ADMINISTRATION POWERLESS We Hope rar tha llMllka aa*ararw I a- III < o*i|t*«* M»»U W*shingt«»n, fire-, 3 —Tha rabinel today am »id «red th»* subject of rending relief to the people of ths Klondike. The preeiitent rw*«ivrta* lion. The infurmsti« n was n»»t definite as to »«tuil oniditiot a. bn was on the tame lima as bo* | v joly been 1«de» gra|‘.*d from t * * rt * *»t lh<* rnl*t«»e( rona oprial ion will be ■ •bed for the |urp e of tranej- rting ( imp ! and supplies Although many p'at.a have ben «lie* cuaaa>| none have I* eti deride.I tipntt. It ia positive, !««weirr, that whatever a< lion ia taken will |e under tb* direc* tlon of the war de|HHtno*nt and by the time congieee arte Mecretary Alger will have formulated plane No attempt will l»e mu r to go tn the Yuson. «» the ice haa close! progrvwa in that di* fret ton. The relief supplir* will ham to b* at*nt over the pamea. Just tow they shall be Irstiaportrd is a quest) >n requiring <*arnre»l «Consideration, and one that will require the study of many plana in order that an entirely feasible one uur lx» ev«*H»*l, ^ooretary Atg» r will gather ail ¡w>aail«le informal on, and will communicate with |--rre*(,a who know th«’ routs to the Klondike and are fainillsr with transportation methods m the Ar- ti and other fro sen regions. Ileludeer and dog» p>»Mibly may l*e uae<1. The mrinl^rs of the raid not were all lnt*-i.rely iiiterreted in the matter of »rw tiring relief. Whether the mm who are *Up|»«»are| to be suffering Went there or not a/.»ir st repeated watninga of all <>fti »al* is not the qO' wtion. the simple fa t bring that tlx v are there and io » I re'of. making it imperative ut«on th« g *vrrnm«*nt to raterwi al I if leWNildc. No < ’»lirnate baa l*rcn made as to the cost of the expedition and none can l»r prepare! now. Cungret*« w toreiHimated. and doubts are enleriaii Will» New York» Ik?*'. 2—— The stramei Danntlews h»s again rlinlcd the offlciaH of the government and is «»ff for Cui»a with a cargo of arms ar**’ ammunition. »S’. < ?.¡v J .»• k -- nv I ‘d lit <»f th»’ Ib’sl l. The D.ointlces • p»rl Severn bet 19 foi Satan». • , «.¿a., with the le’hooner Jennie Thomas in low. Tiu* ftrhuonrr vii« rupi«.... . to *-*■ wilt «-ul cargo, and when the lamoiis ffliini«tcr was heb! up at the m th <»f the ’-t. John river and searrbod by the cruiser Vesuvius, li’tle attenti* i; w.,« paid to the Jennie I hoinaS N^th-ng w a* foiitid on I he Dacinileas and a(l»r an b«*tir*s dr lav she **• allowed tu pr»**r«d with her tow. Ihat was the fatal mis­ take of the gurernm»’nl ufft« »als, f**r if the s. h«*Ofirr bad t»rrn tear. h< d it is Si I that a a g*« f Ui'il .!■ i w .old have . n 1 he s. e cs tow rd t* -1 *» mouth of the savannah river .«nd dr«»pp- I. and <»n M'«t *y the Da tniU-»«» w boarded by Captain John O'Brien, l> t ter known «• ’’Dynamite Johnny," aid immrliMtrlv put h» «'«. she is I* In v<«d to hat« rff«■.-•*(••«I a lafnlillg on Sunday night on the southern coast of > » CUNSUMPTION IN NEW YORK Startling llaprwri Maria I.