U, g. Battle Ship Maine to Atoms. A,: Steamer Biirnod at Sea UASTancj SOUTH -vu- Th| Shasta Route Nothing of q definite nature has At a qqarter tjll |0 o’clock last 1 been received^W.i.tii reference to the of th^ StéSiner C|ara Neva­ Tuesday evenipg a terrible explo- btijnjng 1 sion took place on board the 0. S. . da, ' while she was en route from Skag- battle-ship Maine, in Havana har- . jyay |o Juneati?’“And perhaps the J W 4 ¡4 T Physicians and bor. ] Many were killed or wounded. report will neltfigr be cienieid nbr con, Surgeons. Office at residence. All the boats pf the Spanish cruis? firtpcl till the Eldér reaches Nanai, .. "'V'?'- 'í Express Trains Eeave Fortlnnd Dally. S. M. Daniel has just received a er 1 Alphonso 2£III were sent to assist mp. The steward oti&e. tug Co|emap South. fine new lot of spring samples of j in saving the sailors, many of whom 1 North. . were blown overboard by the force informed the cah^ain of the steamer 6:00 P. M, Lv....... Portlapd;4.. « Ar 9:30 A. M. clothing for 1§98. 9:40 P. M, Lv .Albahyi........ '.Lv .6(00 A. M. The Albany Steam Laundry does of ' the explosion arjd left struggliqg Excelsior that 9'number of life-pre­ 7:45$, J£. Ar..San Francisco. Lv 8'100 P.M. servers, bearing the.name of '!Ha’s; . The above trains'stop at all stations between as finp work as any first-class laun­ in the wAter. and '. galem, Turner,' Marion But none good fop the money dry pn the coast an.d their prices are As yet tbe cause qf the explosion lqr” were fon pg on t h.e beach at Se­ Portland Jefferson, Albany, Tangent. Shedd, Halsey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, as Brciadhead ijress goods. They all rjght.-^-Ed Cyrus, Agt. is not apparent. _ The wounded sail­ ward City, ttó ’d^y after the allegeci .Cottage Grove, Drains, Oakland and all sta­ disaster. Biit W, Meq'uiré, one from Rogetyigg soqt|) to and including have the weight, they' haye the Rev. Arthur Panp is now employed ors of the Maine are unable tp ex* of the ownet^qf the stp’ámpr, claims tions Ashland* ’ ’ * z wear, they have the finish of goods three-fourths of his time in Yam­ plain it. It is believed that the bat­ Roseburg 3f all—Daily. that -When the vessel left for the which cost much more mopey. SsSOA.M. Lv.. Portland .Ari 4:30P.M' hill coquty. He also is employed at tle-ship is totally destroyed, North every thing about her bear- 12:25 E. M. Lv... .;..AlbAhy.... Lv 112:50P. M. Almost two thousand yards in Central, .op Albany prairie. Mrs. . Admiral M^nter°la believes that ing the.name crT’TIassler” hep for? 5;20P. M- As ■ ■Rogeburg .. Lv i 7:30 A. m . spring styles just placed on sale at Cane is slowly improving from a the first explosion was of a hand iner name, Mra'beén obliterated, Lebanon Branch. grenade that yyas purled over the. Daily (except Sunday.) severe attack of lung trouble, héncóhe dppii pot’frélieY^'that the 8:10 A.M. Lv......... Albany..........Ar 110:30 A.M. Mr. John R Jones, .traveling pas- havysyard. preservers reWíéd t§ ^longed to 9:00 _____ A M. ,, Ar . .. Lebanon ....Lv I 9:30 a . m . #5Qp.M, Lv.fc.......Albany Ari 7:05 p . m . seger agent for.the. Southern Pacific The report that Capt. Sigsbee was his vessel. ’ L8, -te-j 5;40P-m.T Lebanon .... Lv [ 6:00*p.m, ■Wounded is inaccurate. Two officers - - •• Co, was in town last Saturday. He Wood^uriB-rSprfnjjifie^l Rraneli« appointed Sen. A J- Johnson local and more than 200 of the crew are : Daily (exoept Sunday.) Sodaville Itepi^. ALBANY, OSN agent for passenger fraffic to All missing, V* ■ ■- - ' LV-.'-V. ’csit-zh» t,‘. ,'Ar < 1855 p.m» 2: 50p»m*«'lLv .'/Woodburn, , A special copyright to the World X*T...,.'Wést Sciò. . .Lv 110:45 a.m. 5". V0p,m. Lv. Agents for Butterick patterns. points East and South.' Chas. F 0: 20 p.m. Ar...... Natron.... ¿Lv I 7^00 ft »Hi « ! from Havana on Wednesday Feb. 16 Mr. “ : R W Fisher' Went to Port; Send for Metropolitan. Overbaugh of the O R & N Co. was Dining Cars on Ogden Route. also here on business connected with says the officers of Maine state that land Saturday.7 the explosion was in tpe central ■••Mrt J H Brown, pf the North- his company. Pullman Buffet Sleeper» magazine, and that fhe Maine was 1 west Furniturq.Co of Portland is in -rAND— Calavan. Bros, have 500 head of ' raised out of the water and then 1 town on business. SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS choice cattle gathered in this vicin­ ' partially broken to pieces. The dis- Attached to through trains. Prof. F S Ward pcade aflying trip ity which they are wintering, three patch continues: to Albany last,)Saturday, on Sunday hundred-fifty head are steers among “All the officers but the surgeon he was seen Wfih a roll of papers WestSide Division. Why 9h Why which are one-hundred-fifty head, Between Portland and Corvallis. Will vou pay exorbitant prices for coming two years old and two-hund.