>< !(}, LINN COUNTY, oKEGON, ERI!>A\ OF INTLREST Î0 FARMERS. I« ft iii.i«iti.i' rum r it'AY. tn r. Í I. ■*- • ' s’ A little big of quicklime put IV>Y ll till.L A ALBERT < ' U.K. among Heel article, will prevent i» th » errv œ their rusting RB IO, I IXA < <».. OH« 1.OV Feeding bu Rhine 1 on ensilage 1« trun»i done al the great < or bin game pre •r tiHHiu , tnvarMbi> in air»«?* ». ft serve In New Hampshire. * • F> i an if |«i I in ndvarwre. I >** The only *afo and economical way of procuring a gmal herd of cows 1« tty ralalng our choice heifer calve« to buy them 1» alway» uncertain bu> Inc»«. A4vrrtt»Inf «Irte a< mir. living mtmjo btr g. I moniM}, |t«n«kbt n tvrrf lw**tD« »• nt •• jmi L I r*»t n u i he ..» i» r ugivrfi tor inwrtwm. ■ “i ' B ing Heuns 1 min well know Brown Iteaaio and Merry M uden( two Jersey«, withstood sure«1 »«fully the n«*:iult« of every breed on tile globe, at the World'« I air, and ta-it the flower of each «train at the ¡Mill ’ anti churn. In lo’vn, | and pe-.plr c.ilb d him lllng. lie <■■ ul 1 tdl another 1» r»on how to do most anything; And, strange a« I! may «erm to you, fo* none of hl« advice Would tie ex «cl of friend or foe even IliC smallest price. While at pasture the «beep »te.uld have H,x*c«« to »ait. A t! • k w ill vl.lt a viltlng placr twice a day reg And th i' lie Ilex 1 r ow tied a hou«<' he ularly. Salt 1« a gi»>d tonic anti pre could another «how vent« indigestion, which prtalu'O« Just where the r.dter« and the destructive diarrhoea, all the worse rldgtq aile ought properly to go, In warm weather. And tho’In naught tee ever triisi Dm’! ««II your good calve« thl« Was lie a great success, fall. With decent care they will llenlwny« th night that tils advlc* make you Mime good money In two was far from valudc««. year« Make all there I« to be made Ho could tell another |>er«r»tt Ju«‘ >ut of them yourself. wlii'ii to buy and *c|l, And if they followed hl» advice hr there I« not a tadter paying branch knew they would do well. ,f the J' utfry huaim1»« than the pro And though to aid «-midssly else hr tuition of capttn*. They will weigh often u*cd to yearn. from 2'i to :H per cent more than Whene'er lie acted for hlm»d! ■ wk« of the «ame age and will Ite thing« took a l ; a* . « . -• - f ■* * * * -i * ♦. • . ** t V . * -* " è’ I ' -.1 '¡. ’I 4.. A c « « ■«* ■‘ÄS I . 5 i / • '■i « 'w *iw V V Z| . 4 ».M i I ♦.J how to dig a ditch, Mix a I irge t |t>|e«;M«>nful of «alt, Amt could map out for a men Innt t I ,1,1c«11 on hi I of powdered white I he »uri1 way to get rich; -tip-ir o»! one of saltpeter. Work lie knewJu«t when a m oi should thi« intot, |H,und« of freah-tnadc but alccpand w lien« girl should we<|. ter. I’ut the butter In a good new And yet he «• nr-■■ had hr tins enough •tone crock. When you have flihal to • irn Ills dally bread. 'he cr s k cover with a liver of «lit lie could 1« II a railroad magnate how tn,I let It remain until cold weather. ta1«! to htllld 111« road, The white of »raw egg i« the moat And tin1 way to run « |Mi|s r an edi­ •atl.fnctory of paste», mid I« ladter tor has «hoWed; than any prepare I mucilage or paste And as, to give a do lor point«, one one can buy. Paper« to la1 put over day lie kindly tried. tumbler« of Jelly and Jam w ill hold He suddenly fell »Ick him«-If anil very securely and be airtight if dip­ vcry «bo# 1 Iy died. ped in the while of an egg. Thom.is F‘. 1‘nrter In II ,«fon Glnl* A cow tadonglng to Jo«h Sutter CincüIT CCVC.T. near Salem, te«tiid !