The Saiiliam News ADRIFT I < A GALE THE ALASKAN FL04 T A Ï IkoX 01 TFIT * •o aink a * ift » to III.a «»'»¡iiires « toilet art .-Isa Mr . ad In a «'sse with great «Imi «d fuel, ami II lake» many pi« k«»t», «»n<* that can I*** r«»ll*'*l up an I « il • »»•M»«lh If»« f»r werk« »»f hard work in the Opsm m ’ amjui tied. A f«*w yards «»f m*>—julto i.ctimg II •»«.Il Uterini t**»r WHAT THE GOLD HUNTER t»> gather furl em»ugti to last through are n«*» * *i»arv for mosquito«« ar« a |«-«t the winter for brating ami working G«»gglee to |4otrc9 the ayes from «now The fleet of •|r>m«hi|< ah ch u N«-w York. De. 2T — Ti»e gimteea of SHOULD TAKE Pma. ink, purposes. Mater fur washing «»ut Ilo» bl i nd nr*» ai«* n«-cvaaary, SCIO OBBOOM «s t-ati lira?«, thè Kaiser Wilhelm der finding« of the ContntiaMon heading for th« ra«illc Northwewt U «lirt and extracting the gold can l»e lia I pencils. an*! govrrnm<*nl stam|»*| participate m tbe Alaska ruth is still Gr»«*, <»f thè Xorth German !4«»y4 — Reach State Department. In ••nvr|«»|»r». th»tli Canadian and Viotoi only in the summer ami early fall. receiving additons. Tbe latest iraeel a»uM«i «4«im r»»t v >»«.*♦ w a.» < «»••••••• line, arrirel frnm Breruen a day lat«. ■utnr diatricta water flows only a few Mates, • ««’til I l»e taken A few books reported ia the British stramwliip Amur, bhe h’iHigut «»ver 4»U cabin an*! 393 |>l«*< «ortelni Tlavlr ««arlwn»« in Ihr wacks each y«mr. All the dirt taken m* worth ihvir we ght. Flailing which a Viet «wie trading «wsapiuiy has *t«4'. Agr |M*»» f»g-T*. Tho p vre**ngrr* >*w ««*»14 t 1*1*1* «>f VlaaUa •»••I Ih* owl «»f the shaft la pile»! up near it till ta»klc ami «hot guns are likelv to The Amor ;• » l- LI of a tegnble ei|«rriciice. Fruii» total af . aria half a mili h » x purch黫-'! in lam <>»n. Starti* n r«l «»rrllmrÿ. the followtng summer, ami until thru prove of w«*rvi<*e. as the streumt term oum paratisele naw »«'«eel. lui vi ng been Chorl«»«irg alte met gale after gale. the miner ran not trii whit will I*«» the with fi-h ami water-fowl in* extremely built in 1999. hbe is 3 HI fe«»t long, 4hi thè third day «»ut from Cher- iBlvre-atlAg < *>1 le’rll*»«» nt < uffettl K • *« »• ill of his year’s labor. abumUnl in itimtii«*r. Traps are use- 3*».l f» «U beam an i II 3 feet depth cd bmirg, while a hr \y sea was running The m«wt practical and vital qrastio 1» 4 <»n«tForm > r*»»n This is ti e onlinary programme of ir*-'. a« all takiog of atom 4» fi»r llo’ir bold, i» 6*0 570 tons net regiater. rvgiwter. In d, ami la t«»na m»l a tu) m i” iris- all of If»« p.**» *ng*’rs were to be dv id-xl try lhe mall who intend li-uh < •>»•(!■»•*tala. th»- Yi ilii»*D miii«*r. lie t»*4ch«'w the g»d‘* fur i« don« by Indian« A «• take grrea «xrep< in rate of emergency De hvl hrokrf», «»! fiere th*< thè «-ngiura had ci ween to 4*** *a t >»** xlamag«'* for aria I m 11 a short time left in which t«« gathet travels or bow he egpreta to transport f»r the Pacifle Northwest, •orne of •pits fhe «n non ram «nt of thia fa t, g»>ra J«> pi«*rvw. and stili *»«tor* that thè Tl»I* >• far move imp» Ahl a Ul>v« urea of Hnti*h *hip« in Behring mw them hat ng « I rv>adv sailed: B*»t boia, nrr Ht»»l Ai»d pre|«are for Work- D»tr- hi »itrtt, there will I m - times either on tt>« numtor of vteitora at ti.e \t hit« /u-Livr wa« di«al«lrd After thè jw»n»l*r- t >on than that of the route he «hall *•■ have been reewivo'i by tbe state *lr («•«!