The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, February 18, 1898, Image 1

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    ¿The ^antiam cttews.
À Column Devoted To The
Interests of farmers.
Per arinum, invariably in advkhce.
Six months,
“ . “
Per annum if not paid in advance,
41 50
. 1 00
.. 2 00
Advertising rates at fair, living rates,tb be
paid monthly.
.Transient advertisements must be paid for
When the order is given for their insertion.
Thé fembesi plays on tautened stays,
The canvas drips with sleet;
The ghostly things on flashing
Agaihstths Waither bsat—<
Abolit the pouring scuppers wheel.
And With the topmasts pitch and
The straining craft, swept fore and
Dips in the fitful moon;
The ocean roars on iron shores,
The night is black and soon;
And these are phantoms of the dead
That swoop and flutter overhead.
What grewsome tales of tattered
Of sunken ships, they know;
Of vessels blown to seas unknown,
A. hundred years ago;
Of every lost, unshrlveri fioul
The currents sweep from pole to
Oh! spirits swift of storm and drift,
Of seas of smothering spray.—
The timbers groan, the breakers
The light is far aw.ay.—
Spread out your wings upon the
And let the wearied sailor sleep!
Charles Allen, in Sports Afield
If the cook should cdnciude that
the trouble of salting oqr food is all
unnecessary, or that if we require it
at all, once, each .week is sufficiently
often, she would undoubtedly meet
With a vigorous protest from all con­
What reason is there, either in
theory or practice, to lead us to sup­
pose that our dumb animal friends
are less sensitive to such irregular­
ities? ■■
The writer remembers well that
with every Sunday morning in his
boyhood days came the duty of giv­
ing both cattle-and horses a handful
of salt. As time went on a cheese
factory was built, and as We became
its patrons we had an excellent op­
portunity in weighing our milk
The reported loss by flrd of the
Clara Nevada, and the Are in the
hold of the steamship Oregon, go to
show that everything Is sacrificed
In the mad race id the Yukon.
Safety of passengers is a secondary
Every old hulk
that can be used, is pressed into ser­
vice, regardless of old boilers and
Worm-eaten timbers. Few fires
were reported among our coast ves­
sels till this riyalryiin transportation
to Alaskd was inaugurated.^ It re
said the Clara‘Nëvfidà ca’ugirt fire On
the tftp up the'coast,and that much
trouble Was hfid with her boilers.
Yet she' continued in the service,
If the truth was known, no doubt
other vessels may prove unsafe, and
we may expect to hear of mfire dis­
asters later On.
it seems that, even American built
ships and that eVen American com­
manders of our war vessels may
have accidents befall their com­
mands? The recent destruction of
the Maine in Havana harbor was
doubtless due to the Carelessness of
one of thé officers of the Maine. It
is very improbable that any attempt
bn" the part of over-zealous Span­
iards to destroy the Maine would be
as successful as this affair seems to
be. . X .