« |)r Hlgg, «f III, Itaaril <«f 11 «siili New York. Dec. 3 —Dr. Iti^gs, of tl e board of health, made some vtarihng statements before the Kmrd of rali- mates. while that tx-dy Was today mri- Solering the city budget for I*"#*« The board «d estimates w .«> asked to ap* prove a grant «»f S»»0,oo«> for the « are uf l uberruhteis in a «j»«* i ¿I hospital. Dr. Bigge, speaking f*»r the K'jtrd »»f health in eup|»«rt of the appropriation, de­ clared that one out of seven j«rraunw who »lie in thia city are vi»Hims of tiiljermlar consumption. l>r. Biggs further stated that among the working class« s the |»rrrrhtage of deaths dur to this disea«*r was one-quarter The !>«ard of »Ultimatea proved the fffO.OOO ask«*«| for. President Wilson, of the b ar i, said: ’’This is an im)s»rtant step forward In the work of comt»ating lulvrciihwis. After the first of the year, fUO.OOQ will l»r available f«»r aspendltvr» In l«rhalf uf the individuals who aro affo, t«*d with thia diflraar/* In St. Petersburg no uubloor musical performed rs are |»ermilled. Rwssta’e <«««14 < «»Insgs. Ht. Petersburg, Ih*c. I.— An imperial ukase issued today «»rvlrrs th« coinage and issue of ffve < n in* formed that France, while o*te: aibly engage«! in neg»*tiationa with this guv* ernmenl f centred. Ambassador Pbflef probably will Ire requested !»> make an earnest protest against the measure. This bill mav « a .«e the S’llhortra I,ere to go alow in negotiations f«»r the rvriprta'ity agreement. The depart ment has receive»I no re ply to its prop»* •it km that in gachange f«»r a l<»w*r ta/*ff on French wines the French govern* me nt shall remove the prohr. it n»n against the lm|<»rtation of Amernan cattle. Unites inis cm- . •«mn l<« gr^ t ed, the measure refer re i to mav i>e de« I«*at4s.l an I the reoiptAcity negotiations come to naught. Should this hapr^n. the French government may reta at»’ by im|«eing the mastmtim tariff un let its laws up»n American pr**h»< la wlm h now enter under the minimum tariff. As th -sr product* are f«*w, l> wrv« r the authont;<«a are not greatly dis* turl*4x! crVer the outlook. Dr. Van llollenben. the n<*w G«'f* man atntasaador to the United Slat-», w di lw formally preernt«*-i to th»’ pres* idrnt tomorrow Ho is «‘tp^ied to make re present atdniis tn regard to the tariff Th«’ • 4*q art .-'cl 1» in* formed that lUr- n von llollvnT«eii*s in* atrucliMns contain pmj«wiiiions de» g nated to hwd to a reclpv<»city arrar *.»” menl. Il is believe! th« United Ma'.' • will require in return f«»r any coures- smn the removal or « »term nt at |ca*t of restririioiit now im|«wel upon the importation into tier man) uf Amer < cattle and beef. The German government, of course, will direct Its efforts in the dir*-» ! »»n of a «-, uring the rej s.l f the lv s*> lion <»f the ia»iff law, w.n h clearly afT'M’ta Germany*» sugar inter»”«!