• I II moia, iiig the winter he sink« his »haft ami th«* j*«urr,» x in nr ir righi |>«»ur* «he wa* «tlrdt trawl am! the British emhraay Ths tong »'on tin rad «old an I heat/ drifL «trirteat reticem« ia malntaine»). h<*w M hen AI k I hr »hould Is* equipped f«»r II. th« mangli, City of Columbia» Valencia wmi H pruhably rra»h hi« dratituitiou« aluire ljuie* th« n«»xl summer snow of tit« past mouth are Loginning Itll ab« was 5u mde* «>ot ot Iter »«»orse, ever, on tbe general chAnuter of the tie r«n g»>’. Water l«e Eqir • w trth . ♦. or«hnari pJb king wt».»ps cut an I g.ill the Amur, Hruhatn. wton aho «trtrte*l «gain. while «buuld In* n«»< have a pru|«*r out ­ w> hava a *cr$«»u« rfi««t up»n ahre«p m am! by the time hr has eumpfot«*! il • L-»|Us «lag* I and j-**«blr »larvali'»n stArmg him in an-1 it mav then tw* tra late for d«*v»<*w h»r «»Vrrooming th»»*'* troubles. •1 ahowcd that ora ut thè atre») ton la trrvwt. The finding araiusl tins gov rej«»it that a num'er have airea I y |*>mt four mile* •-sat of M foni •pring* 1 the fare. get out t»| the country that s « m I b »1 «»f them are the M> rn.oa I l»r**ken off T«» prevenl tho boiler rm mm I is no surpror. j«erisl»oi|. «ounty Whatever a man wonbl t«Npiire to he went in Btipphed for 19 nmn The *i»ntrevervy ha* org and a praaihte explo­ The controller uf the «'«irre y baa The beavlrei aurf rsprtirneed aure 1 rat. t*» w«mr or tn work with hr *o«»ul 1 luu> kej*t !n* «upphe* he Is all ri upon llir hj|w», an<| the ukoti | ^* king it waa nrermary tu draw thè tìrr. teritiun <»f tbe authorities here and in re eiVix! Information <*! th« failure I Tog«» ini«* that Cmin* m»t, lie nia« I** in the pwttion 11 At the D*4 prevailed «>n ih« Curry county lak«» with him frame, whhd» places the weight on ths tbe shìp ah I «Bow thè pirla lo Iximlon f»»r the last 11 yeara. •< ’ *P the Flint National bank, of, •houldivs. Either »• w*»rth far more t 'aptain Kngteharl laugfi’d whrn oiit*«*t th«» tone <»f the r»»ntr*»verst »M beach during the storms laat w«ek. try depend 1 ««g upon (wing «Me to pur- Khmdike miners th • winter, wl N l) Ti e i»4t*k I ia * a «apital <•! t‘4.- th« than it costa to the man who haw to L»a «»( «langer iu e«»nn*<*tkm with Iwlhgvfrenl. «ugg«* mi ng a f«»i*»it»)e re­ Many of the miners k»*t their ban« h ìli »hare anv of the n«*» •’«*• »r »e* of life ur not «upplive tn carry them ihr»» 000, and, «comdrag to its last state* *ti>*»*«*refiil work i* t«> run the ri*k of apr;t»g and can not buy tb«*ni sort to arm» Thia w»* f**liowit g ihe lurre. pa« k h • outfit. In i*w*king it is a reak wa« mrtttioned» in**nt, bad (hq«»«iis *gg” g mng | Th«* rep**H «»( Agent Emery •:.< w* a 0 seizure, by the Unitml MAt**« *tearner prnw». vr to A th • THE method was fiendish («»ruin, of the British sealers < 'amltiia total ™f 1,020 lndiptn«*nL N«»w a f»*w t facts of the •*-iiure were n<»t known year. Th«**« rv*l men hai«’ l*-«*ft de out tn July. Publicly through the alMHit the nature of »L Some tbmg* Mr Coffin, ti »’ a-twig c< rRrolter of 11» I mam 'll Ith < l*»«h I » prtVed of AI lo* AX ’ * * f ‘ »r the pv»t 13 press and privately ou all «»'em«mu* until aom* time later, and in the mean ­ the rurreray I •• ^altol att«*nt ->n to the are aLw-lute ne«'c**i|i*ra, ami utie of M «4.I |»<*«SH III« Iw» fa l that the rei r•’!».» nt of ».at «mal hank n Ht l^-'iia, Ifor. 37.» A p»«*t rm»rt«*m time. th»» <’«»t w tn had taken the <>n* years, and m<*«t <»l them Ar«*Ynp|>or(ing . they siiviral gold wrekrr* to take with th«'** 1« q in k«tlver f«ir «aviog tbe gol I them a complete ttquipmrnl for 19 Take fit e puuuda. The »am* ¡«»liry them»*Iv«*e wr!!. To t»e WlthoUl it not«** during the first SOdaya «»! to^*«»m en * 4* L«d I yrfrierday on lb* remain* of war*! »1**1 Favoonte >t »«’isure and rwinfi»« At ion oc. urred tor rea ‘»«*»1 the »um uf 43 «Kai «< i * j Jani >b Urman, who w a * fmind •!