• g • '• * • *1 , A • • Aitami . * 9 • / * * • S y •• * . '*« 7Xr RUSH -, tu The Miser® KLONDIKE FROM Are Elee eg 1® » • * * I •V 4 TO SESPEND SEALING GREAT Agreement Reached by the Conference Delegates. (treat Fall«. Mont., < let 80 —There were meager reports here ye®U r-lay of • freight wreck 800 mile« east on the line »•f the Great Northern n«td. but official® were very retuent, and n«»l until th« weatlxmml pa»srng«*r train ®r injuries NORTHERN ACCIDENT Fol|lil » m A *lork Tr«l«*< mm *» T*|»lh»r NONE Wil L BE BARRED WM ratal Beewlta. aSL SCIO OREGON - NEWS OF THE WEEK Tl.a Union knitting mill. In Hu.laua, N J , wa, deetmyed by Are. and many of the rtiai iwraona -niployr.1 in U a mill ba.1 narrow r* a].o> front death. The lo«a 1a over »100,009, and the insurance fl 00.000. A di«pat<‘h from Himla ln«lia, say® a ryrlone atru. k tha town of ( *hitta<«»ng. Half of th* in th- IWngal prrwid.'licy. h'ing tu got*» H«»no| du, her «L*f ha* r»'|M>rt«*i to the polio® alm««st «tolly th* deerrttun «»f three or four ut the crew. Already 20 have •«)<. • cd«*! in **®»“aping, ami, ttnleas a stricter watch is kept, H to believe«! another draft of men will have to I»* srnl from the East to fid her complement. There is a movement on foot tn i <*«n •olidatc th* wire manufj« tori*« of the United Mate* into a singl« corpt* «at ton. with a capital uf 41W.OoO.UOO. To rvwie th» anti-trust tow, lhe wire in dual rm® will »urreO’ler ttoir imtop»*nd- enev*. and sell their plaiila to a new organisation tor ea«ft al an apraiMvd Value* th« money to lx» f orni* bed by it *y mi irate of New York bankrr® |*ierpnnt Morgan I« «aid to Ije at the head <»f the s» tome The food of Nan Fran it <• laborer® »• to to analyxe»! by th«* proto»«»»« at the NtatO University. Tl»® Fort Randall military reserva tnm. which <«»htain» over 100.Otai acre® in troiith Dakota and Nebraska, |i«» torn Hjs-n«-1 t«» «ettlerv. XL g*»i ¡a! ions of th«’< ‘ : g vern nt-'iit with th* Hocdy svnd. at«* fur a loan u! $4)0.000,000 hav* fallen through T‘ e government is now negotiating With ti« IL-’ig Kong A ‘“h.itsghsi I ink. Th«* |t 4»hihgtuii stat«* g»sin < » si<»n ani»«»unre® that it will wot N * I wheat grade from 39 to 5* to the I ustad. notwithslamhng t tation to thal emt in the raster of (lie state. .m Ce The temg Island ««»a»t tor « «1 «if six uni«», totwrru Far Kmkaway au l lu» kaway toaeli. ws* im re or lu®» Hp*edy, the profs ifeasional l»n Igejump er, jutn|wl from 11 lie IjiitHRViih A Jef* frr*HiVlilr bridge I in IxHHsville, Ky.. «•f I M,imu *»pe*dy to*tore Ah au l ma t* ti»* jum ISO f«et in safety w ith the Cf'^wd a ami »«» rnlrq lew u»innt«** 1 Frank Mom *n, agr Well«, were f.mn 1 I of a 30-foot w Derby. Kan., having I»<» uh asphyxiate»!. M hui had tom overrun® while work lug, ami thu woman, fearful st hi* not returuing home, went t«» th” well latr at night to in vest igat«», and fell in Nan Frenciatto, Nov I.