« .Many^rpr»»« ntstmns on this ruby«’, t have iMW*n tn a io already by the G et man aiitbonilvr. It Is n.»t likely, how ever, that (he president will rr-om- mrnd any restriction of the tariff law. and apparently the only way in which the German g'-vrrnmrnt uh »*• ur»- an a< I vantage f»»r her industries would I m * to enter into a reeipr«»'»ty agreement. * ha’ » of laktuig <«re »4*a vary »uffr •1Í • * mmt «| a t in-taker. Tb» hu man t» «Iv 1«» »wh 1* • n. aiiwbm id’rd with p ra­ thit'ga uf*«« red f »r. whore ibiie te* break in an*i ru»4 da4h rorrutd 1 *a ms am* *« bro are tliK*iva. aud tb* mwlv left wrt far lh«4l’ »re»hag« will ha ro bt*e*i uf all it* nun fufta a-ndiIn« * It » « lufcPFT ?*t to htt^k up1 m t*t J*«rv»to oil *• a kksf. tu sn pl uy kt a* a a»kh «« an 1er». There »• hair>tiy sgaii« B" be. frv«s b t«»»lha- he t«» a Inre be. t • an l tais rw ** of and offre t a « ure ah» lb* must viotont are ronqu erre! i-y to Ù«* It» »»ff? es* • ram*4rr i a U» t»i f io» hr* and pai»?* « t he* mor stag«, K «« I« a UAtie ut il it» n-a« o and bn «Mured <>f g *”d care Dm Ion. Dr.-. I —Tho gala which •w«q»< the English c*«a»t yestcr lay, hdrrful aalrnnumtral a line on ls»ar>l. A dying woman was |Jb»l igrsph In U‘« wurld ia that wiblch •’rocketed” in safety, and then the brig t«?4’D’IT DCWtl prepare*! uy ion*. capsiwsd, ail the rest of th« sin p’s cuts- lb rii n end Pan* tali sai ri « immer«. II jaany perishi tig. shugh head, th« famous pr«»ui* Ml’ll.l MY TUB IV il «• I K s * t. B or.lory «* d th* North s«ia aoasl, rt *at»*d off. and then fuutiderrd. with all un • «Wat <• hk<'.i«Hr wf it»* 1 ' ••r »i**s • «* » • ■ ■ -I •»«4 • • • 1st« rd. ♦ tr. b* 1 « * ?■•«;*. sal »> « ■** I » A steamer not identified was wre»’k*‘i «»• . » t«,jjr^»». bossik «h* «IfSI ■* B 1 «í- ó l-r h »!* f«í|. ’hs M»«V « W. on th« llirdlongloD sands, with b*r cntir« company. l«a»t evening th« steamer ll*»se of • • ’ t» n •»..! •»»■«« r» «a D’t'«h went <«n the ro ks near Re| « i« sud is**r. Serveu*«sas sa! >«v<4Batts*S-> K ith, Cornwall, where she pounded all n-ghl long, her crow <»f 13 perishing. In tho partorì lsM3 u> l*»9l the cri tu* This morning th« bodies of th« captain i*l re <« I in th* German empir* In- an I seamen, all wearing lifel>elta. were •• k***i 29 jwr cent, or 13 per coal mor« a a*hed ashore. i*n ll>, |opalatt<'n. The British ship Lamies, Captain IKIW •• Tl) .*. » Burgess, was driven ashora n« ar Fleet- «■-•I. at th* ent ran«* of M«»rotowt> t*ay, ’ * • -II II" » . I. w.r I » >r an) a *”it !•* miles northwest of Prosl«»n. - a - « • • a í h ihst < •«>uot twr cured by Haii'» The crew were saved, but th* position F J CHIViT A t-O . T«ce uf the ve*»«d is dangerous. She left Mt. V« ’».? u' ued.ha« r it tuWB F J » »,»! I «year-, »n-l brüste uim perhH’tiy Johns. N. H., NuVetnbwr I, for Fbstrt* f,-r • b . - •» t. ai •«. t • a | WO>«I. * ■ ■ *' <•*,.. • msd« t> te r ilrm. Phenomenally high tide* are reported Uur V lai « I iti many h«‘alitie*. The district near w . .. >• r prvtfv »»«, Toierta. O. Siii'i'”», Ki*”»* * Mtkvis, the m>»uth <»f the Thames ba* suffered r a ». Ji o severely . several township» t«eing partly H« • < » afrn « ur«- taken litlernahy. art- a * . » ibmvrg *d. The Shernesa dockyard 1* tu’ «» »-'tu Tr*i m-*t»lal» free t'fic* an I the Wuolw n h arsenal were Inun- ?