./r; , 4. 4 • j < */*• *• • r>* • • «•• LCCAi SISTZTIES. «/ V • »fc • » 77^1 Uta» Talty LAHO FOR SALE. » NO MISTAKE- liXcllillMH A I Go to O' ¡¡re ns the ch-a|»-»t «toro The Herald Thewlore I>or- FHIDAY, NOVEMBER IJ JO7. « " » A in Albuny. rant, condemueii uiurdi ru. of Mi«» Mr». Ell » Siuip*m has ri turned lilanchu laem-mi, mul tin- »upp •• d I’ltibl ell.ia. Il ime from !'| im r, where the faint* murderer of Minnie William« also, It will min ly have real* « d during »hi* fa1?. Mr, was taken before jmlgo B-thr* ihl. A new uweirlnient morning for the pur|»"«c uf having Sliu|>*«on w ill return to-day. » • «»i «itioi n f >r Me, a steel the date for id» exex’Utlon re»< I. Hi» P. G. Cernitati, formerly of Prine 2 m M aal Lc'.naf S3 pWTttk r ..I stendi r r< !l f r 73e, a better attorney« Iliade a duspe-rale all«mpl kX«al> MQ. o ie f »r rl. l.uiio» aud gentle­ Ville, ha» puri based the property "if ra*-y»«w .♦* Io .ve-ure further delay, bat Judge a* ton, ) ••'»< Ì * arraaM titola»* men« uniticeli "■ Ir mi útK* to f-L Mr». Uule lx-«- neir Meta Mr. and •»'**•■*«« « I 4M'»»*, f* No <’liin. se lub<>r rntplox < .1. Itihr. briishesl asitle all technl. ill lr**'« thrr* ><*•*» oht. Mr*, law will In • »hurt time return K i <•« ! •»» •» < A I H K Rtalhto» g*»»| afnin* All Untile l'ookitig. tie. objecting to the pria"».«ling», I <»»*! wv-l wnirt, gr<«»I he»'-•••» I IWr ». I •nd ordered that Durraut ba hang.-l Th-- tafite supplied with the best bra«ka. ¡ Ai m» * rnlh « >' »■•? *»f Helt», lia a^rv» in >* Iti« market» art.irti. 2 vla«p gl ve» Il <«» next Friday. I (aMianm i» »rvK **’4®*’ a*»«! orrf»sH*»*M nlng a large planer In Baker < l»y before Judgo Baht« yesterday »nd A clasp g|">vrs »I «0 I ,M w 2Í’*** *'<»« hii <»••! Mr« an I »»•*!• j ttoll Mn '.»r, I imowwt OR. Tuesday, He say» times ere go <1 that thu supreme court nf Ihe ( ni-i » • .11 |a-p gt »i es »I M i «■'-i U» hí But«» hwp eato «I». Il »» h In Baker (Tty, Hu may return In t<«l State» had iiffirmial tlie detli>l >t> ; Vtop New ti.ul s new taekw Mb•*•»*'■« y m'h'« *w »lock I» now complete Ilo»» E. H. will hive a rhlpinent cn«e. Judge Bihr» tlii-rupon nmdi­ I U(«»iirrt iuvhat | atl Ulu-I* «d (hill. ] t’nlon »ul'« fumi Aik* to »2 «O p* r of dry girsi» A »hoes from thi’ • *t rti i»r*fer directing that Durrabt la »ult. Vest». I"k- to fl 2A, cotton soon, having «old and unpriced**« brought tn f .re hiip I*1** morning In iiilxed g aal» and pure word. t»d let of g>sMÌs during the f«n«t two order Unit a hew date might be set r; re »1-« k In » > lor currying out the «ent.-rn .-aire l> AL1UHT. OTXOOM. | iii | mi >* d upon thu eiiml mm J mur \\ * s. v| 11. i- l*TV short a time. • trt**f*4 pif < <>hiuwrvhd tmv- ilerer. It »«* rumimsl la-t evening Infant, sir • **T it « Y i l»-< Ine two year white ivifi r, cii«» | m * n (ht* h<»h I f»»r I hlldri-".» ami lulle» Ji»e to "'a* lirtn l*»i G < no hip. loirki- l w "li that Friday next might be « w ir-l will that rumor, a» sbovi* related. < 'nine and I m * convince ! of thefe facta, ¡1« nil regular tie pild at III!