The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, January 21, 1898, Image 2

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    The Santiam News
Recent Happenings in Australia and
the South Seij. Islands«
Fifty Lives Lost in a Storm at Fort
Smith, Arkansas.
Captain Taylor Says It Can Be Done at
Small Expense.
A Washington correspondent says:
Fort Smith. Ark., Jan. 14,—-Nearly
San Francisco, Jan. 17.—The follow­
Henry Savage Laynor Tor­ 50 human lives and upward of $1,000,- Senate Becoming Alarmed (n his report recommending the im­ White Squadron in Readiness
000 worth of property were destroyed
provement of .Willapa river and Maii-
for Their Safety.
ship Alameda from Sydney, via Hono­
to Go to Cuba.
tured by Thibet ns.
by a terrible tornado which burst upon
roat slough. Captain Taylor, of the
SCIO.......................................... OREGON ing advices arrived today per steam­
interesting Collection of Current Evei ts
In Condensed Form From
Both. Continents«
A very severe shock of earthquake
was experienced over the whole of the
north of the island, and as far south as
Christ-church, New Zealand, Decem­
ber 8. Its duration was from one to
two minutes, and the vibrations were
from north to south.
A terrible storm broke over the Fiji
islands November 11 and again Decern-
ber'13, the wind attaining a velocity
of 85 miles per hour for some time.
Several small vessels were blown ashore
and wrecked. The Union Company’s
steamers had a narrow escape from
similar fates, but put to sea and cruised
about until the storm subsided.
The mountain tribes of Goodenough
island recently attacked Thompson’s
station there, and after looting the
store, murdered four boys and speared
a number of other employes. The mag­
istrate and a force of 14 armed police
visited the scene for the purpose of
avenging the murders.
At the Macquarie islands, December
5, four men were drowned by the acci­
dental swamping of their boat.
The bark Loongana, which arrived
December 14, brought the news of the
drowning of Brother Bernard, a mis­
sionary, and 18 natives, near the Gil
bert islands. The missionary’s party,
in three canoes, struck a shoal and all
were lost-
As a result of a conference between
the ministers of agriculture of the vari­
ous colonies, a trial shipment of apples
and pears will be forwarded to London
in the near future.
Reports from the country districts of
Victoria show that the cyclonic storm
of November 18 did immense damage,
scores of buildings being blown down,
and many persons being injured,
December 3, Jack Griffiths, ofUobar,
who held the world’s record, and Pro­
fessor Bax, of New Zealand, engaged
in a club-swinging contest for the
world’s championship at Newcastle.
Two-pound clubs were used, and, ac­
cording to the conditions, the evolu­
tions per minute_ were to be counted.
After both had swung the clubs for 40
hours continuously, the match was de-
lared a draw.
Percy Cavill, upon his return to
Sydney with the mile and five-mile
championships of the world to his
credit, was accorded a reception by the
swimming association. McKun, a New
Zealand amateur, recently ran half a
mile in one minute 59 seconds. No­
vember 30, II. Craemer established a
new world’s record-for the mile walk
at Auckland. His time was 6 minutes,
27 3-5 seconds.
The controller of the currency has
declared a dividend in favor of the First
National bank of Helena, Mont., of 10
per cent.
The Field Columbian museum at
Chicago has put in a series of casts of
Pueblo Indians, clad in garments pur­
chased from Indians.
County Judge J. H. Carpenter, of
Madison, Wis., has decided that a
child cannot be legally adopted without
consent of both parents, if living.
The Western Union Beef Company
has sold 8,000 head of steers off its
Texas ranch to Clinton Anderson, of
Wyoming, and will retire from busi­
Ore assaying $652 in gold'and $70 in
silver to the ton was discovered two
miles from Adams Springs, Lake coun­
ty, California, and the district is wildly
George Dobbs and Mrs. Emelie New,
jointly indicted for the murder of the
latter’s husband at Eureka, Kan., have
been convicted of murder in the second
Patrick A. Largey, president of the
State Savings bank, and one of the best-
known citizens of Butte, was Shot and
killed in the bank building by Thomas
J. Riley.
The Steer mansion at Nyatt, one of
the best known residences along the
shore of Narragansett bay, Rhode
Island, was burned to the ground Sat­
urday night.
An insane man named Ramon Vivesa
created a sensation in the cathedral at
Madrid, by firing several revolver
shots. He was arrested and will be
sent to an insane asylum.
Civil Engineer A. G. Menreal, U. S.
N., will be brought to court-martial on
account of the faulty character of the
work of construction of dry dock No. 3,
approved by him.
The Spanish minister of finance has
abandoned the idea of floating a loan
on the guarantee of the Almaden quick­
silver mines.
