fflews. 8 - FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 1898. a few muta.«* LAND FOR SALE. Last of Burraut Henry Myers ana Fred Morris go to Alaska on the next steamer, Otto Martin, Wm. Savage and Wm. Ehlert have left- to go on the Elder, which sailed from Portland today, but they may not be able to get berths for this trip, in which case they will go on the following steam er. Ed Gilkey leaves for Skaguay on the Elder today having secured his ticket some time ago. O. T. Porter, who was at one time United States Marshal of Alas­ ka, will in a few days begin the publication of a paper in Albany, to be known as the Linn County Re­ publican. J. M. Somers, a member of the last legislature, will be associ­ ated with him. The Albany’ Demo­ crat says it does n ot know what pos- ition-Mr. Porter will take, but he is well known to be one of Mr. Mitch­ ell’s friends and supporters. Theodore Durrant’s last- request was complied with, His-body was cremated. It was taken to Los' Angeles Tuesday night arid then reT moved to Pasadena for final disposh tion. The corpse was taken fromtheDur rant home at daylightTuesday morn, ing and taken to the undertaking'' rooms of Porter & White, on Eddy street, and there placed in a metallic casket. Dr. Thrasher and another friend of the family guarded the re­ mains all day. Mrs. Durrant was in great fear of body-thieves and relic hunters, and all precautions were taken to prevent the stealing of the corpse. Mr. and Mrs. Durrant ae- com panyed the body to the crematory and will return to San Francisco at the end of the week with the ashes Porter and White sealed the corpse and made it ready for the They had charge of it flames. until it reached Los Angeles. Then the Los Angeles undertakers con­ veyed it to Pasadena. The body reached Los Angeles at 2 P. M. Wednesday and was taken at once to the crematory. A Few Ladies Long Coats that are ¡being sold at a great reduction. If yon want a large amount of ¡goods for your money be sure and see them. All the Capes and Jackets in' the department sold at a reduction. A Good Servieable Umbrella for SOc. Lots of style in the 75c grade and lots of wear too. If you want a better one you will find it here at the same ratios of low .price to good goods, R and G Corsets in styles and Shape« that will fit any’ form—A. line ■of French Corsets, good fitters; made of French Cant-il, drab and ¡Mars Hanna Elected. white, all grades to $3,50 for $1,00. The bitter Senatorial contest is Have you seen our 50c and $1,00 ended, and Marcus A. Hanna has line. There are no better for that been elected senator for both the price. long and short terms by the . senate Maoeahees Buzz. and houseof the state legislature in joint session assembled. On fast New Yeai-is eve the LOT Senator Hanna-received 73 votes, iff and KOT M held their regular a majority of one over the combined joint social meeting. About 150 a strength of the opposition. McKis- members and invited guests were Agents for Butteries patterns. son received G9 votes for the short1 present. Send for Metropolitan. and 70 for the long term. One rep­ The Lady Maccabees presented a resentative, Cramer, was absent dur­ Japanese wedding which was a pro­ ing the voting on account of illness. nounced success, and highly appre­ After Hanna was declared elected ciated by the Audience. The char­ senator for the long term pandemo, acters were well sustained, and took If you want any fruit trees, call on nlum reigned supreme iu the hall of on much of the appearance of genu­ the house. A motion made by ine “Japs.” J. 8. Morris. Senator Alexander was unanimous­ A duet by M M Peery and Mrs ' Sheriff-Gaines was in Scio Thurs­ ly carried, and a committee of five j Goin, was well rendered, as was day on business. was appointed to escort- Mr. Hanna other productions, especially that of Art Layton, who has been sick at into the Hall. George Sutherland. Albany for some time past is im­ The music of the evening was fur­ A Çopulist JÆçsting at Albany. proving slowly. nished by Sumner’s Ochestra. Candy, nuts, popcorn, apples etc. A. G. Prill, Physical! and Surgeon, A meeting of the populist central were abundant, and a general good Scio, Oregon. Office next door to committee was held in Albany last time was had until a late hour. drugstore. P remium W atch —A $15 Gold Wednesday, Populists generally Notice. Watch for $4.95, to our customers. participated in the discussion of the Farmers, do you >want to g’l’OW question of fussion. From all ac­ flax in the year 1898? The price 8. M. D aniel . T. J. Murikers purchased a small counts there was a divided opinion will be’guaranteed at $1 75' per 100 band of sheep this week, to keep his on the subject. After much 'discus­ pounds delivered in Portland and sion .a resolution was adopted de­ the rise of the market to Dec. 1, ’98 fall wheat eat down. Little Glen Allison, son of John claring it to be the sense of the meet­ Call on R Shelton, Agent. Allison,has been sick .the past week, ing that the populists should nomi­ nate a ticket of theirown, but should Epping Convicted. but is now improving. divide the county offices with the Mrs. Frank Mack has-been quite free silver democrats if they would J A Epping, indicted with G P sick at the residence of her father, agree to come over to their political Watson and Frank Gautier for con­ spiracy to break into the Portland Mr. P O Smith of this city. camp. H C Watson was indorsed postoffice for the purpose of commit­ W anted —-All persons knowing for circuit judge of this district. It ting larceny therein, and foreonspir- is understood the program is to re ­ themselves indebted to us to call nominate Judge N L Butler,of Polk ing to steal registered mail from the and settle.—Peery & Peery.' county, for the other-judge and re­ segistry department, was found The protracted meeting at the M. guilty on the second count of the in­ E. Church has been postponed, ow­ nominate Sam Hayden for district dictment, and not guilty as to' the attorney, and try ter induce all the ing to the illness of Rev. Williams. free silver, fiat money followers to first count. Watson was acquitted Mrs. John Gaines who has been help defeat the common enemy. on both bounts. quite sick for some time past. is .im­ Ju-.-ge Barton, Smith and others Swedish Colony. proving. Her daughter, Sarah, has seem think they have the game well There is a prospect of a colony be­ also been sick. in hand. ing founded at Jordan. It will be S. M. Daniel has just received a composed of Swedes, and, if the No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. fine new lot of spring samples of Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak deal is consummated, they will pur­ clothing for 1898. men strong, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druggists. chase 3000 acres of farming land. Wm. Brenner lost two of his OX* The contractor for the colony'in- Experiment Successful. pected the land and made a favorable en that he was stall feeding, last week, from a complication of dis- Successful telephonic communica­ report to the agent for the colony. tion.was last week established be­ All that remains to be done is for eases. It is not contagious. Mr. Lou Brown has returned- from tween the lake submarine boat the agent to inspect the land, and if Spokane, where he has been work­ Argonaut and points in.Baltimore suitable, the colony is an assured ing for some time past, and will re- and Washington. Everything work­ thing. ed admirably. The voice from the side in Scio again for a while. Notice. The finest glass-ware and the- nic- waters could be heard as plainly as The annual meeting of the. San- though the person you werecouvers- est lamps ever brought to Scio, are tiam Republican Club will be hëld to be found at RossE, Hibler’ssiore. ing with was at your side. on Monday evening Jan. 17th, at 7 The prices too, are such that one can The Argonaut was submerged at her dock. About 100 feet of cable o’clock p. M. at Scio City Hall, The afford to buy. election of officers, for the /following Lewis Richardson is having a nice were attached to' an ordinary tele­ year, will be held, and the selection phone on the vessel. V bile the Ar ­ new front placed on tlie butcher gonaut was under the water those of delegates to attend the bi-annual shop, shaping things so that he may convention of State Republican have room to conduct a confection­ aboard were in direct communica­ clubs, to be held in Portland, Or., on tion with several points in both ery store in the same building. Baltimore and Washington. It is Feb., 1st 1898.' All republicans, and Harry S. Johnston returned Wed­ probable that when’ the batteries especially all members of the club nesday’ from a visit to his parents aboard the vessel are further tested, are earnestly requested to be pres­ near Mehama, just iu time to win longer.