« urtiti* for information < ii«totiier« are. r«tt«ri||t»g the •-ime. There's no filling or free alkali In ( ir indina ('»lavan, Mr». Anna < «I- floe Cake *<«ap.—N. M. limivi. h « < «I a van, laiff'-y Cul.ivsn and Julis I . k «••rr v, t.'j Agent for Butterii k | * that Mc­ « rnthrw *■ *W|'i .•*! uHIi (hv K*M thv that piner*. Ewan, the clever Scoli-hmail 1« at •il ifkvt lh»«Su|th o-tMhi hilly h- »ven Mr. Andrew Ji-nning» an I Win. Silcfii. All day last Wednc-.| iy. In- .bairn »I. u ?li Wwkly. M« hiií Wvvlc- ».«(«( fretra» 4*ur •«» I m «» ikoiiierw |»rr «I m / AI.BANÏ OREGON Brenner went up to Snow l'cal­ !<> had a young man hypiioii/**t| mid ly f rv> rv St»* k tecurc n targiin in « I g, Willi.im May and Charley t in» that had tai n ret «li*red chein n»an. ! arnier. I '«•«•« I« t . **hipp« r, I •»* ( r tf! evp«-et to gw this week. Htfìck Shh’\ Ib» Br»s a f l I of i» wcll no I r f ar«‘h»Hy e«Htet| hy tni n gr mill iletl |«tla»h in sif I mt,* tup nn» young Feller's i bi-i*k,li-* run tl.e pin m tei ma* • I* Ihrir b»«i tlie ninrke Ther«I-more clothe» d «trnyi I by through hi» body in co-tly is if it • I u rite H up In ho iti- dies Jacket» In 2o mid - ■ I'" h teillgrnt ‘I nl‘»<»hi’rjy hiipiirllxl —<>f the P i--r >ip than Iy »ctu»l wear. »« wire u pita'« of raw '«if. the le hgU"" manne®, ’ In ihr crow J out'i'b* the show window t n* free alkali rot» them, 11" ■ < ake we-t givo They would •« llordin irlly at *9 >•> com ptoh* g t-pi-il md »hu-ldi'iod a« he pull d 1« pun*.- **. M I • in'cl. market ri-p->ri« iior a» mnny *»î»|<‘< Ü* to $ I’ i . oii end». the pin out. Felkr’s face t i-ver ITic Dr ivr« Jourud; uni nootl'cr Frank Munkcrs, »*>n of Riley We own these at a low figure n.it ■ »•♦•I ». tri-mlilisi nii'l no t>l«Msl followeil. m ;. ■ ■ i - Iter «d ndvant ig<* of M-in-.er», deceiti.'l, and i'om Walk will give North. er, executors of the «-»t it.-, wero up •»me. mi* elt.in".i u« cti.irui-lrr th it 1« • Aoatber 2x; CtrUu « QimmT.c today, nuil a* from '•slem the tlr»t of the wii k - i We offer the line Weil «iiiteil le. thè iieeil» of thè*** il T lie I.¡I« -I news from (fuartrville businc»« utniii fist with the »«me. long a« any r main, nt the exirein* alluse iiiter. «I ili« piil.|ishe-|; , . i I . M. Mutikers, I', <>. Smith ami I'. lire that the l.nwlir company hi« Iy low figure of »*».*.»» e ich. thè I >r a "i « Joiiriial is thè nnlv pi J unki r. are the a| pt il»t r~ of the Ibrowiti up tile job, ami Ir-.vi- turn­ A!» .11 p ri'i-nith limili.i ili il furili«'. ed tin* mine and mill over to the estate in Linn county. 4! tlo- itili- ; , • l el.-gr 11• li : \ > Mr. I < i -t hi I oii , of S.t.'em, mi n, and they HT"going to run It for "w bili* it i» iii - ws " »ix d.y» In t! tea»»« 'Ini! Hally. pi--J through Sciolist Sitntl.iy, on w hut liier« i» in it. . whicli won’t be week Tilt» liruver» Journal hi I’- * »nt * I- M min i' I lie miner, have employed hl« way to tlie new »iwmill In the lltom I .