♦'•»! in A Mkev lew pap'r ways that a arow. month** crrtAinly not I»»*« than a year, would be like i 4 «uldier withoul iuiihti- luririg the next s->ahng »<*as pure)» a *** what tbrv of mime kind, » •oinrthtng thal will m»t y At the lime a towel the protests of Great Britain, the lake, iu luke county. might n«e»i fr«»m trailing p*»*t* Thi« brrrtk. and c are «Imiild t«r takm not tu lirvment has res ’h«*d th<>ml lu w am fourni tightly twiatrd al«Hit his Lnhed Stat«-» steamer Ku»h takixrg th»’ tai fitted with «all« and will bo navi any one month. A pick ami h»ng-hamil«*'l 4« an I throat« t»ut the )-»«t m<»r*« m rrv«*al(*d a Hayward. Grace, Anna Pa«k. D’lphin, gafr-d am well • • may tie that Way until advice wAM l‘aas«*d u|*m the well kn«’wn spill it. conditions «»( work Aii l transjMirtatnm •hovel are nccrewry t«»ol». a I« u a g»»ld After a w«*»k of ouiL-ri-n »* in IL*« pr*cuhar Iy fiendish meth»*) the tnur- Alfred Adam«. Triumph, Junsta. Path- gaeuline engin»'« can to put on b«»ard of in tiint rrgu»n. Thr miner might Y«»ti will want a kit of t«*»’« L r pan F*r »town m finder, Black Diatnomi, Lilly, Arctic her t<»n, Ju*tlce» Putnvm an I K ug tbe deters had rm»rt«>l t«v A Southern Pacific <»fll i«) say* that located wvicral hut I red mil»”* I - 1 trail making a t«»«t( a* wdl t« f«»r buildii g comml*ai«»tiera for the United Male* the man's thrrat« tightly iml»edl that far. and a stick was prob* of (he vrewds ami outfits, and imdud- 5, quo tnon* bale* have gone forward, • twn. mg m»t only the value of aealskin« con I nm ’ d ample d**mui.*tratr I the prr*«-nt nail«, al««» oaktmi. pitch, nani. r«»w rwpeclive guveti>m«*nta. In |SU3 4 »»»Idler at J« fl’-r*»n l«arra<'ks !i*H’Ate>l, but also the Skin* which half <»f the I»-r.»p. »•-.nH-n. Hundfeds wh*»«ltd n»>t gn<- It I«»* ks, caigmg Irun. b»»rtt mtt»»n, twlnc, «hat I« « infgi.t have Dw’n taken if the «hips bad was n«urd«red hi a similar manner, and lh»* city coiindl of >.«l«»m ha* «crept- Th« fira*. n»«»u>s, a.*d was tn ark «»»I t«y a erath run (ent ion. In the <;**«’ <»f »»a-h Brit­ and J. A Baker, hi* Ifcinds.iiefi, wh»*r»»- IftMt them through the winter, onlv to l’he ne-»’»•«ary rampttig outfit < on h g drnui. ialton uf the American F«*l ish ship, the lirgesl itcxn uf the <*lann by they agro** to pay 94.000 before l>r. find that not a pound of f«x»d is t«» fo' aiata of a t«*nt « Yukon at«»ve, a tieni of rration ot Late»r for ha«h»g |a»*<’ l a MARKET. w4* for <*stimal«'d future *«l!utu»n at Na*hvillc op|w**>iug (fie TO CONTROL COAL adding to th© diatfv** »»f ibo««’ alrr 1 ly water bm'ket. piate«, i, cup and aaurer, er i in*tai<* e, in the . a*e of the Carolina, anre due the city troiu ri TtrMUfr f f » . « threatened with atarvatmn, Th«’y coffee poi, kntvnw. forks, M|**>ns, two tin th«- claim for the ship w«« only If 000. j Sw.“»fiord. I •»»»«*!»• g in point« fr«»» F«*•! < while that fur akin» whnh might hare ir»«* a••!. The «•si «an at any c Htuck Insfiector Vandvcrt <»( Crook have not done this in ignorant'*», but in hirg«’ ipkM»na and a buteher knife. organisation a* lending to create * fur­ defiance of th«* advice of n»«m o! ••ipm I m ’ wì material« ior utensili are aiutili- in y and w id New York Ih» 27 —It baa de- 1*•«’!> laki'il that \* .ir it she bri l l*«»t county, will m»«>n h till: si • I hit ther division in the rank* «»f iata»r Each sliip Armi annauai iiis|««. ti«m >»f the sheepin rnce. The golden mirage of tb«*q im­ unni, gran ttrware and atre! in ih-* <»r* starting |M»i %eii»|N- I that a L’g r»•.< York ti MUpH 14 « « l l, I* Otll> 4 part of A frutn |.l 5<> per akin in I*IH* to 91 .• 3.» inaprct«*»!. In all thia lol, hr hna only tong to needle*« bardshq*. if m»i de­ g dttng thè tx-st and a full e»piipin«'tit. i lly. Oaklrr uas sr,fl*w ate I tn »no-*.