—Th® Alaska ('«•mmer> ial Company'« strainer Ex«wl- •tor. Captain Higgins arrived tonight, 14 day« (rum *L Micha«!» and days fr»un Unsla»ka. th® only interme­ diato purl at which »h« st<»p|«l. Nto brought 8,(MX) ounce« of <«»14, all to lunging to the Alaska Commercial (‘otnpany. No minera came down ou her, Nhe «“arriml ihre»’ pawsrnger®— Mr am! Sira. Du»***, who started some time »»me f«»F Daw«MH> City, an«! g«»t no further than *•!. Mien»« la, and Liwsrd Hamilton, the journalist Th«’re ha® toen ih » r*** < nt unnmuni- ration with IhWMin City« the Yuk»«n toimj iin!*»•**«b|e# toil the latret i infor- mat ion re the «’ffecl that the peoplg are swarming «»ut uf Daw*on Cl ity ami < ‘irci« City I y every i«.>ssibto mean» tu •larva* • w . • mall I ami U i ran still tw* used <*n lion («orti<»u® «d the Yukon, and in ut>e of I Less* an agent fur Ito e Alaska ('««turner cui < *•!:. |4iny « am* down from Circle City to Furl Yukon lie confirm® the report® of a groat «rerx ty <4 provi ion® al all the mining rstup* TI hmm ® w h«< •iKwrat in g* ttmg out in tim* wi Very fortunate, f»»r hunger will st to the fate of m«*®t of th* mid* dweller« in thu Kiondik«’. The rush to escape from th« gobi fields »’«»•■red® tho influx, ami ths indi­ rallón» are that a large culouy ali! w ■ ■ at E "t Yuk - Captain Higgins. <*f th«* Ei * toll «xinfirm® the new® uf tto protold« I«* of a portion <»f the whaling fleet, but can ®’L! no detail« t<» tb«»se Brought down Ly the Thrasher He «to» teils of the re* ie of th® m r. «4 the N«*varrh from an ire fl«**, but ••«» there wers* lb sa*«*l. ami not 14. as at fir»t sup|«»«*<* Bn k 4ii I X ata and Kowak river®, and what they had had been « T*op«r«t up with their paddles. < aptaln Cog-*n, < itpta.n Withma, isle of thu «(«am whaler F•’. -<>V«-T f .UP! <»f Alleged fraudulent warrant® on the • the (‘reek Indian n.illuti have Is-rn di«- Admiral Matthews, <*hi«4 of th«* bu < >tvn I by th«* government authorities r- 4« «»f yards am! I«» ks. In his ar Dual The «lb ge l fmud was |-«’r|*elrat«*»l it) report to ?*eeretary tong, recommmds »«»nr.eciion with lhe pavtnrnt <4 the the c«m»tfu»dl»»n «»f four drv«hx ki»«»f th* Creek imlian nation «b bl, and only lhe type II® t»- • inmends that coll* bare*t detail® have reac.b<*l hero e • *.e d ■ ka 1» built at |t*»*t«»n N'al in the em­ ▼ear at any on« knowing what li>! hap|irnrd. All of the real miners of lion Ider o»tihty, (’«»Io , are »«ut <»n a strike It i - * ai «1 that at on® of the mine* in ltdt'gt«»n, Nov I —In reliable «quarters it is ®tate«l that th® <*w»nfercn totw«*en R uma . a, Ja|*an am! the United Niais®, now procR*r*iing he»* tn refer* eirtw to sealing in th® B«’h»itI, will bring ato>ut a '®pta*»l«* similarly to th* R ¡••.at» dadagal*® now here, but, in view of th® r«-®tr h *I i«m® pliKv*tl uj*on theta by llieir crwfential®. it It a bi* to cab hi Nt. st rue t IO!/® The greatr«t •ecrecy t® preserved in all «*lfi« lai <|uar 1er« a« to lb* natur»» «4 lb® prnjositlull, stt-i it is not 4 ««ffi» lailj admitted that anv pr**t*witi«»n ha« b«*t ■Mkta. From «»quafly rehab!® «uuroe», it is un (d«‘r®t‘*»l that die propwition with wv *• ha® a ! a ? ' leaching «dipe. ami pmvide* 4or the material limitati«m or ent map» nalon of prlagiv •rating on the uch a «lecisive «U*p, if >igh tea*. lg»ee*l to by Knasia. Jap itl and lhe* Unite«! Hal®*, would not. it is under- Hural, inveì V e a (nmrertttd* move I ». netta« e th laima *>f Great Britain Am! 