r.« >•*>•*♦ SCIO, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. I VOL. » HT»Í1 J J I 1 I« ft Hl.lsllXP KVkKY VHIhAY. HT KOY ll. GILL 4 ALBERT COLE. la rea i iri ur •CIO, CO., vmi as « I.INN OHfK.ON. A i P i IL. ri 1 ’Cl trivi The fusioni«!» completed their W op , Governor, Will «■-» monthly. 1lBn«‘»nf dirr'Ki.m'« mua< I* p»M t**r the actliMi to la* taken. After re­ llakrr City. Whan IMariai l«glrvn for Ib.-ir tnaarthm ferring to the visit of the Maine to Secretary, Il II Kincade («ilVer Havana, a friendly port, ami the rep), Eugene. facts of the cataatrophe, followed by Treasurer, J O Routh idem), Jose­ ()l EK IAL KOSTER the appointment of the court of in­ phine cw'unty. I ■ ■ - .............. --*» quiry for the purpose of investlgat Attorney general, J I. .Story (pop). Ing the facta of the awful calamity, \K aaco county. Th.» FfltrU OcT»nuea:.v Pre.I I, i.t Wm Mi Kltib-y the president says: Printer, C A Filch (pop), Clacks The finding, of ths court of In­ ms«. Vice President G. A Holaart quiry were reached after ¿1 day», Congress, first district, Il M TM C(hlx.«V Nee. of State... ......... John Mhcrinan. i-ontlnuou» labor, on the 2l,t of V'eatch (dem). Cottage Grove, March, and having been approved ( oiigre»«, M-c-omi district, C M I ton Sec. of Treasury Lyman J G»g« .n the 22 I, by the romander in-chief aldnou (»»Iver rep). Nee. of War. Ilu»»*ll A Alger ■ >l the naval force of the North At Supreme judge, Wm. M itallisey Sec. of Navy................... John I’ lx.ng lantic station, were transmitted to lem), Yamhill Co. He«', of Interior ... ■(’orneliu» N I’ll»» the eiccutlv«. It 1» herewith laid Circuit judge, 3d dial., I* II i’Arvy Nee. of Agriculture Jamea A Wilson la-fore congress, together w ith the idem), Salem; II. 1*. Boise (|»>p) Attorney (¡«nend ...John U Griggs voluminous testimony taken before SnlelU. Postmaster General...Jam«« A Gary. the court, which la in brief a» fol­ District attorney, S, I- Hayden low»: (detu), Salem. BU*>* “When the Maine arrived at Hav­ Superintendent of public Instruct­ Governor Wm I' l/wtf. ana »he was conducted by a regu ion, Il S. Lyman (pop). A'loris. Bee. of Nial« Il R Kincaid lar government pilot to buoy No. I First district—Judg.* Fl C Wade, NtaleTrcas. .. Phillip Metachan tu which «he was moored In from »liver republican; prosecuting attor Nupt. Pub. Instruct. . G M irwln to (I fathom» of water. The »tat« of ney, A N SI o I m , |Hipuli»l; memta-r W I! I «ceda. dlw-lpline on board and the condi­ of board of equallxsllon, C A W..r Hpite Printer........... C M Idler» • tion of her magnilnea, boiler« ««Mil den, populiet. Atty. General Frank Moore nunker» and storage compartment« ( Sc-ond district—Judge J \V llum J u »II c , m > Hupr. Ct C Fl Wolverton. ire |ms»ed In review, with the con llton, democrat, proaecutlng stlor it s B um ( lualon that ricellenl order prevail- •d ami that no