Partisan politicians
nothing.So much as mugwumpery,
the breaking of ’party lines. But
inugwumpery, in its essence, is
nothing but life chipping the egg
shell of death; spirit superseding
formula. Its* exponents are not
.always the wisest or tiid best men
in the community; their aims may
Often be personal and selfish; but
the principle on which they act is
In the abstract always benflcent. If
We Would see the result of a civiliza­
tion devoid of mugwumpery, we
have but to look at China—the
standing example of arrested devel­
opment in the modern wofid. But
even Chiqa is beginning to peck at
the Shell ndw; and there are mug-
^hmps of all degrees and descript­
ions, all over Europe.—Julian Haw­
thorne in Collier’s weekly«
«TillllMi.. I.—
There was considerable excitement
among members of the Bouse before
asSethbling Monday, owing to the
imperative SUffitoOns sent out Sun­
day night by subordinate officials of
the house to each repubiicfiti mem­
ber impressing the urgent necessity
Of his bfesonco at the session fifbn-
day; Boyte; republican, of Indiana;
presented ah Unanimous report of
the commitee bti elections No. 2, in
thb CaSe of Vanderbiirg vs. '.tongue,
from the second Oregon district; in
favor of the Sittitig member, and it
Was adopted Without division or de*
tn Huehos Aires (Argentine ile-
pliblic) and Para (Brazil) Street Cats
fife drawn by ^tobies at a speed of
ten miles and over per hour.—La
Vie Sei entifi.qae.>;'
The great object to be attained in
feeding brood sows while pregnant,
is the proper development of the
pigs in bone and muscle without
any surplus fat, and at the same
time bring the mother to the critical
time in the best of health and
hogs. He is going to ‘lay low’ till county, Kansas, recently marketed
the question is cleared up a little. a load of cattle in Kansas City whose
He is counting the cost of produc-* average weight has probably never
tion as well as looking at the selling been exceeded by a full load of cat­
price. He is figuring profits and tle sold in those yards. The load
not prices, and he Will climb down Contained twelve headof high-grade
on the .profit side of the fence» no Shorthorns, eight of them fours past
matter hoW nice it looks on the oth­ and the balance threes past. The
er side.”—National Stockman and combined weight of twelve head was
24,600 pounds, or art average of 2,050
. , Hens that are being “ coached” Farmer.
pounds to the steer. They arrived
fpr egg production should not be
A successful dairy farmer writes in a 80-foot car and filled the car
“stuffed.” Their food being of the
so tightlj’ that they were unloaded
proper character, their crops should to Hoard’s Dairyman as follows)
“The skim milk is fed to the pigs with difficulty. Mr. Stiers bred and
rievef be more than moderately full.
It is a delusion to suppose that hens and calves. My calves are taken raised these cattle and feels justly
will not ^t more than is good for from thé COW when" a day old, as proud of his achievement. They
them. As- in the ease of human then the calf has taken the first milk were sold at $5 per cwt-., or an aver­
beings,'when tempted by appetizing from the calf which is necessary to age of $102.50 per head. Mr. Stiers
viands, they will gorge themselves, the welfare of the calf. It is taught said that they netted him at home
find than bring on indigestion, and to drink» and when a week.old.a lit­ verv nearly $100 per head.
waste energy in the effort to get rid tle skim milk is mixed,in its moth­
It is not so generally appreciated
er’s milk, till at" the end of two
of the surplus.—Farm Journal.
weeks it is fed fed on skimmed as it should be that the breeding sow
“The discussion of the bacon hog milk entirely. The amount fed de­ while she is bearing her young,
has waxed exceeding warm of late. pends, largely, on the vigor and con­ needs just the kind of nutrition that
Secretary Wilson urges our farmers stitution of the calf. Last year I the growing pig will require. Sows!
to produce the aforesaid hog and raised calves that could only be fed fed heavily on corn fatten, and
recommends the Tamworth. Prof. about twelve pounds of milk daily; bring thin, stunted pigs, with very
Thomas Shaw, another authority on while now I am feeding calves that little ability to care for themselves,
Such pigs will never do so well as
those which' are fed milk and wheat
bran, with some kinds of roots,
while bearing their- young. These
will have good digestion, and will
grow rapidly,-while the stunted pig
will never fully recover from theim*
proper nutrition it received before it
was farrowed.—American Cultivator.
We are N ot Closing out at Cost”, nor purpose selling at C ost at all, because it
takes money and P rofit to keep a business going. But beginning with tomorrow
and lasting until further notice we will sell goods at unprecedented low prices.
Frankly we do this in order to get hold of a little money to bay our debts, ahd at
the same time reduce our stock, which is too large for this time of the year, and there­
by make room for spring goods. The following prices will show you that we are not
talk: :ing through our hats.
$2 50 Leather boots, mens
$3 50 & $3.' Fine shoes, ladies
$1 50 Heavy shoes, ladies
Childrens shoes proportionately low.
1 35
We have a few children’s mackintoshes at
A big line of Shirtings, outings and satteens at low prices.