'anad® t«» the r right to pelagic sealing >n the high i seas, hut wouhl rattier to' * propskitmn expressive ,»f tin» com1 hi* •loii® *»f th«* three m<«i interacted | m » w - •ro th.«t. in the interests <»f humanity »( their re»|j»*« tiv<* government», all n»*, i«m®. iiicludiiig Great Britain and h«*n *uk»ny, Camila, should unite with litiMii the United State® ai«*! Japan m ®«H'h effective prevention of p*lagi« sealing on lhe high reo® a» will put an »ml tu it. and thereby wore the pre-» wrvatiun *4 tl «* **»’ato Th«* «tolltoration® of the conferenra* leadiiig up to the proj*»sition w»*r»j .rcwluetiv«* «»f nunn’rou® mtei»*ting and tnportant feature«. Hut little had toen km»wn of thu Rursian rogutotxm® until the contor- •me met I’mler them a neutral x*«uu .if 13 mil*** wa« e*tuldtohed surrounding the Russian ishintto, within which rireAt IlFitain 4gi« * «l to suspend petogi' »eaiiog U hilu this wa* <4 material •dvuniag«» to Ruasia. vet it was felt ihat 4h% pr«»|*t**iti«»u fur the entire sus­ pension of l*vUgi ■ sealing» even, b**- yon«! 35 mil«*®, Would have to to recon- ?ltol With the imxiu® viven li. It » a* frit that this cuti Id la* done, ma th«* am* I u« w aa not a continuing agreement. ut was ft« in year to year dt|w*miing for its ev.Ntehcx* e Japan«*®»» f ti.»* seal®, tor decimated ru«>kerie« would I h - restored and a large s«*ul prop­ erty built UjE Thi« eI|M’rl view ap- |M*iits to have toen «'«»nvincmg to the Ji|t.im *«* «leleg.it”»». for Mr Fujita not >tj|v cal I «I th»- final proj-i»ition to Ja- i*an, but a-i <'Jn j «• u i«*«i it with hi® favor* ihlr ru* «»n.im i- at u»m Th«' <*onf«*rere being thu» ag)«-u*l, it «»nlv remained tu hear from thu res|xetive govurnuiunis tliMt they repr**«ent«*»t An a*lj«»u« nmeiit was a«-rv»r«hiigly taken niitil Wr.lnewtoy, by which it is n<»t doubt»*! th»* government al Nt, P«'i* í -burg and luki<> will have taken fina! »cti«»n on th«' pro }•*.** it ion. REMARKABLE hl I tn mfi RULING < «•»«»» IJT Ju'lgr Maya a t.riding I« '»I « Horae. (’«**fax, W*»*h , Xov 1,— William ll»r»vft, a l»otM* thief, «I«*sp»rad«» ami «Hegr-t mur«<«*n-r, wante«I in Wyoming for killing a |«eddh r, wa« «dearixl today at the hur»e «Paling charge un u r«*- n, m è »blu f tiling bv Judge M< Dutinhl, thè «• • niri judge of Whitman county tuperi<»r cuuri. lhe evidence was ®i-ui: i.tnt ami cum lit«ive that Hcrt*rl •tule the horwe, tmt hi« attorney movod fur a dismt-sttl <>f the rase on the ground that the complaint »aid **hot»r.M while the animal wa® a gel«|- Ing. lhe judge d*< i-ied that a gelding w ms n<»t a hurw, an«l lhe ♦ ase » a® dia* iiiio'-’l. HerIxul t« »till held fur olhu r fireere'e Hat •*•!«»•• 1 orp»«l«»»«. Athens, Nov L — A profound sehsa- tioti ba» been < auM*d here by a navul- scandal of formidable «limeusion®. It has just l»een aseerteined that all cart­ ridge» fitted to tor | led oca U®»*>| during the war between Greece and Turkey w«*r<* not provided with percuaaion cap® llurlrd t n.Ur « Maae «»f It orb ami fulminating mercury; hr m e if the torpttdor® bad I wen wanted, they would Bonner ‘« Ferry, LI who, Nov. I.