The members of the family and the
immediate friends of Secretary Alger
are seriously disturbed about his ill­
ness, His physicians now fear that
he has typhoid fever. General Alger
has been confined to his bed for more
than three weeks.
The mule spinners of Lowell and Five Men Entombed in a Tunnel Near
New Bedford, Mass., were given per
mission to strike by the mule spinners’
Anaconda, Mont., Jan. 1-7.—At an
union, and an assessment of 25 cents early hour this morning the discoyery
per week was levied on the members was made that five men were entombed
of the union. Delegates representing in a tuunel which the Anaconda Copper
every mill center in New England were Mining Company is constructing for
water-fluming purposes under a bluff
A dispatch to the London Mail from about half a mile' beyond the city
Hong Kong says it is reported there limits. A large quantity of powder,
that England, Japan and Russia have which had been carried into the tunnel
arrived at an agreement respecting for the use of the night shift, was ex\
Corea. The details of the agreement ploded by some means now unknown,
aré not known to the correspondent, wrecking the face of the tunnel, which
but the dispatch says the British fleet is about 180 feet long, and resulting in
a slide of earth, which Closed the tun­
is returning to Hong Kong.
nel completely at a distance of about 40
The Creek council, in spite of the feet from its entrance. From the mo­
message of Secretary Bliss, through In­ ment of the discovery of the accident,
dian Agent Wisdom, warning them not diligent effort has been made to reach
to do so, has passed an act appropria­ the miners, concerning -whose fate the
ting $20,000 to be used in employing deepest anxiety has been felt. At 10
attorneys to fight the constitutionality o’clock tonight, those engaged in the
of the act of congress giving the United rescue work, felt sure that the noisejof
States courts full jurisdiction after the “miner’s signal’’ reached them
January 1.
from within the tunnel. ■
It was proposed to drive a three-inch
Francis D. Newton, a prosperous
farmer of Brookfield, Mass., his wife pipe through the mass of earth that
Sarah, and their 10-year-old adopted had filled the tunnel. This plan was
daughter, Ethel, were found murdered followed and a 20-foot length was suc­
in their beds. The crime was discov­ cessfully driven. A second section was
ered by neighbors, whose curiosity was attached, and, to the joy of the anxious
aroused by the bellowing of unfed cat­ spectators, it penetrated the mass of
tle. The three had been killed with earth.
Immediately, at 11 o’clock, commu­
an ax. A hired man named Paul is
nication was established with the im­
prisoned men. Four of them were re­
John Lincoln, Of Bolshow, Mo , has ported alive and well and one dead.
applied to the Marysville board of ex­
The work of reaching them is going
amination for a pension. Lincoln and on vigorously. The men through the
his sister, Mrs. Washington Hoshor, <of improvised speaking tube, reported
Marysville, were second cousins ol that they suffered neither thirst nor
Abraham Lincoln.- John Lincoln en­ hunger, hut they wanted candles. It
listed early in the ’60’s in the Fourth is not »learned how the explosion oc­
Missouri and served in that regiment curred.
for three years. He then enlisted in
New Canadian Mining Laws.
the 13th Missouri cavalry, and served
to the end of the war. Before he was
Washington, Jan. 17.—In a few days
finally mustered out he fought Indians the treasury department will make
on the plains for st me time.
known the details of the arrangements
Fred Lewis, a prisoner in the Seattle recently concluded with Canadian
city jail, committed suicide in his cell Minister of Interior Sifton respecting
by hanging himself with a pocket hand­ the transportation of goldseekers and
kerchief, which was fastened to a hook freight to the Klondike. It is learned
used in suspending a hammock. Lewis, that the Canadian government is about
who was a waiter in a hotel, had a fight to issue new customs and mining regu­
on New Year’s day with Joseph Kurtz, lations for that region.
the head cook, in which he struck
Ordered to Egypt.
Kurtz on the head With an icepick,
London, Jan. 17.—The morning pa­
inflicting a wound from the effects of
which Kurtz died. Lewis was arrested, pers announce that the first battalion
but no formal charge had yet been made of grenadiers, now at Gibraltar, has
against him, pending the result of been ordered to get in readiness for ser­
Kurtz’ wounds. When the news of vice in Egypt. The other line bat.
Kurtz’ death was conveyed to Lewis, taiions are under similar orders.
he showed great agitation, and a short There is evidence of preparations for
time afterward took his own life.
an important campaign.