Indication of any I ney, II IFenllnger, Jr., ¡».puli«! J G M M« -Bride. cau»e for Internal explosion «listed Third district—J ungo R P Roise, I’ H Senator» «. , I Thus H Tongue. in any quarter. |M>pull«t, and P H D'Arcy,democrat; W It Filila. ( unre»»m<-n “At H srn reported ««-cure and all was qult-t (leech, democrat, department 1; Al A) minutes past 9 o ’ clock the vea- N A l>aw*Hin Hlate Senators i T M Munker» »cl was suddenly destroyed, There Thoma« O’Diy, democrat, depart­ J M Homers were two distinct dpi-»ions with I ment 3; llell Stuart, silver republi­ Representative a • ( J H Kmllh. bticf Intervals bet ween them. The can. first lifted th« forward part of the ' F'ifth district Judge, W I) Hare, i John Water »hip very perceptllily, the second, i populiat. D L Curi wtiich was more prolonged, 1» CommlMi-mert ............ 1 Hixth district — District attorney, (' R Montague attributed by the court to the part­ J T Hinkle, fiopullst. Clerk Seventh district—Judge, W L R«*c«»rt w.-nl down a very few minute» Fl Hick«, democrat; memla-r t»-ut H M 1 Hillel. I tom plating Is benl into a reversed Huperlntendeiit of publK instruct­ plrvctor» ........... ( IL ■ ►** I. 111 hier “V" shap«-, the after wing of which ion, J Fl lioamer, McMinnville, «late 1 Dr J W Cote slaiul 15 feet liro-.d and .t! feet long printer, !> I. Grnc-e, Hurney county! .. R .Shelton. Clerk from frame 17 to frame 26), la congri-asman from the fir»t district, Taachan. JoUtiled hack upon itself against a J I. Hill, Albany. The officer» of supreme Judge, Principal............................... V B Golii», continuation uf the same plating attorney general and congressman interuodiatc........... Grece Min Uh. extending forward. Primary........................................... May M«>rrl» ‘ frame is, the vertical k«*«-l la from the Ms-ond district were left til •• At further consultation could la* had broken in two and la-nt into n stngti with the voters of the »talc lar angle, formed by the out »Ide IL- coukl walk in plates. This break 1» ataiut »lx feet It I» under Moral th it a mlddle-of* But cuuki nut walk uut. t-cl.iw the surface of the water anti the r-md tounty convention will tw ataiul JU feel above its normal po»it ci lied to meet at l^lMnon early In Ion. April to nominate a full county tick II« could Joaquin, but not ' p»ut, “In tliv opinion of th«* court this ef­ •*t and to elect delegate» to III» state When the n.ervury Mid «*> deep In fect could have la-en produce«! only tain v ent ion t meet In Portland Ap­ it» hole by the exp.«»Ion of a mine situated ril 14. It could hot be reach.fi with th«* under the bottom of theablpnt about long Sortii Pede, frame 18 and aomew lint ou the port Chaplain Chid w ick has completed poor Joaquin »Igticd for a «uiinv side of the sbl|k hi* mortuary re'M.rt of the Maine, clime----- “The conclusions of the court are: which »how*’hat 257 men and two The land of tiie fig, the date and i “ ‘That the loss of the Maine was officer» pcrishol tn the c.d "strophe; lime. He »Ighed a« he liaikcd him round not In any te»|wct due to the fault nil nucciiliu ti to tln-ir injur!