Brown muslins 20 and 25 yards for
Good dark calico 25
1 00
We have one of the biggest stock of dress goods in the country and
, will sell everything at C ut prices.
40 cents per yard
52 inch lady cloth, the very best
20 n
32 ”
Tricot, all wool and excellent value
Nice half wool goods
Flannels of all Colors,
the best on earth
Our prices on Clothing nobody can beat.
3 50 per pair
Long-leg Snag Proof boots, good as ever sold
3 00
Long-leg- common
2 50
Short-leg Snag Proof ” good as ever sold
2 00
Short-leg common
Ladies first grade over-shoes
And lastly have you heard how our prices on coifed make oiir poor
compeds. turn pale?------Read:
Ì 00
Arbuckles & Lyons 10 cents a package, lOpackages for
1 00
Good brokeli roast, 20 pounds for
(Our coihpedsask 11 cents per pound for the above.)
14 pounds Green Rio for
4 cents pei4 baf
Baby Elephant S6ap
All kind of poultry is high.
Large fat old hens,
$3 50 dozen
Good last yedrs chickens from
$2 50 to 8 00
Good geese 7 i cents per pound or
7 50 ”
Dried aples, sun dried o cents, tnachine dried 6 & .61 cents per potind.
17 cents per dozjni. s
Boss B. Hibler, Solo. r-f
from day to day to study the effect
of changing conditions. We scion
learned that "salt day*’ Wfis InVafia-
bly followed by a shrinkage in
weights at the factory. JV? Very
naturally concluded that sUCli over
doses of salt, irfitated the stomach
of the cow, qaUsiug a feverish con­
dition of the entire system, and coil
sequent lessening of the fiow of
milk. Wç at once adopted the plab
of sprinkling the mangefs with salt
before stabling the Cows; bcith at
night and in the mofning, ahd thé
irregularities noted above ,wete at
an erid. The cows Seem th énjoy
the licking from ënd to end of a
saited box müch better than a large
quatltity of salt. They come intd
the stable as sdOri as the doorâ are
thrown open ihstead Of Waiting to
be dHven in as formerly,fahd stay
each ih its accustomed stanchion
inUch better than wfieh there is
nothing to take Up thëir attention,
find èVëfy daifyman knows that
*iii contentment there is a great
gain;”—A Dairyman.
livestock, endorses bdth the secreta­ get about twenty-four pounds daily.
ry and the hog. But noW comes After the calf has bééti fed milk for
Mr. Sanders ISpëncer, thé recogniz­ about four weeks I begin giving
ed English authority on swine; and Whole oats and a little bran, and
says, the, Tam worth is a very!inferi- when sit weeks old I. commence
or hog; that he dbêén’t waht’ any feeding oil meal. At first èàcfi òiìé
Tamworths in his’n, and the Danes, gets about a tablespoonful a day
who produce the highest-priced ba­ scalded in a little water mixed in thè
con in the world, don't want any milk. Thè.dii itìeal and oàtè arid
either. Mr, Spencer is surë that, bran are increased in quantity as the
thé white breeds (Yorkshires) are calf grows older. Hay is put before
the only gehuine bacon hogs—and them when two weeks old? I feed
he breeds them to Sell and btight to their milk ahd grain whiié fasthtibd
kfibW what .he is talking about. in stanphipnfi, from a trough with
Not ai*e bhr hustling American ¡partitions in it; So that feUCh calf gets
breeders Unheard in this argument. its oWri shaft) find ho mbffi. It Wil)
Each Claims that his favorite breed defitti th. eat oats and bran' vei$
Will make the best bacon and - make quickly; by putting the grain in the
it the cheapest—if they are onlÿ fed trough as sodo as it ^els its milk
for it. Feed me for lard and you dtatik; They fife fed on the fibove
get laid; feed toe for meat and you ration tinlll about six months! old
get leiin mefit, is what the American when they ate fed a ration of hay
hog promises—through the mouths and grain. IfiFefer to taìfié bàlvès
Of the breeders. The packers are dropped in October, as the milk
dot saying much; neither are they keeps Sweét better tn cold Weather,
paying müch extra for bacon Hogs. and théfi wlìéfi gtaés comes they ale
The plain, eiffely-day pork-maker is ready to turn du to pfisturb and Will
not saying tnUcfi eithfiF, nor is he thrive welii
giving away his lard bfood sows or
Swopping them for trotting-breed John Stiers; of Corning, Neffiakfi
If you have been selecting for feed
the best of your hay or fodder $11
winter, it may be that you are now
feeding that which-is not as good.