> r tBHlie «->t by all dross‘ata II» » i A.Jitlj Illi» ar« the beat. dated. * arewly a vestige remains in sight of Japan«*», »ffl vr» wlwi fought in th» Lord Nelson*»old flagship, the F«»u»lroy- j • w ar a; iih-t (‘Inna have p?titione«| ant, u»ng fast in Iheaamfsof Blackpool. :li- ir gov* » nnu’iit tu eroot a munti went There is A lot of wrv> kage near the ’ t .* iiH'itiory of the h«»r»c» that (ell Guolwln sands in Im I tie. Iminen»« damage has be»» done to il«» *i i i it»»i»i i i h r. F«*«»i» government property at *»herness d** k yard and the Woolwich arsenal. Sev­ < avrup •! us i 'I t very eral thousand troops were hurriedly » t ... -r* I a«»-i •»< i ary >«-d». I» mad» froa» • »•a fur aal« of pounds' worth of ammunition and a t • Ma- »« el* • «4*T stores from the wharves and she*!» to • ths »anuía« plauss of sa^ty*. Th» tide onlinuad to • •' •" •: •}-•• -•■i un --'ary rau ri*e. and invade«.1, some of th«’ w««rk- J. » . in ' alwut to-end a lot of eiperts shops, qtien< h»*d the engines an i •t -» I S;I Vessel» were wrecked N’t ween < M«> i.- ■ « a . « - , I* o B •! Yarm ith i»u»l lc»«*t«»n, <«nly a few T«“. I’i. > m ■ , I. ». I’a MASSACRE OF INNOCENTS. mil*-* apart, on the Norfolk cuai»t, and A man who i* fond of figures affirms 25 lives were lost. that in battle only one ball in MS Ink«a Frightful M*«r«all*V Imong th« < ulian Th«* brig V<*lra stranded at B.i< ton. effect. ( owrrlil rsdt.a The wtoriu tore out her masts, and when New York. Ihv | —A dispatch to * th«* ro- kvt line was fir«*»l, th«» crew wm the World from Havana «.»yw Th«* Am«»s unable to haul it in. Finally the line < " '.rr f’r < ■ -n-iri. pl í»r» « ured me Wmbl’p first t)tfUf«*s of Cuba’s starva­ K ¡net, t’berry Valley, III., Nuv 33, *96. dragged them into th»* surf, and three tion were tlmnlly moderate. ey Try t.Hiirg • l «»t tra and bak!n< pnwJar. OUl of seven Were dfOWDSd. showed th«* 0,000. And tin* awful num. u( th* Continent. ry rough weather l«cr d jw-r aaiivnt relief un’ A dispatch from Liverpool aaya that c- iM : |s»«ure, disease and ma»sa<*re in the during th«* gtle the RiiMian ship one y«ar ngu My tn »ubi© wua ( hanpe swam}*. Nikolai, Captain Karlsen, stranded on It now seem» certain that more than a treacber«»un bank near Furmboy, Vrg table Cu ipound, and relief came half a million p«x-p|e, fur the ni ml ivlmowt Immediate­ vuuth of K«»utbp«»rt. After («’arful el p »'t loyal sub)»” is «»f Hpam, have t>ven ly. 1 have taken I*’«ienc«‘w her sails w»*re blown away killed by th«* >famish war in Cuba. A two lx»ttlrs of ami the vt » m *I was so damaged aw to I*» w«-ek‘atrip through the jirovitve» of the Vegetable uncx»ntrollablc. One uf the crew, a llrtuiu, Mata«.vs* « . I Santa Clara h.ts Compound, man nam«*d Earlston, was swept i ver- len-h^l to make m’*derate th>s trvinen* three boxe» b ard ami drowne»!. The captain Mays duus extreme figure. of Hila, n«» one on board slept (ur four days Th«» figures of Spanish offVual reports and have the Vt’Brel will probably beoiiue a show but a part uf the mortality. They al»<> used wro k. only give the numler bur «*4 in con*« • th* San­ crat«*fii isl Wash, Bad uiira-Spanish reports of I ti'ial pe-tuiH Illa»«* oa I nli, Kttands Io must ear I have } aru «*«I admit that in the pr.ivtn ’•* «d Ikorbs, %%i«h Foarfttl ICrA«ilt«. never had any­ Santa Clara there havn «he I and ' m « u E* anaba, Mich., Dec. I.