a . • taken by nu «me but yourserf “ I m t.j •tnewhat «rverwly to see what sfftNrt the »m la«h»o wosld have ua the pr ««»ner "It )• ’ka bad fur me. air. espertally «• ie of the ring« waa found ia my ovsrc*>at [»»•« Let.” /:• JU?-*”:’ . L/ />■ j "That last far-t count« fur toothing/* rv*u»arkc4. and add«*d **J*rll me candidly tirr. have you no theory spun which the thing ran be «splamed?" •*Nu, «ir, I have not. It very • ’ran»» I * ' it .rrstgi.d • be «.i *1, his vuicw tretubhtag perrwptibly. and hi« ey.-s «gam filling with team. **lt is a tritfe myatm- u«. my young friend,** I «aid, rising *'But I sumetouw te yog are toot ibe gu»lty party. I will a»k the wrgeant to give you a m- tv comfortable pb»«e than this f»»r the night. In the u><»ruing I w»ti ••*•* y«»u again.** «e came up at the Jrff«*r«un -<»urt twit day I werured an Then I wrat tu Work vigor- d<‘*h the th rf I «tartr*i •n Ike theory of Frank*t tnm»«mr*. H was cioar that the ;anit«*r cuutd m«r>f haw «folew I be g*ff the jewelry w l> ’r Frink wa« taking hi« tw«» minute ».ew ««f »he h o»*s in »he alley Th • (b»rf ns'tfht have gropi**! the r»ng Into Fmok • FOUNDED ON QRATlTUOE. U» Follow the ('■•<«»«■•• of Fllgrtm k «»bere Iw Oiiwr «lag Ib» l ar. ’ e -••« for w 1 twrkeya. wk h aMnsfr»«** there ia great numbers, kit* hens were made ready f«r preparing the feast ■ e«^r Hally (be large »»toe «to I »«me Brewster • butts*, which ws* under the imiurd-atv JirvA tiou sud charge uf PnsdUa Mul.nre. she who after wan! be**ame the wife uf John Aides while a u.«-«»et*^vr patched Io invite M a « mb « m *.1. the ih* friendly tribe, to attend the L Uavr every r*au*n fur beLe'ing that uur foref a i hers « eiebrs ted their Erst Thanksgiving Par with bewvm*« blue d<-me fur a ruuf and “Early oa the m«»m«ng «*f the aptwnuted the bn»wn ewrth f<»r Tbursdsy «1**01 the Erst of November - a S«M»r They had Ma «sa»* *i< sad ninety of bl« warruw« >r* been eurw'wif ul in rived **Q the »»ut«kirta of the Village, «mi their rff »rl» to found with wild yell« «un »umed their »cadilo-«« them- »m««« f*»r to vi*)’>y the b>*«pHabiy »*( their wh te <|ve in the wilder brethren. Tbe little erltletnmt. whte h m»w a n d their cv>a«i«ted of seven «IwriEng* an>l f'»ur in the beorfe wer* (nil of gratitude public but Ming«, was sm-a astir with mew. tm-r« !«•« tbry r^»e*t»b» r*» they f »rg' t th** I W' tuea and ihiMrm. wb«» gave tin» Ito (•arful teard«hi[«s they had endured, and 4»aus a hearty wrlt^rne «• they 41* d itolo when th* mrlk»w Indian «ummer «*f the large ••piare «n fr«»o»k>w “our 1 w a> s lh«r'ight tb’hg Io *1«» wl •irret al lh«t i way 1 1 !HM.«d «*r • •«« to the N» *r * be r«»r>i of me n sod K y it he I' Legging tu tw«> . rt’> • r« » ¡¿toted, and lh« > w » ijulrkly bu«llcd up tbr «te¡»s <»f th«- wag‘»n tak»«<» i-» the «»ft* c-r« I «•;.:•:>«»! np at the Mrf» »-r «irret «1aH««n. where, a-» an alt«»rh«-y, I •d*’ i,n<-«l an Inter« -«-w With the lad *h'*r fa»e btd «•• grrstly Infrt«-*’r«| nie, W hen Î wa« «hown !