4E • • s • • • •• ■ M. *-.rl|, nr K IO. 1. Hill«- r»om - X LOCAi xLsvrrrza. IICIDAY, NOVEMBER 2o I»'T Henry Querner, who has lawn vi» itliig in H to for aome w.-ek* | m »I left fur San )‘mn< !•<■*» last Tuesday. NO MISTAKE « e A l>r. J. P Wall u-e returned Tues *-»e. ■-«»-tn* ■• !•• '«ini ii«..*.r*,is».-» ( tura. • h. a«» - 1 butt, *4 a «'««-« ul law AB«I day night from laiwer w.*| , >prtng* • tv » )ra. *»M *‘m *« irra, I«» .» s u»u «k t «" jal t'atteriin brought from Till«- where ho wa* rallrtt to dleiid J. | apt**« tiv«*« «art i«a<4 I’Y'tev, l lllblell.l' I.-» M prr Otftr llxark till* week a hum h of miked Swank, who wtt ml.taken for a «fe «va j tit sta Fa*? akf vba. *s> «. in It will min cattle for ('«»lavan Bro*., anil 2" head dver and accidentally shot by hi* . a «silI!•!»«••*, m ance pi«imr, l»t‘i»h an i «s*m<* I 1 Iflh'ri ATatta lit ha»'* A Nn i h*«p ) «el. A new »•• irtinvut of cows for Ib-n M<'l*onald. . bop l»..t*«ar« J dstltMl halt»»«*, hi»-»*«» », J txartiA. f>dher in-law. Hug» P« rr>. When MM I •ilfeen f*»r »Wr» »< «Iwl iMstubrl, ffn>wi «fa in« and wrli wats*i Pile* Dsxrd xzl Laijlnr 93 00 P«r ar«ck J. ('. Siegmund of Jefferson pur Dr. Wallace rwnrhed the l.ower S. • t ’ * )• . vi - r«»«l »lt«hi» rttid guiiile* 1>> at «i* la H mi . i«»** i. arri • «»I U e »**» ¡ car tmd* of lailati»-* for which he tkaiam«- |g«Tvw*«airta»| «Nuiinj Iruii I Nn < ’ liiii. si' labor etnployt'tl. anon, where the wounded man hid flit*»* utiibirlli»»* lo hw*, 1«»* paUara iMii'w liare ¡hn-i ><*>« «4*1. ' |Mld 23; cents per bushel. I ’¡wald' I«* »» C A b U k «*at)on. g«w«l «t»tin« All Home < ’ookitig. been lakctl* be found that l.v W** In |\ o| < ilnV • « an I acU Balar. «»»»i I ns 'I ii h«»*b«r. kart» a*«4 The telegraph w Ire* bet ween West a very dangerou* condition. The The tallir -upi-lii ’ d with the Ix-st ami tx*H Im«a Prb-* |W*Í «•» «• New «link nt »11 prive» Scio and Port I »nd w«s down for » I m II entered the scrotum, nr lower ' 4* a* fra i milo* K am »»f ta Ito «>■*«•• la» » •» lite ui irki-i* »ffiird. ¡tltnilaMt '« imi »*•« iv« glov«-» # I Ut) few hours the flr«t of the week, part of the hackboee, and ponetrat- Mr.-et enr Itile run« dire« t to Ih» wssitts* nrvrfh h*u«i !*• at** te na'tjr •«« | i»nin»'i‘*» ho,» ani «ferrhuuse hoU«r. musing some Inconvenience here. tmg the rectum, came out In the | ne* «a od ?»r«*mi b«»*tw. »*rn an i mi»» il on ó vl««p giovi-* bUlHlhuTK «•»»!• >rR»4 au 4 «alt **!<-r. I gram from Minnesota last Tuesday Ing it « very aprious m«e ind<<*l ( ♦ ». :t i la»p gioir»» »I M « ’be to tu in* p • »»• -ni • ♦» m inv tibí* conveying tho «.id Intelligeiu-r • f 1 rnap The vlclltu of the accident I* a »on New «timi«-«, hew l»wks. teM-tU'tkta 4 rat tris > v«f taf S-to ’ II* l I Ra*l* the death of his sister at her home of I’hlPip Swank, who realdo* near «rrka farm «*t th«' Mi), vi a* re*« In cu liwti<»n. L.ulii » l iitlorw» .ir. in that state. .'