«—latte to­ thing help ao much. 1 have betu r burt«*«| since Weyler’s fiat, TI.M7 ¡-» r- night a fire broke out on the steamer h< alih than 1 ever had In my Ufa. I sons. Nabanla, ami U for« it could la« c»»n- f-rl like a nrw person, perfectly The number of people for whose ri- trollc’l it spread to the ore docks, the str« ? g. I pive t'.i* C<’iiij>ounm:. mdr«i it to aev- largest in the world. Two of th« der rent admit* before midnight, the crow discovered arc a ire cure ” Mm* El i a K mi * bk » led dead in Pinar del Rio are the prov­ that the Vessel was on fire. The crew Knightatowa, Henry Co., lu«L inces of Matautas am! lia^ana, with a F » th© way, the leadings druggUta made every effort to quench the fi*m«*s, 60 and 70 i-vr cent m««rialiiy rrvj-ect- but a brisk wind was blowing am! t« Il us that the demand fur Lydia E. ively. Th«’«c 1‘enmta^’* are rstai»« spread the fire with great rapidity» 1‘iukhnm’s Vegetable f ser populations «»f their r«»p- •! \e w ith ore am! lumber. The himl«er was du< a the work promptly and well. . provinces, the t»«tsl death» sin. <* Wey- *tM*n a masw of flames, and (rum th:» it ler’a ”lu»ndu” will foot up nearly a spread to the neit duck. The fire is million.. still burning fiercely. The lues will be Flight ®r th« F««t Mall. fully 1300,000. Omaha, Neb,, Dec. I.—The Union I h I1»«I *«•«•< W arm» Germany Pacific has made a record fur fast run* Berlin, N«»v. SO.—The wtAte dr|«art- niitg A mail train lias l*rn shot arrv- armnrnl. Indlsna Town Hurwr4 .Muwi,. I»«w. I.—Al midnight Arc brokr out in the heart uf th, town The new ('hin«**r mint at Canton <>! Fairlan.i, 30 utile» ra»t of thi, city, coined mora than 14,000,000 ten-cent ant tho entire buone»» |«rt «Mile* place« last year. ■tro)r>l The !<«» i-anrx* b» obtame.1 Ni* aragua < < untmtMia*. New York, Dre. I.— C ** Wheeler, who was assistant engineer of the Kault Str Marie < anal, ho a*- • |»ted the po­ Whrwysn fssl that amen«S8 la rw’>r bee* sition of chief engineer of the Nicaragua lbs’, ito! a ; tear « «»nr Midi»» «. '•! !• t '»»• |o canal commission. The ri}4*htion will du • i..s(ikHì< -.f » .<'«•.(, f<>’U--•• •« riot • .4 ■ • !•«« '>! a »r »* ng 4 •**•** ta sail Sunday nest, it is said. !•«»!« a f li c • Hef l-f «as'lan a F V- tro* *»• it ai i - b < • h • H ears yea Will Kotlgrata to Maalra. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. K» Mu»k"|fw, I. T.t »ay»: Tiir Clxn'iaw» • SI W /•iruH atrwliow ià*« /^>|^v a»aa«l- Keep it Right. l on Runday. waa yo»tr dr«i*als Artig b»u«, <>r pedt aaya th, government uf county right neffroo, «ent to th, home bariod yaat«*rtlay in th, Italian cm,- fr«’»u **tewart » H Ime* l»rng «'• , Baatll* b|>aín ia Well aatiattnd with the retili of Joe Miller, a cotton pi -ker, an» - • ” *«»»• w t •» r •*• o-t a •ar» W ’ ment in Cai» ami l’orto Ktco, adding body »«• thrown into th, river . • • * ’ < Ada to lowrr the hotly into the ball. A • . . m *••«* • 4 that the manner in which it haa lern Miller, the murdered inan'» wife. Waa •peeial oaaket bound with iron wa» t « lb« A m J re. rivr>I in th, Vnit«d Slate » (a«or- then outraged and the boure raided. conatrarteil for the remain», and a* It able to Spaia. William William» »■» «rrr-eted and Wa» too large fur a hearae it wa» taken made a lull confe«»ion, implicating ae«- to the cemetery in a heavy riprre» Tti» onmher of p ipil» in th, «cho»!» Mrs. Carffi rrt are »catching ried toil a, and leave, flve children, the 415.13?. an tMNM, T 5.1SXI. fur the remaining lour. yvungeat being i* mouth» old. •VO »lue l«»t>. YOUR LIVER WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. [OWrs nf fWt«Btng, Ho»k »•><«, C* • •<<* - » link»-». ’’I i.»atl*f «<( uB- «*••"• BaiUiiim, re a |*)-le kt'cp on «toe lari ng there is t«> t«e no cur* her, but a eqi;«-« »<• is aim<©t »vrtaim The outcome of th* May price de» says ' ll is worth a great deal to us to have you try St'kitting's Best baking powder and tea.” Money-back says “We have a great deal ot confidence in your good faith and in St hit.’¡ng s Best baking powder and tea.” |*n Is alt*^p*tb«r <»n the World** statis­ tical | k * shiou . Europe would not be taking 6,600,000 bushels uf wheat and flour from America inn. A good illuslrathm of bow little ran l-e dev idt-d with eiartiB-ea alioul so vast a qu«*slion aw the wheal supply is the cunthctof two res potable author Hi«-* in the mere Interpretation uf an «official Knwsian crop rejort. N* wt de» : tret It Th« Corn Trad« >ws a sliortagr uf Si hi fling's Best hiiktnj powder an J tea are ------------------ because they are money-back. U al it th« mi * ng wuidf pow er and ten aw sato not SAI E. a.ti. »ugh Aa4h. br> H>n ’i kef m every }v« amber y ist vi lyu two wurda aiiowed. r% u* t. • : , a tier ihwt *•;. y one word k>r every t wet ( mi y is pcfv->i ftari« the word, that > get* |i no co. if sevefal find »<. |*>«» un «ill be equally d«vi«tod among tw?u Every »■nr tend ng a hrown or ye- ««• tn 1 rt mil receive a tet of «ardl-oard * vertu’ g - n it T e*e last yrar, while Beerrohm makes the cirr, ng >ab e* and • et » « cndai' mil be d l! tent huoi the wues udv ad u» shortage only I.OOO. im M j busbeto Th« the .«st contest pr«d»*»Mk>t»n of crop slalietitw is like the- ubgv. It is wo big a field a* tu permit of all sorts <»t Jiff- rent»’» an ! to enable each teacher to before th«*«*« imme­ AddreM MONEY-HACK, SAN FRANCISCO diately around him as th« only really authoritative one. Nothing «••utl ¡»flh-vt the sentiment w «i«v r»»r nt•»•»«! In France. s»»m* of th«* hospitals for at (Tiirago qui» ker than a falling >>ff in -M CJutut«>n. as a . roquenc« of hi* inf*» 11mu tli**ku»«a are furnish«**! with Nor th w'-stern rvwtpts. But r*ling vrt»* with th«*ir friends without dan­ no unanimity. PilLtury » fortnight to the teachitigs o( «volntiou, have a« [ ger of oiuinum< at