-distance “phoning” will be ent. A. J. J ohnson , Pres. the prize saddle, at T. S. Coffey’s tried. Mr. Lake will give New W. F. G ill , Sec. harness shop. York a call from the river. The wire rope which drives the With this arrangement it now COTOTTT C0TO.T. electric light plant gave way last has on board the Argonaut could go Wednesday night, creating quite a into any harbor, or within reason­ trade in coal oil“ the next day. The able distance of any telephone line, The petition of Chas Kirk et al for- council may put in a water flume to and form a connection, such as it change of boundries of district 11 was granted. run the plant in the future. has in Baltimore, with the commun­ The following'bills were allowed: A horse race between Riley Cala- ity at large. J H Turpin, acct poor................$5.00 van’s dun colored pony, and Wm. J M Waters, eomissioner........ 19 40 Resolutions of Condolence. Brenner’s sorrel pony was run' one DL Curl.................... ....... 12 00 H all ok D leedor fe L odge , evening last week. Brenner’s pony The following joad supervisors No. 54 I. O. O. F. beatjthe dun fellow easily, much Whereas,-it has pleased the Lord were appointed: to the surprize of his backers. 4 W H Roberts,of Scio. in his infinite wisdom to’call from Dist cc Mr. Lewis Richardson has just 7| John Bryant, Jordan. received a fine line of fresh candies, our midst our beloved brother, Lew­ cc 9 Geo W Harris, Larwood. tobacco, nuts, and all kinds of can­ is J. Huber, who \yas stricken by cc 9 E E Hammack, Tallman. the hand of death at Albany, Linn cc ned goods etc., etc. He also keeps Co., Oregon, on the 27th day of Nov. cc 9J Taylor Evans, Lebanon. constantly on hand fresh meat, lard 1897, be it therefore 10 Frank Simons, cc bacon and belogna. , R esolved ,—This lodge has lost an 8 L C Isom, Brownsville. sympathize with his grief stricken C< ¡2 Oscar Dilley, Gates. family in this their hour of bereave- cc 13 T E Grimes, Harrisburg. -tnent. In this sad hour we would cc 6 Wm May, Scio. Joe Warwick’s hounds run down a wild cat and killed it last Thurs­ commend them to our Heavenly cc 12 AC Morgan, Tangent. day. They had been running it on Father, believing th it he doeth all cc 16 Frank Johnston, Plainview. 13 Elmarion Smith, Halsey. Franklin Butte, when it struck things tor the best. cc 12 J M Long, Brownsville. across Richardson’s Gap for the R esolved ,—That these resolu­ cc 12 R L White, Rowland-. mountain on the other side,the dogs tions be spread on the records of the u overhauling it within 30 yards of the Lodge, a .copy therof transmitted to cc 14 Francis Leeper,.Halsey.- 5 J S Morris, Scio. timber line, on the mountain side. the family of our deceased brother, cc 27 Richard Grusing, Sodaville. It was a pretty race, the cat running and a copy be sent to T he S antiam cc 1 AH Wyatt.Lyons. N ews for publication. on the fence for quite a distance. cc 84 Frank M Smith, Lebanon. f G eo . W. M obrow . cc XSducate Tour Bowels With Cascarets. 17 E Scholl, Albany. ■< R. S helton . Gaudy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. cc 16 Denyer Hackleman, Albany. ( P. O. Smith. 10c, 25c. If C. C. Ce fail, druggists refund money. S. E. Young & Son. ALBANY, OBN J Ci acres 3 miles North of Scio, X mile from ourn —200 acres in cultivation,balance pas- ; 4 houses, 3 barnsj 25 acres of two and e-year-old prune trees, 2 acres young trees ~d, 300 apple trees old orchard. Price, F ir acre. •es 3X miles East of Scio; .80 acres in ion, balance pasture, brush and some 22 acres in Hops—a No. 1 hop yard, good Lses 2 dlying houses, 2 houses, 2 barns, , good spring and, well water. Price n’acre. d'86 100 acres 5 miles Northeast of Scio, 3 in cultivation, 10 or 15 acres of timber pasture; 4acres assorted bearing fruit 1000 Italian prune trees three years old; le to O C & E R R station, good spring rell water, good 7-room house, barn and uildings. Price $20 per acre. teres 5 miles East of Scio, 140 acres in cul- on balance pasture, brush and timber, north hillside stock range and outrange, es in hops, hop house and warehouse, cod 7-room house, good barn and out- .ngs, good spring and well water, 100 ac- growing gram, 1 binder, 1 mower, sulky 1 harrow. Price $12 50 per acre—$4387 in- lg the farm implements; $4500 including All Styles and Sizes for Every Kind of Fuel The Genuine all bear this Trade-Mark. Be war a of Imitations. For Sale By M. C. GILL & SONS. 160 acres 5 miles East of Scio — the E C Rod­ farm on the hill, 50 acres in cultivation, ‘ Scio, O regon . 'es more improved, balance brush and er, orcbard--all kinds of fruit. 