* laat pr-'J« I for ♦•ontrol «»f (l»e entire in I HMD. Th«’ total of the ciaiin*, Yet th«* majority <»! th»m F»»«*d ruttai lw’ gissi ami pr*»|*erly e»M»kn«l found three band* iuf«*c(e•<>■• and Peter M X/ »• - i » equiplM’d themrelvea well for the jour- conditimi t<> Work. Insulti leni or it x«»|v« w lhe rratioli of 1HI, ami with lnlcre«t at k per »ent Mp* t later. Ih» ‘ause thè mernlwr* «*f C«»nnelly, of th«» same «’•uni-any, wert a similar central selling agemy to am) other charges, tbe total rra«'hrd ray. V«»rv few. indeed, of th*»** *!••» pwoly C‘»«»ked hn»l, with litlb» varietv were negligrnt in atGuidn The Bruwmivillr Time* 1* Anthority have reach«»»! Daw««»n withalumst noth­ rendered uncwmsciors by inhaling ewer «*4’ li » f th«* gr«*at bltumimuia coal 979H. Ififi. is th»* chief »*auae of wurvy. T«» o . hh »> I «erviccs ami stili suore *•> h for the Mtati’Diri11 th.rt th«’ greater part smoke so*! gas, an ! were with dtfll* «li»lri' t« cd P«*nii*yl>ania, Ohl»», Weal The only ofllrial stAh'inrtit that ing for their aup|* thin tictllar. cbtiruh, R«v. M.iorice Peni am! their mcnt I e* rracind by the <'<»iiimi*«i»m»’r* I m con- P »*tor * rl.»*t The se»»ret uf th«»ir pr«**vnt shortne*-» »w |H ni'on, 150 poun mi'll are anxiously »waiting the returns (mil. prrauli ah «! thè ir nnklrs and dimes They iiave disposed of or rtbrtu- I lieana anti sugar, 75 i - uuii could r»*arh them were druwn*l. pri»|w*rtiuii «mh is to mine and haul, ilAim« «vi in mi w 1 on baa Iwui filed in of thi* sliipment. »nun their unwiB g j»** ksta. lie in- I rolled »»ata «»r other mu«h 11 donr«l the foilk of their outfits, trusting the «IrpMrtmrnt. The da hum am pre­ and (Le buvtng «unpaey i* to » a ’ i ilpori Al TimawAnda. X. Y V trf*hlt«wl pretti gì la na usher«, ami is The work of clearing nut th«* *liri to luck, or the deity wn}<|«.»«- 1 («> Lavr sented by th« ’ British government on porn meal. 50 p»»unren would have done better |o have <*am|»rd evaporated vrgetabloa, 10») •d < i appttara of the Iftlsaian fieri uf thè faci that 1‘ i 0 young tioinrn cam «'» c.ot «-lubra* o«l in th«’ ’»ettlenient . t.iki’ii to the umuth uf the river, ami at the lakes till Mpr.hg. than to I mo - riA|- ate I fruit, 50 |w»unda of prtintM woiil-l show I (*>lkw t<» their Arata ami wintering at Port Arthur, being per Hurl I itti!«- Ma*«le (•» l»H« lt proj«w*»*d by >v«*r«*tary , fine*! Iieef, ex* nmre yuung mi lien in its |»< wm than ev«*r b*»t«»re l*rrii I w««"u there Eterv river transportation lines mnidt>g is Burlington train Xu. *3 Whether th« tuent under the treaty must to made Florence airrttig«*d ►«> ).«• « an leave this Another attempt fully equipped. Thoer tract of beef, ar»u|Mi 111 tins, «ausag»-. lo­ The Dal)«»« A reduction •»! fare from attempt was mode for (he pur !«»•<• of within six months.0 week AI miui 45,000 tuna of rock have wliu followed lhi<* cuurar are infiurtly I m »»*»». etc.. A" desired, l*-4fing tn mi in I real m thè ri foro servire« The I’all«»« to Portland is th«* mult. rem tory or for ma!iciouMivm» m not I m - cii UM*d All-I about 450 f4« t of Jetty lietter off than tluwe who warn fired always that variety of foml pr»»m<- The departmental ofllciala, it im aw h • «**»arv tu g This cut in rat»»* haw ♦«■rm ltw»k»'*l for known at present AI mh H V.30 o’clock luiiwd, will prucoed at unco to prepare built thia year, *«ya the West. Hie everything to Ihvir insane eagertm** to lie ahh. There has more or les* A* iishrra thè l>\ th«* put - ■’ lh< J ••* - ’ • aa th« tram was approaching the lo»t a bill ur an amendment tn one of thr diAimrl ha* changed »*» that nearly all get