•> h « cH| he wa« arrrptag bdtrrly. and ap¡M«r e! t<» !•«• lb al”U’h»tr ’♦•■¡».i f. “I »aw y«>u «’ th»- pstr«d boi/* I «a.d by way «T introdto* f n. "aml thought ! w u!<| like t«» timi «»ut a littl«- tn«»re b I mhii y «»ut «■•i I am a iwy«*r. and if y«*u nr »n ho«ent. a« I think t« u mu«t be, I wil> ««-, what can l»r «lone !<» get y«-y »»nt of this Mi hum»- »• I .aw «Miti, what t» y urs ' ’’Frank <»rr,” h»- «»«»d promptly, a» a w ave <»f «ratitmle «mi h■>:- «w«*pt «*v r hit fare. Then hr v«ld»-d “'Ibi» >• very k ml of you, «ir. The w h-de ml««aral>lr business 1« a mistakr I never took jewelry; r*»t s Mt.* Then I «at down on the rot bm;de Ftank ami asked hiu» to tell inc al! tebuut h»« truub’.e. Hi« b»>ine wa« In IV«-««tern Vermont, h< satd, and hr h««i bn*n in New Y « rk shunt a y«n»r. lie had runic here to get a start in ths wur’d YVhilr hi» «••■ • «•*• h.i«l m»t l-«en all that hi« fancy u««*d to paint It. yet, e*»tiaider!ng the hard tun«-«, hr hn«| d«»t»r very welt. <>tur a month hr had li-tni ablr to «enti a little m«>m*y to hi« hmther, wh«i toerdwl to « help «orrly. F»»r ail mouth* |»a«t he h.vd bren rmp!«»y«-d tn the «Imp • f a tuanufv turn g jt-wr vr That day tnrniy valuable ring« and »»une nth rr artici«*« had »!»•«|»i»«-ar»-d ffom a *b«*w raae. They were U»i««rd J«i»t after the n«s»n hour, fluting that hour the w«»rk- men were alway« out at lunch, am! Frank and am»th« r y< ung man tantm*d I «errli were uaunlly yn « barge But to day lx*r«h was aich at home, am! Frank wa« iu tbe ah**p Alone. "I »id y«»u see n«i on« toÌN»ut th»- pr* rm««rs during that hour?' I ask«-«l. "No <»i •• l»ut ll ’gan th«’ janitor.” •*Wss hr in ih«- ru»»mt” *’N«». I am «ure b<* was not ’ I • • sml '-nr?” “Yea, ‘ «al«! Fmnk. “hr • -am« t«» thr f« . d«w»r an»l «al!»4| me t«» <>• ha«'k ami lo»>k at a Irani of fine horse« in thr al’ry.” **||«»w ‘«»ng werry»»u «»Ul of the room?” I a «keil. ’’Not in* re than two m’nntr«.” “t'oiihl a prr«»»n »nine fr«»tu thr front hall during that lime wHb«»ut your ktoow- ing Itr ”N”. ln«1re»|.” «aid i mine Orr, earnestly ; “I b», k»-l the •l«wit before I ran »ul to |k at tb»- h«^r«*ea/* ”Th«w» if thr jewelry wa« ’ak<-n wh :r mu wc’e to charge •» nkt bave been ry pmved r*’|«ir living near the of Hogan, the janitor, made me ar- r«d with hi« charurtcr and habit«. \\ hat I learned w»» tu bi« «-redit I «*)•*> mtn«* into ¡•»•«•e»»<«»i> <»f the fa«-t ih«t h*a iuul l»«*vn M-m the prrvl«»lh e I went to the •ak»«»n »mined, but learned that the m««n had only brrvi there a few minute* earlk-r in »hr evening. ■ ’They ba»l m» money ami were «•Tier,*’ f!i ’ . •» S r ■ gu--• ’i.« > ar t !•<«•. • !