3 good gs, good house, fair barn, outbuildings, Price $1200. acres 5J4 miles South of Scio, 7 miles North of Lebanon, 12 miles East of Albany, 2 miles to R R station-; 175 acres in cultivation, balance open pasture, some brush, no heavy timber, can all be cultivai ed except about 25 acres in Beaver creek bottom which is tine summer range for stook, all level land, house and.barn, orchaad 250 trees, well water’ on county road, near church house, 1 mile to school house — 9 month? school each year. This is a No. 1 farm and well located.-Price $16 per acre. Terms to be made satisfactory. kinds of watches clocks and jew­ 4acres in the city or Scio, all No. 1 land, All house, barn and orchard Price $350, elry repaired promptly. 320 acres 5 miles North East of Scio 100 OREGON. acres in Cultivation balance open pasture, SCIO, brush and timber. House and barn, orchard. Price $10.00 per acre. 60 acres 1 mile .North West of Scio al*l in cultivation. No buildings, price $1500.00. Near three R, R. Stations. 21' acres 1 acre in city of Scio new house . and barn 20 acres adjoining city limits price $1250.60 all in cultivation. 408 acres 4 miles South of Scio 150 acres in cultivation balance open pasture, brush and some timber, house, barn and orchard alt level land, price $20.00 per acre. 108 acres 4 miles South of Scio 80 acres in cultive tion balance open pasture all good level land. House and barn, price $2500.00. 200 acres 7 miles South Ji-ast of. Scio 150 Express Trains Leave Portland Daily acres in cultivation balance small brush and some timber 2 houses 1 new, and 2 good I North. South. J barns, orchard farm is cut up into 6 fields and thoroughly drained and well improved 6:00 P. M, j Lv ...... Portland ...... Ar 9:30 A. M- price $525(X Will sell one half with houses and M. 9:40 P. M. Lv.........Albany.........Lv 6;00 2,: A, ’ . Zl. 1 barn for $3500 7:45A. M. I Ar. .San Francisco. ,Lv 8:0C P. M. 40 -80 -100 to 160 acre tracts nearly all in The above trains stop at all stations between4 cultivation situated 1 to 1% miles from Scio Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion., at $20. to $27:50 per acre. Jefferson, Albany, Tangent, Shedd, Halsey 160 acre stock farms in the foot hills for Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene^ $500 to $1000. Cottage Grove, Drains, Oakland and all sta­ 120 acres 4 miles South of Scio 75 acres in tions from Roseburg south to and including cultivation balance open pasture, brush and Ashland. some timber, house, barn, and orchard price Rosebtar^ Slail—Daily. $2500. .Ari 4:30P.M* 8:30 A. M. Lv. .Portland 175 acres 6 miles South of Scio, 7 miles 12:25 M. Lv. .....Albany.... Lv |12:50P. M.- North of Lebanon and 12 miles East of Al­ 5;20 P. . Roseburg .. Lv I 7:80 A. M-> Ar . P. M. bany. 120 acres in cultivation, balance pas­ ture, brush and some timber. House & Barn, Lebanon Braisei&. orchard all level land and well located. Daily (except Sunday.) Price $25.00 per acre. Lv... .....Albany.... ....Ar 16:30 A.Mo 164 acres, 3% miles South of Scio; 100 acres 8:10 a 9:00 A M>. Al-. .. Lebanon . ..Lv 9:30 A.Mo in cultivation, balance pasture and «orne “— brush, all level land, good orchard, house 1:50 p . m , Lv... .... Albany.... ... Al- 7:05 P.M. . Lebanon .. . Lv J 6:00 p.m» 5;40P.m. Ar and barn. Price $20.00 per acre. 221 acres, 10 miles East of Scio, IX miles __ YVoodbiirii-Spriiigiielcl Brandi. East of Jordan, 6 miles North of O. C. &E R. R. 150 acres in cultivation, balance open Daily (except Sunday.) pasture, some brush and timber; can all be cultivated, all good soil, good house and 2: 50p.m. Lv . .Woodburn... Ar J 1:55p.m* barn, out buildings, creek, well and spring 5: f0p,m. Lv...- West Scio. . .Lv 110:45 a.m« water. Price $16.00 per acre. Nat ron......Lv | 7:00 a»m* 9: 20 p.m. Ar 160 acres, 10 miles East of Scio, 40 acres in cultivation, 70 acres more open land, bal­ ance timber, 100 acres can be cultivated, house and barn. 300,young fruit trees, spring and running water. Price $1400. iulliaaa. Buffet Sleepers One lot 40 by 100 feet in Montavilla adjoin —AND— ing Portland Oregon new 7 room house with SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS modern improvments, cellar etc. Barn and Attached to through trains.- out buildings, 6 bearing fruit trees, located gone block from city car line will sell or ex­ change for a farm price $1800, Between Portland and Corvallis. *7 and three fourths acres 6 miles S. E. of Mail train daily (except Sunday. Scio 5 acres in cultivation all No. bottom land lair house and barn price $375. 