nig disease ago prr»iic*t«d cw»r>fi irntiy that the car '’endet! from a lew» highly organ Sr«i I l«»ts al Minneapolis and Duluth by No- n anne amestry. the liqaul which I The flag earned by (’oriel, the Span­ vviuler 30 W"Ul l be down to small T athhs are iticvitably f'dlowrJ had the animal public hbrarv. Il lias taken ten vaar« n«>w predicting another two weeks of •■♦•ii left win •» H w a* then gK«n an to bin i ! and th* actual cost wa* fl,* free m«>¥»’m«*nt. The weather is to intraw-nou* inps tuoi of s»-a water. Ten ■ 815 07 lea» than th© |J,000,»M)0 origin• count a great «leal on the prne ¡»»tween day* after the «qucratiun the dog' *'!* appropriate»!. tin* and Decmeber lütb. It will make • tr«t«'d by the tvtiorimeter. I ea«y or difth ull the rontinued move­ » larger po-i-irtton of bem«ifl«d»in than ! I’«r .'i*’ l air h u !< ej» found by Herr ment of w brat ls-twt-«*n ihiluth and h©fí>re the Ll**»’dlng. All «logs eij>eri Is-vinstetn to probe e ntrong fatty de­ t'bi< ago; it will k**ep «»pen *»r cl-up mente«! on not only »urvive^l, but re • generation «4 heart, liver and mus* he, navigation !«’tw»»-u i hicga«» an«i But* «tv er» I with remarkable quo kr vws M with death through «lefi >eney of uiy* aio, and will inffueme, t«>«», th«« move­ _ ________________ QaHu«n think* it i* on »« «wuint <»( its ; gHa. which ar* 'instituent« of ro« water ceu* • jUi»t taken Is 8,700.-M>0, an in* that artificial roniin bolds the reputa- : l*<>rttMi«il Mmrlrot. I Wheat—-Walla Walla, t«l -*77c; Vai* tlon ti. it it du-»**, and that roa water is 43 p«r rent in 16 yt-ais. ley and Blu»,Mt«*in, 7 8 <» 7tk- per bushel. ph y »ink gically suparior Minister W»xfclfurd. our minister to E'uur—Best grade«, fl 35; graham, A j "’in ! «■( tha finest spider w»b ; Span-, ma hr f.^ver Wants to *»'*’ an­ f ! 30. ►U|<’rfin«', 33.35 per barrel ’anuid reach around the world. other bull fight Oat*—<’huic«’ white, 34 i<35c; ch<»ie© Better cut these rules out. gray, 33*<33r |*er bushel. Barley—Fo-I barley, flu a 30. brew- ing, |30 i*er t«»n. Millstiffe—Bran, fi5 jmt ton, mid* dlihgs. Ill; shuits, 3 ■ i0. Hay—Timothy, fl3 «rl3 50; clover, flu «11; Oalifornia wh-at f.u, do oat 111; < >r«*g<»n wild hay, f.‘ < 10 per ton. Eggs—23 % ct 35r per dogan. Hutter—Fancy creamery, 60 «55c; fair to good, 40'4 4.»-, dairy, Soilk per roll. Chees©Oregon, II ‘->r; Yunng Amun« », 13 ‘^c, California, U>-t l«*o por ptund. Poultry—Chickens, mixed, fl 76 2 50 j**r «h*esn; broil«*rs, f 3 on* « 3.50; g **', f-< «.*<<>; tatore—Oregon Burbank*, 35(<*40c pt*r *ick; sw<»’t*. fl 40 |»er rental. Onions-— Oregon, new. red, vtk ; yel­ low, 80c |»er rental. H<»pn—8-«14c per pound for new crop; l*'i>6 crop, 4Mito. Wool—Valley, 14 « hto |*cr pound; Eastern Oregon, 7 << 12c; luuliair, 30 ^|22c ]w«r pound. M ult«»n—Gr»»*s, l***t sheep, wethers and ewe*, f LUO; dreoM’.l mutton, 5»’; spring lamin*, 6%c f**r pound. H«*g* G t ««*-, <’h«’ •• heavy, fl .0, light an I feeder», fl 00 ' 4 00, dreascsl, ft 50 jier puu ml. Veal—Large. 