-.«• • r•« k»-«l work >4 l«tr *1 toe «art that they w «-re got «pending m«mry mamaa admit- 1e»i u«. “Mr Tingle left «••me ring« and other jewelry with yuti fur safe keeping,*' I mi «I io oHitidrnt tone, purp»«wrly refrain mg from giving say hint that «u«pi« n»u ai«Mi rrst«-<| n(«»n her hu«bamd "The prwprrty »• u»»t Mr Tingle’«. and if yon wish I«» «mve y«»ur*rlf from trouble you will lieliter It up tu th»« urth-vr «< «•m e," I a «bled The a «»man tnrt»rd pale and h«*sita(«-»l. A threat I«» pla- r her under arn*«t br»» iteht her tu a dr* l«Mm, ami a par» el ruataiuing the phimlrr wa« plawd in my hand. Al the |*>»h<-i' <**»urt iirxl »la; H *^an ami Tingle were cutofrontsd wHh the rVklriice uf their crime, and Frank <>rr’s eye« datic- rr.** In th • tittle «ketch I have t»»ld you of Otxlrt the rrmirkable circumstances whi«h I became ar«|uaintr«! with tu, pres- ent law partner, The neat • ■.r IX»w read»' • • •••••• LAWSON A OK IL ATTORNEY* • • Frank Orr bat apsmt many p,«-aMirt Thankagivhig «laya alare hr rame lo Nrw Y<»rk. but be «till declare« that h»»ue hare hru half «•» delightful ae the day hr rum bird «»ver the sn*»w «lad hill« <»f Verm« nit, me up Ihr .»Id latte under th» «[*[•'« greeted «»hl Nrr«> with a abolii that woke the r.-hiM«, ami hurst into the »leer «»Id buine just in Ume for dinner. —Lawrence i I a w auK. • rd the ruiupauy nearly a w»»-k w hi» h time, anmng olht r rr**r**at>>>ti eicr* Ise«I *>ur arm«, many of th«* Indians «Nifiuu^ among u«, among the r»-st their greatest king, with «►••tu«- nine ty mru. who f»»r three «lay• we entertain *••! and f«*a*te*l. ami they (the Indian«) g| . t|n-» brought to the piantati *» and bestowed ou l»ni) Being • I* h a sternly rebg.ous propio, probably the Pilgrim« aniir«l at relating in thi« somewhat pn»i ngr»l open air f«* tival the Hildiea) Feast of the Tal»ernn rlea, which include« the Feast uf the “Harvest of the Ingathering** It wa« evidently a beany, braitby ¡»ubli« play »¡»ell, a few days of much nm*ded re juicing an«! g»«<*d • hrrr We tmwlern«, with <»ur luiurtoua taste, would m»t have mu«*h gratitude for the •h*»rt «.omtnona they called “g Hurt nil»-« weighed «lit J («»Ulpl« There w«*rr b I m » wild gue«* iu their season, and a« one writer a »«urea us, “»»ver 2*a» varte ties uf Ash, including sbeitBah.” I»»»* for the latter seema alim»«t *« gift »»f heredity with Nvw Englanders Th»- reh«h for oysters i« undying, amt 4« for «dam«, the ruls «Till prevails at the annual u thr «ea»h"rr that a fra «ter iuu«t eat till the ¡»lie uf amplird «hell« in front of him nrrvens him entirely from view F«»r «u-rrral years thet* were urcaaioaal a[»{**>intnient• of rspe< ml day» tu return thank« for certain mrr»-iea, such a« ”a rr frr«hing rain a hi* h had fallen In time to revive the cn»i»s [»enahing from drought.