7:30 a m I Lv.........Portland.........Ar | 5:50 p m 40 acres, 2 miles North of Scio, 1 mile 12:15 p m , Ar .... Corvallis......... Lv y 1:05 p m to R. R. crossings- 30 acres in cultivation, At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains house and barn, well and spring water. of the O. C. & E. railroad. Price $1000. Express train daily (except Sunday) • 80 acfes, 4 miles N. E. of Scio, 30 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, some brush 4- 50p m I lv .........Portland...... ar I 8: 25 a m and small timber, can all be ctfliivated. 7: 30 p m I ar .. ..McMinville.... iv I 5: 50 a nr Price $1000. 8: 80 p in ; ar ... .Independence... lv j 4: 50 a m 80 acres, 2 miles West of Scio, all in culti­ Direct, connection at San Fran cisco with Oc- vation, no buildings. Price $1600. ciidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail steam­ 185 acres, 9 miles East of Scio at Jordan, ship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing 30 acres been in cultivation, balance slashed dates on appl leaf ion. and seeded in grass, good house and barn. Rates arib tickets to Eastern points and Eu­ No. 1 stock shed well watered, build­ rope. Also Japan, China Honolulu and Aus­ ings cost $2000, this is a good Btock farm. tralia, can be obtained from Mrs. M.E. Wood­ Price $2500. mansee. ticket agent,, West Scio. R. K oehler , Manager. 60 acres, 7 miles East of Salem, Oregon, all C H M arkham , AsstG F & Pass Agent, Port? in cultivation and No. 1 land, house, barn & orchard. Price $30u0. terms half -cash, bal­ land.Ot. ance to suit purchaser. 361X acres, 10 miles East of Scio, 100 acres in cultivation, balance open pasture, some brush and timber, 75 acres hill land, bal­ ance all good level bottom land, house and two barns and orchard. Price $16.50 per acre terms $1000. dowx^, balance . tipie to snft purchaser. 320 acres; 2 miles East of Scio, 120 acres in cultivation, balance nearly all open pasture, about 90 acres, hill pasture, two running brooks, good spring water, good new house, 3 barns, good orchard. This is a No. 1 grain an stock farm. Price $15.00 per acre, terms half cash balance time. Connecting at Yaquina Bay with the San 300 acres, two miles Southwest of Scio, 150 Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steamship Co. acres in cultivation, 50 acres open pasture: balance brush and some timber, can all be cultivated, two good new houses, two barns, hop and fruit dry bouses, 20 acres in hops, 4 acres in orchard, spring, creek and well water. Sails from Yaquina every 8 days for San Fran­ Price $20.00 per acre, terms half cash. 50 acres, two miles Southwest of Scio, 25 cisco, Coos Bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and acres.in cultivation, balance brush and some Humbolt Bay. timber, can all be cultivated,Ygood ' new- house and barn® Price $25.00 per acre, terms Passenger Accommodations Unsurpassed. cash. Shortest route between the Willamette Val­ R. S helton ley and California. Scio Oregon. 1.1. HAGEY, W atchmaker Price Mgt EN® JJE WELER. Be^innin^, Wednesday, January 12,1898, Price’s Cream Baking Powder ‘ Trophy, and Red Seal ‘ ‘ < < I i ‘ Golden West 1! lb can Schilling’s 50c Tea ‘ Gunpowder Tea, bulk .. ‘ Japan < ‘ ‘ ‘ pkgs Gold Dust Wash. Powder..... plug Battle Ax, Dice & Evenchange Tob, papers Yosemite Coffee ... ................. ‘- Arbuckle & Lion C 6 ‘ ‘ Crushed Java I I worth 15c box Best Bluing, pr. Women’s heavy lace shoes c ‘ ‘ Misses’ J “ ‘k i c- < * ‘Child’s “ 4 ‘ Enamelled Steel-Dust Pan pr.- Women’s fine Button Shoes $1.00, $135, $1.75' to $2.50. Men’s & Boys’ Shoes & Clothing at prices never be­ fore heard of. I am closing out my stock- Come and see the bargains 9 í YOU WILL FIND EAST and SOUTH -VIA- The Shasta Route —of the— Sonta Pacific Company« Dining Cars on Ogden Route Money in Pocket West Side Division. when you have a label ther with the Horse-shoe and the words, “Equal to custom made.” We are the sole agents for our city for this cele- brated make of fine clothing. Visit us and examine the quality REG0N CENTRAL & EASTERN., and prices of our lines * YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. any, STEAMSHIP ‘PRESIDENT,” CANDY CATHARTIC äsja. '^30 10c CURE' CONSTIPATION MS 25c 50c A moijnment is. to be. erected over thefxemains of Francis S Key, author of the famous anthem, “The Star Spangled Banner.” The com­ mittee on design has accepted the product of Sculptor Alexander Doyle of New York, with the understand­ ing that the monument is to be com­ pleted in time for unveiling, June 14, 1898.; The site selected is an ele­ vated plat facing the main entrance to Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, Maryland. A man in Parkville, Mo., has