— have been perfectly harm!®«*. Murphy ami Dunn, employed <»n the • atr * < f Gieat Northern lal»urer®. I ha V rlriant. were kllleii • e«iridar morning, one Milwaukee, \«»v f - Today*« am- mile « a«t of Krttka aioti of ti»** N««ciety of the Army of the The men had in-rn drilling rock on a Tenn»—* v wa® taken up tn receiving rm>unpil«ling Tii i. tn' ’ »1 ■ » r« ••gnif« «» the fa • that Colonel Pope had purchased thu .«hl lea gue chatnl« hm pa!« nts under which lhe original l>**vr| g»*ar machine® wer«* manufactured, ami A f «’ «1«^ >du-l to t«**l their validity an I value A «ymll • »lie u «- - rv r •’•'•I » | • »ill • i. "'i t \\ • rrn com*ero taking th* initiative ami the other manufactururs w*j jre «uumlr»l on the subject. A fund was tinmoii- ately rai»«**l to make a thoron .-Aigh investi- gat ion. E xp rt p.ih»nt l.iuv.r* w»/»» employed and hí’.vr'v f ’. mo " was • i - I stride I in carvfullv lOVCftig.vling lh«t premise®, < hie <»f th«* hiiihufactureis who a»*siNt« »• I in ra.-itig the fund ha* re-• ive«l a letter from the syndicate to th«’ effe«’l that the attorneys have rearon to lx*- heve that neither the l«*agne patent oi the hewl-g«*aring piitents will hold. ORDERED San Francinco, Oct. 1 2U. — United State* District Judg* ;e De Haven render* rd an important «»pinion this morning in the deprirtation caia* of the ' United Stair*« V«. lining Ki E'oon. Il was «ought lo deputi F< whì tmcauæ hr was without the «vertiticatr of residence re* <|tiirblx»ry. an i remuiri’d in (hr K«-rn county jail unni January 23, ¡Hyt, nt the end of whl h lime hr u a« rnnvn t- »‘-I, mi l entered upui a five year®* term of ttnpt !»»»iiinent al Nan (Quentin. In the opinion Judge Ih’lluvrn held that the defendant w«« a li ' irer at the time «d hi® nrre»t, ami therefore ur«ler- rd him deported from the United Male« to < 'hin t. Murst<*r«*«l 111* lath»r. Redwood pring«, X Y . nditir»n®. A thor­ ough tnvratigation 1« In prvgrrixi. Vsiaabls I'arkag® lust. X®wi uf Andrrr. W anf»d < h»«n Frxj»r« Chriatiana. fhtl 19.—A troni Bpits».*grn ».»v that th* or»w of a w nife od «hip baa rea< hed thal |u»rt of 4*'** worhl. and that thè rumor, prevali» Ibat thè» brougbt newa of Pn.fca.ir An.ber, thè sw<~li«h vxplorrr. wl.o l<-ft Danna telar..! in a balhon <>n July tl, in an atti inpt lo orna« th- North |«de. Anderson, Ind . Out. 29. —Michael Kauffman, a wealthy Hebrew, of Npr ingfirhl, O., who <|iw>j in thl, city thrro work» ago, ,l..»w*l hi, rcvnln. it» in hi, will, which liaa l«.-n prul>at»a that they pray for him «»wry morning for one year and alao pray on the an* ai»<*rMry of Ina wife', -l-ath If ar. erpte*!. the antn will lw> acnL The real of liia large ■■•tat«' wa« «*|«ially .—A rumor i® and after opening at a decline, «nrcee*!« rd in jumping ti»r market for Ikecrm- current here t«»day that the Peruvian brr up tu f! just before the rloev, atuid cm net ha« roolvrd to tender it® rr®ig- great vici leu»«.- ut all orar the floor. nation lu Hie president. BULKHEAD GIVES 1 WAY Twe M sm «•»• I »row «»A and Vis® !»