** In HW4 colonial record« of Oct say ••Thr <’«», when Nov. 2*1 was appointed. All these relrbratl»»h« were in Plymouth r«»kHiy, ami probably the bitter ri[»e- ri*-!.< that V «if»d thr struggling srturr« tn a dr fasting take tbr place uf feasting ami prayers <»f agonised entreaty for the safety of Ilves and h«»mr« seem more ap prupriate than praiae am! rejoicing f irst Thanksgiving Dinner. The Aral Thankagivlug waa appointed by tfav ltra«!f»»r«i. at I’lynmuth. M am . la Bt»l. tbe year following the landing »>f the Pilgrims, in or*!er that the C'oluolvta In a m«*rr «¡«r* ial way rould rrjuicr to­ gether at having all thing« fa g«MMI and plenty, writ*« t’ltff«»r«l llnwanl In the Ladies' 11urne Journal. In preparation fur the feast ’’gur.nerv were »ent Into tbe is; the little Amt-rirwn fAcnt) n » fi, und»-r it.»- I»- id«*rdr;p <»f ME»-« Htmidioh, went through it« drill sn«l man us! of ann«. to the great delight and ss tnniahmenf of the nativt «, while the wo( dally g*-»r ths !*-aP« ttv « »■ «M.inrtl mr« hl- >wn s*»rr*»ws other then <»ur own ihr hras«»n K .. g u.y 1urtesy ma’.d • »lug. ■ • 1.1 better be • ar* fat my Turtey maid. Or a»»u»e urte «III bi you. u»l«a he «afd I n«* I pltralm Give« I liante«. I t*at»h««le luiwd f»»’ «I» «■rt«vj air An- U«- «pabteîttt* cru« us «le ««.• w, Fo 4s life «1st I r »>•« in r «Isbtecy s »ein«. K« Nuvrshlb brn-ies blosr to Ilf* an' lut» I (’antes 4e luiwd. W «hall w’Ue ’r «V « fur bref— X la« night, r»’ steo’. Kt «le ben aoWM» 4*»*. K« I •frl<|»rw| In Fo’ ter do my msteteetla*, Kr tremblin’ ill»* F«» fr»h my Ike An' o|* l»e«telu i• resa lini «wru de roost sva rissa - Is La wd Ter ia’ dry was srbbrrai lsf*l Thanksgiving. The skades ..f night were fal .g f««t A« t rte*»s fit wrut flylt.g ¡»»st To fin«! th« tree« «here .bey < ha«l I b (II the right h«»1 grown to uay. day _ d ahriag the lower 11 tut»«. They rang» t«» tb«-tr vartoms whim«. Ac reôfUIng .: ‘4 "O* "Ab. Mid tee. Ki>rpt *>nr <>id II •!•«* **l gen I U -L climb • tree, F»»r elaee Thank •gì»Ing • rame n»»l«*»es4, You bet y<»t»r life I tn g*»lng tu x-ot Ksrsl*4«»rf* < annrd Maltnun. It la computed that *o,i»if) tone Of cantini •almorí are rooaumad annually In thia country. tin the Fourth of July the eagle*• the bird. Hut hl« eaglets a -w take a bach teat; F<»r the v«»i«c of th** turkey throughout the land'« hear I, And hi* tnrklrts i* <'<•»lly tu rat. —Philadelphia liecurd. WEEKLY LITTER MARKET A a Cck rhlrag* haa»ter «4 io»- In dsscribitig the local «“»H.diti »ns <»l the Chicago wheat market for iteirin« bet delivery it is simply a matter of <>i im<»n whether t*> aaerrt the market 1« manlpu laical or not. The Utter • up|n Million is ths more reaiDoabir. Sun k« *d contract wheal hare been ri­ te lualtxl by the unprecedented rlj* rt and interior d«'man«i. High value« id»- tainmg