*i art«* ir «uv imp««» r-l. t*ían<* bru«h an4 la-tMnnn. He had many friend* i fai'* r. « mv toni ali k<»i« *»f irmi. > New «iK-k 1« m.w complete «vn K U d v.ilue* ni low prive», lei tli a «p -clalty—-eom- early if ) oli **o Inr «*l ri»' Pi a’^ntr J> a*»«** In AXDAlîT, 0. XaCH. place, wn« Improving, and it w »• |La*r» rwrli bottata vbkh f« line «ttttt't■ rt would avold thè resti. imi Hosirry. I !** i«l<|u irh*r • lor v*»iiiiiH*nml Irn v r**'w4 bo'i* > Infanta slze* «lek wlth a diaordvr rewtiilrliog I hi* recovery. »II F allroul alt |>»>lw Hftal < « a * | ! Fv« | T U • tCHMifh» * I»aas4 SW>» 4»*’ fl«H» I* A X’» 1 fa/** <"hildren* ami lidie* 2>*c tu T-'ic • i»-t «eli act*« i n»i> a « II, K Matita»* w >■ ■inia-ll’ «¿to return to the g k* ti tl ­ certain death. Who done the «hoot­ «-«•nd for Melrwiftsn. ' a. re»* larra In city ’•< ^**4«» new hotor lery al Albany on account of the l.ol «>t-1 tom far avis* a4j**initMf eli) hiaU* |MKr ing I* a myatery, iiut it I* thought «a «.i |n «ui Ireiimi. Iday ru*h. 1 Irsi < l.-i-' •' • •■mmodation«. Tallies A-r *■<*<• |n ilcninger wa* ml«tak<-ii fora deer, - » «Uppllial w Itti the la-»l the • «-nifi* at ion ’ «AwtrU«’ ««''Ifr, AG*1 Ilo«» E II. will hive a shipment mid the hunter tie I when lie ou ill irket afford*. í «aitsir timbear. btMA«*, ABi’t »vf ItQf'i Ab Fer tais. IT ih FAtii, m H« evcrthlng nnd nt ’ te*i c| Ian I. j’t * t. )• •■- rv> of dry good* A »line* from the Ei«t hl» mi«taku. s.'rrf Iraan Onr I. I». liallar* I’.l <**> • i tni ’ rre *«*>*nh «»f '. io «* ’ iu 11» WT. .list acre» of land >' • mile« S-mth.- ««! prices about I w hat other* a*k. We \I.UANY. oREG< «N —•on, having —»Id mi unprcc«- I •prend«, Portier«, Bug«, Window flintier Three fourth* of thl* 1« No a iiwi iittV'er I ln*■»•, I m’-relli«, I farming l ind, price Jift |a-r nere i • narn«v «>rvbn<4 tat . K Ural noi ani • «n| luifsfo«*’ a<* I ir»*ri»nab* Hi* nmne wn* Overall», Klondyke Over»liirl« '>•, Term«, half cu*b, b .lmicr. one year. . -a . ” •> :. a i • r» h i .«- » a«» I < jrtn |"he old oik tree standing mmr the Home that day. \ I \ j torn la Fl**» j i"< timi of Mill street mol Pentisti«! Hou*«* and tiM* wound wn* not n Alarm< lin k« »’S-, < 'tienile I d>le < ov­ Will rent the |iuri'hn«vr 273 sen » id- *aa> (Ol tO t*»’ A«'*r I *«•?