• J«•»«E GESEK U IMT.REST bulkhead. ®S|xKting to finish the w»»rk thi® afterr»<*»n Th* l»ulkh«'ad was b<) f«*et long, «mi ext« ;>*ir«| frutti lhe pttWttt |,»ra <11 ths till«»« ami T««wi*t «»f station «>n the ra»l to the east wall of th® Ihriwlu® si«l®r filai®« th® b'4t canal on th«’ West. At the - CI»®g>«M. lower end uf th® new extension of the I»* pa rimetti'• power * l*«»ti»® armthttr bulkhead ha» I h»*en Klamath Imlian® will haul over 30, atoe M o«nstruct«sL ami it w.%» the intenti«»n to OOO po»in Is of flour out uf luik«« cm v the sc* retray < f take out the uh! one, in order tn tot the th • fall 11 ng water into th® new secti«»n f*»r thè tur* I**Uy i The government »nag puller is at mibt work in r <>f Th* work gave hawk river, to grind tor the farmer water rushr* I in the Xehalem valley. hHrog the »XN Thurwtoy another .f w a* prime tout cattle v from lhe Baker City the «»Filer was lito ami prop tv w*»rk <»t shipment required 13 Il w «uy com i-un y n timbera 400 hr a I of flit* 3-yrai ng » th« tern lory would 14* r «»< th<* .i A farmer who to*w»« the given the •ght® ami privili * f tar i Ifitod t v Motilbeavt of W ms I hi a!h»w«x| hi or fl« i m the to«*® of debris* After th • county, this year reais upeating t| w of «wie a rennt <*f the men in the of Burbank p»tat>x*« »tor M«’Br: h* ®4ld be had m» was nudo, and it was found that land. Ito ha«l five pit dull bl i>u»re would be no trouble fur any m* Anton N ath rlinand Jacob that weighe*! 13 piuiu Persun «Iterating in Alaska, ami the ml»***-were missing. The civil servu*« « xj for |w ««•tirar • of th® presl-tonl and •rere- ••• two men w«*rn «-v dent*« sitions in the Astoria drpa? I lary w< stiffb »cut to quiet all appro* ud, ami are n » doubt toneath the meiit will take place Ihs. 4. an I hens»un® that might to felt either hi I broken timber®, which a larg«* nil application® must b bv N« <_>rvg«*n or Wasli <-r of w«-rkm«*n are r«>w engaged vein tor 18. Secrwtar y I The first h formal protest againsl the H iving. Natlerlin an unmatrn**! appli.'alu»n« have as y«»t I Nt M<. ha*'Is military Hl an, ami MsLiimb leave* creation u! the I The largest cargo of h Ulti reacr vat ion F«'®chr«l tim war department ild er«He th«* Nehalem tor * from Tacuiua «• f«>ll«»w* A it • mg th® five injured men. I he by th* ihre**'masttNl x*h« ”H«n. s***-retnry *»f War—We a«k Lr m i Carl New be r g, er i«»u.»ly hurt are and She carried about 823,1 a .»t ■ > 4 ' ætt w| head W AS severely cut and •{•art 4 military rrwr* attori at Nt. hr UHM* I an I Harvuy Little, wlxwe left ma«!v the round trip from It arm w 4« I »ruii »I and w huwe head and co to Nehalem ami return Miebarls, ii relieving that should day« »tAtid it must work to the detriment of tore w »re todly cut. About 300 pmind® of tho’lSAtxl* of our cilixena ami give a Thu Ilirue men woo ran aped unin* niom»p»ly to the two «'»mpAiilr» tiuW jurel i •re: Jacob W. nlick. Ah in Rich* grown in different parts <» Homie valley, are to be fix ated tfiere. tout am! Jacob Keane. ’ V .» • f . 4 • **(‘itii»*ns* Committee Ta«'«»ma, Th«»mas Nmith had hi® *’Hy George Brown, Ne« rotary. M ÄH ■I William M Smith had one to»i.