«-* while of or m gllgen e on the pirt of any lying In the San Ambre-i-i ILi-pitrd; about----- tine died on th.* Spanish I ran «port; “Oh, I could Joaquin, but 1 can't utUcer or member of her crew. “‘That Ihu ship was destroyed by 171 Itmlli-a hav«- been recovered from Joaqout." the «• xplosion o’ a submarine mine, the wreck, of which »Illy one h ive ----- Healdsburg Enterprise. Which caused a partial clpbr,|oi> of t»-en Itlenllfietl; Mil hav« been bur two or more of her f-irwanl *>> tga- l«*.| In Colon < '..tnntary and eleven The »election of a tile tor the lat Grant) sugar factory ha*, ta rn made i xln«-», and that noevlden«-« has been «t Key Weal. anti the »take» »et for the building. ¡obtained fixing the re«|»oii»Rillity Sam Jone», wh«» I» running for The factory grounds will la* <*n t... , for the destru-'tlon ut the Maine governor of Georgia, ha» a platform ; upon any person ur | h r»*ms. north •>" of the Wtllamann farm. “I liav« direct« I that tn«* finding of Id« own, which fu* originality I» The report of th* Mpanl-l ' -»rd pf the court of inquiry and the views ahead of any thing elan reported. of Inquiry Into the loss of th«« Main, i , (l , government thereon la* com- Here it I«: I am In favor of «imple, says emphatically that th«* explosion Hted Io th«- government «if ner unadulterated, unpurrhaaahle, un- was of Internal original, and thal maj«*«ty IF«- qu«-*-n regent of Mp«ln, bu I Id-K.« hl« manh<««l, ile al»o de It is “scientifically pnsctle»l«y d«-m- Bn,j ; (jo n„, |H-rtiiil myaelf todoubt i lare» against it miagtigue« and ail nnatrwt.al that Hie explosion wo In­ that the sen*« of Justice uf the H|-un- mita that corporation« have rights. ternai.” lah nation will dictate a c->ur»e of The city, of Forest Gmve h pa<- action suggested by honor and frleml- The largest city of the world 1» ly rel «lion« of the t Wo government». scl an firdin mee to improve arid lxmdon, lying In four cvunlles and . It 1» the duty of tlr- executive to repair the »1 reels within the citv, having a population of LiMt.i«), ^vl««congrewt of the result attd In which mean« grading anti putting ,1,.. k ■ the 1... ... .ra.k.l ,,,w I I faipulatlon* >■ >•»,! I u • I. ,n. a . , equaling combined | th.* the meantime deliberate camalli« consul, ra ra- ­ on four Inclieaof broken r*»-k. The cost 1» »«limited al »- *3J 12 Which of Parle, Berlin, Maini Pvieraliurg tion I» Invoked, will t>e covered by a tai on llie town and Home. To walk llitoughall tin William McKinley. property. Till» 1» a movement streets, avenues, lanes and allies of Eire utive Mar.»lon. Mar. h 28, I**'.»