have induced »[<-* ulativs sh«>rt «alee, with the resulting !vaning ami maintaining value«. Kt port clew«an «a of wheal and fluor f-»r th«« «» k ba*« hvn large The ei- pri demand oontinuws urgent an I promi»«»a to ihcrea«» rather than »II* miniate. H um ka at market realtors a h » w but a «mall inrroasr h»r the «raa»n mtnparwd with pTOYMMSte year«, al- lhough the forward tuuv«»mmt of the crop has l«eeg| unusually large Kerri pie at primer? ¡•»inis are b»-finning tn fall off. ami it 1« l»e»M»mlng m«»re ami m«»re a’»parv:>l that the Spring Crop of the N«*rlhwrst ha« l*in over-«rat im a to« I. The continued «Ironght assure» only a moderate m re^ge seeded to winter ml.»-at, and that under favorable condi­ tions Crop a lt icre from Argentine continue «^«nfli ting and «nntrahetory. Advices fmm Australis assert that their crop will be Ud«»w an average *n«l PrMKMI give n«> surplus for export, (vmtinur* to buy wheat freely, F r« »m all report«, public ami private, it is a crrtsinty that Kuropran storks are on* usually «mail and E«iro[*an requirw- merits a<» inrmally Isrgr The prospect | (or th«» imnirdiate future «r«*ni« to fully warrant |»r«’**«nt valor« for wheat, ami *:< ■ ild any die.iat« r ovrrtake the A'grn- til.»* crop it is pr<»t«uble that they will Iu» f Ely tn at n tain*«« I f n<»t materially si van« «•»! during the balance of our crop ■ar. The situation rrgar«ling corn value« rows a «!»•« ! led improvement «hiring the s«*rk. although «till poneoMing rle- merits of radical wraknrw St»-'k«. al- r» -i Iv larger than rvrr tw-fore re* ord«»-i, show no imm«*»iiatr • gns of decreasing. On the other hand, the cash demand, Uitli for home consumption an I « 1- |x»rt, show« a gratifying increase Val­ ues are now 16 cents |>er bushel below an av»-rage fur the last ten year«, and the nrw « rwp >• • «-rtalnly !w l«»w an av- er.vge in yirl»L There is little to war­ rant a «!**< line in suppli»*«. FortlMMt Ma>h*|. \\ h- ,i? -• W » i W i . ’.i , ' V.i! ley and Bhieatrm, jer bushel. I ¡r B» grab«. 41 “<); graham, 70. »u|«*rtinr. Si 40 |M»r barrel Oat«—Choice while, 33<4 3 4- ; choice grav, 3 I <4 33c |«*r bushel. Barley—F«*r*| barley, flPig .’O; brew­ ing 4>o ¡«rr ton Mil 1st iff a-- Bran, <14 j*r ton; mid­ dling«*, 4 -I I • «borts, 4 «o. Hay—Timothy, 41« 4 12 60; clover, 41 1 II; C alifornia wheat, 4H>; do • •Ht. 411; On-gon wild hay, 4-‘ <10 per on. Eggs—22 % « 25c ¡»er dosen. Butter—Fancy crraiurry, 45 < 60c; fair to g«M*d, 35i»f 40 ; dairy, 26(g86c per roll. Cheese — Oregon, 11 '><*; Young Amerns, I2:><'¡ California, Vi< I on per pound. Foul try—Chickens, mis«*»l( If 50 d 3 00 J »er «l«M*in; broilers, 4- 0Ú• «.« J .'*<>; grew«, 45.00; ducks, 43.00 « 4.00 |M*r donen» turkeys, live, 10c (»ar iM»und. Potatoes-—Oregon Burbanks. 