«- the additional analyst« i« thu amount «4 ®ugar ami >« rotary Alger mude the following of hi® right leg broken- reply; II»® a«x nlenl was owing either to a purity in beet® uf later ’‘Telegram r«*eeive»l. I’be military miscalculalinn <»f the weight of th® thiisv heretofore ten! re « rv4ti«»n al st. Mi« ha»*l* wa* «-*tab- w4’«-r tohi» d th«’ meii «»r the strength | ir ) i »**| in the interests «»f th«« »«« »iriiy of the l«4ts and timtora. Upon lit© of life and prop-rtv. I: •« pr« vat o»n giving way «»f li e wall the water rushed 14 «>( or«ler an«! the prot«*4iti»g timtous 1 tii’il'v r«'4< hc«l r mate business tfiero will, «»n applica­ a |*»l(il wb«-i«« they re« «-ived H*«u*tam «*. »I a i tion to th«» war department !<«' given <»f pu inis*i«m to «Io *<♦ * ’ RESIS1ED ARREST. AU- HE S A FINE BOY io th» g it 13 liuti«» DEPORTED I hi purtaiit Derlclwii ih a < liltir«» < <•««* by Jmlfr l>»llAS»n. A • Alaska Military Reservation Open to AH Comers. % W Haleb«*»»® <«»»»• l ,» Tw riily Feet nf Atsow a»iD|f» Iwtik. bnt», Mont., by ti.. from the Arctic whaling fleet. whale- yoatrrilay morning, and the one that National hank of ih®^Rrpublic, ha® l-een b»»ne ha® risen to |l a pound tu thia 1« ft Kan»a« < *ity yeaterday. arrived given up for lush The Union Marine market. here at n« “n today, «» two «rt lion® of Insurance oosnpany, «»f New York, Kull» T»«m l<»ln«lat»d OM train. They were delayed near with which the pa« kage was insured, S«n Fratkiaro, N»«v. 1.— The Butte Limon Jun« tion, where the trainmen nutifir«! the l»ank today that it woubl foottaall tram ha® been rein«tat*d in say, six milrd uf track were oov««rrd pay the losa. amateur standing by the Pacdfle Ath­ with 20 fret of •now. Wire« were A «ingle leaf «»f the |*ara®<>l magnolia letic A teoria don. The Montana down, and for <3 hour« the where- eleven ran now play with any amateur ai»>uu «»f ti«e train due yesterday was of ( nylon affords shade for ÜÍteen or twenty |terw»na. team in the country. m»t kr.own. I I »nth»r l*l*nt Kurn»A. Morri«, III., Nor. 1.—The manufac­ turing plant of th® U ieikl Leather Tho Company burnnl |*»t evening. The I omi amounts to about |233,OQO. plant was insured fur 1140,QUO. V *w » A » L >*- Prim‘et«»n, N. J., N*»v I. —A s*»n was Lorn tu the I hhi ® -h«»l I of Gruver Cleve­ land, th«- torin«»r president uf th® it is I nit»-i Slate®, at m*»n today. S4i«i that th«» n»*w «MittK’r r«-*emt>le® hi® parent® in point of gmx! health, but io Mi * » i • taiuily phyitoian® will say anything in regard lu th«’ m-w «»m«*r other than thal he is getting Mh»ng nicelv an«! is * fin«* hoy. All tile uftormsm Mr. Ch-v»** land lia> received at his home th* m any call**«« who w i*h»**l to piy th»*ir re*j>” t* t«> him in I «u.i'T «»f the «► • . ’ :-»n. l‘i i: • • ■» ton umiurgradnatr*® Lave taken a great interest in th«* new Princutonian. tin the relleg® bulletin tomr«! in front of lu-unt» k Will «*nt» r Prim«* thu in the c I a *® uf 11*IM, ami will play »•«•liter rush on th«* championship loot* »all t«*ams «4 ’ Ifi, ’17, lb an l *19.’