through, and an* now at D aw «*»»! •aid in the |Mi|*rrM &l*out various ■» re**, bui ll»rir 1 m »H m * 11 itv* was put on, * no two months ago. «»f Murray hill, the engine left the appropriaiwn bill« for stihtuiaaioa h the water flows through the south with nothing t«» do and threatened with • mi rated foods, but with the except I il !»eing overwhelmed by a calamity <»l <»f eVA|wiraic*l v«w**tabltw ami fruit, w lieti thè tun«’ <*ame I«» tak«’ F M Gid«-»*i», the clerk of the gen­ tea* k. Fortunately no itarUcular «lam* <*ongr**MM, v«»veni»g the neersaary Appro- ent ran» «*. b«iu«in. Th«* iniHMitimii •!« I d the trial » f Allen L *gan in Dill »* their own creati»»n. eral land offi •• who « «• r« f* r«‘ ta age w 4 a • lone to it or to the train, nor prialion to pay the Judgments, for, iie- ■ com lense* I preserve«, iiidriiw'd mi Ik with thè approdai »»f thè ut by Thomas R«*ddmgt«»n in the testi­ waw anyone on board injured* On et- ing bound l»y treaty nut only to |»av last wrek, on the charge of murdering Th«’ value of the nd vice given to th««*-’ and t»*rf extract there is nothing mony l»rfore th«- m s at«« Pacific railroad .»in r.s* ' I» il w.i» («»und the Ira k had any judgments ren*lured, but t»» pay Hunch Sylvester, th«’ h«*.«-! uf the o-» I w!>«» startv-l last foil hi* f«»n demon­ ts’vn br«»ught forward which has L r e|> «•rw, wlm aay liuti ni-vn Th«’ pna-e.,u strated I’V tbrir rX|“»*rirn»’r*. The Mamr pr*o«**| desirable; fine ♦an not afford drawri fu » riniti n «implv f ■ mm •*.<• *-.itor«lay, »• ? 4V ; g I** -«• f t t in : : ■ ' ' s . th< » -nt t-« d wu* pro»lnr<*»l in court. leg»' *»f look log Bp-n a I h * v changed the land office records »o »• to fi.r-n s<-r- »••« ti «»n lhe iiill I» « ling away honor bound to take the remaining lion ae urc’l i Iciilifi- Atioh of the grew- A-Ivi.e is as valuable to th-**'- who M II to experiment Willi ht« aiornach in girl« Ih« re i- ti » lifting g«wi tbr<>w 5, ’otljMiT) 4 r»*« of g«*t» rt.m«* I ft . u th*’ ‘dl* I Spiki * had l‘«*n *te|* toward a a»'ttleiuuhl in sh«»rt or- some pus’e of r*vi irn«*e, and «bowed the go in th« *rri},g lake »•*.v:yth;:;g Als»ka i*-tei 1 .un il Bui Mr jurv fraetu*«** in the ’ ,n k part of th« land to the Southern Pa« ifi<\ liaa made pul to! out At tne lies fur three rail »1er. w ill» you that you anticiptatv to need All supplies *houl«l I»* carefully that he fod«'■!•’.* in gviting The for a year for any pur|»oae. am! «Iu tmt a « h*ar •I«* iiía I of tit«» cl a»gv. ► ’ ** *■ ’»g I-». • with a T? «'re nf'p ar* to to little doubt that skull sufficient to cauaci drath. pn* k«-»l tn i.ini.0 sarkaof a total weight h>* rhllrrli ami h«> «|. h ••i‘t c defense, how- ver, produced aw mtm -••• f the Lhilfd State« *««lLlr. A di»|»atch ir* m Christiania, \or* wrench and pinebtor. which ha I b «.h»r* ti *«» lt»ng 4* tliti iitean* three of the physicians whu ba«l l»ren the «piewtion in vulve«!, a* the pr<*q»ec- way, t«» the la*mk»n <*hn»niclr. aaysths stolen from t)»e carhuus« a ! Thayer whatever. It ta folly intake for grant- <'.1111.1« «>f »uj «*rior quality d>«»tild <«• mate and bonr*l. It t«»uk 1 pr»-f»«-i}i at the |*i*t-mortem, and twtab live damages wore evidently scatol thrre» will to wo many new political wttualtori, wince the failure of e»l that ii « h *I, the object ladrig t*> preserve th* 1% %l>«dl»lt < nrwnrl'• om« •. down to an inaignificant amount, nt liahi'd that the careful examiiiAtlon Blrauirni on thr river neat year that the ftasl from Io.«« Ry ilampne«« as well aa to tuli».’ up th«* r«dlr>'lì»»n. hi th« untied mm rm tire on foreign affairs, New Y»»rk. De. 97 - The D»- «un! »er w .»w «»v«»r and tln» iiif>h«*v e«»’ While the depart­ there physicians had ma«!