35 »4 40c |»er s.ick; « w « h - i * 41 4<> |w*r rrutal. Onions— Oregon, n« w. re«I, WOc; yel­ low, H0c per cental. ll«»¡e—H»4 13r per pound lor nrw crop; IMPS crop. 3i»t7o. W.ud —Valley. Eastern Oregon, (4 23c ¡»er |M»un«i. M utton—4 irose , Ixwl sheep, wethers ami vwm. 43.6041 J.CO; dream«*! mutton, 5c; «(»ring lamb i» 6*tc per pound. Ur«MM, « h«»i< «« |»«-avy, fi 50; II light mid («•«•• 1er«, I I.V't r4 00; »Iri -i»«!, 44 50i4 5.00 (»er I CH) pounds. B«-vf—Or<»«w, tup girerà |75 <3.00; • •as. 4- 25 Ir« *- I l>»« f, 4 ‘»’.4 ¡arr potimi. Veal—Large, 4% <4 5c, «mall, 6lt t 0c (»er pound. Sentile Market. Butter — F.»m y native creamery, brick. 23 « J5<’, ranch, 10t t 15». t In <•««* —. Native Washington, lu»d ; ( ah (orti in, • S«« Freah ranch, 29i f 32r. >5»ultry—<*hb kens, live, per pound. Io :.«, |0r; «¡ ring < bl kens, |L5U t 3 ; «lin ks |:1.5o<»< 4 imi . Wheat—F»«r«l wh»Mt, per t«»n. Ont* —( I •».'<• J »er ton, 4-0. <‘«»rn —Whole. , cracked, («er ton, 4 feed iu< .41. 4-«’ psr t«»n. Barley—K»»II« h ! or ground, per ton, whole. 4-J- Fresh Meats— <’hoice drcs«r«l l»eef, ■ terrs, Sc; cows, 3‘^c, mutton sheep, »<*; pork, 3%c; veal, small, 6 Freeh Fish—Halibut, 8»4 4-- salmon, I / '»• ; salmon trout, bo; fl»»iin«1ers an«l sola. 3414. ling • o»l, 4 t«r 5; rock ctal, 5< , small, 3 % (« 4c. Fresh Fruit—Apples, 3.5*' «41 per boi; pa* hr* 75unun; Melii an 11 inc, |J 50.’ S u<>; California lemons, choice, (3 00 - 3 50; do common, 76<*tit|l |4IS; wheat and 4 i 4 river bar lay. t;<4H; best latrley, «IO(gl3, alfalfa, «• I w 50. • loier, »- ♦ 10. Fre.h Fruit —Apples. 85<4H5c P*î largo bni; grapes, 30 g80c; lastrella, M* . - 4. peara, 40 »5c per bos; plums, S6<*S6c. To C ire Female Lie B ief. thrref. re, that Ihs doctor fails to runs the dl«r-aa*7 Htill, t I - tbr V an. for it is v«-ry rml-am* ng to »!> tall a» nw * f tí. vm pt* >n. « >-f her suffer lug, c vet» t> bvr family physician. ¡I was f r th » reason that years a > Mrs. IhnLbsm. at Linn, Masa., d< farndeed to step In and help her Sri Having ha«t c*'n* birra bls sa- p. ’.rn«'* in treat:ng famala ill« with her Vegetable C«»mp>vunur- a,’- I the women uf Amer'ca to wr’ta to her tor mlvi •• in regard to their c* il ¡- s nts, ton I. I m ng a woman, Il waa r \ ♦ for h< r a, ng sister« to |«'ur Inte her rars every detail r»f Uirir Buf­ f’-ring. Over « uo butodre«! thousand women w« rs au«MeaatttUy treated by Mrs. 1 iu last ) • sr h ar« the grand results uf her ciprr■* nue^ «aaliary llef^rw» sf tl«»mV»ar- Th« Indian government hx» formulât- rd an imputant » h« tn* far the ggnitary reformation «»f Bumhay <’»ty. The •. a that the roveri aaae«nln *d IBln i*l«rs tn tbe Affali, ths fawd, » • • * »h«»r4 M ftiata ti er* Is • m ’ v and er rialti • M < -*|«3t* It «latter « *t • « h a h i tiers, wi.k-ft <*fti|»» th* •y»tam «<« «»•I ma aria but fuut* ov*l tie *•*■!» wh«-« the» hate » »rmtii»' f teaumat y at*.