* Denver, N«»v I, — News h.v* just reavhud h»-r«* that on Tur®»toy a »tag«* haVliig LS | gutS w up*et ihr» »« niile* from the new mining t«»wn <»f Grand En ampment, W • «* , .»nd a« • r» «alt three men »re lying at Narat- g » nt th«* |M»int of deuth. am! a «i>>zen Itter® sie qulte t»a ilv Injured. Ti:»* fullowing i* a list »*f th” fmiru »erinualy injure«!: Thomas Saun«!<«r®, h«*ad crushr«l, arm an I leg Lrukun; not » X|*»ute»l tu r»*i uVer. CharL s ( 'um- niing, «Iriver, toad «ul »hottldrr® crusht'»!; lh«-ught lu to fatal. i aptain ('harles <)‘( otimdL »« Vvre »pinal in« jurire. i « •Iriving. The paraunger* w«-iu mining rx|«*rts and reprusentativew ul mining •y ivlicatr«. • a Yum.«. Am., Out. .'•».—•A p t. i »* I battle at Mammoth tank. 43 mile® w«»i <»f Yuma, l»etwuvn 3 uma county «»ftl* cera am) 2*0 M«* xu ' au railri»ad laborer*, r.-wnlted in the death «4 live I*» m v»-n M» ti .»• the w unding of M v** al more, ami the «lang» r«»u® w«»tin ling «4 Iieputy Sheriff U tl der, <4 Yuma Nf eriff <«r«Mitluaf, of Yuma, w • f M K Hv hi » 4 4 1 V a gang tototrrr Wihm- i»n rd II 1 •4l?lf a g •-<•« heart Um»* ha*I •ru»ir«‘*l a fils« barged at the Three men fell by their <«>mra-l«T», •dvanee. Another ► the ground, and a the i«tr h I 1 have one mil . w ith a pro » IV a«lt I r*n ton I »' U »f (ro n II Io 12 h .f •« in I ’ttrhaiu w r» k, toll no sale W lìti t ti <1 L *w n w ere •ontv rat 4>*tmi *li«ph o. w :i® uw arde I se ai a Wulla tbird. vr of Adutn® irtner» are pn i far l*v k a» i ih* cuttttty v entirr «tota. FIVE BRAVES SLAIN T l ® Krog < Uouiity II«>rtic ’ulturul So- fluty met in Seattle, and *1 |xmt an af- lieti Ir ttelw»*«» < ulotadt» (««itiv I'rolvc t«*riuM»n in »1 IISt ti»Mum «if thè frntl in* Iota «itti Itttiiaiia. »lustry in the e state <»f W®*| 4iingt«»n, dur- Rifle, C«do . - cuvet»* I with various furm« «>f in»«** i laling the (*uliira»lu game laws,ami wa« life, ami esptotne*l thè tosi methuda t • • ■»I U|»»H by •. the I h»- Utet I ! • - • « »uifi WfiTtkm f«»r f drpntie« Tl;«* tax levy of the city of C«»ltax •ml ranchmen are after the Indians, Ifolrrr'e Hallo««»» *»«ghl»*l. an«I a furtto r conflict su«*tn® inevitable. has to*eti filed al 13 mills, all of whi«*h is tu to used iur the pur (•roe of paving Uhnstiana, Nov. 1 — D *| Mt ,l»- »' re- The exeilrmenl here I® intense, ami interest and r«*du» nig the in !< I»te ln»*«s. crivrd here from tin» lami of Vur |*, pa-lit s .in* • - j ihiiing lu gu to Wib I’< Th® total in*lebte»lh”®w «4 lh«‘ city on ARsiKta».-Laring a general uprmitig in ti»r Arctic uoeant »ay th»» pip I »’ Octotor 1 was $mpahgre, Sim-e January I, |H97, th® receipt® uf Profrwror Atnlret* « balloon » * the < ity L av «* l***»-n 11 7,400.13, uf w biuh NeptenPior 33. near Prince Char le® ami Vintsh Vtrs l*egan (ouring over f 1*1. *»93 13 ha® town expended. the line from Utah on ttoir Annual fall prutnun lory, Spitsbergen, The new® hunt. I be White River Ute® ar® ex- A d»*• ?