- were in the wardroom at the direct from tijie pourt house, and on Mail train daily (except Sunday« Coffee when you can buy it of us red head yearlings. AH their cattle moment of the explosion, and then Monday^ Mr. Dixon takes his place .7:30,am I.Lv Portland........ Ar I 5:50 pm .came a. stupendous shock. Only a in the publicar school while Frank 12:15pm I Ar .... Corvallis.. Lv |; 1:03pin very reasonable? are looking fine for this season of very pitiably few of the 350 jack tars' wends his way: toward Brownsville. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains We sell 3 pkg Grandma’s coffee for the year. got from below. The water rushed It is rumore^.j)iat fie will not come of the O. Ct & E. railroad« 25c. r Express train daily (except Sunday) • Fred Morris and Henry Myers are over them and many were stunned back home alone. - We sell14 lbs good green Rio fop |1. 4* 50p m I lv...... ¿.Portland......... àr 18: 25 a m having some experience before and drowned, but hot mangled. It 7: 30 I ar ....McMinville.... -v I 5: 50an* We sell-20 lbs Broken Roast for $1. Born: to the qvife of Rev. Morss, a 8: 80 pm p m ; ar ... .Independence... lv f 4: 50 a m We sell Arbuckle’8 and Lion’s for . they get to Alaska. They were is not likely that more than .40 sail? , son, all are getting along nicely. Direct connection at.SanFrapcisco with Oc­ delayed nearly a week in Portland hrs were saved. The officers on ]0c a pkg. and Oriental and-Pacinc Mail'Steam­ State Supltjfrwin lectured at the cidental ship lines for JAPAN ancTCRINA. Sailing Remember that we always lead in ( before getting to sail. And that deck narrowly escaped. All agree S C Band Hall last Thursday even­ dateson application. vessel they sailed on then caught that .& double explosion oecured Rates aiib tickets to Eastern poihts and Eu­ making low price?. Also Japan, China Honplülu. and Aus­ fire and was compelled to return to from ithe natural result of under­ ing, before adarge audience of citi­ rope. tralia, can be obtained froni Mrs. M. E. Wood­ Yours Truly, zens and stqdents. We hope he mansee, ticket agent,. Wèst Spio. Astoria. The steamer was twenty water explosion of the magazine.” R. K oehler , Manager. ’ Ross. E. Hibler. C H MAitkHAM, AsstG'F & Pass Agent, Port mjles on its way before the fire was Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. will be able ¡tp be wfih us again landvóK qoqn. pi '■ . discovered. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, 10c, 26c. If O. C. C, fall, druggists refund mp^ey. The talk ^f a railfpad to Sodaville Mrs. Bert VanCleve is to sue her Firebugs set fire to the town of has revived" again. Some of the printer-actor husband for divorce,on the gropnd of non-support and de­ Marshfield Sunday night while most citizens are cutting ties. sertion. One child, a boy, has been of the. people were at church-and The Evangelical Church put up the issue of the marriage. Bert is only by heroic efforts was the town their new will today, it is a credit to What The People Of This now “on the boardc’ in ’Frisco town, kept from being swept away. the town. The C P church will have another Locality aie Doing. Mr. C A Loud, the dog fancier, Jessie B. Lawrence who has for organ soon. - who undertook to corral several dif­ some time held a- case on the Regis­ Hattie Mijler, Anna Brandon, and YAQUINfl BAY ROUTE. A. G. Prill, Physican and Surgeon, ferent business propositions in this ter, has accepted a position as fore­ Lenore Powoll of the M. S. C. spent Connecting at Yaquina Bay with the San town at once, and got left all round, man ©n a tiew republican paper at Sunday at Plainview. Scio, Oregon. " Office next door to Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steamship Co. has again been, heard from. It Lebanon. The new paper will be drugstore., ......... Prof. W; E. Parrish, who is teach­ seems he is interested in some small STEAMSHIP 1 PRESIDENT,” Mrs. rR.--Hr. Curl was visiting in Way’or other in afbenph show at edited by Attorney W, M. Brown, ing school, at Sweet Home came and promises to be a live sheet in down. Friday and returned Sunday. Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Fran­ Scio this week. cisco, . Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Santa Barbara, Cal. the coming campaign. It will be The M. 8. C. Telegraph Tine is in Humbolt Bay. Miss Mona Daniel went to Albany Mr. Jerry Shea, who came down manned by a competent foreman,and operation, under the management Passenger Accommodations Unsurpassed. Monday on a visit. from Sweet Home Monday morning the Register wishes the new enter­ of Fisher, McCully, Flory, Black & Shortest route between the Willamette Vai- ey and California. Mr. and Mrs Ross E Hibler went reports considerable excitement in prise all success Mr. Lawrence will CO. < .; f : \ fo J’ortlgnc|.ilast Tuesday. Lebanon over the discovery of some probably leave next week for his Miss Julpt Hart is visiting her sis­ Fare from Albany and points West to Ban Francisco. County Commissioner Curl was rich copper ore about two miles new situation.—Eugene Register. ter Mrs, Hugh Fisher this week. Cabin...... ....... ................. .......... visiting'jn ;Scio this w^ek from that city apross the Santiam. >Mr. andy/Mrs.- Romine came up Steerage...................... Round Trip Good for 60 days. , Mrs. S. M. Daniel went to Mon­ It was found by one of Smith’s hoys Corbett and Fitzsipamoms; from Albany last Friday. Mrs. Bay, cabin.................. ........ mouth Wednesday for a short visit and is very heavy. Several men Romine, .will remain with hen To Coq^ ,. ’ ,, ’ Steerage....... ... ...... ........... 6 go To Humboit Bay and Port Orford, cabin,10 Oo A syndicate headed by Joe Har­ daughter wÁ° attending college. Rev Lamar returned to Lebanon went out to prospect it today, and if » >> „ » Steera •, 8 Oo the ledge is what it is thought to be vey, a well-know turfman, announ­ Tuesday eyenlng. “A jax .” the discovery will be an important ces its willingness to hang up a Now is the time to get your fruit RIVER DIVISION. purse Of $50,000 for a fight between trees. J S Morris is ftger.t for a fine one.—Democrat. Another Rich Strike Steamer ^Albany” between Portland and Corbett and Fitzsimmons. Condi ­ Corvallis, through without lav-over. Leav­ The match shoot in Portland the fine. Corvallis 6: 80 a, m., Tuesdays, Thurs tionally upon this match being ar­ which wlH'interest the people of ing and Sundays;* leaves Portland, Yamhil Mrs Iva Kinder has begun di­ first of the week between Albany’s Scio and vicinity is one first made days, St- Dock, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. ranged, the Harvey syndicate will vorce proceedings against Martin two crack shots, George Froman Edwm Stone, . Mayo, by 8 M Daniel, who will sell you offer à purse of $10,000 for McCoy to Manager. Sunt. River Div. and Sky Meeks, and Portland’s two F Kinder. 20 lbs whole roast coffee for one dol­ H. L. Walden, Agent, Albany. best shots, Hughes and Beall, was meet either Joe Choynski -or Peter G W Morrow and W A Ewing won by the Albany men. The Maher. This fight is to be to a finish lar, no chicory, bagged sixteen ducks on Beaver Shooting of Meeks and Beall was ex­ also and on the same day as the 13 lbs nice bright clean green coffee preek Tuesday, for one dollar, cellent, but Froman failed to get up­ other one. Though the offer does Mrs. Otto Martin- who has been on the combination, the birds being not say that the contest is to take Arbuckle, Lion, Grandma’s and Yo­ visiting in Albany-and Jefferson re­ very slow, whereas he is remarkably place in Nevada, there is little semite coffee all for lQc a paper. Buy your goods from S M Daniel turned home Tuesday. quick, and Hughes, who has beep doubt that Carson or Reno will get There will be a W. C.T. U. Rally considered the best shot in the the fight if the men accept. Harvey and you will save more money than Saturday evening, Feb. 26, 1898, north-west, shot miserably, The Is a man of considerable means, and nipe-tentbs^f tfipsp will make who Lookout for program next week. score out of a possible fifty was as a close friend of Chas, Fair, the go to Klondike. Messrs. Eve Manis, Lul$e Jen­ follows: Meeks 22, Froman 1?, to­ millénaire. J E WE LEE. - lieauty In Blood Deep. To Care Constipation Forever. nings, and John Leffler attended tal 39; Beall 21, Hughes 13, total 34. Clean blood means a clean skin. No All kinds of watches clocks and Jew­ Take Cascareis Caqdy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.. withont-it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar­ the mask ball at Mehama, Monday Word received from David Hors- If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. beauty elry repaired promptly. tic clean your blood an