« n,*»!r ail if) Avenue, »nd »o ne ir the railroKl -eilou* onb, la-ing In the calf of hi* er* «De. all bonghi at SneriAce Price Jolnltig IlicalioVv for a term nfvi-ar*, euitii a*tent stlmtinl I l»> I t mile« tr*»*fe nrtei »•I »»■ U» 9’ -• l*T ttastr leg. track, w<«» ri’tnov«-«! thl* week. It for cn*h In timid dont you w ant I Jó acres of which i* in culli villino, ' l«iti a»-te «torli fiatiti» Is» the h»»»4 blit« lot —th<— ofib** w ■«« i gì. it ir . onvcnlcnc«' to w agon» with haliriie, piston., I.rush, mid some «nine? We are loaded down W imi i»—All girl* to know that i ■■.??* «ere*« 1 mitra ■«•»nf )i *»( *»■>■<» ,4 am-e In ^turning tlie corner »1 thill pl ice mid Wo tiiiita.r, g »1 bou e nnd tarn, or­ i a’u)f iY'Atlr! tire*. ’♦» treta an i Tinware and Gr-inlte fron, If'«- t 'uke w III not make their It uid. limi to g«i, Ituitof, i*«»uw. I mi ótvbar I |»urgli an«l Wn. Slier r<-d mid rough like common *otp a* ire, Limp', mil I TllX, Mutali. III iff, I wo Industrious young men llv S.-IU, I begli. h i ve t he < Incli on nil other«. Slick • ■ mg near tlii* place, «tsrlvd for Ju' .1. M. I»inlet. * k. :a<» I .. 4 r L« ' » . M . of Holiday < ¡" a? a'! a■ «I I»-na!«• f a «•«■ n ml 1 Sint fail to get your »hare of the •s» . ni, Marlou ter, and will go In Io the mini-* in nnd tout I . s ' ' . Il • *■ * « the Spring. barg tin« I .It »1 • • ■» . t a¡ Governor lord grmti-d two full 1«»’ *»t R. <1 Neal lye 1« nl"M>lutely pure k U IM«*» ptrdon» |u«t Wednexlay and re.toi -Qh’, «NI granulati-d |*itn»ti in siflltlg top« mi*. a siiti* »»rd. I» Aliy. < ! prhs' 111»*' commended by Judge McBride,« Im r.«, Rut don't forget I* pure.—S. M D.in'el. The old triglie <'oli«t llul Ioli, stand», dr i w ing tiH’l», ink«, glue», Í Í 1 A i to n y Ar tfftelol 4« l»i 1* jm > frtal |t« M’«atft*i ll . t A’lte'ln - fi» A. W. The ladle» of tlie Pi estinti-ri -in *tnted he had doubt» of tlie man*» ' V 1» 1 *« llilleil Ig> », uri noi eltle», che tpe»t lo 1«-ton i ati 4r 1 V 4 4 w. i’*8t rtnf'a»t4 reriMTm i»»'* ? t*4»tit |i *H*r with II* f'VVB when von want to rhurvh g iv«' » dinner ut tin- lì im«ey guilt nt the lime of hi- conviction. known»« "Old Ironside«," er.i-lied I »•) r.w. l.v A t ton y ar i l w r. .Ms tliv o ri tin ■-•; w riti ng p ip. r. In’ i»ap>lrm Irtii'ftii in»-«!«, evitar rie toro a nJ 1-* ton«»n l.fel r.tii, 1 4' 1 V ! i iop til. nictnl»t , r of your ngiilii't her pier in Boston during n brh k l lmik-giving day anil a «up The other mnn rt!i- i«ed wn* J. E, altov aotiU’ let», a Inrge ,i--ort me ni of l»ith; cali «H»! l»nL lititf*. 6 ias-i»: > '4 Ft H H ftr»>, | sk felC-l *|*» in«forili II hlovlk ft»ari» « il) tat»-I ,Lv J ihn M 1 MIIMer, of I ’ nlon . mntj , 4r katmn. . * a.n» « Oís price» i.n »ame that will »ure- •ll*’ld««l »UCC« »« tai» hottMt and tora pm-«« f t 4 al«o w i* granted a pardon on the re­ ni 91.ow »oriti furio cent«. 