*»• »»( * i largì r i Iri ulatlon III in ir.y utili r l.vi Mr. I.nwler as superintendent of When In ne*-k«, urtici- flxtiire«. file», ink the mill owner», 'fc»-r». II uisai A li a • a• nmi mine as long ns there Is nny und arc n ikii g prices that are it- t<> A Me I «t noi-, ilr.iwtng tnoia, ink«, g.i"1 a, i»e»t niiveillaing mi ilium where II s«r 7 r*.-i»Hi wilt r.We tr.H-tlug attention < ill ami sea us. l.iti'luti. of Salem, Mr. Stanton mh » I «y 4n if. | llllll il tgi-s, lirt noveltie«, chi'.lpest tu I» ilesired tu reach f.irmer», st«»* k nuMlrm Wnpro* ttirm», tt itor » t. tom un Í 'J J». Mi tno contractor and btiihler of Scio,» i ■ • i -, i i . < . • ntt Ht»' A !>e»krif»i| fruii ih» a • The 1-' 1 »! e ts oí tir»t class note l”l"t thè vi-ry finest; "wrltlng p -p'-r, 11‘>- iKHlbii t at •*!»» letzter il liraush. ■ •itw -»i*'« A floto city » tar II»»«? w ill *»-H or »' «■ new School building. lei«, a I trge a-sortment of both; cali HUlm ripti hi priee of The I »aily I >r ov •'t»r|ii tottouay 2uc nt Peery A Perry'». han<*» inf a toni» i*rk** er» Journal i» »1 ; Tri Wcekly I. ’ Save the wriipix-r« of ll .e Cake jing cani», ticket«, S N curii« elu- p, 7 UW«l threw futirihe Aero« R filile"* u K. •» t’.tn. I.v ; ami The Wcekly ■u h» ■ itcri'a In * nitlyathm 4 I \»» I«t»f!o*n to'»'! * .* ■ |»»tn. i ».« ■ > ip 1 In i tr.- worth i ' ent l|>h ■ pciiholders, pendi«, peti», notion«, Netul Wcekly .«‘pin» Ar '•»»i .l.v i‘*‘ ».nu A Hew ToUtO lb xy talt h«’»»»r an-I tmrn jwor »ar« —S. M. ihiniel. blottlng pad», ti'«ue, ete., nt tlie riti" »1 0 per year. Voli can gel Irt e I“ arc«!**, I uiile-i * North of **•»*», I mil«* «impili copie» hy Hi|dre<«lng The f»» tí. H rrtMMiiiR* ¡fc» *íir» in t ’lllK Mt ion, I tilling ' n> on < tg'li n Boute. J HI k Miller, of Shedd, left at I ho I of il.uo worth for .’«Ueent». lit n Mi lMnahl t-fpi i ls to milk Dri ver» Journal t’imipiny, !»..i n. htuiw and I «am. welt «ini «pring office Wedni s-lay n thirty cow» for the ervamerv next He* ild W. IL BI.AIN Frito* | b « a ». Alila ry. Trcii» unii Mgr., l’tro Summer. He will keep them on his Sample ef a m w kind of p lato, not ¿o» a«-it»«., I tm ' (He pula thè priie« down.) A \ I*— • tilt I » m ton, Ftntoiu-v (ata'-tir«', «."o».» hrttfli Stock Yard», *« rriMi« < aha . > . . r r , . - w S • er» In tliat neightiorhnod who will i ntireh new, In-oinm h as it .ceni' A 4 A 4 ^4^*4— 4 a 4« 4 4 A<'»« «I Io t hi - (gh Irwin* m »» » -ria, 1 hi lira Went <»f ■*. h». all in culli also »eid milk Io our creimvry, »oiiiewliat siringe. Whoever heard Hton im Hui; !•(.„•» i » i « ♦• ««• |*\ »« !• ■*, T uni«-• y t«ti «»f 'M III al J.»i ».