• per cent bul tor Afterward her milk wa« churn Uri'AllXMl NT VO. 2 II II II» WITT, fat. id •eperatelv for 7 day. when «he JI IXîlt. l ent the «ingle tc«t, l«nt our infor­ !Mjiiirf tn«-f»t 2 of Ib*» clrrult court convened Mondiv nmrnlng with mant negh cu-d to «täte the numtief Judge ll< wilt on tin1 ta rn It. The of pound, of butler tn ide. She W h « following bilshie«« w 1« Irnii*»c*eur|«>«e«. They are preferred by f< re, lostire. Continuisi for ««•rvlcsi. »hipper«, feeder« and packer«. They Eilxsta'lh Nickerson agl 11 » » | • ■ Nickerson, cl >1, partition. < <»f> ordered illslritaitisl on daini». Marv Jane Miller vs Ellxa Brown el nl, partition; Judgment by dr­ fault, Nettie Miller v« James M Miller, divorce; granted. Marla Twaddell vs D.ivld Il'tre et al, fiirwtaaure, nonsuit on motion of plaintiff. Mary J Gordan vs E W Acheson id nl, Ions Insure; Judgment by de Altxiny Building atid I amii Asso­ ciation et »I vs vV A laiughead, fore closure; transferred to dcpnrimenl No 1. ,M Hale v« J B Cuuey; Judgment I y default except 11« to J < "UeV. In tbe n«-ignmetit of Ja« Meli ir gu« , continued. A Isiny I’ulldhig and lawn A mo - 1 i.itIon vs L 'd < uri, foreidosure; Ir ■ N Roby, of Kan«»«, fattened I.’ .leer. .Which he tatughi at the K»n«a« City alix'kyardw He dehorn­ ed them the flr«t thing, and then turned them Into an often yard, the only .heller tadng a «idrtc«» dust In one d.rticr large enough to protect the feed trough« In »lormy weather Hay *M fed in a «mall rack, and fre«h waler wv« «upplli«l In an open trough. The grain fed ron»l»ied of a mixture of equal |>att« of cru«he l corn and IlnMasl mewl. Ih-giiinlug with a .mall amount, thl« wa« 111 i n-a«ed till th. «leer, finally received |>ouud«each day. Willi th!« heavy feeding th. «tio-r« ate but Id'll1 hay. M*ld,>m over 1 or I |»tund« a d iy. In 7', day« of «itch feeding the !•' steer« gained t.'llu pound«, an average of <*.’> |>ound» |M>r head, i r over ft lie l»-r day. They were never «ick, but were «moolh and «leek nil through the feeding 11 'g' Were put with the «ti er», and tlie-e m ide an excel­ lent gro.th from what wa« left in the manure. F NEW COMPANION fciEHY WEEK Fifty-tarotime»ayri«r The Youth'» Companion gia-a Intn the home« of every one of ita »»ib«crltairs. Fifty - two time« a year it bring« to the fireside the lw«t thought of the la1«! mind« In Europe and America. Com ing every week, there Is a delight fid fr> «!lii ■•« and timeline»» to It» content I. The Compaiili n keep» al way« in touch with current events. It« editorial utterance» and it« new note« m m-w topic« of interest in nature and eclenc* are alwaya ihreast of the lime« F ftv two num- l« r« Hi' M »rri I d artlcl*«, and ther reading air*ady provided for 1 ompinlon reader« during !«•<. Among the eminent writer« for the new voiumv who<»e contribution» ire already In hand -ire Mr. Giad ilone, |u>rd Duff. rln. ."»peaker Rc<»|, the Dukn of Argyll, ta-nator llur, -senator Ixslge, Ju«tln McCarthy, ProtTesaor Hluler. John liurrough«, I'er- ival I.- well. Rudyard Kipling, W. 1» Howells Miry I. Wilkin»* vWptain Mthan and Lieutenant l*e«ry. I’rvsent readers of The ('ompinlon who renew their sulwcrlptlon«, and new *uhacriher* will receive free » la iuliful gold-i inT'ittol calami ir. print'»! In twelve enlor*. it 1.« mte of the richest ex er printed. I'b'-se who «ub«.ritai n>>W will receive The Companion every week from the lime the «u!