** which 1» well worth imitating by the city, never traversing tbo «am. our own town At a comparatively Maaalv I» rtloo» II*«». one twice, would require a ten- : No «mall coat to each properly bolder Cl*an I ,««*d «ocar-s a rlawn ai.m mile wulk every day for nine years. beauty withuul it. t'aacarsla, l and, Cathar our »(reel* could la* put in •icwHent rilH "•triTtii, plilCtMl in H row, would ||e jrottt* L. ímm I and keep it < > ah , b) rrneb roun.l thè World, and leave a . -< «l‘ ti» Mjnrr and-l.on . « i «.» aha pa. r»f »nun at. lavsrw y 1» • Ivan e UK »I» month«. . ...... t«» !*rr annuo. It not >• I la Uns«. • •» . a- » punt ai from thè buch Trtunnnt llmt would •trrtch front Ean,.h pimpir«. hmia. laindon lo Man 1-rensciaeu,—Udire*, •“«’ ’»•“ • ■ V' l’"’ Mutuo Juuroiu. Kefir» U 4» jf l»«-«. Ll«< kh< ,d» ,‘w" '? Kepofted for Ih« by thè Lini» f'n., Abstract Company, for ih« week etidlng March .^th. 1'"*. lx-wl« R Ni Ile* and wf lo Jno Meinert, T 12,2 und 1, W, 2-d acre«; 14500 D M Itonar et ai, lo Eather Far­ seli lo! 2 block m IIsckleman'« »ec- ond Add. lo Alliany ; amali (rack In T 12. I. w; »l.Ou J K t'harlton to Jno Tbedioey T II «n i I.', I. \ 'I iry Engur ami hu',-*»*l !•» Aug u.ta M D «w «on. Iota 7 and « blmk '•2 Alhuny, Oregon; |8t») t’N tu Wiu C II II ilmr», et •I. (orplian«) ’I 12. I, W. I SA acre»; Anna Mycrs to ’ Nlle Oldlaod N w I «e* 20, T '.», 2, I. Itk»; arri ♦«<» Anna Myer» re Agno» l.iv«ey ri al N F. ; are 32, T 9, ‘2, FI Itti ai re». INNI < »lei» Gray and wf lo C G Cray ol I bit» k <1 Hai«-» ; »90 Il C Davi» and wf tu E II Penlan of UM acre», T 12, 4, W; 9250 Wm II Davidson and wf to Win McDoml-l T 15. 4, W, I were; «I <»> I> I’ M ison et al Refer»-««, to J I’ W ill»« V S lot» 7 and 8 bluck SO Albany; Hint Mat I ie E El san to I' Si hloaser lot C block 3 Hltullx frunt Add to Al- tuny; IP) ll W Sylvester and wf to May f : Harris T 13, 1, W 41 acr»; ll.oo Fl Musselman and wf to Perkins i 12, 2, W 2acres; >.o G F' Imfig and wf to I. E anil Fl j Miller T 9, 2. W, 11-».« re«; ; US) II F' F.llis ami wf to N A Swift sec 31, T 9. 3, E 20 acre»; »USI J A Uodinu el al Io M I ILxline undivided int. In T II, 3, W, Jt!7 acres; 1200 Riqiort from tbe central |nrt of the »tute say tli.it apricot», plum», almonds and cherries have ta-en complvlly ruimil by tde heavy frost» of the past few nights.—< illf. Ex. Th«* w heelmen of ( orvallis and Altviny have » scheme under way to build a bicycle path tie! wvon the tWo tuwn«, and it promise-- tu be a »uc- cesa. They w ill have scivi) euglttccr to lay «tut the |u«!b, and it will I m - 1>uilt and maintained by th«- wlieel men. This I» an excellent i a and promise» to bring the I m - s I people in both (owns Into closer relationship. U-rxr. lUport. Se««, «Jrorariun» Wheil ’W rts. per lui, Oats, g6 " ” bbl. FTour H 20 I I IM) Bruti “ Ion. 4 4 Middling» 17 <'bop, JPi per !»»n. Potai'»-». (sH-ts per sack. Egga, lOc. per Jox. Buttei,crinim*ry 2-’-: ranche 12 p tb. II.