«’ wm with country Will be ahi pi t supplied with by breaking <»r te-iring «»f the |mokag*’>» has t*ec»»mr critical, and it is feared grand jury hande*l to Judge llur«l. in rejected entirely. W h * tirarly fió U l<» a «M tu ti apet'ial referenda to establish the fact ment official* will inak«* no definite an* Hist Hu •••Jen will ■«■«'k an »* i*j«»n for f«N»d am! other neci ►saric-. Assuming Fifty ptrnnd tw»*kages art» th»« »»»•»■? *«•»»• the iounty <«»urt t«lay, « neommenda nounrrmenl to this eficct. intimations whether or not the blow deliver«’. I by that transportation facilities will k I** in­ Veiiirnl for handling ami this is <»ftrn ut lite chtirrn. arcurd intervention in X«»twf ooruttrr t*e ai«*)' l>»g;in had fra»»tii«« ‘ I the skull, and diftpat« h addw that the >wwdi«h press i« r« uuae that edfier 1» <»( no prac- are given that the «inallnuio« of tb< creased ten time*, this will to I m « off*» l as great a weight .♦• ««nr man can carry. more than It iw lietter to have th*-«e canvas sack« bufias for aMiatancw from Ktn|e*f<»r t.4 . fl • I lit ferret 11; g out « » m.»s, the award pre* Iu»*«itK«*ly that at the tNwt- by thr undoubted fact allowanra having twen made on account mortem no such fra* tu««-M were to be ten time«» am many prr«M»us will go in a« |»araffif>0»ll to resist dain(ai»*««. William. Du not <»f tl»r late General Marni, iDvthoda axe u|«-n tn th«* m«»st severe found. lhe head turned out I»» I m * a are there now. and that tbe ;«ddr*I Iran* use oifod * anva«, am fbr extreme i»«n»na establish«*! (hr purtation fa- iiitie» will Lv used to carry nrtAs ratiatW it to Crack, With cufi»rq»irnl house civil srrvi»«•• f*»r II * «all. general charge of Behring sea affaira, fall Fur th»' last two of prtsderafi and will rush tn lightly outfit ><»wr, a ml tins may al««» Iw fitted reconvenes. It« members Ate op]»»««*! kepi thr phyMidan nn Ina at.«l AO Il«-' lu i l» . The Mari;-»»-« said tonight, as tu tbe award, (hat ha preceding year* there wm not an at­ equipj»*!, «Ivpeixlittg u|»<«n purchasing up ami used fur a «ail. Th«» canvas to the prtwenl law •• in« ludtng U mi long a pertol» n«*tw ithstaml the wu* not sur prise« I al the result. Presi ­ tempt mad* lu rulle.-t the overwhelm ­ what they nr«-l fur th«* winter. It i* iiiruel fi»»m Han Fiatici»«o yrstenlay, MCks »houbl l»r ntinil>errd and a hat <»f many offi<«-s within its *o»pe witniihga glv«’ti Inni. M a «*« m » Lrtngitig newaof thè o|»*ning ot c«*n- dent Cleveland having » flL tally de­ ing ll*t of dehmpiem u-w with which extremely doubtful whether enough the contents of r*» h k»*pt. The «»wner'a •ay that ZrritH*lui*N fanll w»« hia A freight traiu of 31 l<»ss«1«**l cars, gre*« l(**gar«hng thè anm-tation clared that |i?5,(M)0 waa a just and the book* At the stierifi’a «»fl1«-v were good* fur sale can !»■ taken in n»-xt name should i»u plainly inarkr«! on drinkmg babit. At ih«* timr ihe fa* traveling down the mountain tn Al- treaty. thè IlawaUan guvernmrnl re* equitable sum in arttlrfiirnt. ami L av » fil«**I, for the taxpayer« were in Mu«’h summer to supply thi* demand. In- • . bts< h 1... • »« »Ide • cei¥«*«l a-Ivicra (rum Washington <>n thè mg ap|«ointed a* the A inert* au commis- atrailM that it would have I m «*n of httls dee«I, In view of the eiperirn »■* uf this »Mmllrs, etc. should be distributed Zerturha wa * rhargcd with leadmg Inni ronaetpirr e of the slipiiery «und it inn • vail to »Io a«k But it remained for •loner t»» adjudicate tbe claim* a « L *•* day Ih»* ateamer «unled, which «tal« year, it is ahin»st «ertain that they can througim it the sack», an that a lorn of of the tracks, making lhe 13 ini M an I hia party into thè fatai Hiiibu«)i, that thè «»ppwntion iw hot a« ttrung AM )«*rnouai and pohtual triend, it could |M*7 to I* the banner year, an-l f.»r nuL a jortion <»f the outfit will not deprive from Galltis into Altoona iu as tn.