At a session of the Augusta, Ga.,
A Filibuster Captured.
city council,- Councilman Goug got into
Havana, Jan. 17.—The Spanish gun­
a controversy with Jailer Collins,’ and boat
Algeria has captured off the coast
reached for a guu. Peacemakers in- ' of Cuba, near Manzanillo, a fishing,
terfered and quiet was restored.
smack from Jamaica having on board a
The civil service debate which was cargo of war material, medicines and
inaugurated in the house a week ago clothing.
has been ended. It opened with a row,
but ended very tamely. There Was not
President of the French Senate.
even a vote on the appropriation in the
Paris, Jan 17.—M. Loubet was re­
executive, legislative and judicial ap­ elected president of the senate today,
propriation bill for the commission, I M. Scheurer-Kestner was defeated for
upon which the debate was predicted. I re-election to the vice-presidency.
The urgent deficiency bill, as report­
ed to the house from the committee on
No Danger of Starvation.
appropriations carries a total of $7,383,-
Seattle, Jan. 17.—The report of Ma­
937. The bill appropriates $100,000 for jor Rucker, who was sent to Dyea re­
the survey of the Yukon river in Al­ cently for the purpose of reconnoitering
aska, to include all necessary expenses, the ground preparatory to starting the
the money to be expended under the goverment relief expedition and to in­
direction of the superinendent of the terview persons returning from Dawson
coast and geodetic survey, and $10,000 on the need of relief, has been received
of that amount to be used for a survey here and forwarded to Brigadier-Gen­
of the Copper river.
eral Merriam at Vancouver barracks.
Mrs. John A. Logan and Mrs. George While the exact tenor of the report is
M. Pullman are en route to the Pacific not known, it is stated that it dis
coast, to visit Mrs. Pullman’s daughter, courages any unnecessary expenditure
Mrs. Frank Carolan, of Burlingame, of energy and money in carrying out
the proposed expedition.
He and Native Companions Crippled and
Disfigured for Life by Pun- ■
ishment Inflicted.
London, Jan. 17.—The Daily Chron­
icle, in a description of the experiences
in Thibet of Henry Savage Landor, the
artist, who narrowly escaped death at
the hands of the Thibetans when en­
deavoring last autumn to reach Lassa,
the capital of Thibet, says:
“His valuable diary and notes, in­
cluding interesting photographs, was
only interrupted when Mr. Landor.
himself was under torture. One of
these represents the scene of torture of
a native companion, tied naked to a
tree and slashed and bruised by a cir­
cle of hideous beings dancing ground,
jeering at and taunting their victim.
Another photograph, taken after the
rescue, shows two,
all the hair burned off their heads,- the
skin lacerated and seamed with burns,
and in place of their eyes two ghastly
“Mr. Landor lost one eye. The
Thibetans repeatedly held white-hot
irons so close to th.e eyes of their cap­
tives as without touching them to
shrivel and wither them. Mr. Landor
was rescued when nearly dead, after be­
ing three days without food or water,
by a party including Mr. Wilson, Mr.
Larkin and Kasak Singh Pat, nephew
of the rajawar of Askote, who had
heard from the natives that a white
man was doomed to be beheaded in the
interior of Thibet. ■ Mr. Landor had
almost lost his reason. After three
hours’ attention he regained sufficient
consciousness to say where he had con­
cealed his camera. They had a photo­
graph taken of the savages cowering in
terror of the avenging whites.
“It is not probable that Mr. Landor
will ever be well enough to return.”
Tlie List of Dead Numbers Forty-Three
—About Seventy Injured.
Fort Smith, Ark., Jan. 17.—The la­
test Official death list shows a total of
43 lives lost in the tornado which swept
through Fort Smith Tuesday night.
Not less than 70 others are injured, a
large number of them seriously, and
several are expected to die.
The work of removing the bodies
from the ruined buildings progressed
today. Five new names were added
to the list of the dead. Two bodies
were dug from the ruins of the Smith
block, from which 11 had previously
been taken.
The full extent of the storm may be
comprehended from the fact that 35
miles northeast of the city a quantity
of tin roofing from Garrison avenue
buildings was found. A' woman was
taken from the ruins of the Burgess ho­
tel today, and was identified as Mrs.
Ida Innis, of Elm Spring, Ark,. Her
brother is missing, and it is believed
his body is still buried in the ruins.
Business in the' devastated districts,
where the buildings were only partially
damaged, was resumed today. Ladies
of the city are at work distributing
food and clothing to the needy. The
relief committee,composed of prominent
business men, finds difficulty in hous­
ing the sufferers. One hundred and
fifty buildings were demolished, and
will have to be rebuilt to accommodate
the people. Orton and Wright, two
of the dead, were Indian territory
farmers, and had just stepped into the
Smith building for shelter.
Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas Oity,
Little Rock and other cities wired
readiness to lend aid if necessary. Tlie
number of dead will not exceed 50.