«m», I_”«■ p- r III. Hhouider». He per Ih. iiacotl, lue p«r II» Ixint, lue per Ih t’tilcken», 3 oo t»-r do» I ^!!tR!l!!t!!!n!!!!!!!!!t!!!!!!m!!!!!lt!!!!tt¿ IVIll /Insuer /Iny Question You may /Isk It. Sta nd «ard American Annual. * * * PRICE CENTS STANDARD OF THE WORLD ALSO HARTFORDS and VIDETTES, THE NEXT BEST For Sale By Roy R. Gill, Scio, <4iiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiiUliiiiiiUiiiliiiiiilii4^ • •«••*• In l)w» « |iy <*• *• U». I Wrt I k>» I Wk'» «er*« & tnO»*-* >.(*** ”f %« au-l imtn. f m < rr ♦*' •< rv*< I t*»t'-w \.«rih *r»t “t *» Io I fHa‘1«»»» Si* -’il«-t! 4 a, I» N»i»r ni’«’*» H. H ''Ucimi in • .’I Ba rs'« I »er» In r|iy <»f X4<> new feMWMB* An ! mm h- V« « - ■ . - I a «« rea « nf » trrM tf» cwlf lv»f H»n l«a*An«,v» t»yw»’i ’«A*! t»rr-t t»t’«ah and •*»»•»<• fem)1 barn ah 1 orchard b J k»*rl fend, prvr »: •» (•'f urrw Arrwa i tfiilre 4Hnnth of ■•»■lo arrr-u ti cult!» i *h»rt luA’nrtrw oyxrn • • <« tev«l kui’l Itottw a -ol t«A»rn. p«h«* W •»’ mtlrw H F I» : -V ■. « Ino us r« «torli I .«■ IO |l as» ffiitn« In ih«' 1< m »1 hlliu for 13»» a« r» » fintilo« * lo T* a- »« • in < uhivatl’»n tettenr** «»fw’it |w»< nrr, i»ru*n and •'tn«* limiter, hmtar, !«e«n «od otehntd jwlrr |.*>t» I?» A» iv» A 4*|tl»re «trtlth of Atrio. ? tlilifMt North of M','«finr*n «nd I : mtlr* la«i ot li Iwfitty I." •«:<•« In otl’ha l««»i. M gti-r |u»»- ture., r ial, a < i I «onir t itn’o». li->>i* A ftern. i»r«‘hant »H irvrl ten 1 and urli ¡oawl* | l’i t« r W« |wt nrm ’.Ffi Arr*<, 1* j tu litre re»u*h ttf M» >.»». ino a » r»' In «tilt I V Ut lOD, l*»tRtH»rt tmafilVA arv1 •<««»») hrw»h. nb Irre! tend, k «* fì ondi r*!, I fouw and hdrr» l’rk* W»’ •<> iwf «wie 'JJI «4 rr«, lu Hl Ihre lx»a( *»f Hrln, Í-4MI of 'ordino, » mUr« N*-nh «»( If IL IV’* •* t » m « tilt t» a ) i«m, fa» tqwm lAawMirv«, ■kofifer hru«ti »nd rwn «li a ** « ’lUlv Air-I, Ali a Od reril, g’»«t I umiw «nd tbkrn. out I'tii llt«4<, ”cll and •j,rint( •»II I Pr»«r |:r- •»> |w< «rin t- tra, | ) tnlh • Fwt ■■( " • »•’ » V “ in cult »niton, 7«t a » rrw niorvi Oiw’H ter d. ta*l- • ihm » thn’«rr. Dut « rv4 w- AH-i funi feiu y»«Uftg fruii lir»re, upring •nd runnitiM ««ter- Pi»••• O hi » lot fio h> lao hw’t In V(-»n’n»Hte «*i> in ing I*r»rttend <>r»M<»n nn* 7 noni h*Hi*r with mostriti improv menta, cvdter rtt t'«ru ah ! Ot|t l»ul-ding<»> fi ’ wai tu< frntt trw«, h»«w’» d (iiifi bloc* fit’iu city o(U»UJ Intid N I. <»f •*» in, >» tt* r«-n In j ’M» «> FT«, 4 ‘NB (w*turr, t»ru«h < nihl» al Fon, , ’**44 All !■« VUi 1)81«' i. I •D’I »mali Ilo». M« A»’|!'<, S dille» U r In i tilil*«ttot» nti‘1 No . fand, I h ’U w *. imm A otiTmi'l rr |.i o tubil ••*♦!», > m ! niHf to «ult h<*» r. A&l'l A4 14 W, lo Hiti«*« La»*l of «X» In, |«4 A» (» * h> vH h Iv«tiloti. t’ttAtM'rt oi«*n i>n«iGrt, w-ttiv* bit»» D atti lltn*wr, >5 A»r«<* hi li wi •IH«* ikJI k < mm | M’ vf I I»oli«»li» ii«i>4. Iw‘ii*»- wn«l lau liMfii« ani wnlwt.l. |*»hr |D ♦» |«f «un tir • !