«i.y l»ut he is*tu-«l .1 long«taleinenl in whii'h hardly to aipectrd that the latter the last several weeks the delinquent indicateli in thè presa di«|Mileh«s. the owner of tbew thing*, Put Even if it were not fur this tin.-er- niinutea and »rashing Into a freight )»»• trtol t«» show that M.i'«i met I hn wuiihl strenuously contend for an aci'oiinla have been rapidly pai l off, tainty, thr conditions of succ« *afu! work matehrs in tin t«ixrs The <*ani|>er train directly iu front of the pa**rnger U 4(r« In Ihr *«»u«h tiu I j» •ward uf a ires amount Mr. Foster until there remain but comparatively th*»re require that the miner take in a will require a tent, NxlO or ¡0«! 3 d» ath in lettile m ih»» usua! way. Zer- station. Ab«»ut 50 rars 1 a ere cum - ludi» «I mo bitterly assiilud thr honor Birmingham, Ala., Ih-c 27.—«The was atom! from the country in «la pan few to oullecL F*»r three year« pre- Irentg tl lfohdava* ( vronna < «*»l Coinpn y and Ih» Vir­ when rung « re« took action on Presi­ ««’•hug tin- prtreiH tax collection year, full equipment ami have it with lorn Aft«*r thr Itili* man should have a canvas sleeping bag, wherever lie g**r*. Die Yukon gold burg passenger train, which was aland- ginia A Alslwmn < «al tàimpany, etn* dent Clevelaml'a rv*'«>minendati<«n, but the amounts of delimjuet ♦•>•■ that have ing uf Macco thè dislMinorel phyaician preferably |>«raffim«dl with a ho»»»l to fh ’ lds « ‘ t»/vr a great area «»f country, mg on the tract near the • pasar n ger |doi ing a I mhi I 1,200 coal minrr «4« .tllowr I t<» gu fr«*«4 by ili«» Spai»* ,n lie regarded the commission aa ih»* b«<«-n |«aM lid* fall amount to $43 • draw uv«*T his head. lie can have an­ sheallvro E. I’. Wier, of Foaail, in Gllliatn th»*e will be only Al m»tnt« A- e»<»iide AtMiut aia w«M»ka ago J«»hn F Hohls«, A* lt*r « loth tog the rsstmtiala ar»* deer her»irr, who is m»w in Norway, to Richard«, a mechanical ei|»ert of Liston, Dre. 2L —A diapitch from rounly, ahi|>pr<| «rvrral carloa.leof.h.ige to steamer*. Those jMhg to the g««lur* nrai lhe present centers of population. suck«» woolen mitts and Brace lined •ra lit* hvr«l A!M«>llg til«* 114! IV»"». for to this rounliy. Ibesr are w«niwl for the omatrurtiou of a «ir< -nad plant. ll’imb«» plateau, in thè Portogli»*«»«' red* ehaeing ftoge and turmng thrm mto he ornild not get away then. He They will be compelled to pr»M»prei dis leather mitts, heavy leather boot», guru us«* a* iraft animnls in getting *uppli*s coMling 4'350.000. at T«»kt«>. The CMI- »»in of Angui*, baie mam>icrr»i a P«»rt* burotì. laiel ernie thry nkeired 90 taril stream* and gulches, ami if atte- t»»»tw, overalls, woolen rap. soft frit taught thr uncivil ral |N»oplr many to the miners in the Klondike rrgion. I««• ity of the works is A00 k«*gw of nails tigne»* ofllcer, a «ergeant ami li mon. head from Frank Km» th«t avrrngchl ersaful, they may Io-ate wereral loin* hat and a waterproof rhithlng sack. To things and mat rue t»»d them in aria un­ They must t»r transferred at New York and I.OH) wooden k»*ga daily As R«Tiiif*»rcrnient»» have been •ent from *71 pixinda in «righi, and 10 head «!r«*d mile* from the nearest «tore Ku, when a year («ter To thin rqiFpmrnt one may add whatever known to them. to rallnmda, and in that manner car- akillwd lalwir in Japan is paid but 35 Ht. Paul «Is Loanda. Angola ia aouth from J. 1» l.iving.tun that aVgraged l»e com pel Ir« I to make a journey after he may think durable, but th*-nr at their king di«*!, h«» was dioaen to rule riel across th« continent, and again by cents a «lay» agam«l fioo in this of Die C«»ngo Fr»«* state, The oilon y 1*0. The priora paid arre 4 «'enta autiplies might cause thr I«** of the en­ least are rreesaary. The question of over th»* four island«, Mr Ifobto had soa from the Pacific o*u«l up to O vini » country, the output of the factory Will haa Iw-rn held by the Portuguese sino* and 3 '.