>- «■ ilptlon 1« received until January, l«ri. A handsome illustrated an nouncement nf The Companlim's content* for I"’'1» will be »ent free to uiy one ad lre««ing Til». Yot Til's CoMfASIoN, Bo-Ion, M i*«. Different «tile rxprrlemerit ata- lion« have figured out the coat ol feeiltng a well balanced r.ilion to a |, irio fx.und cow for one day, a« fta low «: Wlacon.ini Thirty-two paind. ern «ilagr, ten of clover hay, live of bran, or fifteen of clover and tlune thy hay, flve of corn balder, llvu of ■ rtnatid five of glutenme.il. l'nrii,eight of oat«, flttevn of clover hay. Cost, He. .Minncaolii: Eighteen |»>und« of i lover hay, ten of beela, ten of bran, four of abort«. I o«l, Vc. Nebraakat sixti i-n pound« of nl falfa, *ix uf corn, «11 of oat«, Co«t, io. New York: Forty |Hiunf rock per hour. i-iisea. He had all lheae to choo«e Ted Sloane, the American Jockey, from, and «killed physicians ready ha« Just naturally out rode, mil gon- to ri «|H,nd to his call, but «elected i-ialcd and twat the English |ocKey» this remedy for use in hi- own fam­ at every turn of the trucS. The ily at i time when Ids child's life neUapaiMT» nt first critlcls<«l him w is in danger, because ho knew it h trnbly and made «port of him, but Io Is- superior to .i ny other, and fa­ they now acklowledge that lit1 Is. mous the world over for It« cure« of croup. Mr. Johuson says this i« the great rider. ■ -l «illing ci.iignh mcilhic tiny bundle, and Hi.it It gives splendid An obituary of tlie lite Geo. M. Pullman states that lie la-lleved In «iitistactloo ill all cases. Sold by teaching tils children Io work, and Pl.t ny A Pt i nv. that there 1» not n incmbrr of his family who 1» not able to oirn a liv­ ing it some trade or profession. It then gravely1 continue»: "III« eld­ est daughter draw« 11 salary of lln,- mo«t ca«e«. 1 nim a year for naming the sleeping I’emllng the cow* to Increase the c ir« turned out by the compmy." flew of milk, «hould not entail addl tiov.il ii*|ien«e If the f irmer n«e« A hny employed in a hotel In grievance Judgment in proportioning the var tlruMel«, who hail a P u« feed«. If grain, l!n«eed meal again«! the proprietor, recently b«>k und other concentrated fooJa are a 11 Ire revenge by leaving In the dead given In rxee«,, the digeation may of the night, after billing «Ixlyclght tw> Impaired, and If hay I« m<»«tly pair« of «hoc« which had tieen ltd! given, the animal» will tiecom|»-lled oilt«i<|e the lloora of the «leeping to eat large quanlltlea of It tu «crure room« by guest«. Four day« alter the dcaired nourishment. Fötal the proprietor had paid for Ito1 «hoe« •holild con«l«t of tadli concentrated they were found In n loft by some and bulky »ub«tance«, regulating the workmen. proportion« according to the ctmdl lion« and clrcum«tnce». Mtm^nk Aw itti, a Commnchc •quaw, over I1»! X'etrs old. I h lleving six week« previous to the time of that «he hntl outlived her usefulness calving frial the cow a good hand w rapped herself In all I i-r dre«sea, fill of llnaeetl meal twice a day, «haul« and lx- dillng, and supporting morning and evening, In wome bran berteli on her h md« and feet over a or meal. Five or »lx day« tadore •low Are, burned herarlf to death In calving omit the oil meal. By feed her tepee on the trllml reservation Ing thl« I al way« have the afterbirth In the Indian Territory, on Munday, come the «atue day the cow < lives. In the pr<-«ieno® of her children and But If yon have not f «1 any meal, grandchildren. A death aong wn* and it doea not come away, take a rlianted by llie children. half pint >f white ta«an. am! tatll them soft. When cold give them to "The wer»! cold I ever had In my the cow to cat. Walt three or four hour«, unoiiltry need« them good. Hold by i'r.y.nv A no ta-ttcr «Ign of Ila condition Ilian to I’rmv. watch the romba, A bright red comb «Imw« that the hen or male 1« S ott T o Curo Bidona Collo. healthy and vlgorou«, ami If a hen, «he will prohably tie a good layer. I «uttered for Week« w ith colic and Afl'-r the i gg supply ha« f illed the pain, tn the atomach cauaed by bil comb will generally loo«e It« color. lou»ne«« and had to take mediclnft In cold weather fowl« with large all the while until I ll»cd t 'h imta-r fimb« mu«t have extra warm quart­ lain*. Colic, Cholera and Piirrli't