*•■«. I« m 4» m *».* t • •• t<» •alt jmr* hnjMrr. TJu 4U*r w, i niIU ni I ùba * *»f %'to. 11® tv rv-w in ruttiv.». h»n 'whibir ttvwriy i «il r»|w*n jwrturc’, •ittui w aiu », bili iwu r’«iin)t»< •/K«ok». igr>»l wnirr, tfoftd nr« I miow , S I miti «, g< o\ nrcfainl Thl« I« a M m I Ì> aJit «n MCAh tutu» l'ti.’eflà LAA J*?» •»*(*» r>rtti«l.ipf ■ a»h twktetic* liti»*' W B it », !•<> iiillr’t ‘Noutl.w«wl fti-riM tii rnit I n «'t«»n, ji tu tee ofwtt |4fiAltiiv Ibtlufuw hi«*«*h and mmii «- tlin'wr. « uh «il br nll’l'Uir-l, t’Higiai’l uc« I mhiu '«, I w •» lM»(» IHI'I I» GII «Irj bOQvu»«, >'•«!«-« it» ♦ a « f«re I h (>r< iiat l, «p |w» a* « « . : « t ru S9 •«:*■», IWO Illi-«« Multili» Atre, «ti S h», i A« rvw IH » tlltlb 4 luti, >• AkMv* hftjwlt Ami uaillpr ittttiirr, lU GftguU JîLOQÎ\ GOLDS]) f«tr hotiwr and tew prow I.I V io acr«M», J iitt'ra North of fa'U», ! Hill« tu H ll rrtMAiHM*- M> •« rrd in «’»liti » a I ion, hnner and fain, writ «itti «priiif water l’rlre- Jl’XME HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR WHEAT. OATS. ETC. PIÎJS STOP'S -^CLIITISS, X ; ■; CAN YOU READ? (9 : m BA7AH« i I P aitepjis I ! A MSCALLS ! MAGAZI?:S'^' magari. r»t J - J- i Inva'.uable (« Ih* t n e. I Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. I r. AeMere ____HcCALL CD?r*ANY, I42-I4é Ted « I Itb • » £. M » .1. I " tv I Y-.*„ < <*• 18» Fu‘A A«« •», CL »nJ PohlMl Mènni fnJUtMJ. THE WORLD, Pulitrer Building, New Yo Wanted An Idea we . i ni w »i.-«„tf-HS « ■ o r««."« • _ • • - r «a* «*•-> la-•***«*•* •ad M» Mtl d fe­ lb ON IR di' !! .Filli Ip ) I I 4' The Weekly Oregonian, Per year San Francisco Examiner, Hoards Dairyman, Orange Judd Farmer, Tlirice-a-weck World, Farm, Field and Fireside, * •' thè day. H-*m« t.bcra' re. FI- vai 'J I Unta, Fancy W ■ rk, Current I -, s. , wow any « me. I far amp!« c^py. Fiction, all f-v only 10 or» ' a year, h. cbaJang a Ir«-«* eatlrrn, ye-ir o-.n *r'« : U -n 'I. 1. l ine. Sei.d two 2«i.l »tai.q* any Xaewsf Ä//M- «a. • 9------ Q) WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY' f«L«r ••TIIEFTVt ISB PATTI WN ” A* thtkr. Pithlonlbt«. O' irul. Perire*- Pitting. Prie« IO and IO celila. Noe« Llgh-r. No«w brtttf a» any p1-«. San» r*l*able mere Fani ull» thera In I nesrfy «very city or te wn. A«k lo» thon, o» thè/ c*n tv h - 3 by meU from u» in citi e» New Yoek ; -. Stampe taken. Latri! Ec.hlon Shed •ent upoo ccc«i;t cf ooa tea» lo -ay patine. Rrightrit lad. 0 Yes, of course, if you have any thing to read. Í MS CALL r Ready Jan. !, IA98, On All Ke» s Stands. 3 5 5 Columbia Chainless And Chain Bicycles, PoR Ì2 tu > I aararrta. hvsuty for tea ccnt» A I «Ini« gl»1** aSL‘»i»*Uva •uaiantccd, iik, Jfrc,Our. I. LANOFOR SALE Litui County Land Sale« H . Nominated After Four I’ay* Del ¡lit ration. Finding» of The (’uurt Of Inquiry. APRIL H 19 M I ,S. $2 00 2 20 175 1 so 2 00 175