«’«• has Iren «nlerul In th«' s< • ha* cau»rd ronaolcrabl® «lepre«» ion among the friend« of P< ofvwMt»r Andrer, crpttonally ugly, ami have apparently (•••rior •«•urt of ThurM»»n county, ex Brakmo, the Arctic explorer, pro- been anxtoti« to pick trouble with pvr* tending the time for filing < laiins with pern® tu »all f*»r Prince Chari*-« pn»nt- tit® of whites with whi n» they have lb® «late treARurer agiiinsl the defunct ontory in order to invrstigat1 the »tory come in c«»rita«*t. The Utes were in the Ntat® Insurance (’ompany, of Nalcm, told by the crew uf the whaler. Cap- M»-eker tiiARRA« re ami have never been < >t , until th® |Hth of Novettitor, next. Ibis »!••«• re® was mad® on a showing of tain NvmMrrnp. of Dr. NmiM'iii ex- anything but ugly and wailing fur an pluring ship Fram, due« noi believe the op|s»rtunity tn do mischief. There are *»m® of th® |»arties in interest, who rrprot of th« Righting of Andrer'® bai- several hundred of them now in the claim«**! that they were finable t«> tile stat®. their claims with the former lituit. loon is «jurrret. Game Warden Wiht.x with a amali Coyote® ar«* to««'ming so plentiful in An»llor «MMreb t « |»»»l I«l»m. |*arty Hatred out toward the Indian th»* «'«»nntry between (iarfiel«l ami the Stockholm, Nov. 1 — !>r. Otto Nord- ramp sn«l ap|iroarhe»l th® camp um»b- m««untAinv a® to to* a rakjuld« the well known Antartir ex* •orVrd. Th»* game warden wa « re«i»tod poultry business am! a j | will «u|x*rtntrnd an e<¡x*|itnm • tn • to to fitted out at the >»int eBprna« of •nd finally tired tijsin by thu Imlian® Then a »<• t encounter f»>1low«*d in which A nutntor of farmer® and btmin«*«fl Norway ami Sweden, tu aw-ertaln • ntiu »*-r »4 b ham* w»*r»- kiH»*d ami t»en iu th»* Walla Walla valley have whether any tree -of Profeator Andrea’a wounded. It w »« rep*-ait«s| that Warden «’on * ive«l tli® generous i«|es uf loading tol|tK»n can to found near Prin«»* Wil - i'« party » »«• • iffer«*-l «everely. Mveral care with potfitura ami other Char I»-« prom«»ntory. Brigadier-General Gti®, of the«to|iart- pr«*lm t® of the ri”h ix.il «>f that valley It took half an boor for a mother at mrnl of th* ('«»lur®«iu, say« if the cur- for tarn«mia®iuu to Ireland, where the Bristol, Tenn., to recover a with h cutiiMan»®« warrant, tr«s>ps will to potato crop i® a failure, and fears are wheel which h«-r »mall boy had »wal­ «••nt to tii»’ mviis «>f the trouble at once, entertained of a famine among the poorer |>ra>ple ready t«» pr* • • •- I al a moment's notice lowed. Puyallup ®hipp®.l this year to Mon­ A < «•mlitlowal < »nf*i»ioH Th«lr <»nlv Two finllar« tana and mining region® tributary to London, okana over 812.(NX) worth uf fresh gon Cummer« tai Company’• »tore was ployrrs at a meeting at Manchester a ire berries be|«| up at H 3<) o’ttlock tonight by four nnderatnod tn have agreed to a confer, J F Cam, formerly sucretary of th« unmasked men. They enter«**! lhe **n> e with ropr*»untativ«w of th« stnk- H a®hlngton stat® tstard of hortn nl- storo just a® the clerks were clotting up, hg engineer« on the line® ®tu*g>**tp Thiatlr bottom up. There wæ a ers. lie mission at Hue, C«»rhin China, re- p»»rts that a dimsatrotui typh<*»n swept 'hf blow in the «traita last evening, line quality and rm he® the props? <»v«r that part of the ronntry October tn^ it la thought that the abw»p u|»s®i •tag® f«»r drying six week® bttor® tbfi llaiian. 82. Mid her ervw uf twuinau ware druwuod. W