Vanderbilts in Possession.
New York, Jan. 17.—The control of
the Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company having been obtained by tlx
reorganization committee of the Union
Pacific, the Vanderbilts are now in vir­
tual possession of a through transcon­
tinental line. The New York Central
is the first road in the combination
from this point. At Buffalo it con­
nects with the Lake Shore for Chicago,
from which point the chain is carried
on to Omaha by the Chicago & North­
western, and from there the Union Pa­
cific,-the Oregon Short Line and the O.
•R. & N. Co. lets the line to Portland.
'All these roads are Vanderbilt roads,
and the total mileage is 13,420.
Negotiations Successful.
San Francisco, Jan. 17.—A cable­
gram from London announces the suc­
cess of the mission of Willard E.
Dreene, who recently left for Europe
in the interest of the beet-sugar syndi­
cate which has been negotiating for
lands in the Sacramento valley. Satis­
factory arrangements have been made
to secure the proper persons to culti­
vate the beets. Contracts have been
signed by which 150,000 acres of land
near Chico, Marysville and Red Bluff
have been secured, and the work of
erecting three immense sugar factories
will be started at once. The syndicate
has a capital of $15,000,000.
tiiis city a few minutes past 11 o’clock
last night. The storm struck near the
national cemetery and tore its way
through the entire city, leaving its path
reeking with death and desolation.
Men, women and children sleeping in
their homes were, without a moment’s
warning, awakened to meet death in
the fearful storm, while others who es­
caped the fury of the wind met a far
worse fate a few minutes later in the
flames which soon engulfed many'of the
wrecked buildings. The list of dead,
as far as can be ascertained, is as fol­
Silas Mincer, prominent young mer­
chant; Harvey Ruttledge, negro; Mary ,
Timmerman; two unknown men from
Burgess hotel; Jose Griswold, tailor;
John Martin, of Madison-eounty; J. B.
Riley, of Madison county; George Car­
ter, fireman at the Grand opera-house;
James S.mith, jr.; Mr. Gray, wife and
son; Atlas Jobes, Frank LeFevre, Etta
Kies; Mrs. Milt Burgess, proprietor of
Burgess hotel; two unknown men, died
at St. John’s hospital; J. M. Foutz,
farmer; two LeFevre boys, Milt Knap­
ton, sr., Mrs. Milt Knapton, Joe Lucas,
negro; Ed Ferrill, a butcher, and his
two little children, Irene and Roy;
Frank Richardson, restaurant-keeper;
John Adams, carpenter; Mrs. Charles
Mauver; —. Ritter, gardener; Mrs.
William Lamson, Louis Senecal, Mrs.
Holden, John Badt, farmer; Mrs. Mag­
gie Sheehan’s infant; D. Woehl, butch­
er; James Smith, clerk; Mrs. Jones.
The scene after the first crash of the
storm was terrible. Business blocks,
handsome hotels and humble cottages
weie razed to the ground and scattered
in shapeless masses. Several of the
wrecks caught fire, and the inflamma­
ble timbers burned furiously. The city
was crowded with rural visitors, many
of whom were sleeping at boarding­
houses, unregistered. For this reason
the number of victims who perished
may never be definitely known.
The storm struck the city near the
national cemetery, and swept its way
through the heart of the town. Leav­
ing Fort Smith, it bounded by Van Bu­
ren, and continued down the river, de­
molishing everything in its path. News
from outside points is not yet at hand,
but rumors of much damage as far south
as Alma have reached here, it being
reported that a number of persons were
killed near-that place.
In Fort Smith the tornado struck
Garrison avenue at the corner of Ninth
street and made a clean sweep from
there to the Texas corner. Many store
buildings were demolished and the
stocks of goods ruined. Sixteen busi­
ness houses on the street were badly
The upper floor of the block on the
corner of Garrison and Towson avenues
is used as a flat. The ruins caught fire
from the night lamp. Seven bodies
were taken from these ruins, two of
them being so badly burned that they
could scarcely be identified.
Burgess hotel, a three-story brick, on
Towson avenue, was demolished.
There have been eight bodies already
taken from the ruins. Rescue parties
are still at work at both places, and
expect to .find several more bodies.
The federal court is in session, and
that brought a great many farmers here,
who crowded the cheaper boarding­
houses and wagon yards.
The National house, a two story
frame, went down in the wreckage with
15 inmates, but all escaped without
serious injury.
George Carter’s house was one of the
first struck, and it was turned com­
pletely over, and is now supported ’on
the roof. A half pane of glass was
driven through Carter’s body, almost
severing his head from the trunk.