4» Av:**, t Coll«« North »»f ta i“. ’ mlh Ala.ut 2o of K-lo's crack bowler* commendation of the trial judge, J. rnl-i d 21 ton* of carrot* from tin acre lv ph'UM* you. ?<> f' t< « resvaln«« lo fe, n-w m cuHI*al|i to* it, well ati'i «{»ring wa*lv« leu*.*l the bow I mg alley Thankgiv i'. Fullerton. The two men restored of ground, tint! lie I* wondering if In­ ¡ I'fitT >)•<«■ can do n* well with «ligar fleets. Ile pu's thè prie» ’ « iloW II. 1 ing day and tini! i regni ir li ill elujnh bi citizenship wi re, II. W. Mol«*, of B-iSot Sleeper» It’c.ltl. I ’fiH'H’k A < «• r»'» t HL • k Of 1 l •'< > M» limo till near midnight. By the I. ike county, and Benjamin Butler : « «lit i* Bl U hi , totan*« |a*iiur, *»»••* bru»l« ■ «ta l •mall Um . all In mill er* mid tliink tliey < m l*--t most ALBANY, OREGON ■. aiisMt, tn* i’ltiidlii« ' ITI«« fl’’«» Io foot roll of t ri pe 'fìssile .’o.- o my of tin- loams In this county. i t**'t'ta, 9 stili« « Kilaat l»f ** l'> <1 Jitgatah \Ve«t Siilo I >i\ irtion, r - « « n In . ■ » ' r a » .♦ ■ ■ - . ••* ■ • * The new I r< ikwiili-r above tow n. I’ r> a Pei-ry's n-lNri-n 1-nrllioiU uni I wlallta. •»•**4»”I in ífrere» x*M**l Imitar atad «ain I Mo k «he»I »«-Il *a ■ J It, u* it turn* the current more I or tlie month ending Nov. IP.‘!,7. n I sst* l » «1 il «ti Ata I \a» . an ! !u a». ' • ' ’ •* ■ I; t < a. ; • A oivfaiT>i. Uri**» fv-'t) tarut« half '**h, I m I into the stream. There «houl«l tie Days taught, 20, |>upil« enrolled, k>, ■ » ( • '. r • • t 4 » t .» f | r • « • 1. AH**« to «nit pure tiB**r »ir.i l-ii's c». ejd Mlh-U) , another onu placed below town by total at It nd mee Cn‘> day*. J b I*% ** !*"•, |Q tnlteta K t »I a»f M» in, |Qt>Brr*« In vtiltit ati*H1, to Aliare »»pm t w*!»l»»’. Atan« I 'P 1» *♦» 1 I ¥ • r I • • n» all mean«, n* the cr«-ck is n roll of honor are T *• p m ar ii «reh Al» I fit»» ■* i. > i»' r « labi tan I, t M. M11 )’A k '««■ « *R aure* ail «««ar :«'ir' t«*ft«nu tasmt, tata* «<*>1 tow.ml« the r«nd at au alarming a* follow*; D-daey Wil*on,l< Miller, ♦» |> tu »r I - '■ . . ■ t i •’ »a ftl I*«* toma «mi «»<» toi»i Pri»«* I *- w ¡« < All kind* <>f watches clock* and jew rate. |Hrr» ' mi >'<*• • l >tt » t n f r > )a« «• wlth <»«-• l^ir i, <'lyde, Minnie mid Ji-*«le ling­ mo irtut« ft-««' <)• «« n. totani» urne I*» • < »11'1.1»») «n i i*»< 4|*n (Menai» •lili pur* bOMHt a Iry repaired promptly. Tho hunting parly, consisting of er*; Eftlc, Ada. Annie and Eddie i»i<* r«»r J4«*4N Af< t «MINA. -Sglltrg L*««at’”*. >. J Jfeli're Itlltol >.