| l> «i«.«« « n«4lp»t..>u liver and a Jn* j iroubie srs sun*.r-wrrd by ta« Billers A Minneapolis grnralot it reckon» up four billion» uf per «on« lielwerti William thr * oiiqueror an I one uf bis desvM’udauU* n«»w living. $200022 Economy: save io cent* on a package of "cheap" baking powder and cat the cake. You couldn’t do better—lor jour dot tor. 5r4»/n<«/’» /?«»/ money-back i akmg powder u at your procer» A %•»*<*«•> * >«««sr U m Fts«. s^s K’ S A «fagllerrotv |M» <»f I m ’UI« 1’hlllpJ‘e take n in IM0 by thaguarrw himself, ba« t»c»*n pre«-nt»-1 tu th«» ( amavalet mu* »cum in Faria. Tb* is are 71."' •» mnrw w > n«*n than me' :i th«* «•«!- f M h «*vbu»»-tts and * < i > 4 in i - *u» uv»r 14 * -ai » - • t - w a • I • • f « I • Ita • r J rHtWKYACO Tsi*4* «» Wr , '»«< tf) ay » r •. tc •* ...r«-' ««• I tu .• i«rfr*t.v • î* oit«« • a and a a <» ..» I n♦ th*ir flrm. to L«t a 1»» • i to ’ •• (H'.fr «U, î--e«!s (I. to * t pi«»*. K ms as A to » «V ,■ n. to Pr , • f ad • i> f • i«rrte » ur« la tstesn tutari>«U< • I* Ha »• »Ub i!y nputo Ihs T> -<*1 s *4 a»-! >< di «••< n» i iu-usala ir *- s ott • • -»«4M Skid M «i. «Il ’ dr ngg'.M» » per «wu« «r'Hls H«H’s K«tt»ilv P»IU a-« th* b**t Hroken /low 11 Uen »fen W ho H.i* c W.i.tcd thr lltal l‘»w er of I ouih H ho I ark Vigor Can He Cured by Electricity. T * » s « ; • k ♦ >' a > » *t I th« «■ ritt Inr •!« W ’tt’ierlui l«»ro« !flflu*t>«s* up- J ’■«» th« Wait!« a * J urn at><| •««-« - ita lei hi* i * (•-«.;• m ” w 4 n,«h tend ••• I rr,-< t ' i.-a*'-<- t«‘- * a It» •; p at1 -u «ilh'a II t -ia* • A I *- C u.« nt «T Bli weal r»*«a - I ?* • at ■> ni i <-» • a t »-.I in the |* uf- ! e»t ainujing rsae» silhln *> day« I II t< S It. Il V ss » s <» V M F h * • •» • t a ■ a a > al • a * a • » ' ** Jr ‘ • » • n«w »44'««« SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. 1 .« I (V net VVaal< >4<..H «t P .«rt I an *• /'.*•**< «s* u '*• IA»« l*apa*. i i ;«» i » i « r s am * ri it» root» Vrjjrubtr. Grata a Bulb, and R cnea. Fruit and Shade Trer*-*Spoy Pump* >* IVr Supplies ■* 1 ■ ' •* « ’ i• i! . • Free .*.*.*» BUF.LI 1 AMBERSON. Portland. !*, I« tu« »• • 4ug«r t anr and i» «tr u tip p'ire II • • bv tersi < ««• ero< *• la *•«*♦ >n v Msftttlar t re«i t> ■ I'«« trie < ’«» avt - va« r « u v .. <• i u n» “Tru «»••-'<*•• /»e«?»«" ha»« tj*« manutsc tutsr's him* hlliograpi ed ut» ersrj «su fl is «aid that the fl* «h on thr h»r«- quarters *»f the braver rrtociuhl«*« that «»( land animai», whtfa that on th»» hin I quarters has a baby taste. T i : .*•* * * I ('starrte « ut* A St. lanute pa(*r »• marvelling nv»»r thr c.i»»» of a septuagenarian wl •»♦ whits hair turned Ida* k in a single night rvcuntly. •i«»vi r THIS f NOU « AN OFtN LCTTtn TO MOTHERS W» «-* •*.»