The beautiful national cemetery is a
wreck. The huge trees are uprooted,
Hie lodge demolished and the walls torn
Fort Smith’s $50,000 high school
building, the finest one of. its kind in
the Southwest, "was badly wrecked, but
was one of -the few buildings on which
there was tornado insurance.
The tornado destroyed two historic
buildings. Judge Parker’s residence
is badly wrecked and the old Rector
mansion, where Allen Pike passed his
days, is a pile of Ashes, the ruins hav­
ing caught fire from a lamp.
The First Baptist church and the
Central Methodist church were razed
to the ground, are now only a scattered
pile of kindling wood. The church of
the Immaculate
Conception and
Brownscombe Memorial Church lost
their spires, and sustained other dam-
Argued for Hawaii.
Washington, Jan. 14. — Senator
Chandler, of the committee on naval
affairs, today secured the- passage of
the resolution asking the secretary of
the navy to furnish a list of native
members of the navy corps, together
with those at-sea, on shore duty and on
waiting orders. At 12:15 the senate
went into executive session. Davis
continued and completed his speech on
the Hawaiian question, and was fol­
lowed by Senator Allen, of Nebraska,
in opposition.
Washington, Jan. 14 —The house
today passed the urgency deficiency
bill, carrying $1,741,843. One of the
items, authorizing a further expendi­
ture of $520,000 for the Soldiers’ Home
at Danville, Ill., for -which $150,000
was appropriated in the sundry civil
bill, was used by DeArmond as a basis
for a bitter personal attack against Sen­
ator Cannon, whose home is at Dan­
New York, Jan. 17.—The World
says: E. N.. Whitton, a banker, re­
ceived word yesterday that Professor
A. J. Keeler, F. C. Kingsley and
Thomas Field,'all of this vicinity, had
lost their lives in Arizona while in
quest of treasure. The supposition is
that the adventurers, who had secured
Sailed for China.
treasure in gold and precious stones,-
New York, Jan. 13.—A dispatch
were murdered by a roving band of Na­
vajo Indians. Mr. Whitton says he from Lima, Peru, announces the de­
will at once send an agent to Arizona parture of the French cruiser Duguay
to get all the particulars of the affair. Trouin for Chinese waters.
Tax Riot in India.
Bombay, Jan. 17.—There has been
a tax riot at Boriavi, near Nariad*, dis­
trict- of Gujarat. A collector was seri­
ously injured and five Sepoys were
killed. Three hundred Sepoy troops
have been sent to the scene of the dis­
turbance from Ahmedabad.
Outbreak in Beloochistan.
Calcutta, Jan. 17.—News has been
received from Metramul, in Beloochis­
tan, of an outbreak against a British
surveying party there numbering 200.
A number of the native guards were
killed or wounded.
Telegraph Business With Mexico.
Caffery Speaks Against the Immigra­
Agricultural Bill.
Washington, Jan. 15.—Senator Can­
non of Utah, today presented the fol­
lowing resolution to the senate, and it
was adopted:
“Resolved, That the president is re­
quested, if in his'opinion it is not in­
compatible with the public interest, to
transmit to the senate at his earliest
convenience a statement showing what
measures are in force by this govern­
ment in the island of Cuba and in the
waters contiguous thereto to protect
the lives, liberty and property of
American citizens now dwelling in
Among the other measures reported
to the senate today was the pension
appropriation bill. It was placed on
the calendar.
At the close of the morning business,
the immigration bill, the unfinished
business, was taken up,-and Caffrey of
Louisiana was recognized for a speech
in opposition to the measure. Caffrey
“The pending bill is as mild a form
of antagonism to immigration as con­
ditions will permit. The educational
test is of no very stringent character
so far as the test is concerned. It is,
however, the beginning of a new de­
parture. From the foundation of the
government we have invited the hardy,
adventurous people of the Caucassian
family to our hospitable shores’. The
grand transformation of this continent
from the wigwam of the savage and
the lair of the wild beast to the
myriads'of homes of a happy, industri­
ous people, has been the work of white
immigrants; yet wé are about to smite
the hand that has upbuilt us; to give
a sting to gratitude.
“Many whose ancestors are foreign
born are now clamoring for restricted
immigration. It is just and proper to
hold this continent against the Mon­
golians. The exclusion of Chinese is
justified by a wise policy and by the
principle of retaliation. Their doors
¡have been closed to the world,^but
their arrogance.and selfishness are not
the role for wise nations to play in the
world’s grand theater.
“Not to admit to this country Irish­
men, Swedes or Italians who cannot
read or write is Chinese, not American.