just- succeeded in locating and digging np the cargo of a steamboat, sunk in the river in the fall of 1836, and-now covered by sand, and high and dry, several miles inland. There were 40 barrels-of whiskey in the plunder reduced to the consistency of fresh molasses -candy-. The man that sampled it had to cut off a drink with a jack-knife and he had strange, weird dreams for 24 hours. They say a piece the size of a mar­ ble will make a man good natured, even to his wife. —Brownsville Times. ' ALL DRUGGISTS 283. A ‘“Tramp Printer.” A stranger dropped in on us and asked for a job of a hand out. He was rather well dressed and looked too well-fed for an all around tramp .printer, but thinking he might be in hard luck, we let him ‘¡throw in” a column. When we were about to lead him around to the kitehen, he staggered us by presenting his card: “J W Gunp, Special Agent for the Liverpool & London Globe Ins. Co.” We thereupon refused to feed him on the ground that he obtained em­ ployment from us under false pre- tensees. He got even by appointing us his agents, and swears he will pi the whole outfit if we don’t send in a good business from the start! Say! Say!! Say!!! We give you Lion Coffee and we give you Arbuckle’s Coffee for a bit a pound. And besids we give you good Rio Green Coffee 12 lbs. for $1 —that beats the world! R. E. Hi bl er. To Cur«> Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Contract Secured. We are glad to inform our readers that we have closed a contract for advertising No-To-Bac and Cascarets,- the famous preparations manufac­ tured by the Sterling Remedy Co,; of Chicago and New York. The Sterling Remedy Co., appreciate the value of this paper as an advertising medium, and the compliment is the more marked, as the company is a conserveative concern which sells it.-’ products under an absolute guaran­ tee to cu're or ' money refunded Every one of our retail druggists is authorized to sell No-To-Bac, guar­ anteed tobacco habit cure, and Cas­ carets guaranteed constipation cure, and Cascargts guaranteed cure, un­ der this abosolute guarantee/ and our readers need not hesitate to buy these preparations, as it involves no risk whatever, either physical or fi­ nancial. Fare from Albany and points West to San Francisco. Cabin.................................................. $800 Steerage.............................................. 6 00 Round Trip Good for 60 days..............17 00 To C-OO9 Bay, cabin ............................. $ 8 00 ,. „ Steerage........................ 6 00 To Humbolt Bay and Port Orford, cabin,10 00 ,, » „ n Steera <», 8 0 q RIVER DIVISION. Steamer “Albany” between Portland and Corvallis, through without lav-over. Leav­ ing Corvallis 6:. 30 a, m., Tuesdays, Thurs days, and Sundays; leaves Portland, Yamhil St' Dock, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Edwin Stone, J.C. Mayo,.. Manager. Supt. River Div. II. L. Walden, Agent, Albany. Beauty Is Blood Beep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar­ tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im­ purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty for ten cents. All drug­ gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, -25c, 50c. An Ohio girl tied her lover to a tree and went for a parson and had An an; which had been caught the marriage ceremony performed near its hill, was shut up in a box before he was released. and carried 150 feet away, when it Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. was set free in the middle of a sandy To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag­ road. Mr. Ballard, the president of netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, takfe No-To- the wonder-worker, that makes weak men the Agassiz Association, thus de Bac, strong All druggists, 50c or SI. Cure guaran­ scribes its subsequent behavior: “It teed. Booklet and sample free. Address seemed at first bewildered. Then it Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. .climbed to the top of a ridge of sand Mrs. Augusta Nack, jointly charg­ and* erecting its body as high as ed with Martin Thorne, the mur­ possible, waved its antennae for sev­ derer of William Guldensuppe, the eral seconds and then started in a bath-rubber at Woodside, L. I., in straight line for home.” June last year, was sentenced to 15 years in the state prison at Auburn. Examine Sternberg’S famous $10 suits—all wool. Come and look at our New Glass­ Spectacles 10c a pair at Peery & ware & Lamps. The price will sur­ Peery’s. prise you. Ross E. H,