««< |a«( a»f taf Aa. * ’fr», V», ACT • H» b( |(> ' OREGON. Will. May, A J Johnson, < In,«. »|*pi <«nt U»*s, ■ tilt li il k*n tota» nvatty ail «»(•’H {«»«t'trv, Bilyeu; Nellie Mit'or * ft'»ri« t<> Kaetern |kPlflt* end Ka* al<»*lf VA »«HT. Bill to«', um. i*u fitnitita« •• ' ■ i E h « ll ’ uihiGi enti 4u«» < rail met W. A. Ewing retured ln*t and I’earl l..»e| nr* |»a»»tw. ‘ » * "■ '! frs»iit Mr» M. K. Woode 4 tom •, g* «>1 «n« toit liai» 1« a Mo i fltnti >• « tk'k«-«-•» 44 rwt «a li*. -sturdily. 1 hey t*>gg« d one mow and Prank Mi l*onald; Frank,If irry, iZMCSAi XE:mcK fart feetv. «in un •!«« 1* tarili P« ‘« r f I ’> » H K>ibili.» m , mt« tait refe* h to tant* tlu»« Jeff Myers I* up 'mm Halein. li li, alni M-.in «I another. Wm. Muy Arthur and iltlph l.-mder.’ind l^tw • IIM» «vitx- 4 »* «. » A t A^rnt, P«.t | |r«)B* t«*. t*«» tutu-a huulbatta! <»f Mete», IM? lettd.Ol. out was c-pecl illy i|H>lnted, ns he is Allen. Joe Munker* will ««»»" M» a» tv* offe?»* p»--tttir V train etili li ni I*»«, i»t»»r tift«ta»r, t»n fe:l to tan«.« Iren»it and w is c.dcul iting on miking the score again. »•to. S tkk kiixii , Teacher. vutlPafv l, t*»a4«Mfei nr« _ i, two torn-«, Y AERINA BAY l | fruit tlr> liv«t«c*a», •»writ’* In !• *)«. • hop Ait'J* if you want any fruit trees,«nil on even with a neighbor who hud bceu *• ma h» a «arvhAT’l, «prhitf, <’t*-«‘te Mt»4 wvli ’*«!»■» i • • I >• « »■, t a* a i a a • • • ■' ru • • Prtar 120 sheets of tlr«l vins* note p ipcr g<» ’ «l to him during the summer» Johny Morri*. ir*. leu l *ii Itili«* in Hr* ** T.» fe* tv's. taiai'ii. * a «t — «al * «s--»~ Ms -ta. « Mix y A’.'.rxctlen« «w ruUK af fasti, ••*■«•*•* I ' m arel» ami w» »re»* In rulUiBffata. Ml«« Mona Dnnlel Is working In giving him fresh meat nt different 20c at Perry A Peery’s. ilUator, »*** all to »uhi» alani, Z,. M---1 la »wn i timi-», etc., etc the poslorticr. tato «s- an 4 torn Fiuv fi» *ö far arrw. Irr t.re.lly reduced rites nre now 111 W. W. Maunder«, who killed Its Bilyeu went to Portland this K «ut et * * The l.s Conner M ill »a.v»< hlef J > ( liarlcy t'miipliell in Altaany Mollit* « If t fr<>m Altany, t nrvnlll* mid nil Ite lu ur«a*H> -«•ph, ot the Nw Inouiish reservation, w eek on a visit- - utlu-rn Pn itli |Hiint* Io \»i|ulnn year* ago, arre*tcd two men in the B iy und New |*irt. Bllvy C'd »van returned from Til took unto himself » chntming brld«- a« I of I.in eny, Saturday In Sfatkane Mondsy, one ol Klug George’s al which city he la a justice of tin It muy ta ioidi <1 thut, In ndditluR nitK» k last .-unday. ■ Isughters, «lie bring from British to inmiy imturul udvmituge* ns • pence, l«*ik them before himself, Hurry Palmer came over from C'.lumlilu. Esther J. J. Gribtuu uul tried them for the offence and sen- ul CsusxunpUca -umm< r •> i .ldti n »ort, Ilie .»h-Msidn philomath Wednesday. ted the br.-ive chleften nnd tlie dus­ tenced them to ninety day* In the Cas Cuti. Educutlonul A «.slut Ion will o|ien The dapper to the school bell 44 A* ty nmiilen of .