No danger to our institutions has ever
arisen from admitting immigrants who
■cannot read and write. This govern­
ment is the outgrowth of the labor of
countless immigrants, who will be dis­
qualified by the pending bill. He who
is vigorous in body, sound in mind,
honest and industrious is a good citizen.
No immigrant, not a pauper or insane,
diseased or criminal should be turned
away from our shores.”
At the conclusion of Senator Caffery’s
speech the senate at 12:20 P. M., on
motion of Chairman Davis, of the for­
eign relations committee, went into ex­
ecutive session.
Senator Frye made a most spirited
speech in support of the Hawaiian
treaty, urging upon the senate the im­
portance of accepting the islands while
opportunity offered,- and denouncing as
folly any refusal to embrace the oppor­
In the House.
Washington, Jan. 15.—The house
today entered upon the consideration
of the agricultural bill. The bill car­
ries $3,332,402 being $135,500 in ex­
cess of. the amount for the current year.
Wadsworth, Republican, of New York,
chairman of the agricultural commit­
tee, explained that the increases were
due. to a constantly growing demand
for inspections of meat and meat prod­
ucts for export.
Under the latitude allowed for de­
bate, Williams, Democrat, of Missis­
sippi, submitted an extended argument
in favor of the establishment of the
postal savings bank system.
Representative Dearmond, Democrat,
of Missouri, sarcastically commented
on Hanna’s election and the telegrams
of congratulations sent him.
Mahoney, Republican, of New York,
replied to Dearmond. He recalled what
he termed the victory of Democratic
bosses in the Chicago convention in
1892, when they forced the renomina­
tion of Cleveland over the protests of
the state of New York. The. result
was that he had been repudiated by his
party, and had gone out of power un­
honored and unsung.
Cannon, Republican, of Illinois, also
expressed gratification that the majority
and political decency had triumphed in
Ohio. Here the incident closed.
Explosion on tlie Marblehead,
Washington, Jan. 17.—Commander
McCall, of the United States ship Mar­
blehead, reported to. the navy depart­
ment from Port Tampa that while at
small arms target practice yesterday
four men from the Marblehead were in­
jured by an explosion, two very seri­
ously. The injured were removed to a
marine hospital near by. Nodetails as
to the cause of the explosion are given.
News of Andree.
Stockholm, Jan. 17.—Professor Nor-
deskjold, the arctic explorer, has in­
formed the Swedish academy of sciences
that the foreign office has received in­
telligence that several .persons worthy
of credence saw Professdr Andree’s bal­
loon early in August in British Colum­
bia, seven miles north of Quesnelle
lake, in the District of Cariboo. The
professor regards the news as being of
sufficient importance to call for a closer
Infantry Gun Contest.
Washington, Jan. 17.—The war de­
partment. 'has published the record of
the small-arms firing of the various
regiments of the army during the past
season, showing that troop E, Second
cavalry, made the highest average
score, with the increment allowed for
the carbine. The Nevada trophy is
Hanna Is Elected.
awarded to that troop, and it will be
Columbus, O., Jan. 14.— Marcus A. sent to the commanding’ officer of, that
Hanna was elected today to represent troop, at Fort Wingate. •
Ohio in the senate for seven years and
A lady in Hiram, Me., has cucumber
two months. Including both the short
and long term, Hanna’s time as senator pickles which -have been in her posses-;
sion for more than 40 years.
will expire in March, 19C'
New York, Jan. 14.—A contract for
a long term has been executed and con­
firmed by the Mexican congress be­
tween the Western Union Telegraph
Company and the Mexican Telegraph
Company, for the exclusive interchange
of telegraphic business With Mexico.
:orps of engineers, says:
“Willapa river empties into the Pa-
sifiC ocean through Willapa harbor
ibout 25 miles north of the mouth of
;he Columbia river. The entrance to
IVillapa harbor from the ocean has for
many years maintained a depth of over
18 feet at ’ mean low water, and at the
present time has a depth of about 21
feet at mean lowdr low water.
“The mouth of the Willapa river is
considered to be in the harbor about 12
miles in a direct line’from the ocean
□ar. From the ocean bar to this point,
she depths are ample for any class'Df
vessels, ranging from 27 feet to as much
is 70 feet at mean lower low water.
Near its mouth the Willapa river is
joined by the North river, which flows
in a course nearly at right angles to
that of the Willapa. Just above the
junction of these two streams is a bar
having a ruling depth of water over it.
of about 16 feet at mean lower low
water. The bottom of the river at this
bar is lumpy, and the material'forming
.it appears to-be fine, hard sand and silt.
