 60 day» th, Kruun>l, and haa been oil fire fur hilt house, where the ofll er« will
of the chât iment of the bill.
the Maine diaaeter. •*
antine bill.
It* (Yin «i< I era l ion hod not reammable time.
•l>«nd the night
b»*en concluded when the tenate ad­
Aftrr being Opene«| to the public for
Tke tl***«e*« < h.rttle..
% Far Hearhlng llgrltlon
Order» were laatmd to I ay detaching
.% < irlnafr Hr• «»!uIlr»e.
more than tiv«* year* for recreation pur*
Even if Hpuniah revrnu<<e are at a Captain Kigsl e and other officer» from
Milwaukee, March 36.—A de«-it ton
Washington, March 34.—The boote
|Mwe«t t'astle island, in |i«>«ton harbor, Ue.aravr Ua.lg.r. 4 »...piale. 1« *...*•
which will be of interest to every ste-* committee on coinage, weights atei low ebb the queen regent h«a MNM th* battle ehtp Mam* at Havana ami
Will Hol Ite Hen,..I
lar, UH».
lias been cl»»asd. Order* (rum Wash­
trie *tre©t car company has term hand­ measure* hat favorably reporte»! to the money to «pare fur charity, ray« an e*. ordering th»*m tu pro»« < y I home and
Olympia, Waah . .March 25. — Henry ed down by the supreme court at Mad- house a rrtolntion authorising th« *«*c- ohaDge
ington to this effect bare I »eon expect­
Washington, March 2».—The g *v«r-
Kha haa Riven to the author!- await order*.
ed ever ■in* »* th” w*--k *»f handling
nor <>l Waaiiingtvn ha« wirr.1 thè «ec- Craemer will not he hanged in Sesillo, iton.
It It to the effect that there can letary of the treasnry to make experi- lie« of Bar'.tuna |4,000 to help the
The »dd aingle-turr«t«d monitor Ken­
plusivr* was t»rgun at F«»rt ln le|<end- retary ol lite interior to «top certaio tlovernor lt>w**r* has com mut ml hi. «en- ta nu extension of street railway line« menta to determine the beat material •offerer« froui the recent Rood«.
A tucky has been ordered from fx*ague
ence *»n the lslah<l -»»me three weeks persona who hav« Irgun drtving pile« teme to life itnprimminent, in con- teyond the city limits, even though a for minor coinage and to tubmit new numl«*r of Women of Barcelona who island to Portland, Me.
More than a s«vtre of men have» on thè aoiith al le of Sand iilan.i, Jn.t furmity with the racontmendalirm of hat hern granted, without designs for congrraa.
were taking activ« inter*-«» in helping
• mughl I p
the Main*.
been at w»»rk painting torpedo sheila in.lde th« mouth of theColumbia, *«V- the boarvl of pardons, and the |*etitnm th« award of darnagrt where property­
the flood «offerer« called on Cardinal
Havana, March 36.—-The body of
•ml getting rvady th»» wiring ami olhwr ing tliat flah trape al that place would of Judge Jaonba, «li« ..»>» there i« a owner* object, Il also make« no differ*
Trenton, .March 24 —Henry Brown, >*ancba for a contribution.
Hi« emi­ Lieutenant Friend W Jenkins, of the
prelim marl»-« to
I h * a dangrroiia obatrnction to naviga- p**esiblllty, bordering closely on prol>*. enc© whether or not lire com panie« a local p'igiliat, who waa inj»m| in
nence'« treasury twin, exhausted, he Maine, was f«»un*i early thia morning
them in p«»*itiun in the harlmr if tion, and thal many hon lrvd fl.her- bility that Craemer is not guilty <>f the have the right to carry freight ur eg- boxing with Jack Smith at the Palar-w gave them hi« pm-toral ortNB and ar* hi
near thw torpedo tube aft, aa It haa
Hfrortina »."lnl> laat night, <lie«l torlar
men wuuhl be pia.«d in dangrr. Ha crime of which be .tan t» eonvii ted.
•pl«' opal ring to «well the fund.
pre** matter.
lx»en bo|*«*d would te* the case.