* , W« -t Siivision. amounting In all toalmut 70cows, ia of an evergreen lri»li potato? Thl» r • « ... i ■ . i a’ - '. • a i . Ilrlwrrai « m *I « ««r »mill«« hf.rd from *> far Mr. McDonald is what Mr. Miller claim» for Ills and Mt«r*k*-l In «n»»», gaiol Nu, I aitarli alktwt writ M a ' » i ’«»i y * » - «■ p». M’tn'ta f • new variety uf |Miliito, and the san, will put up a »do amt gout the bu»l «i^w c«M»t t.***«’. ibi» I» a All kind» of u atehes clock » and lew • »c 1 V «» i Ar j» tu i’rta'* Mi <•», pies left it the office *1 >w no «ign« tn-** right. if. 15 p hi u • nicful or»x*>n •il w hatever of the recent haul frost». o » aiii K at U hi an«l ' li*l»*l, E»«u®« |T»»ue 2'ic nt A cat ttof«l. Ilio Ar irru«» tmlf x»»*h, .»I ‘he all Nt*H*l MirO I <‘nine to li» '<>r your job printing. cer. Inthc morning farmer« of the tat-.» like other and common kind«, I >11 Hi * r-» '"M f *» . »I | - i|.. I«« «> *|th ‘ ’«•i ituiixe a<"i n» !••■»’» »• t ■ :■ f •*; N.|| |»n, •. Mai! «fratti* w'fr fr» ui« lit»«.» i they also have u potato above the • - h» i VC A Xi at, 1 • III s V Sailln< «uff JHinbaisrr I red I’lley l«.»l « nice young hor»>* vaclnity la « in irrlvlugat the Melo ÍAiitIs 4(h»n isatom** nearly nil ojM-n paM'iHr, Aio»» Jutean I hit»« ||«(n»»|tt*a and l»ia* Mr. Miller will iuveatigate this aias'tl w a»*»». HUI |*n«'t»r»’. two finntaia * » ’»*:•. -■ ... .1 '■* mu Mr- Ms h. a.<» m |" of the whe.it raised In that »■ Hoti new |Mit«t-iHiid pr.ipog ite it. — Her­ »r«waL«, gtawl Maritkjf a tftwtd hr» l»..«ofc , :io< .H«, tu krî aff-vnl,, Kral **. k». Have you tried Hoe Cake? A-k ’«tm*. tt* «fl «»nlMf'l I I h » la a N- I »( "rm.r a M.»i a <« r. 1» »lured. Inn short time Jno. Simp* ald. ^r.-siia»» »!«•!» f.iiti» |% he* |l"» t»> jar a*“»»', for premium b> A ravM Agrnt, TorM ri ma bait «n»h H um ' la ml.lft. mm, th« company'« agent here, w in >4» nrrt ». f w i» ihh «* r »uaìitt-st of 4U», IW Far 3x15 John Cyru»and Hiley Bilyeu went busy enough recording »»des. Dur- Hirtin t'ltlt I» nt ion, a* rrw nya’n •«•«.''»•’ •«»aneti kt H*h » I »«Uiir ti*it*«at, «ni» ui ’•» to the mountain» hunting yester­ Illg the forenoon several thousand ,,. , V Hit»' «ir!, f w«» «¿»wad ne» ii»it»*-», two rattit*, .V VAGINA BAY :tott nere» uf l.ind ó inilea Mouthei’t »•»p All*! ituil • I f y bo«»»» », •‘‘A«{r»t In b-»f •, « day. laislx 1» changed hand« more in fact o( Svio, o a, res In culli vallen, t al •V rr* In *«r> bar I. M|-t i> g, « k and aril ur«»irr ** i*( « I ' “ ’»:»•«.(» I 'viri A. J. John».in and G. W. Phillipa than h id iM-fore tieensold during the ance open pinture an i brunii. Mime a-rr«», •»*» ml»» « *wm-hwr-*' of *•«»►. ’■ a« rrw it* * uhi i at >•»>». iwitot-i «• I *»»»«!» ai» I ee-UM went to Portland on bu»lnew« To«*» entire sea«on, and still Ihe farmers fluitar. Ttiree-fourtli» id thi» In No. 'Itnfwr, (UH »li !<■ *«ei«i or w day. •ante. Thl« sudden rush of l»u»i* I fnrtnlng land, price »!'• | ht nere. ihiior und iarii l't!