See that the grain ration is increased
a little so that the cows, and all stock
come out of winter in a little better
shape than they went in.
Last season was an unusually good
one for the dairymen in Cooscounty
Patrons of the creameries never be­
fore have done so well. The Co­
quille creamery patrons received
32) cents per pound for their batter
fat. The coming Reason has every
prospect of being a good one, and
the Coquille , preamery expects a
larger milk supply than ever.
Adam M. Stevens, the president
of the Washington Dairy Associa­
tion, has a herd of registered jerseys
which, for the past year, produced
6,323'hounds of milk yielding 411.5
pounds of butter,making an average
earning per Sow, of $68.92. This is
a clear illustration "of the profit of
keeping good cows . Low markets
cannot make such cows produce but­
ter at a loss,-—Hoard’s Dairyman.
Think of this some of you farmers
who find things are not moving ex­
actly right, in spite of yonr best ef­
forts at raising grain. That Jersey
cows will and do give quantity ,(as
much as scrubs commonly do in this
country) as well as quality, is a fact
not -to be disputed. This can be
proven to the most skeptical by ex­
amples- found right in t his town.
Several years ago we. raised a
number of calves by hand, and (Un2
knowingly) fed and Faised them by
good methods, as laid down by
authority for raising a milch cow,
viz.) they were never too ,fat. ’ To
those who predicted a complete fail­
ure» we would invite to just call
around and make a cothparison
with their best cows that were allow­
ed to suck the mother when young,
and kept in such fine fettle.
Sour feed is not good for hogs,
that is, not as good as feed that is
not spur. This is shccessfhl hog
laiser and feeders, Who do things
iu a methodical way,- Ahd oil meal
is a food not a medicine, feed it to
every thing On the farm, And you
will be surprised. Some breeders
claim that gotir feed is a lingering
ptiisort, and otily by the hogs ter­
rible constitution is he able to make
any profit at all On such stuff. It is
unnatural and ¡contrary ttìfeaSon.
Some people say that a hog cannot
be raised properly without being
penned up. Hog men who should
know say that a hog fcahnbt be
raised successfully With out plenty
of exercise. Nitrate of lead mixed
with Water and made quite a weak
solution Will keep oft mange When
Sprinkled ’liberally on the hogs.
Scbufs chn’ be checked by , feeding
charcOai. Oat hay is vefy Unhealthy
for hogs to 'sleep in; and: seems
pbièbnOUs tbpigS;
That corn field you, .planted last
summer if put into'fi .SILO: would
hàvb kept.ones c6W per acre the
year round, supplied with' the best
of milk-proddcing feed. Would it
have paid ydfi? Suppose yoii plant­
ed 20 acres òf corn and Had ! zd gdiid
cOWs, faised ali the feed at home
and yoUr cows cleared yoU $40 each.
Would it have paid?, is this kilo
business a fake- attyway?; Better
find out. Pigs, sheep, horses,, any-
thing-thrfvè’bn silage;
Why don’t you patronize
the School Library at Peery
& Peery’s? It contains the
books our best authors.
Reading for short or long
periods at very loir rates.
Call and examine it.
In Tour
We make nice picture
frames, any style and
price you wish...
On and after January 1 1898, the
old prices will be resumed, towit:
J Haircutting, 25c; Shaving, 15c;
Shampooing, 25c; Seafoam, 15c;
25c; 6 Bath t’ks. $1
Shaving by the month, (cash in ad­
vance) two baths included,
H. L. Sumner, Prop.
2 20