t ers, a« they are very easily froten. Kerncily which cured me. 1 have Il is froien combs more often I han •Incw recommended II to a g<«»I anything else that make» Leghorn« many people. Mr«. F. Butler, Fair« ami Mlnocm. prior winter layers. haven. Conn. i*er«on. who are «ub A« their mime Impllc«, they are na Joel to t'lllou« colic can ward otT the lives of warm climates, as indeed, attack by taking this remedy M«onn nm»t fowl« are. They very rarely »« the flr«t «yntploma appear. Hold get Inta as warm quarter in winter by I’KkliV A I’ f .KRV, a« they could And any where In the rountrle. Where they bad tliclrorlg i Patronise your noma puper. wertet for yvur interralo leal le t'iv» Now I« the timu to get your cheap suti'crlptiim. A’e cm furnish you Till K aniiam Nl.W«, together with the following puMIcatlon» nt greatly nilueist rate«. Weekly liregonlan, f 2 ho ; San Francisco Examiner, 12 2’t; Hoards 1 Miryiiinn, II 7A; Firm Field a id Fireside, il 75 together with 20 picket» ol tlr«t cl.t« girden nod vegetable seed«; Orange Jod i Farm, $1 SO; and Thrice«»-Wirk World for $2 •• THE HICKS 1898 ALMANAC AND PAPkR We are Informed that the I*'*« Almanac of Prof. Irl Hick« i« n iw ready, and Judging from its past hl« lory, it will not lie many week, in finding It« way Into homes and offices all over America. It is much larger and finer than any previous l«»Ue. it contains I |r- trait ever given of Prof, illck«. Il can no longer ta- denied 11l it I he pub llcntio «of Prof. Hick« have heirome a ni«ie«slty tr the family and com merctal life of this country. Ill« Journal, "Word and Works,” aside from It« storm, weather and astron- omlc.d features hu» tagen rank with the best literary, wdentlflc and fami­ ly magnllne« of the cge. Di not he ileve hearsay and reports. See tin Hicks Almanac and piper bir your­ self. You will then know Why they are so (sipular They are educator» of the millions, and unrivaled safe- guard« to properly md human life It is a matter nf simple record that Prof Hicks ha* foretold f r many years »11 great atorms.fl-aala.drmilh. and lornsdoes, cveu the recent ler rihle drouth all over the country. The Alm mac alone 1« 3>5eent« a copy. The paper is Jl.ittl a year with the Vlmanae a« a premium. With the S amtiam Nutt«, ||.7.’i. So«! to WoHD AND WORKS PtTB. ne two year w iilte hoift-r, tirinded <> Con hip, m irked with lower ctop in right, and lipper er >p In left ear. A «uit il’le reward will be p-f In support of hl* claim, anil that -aid pnaif will la* made ladorc the < ••xinty Clerk of Linn county, at Altsxny, < »regno, ou January IJ, l*'.ls Vili Robert «tr icli in : H I t » «I. ( .» tin- N XV 1 of tax-. 12, Tuwnabli» 11 h il t F. ist lie names tue followlng u lltii1««. « tn prove hl« continuo is ri slil< ncc upon mid cultivation of, suid land, Via: Alchlc C G line«. J I k D-lXe'lp -rl, James 1 taft, of l.irwo*sl, and W II- «on Richardson, of b. |rx. Oregon. t HAH. R M< » »RIH. Reglsl I-r. VOTIl I. Ka:£>t:àU;3rt. aeiu l|, .ITATI- «• Whr.il 'il Tt per bu. « hits, >• bld. Flour D »<• • • Inti, I.* <*» Brun al Middling« Itl < hop, *|6 lier ton. l'otatia1«, '«let. per »ack. F'.gg«, 2”V. per I K Buttii.cri-itiieri rinche 12 * ’» Hmm, 12e pnr Ita Hhouldrr». «c per Ib. ILicoii, l'k1 Je-r ih iaird, 10e per Ib l’hnbeiis, liai ta-r doa WHEN YOU ARE IN ALBANY ’woo^s'i'Ei’ in 1« O'BRIEN'S New Clothing Store Where You W ill Find A Lnrgt inc of Mm's Bo\ 's mid c hildren s lothing. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Mackentoshes, Trunks and \ alises, etc., etc. All (¡oods Mark ed in Plain Figures. PRICES LOWER Lowest. .Suits Made to \ Perfect Fit < ¡uureutceil OBRIENS aft IIFIK.K l I OREGON AI.H \N\ . T. J. CLAXTON T»AOI MARIB» Ot SICH«, OORVilCHTI An» «•-• •«•r. !’n< a »%■ « w a t ’ r ■ . •» qu i > M»-crtAin wt»s th«r •» ■ • • (WxjdMkLlF pwlwntabi* • • ttethui. -al ' • •<* OUtHMwtaluU. UM-*» I f r r- RD«»' '• IB 4 . r*i< W« ! « ■ « Piklr'ita ««Ron t1 t M*. A - r«s.wt»B gpw- -wJ ■« •• t tbe ail CONTRACTOR St IO, ORN SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. bwAtrti f nil » illuaf rw««1-!, Ixrgr»i nr-nUi -ft a • »- ” ■ V . - « • » JI '* a ' 1 " >. t ' • • a ■ Ì L y M I’ a »«MT* •*»»< fr-osN MUNN A CO. S ANTI A M 3(i 1 m OU<1 wut. .N VW NEWS f<>r TH i : b I - X-XVl IK F Id I lox. Will prepare e«titimfe« and plans for all claasen of carpentry. at the lowest ible living price«. No charge for furnishing plan* and eatitnateH for contract» that are awar­ ded to me. If you want find-el ms, reliable work, at nF 1» Koi k pith >«, call on, or write to Scio, Orejón. T. J. Claxton, FOR HOLLAR A « l’uhli»he<| every Alternate - ............... I>av except Sunday. Wagon Shop. BARNES i MUNKERS, FOR Proprietor: H. L. SUMNER, roXSORIAL ARTIST û * o a a fj a a ù E i WiCai Sorely Flcase Y od W « « « AND Ask About Them. I When you can' Äc Pnce Proprietor. U « I OREGON All kind« of fresh meats constant­ ly on hand and will be «old at '.■West living price«; also fre«h '«»logna, «.»usage, lard, bum, for «.tie at bed-rock price«. I, II. M< INTAN YF % I HMM Y AY 14W, ALBAN Y. OIL fitlrr In tfnihti bill 1*11H4. A.(L PK1LÍ I’ i • < ■ 1 ti an l Stirgeoii Aim ANDCOMPHtt LINE FORALI KINDS OF FUI Ai PRICES FROM *10 00 TO * lb.00 3ílo. Orejan. '.esidence p|H>«ite tlie planing mill« < «tllei» ih » y t «l'M>r to «Irtijf •»tor«>; hour 9 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 5 P. M A fuO »M <»mrt«la lina of <•010 * a«AT,»»!*r»«*»A . •»»-..I.«»a.»*iM '»»« •nd <4 Hl» »am« matariala» , xuuior mow*»»« ut ik* foot ' •t 4av afhar lina farro» •• •*» U» iniVFl (<»r •Ml.t ) I r if» IMS A'»!«- II 1 w ■ » k i V i •' ' I « w HH hi IVrm«*trnt Hrfrrrnxw It m 1 wfwii rii«* Nation . 4ta* K>itl ilntf. • bkMK<>. W • I • * û O 0 O Û O Doni Buy (ôunîerfcib- . \ al the & Ì We offer this uneq i ded new pi- l>er and l ltr. H axha M Ni w’« gethvr one year fur *2. The regul ir subscription price of the two pl|»er< 1« t- >” SCIO. âftftftftûftftftiinnftftftftftftoftftftftft « * ft (South ante of bridge.) St B », <»REG« 'N. II ix Ing si1! up a »hop In the ats.xe Thi1 Flirtci i week Edition of I ho Ine ari' prvpired to do tìr«t-cla«s New York World 1« first among all work un «hort notice. Give them ■ U e-kly pii’crs in «ize, frequency trial. Chargea re i«onal»|v. of publication, and the froshne**, iccurncy mid variety of its content«. It has all the merits of a great f<> Lilly at the price of a dull ir weekly 11« political new« is prompt, com­ llol'HltiN III II.DING plete, nccumte and lmtmrti.il a« all OREGON. Its re.idcrs will testify. It Is igdusl HI ](>, I lie mmi'qH.lii1» and for the people. Shaving, hairentting, Il prints the lo w 1 of all the World, ah am J losing’ prompt I y having «pei I il correspondetii fr-.m 1 l" Xiflltf'l. ill Important m w« points - i tie Stimlay« ami glulm. Il h.is brilliant |llu«tr.ition«, Shaving on stories by great author«, a capital li'iliilav«, IÓ «•«•nts. humor pige complete hi irket«, partmenls for the liousuhold an I women* work and other spe.". d de tmrtment» of unusual interest. L I. RICHARDS3N, BUILDER, GENERAL HARDWARE —-" • F.»r ».le tine «.-comi It tn I nt* >r«e power rnglne.and an Advance 1« Inch cylinder wperitor. All In goal order. < all on Austin A Austin, f ■nr mile« East of Altwiiv, Oregon. H0V5E FUBNKNING GOODS ETC. IJ flOJT COMPLCTE ANO AT L.IJWM PRlGttStHA/M evt« 0. GILL & SONS, Scio, Oregon Come t<> u*'or your j*>n printing. Have you tried Hoe Cake? for premium tajok.—S. M. Daniel. ♦