« f. v |« t », rr, Irti»»» (irctly reduced rate» are now In effi-< t from Altany, < orvallls anil .ill u * * ». ». r* * Venl cab'e, w tilled, «l«o lard, nt ness began 1» tell un Mr. Simp- n « T erni», Imlf cash, bilance, oni> yi ar. •u u» • »r»ki‘’ » aithern P o it’.c |«>lnt« lo Vaquilla City Meat Market, Guy McKnight, n«rvi s, ami •<> ii after noon he stam­ Wiil reni Ihe purchaser 27A ai n * ad- peded ami wi nt to T allman ami in B *y mid N" W|Hirt. ioinliig thentave for n terni tifyearx, proprietor. gall tcl«-graphlng to head quarter» li» acn » of u Iddi I» in cultiv «llon, It m«y t*. added that, In ndditlun SCIENCE. A. G. Prill, Physlcan and Surgeon, for Instruction». At a late hour this balance, |ui»ture, bru-h. ami some 10 many natural advantages as a Scio, Gregor. Office next door tu evening, anxious farmers were still Imitar, giMjil hou«e and liarn, or- -ilinnier -■ i-ide resort, the Seusldn '«ox.? Treuils» aal C drugstore. haunting the warehouse awaiting ebani, Ac. Thl» i» an opporlunlty Edu. ilional A- "KÌatlon will upen Cui b» kareí Messra. Juke Bilyeu, Ira Bilyeu hl» return tliat they might aell their for some one to make money. mi August the 2nd at Newport, ill and Jerry Snyder «pent a few days grain la-fore the "drop," that they th.- ti> w rndlliTlum t.ullt especially lr«*lr«.’ it «’io: (i «li»- 1 \«-W l<»rk (■’”■»»»I«»f I • pl iiiniiv for lomhlnlng study and Sunday 1» rapidly recovering. in Tennessee. He Accidently »hot a • • 4*Hitt. itt|f ht» (tiw»*** r. a O* w itti | !eu«ure. I . r full in formation dog lately. In explaining th» aix-i The young ladies of the (?. I*, .af«*l fOî rx»»'wttWi|' i«»t» Cnee. llogi r», of Echo, I’miitilli i- to 'i ■ . i i| I our-i-s, apply to Mr M, PuitnoTiMry Twlwr» uktwie at>0 nil In»•*!»• bmi. church contemplat« having a msl- county, in It Irvin, President of the AMiucla* showing Hie comner h»iw thn thing able on thanksgiving evening. otti»* *, * »*• < *i ’ t. ; t • 4- ? ’* • •• »-’»»-riU •!• well cleaned u|> all of tilo catti« In tlon, Newport, Ore. happened, he ahot that officer. The Il * * fifi't »*-.1 nt»»**, h«na «4 : e«li, an*l nil Walter Bilvi-U returned from II ir- hi» vncinlty, young calves h iving I lie large an I commiMllolls tug other day they liberated him for E» .»iloti* of *»»4f h*f nnwy, wHI *» ful lilt Ml rington. Wash., last Wednesday, •old for io high iui II I Ao n hea<1. • ile-olute" I» again In service on rgMM RffTTI.M* all •llffrrwni «*f hi« Sr«* fear he Would try and explain It to where he ha» beeu working this Sheep are nl»o in demand, »2 Alt a lH»«>k« rf<-4 to gt») n't! ‘e».| rnt li r «»f tbr b upiiiii II iy, mid will like fi«hlng «oliietKxly el-e. “Mio rKrm» «r«!Hn t b»r H»rui Mummer. head having been pul.I for old stock ir oilier parties to sea and return, Ihe *’N»*w a«‘rati tic Trra*mrt*f** ha« K. Ik Miller Im» built n nice new •we«. (lie fare fur ihe round trip 1« only !» ¡M i inanem !) by If« llmri) «Hr, Ml»» Jennie Sinit««>n who had the pl.'ket fence around hl« property <>n «ntt br«*><»■•!