4 m .to; small, 5 <8 rn —W hole. f.3. rravke«l, |«er ton, 112; feed tn »1. |3 J |w*r ton Harley — Rull«*d or ground, per tun, 4 f Fresh Meats—<’hole** dressed l>r«f, steers, ito; cows, Si^c; mutton sheep, 8« , p»»rk, 7c; veal, small, 7. Fresh Fish—Halibut, 4«<6c; aalmon, 3«44r; salmon trout. 7<'f ilk*; f!«uit>drre and sole, 8«•< 4; ling col, 4<«t6; rm k cod, 6c; smelt, 3 « 4r. FTesh Fruit—Apples. 60c ma Hui .nt i k o, riir. "CASTOKIA" am » PITCHER'S CASTORIA." ai ut m 1 kai - l iuu /. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannlt. Mattarhuteiit, uxn the originator of "PITCHER’S CASTORIA," the tame that hat borne and doet m w ------ — On every bear the fac-timile iifnaturr "t Zi wrap/ier.» the ordinal “PITCHERS CASTORIA,” which hat been «4 < I in the home» of the mot hern of .truer; 'i i for over thirty year». LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and tee that it it the kind you hare alwai/t bought Y on the and hat the ti ¿nature 1 wrap- per. ,\o one hat authority from me to u»e my name ejccept TAe Centaur Company of which Chat. H Fletcher ir 1‘retident. .Uareh 8. 1807. JX Do Not Be Deceived. P.- n t endanger the Ide of your child hy me, tug a cheap auhatitute «huh torn« <*iu'( n«*y offer ,ou (became he make» a frw more pennies uu it ., the ingredients of which rvrn he doe, not know. "The Kind You Havo Always Bought rs »LAOS THE FAC SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having Tho Kind That Nover Failed You. Walter Baker & Co.’s Breakfast COCOA Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. Cotti» /.css than ONE CENT » cap. Be ears that the pa< hags car« our 1 rs * Math Walter Baker & Co. Limited, r.t»M>.h«« I7»o u / Dur< hcAter, Me»». I San Franriaru Mark»«. illustpatcd Wool—Ne»» !« 11.4 I3<-; i >r»K<>n, 13 M I«.-; Northern II 12 ' i-er pound. Hop»—10<* ite per |oun new lUOFiKXT SI T*««a»h of h.ppy m»a nrxnounr» thi» »itrerokin, *1.40«« 1.00 per ewntal. w«xb th. i»..n. ,,r o,.ir ph,.i\ ai aalvatem —Moro, IHrjlSOc; ranch, 40<4 P ortland . O r It <«..(h»latwe.i.nti». ta.t. ndrory. Citru» Fruit—Orangen, Valencia«, W»«n*»«. «h»a copy nf ••( rtMPLrrg MANHOOD *l&0,. « ompany, if Niagara Ht . Buffalo. N Y. Hay—Wheat, ISBI4.M; wheat and Ma»* money by S'i< < **ful oat, *11 <4 IS; »at. *10(4 IS; river bar- at ion In « h « •<« W» • • i it and asll «haa« <>a mar­ gin» r>»rtun«« i.asr alfalfa, S' 4 0.(0; < lover, *- «• 50. mada on a »mall beginning by trading in In Freeh Fruit—Apple». S&<4V(ki per W • carry tha m<«< enmf> ata il«« «f «Aymtiaa < jb torse W rit« hx full par»., u ar» H*«| nf r»i and Athiatie «.o»*ia on lha < eaat • » large boi; grafw-e, 2S<*4oc; laahelln, suitt awo uaifOiiK «sot to oautff » ••»<«• « ■-. 00(4peaehea, 6Oc -<*l; peara, 7Ac B*lgs «•< ths bu«inr»» Hand f<»r o«r ft** rsfar- ■«yd ivr uur aibisur « aiai**log 0*44 nr *Uv»r * r H. t *4> ; « «»I to chone. l*«»SSc |-rr |«> ind. f/ea E-at >-r bof'M trra* .»•« M l>. IV©riling u> e4v«ruswr*. *!•«*• Feiatoea—New, in troie», 8At»80c. Ft* W I Mil. •«.» M?, SoBikiagtoa,Caaa ’» awU»» tills p«p«r. THC Oil) STORY OF LOVE AMD LIFE, BASE BALL GOODS »•«?! CATALOGS WHEAT