<0 per live aciglit, re­ tire sraaon’s pros|re ting, ever» Assuming a * way An rigtit )«»tind dynamite cartri Igw Krprenentati ve Elli« «aya that there ahuui-1 to fully rqu f**|«*l to autoist th«* trail l«*athrr tioots crack and are to AwtraU*. *n.l bl. far-off kinf lotn. N. « York. Ih-* «7. —Al tbe Cul.»n exploded m the rear <»f the Arbueklc Otherwire It .»t Irai of interest tiring rnani- Ifrelf for a year junta t«.l«y, uffi.'i*! miitlrfnntuin «*• coffee Imikling in New York. Nearly • ’ wife of King Ouiualva, of given lo tlie »tory that Generai rxp)«H»ion of flr**damp look piare tolay fr-.trd in ttregon in the «tibircia of carry «m its work omler the con«liti«»na The Indiana make a m»>ea»ln boo* 5.00»» tmnes uf glass In the i r»g- t«»r« ka. ai>«f J.»at|*on**«f liia trip to thia ii». arot lo tiiia country a man wii >•« at tbe KaiW'mtuhi II plt, wilh terrible «leputy Cnilr.1 Stjtr. di.lricl attornrva neceaaary for au»’vrea. Thia is made called ‘'mocklrak.** which ia the na fowal were shatterel. an«l that the ex lini now, aa ao<>n a* tha : lorn, Fighi rorpees bave barn There are a grrat many randhlatM clear when one understands the method footwear along the Yukon, but it w niuiion i. tu join onr of lite­ resulta. plosiuu W4« n«>t atUmded by l«»ss <>f Bf« > prillerà« ia «blu tn go, thi- royal tili! ■■ipe.litioM t<> thè coaii et Colia briMight lo ll»e eurbk'e. ami aeven mrn, for thè«» poaition*. and if it rhould of mining au«»inaiioti of Grn.-ial living. bui aevendy i! ,ured. beard 20 blocks away, The dynamite have to lakr thrir chan.-re in an e«- region without traila, the gn»und «'«»v- This renders it advisable fur the gold- nativo« of th« ialanrl nf lllika an* »kin are ttve etili mlawing. «loinoa. rartrnige waa to have IM'en «irai in amination. Home m<*u>t>rni of thè errd with snow and the tliorrrmmetrr Seeker t«» take at least one extra (»wir of to tliu riainoana It ia aait* with him. Tbe nioat desirable ia • •i ■ . fu». .| an r.ff. r l.y Ei ■ ami ••« emboatry,** aoi.1 a rvpiroenlative of ih. an arte«ian wall »trill, It had barn The ground I. (rmu-n from Marfa, a to the style »»f l huinrroii* litllr thing»that l,,m- un. alvi «r know liia tiamr. He la noi llrrnamlet, a Mriican womtehoppra» deputy di.tnct attorney» arould noi lw«lrtnp ,irnt trippwl ami fell, esp|<»ln»g giant jm » w - Mime under thè civil «cri 1. e rrgula- claim* from 20 to 40 fret. |t ,, lhal q„lt„ , aeriona J«»hn Gallagher, a workman. Wai l-k-ly lo joiti miy of our eipnlition*. ** der cartridges whn h he rarrie»| in his tinnì, and a* a conrequrnce three ap. summer it than* out lee* than a foot ».very man «lionl.l haw a am«|| kit of |«mi*li4e <. utra.1 in th« neighborhood thrown 15 fret in tbe air, l»nt «•capwl *awdoat which has l-ren ilkreed to prakol. He was terriblv mangled aud pointinelli. . an be di.trit uted to tiiuea from the anrfaoe. The beat pay dirt or •bouniakrr a tool» ami «oppile«, alao a nl th« brwn »Mvil«. brUw I up. Al ign, Injury. rut is said to tuaka esrelieut fartiliMt w*B die (rarvl ia ju*t »bore tbe bel rock, and cvmpl.t« minding outfit for clothin«, .lur ng th« :»ovui *t»ra wbu ara politioally lattifactory. lur ng th« reran! Storm. NEWS OF IIIE WEI K