■ trra II a a.itnfH*' Vt»»fra*b*n»«* »Inf« ili cent». accident at Springfield, fr uii which Guitar, Banjo and Violin strings . ■uffrrintf bamanit) Ir» atr ft tUal «•’ the south «Ide, now occupied by Mr. Tin •i-conil Regiment Bend at.d »he suffered the amputation of tath lit« iti fit’IB‘tr mns nt Peery A Peery’». T. s. Coffey. lr. lit -Ira li is le.-n engaged for tllU leg», one below an I the other atavi ’•»■Ifr»»'«» "laity i»«*1 by any um »! Gallery Wednesday, Nov. 17, and ka, or William Going the ChiKtnw ally applauded the Jury for the ver b.r the evening hop«. rm «arrlb*«i Ihal luitf |rmi‘»lra Indian nl»>ut whom »o much whs riiutln one week. diet. and (Yttietittiptlnn me rnmlili' th an* Every iHis-ible convenience hns »nld, because lie was pnrolvd while im r»rt*vrn by '*>>rar*ft*h h-tirr« of tfrtMlItt-«*. J. M. Bilyeu this wn-k «old hl« • •it .rr t; >d for the comfort of under sentence to tie »hot to death, fllv*i m M r At***YhaiM •»»♦! feawiwan iai<*m Pneumonia 1« thinning out the «1. farm In Jurdan, known .■i,. «1«, mol Ihe rites nt the hotels i try Im in tluM*an«la fitnn 1 b«Mr «-ttird In BH went hack to Chelsea, I. T., Io meet wa«h |«tpulallon al >ng the Ovtmo Nhelton ranch, tn It. ire very rea«-»nnl.|e, I d tl»r world hl» fate, »till live«. A report from gm river, on the Colville ri-aerva- ri|4«rta cwiiv.lr »hat l*rt»n« i-i«»l. eun«lderatlon #IC<»i. her further Information apply to Jieipieen, Ark , sty« that Tnnk i has tlon. six or seven of the Indians «•hr*I and t«ng lr* —All girl« Io know that i.i'ii granted a new trlil, and re. ahk-li, ar»tHtrrr*i|»t»u «nw hi» Charley Grigg«, of Prineville, «on now."—Oregonian. turkey« that he will «non ship to <»tl» r tn ihr Ä in of Lawson tliigg«, who live« near market. tld» city, « i» home for a short vi«lt Mr«. N»ck has confessed. She ALBANY, OK. .*»|*ect«ck’« ilk* a pnir at Peery A thi« week, lie will work In Port­ lured Guldenaup|ie Io th«' W «(!'-*• Per ry'». land this winter. , works for y> ur Interni« 4 J HFB J1À73 0. M CURL ¡Proprietor. THS * BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY, TO CHOOSE FROM, OUT SIDE OF THE COUNTYSEAT «1 ALL OF OUR GOODS ARE !> ITew \ Fresh. They Jt$ugb( l aìì. A nd A rc HOT El 3IBUN J HOWARD. ThU CILOSE CASH FmCES S- E. YOUNG. & SON Scio Hold ALBANY ORN SCIO, OR...,. OI. IT.WK Á- G".. HASTniid SOI TH \ I \ flic Shunta Route LAOIES JACKET. SHOES J BOOTS Konti, Peacock > 1 JDIESECAPESE AND JACKETS^ A Iso S<\ era 1 I ’¡cees oí I >rcss ( iooods and All of Them Bargains THE WONDERS OF j > our Money Pocket when you have a label there with the Horse-shoe and the words, “Equal to custom made." We are the sole agents for our city for this cele­ brated make of fine clothing. Visit us and examine the quality and prices of our lines STERNBERG'S ’ l\ EP J WEATHE FORD At * WYATT- intlRMU LAW« faint*