‘Mi or more summer­ «m Vugu-t the 2nd nt Newport, ita county jail. I hirty-four minute* af­ *u ImtHiHl V« l.i « !•> •«»•» *«u broken one day this week. in tlie tkind» of wedlock, und the tlie new udltorlum built especially ter he tiad made the arrest the men Srl«,,ti.l Mate» « tr>* *• *r The new olrctrle light in (hi - chlel's numerous friend* on tlie r<*» were on their way acna» tin» river for this pur|Hi«e, mid continue In Our Kr.Srr.. crvntion dhi the rett, «uch h » iii.ik- 11-> aerve out their term*. You WILL UNI) brldge|flll* » Img felt want. - .«ion for .’i week, thus uffiirding to *tu nt», teachers m.ii others n rare Ernest Ixvng came over from Tills Ing Rome howl for n nhort time I S ,’N.. . I * Monday evening by tiring gun- mid liregoii mi«l Wn«hlngton do noi in­ i ; i orlunity for combining study ■*«<>» HU«. iU’H**M«wt t Mf llkji htw k sf. of A mo.»k tho Brst of the week. pi-tol», yelling nnd milking hideous clude Ih» only hunter-, say* Uie < »re- labile a**4 A'etariot® cwt* h** hrt* wrl pie ■-tire. I orfull In formation Walter Hyde came up from Port­ t*t».tf*«*rx»r> Tu’w rt’t «> aíaí ai «*I a H l*rk»i»vh'Ai. noise* on vari ius other instruments. gotilun, th«t a > < -ush>n*lly tilt Ihelr i» to .-pi* Id Cour»« «, npply to Mr N, land rinnk'glvlng on a short vi«lt. hi«»g at* t « lir»wt t**,i\ a’*thia t at :T»«rf f*»n •. ^tnrial *k Near Bridgeville, Md.. live« a col Wash Hunsaker wn» hi re on tiusl Vp Ir» date ti ve meli li.tye beco tali.’ !*!»•• M<1 Wlfeklo »’,'11“ ■ t l Iswli, Rivi «II tion, Newport, tire. inc** Inst Wedm-Mlny nnd Thur*, or«*l family, consisting of Aaron reti In Michigan, twu or Ih ree ws» » ilhsivw rtf •*••!)»># •»») , a III •• > 4 1 Hi I f III.’ I-rg.' uni ■ mail'.dlous tug «.¿uail, hi* wife, and 21 children. »K»r. Iterili! - all enlng of thè tleer ••■iisoti in *1 "I'llni I! iy. Mild will tike tlshlng ; <*« !■» fterra wrW»»i( f<*r ft»« tu their hintw ire »tore with electric rle«l Murtha Anu Roger», and 21 lilts **» w M*i* t»tl ’*- 11mtn»«"tit” ha« «'♦it«»»! m other partie« to sen mid return, children were tarn. Onechlhl diol Vermont, nini llivro hsve nlso Iteci» I ihooaHitil* ¡«r»inatifi»*Ij by it« liruriy ttwr, lights. rhe fare (or thr round trip I* only largì- scora*« in .lisine. i and t»r « ’ ••»»•kier« It • feimpb* p»ole«»k>i*al «lift) A. G. Prill. Phylcnn nnd Surgeon, There wer«« three *«'t* of twin*. Two I to ««iff« rtiijf httriMkiilfj’ to lionate A It Ml Of M cent«. words, Hclo, <'regoii. Office next dm# Io y««er» ago hi* wlf«» died, »tnl one I hk toft» llble cure ‘I I««- -••«•ui I Regiment Brnd nnd • >n Turad ¡y W. J. Bryan Indulged yeur later Quail married uguln. On«- ! irme daily dr vehqwta Drw Wondrr*, and 1 in te -ir i li - i < en I'tigayc«! for the drugstore. IthUtfisa ftaitettiif e«|*rImantlna child I* III«’ result of ttiMt union. in footlsdl nt a practice g.itneof two ........ whi'ii will give daily con« I b»r krarw, ha« p»s»«h»re-«! rr«ih« a« Ini Veal cal*c* wanted. »!«<• I ird, al When tlie med* ar«‘ served two la team« in Mi«*ourl. Ilo put on a ! mani ! a < nn hs . tn«- I b ma) tin ■ I • i rt* on tbv I « neh nnd furili' ii music City Meat Market. Guy M. Knight, l>lc* are use «limate Every p«i»»ll le convenience bn* 1« pft»*rn l»y *'tM*aHfrlt lettere ttl imtllule," Nave the wrnptierf of Hoe Cake lu« Ky IX down the Held yard« and then tltad In h1« AUMttlran mm «I »ifarfaran la* *»ra • . ii rr«ngid for the I' lnfort of soap. They are worth a cent apiece. *t‘M»l lay nnd watched the gimo. ii»rt«ta in thottwamt« frota timer a t|i*-ft «e «nv «mi. «nifrovra «hnuM fakir in« and family. M magi rii < A E. H. It. Co ter l>y tinny who eon«id«-r him a •fan! sdvanaaf hi» «enrmiiM prof «>wit mn < 'orvalli», < ire. of guilty. Mr* Addie I’eer.v will hnv» fre»h «ecottd Ncldntter. Pieci«* feti fise I »or tor timi >nn «aw hl» bread for «nle every «lay In th«, week a »ti» r In tl*r m lo l'ut ma . Bcm Tammany ha* turned over |2<',t*»' at N W. Dugger*« candy «ton*. ATfOK^I It I.AW, Wm. M' I’ord *hlp|nd tn I’orllmid to Thomas Estrada Palmi to help IK IKS-To the wlfeof Hera her 111«- A LBA NY, Oft spectacles l'*c <« pair at I ’ rrry Ann hunche«of celery plant«(or wlih h tlie hungry and «Ick luid wounded gln«, un Nov. I'.», a girl. All doing r â« « iTir» in Fl on «si«H'to(fv. wr Flr»i Nail>>r.< Peery’*. I KniUis j nicely. mioiig the Cutnn patriot*. lie I* to receive l’> cents per bunch. *’ 1J I 118 9AÏ1 0. M. CURL. TU 2 Projnettr BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN THECDUNTY, TO CHOOSE FROM, OLTT SIDE OF THE COUNTY SE AT ■XI ALL OF OUR GOODS AREO Si, C I m ita New W Fresh, They’MW B qua IH ¡’all. And typ SoYd ai HOT El GIBL1M & HOWARD. :x CLOSE CASH PRICES. . ■S; Scio <> : n ...SCIO EASTnnd SOTTI! The •X A. ». HAGEY Sliustu Route LADIES WRAPS I Have .hist Krrrived A Few of Th( / /■: B E l. E H LATEST NOVELTIES JACKETS^ AADIES^CAPESÙ A 1st) Several Pieces of I tress ( ox><>ds ami All of Them Bai gains IHE WONDERS Of SCIENCE. Money in Your Pocket k'aw. •>***' ” ’ ' K * » * *i Jc ' * ■ f*-! > fr ' ' z >. ; ’ ,1 »I •* — ✓ ■' • ’ tl • Ç r-e. *. A when you have a label there with the Horse-shoe and the “Equal to custom made.” We are the sole agents for our city for this cele brated make of fine clothing Visit us and examine the quality and prices of out lines STERNBERG'S WEÂÎHEU’OKD i WÏATT. <*.* 'i