* • y 1-1 the «Ml e- ■ Í M I.» lh« r» «.Asl ’iiK «»»4 riTk MKM Vi As I UM l A. •• uu* I »«4« Usete. I, T h Mmurl Pitcher <*i Hyawni« M amm « huselt«. ws« Iter «»«>«<«• st »t »d ’ IT Tv Hi M « < AV (UM IA the «amr th«l h.«« *-»»«• ««»d «i-*« wuw iwst tb< Ik «Isaile «igntoluf« «»4 tllAs It FI4*T l TIKM« m •*♦«y w t spp«r Thl» i« t he •»« i^tnai I'ltklii M •* CAteToaiA ’ whiih ha* hrvn ««rd In lhe b-mw of the tS’ilher« of A •«■««, a f.»r uorr IhtHp v « Lr»>te fatefully st lhe wr«»»pet «»»4 see that U I« Me i»a4 A-i«e efaMvt K*«f »/, and ha* iter •ignature of CHAS It Ft.KTl HKM ow the wrapper No un» haa «ut Kuril y itutn i*»e to u«e my name eg rpt The Cm'aut v um pan y *4 w hula Cba« >< F>t her la rtee.*teut A/a»’l A ^ »• bAMVKL HTCHKa. M U •-King Mademitn • Tr*a.» »r- " ■ «■-.■•« * • ♦ ■ • »•>«>«« lf»Cm»t;l Maauo I Tí?, Pl, .lati*! Pa Aphr^-t.« a.-jJ • • ■ • ’ i ', l‘ U H . ■ “An irnl” r«*.n«, many of w: • h a lodate the (’liristian *ra. are mil«* in lar^r «¡uAntitirs in la»nd<>n, and find sale all over the World. I believe i'ur« I« th* only medicin» t*»al V» I curs «oi»»in»ij?.«>»» A- •« M Ilusa, W ilham»|»Mrt, I’a , Nov 12, "»> w Try ¿chilling « beat Ira a&J baklu« p*>*S«r. *11» h wrlllr’g In ««I » *»»l»«»>r«. »•»•«»ti**»* ttel« y»sp*r. •V— --------- - ------- --------- 1.1. aas 3 ■-J pOWER JL. ...top... PROFIT r»wrr th.it »ill »ate ou moot» and make )ou mono. Iktiulcs I.oiciiir« are lhe cbc.ipt m power known ilurn Ga*olinc ur |)i«tii!a0 per ton. thiiona— Nr* red. TOwtHUot do new • rltrr.lln. |l.dV« use Jamba Oil Th« I«*« |«Hl I» is m«»rs ea«iiy it I« « wrr»I. and the iM prrvmt« its development by wsHhing th« nerve At any «tage u a til cure. WHEAT • a a bti! and «eil wtesat > n mar* • y ■ «’»»»• bu» *»»•> J i-g w t»tt t f by irai <*n fa I tur* turr« a to for fall full t i srl srr< ■ ulara w rile lor • ara |u«i of rei I r rsnre ■ given Rever«'» «ars* einer « ' • »a - »••*.•' . .'-s I • I» rag»» nostri of Piada and a tb«»r >utfh knew* I le«lga «»! ths bu»ii»c»» m»nd f< <>ur fr*« ref«r- •sur* te»*»’k |M»as|S«, Iti___ •klXS A >« -«»d ut r-«-1e Pro**-r» f»B<*a in Portland •>«•<•»«» «r d-*• att r W <•» _ ________ __ tuadr «»n ob a • «mal! mads «n,« í BISE BILL GOODS H«w I» teMt >?• Iwet Mantewod and Pvrfawl tM’tlepmeM. TM s gv*at wsrte, pia aly wr.*t*a hy a Mg*i »» - . •, • ■ • *.■,•»•» - ■ • can !*• reg* n«d and ’ f« •• t.» (i >- aa. tosca rv !’>••! al' t ’a *..» .« nv.uvs sud Athistic «.«►►la ,n ths « nasi tvitte »«□ u«i»o. «»» ih to osota «su l for ihir Aihisti* t aiatogw« WILL a FIMCK CO., • IO Sito Marte*» tot- «er» • towslsew, ( al. ine bb y I» famous -1 tb Mon a an r Grass t • a«s •• ■« W. «!«•-! ti * y»»«4 u « • an J.r lt groa» * *»■ • « >• V i s *i«e Will ge*»« It Mlv > a • f r • *».n of [■«•• u-■■« Ito th« northw«>t c unt¡ y P« • .» ¡^»uug. A ldre«a Sil I.r4«ra io M I «Itigli»«, VI»»«*«»*, I •!• hr*. b r ha»