Il will
Smith la alili in Jail, tremg held with*
A »li«patch to ll»e New York Herald ha» bmm informe*! that the navigalde
tw diap»*«d of a* deci led by the rwta­
M«wri«s ti»«* *.«•(■
r«hai4i <«s«»hl»«
from Valparaiso *»>*•
Chile is
»n- water« of th*-Columbia are under thè
London, March 25.—Sir
Shell .ufficlent peanuts— roasted — il tea of tbw deceased in the I'nited
frooted t»y another mini«trtiai crisis. juriwli.noti of the war,
New York« March 36 —The Her-
A. Omaha offer.
Smith, sorgono eitraordinary to the
to make a pint when chop|«<l fine, re­ Htstea. Two of the eight t«»rpedos car­
Members »vf the cabinet have been dis­ an.l Harnl talami, l*elng a military rw-
Omaha, Neb.. March 34 —A tender moving. of course, th« thin, papery ried by the Maine may be recovered.
•jueen, who was calimi m oon«ultati<m aid’« Valparaiso corretpondwnt ia In­
missed, and to Senor F.nlujo Alttniar- ■erre, is al«o under the mne Juriedio-
form«**! that the Chilean cabinet will of 25.000 voluntleers, enli.led and offi­
on thè case of .Mr. Glad.tone. «ai.l lo
• kin.
Cream two table«pH>nful« of
iihnrn al (>,••-
ina ha* been intrusted the work «>f tlon. The whole mailer haa l*e«n ra-
an interviewer tnday that after the ei. not lie di«miMwd, a« wa* mid, but after cered for ter vice in Cute, has bean butter and a enp of sugar; ad l three
March 2A. — The «team
forming a new cabinet.
The confi-
amination Mr. tila-lstone i-eygrd him the settlement of the negotiation« with made to President M« Kinley. Author- egg«, two apoonfnl« of milk, a quarter •chooner Signal, which arrive.I t<«lay
den «* of all p»»liti<*al pa»th * i* m»w wlll no« allow anythiag don» to ob-
Peru will reetgo. The oablnet dernled
noi to aay a word almul hi» conditlon,
tra»|»M>nful of «all and th« obopped from Honthe«.tern Alaska pirla, reporta
•ought by the gt vrrnment in view of •truci navigation.
unte.» the quen askml for Information to return the two province* to Peru ment tn float $ 1,000,000 in ta»nd* an»l not« with «nffi. lent fi ur to make a will that Iti» gasoline ». hooner B. »«ie, of
the serb»u«ne-* <»f internal ai*J foewign
«3 OtM.OOO in «liver com tu ran*» fund» duegh.
on tire »ubject.
The ruigmin con­
Roll, cwt in eirclss and bsk* Han Franciaco, is ashore st Dyea.
In private circle* one hears 1
yueenttown. March 36.—The
facility tor paying the 10,000.000 aol»** to carry the expedition from a Meli<-an in a modorato
firme«! th« reperì that Mr. <4la«l»tono
oven. — Detroit Fres
nothing hut war talk
(l**nerally it is ith torpedo*boat destroyer* Onenle end
for them.
War talk la beard on all ren<teav<,u« independent of the I'nlted
• a»»* ait I uhnoWN I ****l.
ia raffering intense pain and is verjr III.
believe*! that a conflict i* unavoidable, Anda* arrivati here from King«ton to­
•idea, but there **mi to tw littlw rea- States government.
Harwood, March M.—Tbw Brlu.h
but there i* go«»d reason to believe tint day
They encountered heavy weather
Of the Al.000 bra we net etti mated to •taatMr Hwaiu.w, on her way to Hal-
Chile** flying
The perapiration from human t>e- aon for it joat now
t’hile will m»t ”vk»
A . >t»i i in the Irith tea. Tb-r will coal here inga, if injected into rabbit« or doga, •qua«Iron, after a month'* maneuver­
Il i« eiper ted the prepotent will «end ba in the wvrldt 36,000 are la Ger
hurt, .unk an unknown craacl utl tbw
I cauav« do*th.
b«s tuu much to !«>•* lu Ju so.
a yd thru proceed tv Fervi, b|*aie.
a n>««aage to ceng’ea« ou Cuba aovn.
ing, hat returned here
Dutch ooaat.