The bar separates the deep water of
Willapa harbor from the-deep water of
that, part of Willapa river below Mail­
boat slough, which is a small cut-off
channel, leaving the Willapa river
about one-half mile above South Bend,
the principle city on this harbor, and
joining it again about lj^ miles below
thecity. Immediately above the lower
end or mouth of Mailboat slough is an­
other bar, having a controlling depth
of about 14^ feet at mean lower low
water. These two bars have existed
with about the same depths which they
have today since the earliest recorded
surveys of this harbor were made, ex­
cept that the upper bar has scoured
away from two to three feet since 1892,
when the government began the con­
struction of a dike closing the upper
end of Mailboat slough.
■ “The principal businesses of Willapa
harbor are the the lumber business and
the fish and oyster business. Located
at South Bend are three sawmills,whose
combined aggregate daily capacity is
about 150,000 feet. It is reporied that
two of these mills are to be rebuilt with
largely increased capacities.
/‘The lumber is mostly shipped to
San Francisco in small schooners, as
deep-draft vessels are denied charter
for cargo from this harbor on account
of the two bars above mentioned. It
is claimed that, were these two bars re­
moved, the mills located on this harbor
would be able to compete with mills of
Puget sound, Columbia river and other
deep-water Pacific coast ports in the
foreign lumber trade. Whether the
lumber business of this harbor would
be so extended or not may be ques­
tioned, but there can be no question
but that the present trade would be ma­
terially benefited, as the vessels which
now carry the lumber experience delays
on account of these bars. One flood
tide is required for loaded vessels to
cross the two bars. Before the harbor
throat (distant about 19 miles from
South -Bend) is reached, the tide is
ebbing. As insurance companies pro­
hibit vessesl towing to sea on an ebb
tide, they-are forced to lie at-anchor in
a rather poor roadstead, called North
cove, for about 24 hours. During the
winter southwest storms frequently
spring up, and vessels may be barbound
from one day to a week after leaving
South Bend.
“I am of the opinion that the most
advantageous and economical method
of improving these bars is to dredge a
channel through them to a depth of 20
feet at mean lower low water. Near
the lower shoal mud flats, which are
covered at a two-foot stage of tide, ex­
tend about 1% miles to the north and
about one mile to the soutji. At high
tide this -forms a wide expanse of wa­
ter, and for tlfis reason the channel
through the lower shoal should not be
less than 200 feet wide. The channel
through the' upper shoal may bereduced
to 100 feet in. width'. The waters of
the Willapa river carry but little sedi­
ment in suspension, its course is short,
and for 12 miles above South Bend it
is a tidal stream. For these reasons it
is believed that a dredged channel
would be fairly permanent.”
The estimated cost of this improve­
ment is as follows: Dredging at lower
shoal, 250,000 cubic yards, at 20 cents,
$50,000; dredging at upper shoal, 100,-
000 cubic yards, at 20 cents, $20,000;
engineering, contingencies, etc., $7,000;
total, $77,000 _______
Northwest Notes.
Antoine Maxine,.'a half-breed „got
into an altercation with John Emanuel,
an Indian, at a dance at Little Mission,
and fatally stabbed him with a butcher
The state board of audit and control
has rescinded the rule which it adopted
of taking from the old soldiers who
are inmates of the State Soldiers’
Home *25 per cent of their pensions.
Sherman county farmers have not
sown as much ground to grain this fall
as is customary, owing to the fact that
they were kept busy harvesting until
late, and since harvest have devoted
their time principally to getting their
grain to market, leaving but little time
to devote to seeding. What grain was
sown early in the fall looks well.
The action of the state board oi
equalization in raising the Jackson
county assessment 50 per cent on stocks
of merchandise has caused a storm oi
criticism and protest in that country.
Merchants are trying to arrange a meet­
ing, to be composed of one representa­
tive of each firm, to take action in the
matter. It is proposed that the repre­
sentatives shall select three of theii
number to take immediate legal action
to prevent the county clerk from enter­
ing the 50 per cent additonal assess­
The French-Flagstaff Mining Com­
pany has determined to adopt the us«
of cyanide, which is necessary to treat
the ores from the deep levels of the
mine. The company also .intends to
put in- dry crushing rolls, instead oi
the 10 stamps additional, as projected,
and will suspend mill operations for
a month or two, to admit of grading re­
quired by the new installment of ma­
chinery. Meanwhile drifting will be
pushed actively north and south from
the main shaft at the 600-foot level.
Americans, It is Said, Sought Refuge
to the
Havana, Jan. 14.—At.10 o’clock this
morning about 100 army officers, in­
censed by the violent attacks made by
some of the local papers upon the gen-
sral-in-chief and thè principal officers
□f the Spanish army in Cuba,-went to
the printing office of the daily journals,
La Discussion and El Reconcentrado,
and began smashing the windows and
destroying the printing outfit, as well
is cuffing the employes. A mob of
thousands followed, shouting “Long
Live Spainl” “Long live the army I”
“Long live the volunteers I”
The appearance at the office of La
Discussion of General Ga-rriche, acting
military commander at Havana, and
General Solano, chief of staff, prevent­
ed more serious outrages.
The gendarmes dispersed the rioters.
Order was finally established. Central
Park has been transformed into a mili­
tary eamp.
General Blanco will deal most ener­
getically with the instigators of the
Tonight the police are guarding the
printing offices.
Americans in Danger.
New York, Jan. 14.—A special to
the. Journall and Advertiser from
Washington says: Within 48 hours on
present indications, intervention in
Cuba will have been forced on the ad­
ministration. It will be found not un­
prepared. Tlie rioting in Havana was
much fiercer than the censored press
reports indicate.
General Lee got at the cable early
and reported the situation as serious,
and that the mob was “getting even
with the Americans” and “downing
the United States,” as much as it was
striking at the autonomist policy and
the reconcentrados.
American citizens had to seek refuge
in the consulate.
General Lee’s prompt military in­
stincts told him that the consulate
might be in greater danger than any
other place, in Havana, but Blanco at
once threw a heavy cordon of Spanish
regulars, with artillery, around the
whole square, and adjoining streets
were also held. This alarming infor­
mation came too late.
Thè president did not wish to act
precipitately, but the emergency had to
be met promptly.
The navy department was notified,
and Commodore Crowinshield, chief of
the bureau of navigation, at once sent
dispatches to Admiral Bunce, with the
white squadron, to hold every vessel in
prompt readiness and to telegraph Key
West for that point to be
ready to start for Havana on signal,
but not to land unless instructed by
Gênerai Lee.
The Key West squadron cannot be
assembled before tonight, as they are
hunting filibusters. Not later than
Saturday they will be on hand.
While alone they would be unable
to do much at Havana and might serve
to inflame the Spanish mob to great
excesses, they can give a good account
of themselves in preparing for the
heavier fleet to follow.
The torpedo flotilla has been notified
and can be put into 'Key West for a
dash on Havana by Saturday.”
Maine Ready to Start at Once.
Chicago, Jan. 14.—A special to the
Times-Herald from Key West, Fla.,
The second-class battleship
Maine has received orders to hold her­
self in readiness to proceed to Cuba at
an instant’s warning. The orders came
by telegraph tonight. . In compliance
with these orders Captain Sigsbee, com­
manding the battleship, has made all
arrangements to get under way Without
delay. He has been placed in com­
munication with General Lee, who
will cable him whether it is necessary
to go to Havana.
Spaniards Are Indignant.
Madrid, Jan. 14,-—A dispatch to the
Imparcial from Havana says the send­
ing of supplies from the United States
to the indigent population of Cuba has
aroused deep . animosity among the
Spanish, is alleged, “are in­
censed at-the pretext thus given to the
American consul and the Yankee ele­
ment to interfere in'Cuban affairs.”
It is further asserted that the Ameri­
can newspaper correspondents' have
been instructed to exaggerate the suffer­
ings? of the peasantry in order to again
arouse public feeling-in the United
States, so as to provide'Washington
with an excuse to intervene.
Blanco’s Report.
Madrid, Jan. 14—In his first optim­
istic dispatch to the governor-general,
General Blanco says harvest has com­
menced in Cuba and the customs re­
ceipts have increased.
' Madrid, Jan. 1.4.—General Gonzales
Munoz, the new captain-general of
Porto Rico, died immediately after his
arrival there.
Destroyed by an Earthquake.
The Hague,- Jan. 14.—An official
dispatch from Batavia announces that
the capital of Amboyna announces that
the capital of Amboyna, one of the
Moluccas islands, has been completely
demolished by an earthquake. Fifty
persons were killed and 200. injured.
London, Jan. 14.—The correspond­
ent of the Standard at The Hague says
a private dispatch received there asserts
that 300 persons were killed by an
earthquake at Amboyna.
Fatal Accident in a Mine.
Denver, Jan. 14,—A special to the
News from Central City says: James
Doyle, Joseph Perks and Andrew West­
land were' instantly killed and Dan
Munday probably fatally hurt by a fall­
ing of rock in the Hidden Treasure
mine at Nevadaville, two miles from
here, this afternoon. The accident was
caused by the breaking of a “stull” or
platform, upon which were hundreds
of tons of ore which was being sorted.
It is estimated -that every square
Lewis county tax collections for the mile of the sea contains 120,000,000
month of November were over $37,000, fishes
- — .